i I 1 1 it . PI 1 . . uM-Kl PTI U . r w " " - - - ... ;rp f,' l- V I M I'1" o;,innntb. S'20 : Throe Oao month, 0 oeat inia paps -:.'',' PLEASE SrOTlCJ.T W will belad to rclve caaariciikatfr.ni froa ear friend on ssy aid" aTl 1utittn COBeral iaterext bat , , . ; ; v ; The aims of tha wrllar xct aIvum ba fur niahodta Ho Editor. OonnaunleatioaiEitft be wrt,Va a onij one side of tce,psper- Prsonalitiea ntt voided And it Is especially a . i;ala?Ijtru:$?er ftood that the Editor 1 a esdarre the views ot corrcpoaaat -szl&ti to tiled tn the editorial coin ir as. Ho-.v AdvortisoiiaGntff. Daily REVIEW. I lift r will ddiivareJ by carnM, ..t, or IS oetstJ per wea 3rS.lljCricra wiil plo report any and ''ato receive t'neir papers regularly. j,rew Advertisements. M VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1881. NO. 305 Prop. (Ila i H t P ' 1,1 ' Terms ITYI.ES 2 881. INSTALMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES SPRING & SUMMER SYTLES ARRIVING NO TV AT SHJilSR' a Shoe Store :ll Market Street,-' "ThARGESTCK OP Sasb, Boor LjadeJ AND . ULKIHOS OF MILL WORK! LUMBER, LATHS. &t f very cheap, at ALTAFKJKIi. VRICK A CO. ft-r: Office M "a j e, . HJ Gross gt Fresh Arrivals. jjq Bf Bi-j GO F FES, ' : - S) Bbli FeGaed Sagar, tO Bbli X O Bus:ar, 75 flhds New Cab McImeos, 103 Bbli New Orieaaa Mo!a;gjg. J5 Tiercea CLarJeitoa Bice, 183 Ebta Peed Potatoes, 8J Baihela Ta. ilctl, ' . lCCd Fbla Good Flour, 100 Bbli Ue i'ork. HdLL & PEARS ALL NEW GOODS 2 THIS WEEK 1 DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES! AH varieties of Choicb Preserres, a one and two pound Cans, the tat in the market. Oar elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honeur, Kg Hams, Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulder?, Parched Java and Laguayra Coffee, These goods are all fresh this ek Our prices and quality of will convince you if you will by us. Try the prepared Soups. For sale at GEO. -'-MYERS; . JjJJf ofc 11 and W tfouth -'ront 8ti Sundries. . JO O0Q,Sacks L R SALT QQQ Sack Marshall's Salt, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MTmCHISON 300 5,?Vs coffee 200BbUSUGAR, For sale low bv WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON 1000 BM8rL0U' , 2QQ Bw POTATOES, For ule low bv WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 7lS'int1 Cracker., Cheese, Lyt Por tale low by WILLIAMS &MTJRCHISON. 1 "oportera & Wholesale Grocers p. U PKKRY.- " -Late Proprietor At aoti MM! UOC A L NEWS. WitLiAiis vv Mti:ruio:v Molasses - Geo F Tilley Fine Bed" and Pork F W Cf. iHK, (J, 7" A New OrlraruK u sion "Sec a4s Baltimore Sua A Sninrii; SpriugStylcs lsl IlEi?;.-TJER(iE;:Piitc:it Violins C V Yates ManifoM Order un-1 Letter Xo City Court thi morniu. .o aircstii lastniirdr to-lay. Ruijljliej have i7!a1o their appearaac thus earl v. Trout have made 'their appearance in the Sounds. Miss Eleanor Calhoun and troupe and tha IJcrcr Family and Combination have arrived. .Ywucau now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stovos at i'tictory prices at Jacobi's. The. receipts of cotton at. tbis port to day foot up UG half s and of spirits 3.482 barrels: "Any father -who goes out and pats tar on top of his front gate after dark must be lost to all sense of humanity. Xot so the one whobuvs a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for his family. The only cargox cleared foreign to-day consist of 230,480 feet lumber, per schr. Charlotte Jamison, for Port Spain, Trinidad, shipped by Messrs K. Kidder a: Sons. .. Miles Howard, a well-known barber and violinist, formerly of this city, is said to have died in a hospital in