- '.--'j"t - puAR&hed evary- afteraeoa, - Hundarr ' a pt. br - - r -. 1 "0 tWT0 AKD PHOPAI1CTOB. 8UB8CRirrjoi7a.FosxAaE paid. a yw, f 6 00 8U montii, S2 SO ; Three ? noathi, f 1 15 ; One month, 60 eents. fne paper will' be delivered by carriers, rea f charge, in Any part of tffeelty, atthe bora rates, or IS cant per weal. Ad vertlsiajf rates loir and liberal 8ttbsTibers will please report any aad il failures to receive their papers regularly. !'Y Hew Advertisements. pubgell mmi 5 GIfDKR KBW MANAGEMENT, Top, Lte Proprietor At antic Hotel. frl'S. lo xll iu 'poiot . en Tert s ' ' teb S.tf . rtRST -INSTALMENT ()? BOOTS & SH OSS IN SPAIN3& SUMMER SYTLES ARRIVING NOW AT. 8CS.Z23XL4 Shoe Qtore feb I! Market Street Sundries. lo.ooa81-15' ryrrf Sacks Marshall's Salt, For sale kvr by WHXIAMS & MURCTII30N . 3qq ks Coffee, 200 8TOA' For sale low by WILLIAMS & MUBCHISON 1000 Btt yL0uR OAABbU POTATOES, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISONV ' Candy, Candles, Crackers, Cheese, Lys Fteh, eoda, Soaps, Ac. - For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. jaa3l Importers & Wholesale Grocers Mattings and Carpets. Sf BIS STYLES 1 f; :. . - v-- - f -IJIHE WRITER WILL SELECT, la per r;:Ma, te present week, In New York, a large --7itckf." " v . .... . . . , Choice M&ttiiigs ta White. andlFancy Colors, 'and will add : soany noTeiues io preseui. ei-ucii. rr CARPETS. i( C7 -; DRESS GOODS iHD TRIMMINGS (or specialty) will have the closet atten- . tton, andtae prices win dc piace as iuw jwssible. ' All Wool Suitings SDrinfirSacauinest will be received on TnMiiiv or Wffdnesdav. Also, a full line of SILK BUNTINGS tor evening wear, and many other articles which cannot be named. R. IY1. EUlcIntire. feb 1 i Molasses and Syrnp V 2QQjBbIa New Orleans MOLASSES 4 ()K BblsFinb Sjrap, -OHO Hbd8 ani Bbls ew (JBA qV nhds Old CUBA, onn Bas8 coffee 1200 BblsGood FLOUR, y AS Low Prices; , . HALL & PEARSALL .feb 11 , .'' MEW-'' ORLEANS rsion, Uordi eras teletoraUon GREATLY iSfUCED BATE3 VIA .CA OUNA CENTRAL BAILIIOAD. riOUNTJ TRIP ONLY $34X. TVketsgooH February 19th tp March 10th. --. , , .Appry to . : & Xi--; -F. Vfi CLARK, 7 r fsblT-lw - p. r. A- Winberry Oysters. - TUB jiswt or TV ttt swsoa. ; uy th Excu VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FiEBRUARY L MEWS.- A Sheieb. -Spring Styles 18SI C W Yates--Just Received IICINSBERGER NOW MUSIC BolCS ..The City Prison is M.T. Xo City Conrt this raorning. 6 Don't forget the MarJi firaa atthe City Hall to-night. T . The receipts of cotton at tliis port tp- day foot up 569 bales. f -7 . You can woiv buy Improtel HeaUng and CgolTStOVattiffitofyriccs at Jacoai's.! As 13 usual in this latitude, February's last dajsgo Siilins oht on March wicd3. A good boy can get employment, after school hours, by applying at this office. Alderman C. I). Myers is acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor Fish blate. Parson Bardwell has stuck up some vorvfine stand3 of naner for the Arling- ton Minstrels. The sale cf the law library of the late Adam Empie. Esq., 'has been postponed Hntil AYednesday, March 2nd. M.r. B. J. H Ahrens will have his new ice house finished in a-short time and will within a month have it filled with ice We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, j For Eeveral days last' week there was no ice in this city. A vessel loaded witn - m Jce for Mr. Jno. "K. Lippitt has since ar rived. The pupils of Mr. C. Fanning's dancing class will entertain