1III8 Pi fkb JOSH. T. JAMBS. KDrTOB AND PROPfilKTOB. :BIPTI05S. HOSTAGE PAID $2 60 ; Three r.n Six monitisf BB ?c;' 1 : One month, 60 cents. r wiU badelirered by easier, fbe fP!. i.Kr part of the city. t the ofenK' " ' .11 ft PI 1 A ' f" or 13 cents per wek. a-?ttberiber w.ii pieasercpur ir nabararesroiarly. fflCClie v i 1 - filarei to Advertisements. pjjBCELL HOUS E, B. t r mm m. T A ' i KM W X- . PHKKV. - . - - - Prop. I UW Proprietor At ntic Hotel rii-ri in H ti a poift nti Terse VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. 0. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16. 1881 NO. 304 LOCAL NEWS. Advertnenienrs. A Siieier Spring Styles 1831 Heixsberoer Patent Violins CW Yates Manifold Order aad Letter Boole 4. leb 8 tr SPSIS s TYLES I 1881. y; ;ST INSTALMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES IX SPRING & SUMMER SYTLES ARRIVING NOW AT " ailHIER'U Shoe Store.' 4,.ji: Market Street CUT Coort There was only one case before His Honor, Mayor Fishblate, this morning. The colored woman, Mary Hayes, of whom we epoke yesterday, charged with being drank and down, was released on account of mitigating circumstances. Caasnt In a Machine. Capt. A. A. Mosely's hand waa caught in a peanut machine, a few days ago, and his fingers badly lacerated. As good for- Yon can now hur Improved Heating: and i tune would bare it bis band was extract- Cook tov ai factory prices. at Jacobi's. f J ed from the teeth of the machine in time IX A - - - ' A Mr inViinn iArtrn n., .f - t,;a rr, wpreTea any snail ininry. we irnsi to-day'but was evidently suffering from that the iDnT7 7 not prove a perma- the effects of his recent sickness. The receipts of cotton at thi3-port to- uv loot un 3iy bales. A Steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. Doane, arrived here to day froml New York. cent one. Barton Hill plays Mercutio with Miss Calhoun in Romeo and Juliet. Geo Denham i3 with the troupe. Why weary your throat and . patience The Bergen. No brighter or better attraction of a musical character has been offered the public in this txty for many years, and all Sundries. ia nfkfJgacka L K SALT, Sacka Marshall's Salt, Forsale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON ; Mayor FIshblate'a Message- The message of His Honor, Mayor Fishblate, as submitted by hint to the Board of Aldermen on Monday evening, and published in yesterday's issue of the Review, has been carefully" read and highly commended by very many of our citizens, especially the tax-paying por tion. The exbibit of the financial affairs of the city is really very satisfactory and shows that' the Democratic. majority, on the Board of Aldermen have carried out the promises" of reform made for them by the part Jjn this citj. Mayor Fish. Mate calls attention to tho fact that dur ing the administration of affairs by the present Board of Aldermen a yearly average saving of seventy thousand dollars has been made for the benefit of the tax-payers ol "Wilmington, and that during the past three years the debt of the city has been i educed one hundrecLand twenty thou sand dollars. And not only has this gratifying result been accomplished, but the taxable valuation has been reduced 37 per cent, on real estate and 35 per cent, on merchants' license tax. Asa natural result, the credit of the city, which in consequence of defaulted pay ments had been reduced very materially, Criminal Conrt I has been revived and restored, and bonds The following cases were disposed ot I which the present Board of Aldermen durinsr the morninff session- I found selling at 6z cents are now at par, State Yfl. .Tnn. ft. . Wiuraftr. mlsde- I and above par. The city debt i3 now . ' I B1 A SSU ' JK M A n 1 1 meanor. Case dismissed. I as agamBi oa, a as iouna oy I Mavor Fishblate when he entered unon . tfll x mmmu V U W MW 4WftniM J y WVWWV VI IM1IIUII; , f " - weapuB)W w umau Case diBiiissed. .. the duties of his office-in February, State vs. Ransom Cobb, disorderly 1 1878, just three years ago. At that time house. Guiltv. Judgment $50 and