Miscellaneous UiccollancOtttk Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous Ur.ll Boad Liiys3ric. ' SAILBOAT GOMPAHY, I , with mirth and glee Lr-r eye that fnc w.tn ftQ .Pr,tlu smile ou me i "" , .-, ind creamy while. - .;. rrcs L. ' u ,,il'tH U 5 sSJt fij. i,:uiri a-l . iKfur.iv .-peak. AIL if 0 ,.. enJer Kttje waist ran " -sru&s out; - Lv. r -' ch belong . u. . love of lutuet : c :lt:Jvr that Ue can choosy ::. Ti ,;,ve int swue laiuse: '"u "'ny valeutiue. A'.s;Viiy-vcfiiiine! f ruiue. Albeit Ellery Berg. Coram7 l&ro iu Bye- . war York pictorial published an I ii;J-J-' . . i l. i I.',,,, U-r- itiio wnai, we presume ia me f th silttv 0T1T . ' . jti.. i-.il :t lassie meetino- and r ;i lll'.il' " " 3 ? - in .i field of "rraiu. The lines K a Udia ms'-t a lassie i,a:n' tar tu ryr, ;v l; ,'iooc-iuily the other couplet: . A.' ilis Uo they smile 03 uisi c;ci-' thro the rya vflan to imply that traver3inr the .r.T'H a liabitual or common thing", but HI IL 1.1 I"" j o- - rral society could hp lue onject in -i:no!ia.f dj'Tn a crop orjjrr.nn in that i-xYt lne son?, periifjp-. s.i-c a . .i .!. . ... . : 'I'Vest SCCnt', wueiu uuuiscaw, us is iiir; n;toni m (iicat lirttain, arc at worK oioia, ami where iney wouia come ana othro-Jj;n xnc neius mueeu, uut noi -oca the rve itself, so as to meet and in it. the trutu is, tee rye id k'i case is no more grain than Itye ra-Ii is, it hcinfr the name of a s.aall, .'-.aiw stream near Ayr in "Scotland, V l:i bavins neither bridge nor ferry ii3 forded by the people going to and the market, custom allowing a lad j.'.cal akis3 from any lass of his ac p-uintance vfhom we might meet in the id stream. Our contemporary will see that this is the true explanation, if he will refer to liurns' original ballad, ic iichthe first verse refera to the lass Mtiag her clothes in the stream. J-iiay is a wt puir boddie; Jetnsy's saldoai drj; ' 1 10 drij'it a'-her petucoatie Ouiaia thro' tb rve Albany Argus. Forsctfulncss of People. We would not, by enticing headings and ftther devices, lead you into reading of the virtues possessed by Pierce's Cel ebrated Medicines were it not that - wi are aware of the forgetfalness of people. and that mast be our excuse, dear read er, forajain telling you that Dr. Pierce's w.m Medical Discovery is without an eqial 13 a blood-purifier. It cures all iamoH, from the common blotch, uim pie, or eruption, to the worst scrofula toer sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierce's Pelle ts are a pleasant but efficient cathartic. sold by drasrsrist8. - 5i. Cloud House, Chicago, 111., Jan. 20th, 1879. K. V. Pierce, M. D.: I'car Doctor I have been using your oiaen Medical Discoverv and -Pel ets or liver complaint and general debility. - .0 mipuaaiuie 10 express ine gramuae eel. It 3 fiimnlc wnnrlprriil tlif pffpet our medicines have bad upon me. I am a every way a thousand per cent, better. 