-TIM PAP We wiU twjflxd to rlTQ ooaxoanlcatlcri from ar ttimis ob ui ard all iab:u leceral ifitoract bt Tlt aam. of Um writer out alwji b far nbned to' the Editor? CommuiIUon test bo writtea oa only oaadd of tbe.papr' PenosaUtie mom e a voided V And it It espoclalijr piJtxiy ,;ttndVt ; tood that the Editor 1 Ws -ot sdwijs ecdorie the Tiewsot corrpoaiij lMaa. Hiei la th editorial eolocans. 4,fUfTJOSftl.lWTAUEPAll. CM Sixontb,, 2 50; Three antW4 ' .. j.i:..i h? carrier. 1 ,r will Deei" y ffce iaany part of tbe city, at the eh" !', i j cents per week. T' "-U rteJ low ind liberal Ai2!ESbe will please report any ud TCifceir pupersregnlirly. VOL. V W LMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1881. NO. 306 n Daily meylew. flew Advertisements. LL HO US E s SEW MAN'AGKMEST. V' i.is:,,TC'N, N. V j . ..rKRV. - - - P. 5. i- 1 lt Proprietor At:atio tfotel. TYlii'i I 1883 . INSTALMENT OK. .. . BOOTS &SHOES S?3!N3 & SUMMER SYTLES AH RIVING NOW AT ?L'fl Shoo Store. . Market Street ALAR(JK STOCK OP gash, Doors AND 1UKIHDS Or MILL W0RK5 LUMBER LATHS. &e fry cheap, at U.TAFKEK. PRICK. & CO. fici": Office Fresh Arrivals. Bgi Ri O FSK, 1 Bbli :"efiid Sagtr, id Bblf O ?nar, 75 lllM Now Cub M .lissoa; 10J Bbla :ew Or)( i MoIa:sia. 55 liorrefl Charieiton Uhe, 193 fct'.8 'eei Potatoes, fOJ Bashels Va. Meil, 10W FblGood Flour, ' 100 Bbls Meti Fork. SflLL & PEtLR?ALL i7 GOODS I THL WEEK DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES! AH varieties of Choice Preserves, 111 one ami two pound Cans, the tet in the market Oar elegant Family Flour, Parole T Honeur, Hanw, Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulder?, Pin-bed Java and Laguavra Coffee, These good are all fresh this Our prices and quality of --.. ivauutu UU li JUU Will Try the prepared Soups. Tor sale at GEO. MYSRSV J1 11 aad IS South Front St: Sundries. 10.0fiaSatkLsLT' .... 7 V 3QQQ Sac8 Marshall's Salt. For sale low by , Wn.LlAMS& MURCHrSOX 2QQ Bb SUGAR, For eale low by WILLIAMS & MURCUISON l000Bbl8FLOUK' 200 rOTATOES; For sale low bv . ILL1AM3 & MURUIISON. For4ieiow by H 81 T?lrLi'lAMS & MURCHISON. importera & Wholesale Grocers POBC SPRIS S ! LOCAL. NEWS. "ittw Aclvcrtjseinenrs. A W Ei kn-, Mast, r Ship Noiii-t A Siuu eh Spring Styles 11 IIcinseeugei: Pattnt Violin. (' W Vatk Mrmif'ilil Orltr a::l I.-1! r AVindy Kt-day. No City Cor.rJ this morning. The rccjipt.i vl' cotton at hl port to day loot up 1 J 7 bales. - Mir'j Calhouu anvl the members of her troupe .-p: ;i' thcrjr on the Sonnd. Since i on.? with boles iti tbcui have boeorno uncarivnt. iilling np tli. licleS w ith pev. ter has come iuto voiie. ritatioiifi3 Had that postal cards have decreased he sajc of envelope and writing-paper to Vic aciouat ot . $12,000,000 auuuallv. The uniforms ibr Uie messengers of the Western Union Telegraph Compaay have arrived and tUo Itoys appeared in tlicin to-diiv. Guatha Williams, colored, was found last night by the police drunk and down. She will have a hearing before Ilia Honor to-morrow morning. The foreign exports to-day foot up 300,000 feet lumber, and 63,000 shingles. Messrs Northrop & Camming and E. Kidder A- Sons were the shippers. You can i'ow buy Improved Ileating and Oook Stoves at lactory prices at Jacodi's. f A quautityof '"long sweetnin' " was stolen from a barrel which was in front of a business house, on the wharf, a few nights ago. It is 'thought that Mike Peden's gang did it. Uncie Ned Glavin, who left us some yearago to go to Charlotte, has return ed to Wilmington. He is in the employ now of the Carolina Central R. R. as trace agent, we think. We are glad to have him back among us once