i 1 i n- r i niM miin iimn pwimiMH'iii'ii nlmiT r giiTTiTilimr irr.i;-iril""" "T" w gWW?. ."iv-1- ; .V1 ", r ri t, "i rt --rr- ttt- t i-jt i rnnnm-- r if-rrit, TnrriT Tinni i , i i ; r r, -i ,-r " - - x " ' " - T " "" ! lOIfl'P? v We will be glad to receive eommcnlcaticet from bur friends on aay and all tubjeetTo ; ganeral interest but . ,y . The name of the writer mut always be far alahed to the Editor. Comnvnleatlo&inatibe written cn obIi oaesideofthelpaper. 1 ' Persoaalitiei au a molded '" AnditlseepeiailyaaVtcularly;under itood put the Edltnr less ft always endorie the views ot eorreeponio., orJi to Utt4 la the! editorial oolnrana, f -0S?6 00 Six u,oatba, 50 ; Thru, ,f ... na Burnt. 50 0Bl ' ,ni' b delivered Dy erri,rn, " ritoJ. or 13 eentt per wMk. Saberiben will pleae report nj and T,-...t0 receive their papers regularly. iu s . v - , , , . - - -,- ; - . -mi ., , i, i -I -I.', - i , i . !., . i . : . - ( - ' . . y. .. . . . ; t , - - , I VMM vVv?Vvr y: IJuLli Th A' IT " 1 Ml II J .11 -ILlb JLJ V JL 11 K V V o - ' :r'"H :i ft' !': -a. '"-- , ? - . -- . , t . . ,. u -X t ii r ii i - in . i ii. . VOL. V WILiUNGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1881. NO. 307 " r . --- ..- . T. 1 . y " i ... . , . .:' .. - flew Advertisements; pURCELLH 0 U S E, Wiimi OTOX, N O. , f'KKRY. - ' " '''"P. p P oprietor At;ntic Hotel ,i.at"in 1 point :D'f lerci feb 8 tf . SfEIffi STYLES ! 'FIKST IX3TAL.MEST OF BOOTS & SHOES IN" SPRING & SUMMER SYTLES ARRIVIXG NOW AT - . sHTXZZ'il Shoe Store. fet) ii Market Street A LARGE STOClv OF AND ; . ULKIMOS OF MILL W0RK1 LUMBER. LATHS. & i Foriktta very obeapvAt Al.TAKKKK.. PP.1 CI & CX). m GOODS s THIS VSEES DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES ! f - . t All rarieties of Choice Preserves, bone and twa pound Cans, the best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d Honenr, Pig Hima, Breakfast Strips -" ; and Small Shoulder?. Parched Jara and Ijaguayra Coffee, These goods are . all fresh this r f .,. , -.1, ,.lr '' V -- .1 - , wek. Our prices and quality of ffooda will conTince you if you will try us. . ;' : Xrj the prepared Soupsu For sale at CEO. MYER8',: JU Hoi. II and IS Sooth Front Bti Sundries. 10,OOOiSack!LSALT' gQQQ Sacks Marshall's Salt. For sale low by WILLIAM8 & MURCHTSON 300 8wlia COFFEE, 200 m SUGAR For eal low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON 1000 Bbla FLOUR, 200 Bbls P0TAT0ES For sale low by WILLI A M8 & MURCHISON. Candle., Crackers, Cheese, Ly a.Soda, Soaps, &c. . Fcr sale low by ; , T WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. -ClIm porters & Wholesale Grocer W. C. Craft, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND ''cler, Va!li Blockt Prince, between from ni Second streets, Wilmington, N. C ft1 ire of the public patronage. Notice- t CATION wiU fee mule tot W Notice, ArPUOlTl0 WILL B2 MADE TO Ji? 7, at Its 4awoaeMaar LOCAL NEWS. 'ew Adverttseineuts. Notice Banks in the City 'IIaxlA Pea-RSall Molasses and Syrup S II Fishblate, Mayor Proposals Bl a Hixsox '& Cummixg Di6soiutioiJ A Shriek Spring Styles 18S I Heixsberger Patent Violins C W YATES-Mauifoia Order and Letter Book Romeo and Juliet to-night. Pa v's length 11 hours and f minutes Sunset ta fnorrdw afternoon 14& van utes past 5 o'clock. Loqji waists and short skirts gala in favor for children. The girls are collecting gold dollars for their-bangles. Ball dfresses of tulle have hummincr birds for trimmings. You can now buy Improved Heating and Oook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. f "What is home without a majolica but terdish and a gilt' dodo in the dining, room? , Pretty new bracelets are of white kid, painted by hand and mounted with gold. t . There have been no interments this week in either Oakdale or BelleTue Cemeteries. ' ,; ' . Miss Calhoun and troupe leare to morrow for Charleston to fill an engage ment in that city. The Register of Deeds has issued marriage licenses this week to "one white and four colored couples. We learn from the signal office that a gale of wind prevails along the coast. No damage is reported as yet. "VYe are pleased to see that'Capt. Leg- gitt has so far improye in health as to be able to appear on the street to-day. It-is impossible to diminish poverty oy multiplication ot enects; but the best thing to diminish the effects of a heavy cold is Dr. full's Conga Syrup. The Howard Belief Fire Engine Com pany will celebrate their 25th anniver- sary on Tuesday by a parade during the day and a ball at night. 