cwt. I the defaulted interest on the city bonds Mr. R. M. Croom has nearly complet-1 A nunber ofsci fa cases were alsojdif-1 amounted, with interest on same, to 51, ed the large and imposing building 1 posed of. 1 600. This has all been paid and now the erected by him at Burgaw as a hotel. I The test cases"of C. EL Gilbert, in I interest on the entire bonded debt is paid It ia so nearly complete, in fact, that I which the city ordinance relative to, sell-1 promptly in cash as it matures, Jan- guests are received. He keep a good I ing meats within prescribed limits is at-uary 1st and July 1st of each year. ; table and his rales are very reasonable. I tached, are set for trial on Friday next,! Mayor 1 ishblate pays a handsome and with that wretched cough when a 25 1 wo tail to witness the performance will cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup I miss one of the best hits of the cresent will cure you? I season. Each member of the comnanv i is well snited to'the work assigned, and lice, whichwere spoken of in the RE-Itn orchestra is large and effective. view on Monday, , have been, called for I Tne merit ol the troupe should insure a by the owner. I lrSe audience to-morrow night. The troupe will arrive to-morrow and durinsr Vennor. the Canadian weather prophet, the dav wiU oarft de throns.h lhfl Btreet Oi.i WIT It V . j j PAINT twno.qal for itoppin; leaii. It i goar- Kteed for 10 jear Any roof, eo matter j predicts very stormy weather, with heavy h w biti can be iv 'd bf h:"a paint iitKoofi z Paint aod for DaSpj Walt i: iiioo qnal. -8apleg ana toici menials ta-nuol upon i plieati JDU ILL 4 00., feb i'lw Corner Water and Dock tit snowfalls, from Montreal to Washing ton and heavy jrains through the South-1 era States for the fore-part of March. Geo. Vann, who is charged with high-1 way robbery and assault with a deadly tion. His name has been several times connected with larceny cases. 200 Sacks COFFEE, Bbls SUGAB, For Bale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON .Gray Hairs are Honorable, but their premature appearance is annovmsr. bar ker's Hair Balsam is popular for cleanli- 18 th inst. well-deserved tribute to the co-ordinate branch of thecity government, so far as the control of its finances is concerned, 1000 Bbla FLOUR, O A A BWs POTATOES, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 5"$L9ftn?e8i cj;ackers Cheese, Lyt pected to get through in a few days. Potash, Soda, Soaps, &c For eale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Importers & Wholesale Grocers jan31 NEW TH DELICIOUS GOODS 2 I. WEEKS The Park ness and promptly restoring youthful I In connection with the park to be es-Uhe. Board of Audit and Finance. . We color. I taDiishea where the old market once I think, as he does, that this is a verv nec We understand that Mr. G. A. Ram- stood' are to be P1' 0 fountains. I essary and proper adjuict to . the govern t rnL. 1 A . v. 1 J I . at i . . . . sey, of Burgaw, was in Raleigh last week "u w " .;u.Tfcu menl 01 ine C11 ana we trnfll " ma in the interest of the bill for the propos-ttUU tUiricu'.uuu w ,uuuijr i oe perpetuatea. - mere may come a tune edsoecial tax -to be levied in Pender I r1?"00 uo wwicu urawr rwut, k, i wnen ineir services wm prove or pec rnnntv fnr tvn PrPPtion nf a ,'nnrt bouse ftnd anotner near Water street, where liar yalue to the tax-payers, of Wilming- j - L..n 4-. 'HV 1. Til I . mi m r i . r . l : The rommittee cave himalu"iw;" v u wc "reu, iuo pra. win ion. ine aaayor aieo reiers in compii- Deautny tne street ana win oe a place I mentary terms to the labors of our excel of general resort during the summer I lent fire department: to Capt. Savage; nights. The fountains will supply aland his assistant, Mr. Fowler; and to the lonjj-felt need and will prove a very great I police, street, health and law depart- convemence to the business honses on I ments, all of which are fully set forth in Water, Front and Market streets. Gates! the message will be placed on the North and South sides of the enclosure in order to let per sons pass from one side of Market street to the other without going around the park. THS HUIIA . - Tee mails close aa l arnv.? at he City Port Ouico 6 follows : ' - ' 7ortheru through mails. .:. . .7 00 ' p -m Northern through nd vvjiy mails ..L.:.6:30 a. m. Raleigh ,5.f 0 a. in. Siaiia far the N. C. lUiimad, .; . end routes supplied thir?