i m ni. jon. tvrro aso i-RoraiKroa. nnfn058.,08TAaK PAID. f H Qr,t month, 60 cent. ..ui. or 1 J w r fiWS' i. tndliberu AjTrtilBlf nij,.- rtort tar and , ,-,to rewire iW paprireoiar!y. jfew Advertisements, Valentines.! vi f CVTISRS! C,U.vuw ; FVTIMENTAL VALENTINES Also, A very Une Selection of PRANG'S VALENTINE CARDS. For sale at HEINSBEEGBU'S, tfVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. ftb H - :; ' J pUBCEirHTJUSr, UJfDK KRW MAWAORMENT, Wimi arvjc. N. r. B. l.PERRY. - - - Prop, Ut Propriety It'.Mtlc HoteL H'ltOUai ia all its appoint? eota Terms ft 60 to $3 perdtf. feb8tf A Brisk Trade. 1HE KEASON WHY, may lw uuul up in few word r We keep a varied stock, rnrMn Goods and Trimminirs a Special tv.'J ad from day to day something:, new is idded. iu-uai we4 nave oproea ouia urfetyof Black Silk Fringes With andwithout Jet. CORDS AND TASSELS, (black and colM) BUTTONS, In variety. , Our BLACK SILKS you should see, be fre buying, aa we think them the beat ralue la the market. . : Carpets. Iataii department we, are giving some mi, suites; that U our opinion, now fer yours. Respectfully, fei7 R M. McINTIRE. INDUCE COTS ! I am offeilag thi weak an Attractive Assortment file EST GOODS ! CcatiiUng in pirt of the Oelebrated Farina Ojster Crackers. " Willi-n'e aiiertment of PAWCE" CAKSS, J" J; ' Fen ' f mall 8ear Cur. d Hams and Strips, 6W3D BALTIMORE" HAMS, imm't aad Piper Beldjiici'c Celebrated Wines, AnsloSwiss Milk, Crushed Indian Corn! 4M K lUe of jt saeh article! In my Km "f.aUletdtelre. . - 1 W fell them vary lev and deliTeT rt; to yw hornet.- 7 John T. VI . wf axiAtJ L llludls Norti treaty , Fill i -3 J l.f w ; . r' Ts - -i VOL. V WILMINGTON. N.-C, FRIDAY FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS, Vew AdTenuements. A Suriek Spring Styles 15S1 Alex Spkvnt & Sox The Popular Va cific Guano , ' ' ; " HEixsBKBOEn ValenUa f '' C AV Tat ns Man i fol 1 Order and Letter Book "Rumors float with the current of opin ion. -1 lie who never commits a folly'is ?.ot human. - - January has left us buttheA trees" leare When it is necessary to yield do so gracefully. From vexation and taxation there is no relaxation. . Muddy weather tries one's soles; cold w either, one's coals. , Walking is the "sole" occupation of pedestrians. . , H The blunt talker doesn't try to get his words iu edgewise. .. i ; . j )ff , - . s Codfish balls this season are by no means numerous. . r ' Great mashers usually try themselves on small potatoes. . "Burlesque butter", is the' popular trade name for oleomargarihe.' ; A counterfeit' ten cent piece is being circulated in the South. "Yellow corn is said to be more' prolif ic and sweeter than the white. To keepsweet potatoes over winter they must be kept warm and dry. It is far better to engage in small af. fairs than to utterly waste one's time. No man can be utterly an infidel, who has enough to eat, a good appetite and a good digestion. . How to be your own painter : Buy th N. Y. Enamel Painty ready .mixed anp warranted at Jacobi's. . f Fishermen say that shad will be.more abundant this season than , for many years-- ' ' : ? - 'r Love is blind, yet the average ynng American does't object to that kind of blindness. The display of grotesque valentines in hop windows is larger this season than ifor many years. . Ada Gray and her company, who ap peared here a few weeks ago in Lucre tia Borgia, ,L' Article 47, and EastLynne will probably give us another perform ance on her way north before Lent. .