..A - j j --. s t IBM . ------ -PLEASE i. Of ICE. " Vfo wU b9g:s4 taxesclro ocsLaaaicatloai from oar frieads on say and All rabiMto . aoral iatarett but , . . , . . T&s cAsto of tso writer nci t alwaji be far nlihed to Uo Editor;" - " - - - -- - - - Comamalcatlaai be jrjlyn otAi ? r i I V I I U i ft m m a A T T 1 7 1 u' JL... ; : : Kor T - "77; - 5 :,N.TAOE PAID. - . jY- - 3i SIS" uiwt. r rii,D.oathi, $150;Tbr. a - n-onth, SO cent. "V'1 C t S j( w r . . v m ib - ,iT.tiiif papsrs regularly. . .ftorei w I - - - jfe Aavertisgmeata, t .... . . i. t ' J - V'.J'. .4-- i (Vila an rf lt-wk A i ii-ilftimiuU fu t : upon J 1) H4LL A CI ,' ft K" Must be Sold . I ; .... .-! .-v . ti'yiif .1 --,'- . tl li t hoTHIMQ & FURMISHIfiQ DQODS Lit b M " loom tor Spring flock Go goie icrt icrlfl e, At VOL--:V 2 WlJvMINGf ONV:v C:; THURSDA NO. 299 LOCAL -NEWS MK.'FAjf kitjDiicInr Classes'" t'- ' .C'W .YATSiSyTMaiiifa!Tj Ora-f jyidi Jetlir .flook:V. yvlll'it S ; :A-Ss I SiimcK- Cfetfni;; iu.r-Ftrrn'.sfrrTi: ; . -r - . ,.- - baogles 'cVarin' if tbe latest. Con3tretraiwaTS;d01hi2 fare thiW; . . . O . - --' i . : !; . 1. .. 1 ' ' 'l fiaslep euii raair's. com goes against his ?fain.: Kepeipta of cotton at this port to-day foot up SOT bales - " 15 r. barque ITdlth H., from this port, aFired at Bristol on the Ttli !nst. il A. A.I. SHRIEK'S, i O Market ctreet. Flour, 'Hc,,.,r( . . QfpT AND MKAL cqntl to the best ud Peruvianh Cmaitcui f ! V If HI 2000: TonGsn jo. 2 Peruvian Guano, FOR SALE BY; Villiams & jUnr(?hisoiu jo 5 The fish carls hare ilaken up their stand iiBdeceSoDthiiaof t Mar ket. ilriiii.-' 22 V A gun i 3edVit6Wdeta JaJilT loaded with the Qelicacies of j the sea son.'; -botb-"g0h4ff, andbothkill. Sometoea-gruiabTe because thef-bftfT no opporiunuy, -wnne etners go to wort: to make opportunity for themselves. Fashion says: Gathered waists are still rery much' in ;pfat'prjJmUi Vyonbg ladies LThey are with young gtlemeu ako, T - - , There are three compaakmsiWwhom ii man should always keep on good tering iHDucaromt . ... ,71 I ata offbrlog thjs Vrcika' . , .1 i ia w Attractive Assortment it VJ 'ii- ii V ftte 6009S ! 1 Cccdiling in pa-t 0f ta Cdebratf d farina Ojster Ci-ackerst- wWilIm'i lasortmeot cf rrri mill Sarxr .Cnr.d jams and ;Strifs J!ftfi lli: : . ' wu BALTIMORE" HAMS, 7 Celebrated Inefl,"" uhed Indian corn! a-he- 'chrftiT ziftx&te htf .if es WViAi..4 --0 4I'S Vs -W r "Ginger siaps are saicT t o "excite a . taste for alcohol. '." . V . - - - .Making calls by telephone, is one. of the latest noTelties. : " '" . Jonah was" the tirst . coiundrHra, - be- J. cause -the'whale gave him np. : " gc. birquQ Anna from this port, ar- r;tcd on the 7th inst at Glasgow. "Ger. barque Alpertine .lleyer arrived at-Uavre on the 8th inst. from this port. You can now buy Improved Healing and vook Stoves at factory prices atTJACOBi's. f - , . . : . f " . ' . ' i .. . .-' ...... -i - Nor, barque Mindoraicitu -Chl-port; airiyed bo thd 8th instAit Liverpool.' ' No thing, keeps aT. iban" iroia- knowl- vuj,, ttuujnuuuw nuke tuiutviu uc uma both.. tA "VV'e wpiild Suggest tq some, one that chimney sweeping would pay in this Lctty . great jnany persona would not object tpOying a small feej for v having k The: services w M r.: J. E. Duke ha vo been retained by Mr. Ferry at the Pur cell House, and Mr. Dako will still pre side over the. oQ5cc. Mr. Walker Moore will bo the medium in the spirit depart ment, relieving Mr.iSykeB, who will, wc understand, return to his old home. The Berger family and their combina tion is ..the next thing in the way of theatrical Tamuseraent. They will ring their littie bells here on the evening of the 17th and will be followed by Miss Eleanor Calhoun under Ford's manage ment on the evenings of the 18th and 10th. w his wife, his stomach andhis conscience Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure VVhite Lead, Oils, Varnlsnea. Ytndow, Glass, all sizes. All at tjjie lowest prices 7 c7;S $-f. ' - - 1 " " 1 ; - The quiekeit way.tofind ,ot; wheUier a gun is foaaed pr :not is to blow down the sauzzlejif it ianot "Iced-yoawHi live to blow doTfn.it again. ; always let a"-cold go as it comes" one says, wihich means that he over works the . system in getting-, rid of a eold rather than assist it 7 by using Dr. JtJull'ftJUough byrupr-nce 25cents. v The; center, stalls in ;the Market, have oeen convened lnio oeei siaiis. xne fruit, vegeiable and 'ppultry stalls are now on the South side of the building. , V How to be your own "painter : Buy th K'Y. Enamel Paint, ready , mixed anp warranted at Jacobi's. - . - " " 7:1 fcThis veek and next Yenus and J upiter will approach each other rapidly, pre paratory to the conjunction on the 21st. ThodrawiDg near of Saturn to his more conspicuous neighbor, Jupiter, cannot escape the attention of any observer. It is several years since there has been so fine an assemblage of the "'earth's sister worlds in our evening, sky... They seem to vie" with one another in splendor. . , - s : 7 Bold Tactt. -: Sundav niht last some one broke a of MrR. Thorburn!s:bakery on Market fitreet, and fltole cakes, fruits and can ned goods to the amount or about "feur, which we re in the window. There is no clue as to who broke the window and the loss was not discovered until - the store was opened on Monday morning We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household . Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices. X Itm-ifi.; 1 : ,t"i v - um tut low aad dalirar ? to Tow Umti. ll4U4Nortli FroatlK it: -: - : Another Bold Robbery. ! Yesterday morning the clerk who opened Mr. J. Ilahas store on Market street discovered that a pane of glass-in the show window' had been broken and that show silk, cologne, silk handker chiefs, ribbons, hoisery and other articles I amounting in all to about $20, had been I .: . i' it." 'it.";- t. 1 v ai carricuou oj uie voici who oro&e me win dow. 1 1 strikes ns -this kidd of thing is becemrng too frequcnt.-. In less than 1 a week two large show windows on the cost public street in the city have been f broken and ;robbed.- . , f. ; f ynen you visit or leave New York City, atop at the Grand Union' Hotel, opposite Qrand Central PepoU EuropeAn plAns Booms reduced to $1.00 and upwards Restaurant unsurpassed at mode rate price. 3 treat cars, sUgei and elevated4rAUroad to til parts ol the cttj. a " 11 : .s - ' lj 1 ; , ,r ; ; .;. Alarm of Fire. s The alarm of fire last night was caus ed by the burning out of a chimney at theresidence of Mr. S.,G. Northrop, on Orange, -between- Third and Fourth streets- Several ULsnccessful attempts have been made during the recent rainy weather to born the chimney out -but last eveniogl,wh'Ue'-thtrewasvery little fire in the stove, the soot took a notion to burn, and thereby call bat the fire de partment. '-No damage. ; J The ' Dapltn Canal. ": Ar- moeting of the7 Directors of the Dsplin Canal Company has. held at the rooms of the Produce Exchange yester day afternoon, B. G. "WorthFresideBt, in tho chair.1 ;, ; 7'"7.: On ratio, an order for another assess ment of 5 perceatwas made. Mr.B.G."VYorth 'offered his resignation as President and Director in the Com pany, which was acepted, aid a vote of thanks tendered for services performed. Mr. Wb. Larking was elected a direc tor in the place of Mr. Worth, and, on motion,' he was subsequently elected Preldeat of the Company. -: It -was ordered b the Board that the names of those who have failed to pay j tneir'subscription be stricken from the i list of stockholders. -On motion the meetiug then adjourned. i i Z-'- ' .j Opera Howcv : Ibj far the best performance of the season was given at the Opera, House last night by D'Oyly Carte's London OperaCompany in the new melodramat ic opera, entitled the "Pirates of Pen zance." The troupe is composed of some thirty artists who are all well-drilled and experienced in their different parts, which causes, the entire performance to pass off "with the utmost harmony in ery word and action. The aasic, both vocal and instrumental, was good, and the voices of the leading characters far above the ordinary average of traveling companies. Miss Minnie Walsh, as Mabel the youngest daughter of Major-General Stanley, of the British army, was sweet ' and charming, and her delightful voice, which she controlled with wonderful effect "received "more ' than one en core from the admiring audience. Sig. Brocblini, as tha'Pirate Chief, both i acted and sang well. His fine deep bass- was especially admired. Mr. J. Donovan, as Frederic, a pirate appren tice, exhibited fine vocal powers, his sweet "tenor elictixsg much applause. Madam , Motte, as Bath, a piratical raaid of allirork, sang well and acted her parrebmpletely." Mr. J. W. Eyley, as Major-General Stanley, saig 'delightful ly.. In fact the company is a very fine one indeed, and the large audience in at tendance were all highly delighted and pleased at the entire performance. The orchestra," we " negfected to say, famed no small part of the evening's entertainment and the music which they furnished was enjoyed and appreciated by alf present as something unusnaily fine. k - . ; , ".,.....-" - : :- Hundred of inea. vomea and "children rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almostdeath and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best endences in 'the "world " pf. its sterUng Ciminal Comrt next Monday. ' The Board of Aldermen wilf. meet ' to-" raorrow. (Friday j "evening pX Tih o.'clocki ; Spring-has come in upon us 'very' sud denly." The; thermometer, atj 3 o'clock to-day, in this office, registered . 7C tlo grces,.: Summer heat. 7 ; ; . . , : But one .-vessel cleared foreign to-day, the brig Maty EPovpcll, for Aspinwall, with 210,575 feet of lumber, shipped by Messrs Parsley ' Wiggins. ' , ; : Knights of Pythias ' ' -u ' Th? 'election of Mr.'J. A. Boniti," of the'Grdldsbcffo;3fci5fin the exalted position of Grand Chancellor, of the Knight of Pythias in this State is a graceful compliment well bestowed on one who has taken a deep interest in the success of the order for years past ;- and who is well qualified to fill the position. The proceedings of theGrand Lodge will be found elsewhere in this issue. Death or Mrs. Ransom. We, in common with many others, re gret very much to leara of the death of Mrs. RobertJRansom, at Newbern on Monday last. She was a most charming lady and had many warm friends here who will deplore her death. The funeral services, as we learn from the Nut Shell were to have been held on yesterday morniig.. , The Criminal Court Emtotr Kkvww: 7::.;7-:- v- Ta onable the tAx payers of Wilming ton to form a correct oninion in regard to the expenses of the Criminal Court of New Hanover county, incontrast with the Superior Court, I submit the fol lowing extracts from the financial reports of the Board of County Commissioners for the year 1876 prior, to the establish ment of .the Criminal Court (1877), and for.theyear J88Q. .. t. ....... -Statement for the .year ending - Aug 31, 1876: ' ' " Supemor Court. For tht 'Kerittr; , TFhat Kind? : As the Legislature is seriously consid ering the purpose of clectingf.twp :mor6 Justices for the Supreme Court,, if it is ih' order wc would like to Inquire- if the? are '-to be Republicans or Democratst The Democrats are becoming so magnifi cently liberal there is no telling what will be done. IT Judge Bynum :is the man' to codify ;'e laws why not put Judges Rodman aud Dick on the Bench? Democratic legal timber must be scarce iu the judgment of some of the Solons. 7 Indigo. ' - " Forgetruiness or People. We would not,' by entlcihg headings and other devices, lead you into reading of the virtues possessed by Pierce's Cel ebrated Medicines were it not that we are aware of the forgetfulncss of people, and that must be our excuse, dear - read er, for again telling you that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is without an equal'as a blood-purifier. It cures all humors, from the common blotch, pim ple, or eruption, to the worst scrofula, fever sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are a pleasant but efficient cathartic. Sold by druggists. St. Cloud House, Chicago, III., Jam. 20tb,1879. Hox. R. Y. Pierce, M. D.: Dear Doctor I have been using your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets for liver complaint and general debility. It is impossible to express the gratitude I feel. It is simply wonderful, the effect your medicines have had upon me. I am in every way a thousand per cent, better. I am, yours gratefully, J. 0. DAVIDSON. . Parsomalltie xaa i Wd'3L' . "An4 It is escUllr cuiyTuad r ftood that tie EdltvlT alirilf adori th riews ot correspoadtott ia!fs to i late 4 la th editorial columns. : -, rr ,:. . -.-'. ij.Lz.l: . '7!--.j ji removed tnSUu U;' NH'ooa'oQfifVc doors I;ortb or Marketj r.,WorJr ofietrih disrutcti initl 'at reascinat'lc'ralc i'artiv ular Atteai Dan .paid tK-' IPAlRFNi "ttnl CLEANING. I'-Jdh Copying k;u;iL, : PihW:cen&.:l Vor eaf e nt 7 fz. Paid' Judges " Solicitor - Jurors -Witnesses -Sheriff - it ft Jail fees $1,285.72 144.00 2,089.85 3,76:85 1,620,65 1,765.80 .3,896.83 . $14,569.70 Criminal Court for year" ending. Aug. 3lst, 1880: : ... - $2,625.00 430.00 1,295.60 7 974.47 - 2,748.60 ,850.65 1,728.90 Paid Judge " ', Solicitor " . Clerk i Sheriff. . Jurors " Witnesses ,: 44 Jail foes 7 $10,693.31. Superior Court for the year ending Aug. 31, 1880. Paid Clerk - - $120 12 Sheriff - '- 85 25 7 4t Solicitor - - 16 00 " Jarors - - 404 75 " Witnesses- 6 CO Add Criminal Court ex penses 632 72 Total for Criminal and Superior Courts - CONTRAST. Superior Court, -76 - r Crimmal and fcnpenor Courts, '80 - - - Difference, From this balance may be deducted the differ ence in prices allowed for feeding prisoners in 1876 and in 1880, say about ; - - - - 10,693 31 11,326 03 14,569 70 11,326 03 3,243 67 Mrs. Partington says don't take any of the quack rostrums, as they are regimental to the human cis tern; but put your trust in Hop Bitters, which will cure general delagidation, costive habits and all comic diseases. They saved Isaacjfroma severe extract of tripod lever. They are the ne plus unum of medicines. Boston Globe. New Advertisements. Dancine: Classes. Tl TR. TFANNING'S NEW CLASSES IN m. .... DANCING at RANKIN HALL, open on Satunlay, at 3 P.7M:, for married Ladles and Gentlemen, Young Ladies and Gentle men and Children. : TERMS Ten.Dollars. Two or more pu pils from one family, Nine Dollars. each. Round Dances and German specialty. Eyening Class for Ladies and Gentlemen, S P.7M. feb 10-2t FUPiOElL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WlLMISQTON N. C. B. L. PERRY. - . - Prop. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. : First Class in all ita appointcients. Terms S3. 50 o $3 per dar. feb 8.tf . . . . , . ... t .j.f-fc -yI tM 1 NGTON ? jUmihRECTpY and general! ADVEl'JnsEir'fbni aud 18?, coiitainiug Gcncrai and Complete . ' . "' r.usincss Directory of Uic Citj. . 1 - ' : 7 For sale at -v . - r r J lElNSBERGEU'S, LIVE BOOK AND SIUSIC STORE. . ?b 7 :' . 2i 'i .',ff i E iiiifold Order and !liet ter Book f v QOES AWAY WITH THE OLD AND cumbersome Bystem cf preii,bruah, waWr, c, and u done in a tenth of tho time hero tofoie required, u tho letter; And copy; are writ! en at oseo. No Ink, o pen require j . - Complete stock at - -: - - - - ... - - -' ' r-. -7. Yates' Book Store feb 7 t ,.u.).-. Fresh Arrivals. 150 Baff BIa COFFEE ; : 51 Bbla Refined Sagar. ' ' ' ' . '. 50 Bbbj N 0 8uarr c .v,:.,.. 75 Hhoj New Cuba Molatter, r -? 1- . , 103 Bbls NewJOr.'eaoi Molaassi; .... . " .'.... v r 25 Tierces Charlejtoa Rice, n 0 , t03 Busheli Va.:MeiV7- 400 Baahi Seed Oat 1000 Ebhj Good Flour, ' 1 100 BbbjMesj Pork; V.! ! vJ: .:)!: HALL & PEAHSAli; Sundries. 10,000,Sw!,LE8ALT7';;;,;; 3000 Sacks Marahals fiai ' 5 -For sale low Yr " : 5 4 1 5v ' ' WILLIAMS & MUBCpiON 300 Sack3 C0FFEE' gQQ Bhls SUGAR, ; -. For sale low by t WILLIAMS & MURCHISONV - COO Remaining difference in 7 cost -- - - $2,G43 07 Thus It appears that the six terras per annum of the Criminal Court and two terms 6f the Saperior Court in 1880 cost less than the Superior Court cost in 1876, according, to the records, which are accessible at all times to all tax-pay ing citizens, and it would afford the Board of Commissioners pleasure to see the citizens apply for information before forming an opinion on any proposed measure affecting the interest .ot the Cpnnty. Respectfully. War. L. Smith, Ch'm. B'd. of County Commissioners. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 10, 1831 . J. N. Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: My father, before wearing the "Only Lung Pad,' could not sleep nights on account of his violent . coughing; since wearing it he has slept soundly every tightr Sec Adv. "I Don'tfTftiit a PUiier," said a sick man to a druggist," 'cant you give me something to cure me?" His symptoms were lame back and disorder ed urine and were a sure indication of kidney disease. The druggist told him to use Kidney-Wort and in a short time it effected a complete cure. Have you these rorrotoms T Then eet a box or - r f . w. bottle to-da before yon become incur- worth. Yon can find thesa inevery com. able. itiMthe cure;: taie. ana sare. , . I MJ- f I . '. A Brisk Trade. rjlHE KEASON WHY, may be sumed up in few words. We keep a varied stock, (Dres6 Goods and Trimmings a Specialty,) and from day to day something new is added. TO-DAY tvc have opened out Ja variety of Black Silk Fringes; With and without Jet. CORDS AND TASSELS, (black and col'd) BUTTONS, in variety." Our BLACK SILKS you should see, be fore buying, as we think them the - . . ; . . .... best value in the market. Bbls FLOUR, ' ... 7 i. ... ; 1000 200 roTAT0ES' ; ;.. " For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCilLSON: Carpets. In this 'department we are giving pome REJLLrp.iVs:Jthat is our opinion, now for your. Respectfully,. feb 7 R. 31. MDTTIRE. Fresh Every Day JTIXB A88URTMENT UK CANDIES, French aai Domwlic, joit reciTedad fox sale. THE ONLY GENUINE HUME-MADE Oandj in -tie city, will bo found Terr day, fresh Aad sweet. tbre doors South of the jPoa&tffi. on Beoond . street. Also, Sots Stbrins, Fruit, r. O. E. JEYRhS, ' XUlJZ PrttHw "... CH AS. KLEIN, Dsiertater wl GiIM Msj Princexi Street, in Basenentof t$ Jotirnal Building . WlLXIJtQ TO JT,- B. a ' v A fin. asscrtflBast of GoSss and Cas ..tseccstantlr oaband. Far&itareJKepalitd I laaasd aad Varaisbed. Orders br " tJ. rpn CTBAupiompuysanea. otjQi t7t Vou n and 13 Eoaih f renffln Candy, Candles, Crackers- Cheese, Lye "; Potash, Soda, Soaps, &c. , .i.:.?,. For sale low by ' J ' ". WILLIAMS & MURCmSON.' ' jan 31 Importers fc Wholesale Grocers ' ' BOSTON Parker House I Simpsl TOMATO, '7 . L ". i "A -hi j i i i MOCK TURTLK ... , . , . - 1 ' ff - ... . ),;:; 0 t i. . i - T ' ' ' ' , vl '- s. OXTAIL, : JULIKNNK, 7. PEA, . - 3IACCAIIONI VERMICELLI- , . ' ' ..... in ' ...!" 'J ' li Hi t COXSOMMKJ f . . . 7 .. , i' .. BEKF, . u I okra. JlSDERSOS'S Mr:ciG.itEATi Best in the market f ' - 7 .-j 'Of - ''" v For sale at. , 'S "' i s ..... . ... ipEO;gp5CERS,..; .7--- 7;,