'tThewafer" in the river had fallen about ten feet up to yesterday morning but it is not low enough,' as yet, to re surne operations on the rov. Worth, y Next Tuesday, the 22nd, is a legal holiday, and the Banks in thi3 city will be closed on that day. Paper falling due on Tuesday must be attended to on Monday. The Charlotte Democrat truly says that "fairness and justice demand that the appropriation for the mouth of the Cape Fear River shall be increased from $10,000 to $100,000 at least." Gray Hairs are Honorable, but their premature appearance is annoying. Par ker's Hair Balsam is popular for cleanli ness and promptly restoring youthful color. , The latest mania7 is the collecting of beautiful chrome cards and their arrange ment in albums. This new fancy is, like all our others, epidemic, and prom ises to equal the fifteen puzzle. Mr. F. A. Schutte is making improve ments at his place on Wrightsville Drives are being made through the grounds and cottages will be built. He also will have a nice flower garden. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, OQs, Varnlshea Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. f At the Knights of Pythias banquet at Goldsboro last week, the remarkable coincidence was observed that the pres ent Grand Master of tlasoss, the Grand Master of Odd Fellows, the Grand Dic tator of the Knights of Honor, and the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, all reside in Wayne eounty. We learn from the Areu;s and 06 server that Hon. John W. Shackelford and W. P. Canaday, Esq., were in Ral eigh on Thursday and left the same day for Fayettevjlie It is njaderstood that, positions are to be there taken in re gaid to the contested election case, as Mr. Canad3y" is contesting Mr. Shackel ford's election. Fur tLe Reriiw. Now that we've heard how Betty and I killed the bar on the message, Woa't we hear what Betty has to say through the Board of Audit and Finance? ".;; Exquxszk. No City Court this morning. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 3S6 bales. The Criminal Court will close its la bors for the present term this afternoon. The only cargo shipped foreign to-day consists of 1,562 casks spirits turpentine and 242 barrels rosin, per Nor. barque Thorsberg, for London, Messrs. Wil liamson k Murchi8on the shippers. reruns!. Capt. Jas. D. Cummiag, formerly xf this cit j, "but now a cotton merchant in New Yor, is here on a short visit and looking, we are pleased to see, in the en joyment of most excellent health. The old firm of Hinson, Gumming & Co., it will be noticed, has been dissolved, Capt. Camming and Mr. Baily, the junior part ner retiring from the old firm and en teriag into business together under the name and style of Camming k Baily. A Stranger Captured. Yesterday afternoon a large seal, weighing about one hundred pounds and measuring 3 feet in length.was captured in Col. B. R.-Moore's seine at Keg Is land, ten miles below this city. The stranger is a fine looking animal aid its skin is valuable. . Its captors, to be cer tain of .his capture, shot it, one shot tak lag effect in its head It is a great pity that, the animal was not captured alive A real live seal is a curiosity even an der a circus tent. ! "', OPEKAIIOmE. Mln Eleanor Calhoun. There was a fine audience at the Opera House last night to greet the first ap pearance here of that new and rising star in the theatrical world who has been, so generously commended by the press ev ery where she has yet appeared. There had been much pleasant expectation and our people were prepared to receive her warmly. The