4. ' - y' p1t?Iled afternoon, Sundays ex- -j .Pi.: rOTItZA . : ' . V' .. ' -f? :3 -. 4 QMM T. J El X 8 . 41 Lea 'St H ft' Y ) ) 4 T V ) I , - ' SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. i . - . . t ? TriJ5 00 SUimmtas, $2 50 ; Three . paper will, bt delivered by carrier, ir , ' V of charge, In any part of the city, t the j&ioverates,brl3oenttperwk. : f rtlalajf rates low and liber w M rSttb8eribor a will please report any and ' f".ttrea okreoeiTe vaeir papers rejrniariy. .1. How, Advertisements. BCEtL HOUSE, t WtiS N R W H A A H M titfT, Prop, 44'iU tiyif P-opriet .r Atlantic Kotel. ' v I'StM i ' aii it arpo'nt : e: n Terms filial i'-K.ri'A- '' - ' 'H.'V'' ;..- :"f !" ' 1881. ii , -11131 INSTALMENT OF l'.iay-yt ' . , . ... -a- , &i ' ; . " i IN SPRIHa fSs SUMMER SYTLES ' ARRIVING NOW AT imixTJSa'd Shoe Store. Tarket Street . t ' , ; : Mattings and arpets. .TIHE WRITER WILL ttELEOT, in per eon, the present week, in New York, a largo stock of ESattinQS l Iri .White andFaiicy Colors, and will add many novelties to present stock cf carpets - "DRESS; GOODS AHDf TRIMMINGS (ur specialty) will have jthe, closet atten tion, and the prices will be placed as low as possible. AH Wool Suitings " and Spring Sacquings, will be received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, a full line t-VorSILK BUNTINGS Jbr evening wear, and many other articles which cannot be named. R;- lUlrJJ'dlntfre. : Peruvian Guano. 2000 ! oris Nov 2, Peruvian Guano. Willi nus & MurchisoD. M UK LARGE STOCK OF .Sasiii Boo Blinds Si - ' . J AND ' . ALL KINDS OF MILL WORRI T I flllDCD II 1TU9 fox tale very eheap, At Factor; i- -fatt of WTalaai i -i n. AW' ; , Airrioiiltural Salt. 200 - 1 -. VTONiCLEAN salt, i For Airricultural purposes feb 23 lmd4r "WILLAIUJ", 5tiniCotton Seed? f rr BUSHELS COTTON SEED, t OUt I J ' For sale at ale at- . WILL AR1VS." i$ layerpool Salt,.. 10 000 ?AwiA 1 fib . 23-lmdAw 1 "WILLARD'S" Holcseo and Syrup Bhl$ Fnp Sjrup, -lQQO ?s c?JBAv uAQMlThdiOWCUBAl 2u0 3as 1110 C0PEE' J2QQBWsGoo1 ELOUR, 8- At Low Prices, EALL & PEAR3ALI. family Flour. pjrG aoqp as Tteest Ora Family Floor, from North Carolina White Wheat. All can be con vtacad by sending orders to the - feb I'i4f CAPE PJ5AR FLOtTR SULLS . .... - . i ,-. " . j - - - , -..- - . . -. . tA ft,".. : HI VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1881. NOM LOCAL NEWS. Sevr AilTernfetnenis CnoxLr &, Mobuis Mortgage Salt AVilljam4 j5c Murchisox Corn, Bar ;n, Molasses, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, fee Altaffer, Price CoSah, 1V r- ana Blinds J L BoATWiiianT Maclierel i ' T PASCiL'aci &, Co Music-Cocfcf ttor.erios C W YATES-r-I31ank Borks Alex Siruxt'& SoS'Sbip NotK-o A SnRiEn .Spring Styles IS? I , IlEixsuEBGEit New Music Boxes Good-byc.Februarj. To-morrow is the first of MarcL. The receipts of cotton ct this port to day foot up 1SS bales. , Mr. J ulius Ilahu Is iu New York se lecting his'SpriDg and Saramcr stock. - Read Messrs Chess, Carley Sc CVs ad vertisc-ment in another column. The box sheet for the Carreno Opera was put on sale this morning. Mr. If. E. Scott,Senater from this dis trict, -was in the' city yesterday. The box sheet forAilington'sMinstrels will be put on sale to-morrow morning. We advise our friends to call at Jacoui's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, t ' Fishermen say that shad are fast play" iug out. The run so far is not at all en couraging. How to be' your own painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready -mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. ' f Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten season and is known:in theChurch Calendar as Ash -Wednesday. The only cargo cleared foreign to-day consisted of 3,907 barrels of rosin, per Ger barque Eintraclitt for Lendon, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. The honest public, sentiment of the people of the United States is uuani mouslyin favor - of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp The druggists pronounce it to be the only ptandard Cough Remedy. Mr. O. G." Parsley, Sr., was knocked down at Mcllhenny's corner to-day about one o'clock by a pair of carriage'horses. We are glad to state that Mr. P. sustain ed but very slight injuries'. v - . - Mr. Ernest