- - i - - It 4 i i 1 is 'Pi- w. 1 6- THIS PAPES smolished every afternoon, 8andtyt,er- EDITOR AHD PBOPKJKTOB.. DU8CRlPTI0fI8, POSTAGE PAID. n 7atrS5 CO , 81 months, $2 50 ; Throe - saoaths, $1 15 ;" Ooe month, 50 oents. : . . Che ; paper will b delivered ,toy carriers; - 4 ra of ebargeVin any part of the eity, at ihe t 7tvt rates, or 13 otnts per wrt tii" x Aft vtrtittag rates low- and Kberai ' ; " .8abscribrs will please report any and U failures to receive their papyri regularly. ' 'J vv Hox7- Advertisements, PURGELL HOUS S i.'3DS 15 W. MA V AUGMENT, r , B. L PRRHY. : . .. Prop, VlTirst Class in all ir appoint eo Terms j f ' Si.Wo$Vperd. ' fb8.tt ' ' m. ...i -r- -' r . ' '.- fl' 'fl. a;: ilM B 4' M.i?' ' , ' Fir.3T INSTALMENT OF 6 OOTS &SHOES . i , ' r SPRING & 'SUMMER SYTLES , ARRIVING NOW AT I V BErRIIlXL'a Shoo Store. Market Street m . i Sundries. ia nnr Sacks L .! S.ii.T. 3000 Sick3 Marshall's Salt. For 6ale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON ; For sale low by ' ' WILLIAMS & MURCHISON Bbla FLOUR, 2QQ Bblt POTATOES, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 4 Candy, Candles, Crackers, Cheese, Lye Pvtaah, Soda, Soaps, &c. '" For sale low by , - f WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. "an SL Importers & Wholesale Grocers Mattmffs and varpets. 1000 If HpHE jWRITEIt WILL SELECT, in per MB. the mresent wecK, in JNew iork, a large tttcktf . Choice IHatfihgs ia Walte. andiFaxic Colors, and will add many nOTelties to1 present stock cf ;&T ' CARPETS, b r ; ' DRESS GOODS iHD TRIMMINGS (tor specialty) will have the closet atten tion, and the prices will be placed as low as pteaiDie. All Wool Suitings' and Spring Sacquings, "will bo received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, a full, line of 8ILK BUNTINGS tor evening wear, ana taany other articles which cannot bo named. R; rJl. Rflclntire. Peruvian C.anp. 6 abbp Tons Uo. 2 Peruvian Guano y. ' 1 tOE SALKBY 7illirtni8 & Marchison. fjaa" 6 Two1 Things for Sunday- " School Teachers. yHHK SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES A ' I i-r wpklr oaDcr for teachers, su- iSrintendenta, and pastors. iThe low club rate enable the teacher- of any school to take it. From 1 to 4 copies, $2 each. From 5 to 9 copiesvin a package to one address, t Kn From 10 to 19 copies in a pack- let U one addrcssf tl.25. Twenty copies tn . rinrkaire to one address, $1 eich ,chanre , for iostage. Snbscrip ttous wfll be taken for any Dortion of ayear at yearly rates. The paper will be sent : wiik for three mouth, on trial, to a - new tubscriber.for twenty-five cnts, bpe- BlffioQuiiiWRLT:. rub- . lUhed every three months. This is just . , whatyou wint for your data.. It contains StIaternaUonallestons,TrithalW t! of P, includinjr beautiful pictures I alSap: e, 25Wb ayear. 8nd seven, centt or """t 2e i!tJ:tW Weeklv Lesson Leaf free. Samplet of The Weekly ToWS. WATTLES, Publisher . 5 Chtstnut Street, TMaddphia, la. 733 -Wy- Wotice A PPLIOVTION WILU BS MADE TO .-Jm. .t its approacaUf sesiioa. f3r a tt'2Jf!uSC V.v -.'- 1 t win? VOL V WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. I a M Kmr-LLwiJont.fnrS Sec ad No More Leaky Rocfc -u N Y Jewexbv; 7o-i-Eleaat Je-elry cheap-. ;r - Mitrii Read ad Xnlarge aui Dcrelop the Form e C R GiLr.EBT fc Co Seed that SurprLs? A Shriek Spring Styles 1S31 C W Yates- Just Received 1 ' IlEiNSOERGEn New Mnsic Coxes - . - Iaj's length 11 hours and 22 ininute3. The receipts of cotton at thi3 port tt day foot tip 27 L bales. Turner's Almanac promises us stormy weather for to-morrow. A hot summer is absurdly predicted because Vennor has reddish hair. You can now buy Improved Ileating and Cook Stoves at factory prices at ' Jagobi's. f A good boy can get employment, after school hours, by. applying