1 am, yours gratefully, J. C. DAVIDSON". Wilmington. " e learn from the Review that a gen enwn of Wilminton has received a 'vate letter from Cnn0r,i Tmuon in 2icb the latter speaks of bavins spent' 'fccK in New York and Philadelphia -M the owners of these large interests r ,r:n!3 and Xorth Carolina retire. u'd oy (jeneral I., and that he was ai y them that there would be no i' Ot lunds to push to a successful P-tioa the South Atlantic & Ohio Iroad. he iirojectors of this road propose to ccnuection with the C. F. &. Y. "0.w. winch will bring their uc s by rail wHhia ninet: mile8 nmngton, with a link of only h.iVUrty'five miIes of railroad to vt'itK wujpiCiC me connecuon ta.it nort ul x Uve h, 031,1 of thQ river shall Vos. 1 . pUl-. 0 Water sufficient to nc- tacrPn- . , aa7 c!ss of vessels. With apUal w?!p water and increased r.eknSailduPJarSe ade with F!i. . inVips and Sonth Amcric Ver InK ,UadrC(1 miles nearer the nvJ?hnd th New York and iore, and th 3 ,iearer than Balti Se Hattpr!rear,e no Jaogcroas capes ? 0. u p 0J? the 7 av- Twenty years cf pnr.a ' Ksq.. imported car 3 in". . lhe Ilathaways-ino- not tCl lty ,nt0 Wilmington. 0r to Hat 01 Vl ims iraae oe re ars to be it3 natural Itc Examiner. :tft take'''8 ' 1Virnn-ton e?are ri7 of-tIie quack rostrums, as ca w;fiut -Vo r trust in Hop Bitters. ptive UWt general dslapidation. , 4 i;a-' ic t'mm - . r ru lever tIn " oc'ctB cAiratt. ui 1' u ,uicu's vjnio, says: tt:ivf.,,,;re varingthe 'Only ofh-K-t tWp nights ou i5J le ,nt couShiDff; since eeitf7 P soundly; every stomach . . Kii 'Mine should be Lost It xho stomach, liver and bo web are affected, f artrpt the en-e remedr, Hoetettr's Stom c'i siitef-e.- Dbo&ees ol ihe org-na named M'jm ot.'jprs far more Berioa?, and a delay s fh-ref: re otzardons. Djepepila, Hrer ccmplaiit. chills aad raver, early rheomatio ttits, kidr.t-j -oakBes, bring serious b idiij tro :! l? if trifled with, Lcs no time - ins.tht? etTectlve, sae aad lonf known medlcLns. For Bale by all PraggLnLs and Dealers, general j. . ' THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OB DRY FOB 31 " That Acts at the Same Time on The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys: Thesp jrrpat onrnns are the natural cleansers of the system. If they work well, health will )k perfect; ir they become clogged dreadful dis eases are rare to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING.. Jliiioumfss. Headache, typepsicr. Javndict, Constipation, Pilts, 'Kidney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes, Rheumatic Pains or Aclie are developed because the blood Is poisoned with, the humors that should lie expelled naturally. KlnNEV-VnRTWIU. RESTORE the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished; neglect them and you will Uve but to sutler. Thousands hRve been enred. Try It and you win add one more to the number. Take it aad h ealth will once more gladden your heart. IVliy suffer longer from the tornwnt ofaa aehlng titck T Why Lear inch dittrras frem Coastlpatloa and FIImT KrcyKY-tVoET wfllcure you. Try itatonceand besatisned. Your druggist has iu Trice 1.0. . tTtl5putnp in Dry Veretable Form In ETgrtin cans one package of which makes six fcqUarts of medicine. '' ' tyAlso in LIauld"Forni, very Concentrated tyfor the convenienco of those who cannot tTeadily prepare it. It acta eith equal t&efflcienci in either form. WE LLSRICli A R DSON & CO., Trop's; (WUl send the dry post-paid.) CunuxeTOS, VT.. FBOYXBBS. 