V i I JltWIAld kbmTT, C0fi4tML Tho General Assembly TXTATIZTR DAT. Mosdat, Febraary 7. 3EXATE. Whltaicr A petition relative to the I his point oi order, went into committee of the Whole on I at the First Baptist church, in this city tne juegisiatiye -Appropriation Dili.- ; i on o outlay morning last. The building- r. xteagaa aim cnacarurcu 10 oouun i nw crqmiea to 113 Utmost capacity, many consideration for the Riyer and Harbor I tnembtrs of the General Assembly beine uui iu ouiauufcieo ouoe doic, ujii;ipns,ab. ifiere was collected from that the action of to-day would probably all vscircej for public schools in this determine whether or not that bill weald I tittle List . year $391,289. The number pass. I fie speaker, howerer. orerruled I ox wsite children in the Stat nf chni and the committee I aw is 291.770- nmher rf mWdrM? Criminal Coart. Judiciary. I refused either to consider the Riyer and I dfea 167.551. Amt.inQ t,o AnatA bill lOO. to bjhwi i. tto 1 w of I FTrKr hfll rle. I f iTt -i . T. v i-i.-oiwMWBreutunu usicuj io uuiuen, commissioners, etc.. which. lUKWiwecvwuuicauiug. hjimub vua proTUlODS OI IQC Dill. At 1 oeGUCN irOSi amount receirpd hi nhnrp 1 - A- LJ II a. ... -a A . mm ahbVI m m a r .A - Am WW m f A mm. 1. A am mi ibkbu mki wwuiuttJM tvuu. apprepriaieu si ,ioi,vw, a a e crease oi leaves a net to pay teachers and build ty ffOTernmenU was laid ea the table. f 6UO,O0O from the estimates and an in- housts of $373,713.64. and only $318 - House bill 211, Senate bill 323, to is crease of $1,400,000 orer the apprepria- 453 15 xrf this was expended, leayin in corporate Bl Falls Man ufacturinr Com tions for the current year. The nrrnci. thtliands of v. i uicun, mu uuer cousiueriair loriy-ei'rni i ueancuur Mivnima thn AMMnt -.rnnK Representatives to use their of the eia-htv-two na?res of th hill, th I !i b!inorm.n.. ..r a oV in secorini an approon on I committee rose nd th Hone ndinarml 713.fi4 'wf.iH TikA ofoir nrers and .fl 325chiWrn .vAr I I UVI bUIH( VI OX paay. JLmesdou by committee amendment adopted. Parsed second third readings. eenate reoliuoA 404, to Senators and influence for the benefit was laid en tfe? tabb HOUSE OF BE1'BKSKNTAT1V3. Petition with rerard to the Clare a donWnter Works in Wilminrtou was pretcated by Mr Toon. Bun tin; offered a reaolulioa with re srard to peclioiiuff Mexican soldiers. Propositions and grieyanccs. RiliS were introduced arvd rerrcd'as iollows: . Tate To protect cniplojecs of rail road coapaqies by gifioj? them- claims against the the prtperty of the company to satisfy jadrmeat oblaioed for injuries yrmcn kiuu supersede tnortirjj. iy. lcrnl improTCmeoU. Ward To caatrtiU bi;i waj in O.j . flow county. Boad?. Sparrow To rejolalefcsaiti aiH pnv tect fishermeo. -Fish io teres ts. McCanley In relation to clerks of tV Superior Coiipt.', Jadkiiary. McCanley To prerenl opco Tnmlico oew. Juciciary. "Webster To protect opprtsaioti by justices of tbc peace io the trul of t-Qef before tbeta. Juditiarr. Webster For the protection of bu2 rupts. JudieitTT. Horaty T protect hep huslModry. and rsiac rerruc br taxing Jors. Ju-J iieiary. and I nal item of increase was one of $517,000 1 30th of, September, 180, $170,672.57. and