at this office. The Register of Deed3 has issued mar riage licenses this week to three white and four colored couples. rrk i v e n-r.A sv t, Carreno Concert on Wednesday night will be put on sale Monday morning. . : The law .prohibiting cruelty to animals', iuu uua bucu l iul ivoci icu ccaw tu mo passed recently by the general Assem- bly should be inforced. Plentv of op- v. ... - . ' r nortunities m this citv. . : e auvue our ineaos xo caxi a, . tion. There vou thiowit twfcta. t .ev. o. iJurKneaa, xresiamg sui- der of the Wilmington District of the M. E, Church, is in the city and is stop- ping at the Pnrcell House. Keep it in the house, and it will save you many an anxious moment during the cnanges oi season ana weatner; .we rerer to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. . : . - Manv belles are now wearins as an or- nament a little spider web in which is entangled the tiniest tf flies Felltws will, of course, look but and not fly into a mesh. . "X , The fish market on Water, between Dock and Orange streets, has been for mally opened, and the fish stalls are a great. improvement over the dirty, slimy boxes heretofore used. Would it not be well for the authori - ties to see that the fish and oyster carts take stands together, and not have them occasionally sand witched between pro duce, and vegetable cats ? At the earnest solicitation of several ladies who wish to take lessons, Mr. T. C. Fanning has consented to remain in this city for two or three weeks longer. He will then return to New York City and resume his classes there. indications tfor the bouth Atlantic btates lair . M - ... . . rn j l : 1,K iness, .light variable winds, Icnerally shifting to southeasterly, stationary fol- lowed by falling barometer, stationary or higher temperature. ss Mary Anderson travels, and ex - eept when playing in towns of any con - sideraDle,size, resides in a handsomely fitted up Pullman palace car, which was made specially for her in Detroit, and in wMfVi she pninvs fivcrv home comfort. ' inese lew aiui u u.u o cV inspiriting effect on vegetation, which is nuttin- forth very rapidly. Happy will r a - - - . We oe II ine latter iiuaia uu uur uiu u. 1 . : i 1 1. 1 ii r .j ; It is not a hcaituy sign 10 see reea rism auu jjrceu im i J The Iron dad Paint Company have opened an office on Second, between Market and Princess streets, with Mr. Jno. J. Confrcy as Secretary aud Treas- urer. ; The Company are doing consider- able work m this .ity. bee advertise- ' . . ment elsewhere. ' . How to boyoarowa painter: Buy the N. T. Enamel faint reaay mixea ana warrantcvlat Jacobl's. t nj iuurk lowmg cases were disposed, of ing by the Acting Alayor, Alder The fol this morning man O, D, Myers; David' Mallett; 'old complaint, drunk and down, was sentenced to pay i fine of S5 or five davs in the City Prison. He .nf V.otnm Tariff ihi month ;Mallett has been kU to the City Hall 'on dray at the City's expense. p - . A colored sailor, drunk anA down, was dismissed, as his vessel Was about to leave for his home. The Court then adjourned -V" J" Hardl Grat ThaMftnli firoq at 111 ft CitT TTnll was wcil attenaea last evening ana mn anp merriment pre railed. There wera twen ty masqnere on the floor and quite a num ber of spectators. The Mardi Gris last erening wound up the skating rink for the scason.', . 