play selected for Miss . Calhoun's introduction here was Sardoa's Daniel Rochat, with Mr. Barton Hill in the title role supporting Miss Calhoun's Leah Henderson. Of the play itself as a theatrical romance or a pieasantiy pointed fiction, but little can bo satt in its favor. There is much, however, of realjdramatio force in itjit.is highly thrill ing and affords those emotioaal situations that call for real exhibitions of talent. We must candidly admit that Miss Calhoun did not impress us as favorably as wo had wished in the first act, but there very little was required of her. As the play proceeded in interest, how ever, she rose to the requirements of the situation and gave evidences of real ar tistic skill. She has unquestioned tal-, ent, we unhesitatingly believe, a very de. cided talent and. of the highest order. Her conception is exceeding fine, her elocutionary accomplishments excellent and her appearance very charming. Bat ae yet, she has not had time to add to these gifts and accomplishments that ease and finish of stage manners that come only with careful experience in the habit of the stage and constant familiar- ity with the footlights. s Thompson ,a8 Esther Henderson, was as charming as possible for' a win some utue creature u De. we were highly pleased with her acting and be lieve that her stage career will be crown' ed with many successes. Mrs. Germon, that finished old lady actress, gave us a treat in her Mrs. Powers. - Mr. Hill is an aetor whose talents have long ago won recognition. He stands well up in the list of American actors and it is a great pleasure to witness his act Jng. His Daniel Rochat we thought a finished representation and we have only words of commendation to offer. Among the other gentlemen of the .troupe; Mr. Eb.rle deserves special snapoin. k Mr Ford deserves our gratitude' for the com pany he has sent us. Its stock'coni pos ition is far better than usual, and such as is well fitted to assist Miss Calhoun in her labors and her triamphs. We have not time before going to press for a report of the xaatiiee. At the per formance to-night Miss Calhoun will ap pcir as JuZs'el, in which character she achieved her first great success. ' We advise our friends to call at J?ons forHenaehold;Hardwaxe of every deterfp tian. There yea jcet the toweit price, f No, darling, love is cot a dream it is an expensive reality. .- -' .' - ' A pretty and new dsrico fcr the toilet table is a bird cologne holder. Water Works Dr. J. A. Cloud arrived in this city yesterday and completed the arrange ments relative to the water works. Part of the material is on the way and a ves sel, now loaded, is ice-bound at Elizabeth port. Dr. Cloud says that work will be commenced on the water works as soon as the. material arrives. The Poor t-oose ou Fre. The roof of the main building of the Poor House was discovered on fire yes terday about 1 o'clock. The fire origi nated from ajspark and the roof was in a light blaze when discovered by Mr. J. H. Savage, the Superintendent. The shing les on the roof are very old and rotten and are nothing more than punk. Had not Mr. Savage discovered the fire when he did the Poor House would to-day have been in ashe3. as the wind was blowing fresh from the . southwest and giving great impetus to the flames. School Exercises Misses Burr and ; James. The mid-session examination of the pupils of this school commences on Mon day, the 21st.., On the evening of that day there will be a musical recital, with caHrthenic exercises, at the City Hall, upon which occasion will be presented Addison's celebrated Fan Drill, as it ap peared in the Spectator of the seven teenth century; also a minuet in calis thenics. A small fee of admission wil be required of all except the parents and guardians of the pupils. Proceeds to be devoted for the benefit of the school, fiiow to be your own palnUr : Buy th T. .Enamel' Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t A Reminiscence. Appearances are often deceptive and are not always to be relied upon, as the following