I in the iatcroal revenue department. The I The inexpended balance at the end of out was men row oy sections ior amend-1 tne preyioua school year was $132 265 59 Another Battle In the TraniTaal ciyes a per camta cents and a fraction. These 459,325 children arc scattered Losdo.v, Feb. 7. The following offi. I coyerinar more than-60.700 finnare miles. cial report has been received, dated Pre-1 The Auditor's report shows the number ions, Jan. iu: "ine troops captured a I acres or land m the State to be 2C- COMLiEBCIAL UET7B or this rxBSUAKT MARKET I 9.-4 P M. f 8PIBH8 TUBPSKTXNJC-ootedllrm at 4Z cenU bid. No aales reported. iujsln Quoted Ann at SI SPA tor Strained and SI 40 for Good Strained, with sales at quotations. TAR -Quoted firm at 51 90 per bbl r 230 lbs. an adyaneed of 10 cents on y ester day's quotations. CrtUDE TURPENTINE Quoted firm at U S .for Hard and $S 00 for Yellow Dip. COTTON Quoted dull. Sales 69 bales on a basis 11 cents for middling:. The following are the official quotations Ordinary Good Ordinary, Middling mutiMiiMiim IK 11 Oenta 7-18 Boer Issuer on the 6th. The loss of the lJoers was heayj. The British loes was alsoheayj in consequence of tho treach ery of the Boers, who, after hoistin a white fiaj, hred.ea the British. 'Ihe Beers are inciting the natives to rise, but witnout euccess 823,511, which is 53 acres to each child. Cotton Spirits Terpentine Omde TorDentine. 23 2 bales 76 ca&ka C O bb: i9l 3To Care, No Pay. Br. Pierce's Family Medicines are guaranteed to cure; for particulars see wrappers and rjaranhleta. . Thi nrfl pa Numbers of levalisLi I liable, hnvn Tint, anrnnff Intn nAnnlaritw V. 1. r. it . . . r-. Ii , . . l r vn m wcu lurtcu o joxa ac notrv. come eatireshayc beentnadeTed.' Loypoy, Feb. 8. A de?taich from Newcastle, atal, to the Standard, rcl-cessitatiDj a branch in London, to sup ports that the Boers arc throwing nn n.f ply foreicm conntriea. whilp. the. hnm trenchmeats on Liinnl: ncarmn-r m rnnrmnno (.MtiAni i,tt;. I Oteazaer face ot tbc hill and settinj wirts t en I ed SUtes. Golden Medical Discovery I ax!w HEWS. ARKlVfiD. Stoamsbip lenefactort Ingram, New York T U Bond. Kllx&betb, Bisbee, SmithviUe, Fayette- (nnslemea and horses. Vvttxy, Feb; 7-Thc HuBsars aid a natal brigade bay started for the front. Stoanier Master in a week or month and eoncoat of favor .?.teaS?r.PMuFcKlBOn.. Roberts, mm ..n;jt . . - " . , . ,A I iii yy uutuns s Aiurcuisou. as rapidlj, but bcw sustained by merit, brig Edith, pettegrove, New London. Jas have won a world-wide reputation, ne-l11 Chadbourn a Co OLJSABED. Elizabeth, Bis bee, Smlthville- Paasport, Harper, 8mltbville, Has Coffee's Beeisratlon of War. Lonpo.v. Feb. 7 In the Hone of Coajnjous tbi afternoon the Eiiht Hon. I tree's Pellet3 (littlo pills). in. &. kt. uan, unacr fttscratarT for thn I vy arnirsnsis. . i - purifies and enriches the blood, prevent iogr fevers, andcurinir a1! kin and scrof ulous anections, stimulating the liver to I action, relieving billiousness, and curing I consumption, wnich u ecrofala of the I lnriffs. If the bowels are costive take Both sold rttetuiier Loloaial Perrartment, read a telegram cenurminff the statement that the Ash antccs ioteod to fotx-e bot;Iltic.3 opoo the Hold Coast. The London Daihf Telegraph this moraiDK sajs: 'jlb tnere aro three men Chicago. 