4 ' Exjporia Forelsn. ,Tho fpreTgn shipments at this port to- tfay'fbot rp 9,453 barrelt rosin. The Gar. barquo J5ofj cr for Antwerp, takes PaUrson; Downin & Co.; Ger. barque Fa vou rite, for Hamburg, 3,025 .barrels, Messrs Robinson & King-, shippers, and tho Nor. barque Erato, for Granton 2,583 barrels, Messrs Patterson, Down ing & Co. the shippers. Wilmington LUht Inlantrj. t The election for the position of First Lieutenant in ' the Wilmiagtoa Light Infantry will not take place until the regular meeting of the Company in March. Ia the meantime we understand that a very considerable interest is man ifested among; the friends of the various candidates for the position and that the canvass is an active one. The vacancy is ... .. , -r 1 -1 I rfinsftn bv thA nromoLlOtt or Lit jOi. i J r James, recently First Lieutenant of the Company. Capt. DeRosset extends an invitation to the honorary members tt be present at the meeting at which the eiection is to be held. ; Mr. Fannlos's Claw, - Quite a number of invited guests as- sembled BYenuSf the occasion being one of the soirees of Mr.T. C. Fanning'a dancing classes. One m t bnt atrack unoa enterin the Hall wjth the order, discipline d dflcornm hich prevailed. We have never seen the ' steps taken I with more precision and grace I than is done by the lads and misses of Mr Fannilga school. The figures, and . - Wr to this i uauwca tug j . community, and are a very decided lm provement over the heretofore prevailing ones. We are pleased to know that Mr. Fanning's classes have been generally full, and can but with others regret that he cannot make Wilmington his home, He has done much in polishing p "the i i, . 1 i ;j . x t, : 41. . art; hedevotes much time and young luea, ana oemuca iecuiujf tuo pains ia disseminating parlor and ball room etiquette. His engagament' here 1 has been a signal success. Hrvbt Van Nortwick, of Toledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon me to trv an "Only L.ung, rad," and l obtained immediate relief from a racking cough. I know the Pad helped me. See Adv. The Appropriation BUI Those who have pinned their faith on Senator Matt Ransom in the matter of the appropriation for the Capo Fear river and bar have not been disappointed. That distinguished gentleman has ever I w . n a 4lm frun nf n-r 00-011 ni I sr the State. and he has never yet omitted an opportunity to show his laitn Dy nis I works. He is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce and that Com- 1 mittce, through Senator Ransom, has 1 just reported a bill which alters the a& I pect of affairs as regards the works here. Instead of the $10,000 for the Cape J Fear, as reported in. the Mouse, the I amended bill reported by the Senate Ccmmittee gives $140,000, and wo think :j;M;rtn, QrM nrl that it will . . fnl!owino. u the : F - :1ZZT" JLa 1 amvnnta tor .orin LATUUUlt H tCUUi K.U 1 huiviu -- - , r:. I bv Senator Ransom's Ctmmittee: - T: n.n. Vr River. North 1 Carolina, from ine ocean 10 nunug wu, $140.000 L jKIS.X orth Carolina, $30,000. Improving I (irritnck Sound, Coanjok Bay, North River and Bar, N. rO., $30,000; "aprot- ng French roaa . - - TrA ? navlv,tion. N. C. $30,000. Tnii n i w w xViUdv - - 1 imDro?iui Pamlico and Tar River, N. l' sS 000 Improving bcuppernoog ' n S 1.000. Improving Trent . c $5,000. Improving Yad- 1 tin River. N. C. $12,000. Improving rreek. N. C SiO.OOO. lm Beaufort Harbor. N. C, $30.- fmpr0Ting Lillington Rirer, N. , $3,000. Impronng WaccamawRiv- pr. S. C. from 1U mouth np to wacca- maw Lake, N. WW-W Town Oreek, in North Carolina, $L00O. I Smooth Coraplexioa can be I Aver ladr who Will BSC Parker! . T-fc. For Vf 1 Kinod the ia nothinff like it, and this I reason why it so quieklj reooTes piopks tad gives a resy bloom to U3 cheeK. bwmucc. ; ; THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Pot Office as follows : Northern through malls 6 00 p ra Northern through gmi way mails..... .......M6:30 a. ra. Raleigh............... ......... .6;30. ra. Mailt for the N O. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. lUilroad. at......,M...l...M 5:80 a. m. S'ibtbtra mails for all points , . . Sourh; daily .. . ..8 a ta and THa p. m. Wesrern mails (O O RUily . , , " (except Sunday 8:10 a- nx Mail foT Oberaw & Darling . ton .... .............. 