- Indications For the South Atlantic State?, clear weather.followed by increaaingcloudihess, pessibly by rain areas,' variable .winds shifting to southeast, stationary or higher, temperature, falling barometer in southern portions. The exports foreign to-day foot up 667 bales cotton, 3,857 barrels rosin, 466,901 feet lumber and 135,457 shingles. , The shippers are Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons, Robinson & King, and Alex. Sprnnt & Son. ' We understand that "The Old Folks and the Trial by Jury" party who gave U3 such a very pleasant enteitainment id the Opera House a few nights ago, have been invited to play in Charlotte and that the ladies , and gentlemen are thinking seriously of accepting the in vitation. . 4 Between Faycttefllle and Wilmlnff. -t ''' '-..ton. . We received some days sinco from Mr. Jno. H. Murphy, at Point Caswell, a map of the district of country Tying be tween Wilmington and Fayetteville 40 the Eastof the Cape Fear, Black and South rivers, showing the - route which an extension of the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley R. R: could take. It would pass through an excellent country, as yet unopened except by river communi. cation to Point Caswell, and coaid be built, we .think, at a comparative slight expense, with the exception of the bridge at Fayetteville. ,The distance, . hi aH, between Fayetteville and Wilmington is but 80 miles, an item very much in its favor. Jnaccordanco with the request of Mr." Murphy the map has "been for warded to Gen. Imboden at Bristol, Ya. J. N Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, sajs My father, before wearing the 4,Only Lung Pad,' cttnl cot steep iiights on accountof his violent . cougbing; , Bince wearing , it ha hta slept Boundly, every rights Sec Adv. , r.'.i-: , ... THE SfPRESE COm DUlarfl Betlgns and Bojnn Is Ap A f polnled- " : " fSpi'cjAL "to Dailt Rkvikw. ; Rajrig, February 11, 1881. i Hon. Tho3 Rufiin has been appointed to the Supreme Court Bench, Vice Judge Dillard resigned . Ti. , - Miraculous Kseape. ' . This morning a little son of Mr. J. A. Hankina about 15 years of age, was run over-by a heavy grocery wagon.. The little' fenoisittinin thejjagon of Messrs. i an kins & Hates, ana as jt ran down in a crossing he fell from the seat to the ground and the front wheel passed directly across his head. Fortunately the little fellow escaped with but a sligh cut on his ear. rcnonaL Gav. Holliday and Col. Thos. H. Car ter, of Virginia, arrived here this morn ing, en route for Florida, and stopped at the Purcell House. They have passed the day in the city and will spend the evening with Hon. George Davis at his residence. They leave to-morrow and will stop a day at Charleston and a day in Savannah. Maj. Jno. Hughes, of Newbern, and Col. S. L. Fremont arc also in the city oa a short visit. Patience and gentleness are useful and powerful, but they cannot cure a congh, which however Br. Bull's Cough Syrup .will always do. . Bank, of new Hanwver The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Bank of New Hanover was held at their Baaking House yesterday afternoon. ' vv The meeting was organized by Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar being called to the chair and Mr. Thos. W. Strange being reques ted to act as secretary. Messrs. T. W. Strange and Isaac Bates were appointed a committee to ver ify proxies and there were found to be represented 5,172 shares in person and 1,941 by praxv. The President of the Bank made bis report and submitted a detailed state ment ef the condition of the principal Bank and its branches when,upon motion, the report was adopted. His statement showed the net earnings of the Bank for the last year to be over 12 per cent, and for the last six months a fraction over 7 per cent. The following . gentlemen were elected Directors: Jehn Dawson, Donald McRae, G. W. 'Williams, H. Vollers, E. B. Bor den, Fred. H. Rheinstein, J. A. Leak, R. R. Bridgers, Chas. M. Stedman, J. W. Atkinson, Isoac Bates. ' On motion, the meeting adjourned. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, f Conhty Board of IleaUn. At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Health for this, county, held on the evening of the 9th Un the Com missioner's room, the following seasona ble and sensible suggestions, resolutions, or advice, whatever head itjmay be class ed under- was offered by DK Thomas F. Wood and adopted as a part of the proceedings of the meeting: , In consid eration t the dansrers resulting from carelessness ad ignorance of household. era as regards the scarlet fever, the JSew Hanover Board of .Health presents - this warning: Children taken sick with scar let fever should be isolated irom.the rest of the family in a room with such furni ture as is not too valuable to destroy, no one having access to the room but phy sicians and nurses. - - It is earnestly urged that funerals of persona dying with scarlet fever should be attended by tne fewest number of per sons necessary to perform the rite decent lv. Funerals from churches should not 1e permitted as they tend to spread the disease. -. v"-- J Pamphlets on the subject of the limi tation of tlie spread of diphtheria and scarlet fever can be, had on ; application to the Secretary of the Board of Health. ! DoaUWaataPltrw said a sick raaa to , a druggist, !can you give ma something to cure Der Ha mntAM wr lima h&ck and dUsorder- ed urino aad wera a aure indication et kidxgy disease. - The druggist toid aim td use Kidcsy-TTort andin a short time it pffpctftfl a. Mranleta cure- Have joa these sptaptosss? Thea get a box or bottle to-uy 4fbre you bsccaa iaeur abl3.ItuAffccrt;tafa Ttsdure. , '. r; . CitT-'Ccurtl:; . --W Five white jien, all tramps, applied for -and secured lodging at the Guard House last night, and were placed in the Urge room bordering on the cells, and there locked; In JThis mornins: they were arraigned before the Mayor. His lion or told them that considerable com plaint had been made to him recently about the number of tramps annoying the citizens in this community, and, he would ive;lhem fair notice now that they must not be caught in- the city . again. One of the members " of; the"-bar -who was Dresent in Court waitinsr to anoear hnAexd manner of entering the private premises unannounced, which these tramps are practising lately is getting to be very annoying and called for some action -on the partjofjthe authorities. Another num ber of the legal fraternity then present joined his brother of the profession in declaring the tramps a great nuisance and stated that one of the tramps then before the bar of the Court had been in his back lot three times recently. The Mayor then gave orders to the Chief of Police if any of the five persons were caught in this city after to-day to arrest them on the spot and lock them up. Captain Brock detailed two policemen to give the defendants safe escort beyond the city limits, and they were according ly marched out. The next case was that of C. H. Gil bert, charged with violating the City Ordinance relating to and prohibiting the sale of butchers' meats within certain- limits. The case was continued from Wednesday last, at which time the defendant was arrested upon a warrant issued by the Mayor. Since that time however, two other warrants' (one on the 9th and the other on the 10th,) were al. so issued against defendant for alleged violations of the same offence on the, dates above mentioned. Messrs. M. Bellamy, DuBnitz Cutlar and Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr., appeared for the defence and Messrs. Junius Davis and F. H. Dar by, City Attorney, for the city. Mr. Lewis M. Williams, Clerk of the Mar ket, was put upon the stand, and in an swer to questions by counsel, stated that defendant had his store open in violation of City Ordinance passed Jan. 8th, 1881, on Second, between 'Market and Prin cess streets, within the prescribed limits of said Ordinance, and offered for sale butchers' meats--beef aad pork -to all who would buy. In answer to a ques tion by counsel for defendant, witness said he did not see Mr. Gilbert make aa actual sale, but that he had his store open aad offered the meat for sale, and had told witness that he had sold a quan tity of beef. The city rested their case there, and the counsel for defence merely waited the judgment of the Court. The Mayor said he found the defendant guilty and would reserve sentence until to morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. Cutlar and the Messrs Bellamy, counsel for defendant, each addressed the Court in turn, and stated that they desired to make a regular bona fide contest case of this, to test the validity of the Or dinance. Mr. Cutlar stated that they regarded the Ordinance as null and void, in consequence of an alleged contract f-made on the part of the city which this Ordinance was intended to carry out. Mr. Junius Davis, counsel for the city, stated that the Ordinance was sep arate and distinct from the contract and quoted, the law from Battle's Re visai of the laws of North Carolina to prove the power and authority of the city to enact" ordinances regulating mar kets. This opinion of his associate Mr. AJaroT concurred in. la answer to a question ! propounded. by1 Mr. Cutlar, counsel for the defence, His. Honor stated that he would issue' warrants' for Mr. Gilbert's arrest every day that he kept his store open in violation of and in defiance of the City Ordinance, and added further that if defendant continued, this open violation of the City Ordinance he would close him up and lock him up. The counsel for defence made no secret of their intention to appeal froxn the judgment of ( the Court if pronounced adversely to their client, whenever the de cision is so rendered. The Court hav ing ; previously announced its intention of deferrimr sentence in the ease until to-morrow morn in cr. Mr. Gilbert . was recognized in the sum of $100 for his ap pearance at that time, after which the court adjourned. y ; , r v Ton can now bev Improved Ilextlzg aad Cook Stoves at CStory prices at Jaccsi's. f 11. 1881. NO. 300 The Bergers. r. . Mr. B. G. Berger, advance agent of the r famous Berger Family and their combination, is in the city making ar rangements for the appearance of the troupe on Thursday evening of next week. Several new additions have been made and the company now - numbers fourteen persons, t , , ; ; : , Miss Calhoun .Mr. E. S. Davidson, agent for Miss Eleanor Calhoun, under. Mr. Jno. T. Ford's mauagement, is in the city makin arrangements for the appearance, of the charmingf little-Southern- actress on 'Fri day and Saturday evenings of next week. Miss Calhoun is supported by a strong oompany. Meeting at the Exchange: In accordance with a call from the Presidents of .the two bodies the; Cham ber of Commerce and Produce Exchange, met at the Rooms of the Exchange to day, at 12 o'clock, to take into consist eration the Regan bill to regulate Inter State Commerce, Hon. A. H. VanBok. kelen, President of tho Chamber of Commerce, in the chair. After a lengthy discussion pro and con the meeting ad journed without final action, subject to the call of the two Presidents. TUe Highway Bobbery Case. The case of highway robbery mention ed in the Review on Wednesday last has been continued by Justice Gardner until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, in order to allow the prosecuting witness, Mr. Henry Clogr, to goto his home in Brunswick and return. " Bob Shepard, the colored drayman ar rested for complicity with the colored woman, Julia Pierson, in the crime, has been discharged. A.s there was no evi dence whatever against him. But the real culprit and accomplice in the crime and the man who is said to have struck the blow which felled Mr. Clogr to the ground is said to be one George Vann, colored, who