their parents and invited quests at: the Rankin Hall Katie Putnam has filled engagements in Raleigh and Columbia, but will not cm ilft on na this season. Oh, come on Kate ; another watco awaits, you. '' Doa't forget the Mardi Gras "at the City Hall to-aight, V We are requested , to state . that the Sociable to have been given this even ing at the residence of Capt. Chas. D. Myers has been unavoidably postponed. Dr FT; S. Nbrcum was called to the bedside of his brother, Dr. W. A. H. Norcum.'bt Edenton, who is now extreme ly lowin Baltimore. ; Dr. Norcum left this morning. ... Henry Van Noktwick, of Toledo. Ohio, says: A . friend prevailed upon me to try an "Only Lung, Pad," and 1 obtained"' immediate relief from a racking cough, I foiow the Pad helped me. ee Adv. , We are at a loss to know why Mary Anderson should desire to give us the goby on her Southern tour. She has always drawn good houses here and has Kn wpII Twpivp.tl. It is cruel in the fair Mary to run through the city closely ,veiledona Sunday morning. i- Office of "New York : & Balto. Trans- pertation Co." Having been troubled for some time with a bad cough, 1 had occassion to try a bottlq of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. In less than 24 hours.I was entirely relieved. I recommend this medicine to all my friends for I shall not be whithout it in my family. E. W. STEEVER, Workmen are actively engaged in erecting the Cape Fear Tobacco Works nn 4ii namn Lamb site. The building vu w ' is to be three stories high and .5x115 Act longT ITie machinery will be worked by, steam, aud at least one hundred hands will be employed in the factory. The capacity of the factory will be more than doubled. Bcncficlent, r-li nrpRpnt railroad schedules a W - .r - " troupe can play in Charleston or Colum bia to-night and reach this city to-mor row afternoon in time to play at night. South can play here at riiffht and leave on the 12:35 a. m. train r rhn.rlPRton. Columbia or Anzuita. It lUi W J w is about the close of the theatrical sea son in the South and wc can look for but f.w morft performances here this a v j l season. " A -Smooth Complexion can be had by every lady who will use Parker's Ginger nromntlv reffulatint the liver and kidneys and purifying Uit there is nothinr - like it, and this is the reason why it so quickly . removes : mvM & ro?v Dioom 10 vuo penonal. j : Our old friend and iomer citizen, Capt J. W. Hinson, and Mr. A. B. Blount, have formed a copartnership and will onduct a sreneral commislion busmcsa t -a an 1 in cotton ana navai stores, ai oj x ck , T v . r: u. n u I Kauntree bas been oamiiiea as a special i that I "have attempted to create the lm n.irtner . We wish the new firm the I pression' that the expenses of the city ntlniMtt.- 7 "... I TThe Board of Alderoien met in oalled fission lait night iortak'e action in re- gard to a ill iotrodnced by Mr. Scott, l id'noVn to pruaiun, iuumuui iucu 4iu levying any special tax, or in any way interfering with the sale or meats, beer, I nnl- mu4tnn rpnma flail Af n (in TIV I V ? 