I3T C0!fCBI8S YESTERDAY. SsBXATJE.-. ' Washiggion, February 11. Mr- Hoar offered a resolution instructing the judiciary Committee to consider and le 'ort whether the assembling at the seat 1 1 Government of larffe bodies of oryan ed and armed trooos. rot under the icommaad of officers of the United States, or any national authority be not -likely to prove in future dangerous in practice, ana wneiuer any icguiauon or opiojou by Congress oa the subject be desirable. Alter some discussion the reflation iras laid aside with tut action. Mr. Davis made a speech on tlicFoaca J ndiaa qaestieo, in reply to a tecent letter of Secretary Schurz. and Mr.Wal- lace was awarded the floor to make a long argument in support of a constitutional amendment proposed by him, providing for a district system ofvotiusr in ! . - dential elections, and f' r the choic- President by a direct popular rote. A t the conclusion of Mr. Wallace's remarks the Senate renamed consideration of the - Postal Appropriation bill in Committe of the Whols. TJ.-c amendment reported IVom the PootoCEce Appropriation Committee, ap- i a? i n .1 propnaung one million acnars lor inc establishment and encoararrcment of American line of iron eteamers, wa? ruled out by the chair yesterday as in violation of the nile which prohibits gen. eral (legislation upon appropriation bill?. The pending question to-day was upon the appeal taken by Senator Muccy from the chair's decision. After a lonjr dis-ru-iuii 1 lie decision of tho rhuir v.is overruled, the hwwc holding by sj. votwof 29 to 1-V that the amendment wu ad ini3sab)c. Mr. llamlin then ?aid that the pend ing amendment bad been hastily drawn up and he would offer as a snbstitnto fur it another precisely similar in effect, bit more carefully worded. The resolution pioridcs that of the one million dollars appropriated for for eign postal service by American line steamer?, one-fourth hall lc applicable to ports on the Pacific coast, ouc-fourta lb pert lying south and including Port ress Monroe iul ports ou the 'nlf of Mexico, and oae-balf to per is nrth of Fertress Monroe. Without further ucliou on the pcwling amendment to the resolution, the 'cnatt adjourned. HOUSE OF KISPRKSKXTATIVES After disposing of some miscellaneous omoincss, me vouse. at r.':,;a, went into Committee of the Whole on the private calendar. At 4:1 a the committee arose mid two dozen or More pension bills were passed, then the itonse adjourned. toBiercnce, asking the repeal of the law l ratal. The loss ; by the fire was aboot imposing tax on certain books. &l,2o0; insurance, $S0O. Sparrow submitted a report for the Yesri and'Vhs'frvtr : The interest in majority of the committee on privilege theteTiYal ceetings at; the First Bap- and c!eciioa5jm the ."Onslow contested tisctaBcfc IzurreaSes. DurSff t e.ect.on case of James H For against 1880 the cotton teaSS? in this city were not less than 71;869 bales. connnnciAi;inrc7c Fcr this Port fircn rcrei?xi Port - barks - M P. Wnrd. the sittinz member. In fa. vor of the sittinr member. Carter submitted a minority report, signed by Carter, Itofe, Manning and Jilaisdell, in favor of the contestant, .tames If. i.oy. Ihi3 case was made the special order for next Tuesday at 12 ra. The bill classifying railroad freights and fares was ordered to be printed and made the special order for l':J0 on next Wednesday. Hicks- To exempt the property of widows, bhud and' invalid