Iogersoll,. TJ. S. Fish Commissioner, is in the city. lie is a special agent, 10th census,' in charge of oyster inquiry, and is here gathering data relative to oyster and clam culture iu this section. Mr. Eugersoll leaves to morrow for Newbern. The Wilmington Amateurs left this moraine in a special car for Charlotte where they will appear to-night in the "Old Folks' Concert," and Sullivan's op eretta,. "Trial by Jury." After the per. iormanjce me laaies ana gentlemen are to be feasted and a complimentaiy ball has been tendered'them. Proposed Meetings. Jist before going to press we learn thata meeting of the Produce Exchange has been called for to-morrow to ake in to consideration the matter of the pro posed sale of the State's Interest in the Cape Fear fc Yadkin Valley E. R., and we understand that a citizens' meeting "will be held very soon. Let it be done as'soon as possible as the time is precious and short. In this connection we would refer to an editorial article on the subject on the second .page of this issue. 1 Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. . Allfat the lowest prices. - t WJiO can tell what has become of the old military bounty land warrants? There is outstanding nearly twenty-five thousand of 1C0, 120, 80 and, 40 acres each which were issued to soldiers or their heirs for services rendered in the Revolutionary war, Florida war, 1S12 war, Mexican war, Arostook war, and Indian wars. They amount in the ag gregate to over two milliqn and fire hundred thousand acres. They must be among the old papers left by your grand father, jour father or your mother, and not thought to be of value. Let the reader of this article see if he or she can not find one or wore of them; when found, write Charles D. Gilmore, of Washing ton city, D. C, C2Q F, street, and you wil fc'e'infdpmed what to do to make it available to you. feb 23-1 w , Oharies Hartman, Toledo, Ohio, says: I know it cared me,nd I hope others similarly troubled withpain in the chest may be helped by the "Onfif Lung Pad?' na TtttttvA-f .?' A flit V .' " i Bonaveniure and'Thunaerblt. - The above named places near Savan nah, "Ga., are known throughout this broad land by tourist", not from any special merit of beauty oiattractiveness, but owing to the great amount of adver tising they have "received by hotel keep ers and others, who advertised them as among the , attraction of Cavanaah. Tourists frequently stop over in Savan nah a day longer in order to visit Bona Venture and Thunderbolt, thereby lcav iu. m,ore of Uiieir .'."filthy lucre" than tliy otherwiiO. would, have done.. The hotel keepers have been amply repaid by advertising these. places and livery stables have reaped a rich harvest from that source. We' have near this city places, which if properly - advertised, would become far more noted than the Savannah attractions. Bonaventure is simply a small park of live oak trees, with heavy beards of moss, and is no prettier than Hilton and not susceptible of as many improvements. Thunderbolt which is a bluff at the head of la silt water, creek, is not as pretty as many places at the head of Bradiey,IIcwlett or Whiikey creeks. The places on the bay at the Sounds are in" comparably prettier than Thunderbolt. Wilmington has attractions which, if ad" vertised, would be the means of attract ing travelers and tourists this way. Silver Lake, near this city, i3 a place of great beauty. It i3 several fathoms deep and its water to the very bottom is as clear as crystal. The fish, with which the Lake is alive, can be seen swimming about and a pebble can be dis tinctly seen at its bottom. The Lake has no visible outlet and persons have oiten amused themselves in trying to fer ret out its submarine outlet. Then there are Forts Fisher, Caswell and Johnson besides masked batteries, which would be exceedingly interesting to travelers. Fort Fisher's fame is known through out the landb-oi like everything .else, when neglected, it soonpasses but'of rec ollection and dies, so to speak, frsm dry rot. Fort Caswell, with its lengthy whis pering galleries, flood gates, etc., has long been heard" of but how few com paratively know where it is or have seen it!. Besides the places we have mentioned there are other places to in terest and