will show: About thirty years ago a gentleman of this city, who had jus graduated at the Girard College, in Philadelphia, was on his way home, bring ing with him his "sheepskin," snugly enclosed in a tin case made for the pirpose While on the train he noticed a dried-up, seedy-looking little nan cuddled up in the corner of a seat, with his body and legs covered by a shawl which had evi dently served its time. This young dis ciple of Esenlapius, thinking that the ''little man" was from the backwoods aid suffering frem the ague, took a seat by him and in a very patronizing manner asked the "little man," who was not at all talkative, many questions pertaining to his physical condition, antecedents, if he had ever been to school and if he would like to see a real diploma? The little man was very reticent but our then young M. D. thought it was only due respect shown the M. D's. superior learning, clothes, etc. Finally the train rolled into Weldon and at the depot a large concourse of people and one or two brass barids had congregated. Tbe bands struck up "Hail to the Chief," and the loquacious M. D. arose, pulled down his vest . and shook the wrinkles out of his pants, when several prominent gentlemen of the town appeared at the car door and asked if the Hon. Alex. H. Sevens was in the car. "Yes sir,"respon ded the "little man" rising from the seat and as he appeared on the platform the air was. rent with cheers. Our M. D. suddenly disappeared and was not seen nntil the train reached this x:ity. Until this day he will fight if you refer to the matter, but as we are going to leave the state "we give it away." TTotrt Tax Noetwicx. of Toledo, Ohio, rats: A friend prevailed upon mm tn trv an uOnlv Lun?. Pad." and I nhtained immediate relief from arackincr cough. I Amoto the Pad helped me-iSke Adv. ChurcU services. Worship in the various churehes ef the city to-morrow as follows : ST. JAMZS' PARISH. Corner Third aud Market streets,' Rev. A. A. Watson, D. U., Rector, -fcexa geaima Febrtary 20i .Celebiatlun at TSO . m. uorniiig Praver at li o-cck Sunday School at S p. m Evening Prayer at 4 o'cloca. sr. rxuis xvjuro. LtrrsxBAj ceubch, Comer Sixth and Market etreetf.Rev.G D. Beraheim, D. D , pastor. Eogliah ervce at 11 a ra. and 7:0 p. m. Installa lion of Ofucera at the dome of tbe Uoro- ing Service. an y School at 8 p m. Catechetical Instraetlsn on Friday at 30 P. m J. N. Bxcr. of Toledo, Ohio, says My father, before wearing tbe -Only Long Pad," coald not sleep nights on aceosat of his violent coughing; since vrsarin it he lias slept soundly every il&tfSecAdv. Hew Advertisements. Notice' fJlHE BANKS IX THE CITY WILL close on TUESDAY, the ?2d, legal holidav . A. K. WALKER, Cashr.-feblO-lt S. D. WALLACE, Cash'r, Moksses and Syiup ' 200 BblSCW 0rIeans MOLA8SES, Bbls Fine Syrup, gQQHhds'and Bbls New CUBA,-' Qnhds Old CUBA, 200 Bss RI coffee: 1200 B 19 Go 1 FL011J' ' A ; Low Prices, HALL & PEA&SALL leb 11 . ' . . Dissolution. rpHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ev X isting under the name and style of Hinson & Cummiag is this day dissolved by mutual consent. John W. Hinson is alone authorized to sign In liquidation. J. W. HINSON, JAS. D. CUMMTNG, GEO. W. BAILY. Co-Paitnership. THE UNDERSIGNED, of the late firm of HINSON & CUMMING, have this day formed a Co-partnership under the firm name of CUMMING & BAILY, for the transaction of a general Commission Busi ness in the City of New York. We respectfully solicit a continuance of iae patronage exienaea t tne late firm. Prompt personal attention given to the sale ol consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, &c., and to execution of orders for the purchase and sale of Cotton for future delivery. JAMES D. CUMMING, GEORGE W. BAILY. 