V - ..-..... THIS A-. Saadayi apaa""7. jOSH. T. JAMBS. ITOB PKOF3JKTOS. ye ' i One month, 60 oentai - . H b delivered by carrier, fta iDjptof tb. clfe.it tat frrer6t ' low .nil lirm "acribM will cloase report any end "'-.in' receiTB their papers regularly. , eaJ-.VVltoRcut ; -KiER-riDgStjleslSSi If aNnEBOEK-Valentiu . 1 .'v,,.Aranifo!l Order aud Letter ( I1" - -.' Bo- . V0 CiiTconrt this rooming:. Yoacan Improve,! HcftUcg and r;?ov at fiictorv" P"ccs at Jacoci's. (X " ... I, i ...... .. .- Tb? V:iiniBgtoa Lishi Infantrj fi ct 'to parade on Thursday afUrnoon. Jin to yur owu patn-cr : iax " v v Er.aruc! Paint, ready ;mixed anp riant' In- JACOBl . ' T In- a! rill?) Oi iCM-ntu auiiis rui aiiSS tV.L-jurjjlIomco and Juliet will com ner.ee to-morrow morning. A female habitue of Paddy's Hollow arrested laet night for disorderly cuaJat. but her trial was postponed'tmtil to-morrow. Vc afiri-e our friends to call at Jxcom's ,r Household Hardware oi evrry descrip tion. There you cet the l.v-t prVr?. The engineer who is to tako charge in erecting the water works. Holly system, is expected to arrive to night. The pipe tnd machinery is now on the war. Ueport from a Baltimore Druggist. I have sold all of the best Cough Rem edies for the last 15 years and have found sone to approzimate the exceed ingly large sale of,pr. Bull'i Cough Svrnn. 4 W. L.KEDLER, Cor. Penna. Ave. & Biddle St. Tiie Mayor seems determined to break Bp the tramp nuisance. The police hate orders to arrest all they see ansl His Hosor, Mayor Fishblate, is determined to rid the community of them if he Las to send them to the Hause of Correction s prescribed by law. Gray Hairs are Honorable, but their premature apparance is annoying. Par ker's Hair Bilsam is popular for cleanli ness and promptly restoring youthful color. 1 Chas. L. Hoy, the tramp who was, or dered to be kept confined in the Guard Room until this morning, in order to see if his tale relative to receiving money from home was correct, was escorted to the city limits this morning and sent en his way rejoicing. His money did not come. Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed ot to-day: State xs. Thos. J. Owens, A. and B Judgment nisi. " State ts. March Campbell, misaiark lag cattle. Continued for the term upon affidaWt of defendant. State vs. James Baker and Itaac Baker, A. and B. Guilty. A Smooth Complexion can be had by every lady who will use Parker's Ginger jlouic. For promptly regulating the blood there is nothing like it, and this it the reason why it so quickly removes pimples and fJTives & rn?v hlnnm tn the tceek. SesnoUre. t Narrow Escape. " The residence of Sheriff E. R.' Tajlort of Brunswick county, met with a narrow escape from destruction by fire yesterday about noou. The roof had been set afire by sparks from the chimnev and a hole about eight feet square burnt in it when urc as discovered. - Fortunately fcoenff. iayior and his hands were at dinner at the time and by prompt action succeeded in stopping the progresi of the mc3. The damage was light and cov red by insurance. j Election oi Officers At the annual election of civil officers or the Wilmingtoa Liffht Infantry, held Ml eveDing, the following gentlemen elected to the positions named: -a&irman-W. J. Gordon. At. Chairman Thos. C. James. - :rctary and Treasurer F. A, Ixrd. laanse Committee A. L. DeRosset, H. Beery, E. A. Oldham. : enmittee on Applications B. W. Scares. M the same meeting First Lieutenant C. James,' who has recently been 1umtenaat Colonel of the Regi- p Signed his office in the Company J1 an election will be called in a few J by Capt. DeRosset to fill the ra Dcy. ' r r,Vurewwtc Lead. OUi. Vamiahe prlcW 01ai, all tlzR. All at the low Ml T r i VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Board of Aldermen. luu xjuaru oi Atuermen meim regu lar monthly session yesterday a'fternoon. The Special Committee on Hospita reported that the bill had .'passed the Legislature and action would ba taken by the Board in reference thereto at its meeting in March. A communication from the. Board o Audit and Finance approving the ordin ance in reference to. the collection o tixes wa3 read. A communication from the Board o Audit and Finance in reference to the boad3 maturing in 1882, was read, as fol lows: Citt of "NYrLMlXGTOxrN. Cm -OrncK Boxnn Audit and Finance, i -ebruary 8,1881. To the Honorable Ihs Mayort and the Hoard of Aldermen: Gentlexcn:-! I am directed to trans mit to your lionorablc body the follow ing extract from the proceedings of the Board at the meeting held February 1881: WiiL&iiAS, Ninety-eight thousand dol lars of the bonded debt of this city will fall due during the