--. frenn, includiD!!. . & N. C. - Railroad, aC...-:' - o:20 a. io. Southern mails -.11 points SoQtb, daiiy . . . ..8 a m and 7:15 p. m. Western mails (C C Ry) daily " (except Sunday). SilO a. ,r:i Mail for Cberaw fc 'Darlkg- ton 7:45: p. m. Mails for pointa.boiween FIo- recce end Cbatleston.Sa m & 7:45 p ai Fayettevilie, .and offices, on. Capo Fear River-Turidnys, ' , and Fridays... 1;00 p. m. Fayettevilic.. via Luaxberton, daily, except Sundays. S:10 a. m. Onslow C. H. and intermediate- offices, every Jiicaday and Thursday at...... . .. Smithvilio calls, by Bteam boat, daily, (except Sun days) i1 f-.r V.-M XlV.l "iwv T.Irer, S C , evcr,y Ai ju day and Thursday at......... Wilmington and Black River Chapel, M6nday3, Wednes days aud Fridays at......... OPEN rOS DEIilVESY. iiorthern through and way mails ,......7:00aud 7:30 a.m. Northern mails 9 00 a m Southern Mails...;..... 7:30 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4",00 p. m StamD Office ooen from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to C:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open 6ame as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. tn. to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 W will be clad to receive eoaunmnlcaUcai fro 6ur HiadTon m rxd all ichctT7 gaaeraUiUemt bu) i . I" Tha name of.tevxllcrizcit alpayt be foi OoanmTtrffttaoajigtttll be twrtttea t only one aide of thVparJ:"'' -if 1 4 V . Fenoaaiitiee but voided r' And it is e?cUUif s rcrffcubirtynd it stood that the Editor I k r ;t Hraj irdone the view ol corjaciMj to -Utad in the editorial colcisri. .... i : - ' ' ; . " 7 '! " . .. 0F.A9vgnti.Kypoote.'; RA G;00 a. m no !l 111 G;C0 a, m. 6:00 a, m. to 9:30 a. Stamps ni. for Bale" at general doilvfiry when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from streat boxes every day at 3:30 p m. Kew & dvertisements. A Patent Violins. TQUAL A CREMONA. Endorsed by Ole Bulk For eale at . HEINSBEKGER'S and jail. favorable hearing and gave the bill is. ex- Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White .Lead, Oils, Varnlsheg Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. - t PEACHES AND TOAUTOES ! Ml varieties of Choice Preserves, fa One and two DOimrl flfinm. tri a I whole show. I I iest in the mftrlrnl , Oar elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honeur, Hams, Breakfast Strip3 The :baby stare' is now the correct thing among fashionable young ladies A paper says: , "Girls, in order to learn the baby stare, you must open your .eyes widely without wrinkling your forehead: then raise the corners of your mouth slightly, repeating the word "mouse, But don't say-"mouje" too loud, or maybe one might run at you and spoil the How to be your own painter : Buy th x. i. isnamei raint, reaay ;mixea anp warranted at Jacobi's. f Knijcbli of Pf tbtas. The eleventh annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the order of Knights of Smooth Complexion can be had by Pythias, held in Goldsboro last week, J r lady who will use Parker's Ginger says the Messenger, closed its labors J 10 f1 D .inis cneap Fnr nrnmntlv rptrn fttinC the I Thnnriit niwhf nff.r & frw r!av' KPft- I " l"kvv- puniyiog tne gion $12 A every Tonic liver and kidneys and f.X ' 1 "JT, 1 2 kR- mQT .t to the order and pleant and har. Counterfeit Go l Coin. Although there is very little gold com in circulation the counteneiters have set afloat a bosrus quarter eagle which is about a3 nearly worthless piece of money of its pretended value as can well be. The imitation quarter ea gle is made of a peculiar composition has a clear silvery ring, is electro-gilt, and contains about ten cents worth of silver. Storekeepers and others who