1'RO VERBS. Tcr Fiuliitir srvslLa. '300 will bejmld for a case tha Hop Bit- IK'S, diZ7nca, palpita tion and low spirits, ten will net CTiw or 1 help." "Hop Eitters boilda rtiy on iiop iatiers." Hcad off- rroctsro and use lion ul tiers, and yoa wiiil)e Btrcng healtiiy and happy." tip, btrengtnens ana cures continually from the first dose.' ' "Kidney und Uri nary complain tspf all kinds perraanBntlv cured by Hp Bitters." no? Cotjoh CrM 1 the sweetest, Fatcst andbebt. Ask children. The Hop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, is superior to all tlMTH. Cure by absorption. Aaic Druggist. I. I. C. is an absolute and irresistible cury tor drunkennecs, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Alt above sold by druspista. I fop Bitters Manufocturicjr, Co., Ilochestcr, i. 1. "TjtAlen At Ton want to bo rtronp, hfiallhy and bcnutifnll Then uso llop Eitters. ' 'Tlie prcatert aVpc tLTcrt ston.ach, blood an.l liver regulator Hop Iiituaii.' "Clergymen, Tv&tv ycr3, i.aitors, link ers and Lad:es need Hop Bitters daily." 'Hop Hitters has re rtorcd to sobriety ajl hcall'h, ierf ect wrcclia from iiitcmpeiiuicc." "Sour rtom?cli, pick headache ami dozi ness Hop Bittors curtd vith a tesv doi's." Ginger, Bnchc, Mandrake, Stlllingia andj tmanv other of ths' best medicines known areconv-4 bined so skili:uiiy in barker s uinohh iukii. at to make it the greaiesi oioou runner aui j Best Healtli asdStrengta Bastorer ever nsed. arm 8kS 4 ' It cures Lyspcps;a, tineumatism. neuralgia,, Bowels; Lungs,- Liver, Kidncy3, Urinary Orgaaa; andatl Ferrjalo Compiamts. . , If you are wasting away with Consumption or Lny disease, use the Tonic to-day. Nomatterwbal ht. it u -ill surclv helo von. t Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,. Afferent from Bitters, Giaeer Preparations aodj tether Tonics, and combinesthe best curative prop-, Arties of all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist.. None eeauine vitnout our signaiure on twrapper. Hiscox & Co.. Chemists. rew York. n.ntA mm n II O A II Th best sad mast fAnKLri o Hrm DALon.ii pogJol iUir DrsilPf? 3 Do you Tiaiit a pure, bloom ing Complexion? If so, a feir applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM Trill grat ify you to yoiir heart's con tent. It does aTray with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes tho flushed appear anco of heat, fatigue and ex citement. Itmafesaladyof THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. n a Cure your Back Ache And all diseases of tbe Ktdnejs, Bladder acd Unnarj Urgia t?j wearing tee Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad It is a Mai rel of Healir? and FeUof, SIMPLE, SENSIBLE' DIRECT, PAIHLESSi POWERFULs ItICTJXLXIftT7boreaUelae fails a KVV KLATIOTand mLYOLUIION ia Wedieln Absorption or direct application, as oppose to nnjatis factory internal medicines, end for onr treatise on Kidne troables, sent free Sold by drnggist", or cent bj mail, on receipt of price, 2. Address This is the Original and Genuine Kid ney Pad. Ask for it and take The -Only' Lim?IPafl Cc WILLUMS BLOCK. no other. At -Wholesale in DOW1E MO 18'.:, oct 25 DETK0IT, Mich Charleston, K C, bj Wholesale DrsiBts. Ben j. F. Grafton, Stoby B Ladd, Halbbbt E. Paine. Late Commissioner ot PateDta stents PAINE GRAFTON & LADD. Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of Amor can and Foreign Patents. 