Philadel phia of small pox a few days ago. The report i3 contradicted. The schooner Mary Bear, which went ashore on the "bite" at Cape Lookout during the storm on Saturday night la3t, was successfully gotten afloat on Tues day and proceeded on her voyage. She arrived in port to day. A cable telegram received here to-day announces the. safe arrival in Liverpool, on Tuesday, and in London on yesterday, of Mr. James Sprunt, of this city. He will be absent about two months. Go to Jacobi's for Doora, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnisheg "Window Gisss, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. , t Lumiaer Schedule The Passport will resum her summer schedule about the first of April. Be fore she is again placed on the lino she will be overhauled and additions made to her by which larger parties can be ac commodated. Capt. Harper is trying to c'ffcct arrangements by which a landing can be had at Bald Head aud other places of interest to pleasure seekers. JIow to be your own painter: Buy the NV'Y. Enamel Paint, ready nitxed and warranted, at. Jacoiu's. t ToOf.Sllt. Tho old favorites, the Bergcrs, will appear to-night at the Opera House. They have added attractions to their Bumber'and now travel as a combination. Their entertainments are always chaste and.. .pleasing and we are satisfied that they will be greeted by a large audience. The band, composed of ten or twelve pieces, marched through the streets this morning and rendered some very fine music. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. Tot re you tr-t the lowest prices, f To morrow night at the - Opera House North Carolina will be represented by Miss Blanche Thompson, daughter of Mr. J. W. Thompson, of Mt. Olive, and South Carolina by Miss Calhoun, a niece of Jno. C. Calhoun. Both these ladies are endowed with rare talent and haye achieved for themselves a reputation cot to be despised. G-ave harse. A colored man named Harris it is said committed a nameless" crime oa the wife of Tkos. H. Davis, also colored, for which Davis shot Harris. The wounds were not serious and the man Harris sued out a warrant against Davis for assault with iotent to kill. To-day Harris was arrested by a bench warrant and will stand his trial, the penalty of his crime being death. An account of the shoot ing appeared in the Review gome ten days ago. . . Wedding Belli. Yesterday's Augusta Chronicle and ''Constitutionalist says: - "Yesterday I afternoon, at St. Paul's Church, Mr. J. I Dickson Munds, of Wilmington, North Carolina, and Miss Minnie S. de l'Aiffle, j of thjs city, rrere married. Kor. C. C- Williams performed the ceremony in a graceful way, after which the young people and friends were entertained in the happiest style at, the residence ot the bride's mother, on Greene street. The vmarriage was conducted on the Ed glish plan, the. groom, accompanied by hi brother, (Mr. W. C. Munds), meeting the bride at the altar. The bride wai accompanied to the church by her ancle, Mr. Horace P. Clark, of New York, her mother, and by Misses Piatt, Alston, Hopkins, Wootea and do TAigle the latter a younger sister of the bride. The bridesmaids were cunningly arrayed in white, with small white bonnetsion their heads and exquisite flowers in their hands Mr. and Mrs. Munds left on the evening train for Wilmingtorv having been accompanied to the depot by a large concourse of friends." Mr. and Mrs. Munds, accompanied by Messrs. W. C. Munds and J. B. Hanks, arrived in this city yesterday morning. Wa wish the young couple a happy and prosperous life. Criminal Coon. The following cases were disposed ot