more. It is odd that frost kills yellow feyer but does not check smallpox. We know, however, that it makes Drv Bull's Cough Syrup go like hot cakes. - Raleigh has just passed through the exciting crisis of a spiritualist medium humbug performance. "Professor Fos ter, df New York," was the man. this time, probably the same "Professor," under another name, who humbugged a Wilmington audience some weeks ago. Meat Tblef Yesterday afternoon, Mr. .James Quinn detected a colored individual in the act of stealing some meat from the store house cf Messrs. Hall & Pearsall. The man was in the act of putting the meat in his bag when Mr Quinn grabbed him. The man succeeded in getting away and has not yet been captured. Opera House. "Miss Calhoun opens her engagement in this city to-night with 4,Daniel Ro chat.'' At the matinee to-morrow after nodn, the "Hunchback'' will be given and to-morrow night "Romeo and Juliet'' in six acts, as revised especially for Miss Calhoun, vvi!! be presented. Wherever the troupe have performed they have been highly spoken of. Several of Mr. i Ford's stock company are supporting Miss Calhoun and we can promise the public fine perlormauces by the troupe IIotv to be-yourown painter : Buy the1 N. Y. Enamel Taint, )eady mixed and warranted at Jacosi's. f UestruciiYi- iire Aarruw Escape- Friday night, abeut 10 o'clock, the to-story frame residence and meat house wf Mr. C. H. Uronson, at Lisbon, Samp so;i county, was destroyed by fire. The fire vai first .discovered in the dining roo:n but had made such neadway that Mr Urorisoa and his family barely es caped with their live?. His three daugh ters, who wvrv sleeping - in the second story ot the dwelline, were compelled to flee iu their robes ds nuit, had they been a minute later would have perished in the' flames. They had barely cleared the doors when the staircase was enveloped in flame3 and the roof fell in. Mr. Bron gan lest 8700 in cash, besides his furni ture, family clothiog and quite a large quantity of meat. His loss is estimated at about $5,000, on which there was cot one cent of insurance. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household .Hardware of every dwesip tlon. There yoa get the lowest prices, f Una a' 1 able- Uumailable matter remains in the Postoflice ia this 'city addressed o? fol lows: Mrs Wia A Gammcll; Summerviile, X O; Miss Rose Howard; Mrs Sarah Mal lard, Kingeville, X C; Mis3 Kate II felade, Washington, D C; Mrs Xancy Toomer, Rocky Point, X C: Robert A Mayo, Richmond, Va. . The City Market Cases- The cases of Mr. C. If. Gilbsrt ques tioning the right of the city to pas a market ordiaaace, which vtere set as the special order of the day in the Criminal Court, were disposed of. The jojlgment oi Mayor Fishblate was sostained aad the defendant took aa appeal to the Sa premo Court. Messrs. George Daris, Junius Davis and F. II. Darby appeared for the city and Messrs. DuBrutz Cut lar, M. Bellamy and Jno. D. Bellamy for the defense. ' The defense holds the opinion that as the Market i3 notx the property of the city, the city has no right to pass an or dinance requiring batchers to sell meats ' A, in it. Criminal Court The morning session was consumed im the trial of the cases ef C. H. Gilbert, charged with Tiolatioa of the City Ordi- naiice. It will bo remembered that Mr. Gilbert appealed from the decision of the Mayor on these cases. Verdict guilty. Appealed. State Vs. Julia Pierson. Larceny. De fendant submitted. Sentenced to It years in pen. State vs. Geo. Yann. Larceny. De fendant submitted. Senteaced to 10 years in pen. Geo. Yann and Jalia Pierson are the persons