,.,,. .. . ,,JU.,-,, - .m """ . w ' , , A.";: -1- -. ". m - X V pacllsfced T4t; afumoon. Sandays c TTt wQ fciC?&l.to re98lT6 tomianaicatloni f ti- - ;aa .1 . O 51 HV" 1V; J A 1 K 9 . & v- IIUIiSCaiimONS.POSTAOKPAID. .me yearly 00 Six months,' $150 Three r f ; ttoaths, $1 IS ; One month, 60 cents. . rh paper will ba delivered by carriers. rofeharjpe, in any part oi the city, at tie rtee, or 13 oonta per wek. A.firertiinjr ratei low und liberal . ; 7"3abteribert will please report any and ' ll failure to reeeire their papers regularly. tiiPfflfi STYLES ! FIRST. INSTALMENT OF - - BOOTS? & SHOE S( II SPRING & SUITER SYTLES - v - ARRIVING NOW AT febll ' " Market Street MaUines aud Carpets. rpUE WRITER WILL SELECT, in per son, the present week, in New York, a large stock of Choice XftLliixigs la White andFancy Colors, and -vsill ' . add many noveltief to present stock (f : ,: CARrnrs. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS I (our specialty) will have the closet atten tion, andtne puces win oe piaceu as iow as possible. All Wool Suitings and SmhiirSflvminp-s. wilL be received on "Tuesday or Wednesday. Also,' a full line of 8ILK BUNTING3 for evening -wear, an? many other articles which cannot named. R. rJ3-TJJcSntire. JebU . TJew iUl usic Boxes, plHROMOS, , STEEL ENGRAVINGS and ORGANS Just received at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book Store r ; ".Ki2pubIIsaed by the JSew xorK uook jcx HEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. fet23 HO MORE LEAKY ROOFS I -iKdfc CLAD WATER PROOF PAIN T . natf.no equal for stopping leaks. It is guar anteed for 10 years. Any reof, no matter how bad, can be saved by this paint. As a Roofing Paint and for Damp Walls I ftTxasno equal, v ' Samples andttestimoDials furnished upon f appllcaUon at Office of the Iron. Clad Paint Company, on Second, between Market and , Princess streets. - r feb 36- La7 Books for Sale, rwirw t.aw LIBRARY OF THE LATB . I Adam Empie, approximattmr . 500 vol - nmes, will be exposed for sale,, at Public Auction, at the "Journal Building", jon . Prtnceas street, at 11 o ciock, a. xn. ..'rfebSl'-tds ' frAtorney. Tho above sale has been postponed nntil . - - . . , ft, Wednesday, next, 2d3Iarch. J-J..: ' feb3itds S. V, EMPIE, AUy . . - - -- : mmsmmi AT THE LOWEST PRICES ! ASCEimiM MY PRICES BEFORE H AVI HO YOUR PRIHTIMG S DOME ELSEVHRRE I Sajisfaction Guaranteed I A fINTISG .CAREFULLY tXSCIirED V,fortreldbg oat of the city and sent T to them by mall free cfpoiUe- 4 " , - - : l V. WArtUOCK, . " . corner Chestnut and Water Streets ; lomio Review Baling fJL 3aniT RINDING AS GOOD AS TUB BEST ylSa Flour, fromNorth Carolina .White Wheat. Oui can be convinced bv -sendlug orders to the . - ftbltf CAPE PFAB FLOUR MILLS. ! ;3Hi: : laLffilVfillVlliVV. p . - ... .... . .. - ; . ,::T - m,Lvi.:- . ? t r 1 . - - - - -w - " VI W LOCAL NEWS- New AdTerruftmeots g W YATia Blank Books A Shriek Spring Styles 1881 HEtsrsBEUCjEB New Music Bore 4 No City Court to-day. President Carfield. Shake? "Wood is selling at Z, per cord.. 1 1 thundered and lightened last night. Thfofl-shorc storm signal tts.s' AS iu-ua.y. The fish market i3 bountifully sap- plied. , Board of Aldermen meet Monday night. There are twenty-one Cro cisterns ia this city. Congress adjourned sine die to-day at 12 o'clock. . Board of County Commissioners meet Monday afternoon. The receipts of cotton at this poet to day foot up 532 bales. This is the season oi the y oar best I adapted to trimming trees. Only four boarders in the coanty jail and one in the City Prison. The Custom House is decorated to-day fin honor of the new President Mis3 Mary Anderson was to have play ed rParthenia in Jngomar at Peters burg last evening. How to be your own painter : Buy tha N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready ;mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. . t ' TheSnpreriorCourt for this county will convene on the first Monday ia Jane, i which is just three months off. Fires were raging in the woods near this city, but we presume the heavy rain of last night checked them. Some of the fencing around the iarm of Mr. John S. Harriss, near this city. was destroyed by are a tew aaya ago. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash ana Blinds, cure White Lead. Oils. Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. .ttAU Aat the lowest priqes. . . 