amuse one. We have in this city the home of John Hooper, one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence, Corn walis' Headquarters, Con federate prison, turpentine distilleries in active operation, cotton compresses and other places of interest. There are many other places and things about the city which are thought lightly of by our citi zens but which would he places and things of great interest to travelers and pleasure seekers. For one to see the places we have mentioned, at least two days would be required in visiting them Persons who travel for pleasure and health would think but little of remain ing in a city two or three days longer than they otherwise intended, provided they could see something to attract and amuse them. We have have the points but reap no benefit from them, because they arc not known to the outside world. It strikes us it would be well to write a descriptive history of these; places and spread it broadcast throughout the Northern, Fiastern and Western States and circulate them as wd. throughout the Southern States. Our hotels, livery stables and transportation companies would be materially benefited; Wilmington would have more oLa float ing population : retail business would be better, and ths city would wear a more buoyant cheerful and jolly look. Let the hotels, railroads, steamboats and liv ery stables pay some attention to this matter. Let tbem send out descriptions of places of attraction, as Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah and Jack sonville have done, aud see, if they will not be materially benefited by the ex. periment. If a stranger should ask the average citizen if there is anything to be seen in this city, he would most likely receive, with a shrug of the shoulders or a discouraging shake of the head, "noth ing" for an answer, while we are actually surrounded by as many, if not more at tractions than'any city in the South. yeta of Uoctors. The fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule for visits is $3.00, which would tax a roan confined to his bed for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for TOedical attendance alone! And one single bottle of Hop Hitters taken m time would save the $1,000 ard, j11 the ve,ssicknes:5.ics . . ' CMj Conrt Joseph Aaron and James Price, both colored, were arrested Saturday night for an affray and were arraigned before His Honor Mayor Fishblate this morning. Aaron paid a fine and vras released and Price went below in default of payment of fine and cost. James Bell, drunk and down, was dis charged upon the payment of the cost. The Court then adjourned. k Thanks! We have received an invitation to a skating carnival and ball, on occasion of the grand opening of tha L' Arioso Hall, in Columbus, Ga., on the 25th inst. (last Friday). On the Commit tee of Arrange, ments we noticethe n&m, as chairman of the committee, of.'Mr. E. F. Coney and among the floor managers that of Mr. A. V. Wood, both Wilmington boys who not long since migrated Southward. Mr- Scott s Fish BUI. Mayor Fishblate and Mr. F. H. Dar by, City Attorney, have returned from Raleigh, where they have been to oppose the passage of the bill introduced into the Legislature by Mr. Scott relative to the sale of produce from carta in the city. If we understand this bill properly it is not what its title represents and by means of which it was passed in the Senate, nor is it one which the tax payers in this city would approve. It was , evidently introduced for the benefit of the Repub lican party and not of the people. We haye not seen the bill but have been told that its provisions would seriously inter fere with the administration of the police court and the enforcement of sanitary regulations. It passed the Senate, prob ably under a misapprehension of its act ual purport, and is now . in the House where it will probably be pigeon-holed or tabled. A meeting of the Board of Health, we understand, is to be held to-night, to take som e action in regard to this bill. - ' JAjlyob's OfkicS, "' - WiiSliNofox, N. C., Feb. 28, 1880. j Editor Review: Dear Sir- I have but a few words more to add in reply to Mr. Norwood Giles' communication and then I am dona with the subject. My object in the out set was to show that the present city gov eminent has sustained and carried out the promise of economy that was expect edof it to the fullest extent, and I don't see that that position has been successful ly attacked by any statement of Mr. norwood Giles. If the citizens will refer to a published statement or the city debt which appear ed in the Wilmington papers, about Dec. 1st. 1878, they will learn that at a meeting fof tax-payers and bondholders that took place in the city at that time, the following exhibit was made: The to tal debt on the 16th February. 