persons from taxatioa to au u'nonut not $500. Ileferrcd. Toon To authorize the commissioners of Columbus connty to levy a special tax. Referred. Munden To ameud the law with re gard to peddlers' license. Referred. Heilman To amend the law with re gard to tax on mortgages. Referred. Hicks To protect the people fronin factious, poisonous and ott'enive meats Kld in public markets. House bill 110, to establish and or gauize the connty of Durham, wu3 taken np uud passed its third reading. Page called up the resolution of in qniry with regard to taxing railroads, and it passed. Houso bill to incorporate the Linden, North Carolina, Southern Mining aud Commercial Company, passed its sereral In 18 sixty-three dwelling houses. one school, four k very stables, one church and four stores, a total of seventy build ings, were erected in Raleigh. Dr. B. Craven, president of Trinity College, says of the twelve Cherokee Indian children now beiag educated there, they are making rapid progress. They are maintained by the United State eov- crnment,and were sent to Trinity on the 28th of September. Then they could not impair a wnnt nf Tn1f PL . t... .nttdiot ind writrir 'The; w fl f" w ui)vai, me college tor tnree years, the object being to prepare t'Jem as teachers. I.. ' VXSSUABT 12. 4 P M. I SPIKIla TOtItFjaaymJC-tnoted doil at 43 leant. Jlo tales reported. :: ' iiOSIN Ouotrd Mnlet and ateadr at II S Va and SI i49 or Good Stralned.t Ko tales reported. TAR Ouotod firm at S2 0j Der bbl ot CJSDDE TDBPEOTINE Quoted quiet and ateadr at SI 88 ;for Hard and S3 00 for Yellow Dip. COTTON Quoted dull. Sale GO bales at the following official quotation: Nor A U Schweteaxd, 429 tonsJohhson. ax iiiverpooi, ian v a from Malaga, Dec 29. w""i fo. Ordiaarv Qood Ordinary .... 9 19 7-18 11 Oaats M Hundreds of men, women and children rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginzer Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in very com muiHtr, Post. See advertisement. Spirits Tarpentisa... BOfia.M., TarM Orad Tomes tiaaM 1 rcaumrs Seu;ilc bill fiO.'for the hotter protec tion ot married women, phased its her cral readings. Wil son A'i'anrc: 1). A. Howard, THE RAILS Too mails cloaa and arrive at the City Pot Office as follows : Northern thronh mailt.. ...7.00 p m Nortbarn throagh and way mails..'.. 5:80 a. to. Raleigh.. 5:30 a. m. Maila for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & K. C. Railroad, at 5;30 a.m. Southern mails tor all points South, daily. . ...8 am and 7:4S p. in. Master. Western malls (C C R'y) daily mSS? (except bnnday)... 8:10 a Mail for Chersw & Darling ion , 7:4o p, Nor Atlantic, k422 tons, Knudsen, at Liverpool, Dec 1. Nor Bonafide, oil tons. Uetsen. at Algiers, Jan 5. Ger Carl Alas. 294 tons, Beyer, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 19 tier Charles SOo tons, Linghofl, cleared from London Jany 20 Nor Credo, 371 tons, Christophersen. sailed from Liverpool, Dec 4 bwd Daphne, 714 tons. Wester bersr. at Gloucester, Dec SO. Oer lsie Mtzler, J73 tons,Dahms, sailed from Dantzie, Dec 18 Nor JSrato, 783 tons, Salverson, sailed from Cardiff; Ot t , via Aspinwall. , nor Frlt&jof, 441 tons, Jobnsen. sailed from Amsterdam, January 5. Swd GtfloD, 471 tons, Borsersen. saiku from Stettin, Nov 8. Mwd Gqstafa,313 tons, Arnjenr, at Liv erpool, Nov 21. Nor try Her, 480 tons, Oitensen, at Kra- gero. December l. ixPr Hermann VVolfl,5&l tona, lV,rmien, sailed