year 182, and as it will be impossible to meet thefwhole of this amount irom our present or pros pective resources, we deem it prudent and necessary to ask the general Assembly for authority to issue $80,000 new bonds to meet this deficiency which may arise in paying the above $ 90,000: therefore Aesolved, That the Board of Alder men be requested to examine the. Treas urer s statement of bonds maturing in 1862, ana if they thmk, from the "facts set forth, that the reasons are sufficient," that they be requested to join this Board in asking the General Assembly tor au thority to issue said bonds. While in the opinion of this Board the sum named to-wit : 80,000, will be necessary, the resources of the city not admitting of the payment of more than $18,000 in 18S2, yet the authority grant ed by the Legislature to issue does not compel the using, and of course, no more can be issued than are absolutely neces sary and only for the specified purpose named, to wit : the funding of the bonds maturing in 1882, it being unlawful un der contemplated act to increase the bonded debt. On the other hand, should we be mistaken in our calculation and ask for an insufficient amount the diffi culty would be irremedial until the Leg islature meets in 1883. We send a copy of an act which we think covers the sub ject. Respectfully, . John uowax, Clerk Board- of Audit and Finance. The Mayer made a statement, an fol lows : In reply to the communication from tha Board of Audit and Finance, I would say I see no necessity for the city gov ernment to ask the Legislature to give them tne power to issue $80,000 bonds, for the following reason : That on January 1st, 1882, there falls due, bonds - - -$ 38,000 That on July 1st, 1882, there falls due, bonds - - - - 60,000 Total falling due - - $ 98,000 Past due bonds not yet funded, 34,000 Total Bonds on hand $132,000 60,000 Amount bonds to provide for, - 72,000 In the past three years this adminis tration has reduced the debt $120,000, and by the 1st of March it will be re duced at least $5,000 more ; therefore, why should the city issuejany more bonds than are actually necessary ? I am sat isfied that to issue $65,000 bonds will be more than sufficient. I hope the Board ot Audit and Finance will ; concur with this Board and reduce the sum named by them $80,000 to $G5,000 and that the city attorney be instructed to draw up an act and have it presented to the Gen eral Asssembly for action at once. The statement was adopted, on motion ef Alderman Foster, and ordered to be sent to the Board of Audit and Jbinance. Alderman-Foster offered the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee oh Finance : . Resolved, That all income from all sources over and above $50,000 shall be held for payment of interest and princi pal of the bonded debt of the city during existence of said bonds. The Quarantine Regulations of 1880 were re-enacted. Alderman Foster . moved that the Mayor be authorizsd to advertise for bids'- for contracts for tae ensuing year. The sale of real estate for taxes was ordered postponed until March 1st, 1881. The Mayor called attention to the ob struction on Front street by the steps of the First National Ijank. Alderman Foster moved that the mat ter be referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves with power to act. Carried. The Mayor called attention to the ne cessity of opening the dock at tie foot of Chestnut' street. ' . ' ' " '"' ' " . On motion, the Mayor was authorized : i K I if. to advertise for bids for opening tae same. A communication was received from Messrs DaB. Cutlar and F. H. Darby, returning the laws aad ordinances of the city codified. -. It was moved that they be printed under the supervision of the attorneys. and Alderman Myers aad one member o the Board of Audit and Finance. Car ried; . Alderman Hill presented a petition from the Cape Fear Engine Company asking the Board of Aldermen to allow the same compensation for feeding their horse used for pulling their hose reel, as is allowed the Little Giant Engine Company, and on the tatse terms. : Re ferred to theComwittea on Jire Depart ment. A petition from many itizeas for gas lamps corner of Fifth and Queen, Fourth aad Queen, and Fourth and Wooster streets, was referred to the Committee oa Lights The Hayor submitted his message which was read by the Clerk as follows: xatob's h is s aq k. ClTT OF WlLMINGTOJT, MAYOR'S OFFICE, February, 4th, 1881. 