who assualted Mr.ClogronSurry street aad robbed him, about two weeks ago, an account of which appeared in the Retisw at the time. Statovs- W.J. Penton, et. al., Wil liam Lee and Red Derane, on trial. Lar ceny of cottony case no on trial. Llppincott't Maffazine. While the chief aim of the conductors of LippincoWs Magazine is to furnish entertainment, the reader of the fresh and lively sketches which .fill the chie' space iu the March number will find that he has gathered information, on various topics, as serviceable as if it had been acquired by a more laborious pro cess. "Six Months in a Couatry-House in Russia," by Alain Gore, gives an ex perience such as very few- Americaa travellers hare erer had the good for tune to enjoy. The article on "The Diamond Mines of South Africa," by E. B. Biggar, brings down the history of these remarkable discoveries to a recent date. "Moose Hunting," by "Canuck," also illustrated, is a vivacious account of the sport as practised in Nova Scotia. "My China Boys," by Fanny Stevenson, is not only very amusing, but presents some types of Chinese character not fam iliar to mere cssual observers. PhebeD. Natt gives an account of The Paris Artckools," Dr. Charles W. -Dulles discusses the "Physical Uses of Pain," and Charles Burr Todd describes 'The American' Newgate," an- underground prison in Connecticut, once famous, but now known only to the local antiquary "Lilith," the shert and somewhat melo dramatic serial which has attracted s much attention, U concluded in ibis num ber. There are two spirited short sto ties "The Kid" and "A Law of Na ture" and a capital sequel to the.Shaks perian burlesque, "Place aux Dames." Another short serial, with thcqoaioj title of "Craquo o'-Doom,'' will be com menced in the April number. Tho reportorial staff of the Revizw desire to return thanks to Mr T C. Fanning for cards of admission to the reception to be held at Rankin Hal to morrow afternon at 3 o'clock by his dar.e icg classes. , Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmiagton District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1831. (First round .) Brunswick, at Bethel, - Feb: 19-20 Topsail, at tfesleyan Chapel, Feb. 26-27 Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - March 5-6 Clinton, at Andrew Chapl, March 12-13 Cokesbury, at Halls, - - March 19-20 The District stewards will meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmiogton, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2d Feb. A full attendance is desired L. S. BCBUXAD, ( Presiding Elder. OPER1 HOUSE- A very pleasant concert and society entertainment was given at the Opera House last night by the musical compa-i ny now traveling under the proprietor ship of Mr, Fred G. Berger. The orchestral composition of the troupe is very fine finer, no doubt, than it ever was, even in the palmiest days of the old Berger Company ; but we missed the Berger sisters with their extraordinary musical accomplishments. Miss Etta Morgan, however, gave U3 an exhibition of .the same order of talent. Thisjady' - performance on the saxa phone, a most curious-looking instru ment, on the horn order, won the un limited plaudits of the very large and select audience. The duet with the old Berger bells, as rendered by Mis3 Mor- Morgan and Mr. Henry Berger was a real musical treat, and the only relics of the old Swiss Bell Ringers that we were wont to enjoy sa much. . Mr. Holbrs-ke's cornet solo was well re ceived, and the performance of Mr.Fisb.er on the zither was the sweetest possible music Mr. Brand's xylophone elicited much admiration as a cunningly executed performance. The