have not handled much gold recently are The proceedings were of great in- An Unrounded Rumor. There was a rumor on the streets to- pimples and gives a rosy bloom to the I monieus throughout. Two new Lodges I aa- to the effect that the Executive and Small Shoulders, cheeic. tee notice. I were organized m the fatate ine past i Committee had met and made nomina- m i : -. ' - T T j year, and the membership shows an inJ tions for Aldermen from the different mXylimhm I ff KftftrlT OnB hnndred. Thel 4 t,J lv HA l, Ihese ffnnrlc ii i.'ii-j- In the Senate, on Monday, Mr. fccott nrti aaA nn nffira frtf ih iLi -i-.: i w. A ... j tui ucjuiiuu l .:. . . . ... i -j w.-w outtb. Mcuttic luvcsuaicu luts iuuiLer nnVo- a r . M"1 T .JnMn8-T WCre in8taIIed ThJ andjfound that there is.no" foundation prices and qualitY of f zens of icw Ilanover, praying pronibi-1 Mnn.Mllrt,T I T . '.. ... . i - - uiKm,ttaiwuww. uimwMKVMWi wnarfivpr inr tno rpnnrtnnrr Thar. thA-nm. convince you if you will uon; T "... , ( A. Bonitz, Vice Grand Chancellor I mittee has not met nor thought of meet .ur.uucrapuu "w-UhasK. Jones. Grand frelate ceT. certain ciUzens ol unsiow county, asung Wrn Bvrr1 a Master of Erehea-1 v V. . . . . - I " J I w moiku wc nuic lut naru tueeiiujrs the appointment of justices of the peace. uerR T Scanlin Qnad Master , - p , r?-t. UM1 4Ln KA4a nmfsKdnn of I . . I iUtiUUUW ww-hmwu I Arms H. C. Irempert. Grand inner J wards make their own selection- usu lBiercsH m kuC v, x W I Guard S. G. Hail. Grand Outer amended by inserting "May 1st" for Q rf R v Hawlev. The foUowinff April 10th," and in this condition PH District Dermties were appointed bv the ed its second and third readiigs. a A rh.ne.ior. Yiz. pOP Lodire No. In the House, Mr. Brooks, of Bruns-I t g Radclifer Lodra Ne.4.H. C wick," presented a petition asking that Prempert. jdge No 5, Thos. H. Su- e No. 6, Chas. Dewey; Lodge .Taa. W. Moore- Lodce 18. Chas. Mr. Brooks also submitted a resolu- w Voreler ' ar- t. n ghulU was r pointed a special deputy. 4 The several standing committees were announced, after which the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet in Goldsboro the 2d Tuesday of February, 18S2. pched Java and Laguayra Coffee, feet. Oar 3oods 7 us. TrT the prepared Soups. For Bile at - m jUnd 11 8ottth front 8t A Urge stock of ash Dnra jt- the old line between Brunswick and Co .j AND F MILL WORM MBER. LATHS. 'iris lei , fer ju . Office BS MADS TO we .WUminrtOB a churcU in Bruns- tion incorporating wick county. Mr. Boy kin, of Sampson, intrdduced a bill to charter the Clinton & Faison R. U. Company, which was referred. The bill to anthorizethe entry of lands belonging to the Literary Board, sitma: ted in Jones, Craven, Dare. Onslow. Tvr n nd Carteret counties, was put on its LtToral reading and passed. Hksbt Vax Noarwicx, of Toledo, t .Lnrnte'tlie Grand ad Ohio, says: A. friend prevailed open Bdi to incorporate the orana to LBad &I subordinate Lodges or the Knights 01 obuistd immediate reHef froa racking Honor of North Carolinpassed iU sev- con I iiio the Pad helped isa-5ce We adviae our fiienda to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There von ret the loweat Drioe. f v - - . V FoTSteifalneis offeople. "We would not, by enticing headings and other devices, lead you into reading of the virtues possessed by Pierce's Cel- eDraiea aieaicines were it not tnat we are aware of the forgetfalness of people, and that must be our excuse, dear read er, for again telling you that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is without an J -1 li j -ts 1 a. 1 m cquai as a uiuuu-puxuier. ii cures mi humors, from the common blotch, pim ple, or eruption, to the worst scrofula fever sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are a pleasant but efficient cathartic. Sold by druggists. St. Cloto Horsz, Chicago, III., Jan. 20th, 1879. Hox. B. V. Piebck, M. D.: Dear Doctor -1 have been using your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets for liver complaint and general debility. It ia impossible to express the gratitude I feeL It is simply wonderful, the effect your medicines have had upon me. Iam in every way a thousand per cent, better. VJ r $ i 1 'I arj, jours gratefully, J.C.DAVIDSON. ANEW LOT OF GUITARS, BaDjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Also, Guitar and Violin Strings. For sale at ", . IIEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, feb 16 Wanted to Rent. PIANO, WITn VIEW OF PURCHAS ING NEXT FALL. Apply at this olflce. febL3t ' ' ffiattina's and Carpets, rjpHE WRITER WILL SELECT, in per son, the present week, in New York, a large stock of Choice Mattings in White andFancy Colors, and will i add many novelties CARPETS l Li : ... AND THEIR COMlANY. Tht inott attac (rfcaif'orioBi "eater- 15 t.:-'Star-.4rtisrtt 15 Emfcraeiaglhetria'tfPemUaat Upc . . ' i j a.':r 4t.ft.;t4leVtJ -. ' MB CB AW.rJJBEWRi t The.World'ii Greateat4Ven.trilcaaV Homer utt with tfce funnlet family of wooden ' headed Itoaitecrjr eartir.- MISS STTXrHOBOA'W,; i . Th? Jlenowned and Firit.La4j,-fcaxophone " ' ' Soloiatin the World.' ' - ..Mit8 ISS.SIB bowbjt; - ' . Iioaioroas, LJramatlo and iileet lscation 1st.' ' ' MIS3 COKA PARTUS," ' Tfce Ac:6njplishe5i and Fleaap, Xizxo So proo. M A.JB. hocbrook; The F taiceat C?oraet Yirtaoso, .whcie won drf 1 erformincea hare gained him, ' reputation iccond to Bbne ' -,I dditioa A Full dilitry .Brass Band. . ouj and FipeosLe British Military Uy:turmB,ouder tho lead er ip of; PROP j. H. 8DLLIVAN, t f Ye Yexk, ta Grand Parade on day of exhibition; Ticket of Admiasioa Ttckete can be S9- ' cured in advance wiihoat - extra, ebarge, at Heiasberger's. Doora open at 7.- THk BtCR. QEo at 8 ' - feb l4.St Family Flours GRINDING AS GOOD AS TflE BEST Extra Family. Flour, fromNorth Carolina vrute Wheat, t All can be convinced sending orders to tbo- feb 14-tf CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS. ManifoSd Order and Let- v ; ter Boofc - DOE3 AWAY WITH THE OLD AND cumbersome system 'of prees, brush, water. Ac., and ii done ia a teath oi the time here tofore required, as the letter; and copyare written at o?ce. No lafc, co pen req'uirei. t.'.f -3 r.- Complete stock at , Yates' Book Store. feb U W. .O. Craft,. WATOnMAKER - 'AND eweler, Evans' Block, Princess, between Front and Second- 6tretftiWilqiington, N. O , solicits a eharo of the public patronage. TRACTICAL Jew i'ebU-lw Worth, Soiitrr and Wests IN EVERY PART OF THE city, my Goods . axorelivered every talf hour during the Hay. You have only to leave jiour cr ders in passing ty, and'i guaran- to present stock cf te6 flafe deHvSy at1' VOUT homeFS CRESS WM AND TRIMMINGS - - . ! . . . ' (our specialty) will have the closet atten tion, and the prices will he placed as low as possible. All Wool Suitings and SprinGrSacquincrs, will be received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, a full line of SILK BUNTINGS for evening wear, and many other articles which cannot be named. -r ) My goods are. tha'p!io!cGot,pric a as low as the lowest,? and my Stoie always clean and attractive; . -- TTTTT trifMii" : R. feb 11 cintire. OPERA-HOUSE. COMMENCING FEBRUARY 18 i t i Miss Eleanor GalhounV AJSD v BiilU.U.NT HliA p.t4iAIf DRAMATIC UK'J aNIZ ITIvN. I invito ajl to call upon mo when down town purchasing. ! A PRESH LQ OF. F At i W "P.HiDi.OFTHE.PAHTBy" FRIDAY TIG H T th G re at P&: Llaa and Aew York cccres, r BATTEL .?-9GEiiT. 'BaTaftDAT iSATISTE, The Hi22clijbaclx, BT Rev. She'iian Koowles, t. . C. SATURDAYcVItlPT. Romeo and oulret. Io Romeo and Jo iat we btre, more than ny oiier trazedr," the pasioa of l3TeITt in ail tta rertal proaie fell i t hopsd noceac roent bjoai ail reatr.int at reavnbat tentfer as it i wirm.' Madame detaeL. ' 1 " --- "- 6e'e eai now be secured at EeisabergerV Paraaette and Ires Circle Si. Partraetie Circle Me, OaUery 25c leb li-Zt " j AT r . , just arrived.0 Send for'EampleV a's I know eTCTybho desires ihd best, and bo for tirisrhas tain'thVpaiin: JiPiBiiGiiT. , . , -t f . ,-i ... '.7- feb 14 BI dee 140t erai reauujs,-

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