2o the Honorable Members of the Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen After more than three years of arduous, and I hope, satifactory services as Mayer of this City and Chair man or your Honorable body, 1 beg leave to submit the following: At the outset I wish to 'call your at tention to the limited powers and almost uuiiiuiLcu rcspeusioiuues impost! upou is ;viixl "i j tne Mayor, it is commonly believed that the Mayor has, or can nave, abso lite control of all Departments; and that ms win is controlling in all matters re lating to their management. This is a total mistake. With the exception of a few nnimpertaat appointments, there is no case in which the Mayor s judgment is not the subject of reversal by your htnorable. .Hoard, in which bis influence is confined to a single vote. Neverthe less, he ia held almost wholly responsi ble by public opinion for the manage ment of municipal affairs. EXPIfl3 The amount raired. -by tax on the adoption of the appropriations for the years 1865 to 1877, averaged $120,000 for ordinary and extraordinary expenses, not including the interest paid, or that should have been paid yearly on the bends of the city. Upon entering the Mayor's office in February, 1878. a detailed examination disclosed to my satisfaction that a de cided redaction could be made in these figures without prejucide to any munici pal interests. The average of the an nual appropriations during the past four years has been brought down to $50,000, being a yearly average saving to the people of $70,000 upon the figures of the years preceding in which I . was first chosen Mayor, excepting tne year 187 i , when Hon. John Dawson was Mayor. I call your attention to these figures in no boastful spirit, but rather to serve as an encouragement to renewed efforts in economy in all future administrations. TAXES. For the past three years the taxes on real estate and personal property of the city has been reduced 37 per cent, to what they had been for many years. The reduction being 25 per cent, on valuation and 12 J per cent, on former tax. Also, a reduction of 35 per cent, on merchants' license tax from what they were, being a yearly reduction of about $35,000. The lowest tax rate consistent with judicious government should be the one object of oar omciat aetion. FINANCES. Upon entering upon my duties as May or in February, 1678,1 found the total debt of the city $634,473. Of which there were past due coupons - ; 68,100 3,590 70,000 4,575 9,700 478,600 Interest due on same about Past due bonds Interest doe on same Floating debt -Outstanding bonds not due' Total - - - $634,475 Of the above outstanding bonds $50, 000 fell due January 1st, 1880. The city's credit was at a very low ebb, being in default of interest on her bonds tor so vera! years, our Donas sell ing at 621 cents on the dollar. Since then the debt has been reduced llio, 000. The floating debt, the past due coupons, with interest thereon and a large number of past due bonds with in terest to date of payment have been paid in full, leaving a bonded debt at pres ent of about $514,000. The intererst on our debt is paid promptly in cash on tne 1st of January and 1st or Juiy .oi cacn year. . The city bonds, new sixes, are new selling at par aad the city . eights are selling, at, 105 and ever. 1 hey are sought for at the above rates abroad, as well asat hose. Too much cannot be said in praise ot your honorable body -- for the economy you have displayed io the management oi ui municipal acaixi oaring - Under, this Jitad I would say that the aecounta of the city have been kept mm. in a highly creditable manner by the efficient Treasurer, Mr.-Henry Savage, and his able assistant, Mr. John J. Fow ler. PIRK DEPARTMENT. Our citizens have a just pride in their Fire Department. It is indeed an ex pensive branch of the service, but the ef ficiency of its management, the complete ness of its work, and the sense of public security these impart, allay any impa tience that might otherwise be felt with the expenditure which its proper main tenance seems to require. POLICE DEPARTMENT. The criminal statistics of the past few years show a marked decrease of crime in Wilmington. The Chief of Police and his police force are deserving of commendation and I cheerfully recommend an increase i their pay, the amount .they now receive being inadequate for the amount of labor performed by them and the responsibil ity connected with their position, being a small force to protect lite and property of citizens for a seaport city of the size of Wilmington. STREET DEPARTMENT. The streets of the city of Wilmington were never known to be in so good a con dition. Chief of Police H. C. Brock, and the Superintendent of Streets, Ed. fricGari- gle, are entitled to the credit of the pres ent good condition of the streets, and are deserving of the highest praise of this Board and of our citizens. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Wilmington is favored by nature in the general good health of its people. Possessed of natural advantages of drainage, with the favorable character of the soil and climate, render it the most healthful city in the State. s Due praise should be accorded to the Superintendent of Health, Dr. J. C. Walker, and his officers, F. M. James and E. Scharff, for prompt and energetic ac tion in all matters pertaining te the sani tary condition of the city. LAW DEPARTMENT. The labors and responsibilities which devolve upon the City Attorney, are, as is well known, very great. I take pleas ure in statins: that its affairs have been performed in a diligent and highly satis factory manner, during the past two years. 1 call your attention to the tact that the salary of j the City Attorney is not a just compensation for the duties which require the time of a lawyer of ability, and which involve service of a very exacting and varied kind. BOARD OP AUDIT AND FIXAXCE. I think the Board of Audit and Fi nance is a very necessary and proper ad junct to the city, government, and ought, 1 by all means to be retained with its pres ent powers and responsibilities. It will ; whenever occasion arises, serve to check either extravagance or improvidence on the part of Boards of Aldermen. I may truthfully say, however, that as far as you, gentlemen of this Board are concerned it has never been called upon to perform any such functions, as you, in all matters of municipal expense and economy have ever been in perfect accord with the Board of Audit and Finance. The appropriations, all matters of fi- nance ana all bills made by this uoara, have met with the unquestioned approval of the Board of Audit and Finance, thus proving that to the Board of Aldermen, in a great measure, belongs the credit of reduced taxes and expenses and the con sequent and encouraging improvement of the city s financial condition. In conclusion, 1 thank you, gentle men, lor the Kina ana courteous consid eration you have always displayed to wards me as the presiding omcer ot your Board. While we may have differed concerning questiens of great municipal importance, nevertheless our delibera tions have been characterized by the ut most harmony and good feeling, lhe many pleasant hours spent in official in tercourse with the members ot this lioard wi'l form recollections of a very pleasant character for many future days. Yours, very respectfully, S. H. Fishblate, Mayor. Alderman Lowrey moved that the message be received, and the same be re corded in the Record Book of the Board, and that the sum of $25 be appropriated or printing the same. Alderman Foster offered the fallowing: Resolved, That a park be constructed where the old market building stood, on Market street, and that Mayor Fishblate be requested to have the same completed at once. On motion the matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves and Aldermen Myers, Fester and Hill. The Board then adjourned. The Elver and the Worth Capt. Green, of the steamer North Slate, reports that the water in the river is again falling off. When he left Fay etteville, yesterday morning, there was about 21 feet of water on the Shoals Aa soon , as the water falls sufficiently work will be begun again on the Gov. Worth. ' Capt. Skinner hopes to resume operations this week, and will probably go up to the scene again to-morrow. This time it is confidently expected to faring the sunken steamer to the surface I and keep her there. 15. 1881. NO. 303 Mis F.leano- raihoun. This young lady, bcrn and educated in California, a niece of John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, nude her debut in San Fraucisco last October, and achiev ed a success a3 brill ;aiit us any in the records of the Stage. She was trained for her profession by Mrs. Julia Melvillo Snyder, who is an n-knowlcdgeu dramat ic teacher of the hi; -ost merit. Mis3 Calhoun appeared successively as JuU'ct, Julia in The Hunchbacl; and as Marqarct Elmore, in Love's Sacrifice In each of these first-rate role3, she won the hearty corrfmendation of people of critical taste, and achieved as well a popular triumph. Since then, by the advice of judicious and considerate friends, she has placed her business fortunes and her future-professional career under the care of Mana ger Ford, and made her first professional appearance before the public of the At lantic States in Washington, on the 10th of January, last as Juliet, in Romeo and JflicL J. N. Bick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: My father, before wearing the "Oaly Lung Pad," could not sleep