fifWiaad tmr, Ckm;esied. Tho General' Assembly, TEI8TT0PM2 DAY. 1? bully, Febraary 11, 18S1. SENATE. BatUsoa Pctitioa from certain citi zens of Xittr Hanorer- county, praying the continuance of the Criminal Court m the city of Wilmington. . : Judiciary. Scott, of New Hanorer From certain citizen of -New Hanorer comntj, pray in the abolition of the Criminal Court. Faiaon Bill to raise revenue by tax in dora, - Referred. Ilerritt BUI to retire and consolidate tho public school law. Ordered printed and placed on calendar. Pridgen Bill to incorporate Cape Pear Lodge, No. 1,841, of the Graod United Order of Odd Fellows, in the town of Smitbrille, Brunswick county. Beferred. On motion, tho solution of Gieun relative to inquiring of the Governor about the interest of the 8tate .in the Western North Carolina Railroad, was taken op and adopted. On motion of Cunningham, Senate bill 436, to charter the Danville and New Birer Railroad, was taken, up. Passed its second: reading. . Hons bill 405, Snato bill 432, tore tflbre to the- omon school fund the money expended for the support oi nor mal schools, passed its second and third readings. HOUSE OF REFRKSKN YJLTI V Vhi. Bills were in trodnccd and niferrcl as fallows: . McCauley To pro ride for euminon ing witnesses before justices of tho peace irora other counties. Judiciary. HcClare To provide for the Institu tion.of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Calendar. ' "' "' BuntincTo nrovido for thts, aecom modatipo and pay of jurors who havo to be kept together. . Perry To make it a misdemeanor to commit an assault and battery en one s wife', and to make the wife' a competent witness for against per husband, in such cases. Referred Simpson To amend the law concern ing the dntiel of coroners. , Jadiciary. House bill to prevent , the sale of mer--chandise in the' city , of "Wilmington on vSanday waff tabled. Senate bill 270, to require the Poblic Treasurer to sell city bonds and apply the proceeds to tho common schools, -was taken up, on motion of Webster, and passed its several readings. - House bill to secure the record of pro bate of deeds and other instruments was put on its several readings and passed. Senate bill) 247, to incorporate tho Clarendon Water forks' Company, of Wildingtoo, was put'os its second read ing. Oreeo, of Craven, moved to amend by striking out section .7 of the bill. Webster opposed the amendment. The amendment was voted down. Dunn offered an amendment submitting it to the people of Wilmington. . This amendment failed. The bill theu passed its second reading, and ' was put on its third and passed. House bill .to regulate official adver tising, and providing that the sales of real estate,' by order of court, shall be published in a newspaper, ' passed its several readings. IRoekingham Spirit: Mr. W. T. Heard succeeds O. D. McRae, Esq., as - railroad depot r agent and telegraphic operator at this place. Raleigh . Naea and Observer: The first week of the revival meetings at the Baptist church is nearly at a close. J3ie attendance continues to be verj'Iarce, and the deep interest felt is ' on the increase.- The authorities at Washington have established the office of assistant district attorney for the eas ' tern 'district of North Carolina, and have appointed thereto Willis Bagtey,Esq., of Jackson, Northampton - county. Air. Bagley'is a brother of MeJ. W. li. Bag. lev, of Raleigh. , .Cnarioue Uoserver: in.8ttid teat a single pair of the German Qcarp with which some of our waters have been late Aj stocked will produce twenty thousand toudc. la one etason, ibey ouht to aavo the pond to themselves though. .From a reliable source it 3 learned that the negotiations for. the leose of the Air-Line road by the Kicbmocd & Dan ville are at an end. .-The-owners ol the Air-Line hold it too high and the Rich ctond Danville men ha va drawn off. ' Asbcvillo Kcwsi : Charles Goodlake shot - a: negro, last Sunday, in front Burton s eating saloon, iao negro was shot twice on the left side. Ono ball struck a rib, but the surgeons have not Been able to ascertain wnetaer it pene trated the body or not. It seems that the negro and a brother of Goodlakes had a diEculty and were trying to fight, and Charles coming up during the a a ray shot the negro. ..Tho wound is a danger ous one. Go to JacobiJs for. Daors. Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowast prices. t LOCAL NEWS. The Board of Aldermen meet this af ternoon but too late for thi3 issue. ' The 32ary Bear Ashore From the Signal Office in this city -vve learn that the schooner Mary Bear went ashorq at Cape Lookout on Satur day night. The Mary Bear, from Xa vassa Island, loaded . with phosphates and bound for this Fort, put into Cape Lookout Saturday with her sails blown away and cut of provisions. She anchor ed in the, "hook" but during tho a!e Saturday night she ragged Lcr anchor and went ashore oa the ' bite." The Revenue Cutter Colfax went to the echooner's assistance, supplied .her with food and stayed by her until after the storm. v The pilotuoat Uriah Jimmons left Smithvillc with provisions this morning. The Cutter came to this city yesterday and notified the owners of the Echooner and retcrned to Cape Lookout this morning5. It is thought that the FchooDer will be afloat on the hirh tide this afternoon. She is not damaged to any very great extent and is resting in a "comfortable" place. Mr. 15. F. 1'errv, of this city, the Underwriters' agent went to the vessel yesterday. Two Organs. llegulate first the stomach, second the liver ; especially the first, so as to per form their functions' perfectly and you will remove at least ninetecn-twentieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any ther climate. Hop Bitters is the only Xhiiig that will give perfectly healthy action to these two organs. Manic Farmer. 7 0u , . 5.30 ! lii .i. Hi :t. in. p. m. 8:10 a- r:i. p. m. Quarterly Ueettngs For tho Wilmington District, Metho dist, K. Church, South, 1881. (First round .) . WhiteviDe, at Whiteville, j Feb. 12-13 Waceamaw Mission, at Bcthesda, Feb. 15-16 Brnaswick, at Bethel, - - Feb. 19-20 Topsail; at vVesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle, ,- - March 6-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, March 12-13 Cokesbury, at nails, - - March 19-20 The District stewards will meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Tilxninff ton. at ten o'clock a. m. on the 13 f eo. a run aiteuaancB is ocsuvu L. 8. BcarncjLD, iM.i'i;f.. via J. N. Bice, of Toledio, Ohio, says: Jly father, before wcarbg the 4,Only Long Pad," coild not sleep nights on account of his violent coughingJ since wtariog it he has slept soundly every I TliE MAILS Tho mail cloao and nrrtv.-. Pot Office a3 follows : Northern through rani; Northern through and v:iy rnaila Raleigh Mails for tbe C. liiiroa I, and routes supp'icti th-to- from, including A. & X. C. Railroad, at....,,,....... Southern mails for all point South, daily 3 am and Western mails (G CU'y) daily (except Sunday) Mail for Cheraw & Darling- ton7 7:45 Mails for points between JFlo rence and Charleston . is a ru k 7:45 p m Fayettevilie, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays 1:00 p.m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except-Sundays 8:10 o. m, Onslow H. and intfrmedi- ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.. C.O'J . m Smithvllle mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sundays):... Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, S. C, every Mon day and Thursday at C:00 a, rc, Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 0:00 in. OrEN FOB DZL1V12KY. Northern through cad way r mails..., .7:00and 7:30 a. m. Northern mails 9.00 a m Soutkern Mails 7:20 a. m, Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. rn Stamp Office open from 8 a. tn. io 12 M.t and from 2 to 6:30 p. rr.. Moajy Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. t General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 0:00 p. m.t and on Sundays from 8:30 to 0:30 a. m. Stamps for afc'gcneral delivery when stamp office is closed. . . Mails collected from stre-t bnes every day at S:30 i. in. List of Vczizli Over 100 tens la J:-' ' Pert Feb. 8 1881. V ' barks. ' SwdAndrietta,S6o tons, Bernotsen, Helde ACo Nor-1 fcorsbierg, 293 tons, Harraldsen, . Heide & Co Nor Leo, SlCtons, Andersen, Heide & Co Swd Bregs, 2$2 tons, Nyholm, - . . ' - J . Heide tx, Co Nor Ifniier, S80 torjs, Longfeldt, Master Cr L.dinond Itldiardsou, 202 tons, Turen CPMobane Xor r lora, Eroege.rOG ton, C P Mebaue Am j.iaxier, Sli tons, Smalls, EG Barker fc Co Nor CiTvilU, 43 tons,'borensen, CPMobane BRIGS. Dr 3Ia!ag3. 2t".y tons, Wasson, ' v Alex bprunt & Son Ger C F Haas, 207 tons, Zeplin, 3 1'e.achan & WestermanD er Wanserland, 215 tons, Rose, EPescbau A Western) or, Am John Shay, 396 tons, Nickerson, Geo Harriss & Son Am Mary E Penceil, 251 tons, Mitchelg, Geo Harriss & Uo Ger Exprts-i, 275 tons. Fretwursr, RE Heide SCHOONERS. iJi J7 2, 177 tons. Home, fcrthrup & Camming Am Edvrsrd Lameyer, 145 tons.Kendall, H Q Barker & Co ia Mary F Corson. 276 tons, Williams, Geo Harriss & Co Am Win A DuDosque. S6 tons, Gates, Kerchner & Calder Bros Am KaUen, 102 tons, Thomas. Northrop & Camming Am CameM Richardson, 283 tons, Rich ardson, EG Barker & Co Cr Carleton, OS tons, Albury, E Kidder & Sons Am Wm Jenkins, 103 tons, Redding, G Barker & Co Am Wm H Boardman, 149 tons, Richard son, EG Barker & Co Am Addie E Snow, ICS tons, Thorndyke, E G Barker & Co Am Geo S Mai1.?, 442 tons, Marts Geo Harriss & Co Am Lottie, 202 toas, Stroud, Master Am Mahaska, 111 tons, Merriman, Master Am Lucy il Collins, 107 ton?, Curtis, EG Barker & Co A iu (r M Brainard, 242 tons, Kuneston, Master m Charlotte, Jamesen, 320 tons, Jama. SOI), Am W COIHimOIAL UU Am 8. CO a m 11 KnighL 1S7 tons, Taws, ' Geo Harriss & Co ia M ridridse, 330 tons, Fisher, Geo Harriss K Co Br Julia Elizabeth, 60 tons, Ingram, J H Neff Am A I) Lamson, 443 tons, Smith, - Geo Harriss & Oo Am Clara, 208 tons, Crammer, wtg repairs Geo Harriss ' Hkxuy Tan Nortwick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon me to try an "Only Lung, Pad,' , and I obtained immediate relief from a racking cough. I Icnoiv the Pad helped me. See Adv. . . ' THE BEST PAP&H Ui ST itoAutifttllj 'ZUutratfdLSth V Hho Scientific .msrican. NswYork W68Hy Heraifl. ONE COLLAR A Y5AR, rpiIE CIRCULATION of tala Dooslar L newspaper tui increased darioe tho pact yoir- It contaicB all the leading news of I tae naiiy tieraid, ana is arranea in nanay a.-arimenis. ice if - - FOREIGN NEWS enibrtcet apeoisl dispatches from all qun AMERICAN NEWS are ivec the Telgrapfcic Deftpatchea of the weec from all parta of th. Vcvm This tea- tare tlone makoa THE WEEKLY HEP.ALD the moat valuable chronicle ia'the world, as it is toe cheapest. JfiTry week is ffiren aiiaiinim report or POLITICAL KEWS embracine oairplele and cempreheriiTe despatches from WaehlntcB. ineludia2 full reports of the si eeshec of eminent politic lass j on tne question cx the hour THE FAH vl DEPABTMENT or the Weekly Herald fires the la! est 43 cents. Ka r ported, .' ' tio&ai-Jbvz. : i.aitiat tijr xor Strained aid u oicj Good atrained. Sales C bbla Strain at tl 8714 -' TAR-Onntflfl f m At t2.03.siar bW ef 280 lbs. BalezIrecelpU at quotations. CitUDE TUBPENTINS-Q(aoted; quiet and ateadyat" SI SO ltor Hard and $3 09 .for Yellow Dip. - ' .V ? -CXiTTON Quoted aleu Wo sales reported Tbe follewiag are tbe ofioUl quoiattoaa: rdioary. low juaaiiug...... Hid:in. a IK- 19 7-iS 11 Cants a u Cottoa. Spirits Tarpei: tloeiB far WMSSlfttlIMH e e MtSHMssf we . Crade Tcro jiue SS8 baltar 4S cask s w 1SS9 bt 162 71 S1AKIITE IJET7S. ABU1TSD. Stearaer iliaabelb, IBlsboe, SfeitiiYll, Mister. - steamer Ware, Robe&ea. . Fayetteyltle, Williams ft Murchboa . Br brlgZlngtt, iuriu. Matanxas, Hanter. Ger barau isobHrnnarat. Herder, tiull. Pesobau 4k. Vfestermann. Nor brhr liliaiutr. Ju?en. Lisboo, C r Metoane. - ? OLSAUSO. Steamer Usabetii. Biabee, SraitbTUle, alaster steamer Wave. Robesoa, Fayetterllle, Williams it Murchlaon, Nor barque Flora, Krozer. Glasgow. Alex Sprnnt & Son. uer oris wanseriana. iwe8. noiieraaiB. DeBosset&Co. , roaatsa. brig Wanserland-199f t Flora 2969 ftals Uotterdrm Ger bbls roain. Glaasow JTor ibarque rosin. WEEKLY STA'I ISAIEXT at sioeza as sasd raaatrjuiT lath. 188L Cottoa tstiore......... ...kM..(MMM..M afic&t., TctaLm HMI'IHm.HHmiMWIIIIIH Spirits ashore asoat..........MM.;...M........MM. 3,874 3,M Total, 9.419 afloat TotalM e eeeea 189J69 4.989 .144,289 AM WVIIiniHIHi . ... -Y. . Total.. uraoe aanortw. aHoat., eeeeeejeeej eeeee Totalm.. i BicarrTa roa m wasx iipiii rta OottonM.MM......M..., eeea see w Spirits Kosin. 3.87S Q 3,028 2,241 2,241 14. Tar. 'fMMISStlfftMHtMSMMtSMtSISe t eee4eeseaeaeiaeee4eee Orcd6eeeaee azroars roa Taa waxx asraiae rai, jDoaoettto Gottosu. SpiritsM. ttosia.MMMMM..MMMM.M Tar.M. Oradew .... M. MMWWM.MtH.m.MIWBt 1,519 10,767 i,048 AM7 14. 9,908 ai9 887 Joreisa. ottcn i Spirits, i tfnHmummmmMH. .. ... ... ........ mm. 2, 3,598 M. ....... n un M...M.MMM...M...M... ..... l?cr this fort ljrcti lITcrcia Pert Kor AH Sch weiard, 42 tons, Joimsou, at UTerpooi. Jan v. , TXat folios, 23S toss, ITrogb, ckarad from Uaixza; IMC 29. Nor Atlantic, k432 tons, Knudiec, at L-i?erpoo;, jjec i. Nor Bonafide. 511 tons. EUeLseo,. at Algiers. Jan 5. Ger Carl Mai, 294 tons, Beyer, sailed from Liverpool, Jan 1U Ger Charles ZOO tons, Langhoff, cleared from London, Jaay 20 : Nor Credo, -371 tons, Cbristophersen, sailed from Lrrerpool, Dec 4 Swd Danhne. 714 tons. Westerbers. at (iloucester, Dec SO. Ger Elsie Mtzler, J73 tons,Dsbms, sailed fiom Dantzle, Dec. 18 Nor Erato, 283 tons, Salversen, sailed from Cardiff, Oct , Tia AipmwalL Nor Fr itbjof, 441 tons, Johnsen, sailed from Amsterdam. January 6.v JSwd Gefion. 471 tons. Borsersan. saikd Irom Stettin, Mov 8. Swd GQstafa,813 tons, Arnoerg, at Lit- erpocl, 'Not 21.'- 1 Nor Gy Her, 489 tous, Ustensen, at rira- cro. uecemoer id. . GtrHermann Wolff, 581 tons, Pormlao, sailed from Glasgow, Jan 20. Nor Hiemmet, 380 tons, insemondsdn, sailed from LiTerpool, Dec 15. Nor Jenny. 488 tons. Corneliensts. at Gloucester, Deo 2. Swd Jens, 397 tons; Hackansson, sailed rom Gottenberg, Not 2.'J. , Br John T Smitla, 396 tons, Trefy, cleared trom Dublin, Jan 18. - Ger Lydia Pescbaa, 403 tons, Bremen, sailed from London, January 7. v? Nor Mediator, 285. tons, Jensen, sailed from Amsterdam, Dec 26. Nor Minde, 370 tons, Andersen, sailed fjom Barrow, Dec 14. ' Nor Morrlg, 363 tons, Matthieseo, sailed from LiTerpool, Jan' 13 i 1 Nor Najaden, 239 tons, HaJrersezi, sail d from St Malo, Dec 19. Nor Nordensjold, 295 tors, Abrabasa scn, sailed from Oporto, Jontry 3". ; Nor Norge, 446 tons, Heuiicksen, at Liverpool, Der SO. , Ger Orion, 332 tons, Elassen, sailed from Marseilles, Dec 22. Nor FroTidentla, tons; Holz, sailed from Portsmouth, Not 19. ' Nor Samson, 348 tons, Naess, sailed from LiTerpool, Dec 4 Ger Schafnborst, 410 tons, sailed from Hull, Not 2. Nor Sjofna, 329 tons, Christiansen sail: ed irom Sharpness, Dec 15. Nor StaUey, 474 tons, Wroldsen,, at Honlleur, Not 17 Tia Tybee. Nor Stanley, 300 tons, Gabnen, sailed from Caen, Dec o. - Ger -Star of Hope, 286 tons, Hanmnann, sailed from LiTerpool, Jan 22. Nor Septentrio, 34S tons, Torgessen, at LiTerpool, Dec 2. Nor Theodor, 297 tons, Danielsen, sailed from Lrrerpool, Dec 7. Nor ViTa, 382 tons, Petterson, sailed from Antwerp,. - Ger Wanderer,! Stubinjr. sailed from jQngroad, Doc 7. I BBIGS. Not Anna, 272 tons, Pettersen,. sailed from Sharpness, Dec 9. - Nor Brazillian, 332 tons," Berge, sailed from Alters, Dec 14, Nor Congal, 334 tons, Danielson, at St Oyazaire. Jan 12. ; ;Nor Diamanten, 303 tons, Terkelsen, sailed from Plymouth, Jan 6. Ger G C Uicbels, S32 tons, Dillwi z, at woucesier, iec ou. Nor Hilding, 246too, Jensen, at4Lla aon, Oct 21. Nor Marie, 203 tons, Tallaksen, ; at Glasgow, Oct 21. Br Signal, 312 tons, Williams, sailed from Bristol, Dec 1. Br Stella, 443 tons, Robinson, sailed from LiTerpool, Jan 15. Br Tramore, 221 tons, Monk3, sailed from Bristol, Deo 15. SCHOONERS. Br Warkworth Castle, 259 te ns, LMfk Gloucester, Nov 11 aica - Perseus anr ... n -vat it A 61 I TJ 1 Two TWngs lor Sunday- e Scliool Teachers, CLYDE'S AND rilHE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES: A I 1 16-rag:e weekly paper for teachers, bu- a. - a . a m . 1 permienuenia, ana pastors.' ine low cJub rates enable tne teachers of any school to taxe it. Jbrora l to 4 copies, $2 each.' Front a to copies, m a package to one address, a.uu eacu. a rom iu to iv copies in a Dacav ae ta one aaoress, 91.25.' Twenty . copies ormoie. in a pacJcag-e to, one address. SI each. No charge for nostaee. Snbaerirw Wiiminfiton. Steamship Line. Speer's Fort Grape i made from the Jnlce ot ihtf 0 j raised In this country, lu hJ; Mc W. StrenllEHiij y are unaurpaiaed br aav i Beins: the pure juice of the gripe, uader Mr. Spear's own persraal s-o its purity and senuioeaea arsm The youngest child may partab a h ous qualities, and tbe weakest w use it to adTantsRe. It b puH fieial to tbe ared and d.bilitit .. to the various ailments tL,tiet en !K; respect, A WWi!k , , - SPEED'S P. J. Sherr -; . - ... i The P. J. SHERRY IssWk RIOR CHARACTER, and srahtfi olden qualities of the grspe &oaL is made. For Purity; Richueat hr MEDICINAL PROPKRTlEViii iousu unesreiiea. - i ; ,.j , - -. aP. J. Brar.i This BRANDT standi BorinUki Country, being; far superior foritfki poses; - j IT IS A PURE difrtlll&ticB frcsitt and contains raluable medidod pre? It has a delicate fiaror, rimflir no t the rapes from which it h dMH i in great faror among first-cits foaflk cee tnat tne signatcre o' AJTred t Paesaio, N. J., is over thi oork of tid tie. : ; For sale by W. H. OREM,J. a Kit urnggUta, and P UHWUiir i i 32 RUarket St. THE STEAMER well as tha most practical susrrestiins smd I tions will be taken for anv nortlon of iTur diicoreries reJatio? to the duties of the farm I at yearly rates. - The oaoer will be RMit. er, bints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Qi ains, every week for three montht, on trial, to a Trees, Vegetables, 4tc, Ac, with sujfjtesiiars new subscriber, for twenty-fire cents, Spe for keeping buildinRS and farming utnsils cimen copies free. in repair. This is suppiesaOTted by a well- THE SCHOLARS' QUARTERLY. Pub edited department, widely copied, undfrlthe liahed every three months. This is Just head of riMiE ftOIKM'iyiC AMERICAN 13 X Urge Firfet-OIaM WeBkly Na?rep3pero; rniteeaiees, rmlea m toe most beiutifa stjle,.protasety ulostratea wiia splendid en ararisg?, repr3entiQ(c the newest Inven tions and th.9 nioet recant Advances in tbe Arts and ftcieacej; lBcladiatr .New and In terestinj: Facts ia Agriculture, Horticalrsre ens uome, nea:n, wcaica: irogress, bcria Science, 2atara) Historj.AJeoloffy, Astrono' my. The most valuable practical paoars. by 1 . 4 . 1 ' J t. 1 1 . . naineai wrimra ia ai urpurimecici -"cieaci will be found in the oc entitic Americio. Terms, $i 20 per year, $1.0 half yesr, wnicn taciuaes postage, uiicout to Acects Single copies; ten cents. Bold bj a'l News dealers Kuut by postal order to hi UKN a CO., Publishers, 37 Park Kow, New York. L A fT1l?XTfT'C In connection with 1 Al -lilll X KJ.the HGIKXTIF1C AMKKIOAfi. Messrs. Mann Jk Co. are bolic itors of American and Foreign Patents, have bad Si rears experience, asd sow bare the largest establishment in the world. Fa tent? are obtained on the best A special notice is made in the tfcien iSc iuo-icn ol all Inventions piloted through this Agency, wtta tne name ana resiaerce ot tne ratente. By the immense cireul attoa thus criven. pub- . . Af I. J! ft X . . . w . . new patent, and sales or lntrocuct on 'often easily effected. An person who has made a neu Q lit corery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably te obtained, by writing to .Muna A Co. We also send ires our Hand Bosk about the Patent Laws, Patents Caveat?, Trade. Markp, their costs, and how procured, with h nts for prnecriag advances on inventions. Address fcr the Paper or coneernicg Patants. MONff .A COS7 Park Bow. New York. Branch OfE ce, rr. F A 7th Ht , sot IS v Washington, D. C, THE HOME, giving receipts for practical dishes, hints for making cioming ana ior aeepmg: up witn the istes. iasnions at tne lowest price Every izem oi coo&ing or economy ' suggested in tit is department is practically tested by ex- pens ueiore pnoucaxion setters rrosi our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fashions The Home Depart ent of the Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of thejfra- pcr alio uieresu oi SKILLEDoLABOR are looked after, and erervthing relating; to mechanics and labor saying is carefully re corded Tnere is a page devoted to all the latest pbases of the business markets. Crops. aercnandise, Ac. Ac. A valuable feature is tound in the specially! reported prices and 'OUUIUUEB-Ol THE PRODUCE MARKET. Sporting Xerrs at home and abroad, to gether with a Htory every week, a Sermon by some eminent dirine, L terary, liuaieal. Dramatis, Personal and Sea Notes There is no paper in the world which eota!naaa much news matter every week maths Weakly Herald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar ' ou can subscribe at any time- The New York Herald ia a weelly foray. fc One Dollar a Year. ; IVciT Yorlx Herald. - Mroadway and,AttsJStreetF,Jrew Tori -deoll What you want for vour class. It contain tne international lessons, with a large varie ty of helps, including beautiful pictures ana a coiorea map. race, x centa a year. 8end ' seven cents Cor a srjecimen codv. Samples of The Weakly Lesson Leaf free. -Address, J OHN. D. WATTLES, Publisher, 725 -Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. feb&-2w ' - r Peruvian Guano 2000 Tons Ho. 2 Peruvian Guancv FOE SALE BY, Williams & Murchisra. flT" Every Day. of tho hhcxr-Cta v1- . a iT TTY STOCK OF E0OTS -4 alwavs comnlete. Call and exsnJJI isfaction guaranteed to customer. I tae time to supply your i?. . A- fun H,T nf those CHH4 SCOTCH SOLE, In Iaeesnd bu incr ia believimr. Convince yoorJ i fact. ' ' nA new I6t of thoee BLJ GAITERS just receirfd. Vott old number. I nov V WIIiMINGTOK. N war, VliYDE CO.. r . 5 Broadway, ew rori. Iarge Sample Ic0Xt V Commercial Trlcj OAFT. JONES, TfILL BAILfBOM SEW TOIiS Oil SATURDAY, Feb 5. ta. Shippers eaa rely upon the promp caUlnx Steamers asadTSTtised. for rrelht Enfaf emsats apply v T1IOS. JE. BOND, Bup't, THBO. O. EOEB. FreLrhT aKS? w Mary had a little corn, upon br little toe, 5 And every where that Ifary went That corn was sore to go. . Pel's Corn Solvent ESTlS renovated this iiottse acd fcrs lynew, Is prepared to "fivs 19 r m a mJt as CLASS HOTZL. h ciatre of the lufam psrl of f j sonTenleat to the pffc1 " l PostoBlee, Cus'a r Ooart Hous oaascted with tab BcteL v . CATZS $3 PXB Vrtajh.'aad Doi:est5ef jw receired aid foj sals. - - OTHKOKLT KVOWN RPMmr n.J . ..ks of L will remove aeon in aw. pabi" eentW---r ; rersaleby . . 'I ' - . ' J.DKDTTaCO. . SW 101 Mattoa 8u J" received. Winberry Oysters. THS 03L1M Oaady Ia tha 'eity.wIlJ b ftier. day, frssh csd sweeV tfcr Hwi Rth the restores oa fieeoed street. iUa. w.. I AI,xe.lrt te a4iia. Rsriw Fndtj A f oar the PoseSee By t itllca, at,, ; : ' JOH OAEHOLL'8,

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