1878, a date after I came in office, was $623,525.- 27: a further statement (lade for Decern ber 1st, 1878, showed the debt then to be r 66,350, and the Dawsoi bonds, amount ing to $10 900, were included in the first statement made Fab. ICtb, 1878, as a debt for which the city was liable and excluded from the last statement made December 1st, 1878. beceause be tween the 16th of February 1878, and December 1st, 1878 the, Dawson bonds had been pronounced illegal, this being at a time when I had the honor to be Mayor of the city, and when the ad ministration over which I presided w&s entitled, if any administration is entitled to claim the benefit of the reduction cans. ed by the bonds being declared illegal. I do not claim for this Board of Alder raeh or for myself any special credit on account of the city being relieved of this debt of 10,000, and no statement that I have made heretofore can, in my opinion, be so construed, bat my statement was a plain and simple account of the reduc tion that had taken place, however oc casioned, during my administration, and I naturally, and I think properly and reasonably, included that amount, be cause the reduction had taken place dur ing my administration. I beg leave to say, also, that the state ment given February 16th. and above referred to, does not include all the debt due at that time, for the reason that it was afterwaads dis? covered that there were really $10,000 coupons with interest thereon due at that time and not included in that statement: '. Take even the statement of Mr. Giles to be correct, and I claim it is not, still this administration is entitled to. tho credit of an immense reduction of the city debt and I cannot understand tha disposition or votm with which any one is situated who would try to with hold from any Board of Aldermen that which, jnstly due. The oaly wonder to me is, judging from the tone of tha cat- eral statements of Mr. Norwood Giles, that he gives this Board of Aldermen the credit for even the reduction of $92,880 ' Hxxar Vas 2cjzmz g Ibledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon me to ry an "Oaly Long, Pad,- and I oUained immediate relief frtnn m.nehlr.'r cough. I hnovj the Pad helped tz&rSce Not7 Advertisements. Blank Books. s UITABLE FOR EVERY LINE OF business, in stock aud made to order. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Stationery, large stock Pictures, Frames and Easels, Slc, Sec. School Hooks and School sup plies, at Yates' Book Store. feb 23, ' M. CROIVM , Auctioneer BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Sale. BT VIRTUS Or THE PROVISIONS OF a mortgage dated April 31, 1179, from J as. Anderson to the First National Bank of WilmiBgtoo, the sfcid Bank will on Wed neaday, March !0th, 1981, at 11 o'clock, A M.. at the Court House door in the City cf Wilminrtos, sell for Cash by public aucuon an undivided half interest in remainder af ter an outstanding life estate in all that lot of land sitnate in siid City on th Southeast rrrtr of Frost and Orarge streets. ris.i.t I feet on Orsnre st est, and ruc nkg back Houtbward'y a' eng. Front street the same width 198 feet, being pact of Lots Ncs. 1, 2 and 3, in Block 126. . IS. BUBRU38, feb 38-mch 10-21.29 President At Cost. HAVA Fw of those, handsome STUDENT LAMPS rn hand, whiah are for sUe at rid need prices. Also a lot of Glars Lamps' and Lamp Goods, which we will se!l AT C03T to close out that branch cf our business. Call early fcr bargaiosi Eetailing Oil. "YyE HAVE NOT discontinued the dell r eryof Oil to City Dealers from our bulk Tank, which will be delivered as heretofore, but we have stopped all retail sales from our store, and respectfally refer the customers we have been supplying in that way to Messrs