4v tt;0 street, alley or by-way m the c.ty. His Honor the Major was requested to go to Raleigh immediately for the pnrpose of I --.Aa-n;n ;nfAMf Ahm nUxr in " : mis raauer, ana ieit wus miuluiu6 ui Wui- pany with the City Attorney. Don't forget the Mardi Gras at the Citv Hall to-nkrht. , t Master Thos. V. Bordeaux, son of Mr. rx r t ru -a ; u oruu, i VV:;- the city to-day and attracted a good deal of attention by his mode of locomotion. The young man is crippled, his ' legs be- iDSveryLch emaciated and a w less. He is about twenty years old ial weigns bv pouaas. iae Bits xu wuu p small, chair and by moring the legs of -t. i v: wj- to go any and everywhere he wishes. He s a oriernt, lnieiiisreni yquuk , uw superintends a farm near Long Creek. He t he can do the work of a W with the exception of plowing or aoemg corn. He uses a hoe dexterously and weeds his cotton row us quick as : the .Li..! j . . 1 1 ivi.n. ,A-v auics. uuuicu uauu. imhc . ww sits in his chair, which he caa moYe ..... . any direction at wiilapparently-with lit - tie or no trouble. He has been a onppie signed to his condition. A Pox 11 tint. . ... .."I XT- Wh TT .TAnaAn aT thia fitv , . scored ms -semi-cenieaumi u nesday. As a member of the renowned I ha conjointly reduced the cuirent ex "Fox Club," it was deemed right and I phases and th government was being r,nf 41,0 ,w.nnnn Hnn1r1 w an uiuuti ww- -r propnateiy ouserTea ana so a granu u ... . 1 . a hunt was inaugurated. A number of ladies were invited and so at an early hnnr the nartv rendezvoused at a SDot ahnnt. fnnr miles from the citv. when " - " w - - . .1 1 . tbe ladies Dusiea xnemseives m prepar- ingan appetising breakfast, while tharl gentlemen were off on their hunt. They did not catch any foxes, ; however, but .... ru- rathered in three old coons, one of which - was real iv a veneraDie specimen. At in .1 Ta. probable that he, too, was well on the rf - road to fifty years of age, as he bore the marks of many a fierce fray on his per- son. some lime in ine maeanibc past his nose had been split, his ears 'chaw - ed," three of his claws abstracted and one of his legs broken. Don't foret the Mardi Gras atthe! City Hall to-night. t nafhnlio DairiilaliAni filP LSDt. ircaouuop - regulations ior. jeni,, wa;u . f a. w Am. m tm am Ash-Wednesday, March 2d. All Cath - olics in this archdiocese, 21 years of age 1 l-.c ;n.nal or Knnndl auu upwjuu, vutcca iu,iiovm) . . to make only one meat auay excop uug c j MAf ri Ka (aUn fwfnm nofln. ouuuapJfuU. w . mff&t are not allowed at the I ... mp.l A amall collation is allowed in the evening, not to exceed the "f6urth part of an ordinary meal. It is permit- v,, Kt.i. .hMSA. eiftrs. v ' -;,wn .ftf. nlada. vereta- WMftn,l fih at this collation. It lawful to take in the morning tea. cffeFching, while the contrast with the or thin chocolate, made with wateVand . 4urlfWrl TTnfllard can be i, ofhntterii nreoarlnewf- Th.-f.lln.iBr Mnaas an ex nt dT Pon. Vnder 2f jean ct a.the.ick,theDBnu.r women, thoe whoare obliged to do hard Ubor.aU who .. W f..i .itwt IUIUUXU m m . ..j. . it,.!. v..lth B dia. pensaUon thereof freihmeat will be SomT.tdi-u onw a day on Aionaays, a Hcsujf " - the cd and 01 uoiy xnutpu-j- t . last Saturdays or leat. , How to be your own tiater ;Boy SY. lau-ralat.. Kdito Bxrrxir. Dias Sib: Will yon kindly insert the folio wins' which may be of interest" to ! yonr local subscribera? The statement made by the Mayor to the Joint Bond Committee and publish Iw1 K vnn voaterav tilmrKt ImjI. - EQB to '.v . 