irom Glasgow, Jan 20. ' JNor Himmet, S80 tons, Inacemundseu, sailed from Liverpool, Dec 15. rsorJDny, 488 tons, Cornehensen, at Elizabeth. Blabee, SmithviU woueester, Deo 2. I J J 1 ...... . "JOT TT..1 . J 1 . i rem Gottenberg, Nov 2M. Br. Johu 'I Smith, 396 tons, Trefy, c:eaiea rrom uupiiit, jan 16, mom Excellent for MP0aa, 1 3 j-j-uies Persons . v 9 At li aaoaipra 256 bales ' 91 eatts 169J bb- 252 " iSS HABILE NEWS. A RK1VED. Smith rill. Fayette- Steamer Sfaater tttoainer Faaaport, tLarper, Steamer D Mnrokiaon, Roberts. vine, wuiiams 4 iiurcaison. bteamer Jobn Dawson, Sberman .Point Caswell. 11 P Paddison. Ger barque Baltic. Herwing. Cape do erdes. E Pesobau & Westermann. Br brig Economy, Smith, Daodock, E G Barker A Co CL&A.BLKD. &leajer .Elizabeth, Ulsbee, 8mithvlllc- liarper, SmithvUle, m ..C e . a t - . ,1 - 'I4'" VZ'' k- wwosutp. ioiu us u lew Mails for point between Flo- uajoa.uccuiat uc piantea last year ;o renoeandCh; m. acres in cotton nnd hud jrathfrcd there from SI bales. 1 Aawiaad Ubserrer, Con mJ. Tho General Assembly Grccnrillc Kxprrss: Mr. Arthur Forbes died al hid home ubont - three miles from this place, on last Thursday ni'h:. He wan acd about 7."i years and IcjiTt s a wife uud four children. . Hickory Carol in inn: The Methodist Sunday School of this "place is in very Hourishiujr condition. Th uabinnupio about one hundred, arull semis to be increasing. Carthage (a -cite : ThcjrospccUfor Minm gram arc gJo:ny in the wheat producing region. On account of the .niuoin.i wvcriiy oj me winter a com paratively small acreaje bas been seeded, anu iur rowin crops look rfrr promising. -Monroe htuiuim : On nn-; Mr John Moudby last Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 n m Fayettevillo, and oflicea on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays....... 1.-O0 p. m. Fayettoville. via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m. Onslow G. H. and intermedi ate offices, er err Monday ami iitursaav at .... u.uu a. rn Soiithviih mails, by steam- coat, daily, (except Sun- days) 8.30 a. m llada for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shi lotto and Little Kiver, S. Cf, every Mon day aod Thursday at Wilmingtcn and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at.. 6:00 a. m. orsji ran Dsliyeby. Northern through and way n" :uuana 7:30 a. m. 6.00 a. a. Steamer IPaasDort. Master. Bteamshlp Benefactor, Ingram, New York T E Bond. fWSJF.P Morcnfcon. Roberta, Fayette -TiUe,tWUliama& Murchison. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. R p Paddison. exports. C0A8TWI5X. New York Steamship Benefactor U Ekies xndse. US do shoolu. 265 bbla tar. 12 aif 8 P!traw. 69.833 ft lumber, 871 bales cotton, 28 tierces rice. 13 bbls peanaU 20 do rice. 25 do roln. lfll dn mtf, mi r..,r. apt. 75 bags roogh rice. 27 bale plaestraw List of Vessels Over 100 tons in i Port Feb. 8, 1881. BARKS. THIRTV-THIflD IVY. Tni RsnAT, February 10, l So. SENATE. Jone3 Petition from certain citizens or Richland township, in Onslow connty, asking the appointment of jnstices of the peace. Cunningham Bill to charter the Granville & Ncwbern Railroad Company iuurruai ljnprovenaenis. . Dortcb bill toenconraje the invest merit ot loreign capital in the JState, mng antnonty to give tiie state's in terest m the Atlantic & North Carolina J railroad to any corporation that wouhi build a road from Goldsboro to Salisbu ry. Corporations. Ordered to be printed Merritt Bill to prohibit the sale or manafactnre of spirituous liquors -within the State. Prohibition.' Merritt bill to ascertain the seuye of a majority of the people on the ubiect of prohibition. Prohibition. HarperBill to amend the act incor- los v I .lertn -. 1 I I . . - . ' ' jjo.tju, a. rruu-Jkiiuwn a;iu i vr.i :i o Uvor r.f rl.-.. m t- - wwwu mans ilr" c-; Y . . wuaiim, was gontfaem Mails.... 7: h JZ V :L -. an s. m l' Carolina Central RaUW.y 4: Swd Andrietta, S65 tons, Bernotscn, ' ' Heide &Co or i torsbierg, 20S tons, Harraldaen, ' Heide & Co Nor Iieo, 516 tons. Andersen. Heida a. iv, Swd Brsgo, 282 tons, Nyholm, Heide & Co ior Kuner. 3SO tons. LoTicrfftMt. artA 9. to a ml or jsamona itlcnardson. 292 tons. Tnrcn. 80 a. m. I CP Mebane 00 D. m. Nor Flora, Kroeger,2fl6 tons. C P Mebane fJ? OA ras - - ' . I Am Ol.l o . . I wuaiuuciH, xec V. main Rhaltinr-1pn , r owmp uiaw open irom sa.tt.toi2 it wus, ouiaiis, Nor Bra2il!ln aw , renw ;;To' .tl urAr ;T and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. ilonev Cer Lydia Pescbau, 403 ton. Bremen, sailed from Dondon, January 7. Nor Mediator, 285 tons, Jensen, sailed HnAA1'fl Pl?f tif. from Amsterdam, Dec 26. Opoor a MTOtt trrupe Hia " "XT-.. TUiAa. one k 1 1 i ' " ftom Barrow, Dec 14. Nor Morrlg, 308 tons, Matthieseo, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 18 Nor Najaden, 239 tons, Halverseu, sail ed from St Malo, Dec 19. Nor Nordensjold, 295 tors. Abraham sen, sailed fom Oporto, Janu rt 3. Nor Norge, 44b tons, Heu.icksen, at Liverpool, Der 30. . Ger Orion, 332 tons, Klassen, sailed from Marseilles, Dec 22. Nor Provideatla, tons. HoLz. sailed from Portsmouth, Nov 19. Nor Samson, 348 tons, Naess, sailed from Liverpool, Dec 4 Ger Scharnhorst, 410 tons, sailed from Hnll, Nov 2. Nor Sjofna, 329 tons, Christiansen sail ed irom Sharpness, Dec 15. Nor StaLley, 474 tons. Wroldsen. at uonnenr, jxov 17 via Tybee. Nor Stanley, 300 tons, Gahrsen, saikd irom jaen, jjec o. Ger Star of Hops, 286 tons, Hannmann, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 22. Nor Septentrio, 343 tons, Torgessen, at Nor Theodor, 297 tons, Danlefeen, sailed irom itiverpooJ, juec 7. Nor Viva, 382 tons, Pettersen, sailed from Antwerp, er wanderer Stubing, sailed from A-ingrcad, Dec 7. BRIGS. a cr Anna, 272 tons, Pettersen, sailed revolutions a minute, the bolt head of a coupling causht the skirts of his over- coat and drew his clothing around the shaft, carrying Mr Eason around with it several times, until his clothing was reieaseu. i lie-serious injuries sustained was the breaking of the bone o the ngnt arm m two places above the elbow. Acwbcrn Xut Shell: Trenton has bad a terrible lire. The Askew corner, in cmuin tne stores occupied by CM. oy. .v Co., .S. K. Koonce, and T- C. wniia&er- have been burned. ton-pft-r . i .... . wiiu most ot their roeds: also store joit completed. open Order and Register Departmenk same as stamp office. : Cteneral delivery opsa from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m and on Sundays from 9:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for sale" at'eenerai deliverv when stamp office la closed. .'