during the day: State vs. William McClammy. Abas, donment. Now on trial. State vs. Chas. W. Davis. A. and B. Defendant submitted. & State vs. J. H . Harrison. Fahso pre tence. Off docket. State vs. W. J. Penton. Larceny. Defendant not taken. Judgment niai. Mardl Gras- The Carolina Central Bail road oners through tickets to the Mardi Gras cele bration at New Orleans at greatly re duced rates. Tickets for the" round trip are placed at $34 only and will be good from February 19thJto March 10th. Full information will be tarnished on appli cation to Mr. F. W. Clark, General Pas senger Agent, at the Company offices, ia this city. The Duplin Canal. Wilminto.v, N. C, Feb. 17th, 1881. Mr. Editor: I have read your most excellent edi torial in your issue of the 16th, relative to the Duplia Canal, and I most fully en dorse every word you say in regard to the cost of the Canal, and I believe ev ery good citizen who stops to consider your advice in the premises, will see the good sound sense of your argument and sustain your recommendation with a hearty good will. Far be it from me t detract from the credit doe Maj. Young for the great zeal he has displayed in this work, but it is a matter of too grave im portance to ask for money without know ing how much will be needed to build this mpst important work. Let the Company have a survey and accurate estimate made, and then- they will have no difficulty in raising the money required ; but to grone your viay in the dark in such matters is not wise ; it is not prudent. i The Morning Siarol the 17th says: "The construction of the Duplin Canal is a measure worthy of the attention ' of every intelligent business man in the town," (and to this I say amen!) "and the indifference shown on the part of many is only another evidence of want of en terprise in the right direction." Now, r. Editor, this is harsh judgment. Does the Star desire our people to go heed- r lessly to work and and attempt the con struction of this canal without being sat isfied what the cost will be? Surely that is not business. WilmiLgton, I Bay, is alive to the importance of this work, but people are wise in not rushing into thi? scheme before the necessary surveys and estimates have been made by competent engineers. Canal engineering, if I may so speak, is one of the highest branches of engineering, and there arc but few oompetent canal engineers in this coun try. The writer was approached but a few days ago by one of the leading mer chants ef this city, a man of the most an doubted ability, and whose judgment ev ery one generally approves, and asked me if I did not think an accurate survey and estimate ought to be made before any more money was subscribed. I sid that was exactly my idea, and I have since heard fifty say the same thing Build the Canal, Mr. Editor. Wilmington requires it. No one can doubt but that it will tbring to her door a vast amount of business that now seeks other ports, and develop a vast wealth now lying dormant. Build it.and it will redound to the indomitable energy of Major Young, and bet a moni ment to his name for all time to come, but go to work about it in the right way. and kaow what you will have to pay be yond a reasonable doabt, M. Daniel Rochal. Miss Calhoun and troupe arrived in this city this morning. To-morrow night the troupe will open their short engage ment, with Sardou's new drama, Daniel Rochat. Of this play the Mews' and Observer says: Miss Calhoun made her second appear ance at Tucker Hall last evening, be fore an audience attracted by her meri torious acting in Romeo and Juliet. The play was Sardou's "Daniel