recitations of Miss Marie Bowen gave very great pleasure. Her voice is exceedingly pleasant and her modula tions very melodious. Her expression we thought very skilful, though we felt that her first recitation was rather rapid. The VeBtriloquial exhibition of Mr. Chas. W. Brewster showed remarkable gifts in that line. We were far better pleased, however, at his powers as a ven triloquist, which are exceedingly great, than his taste of selection in the conver sations employed between himself and his manikins. We wish the troupe success wherever it goes and record their entertainment one of a pleasing character. Gray Hairs are Honorable, but their premature appearance is annoying. Par ker's Hair Balsam is popular for cleanli ness and promptly restoring youthful color. One oftne HoMen Kirk Lambs. About three months ago John J. Rhodes, "former marshal of Raleigh," "natural born detective," and "Lieuten ant in Kirk's Lambs," was nrrested in this city charged with perjury. To keep him from going to jail a gentleman stood his bond and the man of many callings jumped his bond aid went to South Car olina. Rhodes has been known to be lurking about town for tbe past month and officers were alter him, but by strat agy or otherwise he managed to oat-wit the officers natil last night, when lo! and behold, their valiant Lieutenant of the Holden-Kirk militia was caught dis guised as a colored woman. This son at Mars, who clamors for tho removal of Holden's disabilities, was pnt in jail and this morning had a hearing before Jus tice Millis. The first charge, carrying a concealed weapon, was disposed cf and Rhodes was sent back to jail. This af ternoon he will have a hearing in tho 'masquerade case." When captured Rhodes had on a dress and bonuet and a wig made " of moss. His face and hands were blacked im the most improved stylo known to knights ''"of the burnt cork On his person was found a pistol, which he forgot to use when he tried to give the officers leg bail. Rhodes is the same man who represented himself some time ago to be a pauper and almost starved, and succeeded in getting a permit to the Poor House. He stayed in the "Insti tution" but two days, when he left, pay ing the fcfare, meat, potatoes, hominy, cabbages, etc., was not good enough for him. We' should have said in the prop er place that the prisoner did not appear in court in his costume, for the jailor took pity on the court and washed the prisoner up. H?.xhy Tax Noktwick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevuiled upon me to try an "Only Lung, Pad," and 1 obtained immediate relief from a racking congh. I know the Pad helped me. See Adv. D. D. after a person's name on a re porter's note book does aot always stand for Doctor of Divinity, but most gener allo for drunk and down.. Star please Go to Jacobi's for Doors, ah and Blind, pure White Lead, Oils, Varaishe Window Glaafl, all eizee. All at the lowet price. . f New Advertisements. otice AUi J'XKHUtH are hereby c ationed&ir t fca-horin J&ji or tru'tiojt asy of tha cretr r.f tha British bri ZlMD", -SS from M'tanzis, ai the Mast-r will cot be retpoEeibi lor dabts of their cntrctinir. A W. 8UNP, febisat Master Fine Beei and Pork. I KEEtt ONLY THE. BEST OF rEEF. PORK, SAUSAGES, cv ". at my Stall No 10 New Market, And will be pleased to serve all who are de sirous of eating thr tin est qualitj of F.EEF. CIEO F. TILLEY, leb Si.til No. 10, Xcw Market. ORLEANS Excursion, Mardi Gras Celebration ! GREATLY REDUCED RATES VIA CAR OLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD. ROUND TRIP ONLY $U .00. Tickets' good February lDth to March 10th. Apply to F." W. CLARK, febl7-lw G. P. A. ew Crop Cuba o lasses ! 350 Hhds and Tierce?, CHOICE ARTICLE, Jast received and now landing ex Brig Chai tanooga. For sale by Williams & MiifcIukoii, feblT North, South, East and West. IN EYERY PART OF THE city, my Goods are delivered every half hour during the day. You have only to leave your or ders in passing by, and I guaran tee eafc delivery nt your, homes. My goods are the Choicest, prices as low as tho lowest, and my Store always clean and attractive. I invite all to call upon me. when down town purchasing. A FRESH LOT OF '?PaiD- OF THE PANTRY" lour 3 just arrived. Send lor sampler, as I know every one desires the best, and eo far this has taken the palm, JIj. L BOATWHiuHT, IVos 11 A. Front M. La Kffl Now Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. CDMMEHCIHG FEBRUARY IB Miss Eleanor Calhoun AD A BRli.UaNT 811 A h, koPtitl AN UltAMATlCUHGAMZlTIU. , c. ... " . . ' FRIDAV 5IGHT tM liret j aruiaa and DA'DlIEL HOCHATv 8ATUh.. -Y MATlJiEK, The Hunchback. Br Kev. Bheridaa Knowlw, E. C. SATCliDAY NIGHT, Rornoo and Jultei. 43 Uoxneoacd Jn iet we hare,' morenh&n ny oihor txatfly,tbe paflfion of laralorc in all Its Terral poie fad ff hope cd innocence ardent beyond all rwtriiftt of reai'-n but tender n it ii wirm." Madame deStael. cse.s can now be secured t lleicpbcrucr'f. PArquette and Drua- Circle $X, Parquetto Circle 50c, alls t 25c. teb 14 St PateiViolinsr jcL AL A CREMONA. EndoircTby Oie Buil. Fir sale at ' . IIEINSBERGER'S . A NEV LOT OF GUITARS, Banjos, Act ordeons, Flute?, Fife., Also, ouitar and iolm Mrin.T3. For sale at nEINSBEKGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, feb V, ' ' fflattiners and Carpets. rpiIE WRITER WILL SELECT, in per son, the present week, In New York, a' largo stock of Choice Erlattings in White and Fancy Colors, and will add many novelties to present stock cf CARPETS. DRESS GOODS AND TIMINGS (our specialty) will have the closet atten tion, and the prices will be placed as low a possible. All Wool Suitings and Spring Sacquinps, will be received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, a lull line of SILK BUXTI.VGS 'or evening wear", am many other articles which eannot be named. R. r3. Rficlntire. feb 1 IVo More Leuky Itoul t JKOV CLAU WAT"R PfiOOP PAINt nas no eqaal for Btoppln leak. It ia gnar anteed for 10 jean Any roof, no matter hrw bad, can be fared bv this paint. ; AtaKooSag Paint .ltd fcrDaop Walls it has no equal. Samples and testimonials farniahod upon implication. J D QALL h CO., feb &-'Jw Corner Water and Dock sis Family Flour. QRINDLYG AS GOOD AS THE BEST Extra Family Flour, from North Carolina White Wheat. All eau. be onv!ccrd by semlhjg orders to Uk-fcbll-tf CAPE TEAR FLOUR MILLS. Manifold Order and Let ter Book J-jOEi? AWAY WITH THE OLD AND cumbersome system cf press, br'csb, water, Ac, and U docc in a tenth of tte time here tofore required, as tho latter ani copy are written at otc. llo ink, no pen require!. Complete stock at Yates' Book Store. feb 14 W. G, Craft, RACTICAL WATCIDIAKER AND . Jeweler, Evans' Block, Princeea, between Front and Second ftrcet, Wilmington, N. C , Foiiciu a tharc xj the public patroacc. feb 14-lw Notice. APPLICATION will be mde to the pre ent Legislature to incortjorate the 'HUton Rice Mill Company." -" jan 29L30t Notice. . PPLIOATIUN WILL . UK UA.DE to .Um General' Asaaably, at lb a; proachiaff ftecdon. for a ctxarter for tte Wilaaianon Market Cotopanr. dwH.:jt : 1 l I' 1 il M 1 tl ii f f. - . , l 11 h K . $ i" s" r! . ' I! d 5': B' i -. w 'H 1? ii fi 't - w

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