. Mails collected from street bbxas ercrv day at 9:80 p. m. ... Barker Jb Co nor jamuia, 433 tons, Sorensen, CPMebane ; BBIGS. Br Malaga, 2C8 tons, Wasson, . . v Alex Sprnnt & Son l'eschau &, Westermann er wangerland, 215 tons, Kose, Peschau & Westerman, Am John Shay, 393 toos, Nickerson, wo iiarrias & Son Nor Brazilian. S32 tons.! Hr?o- from Algers,Dec 14,' Nor Uongal, 334 tons, Danielson, at St Oyazaire, Jau"12. f Nor Diamanteu, 303 tons, Terkclsen, sailed from Plymouth. Jan 6. Ger G C Mlchels, S32 tons, Dillwiz, at Gloucester, Pec SO. Nor Hilding, 240 ton?, Jenaeii, at Lis, Nor Marie. 263 toiw. uriasgow, UCt 21. Tallakten, at hi.:. t r i . vjuio, bajsz a. inena prevanea unon me to try an "Only Lung-. Pad." and I obtained immediate relief from a racking- longed to him and he had no insurance. Carolina AleJit-al society. I'ropositionsand ffrierance? boil bill to authorize the clcrk3 ot tne bapenor Conrt tn order therojistra tion or deeds and other instruments ccuted by themselves. .Judiciary. I "M -It. t:ii . tt . um ro prwTeui rauroaci com paniea from obtaining a charter incrcJv lor the purpose of speculation. ClarkeBill to compel railroads to pay State and county" tare?." Corpora tions. .. Clarke To suard the State against rantiD improper railroad and uiinio charters. Judiciary. a. Din to amend the toustitutum with regard to taxation was made the specia order for redoesday at 12 o'clock. Senate bill 3S, to amend section 22 cuapter 10j, f Battle's Kovisal. iu re lauon to lees of constable. AnvnnHfvt that the tecs of constables be in all casts tne same aa those of sheriffs. The amend mentwaslost. The bill patted its second aa tuira readings. Senate bill 176, in regard to inspection oi umocr aua naval stores in the citv of a ... i mnmxion, was laid oa tuc tabic. i.icnarason moved that the KiHt take up House bill S2 , Senate bill 236, tor mc rcuci oi 6nenns and tax payers Passed its second and third readi Senate bill 332, concerning the insuec- m iuc wiy oi nmington, was ta bled. -e Senate bill 317, with regard to costs in criminal proceedings, was amended by the committee so as to strike oat the word "certify" aud insert 4'adjudrcd." uc oojccfc oi me dux is mat no person shall be imprisoned for costs unless the indictment was for maliciousness. The billnassed its second and third readings. House resolution 89, Setto 363, re questing our Senators and Representa lives in Congress to use their influence to repeal tho tax on snuff and tobacco uu uiuuita uisuiicu irom iruiii, was adopted. Senate bill 365. in regard to inspection lus ui ui ? imuozipu, was lata on the table. Senate bill 40i. to iacorporatc the Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor, and subordinate ledges in North Carolina, passed its second and third readings. Htm HrH Atr. ( ' ; Ger Exprtsj, 275 tons, Pretwurst, RE Heide SCHOONERS, Br Java, 177 tons. Home. S'oiwfrn0, f, f !l ? W W la?8 New Vort Otf, Am Ed ward Lameyer, ltomeSSI'g mm. , -i- I,,oiaiu aoont-i o clo;k. stop at the Grand Union Rntal. R G Rarkflr A rv l I1C uOfli Ot .MCSSrs. l or. Knnmn a nd I Hr.n1 ?u . n . rv" I Am frv V PjwiAn orfi t wr.-n.. 1X71. .. ,,"".' wi. vjuh xpiHju. jiuropean pians I -j i.v.u,(U wus, lYiiiiiuna, vnuaKcr.swcre iiartia Hvinsnrprl h or more than halt enousrh in i-rtn-- bn RHUurantnnttrniLLui t nu..... I Am Wm A DuBamup. ftrt tnnm n.ti O - " ' . ww I -..ww,,, luvugiAbQUiKIJ 1 1 , " wwuv, XJICiVTO. 