Geo. A. Peca, Parker A Taylor, and J. C. Stereo son, who will be pleated to sup ply them at bottom prices. -. feb 18 V CBE88,, OAKLEY ft CO. T " 1 "It W-iT ' in Riackerel, ANOTHER LOT OP THOSE FINE Extra, Mo. 1 Mackerel just arrived, which-1 am selling from the barrels in quantities to suit any one. 3 - Also in Half Barrels and Kits. . These goods being1 of excellent quality I can recommend them. John 1. Boatwaght, 11 aad IS North Front S? Catsups, Sauces. &c 'Guldens" Tomato Catsup, in Pints and Quarts. The Finest Tomato Catsup made. Cross & Blackwell's Boyal Osborne Sauce, Cross & Blackwell's Ath Sauce, ' Cross & Blackwell's Beefsteak Sauce, Cross & Blaekvrells China Soy Sauce, . CfCto & Blackwell's Mushroom Catsup, Cress & BladsrolTB Walnut Catsup All Standard Goods. Fdrsale low JNO. i. flOAKniGIiH rvica. it & 13 N. Front Otl feb 23 TTtjcm be g.d to receive tomaBaicaUons from our frlrada ea kit and all rabet7Ti Tha nama of Cat writer nut nlwajt be far uiahed to tfcVEdltor v- k Oomatrrtirsttosagait be wrlttaa on only Peraoaanuesnrortta woliAL And It Is eapociallf paTtfeularlyader stood that tte Editor ittftt not always endorse' h views otcormpon tots ulecs to UUi to tae editorial columns. . : j a New JLdvoxticQmonttJ.1 Ship TJotice. ALL PffKBOXS are hereby ciudoned against harherinj or trusting aav of the tha British Brig "TtL AMOB. Morriee,Master, aa neither the debts of their contraotinr. . febJJt ALPX 8PRDNT k 80N. P. Pascucci 6l Co.; LEADElt ANIV AGENT OF flALlAX String Band and Dealer, la .Confectioneries, Groceries and Frtdt. llarlcet between Sec ond and Third atreeta. Orders from the country for Fruit and , Music pre mptly at- -tended to. feb23i-4t Cqraf; Bacon; : MolrisSes. 10 000 usha pfime tWiit.coKxJ 275 uuxes ompKeaanajj ts oiaes 4 ..' 350 1 OKA Ilhds and Ticrcta OUU V f NewCroo'Cuba. 100 BblS NeW 0rleansMola,sesi I ust received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MURP1USON . Flour, Sugar, Coffee! &c 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbis Sujrars, Granulated,;' Ex tt a . .OandC,.... . v- ; .. . 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, - 350 Baga C61Tee, duTcrent grade; ' . 125130X6 Assorted Candy, " 100 Tubs Choko Leaf Lard, i, 75 Bbls and Boxes enlon 'Calces, o75 Boxes Lye and Potash, 200 Boxes Soap, , 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, ' 100 Boxes and Ilalf Bbls Snuff, ' 8 6t. Butket Paper, Spice,; Pepper, (Sin er, Hoop Iron, be,, Randolph Sheetings . - For sale by- V feb2S; ' WTLLIAMS& inmuHISON. NO MORE LEAKY ROOFS ! JRON CLAD WATER PROOF PAiNT has no equal for stopping leaka, It is guar anteed for 10 years, Any roof,- 'no matter how . bad, can be saved by this pint. Asa KooflngPalnt'and Tor Damp Walls lthasnoequaL . t v 4 Samples and testimonials furnished ubon , i.. ........... 4 ..... . , application at Offlc e of the Iron Clad Paint Company, pn Second, between Market and Princess streets :; ' ' u , ;;3 feV -: Law Books for Sale, THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE 'LATE Adam Empie, approximating 500 vol umes, will be exposed for aale, at "Public Anction, at the " Journal Buildini", on Princess street, at 11 o'clock, ATM,, Fri day, February 5th inst., , ' 4 S,M EMPIE, feb21-tds . Attorney..' The aboye sale has been postponed nntil Wednesday next, 2d ll&rclu febSd-tda M. EMPIEAtt'y Hinson &: Blount. j HAVE. FORMED A. CO-PAJJT- nersaip under the firm name of HTKSO & BLOUXT, aud ak for. a continuance of - the patronage bcttoWd upon the old iInn.tiWo will remain In office &9 Peart etrectNew York, recently occupied by the latc iirjn;pf Hinson & Cumminx, ; J - .H A , - -ii-A nit ch . ' . HINSON & BLOUNT I ' ' 89 Pcari etreei New'Torlc? R. 11. ROUNTREE, Special Partner." ' Mew rjJucic Boxe CHROM03, r r . r yT . STEEL ENGRAVINGS t ; r i .. ; . , andpRaANS; . Jnt received t , 'm Wt ) . t HEES'SBERGER'S, t . ' ' tLiveUook Store. a! LARGE LOT OF POPULAR BOOKS, J, published by the New York Book Ex change. .Just received at s .tt -'' HETNSBERGER'S. . LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STOKE. feb 23 j t ..t.T t i ? Mary bad little corn, 4i: Upon her little toe,' : t-h-.it iwy wbewjttat T&at corn was sure , to ro . ; rora Corn-Colvcnu Io tun oltj tzzovte' KcirDr-cat - Foraalebr V ) X: