V- r ir.k mA JO flM .a a an v0BUi' - li.-MLd b carrier win fas irv.ro.'. J f c"" ' t. nor W. . ..t4- Or - r r ' ' ..... i and litMrat -. A '3ib$ertor$ will piaase report any ud yew Advertisemeat Valentines ()MIc v alentines; C MENTAL VALENTINES k s(rj flue Selection of PRANG'S VALENTINE CARDS For sale at IIEINSBERGEIl'S, L1VE HOOK AND MUSIC STOKE. PURGELL HOUSE B. t. PKKRY. - - - ITop, lU Propriet it AttaaUe HotL li'it Out i H ,fc rpolatj n? Ttrsi A Brisk Trade. fjlHE KEASON WHY, hmj um up in few woMsr We keep a. vailed iUck, (dm Goods and Trimmings a Specialty.) ind from day to day something new ia idded. TO-DAY wcj bare opened out Ja tcietyor Black Silk Fringes With and without Jet. C0RD3 AND TASSELS, (blaek and colM) BUTTONS, in Tariety. frar BLACK SILKS yoa : should Bee, bo- fore buying, aa we think them the beat ralae in the market. ' Carpets. Ia tliis department we are glricff some uaisutes; that U oar opinion, now fr jonri Reapectfully, . fefc ? B. M, McINTIRE. INDUCEMENTS i I n offtriof thU wek an Attractive Assortment cf tfcV m nnnno i I QUUJJlV ; CoariiUaf ia part of t&e Ceietrated Farina Ojster Crackers. i. WUW.&' auortmentof pabtoy cakes, mall ducar Cur.d Ham s and Strips, "LWD OALTIOnE" IIAMS, tarn's aad Pipsr TekUtick'a Celebrated Wines, lo-SiYlssfllillt, Cnishea Indian Corn? Afat 1 lias of jail saehrUsUs ?a ay MIrmuiisdtslrs. 1 MUtkta wy law a&4;tfsllrtr pUyteyomrho. Boatwrightf Fffi Ill aad IS North Froat S VOL. V W ILMINGTON, N. O.. S ATR'E)AY, '."FEBRIJ LOCAL NEWS. .New AdTemtin6DU Chess, Cablet & Co Kerosene 0J A SnareB-rSpring Styles 1SS1 HnKSBEROEn Valentin ia ! C W Yates Manifold Book Order. and Letter . N'o intermenta in Bcllevue this week. Dajg length 10 Lours and 50 minute. There were no interments in Oakdale this week. banset to-morrow afteruoon at 39 min utes past 5 o'clock. T 1 Full moon Monday morning t 9 mia- utes past 1 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this pert to day foot up 255 bales. Only one interment in Pine Forest this week, that of an adult. Nor. bargus Cato. Krosrcr, from this port, arrived at Bremen on Thursday. You can nw buy Improved Heating and Ooek Stoves at faetory pricca at Jacobi's. f The skating nuk will be opeu until March 1st. tapis'. Another carnival is on the It is astonishing how tall men sudden ly become short, when the January bills flock in on them. Vaii yoarsen ine equal t no man n vi v i n who can influence you to his owr advan tage without recompense. The Register of Deeds has issued marriage licenses this week to six white and two colored couples. - w The Sign, 'Sentimental Valentines," i js more repellant than attractive to the shy young man with tender intentions. Beauty is but skin deep, but in the case of some particularly large oranges, that is deep enough to satisfy the ; meat fastidious. How manv a home has hen mhhA nf sunshine and happiness and rendered sad and desolate by the loss v of some dear and petted child. This is a dangerous season for children, and parents should aeepiir. uuirs tJougn Syrup handy, nce 25 cents. One account says the peach crop will I be all right next summer: another says not. One, doubtless, is as near correct as the other; The matter cannot be now definitely determined. I : I Raw and light boiled eggs are easy of I digestion. It is said that raw eggs are more easily digested than cooked ones; but this may oe doubted, if the egg is not over cooked. A hard boiled egg presents a decided resistance to gastric solution,and induces a constipatory condi tion of the bowels. Messrs. J. D. Munds, W. C. Munds and J. H. Hanks will leave to-night for Augusta. They do say that jMessrs. W. G. Manila and J. H. Hanks will act as second best men. However, we will know ail about it on Wednesday as the bridal I party are expected on that day. "We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you