7 , ,7 me oeiiei inai ice uiun iuguc b&A lnst,it. fnrrp.. Tha Mavor states have been increased during his term of mtTa T hoa nnf airamntol tft MHitm any impression, bnt flatly stated that the .Jn Ur hhW. .wti. The fiir. irea were gTen aDd are not attacked or-' disturbed by the Mayor, pronawy oe that '?CSSK; hatchefiamoni: The only Question to be Uetided by those interested is briefly comprehended in this: is $4,dD9 m ex- C8S OI 47.10 li I In tw0 commuai cations, both published, U . K.n.nnrtivatn.ted hr the Board JLndit and Finance that there was no desire or intention to issue T more bonds I than necessarT for the Dturnose ot tuna I injr those maturing m 1882. If such de ... . M- n k0. I that it is made a criminal offense' to car OLA. 1 lift in UTrl M HUU V V V V V w ' - i rtf .WirA Tf thr ib anv one th:nff tbe Mavor should eive the Board fof Adit and Finaace that financial rf tm I barnacle clinging totne siae w -i.nar ministration" credit for. it is the strict I adherence to the law under which the i ronoinff oonos are isauea. in uie neib phuetle Mayor states that I desire to I b . to Dreiare for aa unexpect- e(j epidemic." How he can contort my statement to imply any such intent J4 .JgL2 pordhaary circuntstances the deficit would be 3 4,uu; tnav u weuaueuiBcii (all of the bonds now oh hand; that if the i curreni ea euses were Toiuu.oru j uwcw j tf e JdcBic occmred thereby necessarily 1 inareasmfr ernenses. . that aencit wouiu 1 be greater.' 2ftesacfea" is entirely his. L""WSff 1 v- f fl. h; be made I nat "detailed examination' in February 1 1878 referred, to bj7hii!a oaho first I nasre 01 ma mtssaee. i w..: 1 --o- - . .. k J MfM!i ef c?t iorernment from S120, 1 (inptu reuECLion coma . oe muus m ub 1 qoo. being generally conceded that 1 Uttrxstopaor uoiumidus oiscoverew aium- 1 now and findinc? there his friends and at Quaintances, ahould depart ana ciair - . . a. I the discovery. Now. this is about the ?l C3 on'Va I WT WltA tne aiavor. OCTCU nuutuo I nnJi .Imhii Antra n-fta- tx RrtarJ ff A I. -..4 r Aniift Vinkiiea I carried on at the rate of S47,iUl, sir. j. .i.i if lsnoiaie aiscovereu t,u t ui-w- 1 reduction could be made I fmm the S120.000 The Mayor I Tentires the prediction that within one I vear the exnenses of the Fire Depart- " :.. . . . ... 1 ment will bo. reduced. 1 trust tne propu- mi 1 o f 1 1 a. 1 1 :. . Ua 1 ccy will oe iuiuuea. oa. ueucro w Pirl1, a.vor comnlains that in mv figures (which agree with the I books of the Treasurer) on the debt re duction 1 do not mciuae as a par 01 sam I reduction $10,000 of illegal bonds. Th.s I "Utt" wu a m. 1 ih HniHKer lueu. tuv duuuiu iubjui 1 . . - is Fi8hblate have credit for what Mayer Fishblate never did towards, which result he contributed neither funds nor ability, the bonds in question being declared illegal by te U. S. uourt jmpr to fits election. The Uourt says the 1 bonds were never an obligation. If never a debt how could Mr. Fithblate reduce it? The Mayor's statement makes debt reduction during his ad ministration - - - - $120,000 My statement for same time - 92,880 if ,k,-MJd he dedacted 410.000 of - nipml hnnd n declared tirior to his 1 election where is the tmall residue ot $17,120? Very respectfully, NoBWOOU GlLXS, I nhairman. I rum Trio of Plane ts. .1 a -rr : 1 C.i I ine pianets v eaus, w upiicr uu - . . urn now form an interesting group in me southwestern sky soon after sunset. Thourh the smallest ef the three, Venus is clearly far mors brilliaat thai the Mlgiawuupiver, wnica ouo -y n n.ed Batumthe upper leit naaa member OI the group IS sua mere xuk J"P't" U also elowlr drawmf near to the tinged planet, vMcbit mil overtake :cn A. 32, ,ut ejunc tcXMm- etowillthea tetatl. 0,lte glory oftheran.i Tbrconiuncbon of Jupiter a andSatnrn Ukes place eTer, twenty bat it than a ! - - " - . . . - . ter at BidnigWoa the art toUnt and i , R ifjurchV nassins! north with Saturn on March 1, paysing north nf hfltK b&t much nearer the former than ! 