escaped from here the monv ng after the crime had been committed to Laurinbursr. AH of which we knew when we penned our previous article in regard to this affair, but which we with held at that time for prudential reasons Mayor Bizzell, of Laurinburg, was tele graphed by the officers of the law here and notified of the facts in the case and acted very promptly in this matter and this morning the prisoner George Vann, arrived here by the C. C. Railroad in charge of Officer W. B. Hatton, Mar shal of the town of Laurinburg. Vann was committed to Jail wnere he wil await his trial at the time above speci fied. . Hundreds of men, women and children rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made string and hearty by Parker s Ginger Tonic are the best evidences m tne worm oi us sierung worth. You can find these in every com munity. -Post, See advertisement. New Advertisements. SPRING STYLES I 1881. FIRST INSTALMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES SPRING & SUMMER SYTLES ' ARRIVING NOW AT snEIER'Q Shoe Stor e ; febll ' Market Street The Popular PACIFIC GUAIJO I ALEX. SPBUIVT & SON, General Agents, Wilmington, IV. C. SUB-AGENTS : A. C. Melke, L; L. McLaurin &, Sons, Erenrtt Brew & GUI, - -Whitevtlle Wine Company, L. T. Hicks, O. nick, ------ A. D. Black, - Daniel Bowden, - - - - T. B. Pierce, - - - J. D. Rogers, - McRae Bros, - - - - R.R. Barnes, - - - -- - feb llnUt-wSm Lumberton, Laurinburg, Laurinburg, . Wbltevflle, Faison'a, Mount Olive, Kenanaville, Bowden'a, Warsaw, Nichol, Shoe Heel, Barnesville. !7o will to glai to wLlih tsasulcatlost from onr friaadj on aay and all labfoets . re&aral Interest but - , Tha naao of ta writar nut alvayt bs far Biihoi to tho Editor... ; . Oommrrnlcitlonj cmt bo ; wrlttea oa only oaocidoof tho.papr . Perwaaitlea.aaji V-VoUcA-Vtii v ' Aad It li eepoeiallr rsuiaiJyiusder ftood that the Editnr tarM alwayi esdorta . the vioirt ot eorrupoa la t oslt mo " lata i , la the editorial eohunaa. Now Adverticomonts. . , Dancing: lOfasses;1 IVF' FANNns(rs NEW classes ;Yn DANCING at RANKIN 'IIl'U open ,on? Saturday, at : P.M., for married Laclioo . and Gentlemen, Younir LaiUrs and Gentle--men and Children. - , . . , . ; TERMS- Ten Dollars. Two or more pu Tils from one faurl'y. Nine Dollars each.'; Round Dances and German, .rcjalty. Evening Class for Ladies- and, QeuUemen,-S; 1; M- - . . fcb D-Si ' Manifold Order and1 Let-!" i . tcr Bopli ' " JTOfiS AWAY WITH THE OLD AND cumbenoxae tjslem cf pre bruab, waterf "' Ae., and is done in a tenth of the time, here- . ........... ..v.. , . tofore required, as the letter, and copy are writd at o see. No Ink, no pea required. - Complete itoek at Yates' Book Store. feb7 Fresh Arrivals. 150 Bag8 Bi,C0FFEE 60 Bblf Eefined 8gar, 60 Bbla N O Sugar, ' . : 75 flhds Nw Cuba Uoluias, 100 Bbls NewJOr eati Molawei. 25 Tierces Obarleitoa Bioe,' 103 Bbkj Seed PoUtoet, eoo.Bwhels Va. Meil, C0 Baihi Seed Oats, . 1000 BblaGood Flour, V 100 Bbla Meti Porki HALL & PEaRSALL. feb7 Sundries. io 000i8aclc L R salt 3000 Sacks MarfihaUs alt Tor sale low by: . WILLIAMS & MURCniSON J 300 Sacks corrEE 200 BbU stJGA For sale low by t WILLIAMS & MURCIIISONJ Bbls FLOUrT 1000 200 Bbla POTATOES, ifor sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISOK; Candy, Candles, Crackers, Cheecf Lya Potash, Soda, Soaps, &c. For sale low by . - WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. jan 31 Importers & Wholesale Grocer BOSTON Parker House Soups TOMATO, MOCKiTUETLE" OXTAIL, ' 4 JULIENNK, PEA, MACCABONI VEBMICELLI, CONSOMME,? BEEF, ANDERSON'S MINCE MEAT, , Bat in' the jnaxkct For tile at CEO. r.lYERS, fb 7 got. 11 tad 11 South rcnt BU The Lovect Priceo JglOBALL KINDS OP PHISTTNO, AtE. S. WABROCS:3 Job OZce. Get estimates at this cflco btfbre hivlrj ycur printlrg djra clrcrhcrs. I f . (Ocala Uevir tzZZ-71 jy3 .