sret the lowest Dricea. . AYe call attention to the advertise- ment of Messrs Chess, Carley L Co. in another column. This firm is now one of the established .institutions of Wil- mington and appear to be building up a large trade. They art directing to this point a large territory that formerly went to; Baltimore and Richmond and in this respect at least are doing much for the interest of pur city. , For tns tadies. Mice jewelry is the latest novelty. Children wear handkerchief dresses. Natural flowers are preferred to arti ficial for garnitures. The newest muffs are made of a piece of the dress material. Guipure lace is slowly but surely com ing into fashion again. Brocades for evening dress are wrought with golden threads. Black silk hose and black kid gloves are worn with the lightest ball dresses Merchants complain of the delay of spring trade caused by the severe weath er. The new dominos are in close Prin- cssse shapes, with the Watteau pleat and hood. Silk circulars lined with for can be boaght for $50. This reduction is caused by the great popularity of the dolman, which is more expensive. 101' llfTOW' 2! Persona! Mr. James Wilson, representative elect from New Hanover county to the legislature, appeared on the street this week for -the first time since his recent illness. Mr.Wilsn has been confined to his house from a severe attack of pneu monia ever-since the legislature has been in session, and consequencely has not yet been able to take his seat. Postal Card Baling. The orders of July 13, 18S0,and Sep tember 24,- 18S0, excluding from the mails all card matter except postal ards ; furnished by the Department, hATO bee- so modified as to permit the sending by ! mail of printed cards at third class rates; but all cards other than postal cards famished 'by ths Department conaining any writing except the address shall be charges! with letter postage. L Sew Weekly. We welcome to our exchange list the Moore Gazette, published at Carthage, ia Moore county, by Mr. J. H. Myrover, the first number of which is at hand. Mr. Myrover is an old hand at the bel- lows he having been for years on the Fayetteville Gazette. He is a good writer and a calm, clear thinker and is the j right man in the right place. The first number of his new paper is a very prom ising one. Biter News. The water in the river was still rising when the steamer D. Murchison' left Fayetteville yesterday morning, had risen eight feet and was still rising. There is now some twenty-five feet of water on the shoals. Work on the sunken steamer Govern," or Worth has necessarily been suspend ed, on account of the freshet, and Capt. Skinner returned here last night on jthe Murchtson There is nothing to be seen of the Worth except a small portion of the steam-pipe and the smoke-stack. J. N. Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: MJ father, before wearing the "Only Lung Pad," ould not 6leep nights ;on account of his violent coughing; since wearing it he has slept soundly every laign owt v. . Aa opportunity is now onerea,tne nrst m 80me years, for all those wno are ae- noxa or tripping ine ngm lamasuc to cme instructions rrom a maswr in ine art, as well as a professor, Mr. Fanning to whom we allude, is well Known. to our community and is a member of the Socie- tvlof Professors of Dancing. In addition to this he has taught in all the large cities at the Military Academy of West Point, and various other places too num erous to mention, besides. Mr. F. opens a special class for ladies and gentlemen this afternoon at 3 o'olock. How to be your own painter : Buy th N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready Jmtxed anp warranted at Jacobi's. f Tha Tennor-able Ptoyhet. Mr. Vennor states that the entry of February of last year (1880) was fully as severe as that of the present month, and that the December of 1879 