Rochat," a synopsis of which was given by cs yesterday . It abnndsin situations which call Xcx4Mwer and ability, la the char acter of Xeah Henderson, Miss Calhoun rose to the height of the situation, dis playing in both, pathetic and tragic pas sages . ability - most marked. To her charmaof person and manner, she added a rare tenderness, coupled with emotion al powere, as she. portrayed the noble character, with its clinging fondness, its high and pore resolves. The play con tains a moral full of meaning, full of good, for it is a powerful exposition of the infinite Fuperiority of revealed relig ion to cold philosophy. I In the difficult role of "Daniel Rochat" Mr. Barton Hill gave fresh evidences of nis ability. Ho is at all times thorough in his personi fications, and well deserves the reputa tion he has earned.4 Of the support, Mrs Germon, Miss Blanche Thompson, and Mr. Eberle deserve special mention. But few actresses have made a more pleasing impression here than isa Cal houn, and a lively in'erest is felt in one so young and yet possessed of so much talent. She has been the recipient of many attentioas. It has been bat a few weeks sihee she made her debut on the stage, and her many friends brieve that the present promise of a high re putation will be fulfilled. Wishing this, we hope to see her here again. Hot? Advertisements Fine Beet and Fork. J KEEP ONLY THE BEST OF BEEF, PORK, SAUSAGES, etc., at my Stall No 10 Hew Market, And will be pleased to serve all who are de sirous of eating the finest quality of BEEF. GEO F. TILLEY, leb 17-3t Stall No. 10, New Market. NEW ORLEANS Excursion, Mardi Gras Celebration ! GREATLY REDUCED RATES VIA CAR OLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD. ROUND TRIP ONLY $3iJ00. Tickets good . February l&th to March 10th. Apply to F. W. CLARK, feb 17-1 w , G. P. A. New Crop Cuba wj 350 Hhds and Tierce?, , CHOICE ARTICLE, Jnst received and bow Undias ex Brig Cfeftt , Unocja. Tot e&le toy Williams & Murchi on. feb IT . Slattinizs and Carpets fpUE WRITER WILL SELECT, in per son, the present week, in New York, a large atockof Ghoice Mattings fn White andFaney Colors, and will add many noveltiea to present stock cf CARPETS. DRESS GOODS AHD TRIMMINGS (oar specialty) will have the closet atten tion, and the prices will be placed as low u possible. All Wool Su tings and Spring Sacquings, will be received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, a full line of SILK BUNTIVGS 'or evening wear, and many other articles which cannot be named. R.TJ. Hclntire. feb H Kcw Advertisements. 1881 THE SUN, BALTIMORE. 1881 Published Daily, except riendaT. Ran kii . the A fres&eatand Most rtistact -rj ofallJN'es papers. : Low in Prie? Cocpsctio Form.. Independent ia Tut-msIcd, Coaserraiire in Tone. J he career ef THIS 8UN, trom is eariifi beuinniii, hti been characterized ttj a pro (rreasire spirit aal an orijinal aoi efftfotivo enterpriae. To there characreris'ice it stsid fastly adhere. CoTericg aa it does tbewhole fild cf news paper naavor its evtry rumber is a com plete rtlljx of toe spirit of iha timea and the activitie and even of the day THK HUN expree; its vf ioioni on cur ren t evert a na they arita and on Bubjeo'ir of public interest, with the view iniy ot arrir ing at riz t reaatto &ud coneervinn the Ren erat welfare Jta consistent into Ity ia thor oghly taown and understood. 41 A HtT UL8i EWhPaPER, TBE SLN is adapted to tha needs ot ail and enjoys a wrld wide confide ce. 