7:46 p. m. Mailt for points between Flo -. rence and Charleston .8am & 7:45 p m Payetteville, and offices on Capo Fear River, Tutsdaya . ana Fridays....... . ...... l.'OO p, m. Fayetteville, via Lumber ton, daily, except Sundays...... 8: 10 a, m Onslow O. H. and intennedi- ; ate ot3ces, every Monday . ' and Thursday at.......:.. 6.00 a. m Smithvtlle mails, ' by steam boat, daily, (except Sun- . tUys)...:.'..: '. ..... 8.80 a m Mailt" for Easy ' Hill, Town " Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O, every Mon- " ?ay and Thursday at.. 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days aud Fridays at......... 6:00 a. m OPEN FOB DBLTVBBT. Northern throagh and way mails 7:00 and 7:30 a m Northern mails 9 00 a m Southern Mailt 7:80 a. m Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 60 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open tame as stamp office. General delivery open from 6K0 a. m to 6:00 p. m and on Sundays from 8:30 to9:a0 a. by .."':" 8tamps for sale"' at general ellverj when stamp oflice is . closed, ' Mails collected from ttreat boxes everj day at 8:80 p. m,.... ,:::r;.' :f ; ; ' ., SIS f v BlasphenoBj; A prominent morchant on the wharf begs us to call the attention. I of the po lice authorities to the fact that the wharf near the tOOt f PrinccsS otrsot Ith seene, almost every hour of the day, of the most violent and unblushing blasphemy, It has reached a condition that is al most intolerable to those doinf business in that locality. As this Is an offence agaiast the ordinance "of the city we think that it would be wise to place a polieeman there and see if it could not be checked. ni" small i ansaction. It is a fact that 50 casks of spirits were sold yesterday at 43 cents, as re! ported in the Review. A merchant here received an order during the forenoon or 50 casks and bought at 43 cents. Af terwards the order was count rmanded and nothing remained to do but to sell again which he did at 42, to the same parties he bought from, the market in he meantime having fallen offa half. The spirits wa3 not delivered and the sellers afterwards the buyers made about $12 by the operation. The Northern firm who made the order must have lost about $20 in this little transaction. cnurcn services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : ST. JAMES PASISa, Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson. D. D., Rector. Qainnua- gesima February 27th. ueiebrauon ai 7:30 a. m. ilornioff Pra er at 11 o'clock Sunday scnooi at a p. uu .evening Prayer at 4 o'ciock. ST. rAUl8 KVAITO. LUTHKBA3T CHUSCH, Jorner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G ii. Bernheim, D D pastor. English Service at 11 a m and 7:J0 p.m. aunway Schx)l at 3 p.m. Christian AssociauoD at 4 P- m Catechetical instracuon on Vri'day at 3.30 p. m "Made !C w Again." St. Catharixes, Ont. R. V. PrERCE, M. D.: I have used your Favorite Prescription, Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets, for the last three months and find myself (what shall I say) "made new again," are the only words that express it. I was reduced to a skeleton, could not walk across the floor without faulting, could keep noth ing in the shape of food on my stomach. veclf and friend9 had given up ail nope, my immediate death seemed certain. I can never be too thankful to those who recommended your medicines, for I now live (to the surprise of every body) ana am able to do my own work. M I desire to make this statement in order iaai inose suffering may not despair until they have given your remedies a trial xours tvspecuaiiy, Mas. Wx. D. Rycxxas. When yoa vlstt or leave NewTork City, atop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite ftrand Central Depot. linwaa i plant Coomt reduced to $10 and upwartU Sggtauraat niisaroatsed at moderate price . street cars, stages and elevatod railroad to aUpsrtsctt&ac. - - ij (j . 