was much more severe than the December of this season. January of 1880, how ever, was a mild month, and hte very opposite of the January of 1881. Upon the prin- ciple of general compensation, and from the fact of our having now had in. suc- cession two months of severe weather, Mr. Vennor is strongly of the pinion that the present month will give us the thaw predicted in his almanac. In this he alludes to a rapid disappearance of snow and sleighing over a very, large area, and a return of winter and of stormy weather toward the latter portion of this month and for part of March: ne thinks another "blizzard" and cold term will travel over the United States short ly after the entry of March. We lean: that Mr. Chas. H. Gilbert, who was before the Mayor yesterday, as stated by ns, for keeping open a butcher fittm witbin ilm limits nrohibited by thecity ordinance, is still open. He declares that he will not close, all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. 'I Bon'tlTTantaPlasier," said a sick man to a druggist, you give me something to cure me? Ilia ifmntmnt wm lama back and disorder- indication of v tuu ajm ww w - - . kidney disease. The druggist told nim to use Kidney-Wort and in a snort time it e&ected a complete cure zxavc ju these romDtoiast - Then get a dox or bottle to-day before yoa become incur- 'Shoxvillt IZepubUcn.Zj c ; ; iV A f 1 1 ; :W understand that the decisioa of the - ' : - . .... ...- Mayor in the case of C- H. Gilbert, for eolations of the Market Ordinance, has Been reserved until Mondav, when it trill be made known. ' - The South lllantlc. y 'The January number of the South At lanttc is at hand and with a very read. able table of contents. The leading ar ticle. "Old Point Comfort," by Flora Adams Darling, is a very interesting sketch of that popular place of Summe r resort; "The Artistic Quality ott Mil. ton's Samson" by CWoodwardJHutsous a' well-written and attractive. paDer. ''Cobleemee: A Tale of Southern Life' by Annie I. Johns, is begun in this cum ber; "The Mysterious Babies," by Ed ward S. Gregory, is short, but full of hu mor; ;Short Sketches of the Old South, era Eeguime," by Philip A. Bruce,will be read with interest by, all of us; "Rainy Days" is a very pretty little poem, from the pen f Katharine Lee Bates, and "The Nun's Portrait," is a romantic etching of the war, located on the Sounds near this city. The - editorial depart ment is complete, the principal article being a very graceful tribute to the memory of Bishop Atkinson, written by the accomplished editress of the maga zine. Another Railroad. There is a chart, we believe, already granted by the Legislature for a line of railway extending along the North Caro lina coast, from Norfolk to Wilmington. There was much talk about the projected line some Years aero and now it 'seems that it is being revived. Here is cliDoinar to that effect from the Onslow eorresnondenee of the Kinston Journal: I There has been a Mr. Dillion over in our section nrosDectin? for a railroad corporation who have in view the build- ing of a railroad from JNorioiK to Charles ton, via Newbern and Wilmington. We understand that he is very favorably im pressed with the appearance of the coun try and sees no serious obstacle in the way. We hope a charter will be granted at this sitting of the Legislature' and work commenced upon it at once. To say we need a road would but echo the sentiment of every thinking man who lives in the middle and upper parts of the county, and others who are famil iar with the geography of our section. We would be glad to see our citizens take an interest in this matter. While the railroad kings are directing their thought towards our section, let us never cease doing what we can until we hear the train thundering past - our doors carrying oar cotton and our commerce to profitable markets, thus relieving