111.. Mav 5th. 1879. World's Dispensary Medical Association: Gentlemen For years I have been a great sufferer. My trouble first started : a. t a. -t s wim xemwe ague emus and constipa tions, l niS leit me in 1H78 with & rarfc- Haater. MteamerD MurchLson. Roberts, Fayette -yille, Williams & Murchlson. . Br Schr Julia Elizabeth, Ingrabam. Deep Creek, J5Ieutheia. British W J. Master. - awe barque A.ndrle.te, Berndtson, Trieste Paterson Downing fc Co teapot t. roaaiesu Brittsh W I Br schr Julia Elizabeth lo.OOO ft lumber. 40 bbls flour, 2 do kero- bub wii. o uo piico, 3 ao tar. Trieste swe baique Andriette 3300 bbls rosin. Port from Foreign : ... , . BABKa. Nor A M Schweigaxd. U2d tonsohnsou, at Liyerpool, Jan 9. Nor -folios, 258 tons, Krogb, cleared from Malaga, Dec 29. Nor Atlantic, k432 tons, Enndsen, at Liverpool, Dec 1. Nor Bonafide. 511 tons. Elletsen. at Algiers, Jan 5. Ger Carl Max, 294 tons. Beyer, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 19 tier Charles 306 tons. LasfthofT. cleared from London, Jany it) JMor uredt. 371 tons, Cnristophersen. sailed from Liverpool, Dec 4 swd Daphne, 714 tons, Westerbere, at Gloucester, Dec SO. tier Elsie Mtxler, J73 toof.Dahms, sailed from Dantzie, Dec. 18 Kor ICrato, 283 toas, Salversen. sailed from Cardiff, Oct , via Aspinwaih JNor Frithjof, 441 tons. Johnsen. sailed from Amsterdam. January 5. a a uenoD, 471 tons, ttorsersen, sailed from Stettin, Nov 8. Svd Casta fa, 3 IS tons, Arnjers. at Liv- erp ol, Nov 21. Nor Cryiler, 489 tons, Oitensen, at Kra gero, December 15. Grr Hermann Wolff, 581 tons, Pormien. saiiea irom uiasgow, Jan J Not lijemmet, 380 tons, Ingemnndaen, sailed from Liverpool, Dec 15. Nor Jenny, 483' tons, Corneliensen, at Gloucester, Deo 2. Sd Jens, 397 tons, Hackansson, sailed rom Gottenberg, Nov 2;J. Br John T Smith, 396 tons, Trefiy, C eared from Dublin, Jan 18. Ger Lydia Pescbau, 403 tone, Bremers. sailed from London, January 7. Nor Mediator, 285 tons, Jensen, sailed from Amsterdam, Dec 26. Nor Minde, 376 tons, Andersen, sailed from Barrow, Dec 14. Nor Morrlg, 368 tons, MaUhiesen, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 18 . Nor Najaden, 239 tons, Halversen, sail ed from StMalo, Dec 19. Nor Nordensjold, 295 tons, Abraham stu, sailed from Oporto, January 3. Nor Norge, 446 tons, Henacksen, at Liverpool, Der 30. Ger Orion, 332 UiedIath.rrtadpalCl.,.v U Excellenf for uc.fM Pcrsoni and the Mm f wll m Speer's Port Grape t Fours cart Old. IJ1HI8 OKLBBE4TED JATirt,,, Is made from the nxloe otthe : fflulc 'ad.' Stremrflieiiiii Frn lae loliotior hills asl reIutKjti 1 r kfrn ;,.r-j;. c r-iL I c: A. ti . wmMeidMtally left out ct Saturday's I ty0f tbc British residents is entcrtaioed continually doctorin-, consulting phy- Ulitics by tho Ring of Ashantee." rccei?ed no benefit or encouragement. I be most noted physicians of our city who last visited me expressed their opi- CniCAGo, 'Feb 6 Telegrams' har-1 B!5D.8 ln ln,e bnef bn hopeless words, passed tcday between Salmi Moses, an- lar SOcare of yourself the few days oe To amend secUoe 84, cooyitcr 17, of Battle's