3 1 3 I MARRIED. MUNDS de TAIGLE Iu St. Paul's Church. Auerusta. Ga.. by the Rev. C. C. Willlams,Tuesday, February loth, J. DICK- I SON MUNDS, of tbis city, ana MlWJNlti . de 1'AIULE, of Augusta, (ia. New Advertisements NO MORE LEAKY ROOFS ! XRON CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT 1 hat no equal ftr stopping leaks. It is guar- anteed for 10 years. Any roof, no matter how had, can be saved by this paint. i " . As alRoofing Paint and for Damp Walls it has no equal. Samples and testimonials furnished upon application at Offic e of the Iron Clad Paint Company, on Second, between Market and Princess streets. feb 2G- Law Books for Sale, mnE LAW LIBRAr.r OF TUE fcATE I Adam Eiapie, appi-oxicaatins: 500 vol umes, viii be exjo3eu ior 6aie, at ruoiic Auction, at the "Joarnal building", ou Princess street, at 11 o'clock, A, JU.,, I n dayFebruary 'Jothiust. 53, i, JCJiriJ, feb 21-tds . Attorney, The above sale has been postponed until , Wednesday next, 2d March. feb26-tds S. M. EMPIE, Att'y ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To Introduce our new styles and influence trade we make the following unparalleled offers for a short time : " The Berlin 1'acket contains a eold piaiea watcn cnain, agate snawi pin, laays eie- rant setjeweiryrsea Dean cun duuoiis. coral necic ace. set of atrate studs, cold ulate band rinir. collar button, key ring, pocket book, imitation silk handkerchief, pen, pencil, comic envelopes and visiting cards. All these mailed to you for 35c.-in stamps ; 4 packets for $1.00. The lot can be re tailed at from S2 to So.OO. The Koyal Casket contains onesnperb amethyst ring, elegant coral brouch set in box, fancy neck lace, coral sleeve buttons, engraved gold plate oraceieu, rose scan pin, goia piaiea iaay 'sset, goia piate sieeve uununs, neavy goia piate stuas, lovely Maltese fcross with P. diamond center, beantifui jet sleeve buttons, piatea collar button, plated link watch chain. Main etfld Plate rine. nohhv cameo ring. Maiu-sa esrrtngs with P. diamond settings, gent full como, amethyst set. lady's full plated set rt) white stone settings, jet and The whole of this magnificent i collection pit xare by mail ftr r. 'rnis lot canoe retSuea easily at from $5 to $10. Address. -X.V -y VWTITWT T V A a. Atlanta. Ja. THE Atjanta Globe savs : " This mmnuiv fa perfectly reliable, and the amount they give for your money is astounding." feb ?6-dlawiat-wly ENLARGE AND DEVELOP THE FORM. ' If shrank wholly or in part from nature or dis ease. Advice free. Describe case and send stamp to P. De Ii. Co., Atlanta, Ga. No humbug. High est reference. Correspondence confidential. feb26-dlan8at-wly SEEDS THAT SURPRISE ! TFTE PAHMEBS"BOIAlTZA.', Maxixe, a new vegetable torn 8 A diffirinij tsts to be tht richest numjonw """"- .UU,Uf. 1 j' fl-a fodder plant, aiso. reu, u ? rl' -IZT-iZ Queen Watermelon, Jjust -imported, Ifi ever grown in U. S., firm, luscious, crisp and suxary; best to keep or ship. 25 cts. a P&Prof20 aSs 6 napers for tl. Very scarce. Ixg-of-Wood MuKmetoareest known. 2 to 3 feet W-flne Salityfearty anUproUflc. 