1 c: i . ..... I k . JMWfc cars, stages ana eievated.railroad to , jverenner x raider Bros aii parts ol the city. ly lu-j tons, Thomas, ITcvpv v,v x-. mji am f,..v t n 7. . i rziz -rZr1 ""wub, iviuiams, saued Awaa tf as VI AVlCUVjJ W A IU9 aiCiiJ?. I SlULU lriKQit AcC 1. Fours Years Old. rpHl3 CELEBRATED JTATITl i,r Is made from the juice otthe Opon. raised in this country. It, WiS? Tonic ana: JStrengtlieiiiiif PnraEri' are unsurpassed b? any ether nuM r Beine the pore miee ort. !L"UT uaaer jar. epeers own personal iBrlr' its purity and senuineBesTsrs V2SS The yowurest child mx JT.v! J? ous qualifies, and the us? ittoadvantse. It is parnSJ? neisi to tne aged and dsbiUutedrttT ff SV every retpeet, A.WISE $7, SPEER'S P- J- Sherry, mThe P. J. BflEBRY is a Wlas af irvt Sfolden qualities of the grape Sm tiLi is made. For Pnrit. ruU found unexMll " ' SPBEB'S J. Brandv, iws liBAlTOY stands UBrlttM h Ok wuutrj, Meinj imr enpenor for k adieu noiM. - " IT IS A PURE dlstliutini. f t. . and eontains valnable medidotl proprtli It nas a delicAtA flkvn. .1... j ciRiieBirom wntcn it i hmitii ..n - - mwmudv, MIV iBTur amoQ? unucliu umum See that the icmm.inT n' 1 lfp u.... raisaie. IT. J.. ! nnr ti 1; ue. -For sale bv 17. R. onviev j t u.kij "um, ana r j, JittlDQlft 4 CO ie 26-ti ur btella, 44u . tons, Robinson, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 15. ur-rramore, 221 tons, Morrice,. sailed -w., AV. SCHOONERS. Br Warkworth Castle, 269 tons, Lauck, Gloucester, Nov 11 CLYDE'S Charf o ttu Dcaoa td : i he lie r. Thco. m aiUHMti. tor several jenra pastor of the jjapiisL cnurch iu this city, has ten dncd his resignation to thecoucreratiou i Jhfi C:brcb Thc steai" miU ff h. .-ritubbs Co.. at Tiucolnten, was burnt on uuday morning last 6ui poRcd to be thc ivork of incendiaries. 1 iu; macniOCrv Was valnahTn. onrl I.I loss is heavy, as there was no insurance.! Spirits lha city authorities have arce'd to I a contract for water "works at tv CUKY STA'lKMEA T V9 STOCK! OK HAS rXBKUAaT Tlfij 18S1. Ootten asiore 3M w Jenkins, 105 tons, Reddine. 1 -rn n . " Korthron fe r?s?n EG Barker & Co ax caneion, o?sions, Albury, E Kidder & Sons AND- awit..M.. Totai aOoat HHIHHfNH4(IMIIIIIM WjOA 8,725 IIIHWmHH .......MM.M..M.M..M. BkUa aihora..MM.M.M afloat.... r,taLM. iwiHiMim.muM,, .............tttttttt 1,361 HOUSM OF REPRESKNTAT1YKS Grain jer From the North Carolina ttl CXDCnSO Of S2.000 for tin s-itr. TouU... rach citizen to nav for thr oy hi j iamilv. t a ..... . raywteviiic bxanttuc,' - .Turl 1011, mc late csudidatc of tiie TN-nnhli can party for Governor of Xorth .Caro- fr .or. ...: lias, has iconic oat .uorvediy in favor . . TT.t1 , Viquor!aw' Mack Toto? , llvoart. the leader ni ti r..r, r j 1 At'-- ' musicians m this town a few years back, Orttfe nt. vouuju i nuum pracuceaoiner nnd mnrh I asoe more questionable arts than th:t of mn. sic,) and who left this place to avoid the I otaj,. Ttn nick C V: . . ... I u"riul Ul ni3 crimes, nas lately died I warns rza wssa ssoibs ru near Bennetts villc. S. C. .Tnm. I . . - -1 mlb Hill II II t. Mho was implicated in the rnHhv, uJ 0U0- .. 3.431 Was SentPnrrd in ion a .1 Tw font 11 Vi . n 1 T J ii . . . . aa-l-aj, iwo ui mere recently. -Loaroe .xnress: On Mnrwl I aaToars ' -.aacraii v oon s store, m Lane's Creeic townshin. Mr w;ieJ Ashcraft Ipfbihf trr v i ,! rwwa- S.U iiiiini' ii ntsir - Vliln rKco. o . aaiaia I ojZT ' " okuv, ouum o o CiOCt. nrst hlnw. I rr"' ins ont his lamn. Ahnnt. nn iin. r T- 1 1 r. . T AAWAAA ttifcti u uau icu me store thc alarm was riven by some nccroes liviDjr near. W. it r . - f sv TTTca onnrc. jur. -sncraft ran to the stow as soon as possible, and burst open the uoor, nncn it was found to f,,n f "?- CHluaL. UIUllBC VlCTf O K.lT lf tAmn tl(. wi uic oousnc entered it, torcthcr with two ncirfo men, and almost immpAttir after thay had srotten in a kfr nf T-rT-.,t 1 O WW WW k y.liwi;u ucmoiisninsr tne house and oiowmg air. A. and the two aoontoU icct across thc mad. Am nm u uoaiainan, 149 tons, Uichard- j .25, w Barker & Co Am Addle E Snow, 363 tons, Thomdyke, . . E G Barker & Co xim Kreo a maris, tons, Marts. eo Uarnss & Co xm juoiue.aois ions, strand. rto 138.04J Am Mahaska, 111 tons, Merrhnan, Master w,oi i u.j au. 10 ions, uurtis. i . EG Barker & Co - . n II : K.in I H . f T m r . . . . w ' ..... ihihiVh0 i aui i im lira l n o r . . 1 . ..m . A AAAAA . . I I II I. T 1 rl .1 . . .. I i vwuw, UUUSSM;U I " r..i J.80 a.-, . iuaater 2.70 m v-nowe, jamesen, u20 tons, Jams. I uvu. Wilminerton Steamship ft. C. Line. 32 Market St. 32 I S&t mmm THE 8TEAMEB sj r "v 6,030 Am W H Knight, 187 tons, Taws. , . . .o Hsrriss & Co ,--x u iu M jwanage, sso tons, fisher, a t JH Neff xy damson, 448 tons, Smith, Geo Harriss & Co Am Clara, 298 tons, Crammer, wtg repairs Geo Harriss II Ml i etM roa Taa wszx intve oa, Dotaestie . . M.M. ISO SIS 36S 10 Bust Weil Aug, r, Bust Well Drills, Rust Horse Poi7er- BErj&F ACTOR. OAPT. JONE3, . " vitn SATURDAY. Feb 5. tiV Bhlppew eaa rely Bpon the protnp alltoSf of Steaaers as advertised. ; -' JtJUflu, Sapt. THEO. Q. OCR. r,5?J?i?tc'B. N. 0. Wn of tho Show Case with t Shoemaker . jVTY STOCK OF BOOTS AND fiHOO JLTX- always conmlete' Call anil .mlne. Bit lsfactton guaranteed tooustomers. 5o tie time to supply your farmllo. ar?Xl ,me of those Uttiw OCOTCH SOLK. In Ti.ti hnttnni.. cf Jng la believing. Convince yourself cf lact. a&a&VL lot of h0" SCOTCH BO GAITERS Jnst received. Don't forftt old number. v C. ROSEWTHAL5 33 Itlarlict Street. COKflCfAL IIOTfcL Joreipu CbttOtU.MMM.MM..M SIS AND MOST BTJOOESSFni. ITM. P. CLYDE a no ork. wrani ttoTool.Ma ' . jaaSl oaaway, rm rork. Tar. Orada HtMHwWi.....r.ttt MMM..M...MMM.M..M. 7.E02 ncfroes Fresh Every Day were all three badly burned on all ex- A ABaoaTHEjrT OF OUT DIE 8, fn also caurnt TntS fcf i.. Frwcb J"- d foa ned severely on the breast and stomach. I ",e " ihcv were also h.idlir1n;ciwi 4 1 also hurt by bc!nr struck bv n. mv nrl Candy in the eitr. hu k r.... - "jiujj najwcr. x lie minripa sntmiH "J kocvs coots riMtk oy au parties were quite severe: it real It rJL'Tr " tao, Mats ?eems miraculous that they were VtTS - TH tTe nfaerared. GAS PIPE SHAP-rlNO and Couplings. Oasia i 5mKS Works nmsh frier inn -i.k w??' w. tvwe Aufrer an Drilli work bv tiH v.-'. J.tSotlf power bays aaoaeity for I 60 Com SolVeilt ttLV2?JZfY?r. :. . lTJ oLr-cirowH' RiMWnw " th. price oforH'w aalf p wuireraora a eora U Shoar"4' u" V. &UoT. -rsre Sample Iloojat or Commercial Trayelcn Hnw 1aj ii... DpoaherUtt'etoe;:"' A ery where that Ifarr Tftat corn was mrelo g?7 Wett M 271 jd Aw or sal by rjotice0 PFUOATION 17ILL,BS MADB TO the Oaaarat Iscerabtr. for a SaTter a freib lotcf Jan 3S n m. xurr a co. ifatloo 8at 4t tecelvi. notice Arie made to tbe Market Cuopaay. 1" "Jpton IllceWn the 'pHB PEopjiiETOB kSTlJJl aorcfif renovated this Boose aai farBifiea It jaew, Is prepared to firs to trsttltf pabUo aU taa, Mavealsaelaf f a JlwT' A-ISS HOTEL. It Is loestoa la tat rerj centre of lbs hadasts part of tt dyf ksia oave&Ieat to the priseipal brain beafA FortnSo Cv$inai fl?, City Ball Conrt Xirn, ,2 a SrrtlM nr asd MijlU sxqweesd.wftb (bis BoteL ;fcA.CHUTTk