Key isa!, relatia- to the service by publication. Judiciary. Tamer, of Stanly Relating to the daties of sheriffs. Jcdiciary. : - T 1 i . . vriaiogcr io maae assault with ja tent to kill. punishable by imprisooreot' iu ine -eniventiary. Judiciary. Chicago and tho "P&ssloo Play. List of Vessels Over 100 tons in Port Feb. 8, 1881. BARKS. Swd Andrietta, 365 tons, Bernotsen, Ueide fe,,o Vor 1 fco. sbier, 293 ton, Harra.'dsen, Helde A C Sor Leo, 516toos, ndersen, Ueide & 4 o tons, Klasaen. sailed irom Marseilles, Dec 22. Nor Provide&tia, tons, Holz, sailed from Portsmouth, Nov 19. Nor Samson, 348 tons. Naess. sailed from Liverpool, Dec 4 Ger Scharnhorst, 410 tons, sailed from Hull, Nov 2. Nor Sjofua, 329 tons, Christiansen sail ed rom Suarpuess, Dec 15. or otauey, 474 tons, Wroldsen, at Honfleur, Nov 17 vi Tybea. . Nor Stanley, 300 tons. Gahrsen. aaikd from Caen, Dec 6 G-r Star of Hope, 286 tons, Hannmann, aaiieu irom .Liverpool, ian zz. mrw osrarpaaf ea oy any ether Bad. Belnj the pure juiee of the rriMT? "der Mr. Speeds owa rKjK its purity and Tie youngest child mar partake otlhr fieial to the aced aad debifitry to the 7ariovs ailmenti Ati mMnSF. P. -WI5ET0BI SPEER'S J. Sherry, ther of the " Passion Play ii uarniner, manarer of and Frank a theatrical you have to live, we cannot help you." 1 1 dwd Brg-o, 22 tons, Nyboim, grew steaaiiy worse under their treat MMnin-TocDcr to another 5"lv reading your i imip-atiw . ' attempt n produce Morse's wark in K .ra??B? l learned Immiration.- Bielow With regard to Sabbsth schools for convicts woriioff oa railroads. Penal institutions. House bill 220, providing for the erec tion of a Saprerae Court room and libra ry, passed its second reading. House bill 405, to restore to the com mon school faad the money expended for nenaal schools, passed its several react WS. Joyner no red to reetnsidpr tke vote attempt tn produce Morse's werk in New jcors:. Mr. Gardiner says he has been guaranteed $20,000 by Chicago parties to pay the expense of the prodaction in ework. Be will start at once to make the necessary arrangements. Golden Medical Discovery. With but little hope of relief. I nurchased & hotti ana took it. io mv sumrise and satis faction it did me more good than all the arajrs i. naa taken the year around. I am now steadily nsmff it with benefit Eieide fe Co Vo" huner, 380 tons, Loncfeiat, via.. i iir E.Jmond luchurdsou, 22 tons, Tu eu, OPMba Nor Flora, Kneger,29G toDS, O P Alebsiu Am Giacie.,312 toes, malls, . EG Barker & C ot Uamilla, W6 tons, Sorensen, - C P Mebane Brandv, IX C0SGH2S5 TE9ISBAT. RBmQ am yi out OOII Ger C F Mass. 267 tons. Zenlin 0 Wight Street! & lchaaife VYestermaun Ger Wangerland, 210 tons, Rose, Quarterly Hpptlnir I. is i eecnau VVestejrmaD, mmmmmm v VA4 j y VU9j A IVnU10v(J - Geo Harriss & Son Am Mary E Pennell, 251 tons, Mitcbels, Z n J mo 3 jnugc oi inc I ' "uunswm, ai x?ront street, Jb'eb. 5-6 Ger .Express, 275 ton?, Fretwursr, Soilness vs Sianley Ifatthewi. - Njtw Yorit; February 8.-A teleffram 1 - JTfnBM- T . was forwarded 72 Bmcmly yours,:JAMM P.McGeath. iuouwuqu ctcreiary or tba rtw vri- Board of Trade aid TrnTwvtt?nr, in i . , . - r-. w '""-Iv-.v-if . . . oy wmcn tne resolution with reaurd to WCB" OJ nuidred ,bmsiness finna. the normal school fund passed. Motion memb of the Board, to the Judiciary I For the Wilmiairton District. Metho- vvnucu. . i vvMuuim ui iao cnuoa otates KanntA I aistxi. unnrch. Hnnth icai . i ----, w iuMt jae connrmation of I . (i?'irst round .) Snpreme Court SENATE. Ylctory for Dr-Carver. xix.??bThepion.aheotinrrL:. V-V . .fzrrr7 -TAn.clc alcI1I Hendsn tc-iay betweenDf "-oetneJ, - - Feb. 19-20 snbautted the credentials of Caver and Mr. Scott, each shooting tlSopfai, t Vesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 .ijer' JSaat0-cl55t froia WO pigeons far 200 a side and fthe 2sliw, at Tabernacle, . . March 5-6 rasnwoTox. February ft Th Vf ii r j . t fi. , .. .--r.- ww Fhitetas W. . w ' - .. wwMa., tu oawcocu crvuuior iaincrOD and the credentials ef Arthar P. Gor maa, Sentor-elect from Maryland, to succeed Senator .Why te.. for the term bemninjf March 4tb, im. Read aad filed. . Mr. Brace, from the committee on rxiucauon and Labor, reported adver. sely a joint reselation to provide for the enforcement of the eijht hdur law. Ht remarked that be did not concur in the report, maeaiiteiy postpoaed. Mr.Maxty, from the committee on I ost-affices and Postroads, reported an amendment ta the PostofRce Appronria- flAal kill mm. aM. A ! m mm mm. Z ' - "u w PjJtwpriawaff i,WU,000 to be expended in the establiihment of Amcri. can steamship lines toforeirn countries WhitevUle, at Whiteville, Feb. 12-13 1 f aaww iuisBion, at Uetnesda, Feb. 15-16 Feb. 19-20 , SCHOONERS. Br Java, 177 tons, Horne, K E Ueide , - Z , , UIIU . IUC I caarapionsnip, was won by Dr. Carver SB w inn r iiivna m a a i. 7;r cotc was wmoyaune Hitietn round. Tho score was: Carver. GC bird- Smt The bettio? th u morn in i ii iq , o " t J Cokesbury, at Halls. - March l Q.9n Am Wm A uBosque, 80 tons, Gates. The District steward wn tt,0 Kerchner & Calder Broa Am Katten, 102 tons, Thomas, Tobacc Tai. of 'til xv ' P Ata raeetin? of the Ways and Means Committee o? Tn'vi If? v- porninff Representative rocker of irgmia, presented a bill to repeal the stamp tai on exports of tobac "d. oitteewas instructed to report iffarorably to the Uont CiCOUIl 1 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, March 12-13 esoury, ai ualls, - - March 19-20 lne District steward will raPPt ot vA ..... WW rsonage of the Front street Church in oT1?1011' at len ,clock a. m. ea the urco. a mu attendance is desired L. S. Bcbkhead, Presiding Elder. NorthroD & Cummhm frl Liverpool, Jan 15. Am Edward Lamever. 145 tona.ITflndaii- I . Hr iramore, 221 toi . EG Barker & Co Am Mary F Corson, 276 too?, Williams, veo uarrlss & Co Th P. J. SRERRV ! . tri.. Nor Septeutrio, 343 tons, Torgessen, at WOB OHARAOTER, and partakaiof S Liverpool, Dec 2. - ' if qualitle. of the Tfrom xSaI - - . -1 i ..... rrom Liveriyx'J: DwI Nor Viva'. 382 tons, Pettersen, sailed Jrom Antwt'ip, - - kif-r Waudorer, SLnbing, saiUd from Kii tjrriad, iyoc 7. : BltlGb is r Anna, 272 tons Pettersen, sailed iiom Sharpness, Dc 9. ' NorBrazilHn 332 tons, Berge, sailed iiwiu aiders, jLffC i, Nor Coi.gal, 334 tons, Danielson, at St Nor Diamanten, 303 tons, - Terkelaen, sailed fiom Plymouth, Jan 6. Ger G C Micbels, 332 tons, Dlllwi z, at Gloucester, Dec 30. . - Nor Hilding, 24 ton?, Jer-seni at Lis, Don, Oct 21.. Nor Marie, 263 Glasgow, Oct 21; r Signal, 312 tons, Williama, sailed from Bristol, Dec 1. Tl ni .11 M mm xir oiena, 443 tons, Robinson, sailed tons,: TalUkten, at found unexcelled. PKER'S nTbI BRANDY atandi uriralta li'tU, .Country, being fa- nperior for iredieal pit poles t . IT 18 A PURE di.ttllatlo froa thtmu and epatalM ralnable nedidaal proJSJ the tfrapei from which it la distilled, aadk lare?!fT' aonj?nrit.clMfn)lIlafc Bee that the signatare o Alfred Bdml raualc, j.f g orer tbt cork of ci bcZ nprJ T f.H OSEKN.J. a VJND3 ieSS8' P L BRU)6kRH 4 00 Market St. 32 ft. III.. - . -A. ' ' ....v, SCHOONERS. n Br; Wark worth Castle, 259 tor8,Lnck, a CLYDE'S Maine Farmer. iroraAtUntie. Golf and Pacific Consideratjonoftbe Peaiion Appro. r lgb Wo . The cottoa receipts prutioa bUl was rcsamcd. Attejr.a looy citj np to date are discassieD.deyotcd j)riocipall7 to thf f7,000 bales. . Mr. AJ. Holt lir manajemeat of the Tension barean, and in near MerrJ OAks,, slaughtered a'ho the beat method nfdiu.lin rtK On the 4th inj Ai.u iv . , " si a a AttUtt -jvj w t . 41 yy j npn ll I f v w .'J- w I oemff DOred and "T. w- r -wea irom a peculiar ena-i ine committee then rose and reported tonh rock has boen reachl vlZ: I XLL?1 2 caught in the Two Organs. Hegnlate first the stomach, second the liter; especiallj the first, so as to per lorm their fnnctioM rArfpntiw nA t.,. wui remoTe at least nineteen-twentieths Am Geo S Marts, 442 tons, Marts, v.-- marutind is heir to, in A , Geo Harriss & Co this or any other climate w rtu AmXottte.2fi2 tnn Kfrr. . ttronlj thinj that will give perfectly Am TMka,lll tons. Merriman, Master i . ' J"00 t theso two organs. I uujr v,J1,ins tons, Cnrtis, NortbroD &. Cummin Am Carrie M Kichaidson, 283 tons, Rich. ardson, G Barker & Co Br Carieton, C8 tons, Albury, a r , E Kidder & Sons Am Wm Jenkins, 105 tons, Redding, TO ' ' K G Barker & Co t Aria I I aV 1 . 80D E G barker & Co Wllnril nfftOffl Am ArtdiA V. Snnnr 1ft ni T, I V ICtt II w .. , xnjinuya;ej JSi u liarfeer & fn Yoft AND Stearriohip y.n. TBI! STEAMER V icics oi I year 1410. txceptioa of the Indian, pension proyis ioa, watca..waa atrjcJcen ont and Mr. a M n r t. , w i vr iu raiuara, ziz tons, Kuneston, vusnuae, uaniesen, aO tons, Jama, son, Am W H Knight, 1ST tons. Taws, a ia u v. ., Geo HarriS3&Co Am Ida M ldridge, 330 toas, Fisher, Rf r. t, , Geo Harriss & Co """Aiixiuj tu tons, iDgram, Lf0,r.. JfA3S"lff A I-obod, S ton., gith.11 -ik W ElRMIILLIOfJ ! copper ere eslarse aspin heads. a--r vaavna inai Tna lebUl was finally laid aside L '-pwiottc Observer; A series of nra. I lf?f?Ta rficllj proclaimed oyer the a Mi An j v. -j: , i iracica meetiii!?a win h v.ki .- A . i rrrr - e Plnmb s amendment.was then diKassed. I' ri,..i , ThebUl was finally laid MMSC5 1 Charlotte Oisert- tracted meetii nOUSB OF REPBESKCTATTrro i ri" i.. . 7 lcnan ennren next " ,m, v JJVJ. committee on Commerce, reported .1TSJ?-We onameroaaand v t mniirij - mir teuton. tfc Geo Harriss MnKeasan. of Texas, chairman of the Mr Drew V 11 pastord SattSl Bust Well Auger, 1 1 I ! . " ' C 13 r v Lull l rr p au mm K m . theRiyer and Harbor AnrT;: ti m I - vuiuuiuia e. Ana, ta reads. It is to be first cIm. in JL wa ior orer sno yean no leAil . . KSTTOpStS"" -'wrf Rust Well Drills. Sole for AmerLif 7 Bt flr- BEWEFAOTOR. CAST. JONES, TVl v . . w oAXLFSOix JTEW YORK SATURDAY, Pefr g. ta. BWppars eaa re47 upon the proap aiUnjCof Steamers as adyertlstd. CO for frelf ht JhrtMnm. . i A. THOS. E. IWND,!. 7 Sin of the Show Case with tl Shoemaker- jyjY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOW iifISiLC01nplet- Cn and-eiamine. S fl paranteed to cnstomeri. Now "lJ0 nPPl yonr families. SCOTCH SOOv . J. im? is DelieTfww . r'. .v. lact vijce youreeu vi A IlfiW 1f M-kmTT OAT T lumSi1 'ecelyed.- Don't forgrttke noy?3 Market Street. Mr. Beaan stated tbat be aaTiiaiiTH v .VAAftA t j - " emc . m w wveww 1,77 ii; m ttoicxai Dill, 1 wuitca, arc, wui oe ntted nn wynpon reported iram the J approved style. wiautibbcn on .nnronriATiAn awH i.;.v i mill. M t? "w , :r 1 tT" w null tm o reierrta to the the Whole. H TITUMIM aiiita.l..U ... I w.n T wj a DUtiUJUWrHl. mm m ! a & Bust Horse Power. THB0- - ftffirSV M a jl well Doris 7 urn Pron.,.. n.rr. n ufActured. iTOjio.i ' v OTOT, Jew Tork. nnnricnniAi committee in the rarut ineiarre aawanrl otibbs t Co. w 1 .?ia: write at TVk- .rr. r, ' street. J.w r.: na you win rtoeire bv A Ion- nnd. .- 1 " IT r1-' oaj raormn- I ' m w war reeret . rr " 7. - . "' -two 101 HVfl WHO WCTB BI6CDmt? in tllft twilF. M.J. . . w t rf MrvsMCWU BlVkV II l up .nu : : . . . - " uTcrMjcpronosi-i aca narrow eseana with u "on to set apart a nortion r thm-lu, I It i thi 4tT":: ro. between UKR 2." u '"W, ao GAS PIPE SHAFT rwa . r. Themort Lmprored Sarfaae AttaeSS2S A LABGE STOf!lT nn Sash, Doors, Blinds; in an flrajTciN Mt . f.n vMf?froiB material aad cold tar fc.if the price of other r. rJ!rii!ra .'or JlflTI i WGT0N,iN. a; argc Sample Ropuus lor Commercial Travelcn AND an 57-1 fdkw 8endfor eireulara. St. Joeeph, Ho AtVint T? am mm. I innnnM 4 V. :t i - od Cox as to the oj der nf h7nt;." I V'CC --WUiCQ ,we.re qte ViTu u 'P05 Apportion.! new, ment bil . nd in t..m.. . I ' 1 "AtMMUK 1U I XII.. . fm soxoto committee on Tthe TwT-r' uni l,Vr' r .rv. ' ice reyenne t arbor bill. air. Atkins, noweyer was ilA riTT? lu lt It week were ytctorioas, and at I cv!S?&dS '4- tke treat The xnahiiMnr ViJi 5ff- w u consnmea with the baildinjf. Atfus and Observer? Th i Jfary bad a little corn. upon her little toe, Aad aTarr where ta u.. PeIyo Corn Solvent premolar orN snK J. wiHresma acorn 4a 8 hoar for tale The Lowest Prices PORAIJL KINDS OP PRDjJTCiG, At rC. S. WARBOCKS Job OiBce. AIL KIHDS OF mn VQfiRI lUMBER, UTH8. fcc rorialaTejyejp T-tot flUUJt A CO. Fast foot of feb T iavtst. Ofiee 'tHaearBed Oroet'.t i I - paj8 PBOPRIKTOB bariax thoroarily rraoyated.this floate. aad farakhed It wtfre f M prepared to fiTe ojthf trTf il ptthUo all the aoiiyeaitncles of a ma. CnA88 HOTEL. Itls loeated la tst7 oaatre of the baalnese part of the dr,: eonyenteat to the prbeipel tadneM PottoCee, Oaatoio Qetae. City ffall aaJ 5,1 FirrvUlan Bar and BWiare Hii ; :-v r- ""PTBoseiisinjiis duties (Office in Iteytew bofldlnf.; eaa bar , o them free of poatajrax stalled BATES' t2 PU DAT. cot 24 ; .f''-JF.'A,fiCHUTTaf V