89 Pearl Street, New York, Feb, 15, '81. Teb 19-eod-3t Mayor's Office, City of Wilmington, K, C ' February 17, 18SI, Bids JpOR OPENING WHARF, FOOT OF Chestnut Street, will be received until 12 i o'clock, noon, Tuesday, March 1st, 1881, at this Office. S. H, FI3HBLATE, feb!9-2t-nac Mayor. Mayor's Office l City of Wilmington, K. C. February 17th, 18S1. Sealed Proposals vyTLL BE RECEIVED FOR FUR- nishingthe City of Wilmington with LABOR AND MATERIALS, specified below, con tract to commence April let, 1881, and to continue for one year, in accordance with Section 10, Chapter 140, Laws of North Car olina, 1S7C-77, said Bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board of Aldermen, on Monday, at 7 o'clock, P. M.r March 7th, 1SS1 : 1st. For furnishing, driving, feeding and shoeing mules, . keeping carta and harness in good order, per cart, for any nuinbsr of carte the City may employ. 2d. For furni8hine material and keeping in repair the city lamps per month, and fur nishing any lamps ordered, of size and qual ity knowft as standard street lamps . 3d. For lighting, extinguishing and cleaning all city lamps, and filling lamps when oil is Used. 4th. For furnishing oil, wlcka and chim- nrys for all lamps not supplied with gas, per month. 5th. For furnishing gasoline and bum era, and making necessary changes for all lamps now supplied with gas. 6th. For lighting the city with gas or otherwise. 7th. For lumber, per 1000 feet, of mer chantable quality, aud in quantities as re quired by the City. Sth. Nails per pound. 9th. Clinker paving brick, per thousand. 10th For keeping pumps of fire ciaterns in repair. . 11th. Lime and cement per barrel . 12th. For scavenger work. 13th. For printing and advertising for the dty. Bonds for the faithfal performance of con tract to be given in such amount as may be required' All contracts may be annulled for cause, same being stated by vote of Board of Alder men with concurrence of Board of Audit and Finance. 8, H. FISHBLATE, febl9-2t-nac r Mayor Iow Advertifioniciitsr, AUCTI0M SALE AT CASTLE HAYHE. M. CROIVM, Aiiclioiiecr BY CRONLY & MOBjiis. ON -TUESDAY Febraarv; l3d, 1SS1, commencing at 11 nY!.uir a Tn-iU sen at Public Auction, at the Planta- i.' t . i . . e uuu, i iiuics .inun xniaoity, known as "Cas tle Ilayne", the j. ional property thereop; as follows : 5 Muh s, li Stacks Fodder and Shucks, about 500 Bushelsrf, 450 Bufchs. Cottonseed, 1 Hay man, Cotton Press, 1 Forty Saw Needle GId, 1 Eight Horse En. ginc, Polley atur BeltsJ 1' Pea Thrasher and l'u ker. 1 ChauiDion .llrtmft Rafco ing Machine, Wagons, Carts -andilarnesi, Cotton 8eWfK l'Cutling' Knift. Corn Shel- u-r, ran, iioest:jjorKst Juices, Plows and Harness, farming Implements, One Flat, Strawberry Crates and Baskets. T. C. McILIIENNY, Agent for Thos. D. Hogg, feb O-it H-1249-21 Star copy 10-13-20.22 patent; Violins. JgQUAL A CREMONA, Endorsed by Olc Bull. For sale at - , ..' if ...'.- V . HEINSBEBGER'S A NEW LOT OF GUITARS," Banjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, , Also, Guitar.and Violin Striuge. ' For sale at IIEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, feb U , Family Flour. RINDING, AS GOOD AS THE BEST Extra Family Flour, from North Carolina White Wheat. All can be convinced by sending orders to the feb 14-tf CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS . Manifold Order and Let ter Book . .. Jy)E3 AWAY WITH THE OI J AND cumbersome system of press," brush, water, Ae.. and If done in a tenth of the time here tofore required, as the letter end copy are written at osce . No ink, no pen required. Complete stock at A ' -' Yates Book fetore. febU North, South, East and West; IN EVEBY PART OP THE city, my Goods are tielivprad every half hour during the dayf, ; J Yon have only to lcaVe your or ders in passing by, and I guaran- V , ' " '. m - , tee safe delivery at your horned My goods are ; the Choicest, prices ... ;: 'I . as low as the lowest, and my Store always clean and attractive. I invite all to call upon mo when down town purchasing A FBESH LOT OF: ' ! ;v - i.'ty "it;- 'PHIDE OF THE PAHfRV."' just arrived. Send lor sample?, as I know every one desires' tlio best, ' -and so far this has taken the palm , , JfiOLjOATlVOiGIiT- Kcsll &t3 N.' Front C ! ii li '!! :i 1 1 It 1 1 I? I H U ht - ! r ,! k t r I u 11 r I i H H ! Sf u j ! M t I