'he extent and vrietv of TRR ON'r Hp rt', their careful c?urcr and j t cAcf p'a?ieicy c .nftitutd a triiinf ioav.'u, Fi-mpu jif u u i noiiiM ana aDroaa. ITjp C-ti. 4 USUv.HOH foreign and dowetie,. is unsQrpa?ied in ex callencd ard f tehees IT AilMTON BORI-AU covers al the r haes of political information t KBipi ing at toe n ional napiial, with Drops note nd c mmest. Unexce lad in the past, itwi l b- mintained at tbe highea tanrard n the future I- IS -.AhK.T ND 8TO0K RRPORTh f Hf 8 are collected ad eompileo with the a imoet care and may ba taken a a'a f aides by all who desire to obtain t've -test and uiost triutwurthr informatioo on tttmatt i uportant topics In abort; TH " US will eoatinneto noain-, taio the high reputation it has required am ante prisins;, anenrate and we I eittrd new papr, always ready to dd to its tacili tifs for eol eeiintr nes whenever necesar to meat the increasing deuaod of tho time and to maintain the biirfc onGdena o which irs larpe od steadi y itcreasins; ei culati t ffivaa evioe-ce. Terms of rarjasriptitn by Mail Ca'b ic dance ne Yer, potee inelufie,....M.....t 00 ix Months, postage included SO hree Months, postage icclud d 1 6 Two Months, postage included 1 50 One Month, postage inciudod 50 Address A. b. A BELL A CO., VubUthers, Sun Iron Build n, feb 16 Baltim' re 'd -r THE $1. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN $1. l A8 00 a .x A M 1 1. Y P m cK A'b PUBLISHED IN TKin OOUNTmY. Tbe Original and etectod St ris are foil of interest a d couatitute ch' ia family read ing. Its lyrical ploeee are also of a high order of merit .Besides these merits it is u compendium of THIS NEWS OF THIS WEK, well collated and of infinite variety. All fresh recurrences at home and abroad fine a place in its column?. The bright and graphic letters of the a ecial correapnderta ofTHfc; tiHN at the capitals of Europe, it Halifornia and elsewhere, are published in the Weekly, and. in adoition to describing theourse of poli'ic&t events, nill gie the gossip ol the day and the drift of events, ihe v7A8HW'ON BUtitfAtJ UJ THE HUN will keep the readers or" the Weekli well infrmd in respect to everything of in terest, -roliticalb and s' cial v, tr-nspMnp tt that point. V h itever besides, that is se rious or joyous, tht tfnos to give a spioe t variety, will be supplied tomako the Weekly attractive. ITd MABKST AD FINANCIAL HE PORTS are brought down to the latest hour of pub lication, and every pains taken to make them truetworthy. AUIOULTURAL MATTERS are not neglect-d, and the farmer will find In the eoluasns devoted to tbis subject many valuable hints and suggestions. Sound edl torial dicuesiens alwa s hnve place In tro Weekir; "ind, with i?. s'o its and rtherlight lite-store, :ts well-writJe - ietters fror- places news and ?os?:p and its excaiJent Mjrket 1 aad insnciiJ He -brt, THr. -AJr M;hE WKtiibV hUT commends itself to all wh . at Deise ana aDioa, its poJ-ticni nd general re i o to hne a tborojghly g-.o.i paper at a Tf tow price, eras of "ubscriptiot, Invariably Cash io Advance. One Dollar per Year fjr one copy or any nurbr cf copies. Itft BE 8 if PBIUM' COpI-a TO IJRTTfBUP OKOI,nB Tbe foil' wing liberal fren.iura Copies are given to tb e wa gt up 'i.ubsforthe V VK OP ...,......$5 00 With one ext acipy of the Weekly - nn one ye.r. f EN C -PIbI- $'0 03 With an extra copy ot the Weeijy run o o ear, and ne ropv of :fce-Dai'y Hun three toonths yilrTR.N ffpU8..... .....$:5 00 With a extra eopj uf the Weekly n on- year, and one copy cf the i'aily Suo a months. TWRV'T C- r.r. $J0 CO With an tx:reVpj of ilo aiy fno ae year, and onecpy of the hal v "uo ni- e turntr s. THIHTY Oyl-.. -......