15 cts. apaper. Climax TomaW. rtcbest flavor, early, prolific ptrn innjiied in every way, 15 cts. a paper. White Egyp tian Cora (fromthe Nile), fields immensely in the South where other corn fails. Unequal ed frinta. nne manb iewtw . rw... . " . m r MX MAX f.VlKllX Reference: Hon. W. L. Calhoun, Mayor of Atlanta, ftb 2ilswMt-wly Just Received. A '-FULL ASSORTMENT of Violet Pho tograph Frames and Easels, Panel Pie tores, &c. A very large stock of Blank Books, School Books,' School Stationery, Bibles, Prayer Botks, Hymn Books. A complete stock of Manifold Letter Copying Books, at Yates' Book Store. feb 21 Holasses and Syrup 200 Bblfl Ncw 0l1ean3 molasses or in Hbds and 21)15 "ew CBA' 2Q Ohds Old CUBA, yQ Bags RIO COFFEE, 1200 Bbls Good rLOi:K' . At Low Triccfi, C HILL & Pr2A?v AL feb 11 A LARGE STOCK. OF may 4cors9 Blinds AND ALL OF MILL VORKi m LUMBEOt t LATHS. &o . For sale very cheap, at v.'i'.. ' 1 i . ALTAFTES. PRICfc 4 CO. toot of rfalatt ru :ats,etr ls4Ust tt fsll 26, 1881. from anything ever gruwu uc. cocked Seed sent bv mail 20 cts. a papet Soya w?i V t . . h.ir hnn half rtea. saidbv Chem- n rxm mtnti in. l nil if. .niner. AH the above sent for tl. 3 of each for $2. A CO. Atlmata, " PLEABB BOTIGE. 'e wQl bglad to' reeeire eoxuncnloatlcmc from mr ttitniM m txj and til lubjectTV , fMral ltsrert tmt , Tat mat of tht writtr taut alwt ji b fer ftiiat4 to tat Editor.- - - OoramultaUoatmiut be written ca only etatdtofiat.piptr A . ' Ptrsoaalitiet mut a voided And it ii exeeUlly jm particularly. under tbe tIws ot torrtspoalttU ualeai to . late i la the editorial eolnmnj. - . How Advoftisoznonts. '' Hinson & Blount. 'y'E I1AVE FORMED A CO-PART- ncrsaip under the firm name of HINSO fc BLOUNT, and. ask for a comtlnuaucc of the 7 wiuicmain in onicca lean street, cw York, recently occuiiied by the late firm of nin50n & Cumml()Efi I1INSON& BLOUNT, . - . , 89 Pearl street, New Toit. R. n. ROUNTREE, Special Partner. feb 24-2w - Agricultural Salt. on fi T0NS clean salt CUU For Agricultural i)urjoscs For ealoat . feb2aimd&w "WILLAKD'S". Cotton Seed. CT AA BUSIIELS COTTON SEED, . fJVJV J t or sale at 1;JJ-lmdXT "AVTLLARD'S." Liverpool Salt. 10 qqqsacksforsale feb 2C-lmd&w "WTLLARD'S" Family Flour. RINDING AS GOOD AS THE BEST Extra Family. Flour, from North Carolina White , Wheat. All can be convinced by sending orders to the feb 14-tf CAPE FEAR FL6UR MILLS . Wew RHusic Boxes, QHROMOS, . STEEL ENGRAVINGS and ORGANS, Just received at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book Store ALARGr. LOT OF TX7rTJLArt IJClOKS, published by the New XorK Book Ex change. Just received at IIEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STOKE. W feb 23 . 1Rb1AMQ30 io $1000; 2 to 32 UllUHIf O stops PianMSI26np.Papr free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J. , v feb 24 4w TEACHERS wanted ! I bMUIIbllV$l&( p(ir month. Hteady work all iprinjr and lommer. For particu lars address J C M60D DV s OU., ihila rteloia. Pa. feb 24-4w FLOWER FRESH & RKLTABLE. SEEDS; True to name io I f for 2&e neat packet, with 1 15 5 c eat, description J --i - iw and euUure- Cat- I Post alsruefree. Paid. f E Mo all'sti, 31 -altoB it, New Yoit. feb 24-4 w - ., ... - r THE RELISH OF THE WORLD! HALFORD SAUCE ! eb2Mw BOLD BT ALL 0B0CBB8 HOP BITTERS, (a Medlciae,notaunaxj COITAIVI ' HOPS,1 BUCHU. MAIlDRAKEi DAN DtLlun and the purest and best medical qualities of all other hitters. They Cure All diseases of the Stonsch, BoweU, Blood Uvet, Kidney a'd Urinary Orifans, lfr voasaess, hleeplssraeri, aad cspeclallv Fe male Complaints. your Druzjcirt for op Bittert aod.trv them before vou sleep. TA&K NO OTPK. r-ead for dremlar. Hop Bitters MTg Co,, Rochester, N T, aodTor to. Out. ; feh 2-4w GEORGE PAGE & CO BlannCacturera of. Pattat Portaoit wircruar SAW ICCLIiS, also cussary sza r?u . STEAM ENGINES 5 N.SCHKOEDES ST., BAXTIMOBE, MIX Grtrt and Mffla. Water Whte. tfood VitftYtasi f . fb24 W . iliry had aliUIe corn, Upoa her Uttit sot, And tverv watrt that Mary west , That corn was sure to go Pel'o Corn Solvent 18 THE iISOTO BBMEDr that will remove a eora la 8 hoars. -For salt bv " V. D. NUTT Jk C0.71 v A fresh lotcf nitttoa Bact jost received. 4- Km- A. stasis . p '....; v -. A v

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