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. O, Practice paten law in all its branches in tbe Patent Office, and in the Supremt and Circuit Courts of the Doited States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of statu for postage. "an 28 UliUmlO Btop Pianos $125 up. Paper free. AddressDsmel P. BeaUy, Washington N. J. ". in 27-4w FREE TO ALL. , Seed CtUlogoc of 80 paset, cootaiaioc descriptions sad Pries of irt mmrittiM of PUats Bssw, Hsieits, Balk, etc. in cul tivation. Also, a Colorod Plate of our Bw Doable YTklf B. ! ! " ill mil'"1 "I the receipt of a 3c. ttu&p for postog,.' Special Dewripti, Prie,-Ut of Row, fan. , Goods gaanatMa first quality. 30 grMabouM, fa) XUZ a H EC 5 KB, Louis nlle, E jan 27-1 w ii HOMES IMs TEKAS." IS TBI TiTta or A?HEW ILLUSTRATED! PAMPHLET Desoriptifo of theoantry .along , and tribu. tar j to the line of.the international land CreatlWorth- II em Railroad and eontains a good oouhtt xur of the Si ate. It also eontains the names aed addressed to Farmers and Planters ia Texas who hare Farms for Sale or Rent, and those who ill want 7a&x Hubs for next year. A eopy of this book will be mailed free to those who desire reliable information about Texas, upon application by letter or postal card to ALL-Stf MoOOY, General Freff ht aad PaaVr Agent, jan 27-4 w . Palestine, Texas GEORGE PAGE & CO, Msmtsxatctttren of - Patent Portable Circular SAW LUXLS Also Stationary aaa roruus - STEAM ENGINES O H . O VfJLXWri II Ft ia Bi) sr w riAll II A W9 fWtl ' Of ' BAiTiaiOBEi MP. Grist and Fkmr MiDOVafer Wheels. Wood WorWng and Barrel Machinery, Shtae Mill. drcular.rJaw, Mill KuppUee. TANlTK KJrTERY WHEEL.S ana uiuim.u.lkijs i.UAttiNKY. rieud for Catalesne 'jan 2T4 , ; 1 CADO ! FOBthe LH810 U Foi Balsam of Shares Oil PositiraJy Restores the Bearing and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is extracted, from a peculiar spe cies of small Waxra xabk, oaoeht in the Yellow a, ksown as Carcharodon ttondel etli Erery-Chinese Fisherman knows it ItsTirtoesas a restorative of hearing wet discoxered ty a Bud hist Priest about the er 1410 ts cures were so numerous a d many s emmgi? mirao wb, vu m medy was fficiellv rrc!aifred nr th entire Kmpir its use became so universal that for orer 300 years no Deafness has ex ist d among the Chinese peDif. Ktrt -hrges prepaid, to any a?drwe at f 1 pe Lottie. Only Imported bt J HA v Lors k CO. , 7 DeysuNew i'ork. Sole Agents for America. its nrtnesare unquestionable an J its cura tive chirac!r absolute, as tbe wnter can rernafly testify, both from experience nd ber ration. . . Amorg the many readers of tbe Review ir the pert andonnther of tbec nnfy, it Is pro bable that numbers are afflicted with deaf ness, and to such it may be said: 4 Write at once to Hay lock A Co., 7 Dev HtreeL. New York enclosing $L and yon will receive by retorn a rmedv that will enable yon to hear ike any bed y else. aid whose eararlTe effect vi:l be prmar ent 1 on will never rretret 'foing eo."-Editor f NewYork Mersaitn Review, Sept 25,1882 i .ti Notice. 