nights on account of his violent coughing; since wearing n ne uas slept soundly every iignt aeeAav. New A dvertisements. Wanted to Rent. A PIANO, WITH VIEW OF PUKCIIAS- ING NEXT FALL. feblo-3t Apply a this oL'Ice. Mattings and Carpets. rTIHE WRITER WILL SELECT, iu per- JL son, the present week, in New York, a large stock of Choice sittings in White and Fancy Colors, and will add many novelties to present stock cf CARPETS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS (our specialty) will have the closet atten tion, and the prices will be placed as low as possible. All Wool Suitings and Spring Sacquins, will be, received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also,' a lull line of SILK BUNTINGS lor evening wear, an(? many other articles which cannot be named. R. M. ftficlntire. febU OPERA HOUSE. COMMENCING FEBRUARY 18 Miss Eleanor Calhoun AAD A BRILLIANT SHA&ESPJSiUAN DRAMATIC ORG ANIZ1TI UN. FRIDAY WIGHT, ths Great Parisian and Aew York Success, DANIEL EGCHAT. Saturday matinee, The Hunchback, By Bevi iShendan Koowle, F. K. C, SATURDAY NIGHT, Romeo and Juliet. "Id Romeo and Juliet we hare, more than any other traedy, the paaiion of lore -lore in all its venal promise fail cf hope cd innocence ardent" beyond all restraint of reason but tender as it is wrm." Madame deStael- 'Se?8 can now be eecared at Kfeinsberjjer'f. Parqnette and Drea Circle 51, Pqustte Circe 60c, Gallery 25c- teb U-3t OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY ! TJiursdav, Fefn ujirv 17IIi THE BERGERS AND THEIR NEW COMPANY. Themoit att aciire acd caeritorioss ealer taiazse&t in America. 15 Star Artist3 15 tmbraoisg tbe tolldwinr Pr&'einiaeat tip. ciaUv Taleat, MR. CBAS. W. BREWE8, The Worlds Greatest Ventrilcqial ilomor iit, with tae fnnuiett family v( wocdeo he&ded ManU:ncnikarth. MI88 KTTA MORGAN, The Renowned and Firt Laly tax3;hon 8olciJtin tie Wor d. UI?S MARIE BOWEN, Eamoroue, Draicatis and Dilec: Elccativa- iit. MI3S COSA FAR-:H, The AcjompliiheJ ad ble&iizg XezxiBo prAoo. Mli. A. ki. HOLBROOK, lhe Fmineot Coruet V ttaos wboiewon-l drfj I performances hare gired him a reputation ac3d t? nose. In additioa A Fu'J Milit ry Brats Ptad, Gorgeous aad Kzpeaiite British Militay Ua-forms, nndsr the leaders ip of PdO J. M.8ULLIVAf, tt Sw Yer, ia Grand parade, on day cf exhibition. ' Ticke s of Admission Tick ta can be se cured ia adranw without extra cbarge, at Beioaberfrer'e. Doars ppea at 7. THSBfli. QS at 8 feb 1-St .TTe will be glad fcr receive eosnnusicatloat from our frUadi oa aav aad- all .svVfcetT'U ceaarallatarert but.-; , Th name of the writer ntut always be fur nUhed to tat Editor - : 4 n a Oommuelaattons guH.be? wrfttear ca oa( oaa aid of thai paper - " a- "' " ; Pertonalitiei mum "oi2d " ; r , And It bj especially w pjUndirly under stood that the Editv not alwaji eadone lhe views oteorrespondwatj. VnlMtto -tatef in tlie editorial colas? da. I Now; Advortisoxncntfi. My; Flour. G1 RINDING AS OOOD AS THE BEST iJttra Family Flour, ,!roji Nctfh-jCarpjiija , White Wheat. Allcau bo. . convinced ty sending orders to Urc " i t. . febu-tf capeVfar FLorri mills. Valentines ! TIOMIC VALEN't NJE3 ! if ' SENTIMENTAL VALENTINES ! Also, 'v. A very fine Seletioxof -r, PRAfiS VAUHTIfHE CARDS, For 'sale at " '. . . HELNSBERGE'rVS, , LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, feb H JlaiiifoHi Order Let ter Book i Y) ,ES AWAY WITH THE Old) AND umberome system cf presibnuh, water, .. andii done la a tea th of the time fa ere tofjrereq!iied, aa the letter 'and' ''copy 'art written at otce. No lak, no, pen required. '. "j ' '. Complete stock at rT; Yates' Book Store. feb 14 W. C. Craft, pRACTICAL WACIIMAKER.TAND Jeweler, Evana Block'Trfncess, ! betwecu Front and Second - streets, Wilrrilngtonf N. C , solicits a share of the public oafronaee. feb!4-lw - North, South, East and Wests IN EVERY PART OF1 THE city, my Goods are delivered every half hour during the day. You have only to leave your cr ders in passing by,; and I guaran tse safe delivery af yotrr'hdmepJ . -:'- , , . . - i My goods are the Choicest, price 0 as low as the lowest, and my Stoi 0 always clean and attractive' : I invite all to call upon me when ' . . .' i . down town purchasing! . . , I A FRESH LOT OF; t; PHIDE OF THE PAHTniP? Flour. just arrived. Send for sample?, 1 8 I know every ond desires the best J and so far this has taken the palrnj JNO, C MATVVMT, Xos. 11 & 13 If. rronfsi; feb 14 ' 7 ; A LARGE STOCife. OF t - a8h,V; Dodrav Blindi; Vvtv ' r ''- . v:' ; . i Pt ' ALL RIHDS 01 tflLL V0RW LUMBER. LATHS, tic ,JE or Iq very cheap, at ... .ALTAPraBymcEv&oa Fact 0tji - iictt 'v' ' " ' ftl 7 !V:?atsr IiidJCxtifrek- V n