1 IBetelttpe Venus now Dar- 25, 1881. NO 312 ing the next two months her illuminated disc will diminish day by day till thef planet appears like a thin silvery crer- ce nt of dazzling whiteness, and 1 finally fades away at her inferior conjunction with the sun on May 3. As a telescope object Venus will, therefore, grow in at tractiveness during March and April. In fact, the less t'aat is seen of her the more beautiful she becomes. She attains her greatest brilliancy on March 27, ( al though less than a third of her illumina ted surface is" then turned toward ibe earth. " , TUB WAILS. The maiU close and -arrive at tha City foot Office as follows : Northtrn through mails 6 00 p m Northern through and way mails. ........ ....5:30 a. m. Rale'tgb... .5:30 a.m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there . from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at....... 5:30 a.m. Southern mails for all points Snth, daily ... ..8 a in arui 7:45 p. m. V. s.orii mails (C City) daily foept Sunday) 8:10 a. m. Mail for. Cueraw & Darling- ton.. 7:45 p. m. Vlails for points between FIch rence and Charleston. b a m & 7:45 p m R'ayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear Kiver, Tuesdays, and Fridays 1:00 p. m. Fa Seville via Lumberton, u-V. except Sundays 8:10 a. m Onslow O. H and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6;00 a. m Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) . 8.30 a m. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., every Mon day and Thursday at.. 6:00 s. m. Wilmingtcn and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. OPES FOB DELTVEBT. Northern through and way . mails . 7:00 and 7:80 a. m. Northern malls 9 00 a m Southern Mails..... 7:30 a. tn. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m HtamD Office orjen from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp omce. General delivery onen from 6:00 a. m to 6:00, p. m,, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for sale" at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Mails collected from streat botes every Jay at 8:80 p. m. "Made N w tgain." St. Catharines, Ont. R. V. Pierce, M. D.: I have used your Favorite Prescription, Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets, for the last three months and find myself (what shall I say) -"made new again" are the only words that express it. I was reduced to a skeleton, could not walk across the floor without fainting, could keep noth ing in the shape of food on my stomach. ysclf and friends had given up all hope, my immediate death seemed certain. I can never be too thankful to those who recommended your medicines, for I now live (to the surprise of every body) and am able to do my own work. I desire to make this statement in order that those suffering may not despair until they have given your remedies a trial Yours respectfully, Mrs. Wm. D. Ryckxax. New Advertisements. Law Books for Sale. THE LAW LIBRARY OF- THE LATE Adam Empie, approximating 500 vol umes, will be exposed for sale, at Public Auction, at the "Journal Building'', on Prineeas street, at 11 o'clock, A, M., Fri day, February 25th inst. S. M. EMPIE, feb21-tds Attorney. The above sale has been postponed nntil Wednesday next, 2d March. Just Received. FULL ASSORTMENT of Violet Pho tograph Frames and Easels, Panel .Pic tures, fec. A tery large stock