4PPLIC ATION will be nude to tbe prea ent Lerislatore to ineorporata the JtonBiceMUl Company," " m mm- nnii i inn IILLIUIV Cures by ABS0EPTI0N (N'atcre's way) LUWG DISEASES. THROAT DISEASES BREATHING TROUBLES. It DRIVES INTO the system enrsUre agents and healing medicines. It DRAWS FhriM the diseased parts the poisoss that cause death. Thousands Teetify to its Virtues, Don't despair ustil you hare tried this 8-nsib!e. Jvaasly Applied and HADIOALLY Etr.GTUAL Bemedy. old by l)t utTKiflti, or sent by mail on re ceipt cf price, $2, by Send for Te'sii- Th 'Only' IiUllff Pad Co. TOAfi i a 1 a n r1 moniais book, 'Three Millions a uuva Williams Block, Jear.' Sent 2etroit, Iicb. free At Whdlesa'e in Cbarlttton, 8. u., by DOWIE A MUISE, Wholesale Dru?git. oct 35 J2ST" The following quotations represents wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged BAGGING Standard 12K 10 & 5 13 Q 10 C 13 2 8A00N North Carolina, Bams, ? S Shoulders; e? 2s Sides, V lb..... M Western Smoked Hams..M.M.... 12 6 U 10 Sides, fr 2 M BllOUlddrsaseeeaseM try Salted Sides, 9 lb. Shoulders, yp ft).............. B EEF Lire weight...MMM... 9H 00 2K 'SAKuaiLS Spirits Turpentise Second Hand, each......... . Wew York,eack, new....... 1 90 BSSWAi ft) 20 O I 75 8 2 00 e 21 800 Ol4 OS 0 18 33 9 40 I BB1CK8 Wilmington, 7 00 Horthern 00 BUTTES North Carolina ft) 12 25 25 10 tl 14 14 10 28 Northern, 2). CANDLES Sperm ft....M PaYltw m TS. Adamantine, set..... WT,, V W.M..MM.M.,.M. 0 , Northern Factory, V 2 Dairy eream, V .. . Stat, V 2)..... COFFEE ajara, ft)......... Bio,p ft)....M.. M .,,... Lagnyra, y Jb CORK toEAL V bnshel.... o o 15 11 SO 20 20 75 60 18 9 72KO 76 O OOTTON TIES-V bdl.. uuaucsTiu : Sheeting, 4-4 yard... Tarn, y buneh . 1 10 FASH Jfaokerel, No. 1, 7 bbl.lfl 00 JT0.1,bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl....l2 60 No. 2, K bbl.. 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3."?? bbL....0O 00 Mallets. V bbl 3 5C 7 I 20 o 38 00 10 B0 00 00 O O e o o G O o o o o 6 60 6 25 3 75 6 00 0 4 00 6 60 6 60 8 60 7 25 7 75 8 25 N. C. Herring, Vkesr....... 5 5D T 0 00 6 00 6 00 7 00 7 00 7 60 stiiUUU Fine Super, Northern, V bbl. Extra do' " V bbl. Family " bbL.. City MUlExBuper W bbl. Vamllirr.i1 "Ex. Family ainiifc -n Rsrsaai bbL.. 8 00 M mTIliiZKKt . . Ferurian Guano. 2000SM.OO 00 Carolina Fertiilxer " 00 00 Narassa Guano, " "00 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano....M....00 00 GLUE- 9 ft ..................... 8 GUAIN Corn Jtore, 661bs 70 O70 00 O40 00 00 00 067 00 OiO 00 40 00 945 0 00 14 Cera, cargo, y 66 fis....M Oorn,yeL, V busheL Oats, V bushel Peas, sow, bushel.. ...... HIDES Green. ? ft) ......... Dry, 5 2)M HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... North BiTer, ? 100 lbs.... HOOP IRON ? ton....... LARD Northern ft) North Carolina ft).. 68 0 67? 60 & 69 68 62 75 12 25 15 80 CO 70 10 20 1C 85 10 11 0 G G G e o G G LIMJf V DbL.............M. LUMBER City steam sa'wd 8hipstuir,resawedrMft.l8 0G Roughedge plank. Mft.16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? M ft.. .13 00 Dressed flooringessoned. 15 00 Scantling and boards, com . - Bon 9 M ft ........ ...12 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl 3T Cuba, bbls., 9 gal M. Zd Sugar house, nhds. gal. 25 " bbls. gal... 57 Orleans Choic bbls. V gL 00 NAILS Cut, 20dtt4d,?k3g.basi QZO 00 18 00 16-00 CM' CO 00 00 3 75 9 0 OILS Kerosene, "9 gal...... 14 70 75 25 60 00 25 f,0 9 m 9 O o G C? 2 18 Lard, gal Linseed, V g1 Kosxn, gaL PJLANDTS V busheL sets ss 90 60 60 00 POTATOES Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern. ? bbL.... 7 PORK Northern, city meos.17 Thin, bbL.. 00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra).... ...CO 00 00 CO QOO 00 GOO 00 Mump, V bbl ....00 00 ttlCE Carolina, "j? East India, ft.. Rcnrh. V bushel. ft) 7 7.H 00 25 IK IX 00 IC lk Ui 9 4AOB-Country. ? ft) Oitj, B OPF . .... s - tiemp MariiiIaM 8 ALT Alum, $ sack 70 ts 85 Q 00 & fO o 00 00 00 CO oc 10 00 H CD 7 60 75 Liverpool, $ sack. American v sack Marshal's re,? sackM. e Cadis V iek.... SUGAR Cuba, V S. eee tr Porto Rico; ft.. A CorTee, g? & B " 7f a C " ft 9 sr Ex u- a Ornshed V x ,SSi, m dOAP Northern, B g SHINGLES Contract, 8 CC x Common, 5 M.. 2 00 BTAFE3 W. O. bbL M.12 6C R O hhd. V E..M . CO CO TAUXTrV v ft.. 6 TIMBER Shipping ? sf M.12 00 Mi'l, extra per 1! 10 CO Still, prime per M .10 00 Mill, fair per M 8 00 Common, per MMM...MM.M.5 00 Inferior to Ordinary, per Ai 4 60 BISKEY North'n, per g 1 25 North Caroina, per gal 2 00 WOOL Unwashed, par 21 Washed. jer 35 Bsrrr wooU per 18 M,l,H a a 7 2 1C CO Ml You Can De Relievel & Cnrefl. ceo oc 47 15 0U 14 00 913 CO & 9 00 7 CO 47 6 00 O 5 00 O 2 80 49 00 O Ql 29 JOSH, r . J AMES vNi PUBLISHER Ispablished Every Aiternccn i -i ii t7 a y s fc ; t e pica ). At the following r&tci?, pustago !i.i Oce Year,.., $5 Six Months... Thiee Moniiis.... 1 a.. One Month.... The paper will be delivered carrier?, free of charge, in any part of the city at the tboverrates, 13 cents per week. ,jThe Daily Heyiew ie now in foTUlh year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and eteadiiy incrcaeirg snbscrip tion list,"and presents to merchants and others a ruoBt de&irabie medi- uro for ndverUs;ner! 1X1 12 WILMINGTON MMkl J OSH. T, J AMES Is pr.bb'shfe i - V i.Y FKiLAY. the icM(v.ius rttt : (ice Year . . Six ilciithy . . . Three Monthe 00 1 lit- sr ! T til tea largely in tl e djciEix. ccud ties as well as in the Western tor tions of the State and presents on equalled facilities to merchants for making known what they hare for e&le J r .vsiioingain Ky.;Nv 37, l?Rv UriANOT? QT BCliEDULF.i l Oz and kfMr NVrrrtjhi' SSthl- .80', a' ..16 P j, Pansr Trsif . . a . th V, il mintoa A WoJjoa '."iiirri4 w it i. rpn as DAY MAIL AND SXPiUS TRAl J Nrn. 47 North atd IVoth. "1 Leave WlimicprtD, FrcttOt-Depot at............ ......... ,. . 6.40A m Arrive at Weld&saL - .......... 1! 0 P ia Lese Weldon.. ...... 8 0"P k Arrive at WilrDiajttP:;, Prcct yt. Depot sL.a.......... M t5'X' M Fast "Jhroosh Mai rd TsfffrAr Trtir Dtily Noi. 43 'rrth std 40 South. nt Pt.- Dpf t at . 8.03 P Arrive atWeldot.. leave Weldon . ... .1.42 A .. .. 6.20. . tt. U ri. r Arrire at Wlhi i i Drrot . Train No 40 o. .-.10.10 P M h will stop cr'.y at Roeiv Pcint, Burfravr, nth Waeblogten. Mssr o ha, lit t hve, Gcldtbrro, Y ilson, litckv Mount, Enfild, and Halifax. Train No 40 Sonth vlll stop obIt at Rt ciy Mount. Wilsor, Golsboro snd Magnolia. Niht Ptsieaeer, Mail and rxpress 7 aauy x . 45 Acrth acd 2 rtt utli. Leave Wllinlagtor, front St. Depot at.. , i li j Ar"Te Jeldonat M' 4 J5 a Laye Leiden, ;.. i 43 A Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.. 8 50 A Traim on Tarboro Braneh Road leavt iiccky Monntfor TarDoro at .SO P U daiiy find . nesday, Thursday and datUKir at 6:U A aJ. Leturning, leave Tarboro. at - 8.60 'ffftin rNo ,47 n.akf s cioe connection at Weldon for all points North daiL . Ail rai 1 via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via By Line. t . Train No. 45 runs yia nichmond and Washington, and makes close connection daily to Richmond, and daiir except Bsluv day nights for all points north ot Richmond. Train No 43 runs daily and makes close connection Tor all points North . ria , Rich, mond and Washington. 00 V. : k n 0,idv tween Wilmington I and Washington, and ha pn.- 0-1- " Sleepers Attached. , . r "" NOHN F. DIVINE. ftiaVal H-4 25 A. POPE,.Gen'lPMs.Agen; . 50 : X Gen'l Suo'ts Officei" by WIJ.HINGTOH COLUMBIA AD bailboapNjo WSltrtntrton, S O.. Nor 7. UPO OHANGF O? S0HEDT71.K On sod after Novmhr Mt ""loonx 3f if M tbe fo,.Iowing Passenger Pchednl u uo run uu iuiu roaa or iay i-asseoger, Mail and FTrreM Trln daily Nos. 42 West and 43 East UayeWilmlagton.........., ft c0 s M Arrive at Florence. ! L6 p M Arrive at Wilmington. 7 43 P M NIGHT EXPRE8P TRAI58 (Daily).. Nos. 40 West and 47 Eat, f Leave Wilmingtor....,..., . io 25 P M Leave rjorence.. . . 3 07A A Arrire at C C and A Junctloa...... 6.00 A M Arrive at Columbia. M, ... e i0 ATM Lesre ColnmbU........wio 00PM Leave U Land & a Janction..10 20 P M Leave Florence 3 CO A M Arrive at Wilmington........... 6 20 A M -J11 .,Trl stops only at Brinklev's. Whiterille, Flemjngtrr, Fair Bin, Marlon. Florence, Timmonsnlle, MaysTille, Bumter, Camden Junction 'aad Faston. ' A Passengers for Columbia, and all points oa O. A C. IL R. 0., C 4 A B B, Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points .beyond, should take No 40 Night ExpVesV - ' Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augu ta on trains 40 and 47, . ? irina un 80lid between Charleston, and Wilmington, - i nov 291 . r. .. . , , ., the a5iosJ Arises-? OAJiOLINA CENTKAI,: RAH ROAD COMPANY. j . : OnioiOiiEii bi;j'iaifcr'vx7, y Wilmington, N. a, Dec 11. IK80J Change of Sckkdtjlk, C N AND AFTER December 12, 1880, the . ' v h"lnl wtll be operated on t-i Railroad : Passenger, MaU and Express Train. DaUy except Hnnday Mo'kl No 2 f Leave ilr,ingtot.w..9.10 A (Arrive at Charlotte at....6.10 P lU-ave t bsrlotre at.r. ..6.20 a ) -riiveat -Wimiagton at.4. 20 P Traits No 1 std 2. ite r at rao-nU, . 0BJy Md-lPj',tt eeitated.ia ibeOrmpa- Vva Tim Takl. ny's Time Table. Passetger, . ii t6d. Through Freight Tialn j-eave vvumlngtoa at-.-. l' P ArriTpaiuamlet at U2t A at Charlotte au. . 15 A ijet, Chaxiuttc av '- 73L" I 6 . A . r at Ha !eiu.. 1.2 j ; t!tiingift a! 1M5 A o o4i! ?icevt psndav, tut oprweti -p t. r tali -'ata'csT i i.'t Jsoi!j ajcept r, to day. 4U Kvtnt 1 Arrive at i-Ieib, af.....l?..23 y'- ho. . i"ffeib3 atiT. 1:25 P fc. A'W. .1 C'fiarlctte ftL...aui5 P , Train, ff-t 5 art! ii.t.e d c. Vrctiwt l iti i . uC Xtfu, f.eJrffh, P-seept'ae f ivwk n . . lltS between Paleijt 1 hri ' CMt.-' Priaccai Etrcet. in "Ere-a'cxit tL W I L M 1 21 O T O 3, ' c, A r ess;rtaent of Coftiis and Csa ai. aaa 1 .-a as VSf . sxa varnished. Orr. by isle rtpb cr mil promptly fllie f, : n 2d tail AU M M M M to If et-M-ly-nrm. 'ae?6