us f hauling an immense freight from twenty five ta fifty miles over bad road3. Wilmington, N.C., Feb. 11th, 1881. Mb. Editor: . In the communication of Col. W. L. Smith, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, in your issue of the 10th, he submits an array of figures to show the expense of the Superior Court for 1876, as compared with the Criminal Court for 1880. He does this,he says, "to enable the tax payers of Wilmington to form a correct opinion in regard to the expenses of the Criminal Court of New Hanover County in contrast with the Superior Court." ' If Col. Smith had left out the amount paid .Superior Court Judges, which was for extra terms of that Court, and told the people that there were seventeen weeks of Superior Court in the year 1876 and Jurors re quired; that witnesses before the Grand Jury were then paid, whereas they are not now; that Magistrates now have ju risdiction over very nearly all cases that were then tried by the Court conse quently the Court docket is largely re duced the people would then be able to see something of the expenses of the Criminal Court. Tfco tru lli of the wai ter is that all that has or can be saved to the county lias been saved by the Com missioners and by legal enactment and not by thfi Criminal Court, and New Hanover can still be saved $3,000 a year by having it in a Criminal Circuit. ' 13. 15. Forgetfainess of People. We "would net, by enticing headings and other devices, lead you into reading of the virtues possessed by Pierce's Cel ebrated Medicines were it not that we arc aware of the forge tfulnes3 of people, and that must bo our excuse, dear read er, for again telling you that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is without an equal as a blood-purifier. It cures all humors, from the common blotch, pim ple, or eruption, to the worst scrofula, fever sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierce's Pelle ts are a pleasant but efficient cathartic. Sold by druggists. St. Cloud House, Chicago, HI., Jan. 20th, 1879. Hox. R. V. Pmbce, VL D.: Dear Doctor I have been using your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets for liver complaint and general debility. It is impossible to' express the gratitude I feeL It is simply wonderful, the effect your medicines have had upon me. Iam in every way a thonsand per cent, better. . I am, yours gratefully, -j F. C. DAVIDSON.. 12. 1881.. NO. 30 1 cnurcb services. Worship in the various clinches ef the city to-morrow as follows . ST. JAMES r ABIS1I, Corner Third am! Market streets, Rev. A A. Wat sen, D. D.. Hector. Septua ?esima February 13th. Celebration at 7:30 a. m. -ilornirg Pra er aS 1 1 o'cloek. Sunday sSchool t 3 p. in. Evening Prayer at 4 o'cJor -. , , ST. PAUL'S IVAX LUTHEKAN caUHCH, Corner Sixth acti JIorket streets, Rev. G.! D.Bernbeim, pastor. English Feivlce at 11 a. m. and ::.0 p. ni. Sunday School at 2 p ni. Congregational Meet ins at 3 p. in. "Catechetical Instruction on Friday at 3:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CnUUCH corner t)f Market ahd Fifth streets Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. JSeriices at 11 a. ra. and 7.30 p. ra. tirooklyn-Sunday School at 3 p. m. YouDg Men's lrayer Meeting Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night o'clock. at 7:30 - ST. JOUX'S CHURCH, Corner Third and Red Cross streets. Feb. 13th Septaagesima. Rev. Thomas D. Pitts, Rector. Early Cflebraifcm of tLe r-H.lv Comrum im at 7:30 a. in Morn in-? ti iycr with Sermon at 11 oMock". Sunday School a& 3;30 p. m. Evening Service with Sermon at 7:45 o'clock. I MARRIED LEMMERMAN FLANNIGAN In tbjs city, on Wednesday evening, Febraarv 9, by Rev. G. D. Bernbeim, D. D., Capt. H. T. mJMLdlJKMAiM to M188 MALV1NA FLANNIGAN, both of this city. No cards. New Advertisements. Kerosene Oil. "flTEARE RECEIVING TO-DAY OUR V? first instalment of a shipment of 500 Barrels KEROSENE OIL. Will deliver at' 4ate reduction in priceSj and will fill all orders to-day that may be sent us . CHESS, CARLEY & CO. .feb 12-lt ' . " 1881. FIRST INSTALMENT OF S SPRING & SUMMER SYTLES ARRIVING NOW AT ' &aaZZ2F.'fl Shoe Store. feb 11 , Market Street AUCTION SALE AT CASTLE HAYNE. M. CBOnXT , Auctioneer BY CRONLY & MORRIS. ON - TUESDAY, February, 22d, 1SS1, commencing at 11 o'clock, A. M.,we will sell at Public Auction, at the Planta tion, 9 miles from this city, known as "Cas tle Hayne", the personal property thereon, as follows : 5 Mules, 14 Stacks Fodder and Shucks, about 500 Bushels Corn, 450 Bushs. Cotton Seed, 1 Hayman Cotton Press, 1 .Forty Saw .Needle Gin, 1 Eierht Horse En ginc, Pulley and Belts, 1 Pea Thrasher and JP'cker, 1 Champion Horse Rake and Mow ing Machine, Wagons, Carts and Harness, Cotton Sewer, 1 Cutting, Knife, Corn Shel ter, Fan, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Plows and Harness, farming- Implements, One Flat, Strawberry Crates and Baskets. T. C."3IcILHENNY, A Kent for Thos. D. Hogg. feb 9-4t 9-12-19-21 8tr ropy io vu The Popular PACIFIC GUAM! AL.EX. SPRtHTT & SON. General Agents. Wilmington, IV.. SUB-AGENTS : A. C.Melke, L. L. MeLaurin Sons, Laurinburg, Everatt Bros & Gill, - - Laurinburg, Whlteville Wine'Comoanr, Whiteville, Li. T. Hicks, - ?-f Falson'av - Mount' Olive. A. D. Black, - KenansTille, - Bowden's, - Warsaw, : - Nichols, - Shoe Heel, - BarnesvilJe. Daniel Bow den, -T. B. Pierce, - -J. D. Rogers, ? - -McRae Bros, - -JL Barnes, - ' febU-dlt-wSm SPEW STYLES S Y " TT will twzlid i rs6elv oaaua!catIot - from'oar frieads oa aay aad all i&bjesu v ffeseral latarest bat v . v naoe cf taawrUa? mart always bs fa r aisbed to tba dltor. " - .. - ' - ', OoainpiesUqnatttas bs wrtttsa cn ozh oaaaidsoftha papr. 4 ' ' . :Pnoaalities mwjw v . vofdsdf a k . v And It U espeeUUy MpaUcabulycadsr stood that th.Edit.r .rt aJwj aadoris tba viaws ot corrsapoa4 v . txJM a . m $ la tbs editorial oolntons. ' New Advortisomonta. ManilV)!lOf4a:anti'X1ot 1 ter Book n; cumbersome ays(m cfiprwibrteB water, Ac. aid it dote in a f?3t1iVf f te m hero- I torcre required, a teC!tte?''oi7,eopj are I written at osco. .. i iok, je nqoired. Complete stoca -t .r?0Cal-T. i Yates' JBdolc-Stbre, feb7 . - . . . r i Fresh Arrivals. 150 UlvW0;L-:'':; 53 Bbls sefiaed Saar, 60 Bbls N O Eujir, 75 flhia New Cuba McImscs, 103 Bbls If ew 'Orleans Molarses'. 25 Tisrces Charleitoa Eioe, , 103 Bbls Seed Potatoes, tOJ Basbela Va. Ifeil, C0 Bosbs Beed Oats, 1000 Ebls Good Flour, 100 Bbls Hess Pork. HALL & PEARSAIL. ieb7 No More Leaky Iioofe ! TROS CLAD WATER PROOF .PAIIfT aas no eqaal for stopping leaks. It Is gaar ' . anteed for 10 years Any roof, to matter t - how bad, can bo jav3d by this palat, . As a Boofir, Piint acd for Damp Walls, it has no equal. : Samples and testimonials furnished npoa arpUcation. , , J D BILL & CO., feb 6-2 w Corner Water and Dock its .; SundriesV:: in nnn Sack9 L B salt, 3000 I Sacks Marshall's Salt, ' - For solo low by . WILLIAMS & MURCHISON , 300 Sacks ?FFEE' i 200 BbU SUGAR For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON 1000 Bbls FLOUR, ' . Bbls POTATOES, ' ;V " Fnr nalrt hv 200 WILLUMS & MURCHISON. muaaaammaauaammmm Candy, Candles, Crackers, Cheese, Xye Potash, Soda, Soaps, &c. ; E6r sale low by WTLLIAM8 & MURCHTSON. janSl Importers & Wholesale Grocers BOSTON - Parker House i Soups. TOMATO. ,y MOCKiTUHTLK,: . .' - . OXTAIL, JULIENNK, ! " v 4 r M ACCyUIONl VEKMlckLLI, consomme,; BEEF, OKRA , ANDERSOX'SIIKCK MEAT. uesiin ine marker rlFor tale at ' .. . 4 - OEO.Qr.'JYERS, fsb 7 v Wofc'll aad lV BoaUi Vroat tt The Lowest Prices JglORALL KINDS OF PBINTDCO, . At E. S. WARR0CS:f3 Job OZxe. Get estimates at this o23cebtfore having ycer printlns done elsewhere. . 4 ' (Otncein ICevlew bnfldlng.; ' -i ' v a.:. r