of Blank Books, School .Books, School Stationery, Bibles, Prayer Books, Uyma Books. A complete stock of Manifold Letter Copying Books, at Yates5 Book Store. feb 21 ' A LARGE STOCK OP -. r :.'J Sash9 Doors. Blinds ALL KINDS OF MILL WORM LUMBER. LATHS, tt Fax aale vary theap, at " AJ.TAFFEIV PRICsTA CXV f Taetor faat of fab 31 valaat su :l iiv Jt FX2AS3 1J0TI0E. T7s vtn tsgl&d to reeelve tomaau-ioatloas from, our firkada en say and all subjects o taeral Interest bat The name of the writer must always bs fur niched to Ot Editor. Oonvmusleatloajrtuft be wrlttsa on orjy one ttUofffct paper ' ; c" . -V - . Fstsoaallties murr a -voided ' And It Is especially particularly .'under stood that tha Edltnr f ot always tadoris the Tisws ot eorreepoctDu. flulart so tattd tn the 'editorial eolumas. ' T?ow Adverti&orjiezits. Hinson & Blount. TE HAVE FORMED A CO-PART-nership under the firm name of HDsSON lc BLOUNT, and ask for a continuance of the . patronage bestowed upon the old firm. Wo will lcmaln In oQice Pearl street, New York, recently occupied by the late firm of Hlniou & C.miii' UINSON & BLOUNT, . 89 Pearl street, New York. R. IT. ROUNTItEE, Special Partner, feb 2-3w - . . Agricultural Salt. nnn "tons clean s alt, UU For Agricultural purposes For sale at feb23 1md&w "WILLARD'S". Cotton Seed CfVfV BUSHELS COTTON SEED, KJJy . i or sale at fehSti-lmdAW "WILLARD,S.,- Liverpool Salt. 10 000 KS F0R SALE AT feb 23-lmd&w 'WLLARD,S', Ship Notice. A L ' . P RMO 8 are herebr t. cautioned airaiaat harhorinnr or tramog any or ta crew oT the British brie "AIGNAL", as ceitbar the Master n -r 0n- aignees are reapotsibU for dabts of their con traotinr. ALKX 8PHUNT A SON. fsb aa-3t Family Flour. RINDING AS GOOD AS THE BEST Extra Family-' Flour, from North Carolina White Wheat. All can be convinced ty. sending orders to the feb 14-tf CAPE FEAR FLOUR MILLS . Mew Music Boxes, QHROMOS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS ' ' and ORGANS. Just received at , IIEINSBERGER'S, Live Book Store. A LARGE LOT OF POPULAR BOOKS, J published by the New York Book k.x change. Just received at IIEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. feb 23 nDRArie30 to $1,000 1 t3 32 UnUAlfO etops Pianos P Pap free. AddressDaaiel F. Bsatty, Washinctn N. J. fe 24 4w TEACHERS VAHT0!55 MWIIlilIWuj,, pr month Hte-dy work all. eprinz and summer. For particu lar, addreas J O UcUUnDY A CO., bila. delpnia. ra - feb 24-4 w FLOWER FRESH & RELIABLE. -mm True to oame in t 7 for 25o , neat packet, with I IS 0 e cat, - description i 32 " 1 uu and culture Oat-1 Poit alnoefres. I Paid. F E afoALLUTBs, 31 Falton st, 5w YorS. feb 34-4w . THE RELISH OF THE WORLD ! HALFORD SAUCE 8 feb2i-4w SOLD BY ALL Qa OtKS OF BITTERS ' (a afedlclas, not a Irlak) COITAISS H2PS,BUCHU- f.UflDRAKE, DAK DELIOfJ aod Vis purest aad best medical qualities fif all other bitters. They Cure AU diseases of the 8tomack, Bowels, PlooJ, Uver. kidney d Urxrr.Orjc"J, Jfr vonsasu, Hleeplessascs, acd especiallT Fe male Complaints. Ass your Drnzziit for op Bltie-s a.d trr them before ton sleep TA&B MO OTP Kit. read for circular. Hop BUUrs li'iV Co., hochtsier, N T, aad Toro t Ont. - feP 2t-4w GEORGE PAGE & CD. nanwzaetwers az Patent SAW AlsoSsdaarj STEAM SALXX3K Ortmt nd lloar HUte. Wtter Wlxwta.Word Wortta U1.LUU Portahla Circular v" 1 . A Pcxta, Quart' UaUoa , .;jT".-.-7; " ? iOD ; CARBOLI. j Jf.bSWr cheek- Ste notice. warrsntedat Jacoirs. "

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