$30 CO With an ex ra epy .f ih Weaty ' Son, ed one copy f tbe ualiy hna one year " or fail te ma an 'I prem am copUt to ritr nr of I'lab , fee protptc us in THE VCN, Daiiv and Wkly, ana in the Hk 7i0Krs au 4 1 f-riMl avalu able vnbliration of seVoav-tw page, free to U subnerie-s to the 6Ai.TIMOj eO, Da'ly a d Weekly Tha safe t method of transmitting fanda by icaii is by drft. e- ec o Postc$ea mun i j order No deviauon d4-s A. 8. AHRt L :o., -nn Ira Baildisg, feb IT- BsJtimor Md. Notice. KKLiOATI-lN VIL. . itS AUB TO ta Gaaeral aaablj, at its approseaia saaslon, tor a eaarter for tfes'.WUmiagtoa Itariet Oasipxay. dao H-Hit OPERA-HOUSE, oxi: night oxly: Thursday, FehfuarvI7l!i THE BERGERS AND Til Em NEW COMPANY. The most att active aid nwitorioas eater taiata'e&t i.i Ax.fca ' 15 Star Artiste 15 Kxnbraeing the t.i wiur Pr.-mueat tpf. c: Tala&t, MR. CUjlz. V, BREWfeg : Tbe Vorid'a Oreate'tVoetrilooat Hamnr itt, with tfcefaaUet family tY woodec heade4 aiaaUtiaaoA Kartb MI8S KTTA MORGAN, " ' The KecoTrnfrd acd Firat LadySaxophos-j 8oIoit la tho Worul. ,r r , MItfS MARIE BOWES, . IIuffioroQ!, Draxcatls and tiicct Elccatioo- UI8S COiSA PARRli, The Accomplished aaa Plcasiag iiezz3 8o pruo. M!i. A. JU. HllLIlROOIvi . the Fmiaent croret V rtaoaa. Khmn dTful performances have gi'ed him a or- repui&tun ticona to ooso . ,n dcitiou A full uilify Brass Band, '? ' 'fous and Fxpensi-e Brlti-L atilitaiy kj u.iu.ja, uaucr too leaders ipor-rMOF i. rt ulliv A, ,f vrw York, in Grand Pa-ade, on day of exhibition..' Tickers of Admission Tickets can be se em ed in advance without extra carge, at 'eiosberger's. Doors opoS at 7. TH rtMi (iK at 8 - ' feb U 3t OPERA HOUSE; COMMENCUJG FEBRUARY 18, Miss Eleanor Calhoun AD a Bili LI A.NT HH A. i kb Peri l AN DBaMATIOURGvNIZ iTIjN. RID A f BiQ r th, Great Parisian and New York hucses, DA iIEL ROCHAT. BATrjtiDAY M aTIVEE, The Hunchback, By nev. "'he id an K.nuwle, r. t. C. 8aT0KlAYNiHT, Romeo and J ul;et. ln Komoand .'u-ietwe hav. more than ny oiteer tragedy, th pastiou o love lure n ah ts ve r al promise - fml f hope nd 'u oennce-ardent beyonrt all estrint of " "but teaser aitiawrm "Madame deStaal. -e - a ca : now be scu-ed at Heionberger's. arquette atd I res 5rc!e $1, Parqof-tte ""ifcie 6"c - aM 26c. tb 14 Hi Patent Vioims. JQUAL A CREMONA. Endorsed by Ole Bull. " For sale at t ILEINSBEKGER'S A NEW LOT OF GUITARS. j. Banjos, Accordeons, FJuto, Fifes, . Alio, Guitar and Yiylia titriizs' For sale at ,fj. HEINSBERGER'S, LI VE BOOK AND M TJSIO STORE, . feb IS . No More Leaky Itoofs ! RON OLAD WATER PROO? PAINT has no equal for stopping Ieakr. 1 1 is guar anteed for 10 years Any rcof, no matter h -w bad, can be saved by this p&bt. As a Koofijg Paint asd for Ua'ap Wal a it ats co equal. Samples and testimonials farnisHel upon ,. . - f a"P1catii,a' . -H HALL AGO., feb 5-iw torcar W ate- and Dock sfs Family Fjour. aQRINDING A3 GOOD AS THE BEST Extra Family Flourlfrcm North "Carol iii a White Wheat. .All can be convix :cd t j sending orders to tbo feb U-tf CAPE FEAR FLOUliMILL3. 3Iaulfo:d Order ana Lit ter Book JOE- AWAY WITH TBS OLD AND eumbersoaje tjitem cf pre?s, brn.b, water, Aa. andiadooe in atenthof the time hcrc- tofire required, as the letter anl cjpy are written at otc. Noisk. tt fin reqalretl. Complete stock at Yates Book Ftore. feb H i W. C. Craft, pRACtlC'AX, WATCHMAKER AND JeVeler, EvanA, BlrxkPrtnces'sLetwee-J Front and Second street Wilmington, N. C , solicit a share of the public patronage.' febU-lw T. ' - rjoti ice. APPLICATION wffl bendc to the presj nt Legtalature to incorporate tb "Htfton RlccilUl Company." jtB2930t 1 '; t ! t 1 .1 ".I : I it U 'i i h i it ! 1 - t ii r V '! ' V-' n I' ll if ! "( If. I, i ; i ''4 f 1 i I i