1 A stranger who was one of Arlington's audience at the Opera House last night; was taken with a fit during the perform ance. We arc glad to learn that Capt. B. G. Bates, whojwas considered very ill for the past two or three days is reported as much better. Col. Brink will hate two new street letter-boxes placed at the corner of Front and Market streets as soon as the gas lamps are placed in position. Why is this month like an umbrella on a rainy day? Because its Lent. Here is another: Why is to-day like a country in South America? Why, because its Chili. This is about the season of thoyer when ono sees the stately pater familiat throw aside bis dignity and dig down the street after fchi3 'chapeau which is being borue swiftly on by a stiff March wind. : You can now buy Improved Heating ana Cook Stoves at factory prlccsat Jacob 1 s. T We are getting to be some pumpkins. Only a week ago a large seal was caught in the river, and yesterday a fine pelican was killed on the Sound. When; ex treme meets extreme, then ye local looks ! out for an item. We advise our friends to call at JfCCSi's for Ilousehold Hardware of every descrip- - ... M A. tion. There you Ct tfce lowest prrca. 1 Mr. M. B. Curtis' "Sam of Posen, a Commercial Traveler," ia tho next at traction at tho Opera House. Mr. Car' tis was formerly with Milton Nobles asd rendered the character of the ew in the Phoenix very creditably. 1 We uuderstnd that the Scott bill for the protection of farmers and fishermen, which has been facetiously dubbed by some the poor man's bill," was laid- on the table in' the Senate yesterday. This may kill it for the session. In felling the old chinaberry tree, oa Princess street, this morning ths $ot- pmment telesrraph wire wasbroken. Judge Clark repaired the ' . 'damages and actually burned the tree. The tree didnt bcak it was the wire shonia cave dot Liamed and not the tree.' Dcr ycr tee, fLMINGTON, N. C., Ib Honor. In hoaor of to election , cf Mr. J- I. Macks as Grand President of the FUUt Division of the I. O. B. B, at Balti more, a few weeks ao, his friends yr'iSi i present him with a .handaome testimtM I uial at the rooms of the Harmony Circle thisceniBj. Uhe TaUen & CI talon K J2. From a gentleman from Clinton we t learn there is no doubt that the railroad rom.Qlinton to Faison'sJ depot, on the vr: w. Kaiiroatf, win oo duuc ia short time The distance, is: not more than twenty mile3 and the surrey runs j throagha level country, which is . com paratively free irom large streams. J. be I people are alive to the needs of the road I and it will no doubt be a great conve nience Ola l-atv matfc. The old chinaberrjr tree which has stood near the corner of Front and Prin cess streets for lo! iheee many jears and whoso baneheff, have been swayed by many a March wind, was cut down to- day Oao of our old citizens who does aot wish to eeo the old landmarks paes away one by one, repeated in a rery pathetic and entreating manner "Woodman,8par8 that tree," but tho Woodman replied, Oh no boss, wood dun gone ap to 1 a load aa deya two cords ia dat tree." Arlington's Hlostreli. A very large audience greeted Arling ton's minstrels last evening at the Opera House. The troape is the best of its kind that has visited this city in several years, and: save Tery general satisfaction. The quartette was Terr good and render ed some rery enjoyable music. The six- tette clog clab is the best that has ever been on our boards. Mr. Arlington has every reason to be satisfied with his re ception and on his next visit we predict that standing room will bo more in de mand than it was last night. One of our np-town mef chants, being down street this morning, desired to show ; his feats of agility and accordingly pro ceeded to demonstrate hew high he could kick. Discovering a tin bucket hanging from a shelf about seven feet high in a wholesale grocery, and imagining it was empty, he lifted it from the nail with his foot and down came the bucket, tiled with oysters, which rolled out on the floor and down the neck of onr friend, who paid for the damages and retired fifty cents less in his pocket, while the j bystanders enjoyed tho fan. important EYents Two important events ia the history of the country and State transpired to day. We Tefer to the qualifying of General Garfield as President, and the qualifying as Begistrars of Messrs. Archie Alder man nnd E. Scharff,for the First Ward; JT. 0. Lnmsden, for the Second Ward; W. L. Jacobs, for the Third Ward, Jas. Kendrick for the Fourth Ward, and H. E. Orr.. Jr., for the Fifth Ward. TfcA hooks will be oDen on Monday at tho places of registration, which -will , hereafter be designated. An entire new registration will be required. A Genuine Pelleaa A genuine South American pelican was shot flying across Masonboro Sound on yesterday, by Mr. John O.Wagner and was on exhibition in the market to-day. It was bought by Mr. A. Adrian, who has handed it over to a taxidermist to be staffed. The pelican measured 7 feet 8 inehes from tip to ,tip of wings and stood about four feet high. The feathers on ats body are a beautifal shade of iron grey, tinted with sear brown, and its neck a pure soft brown, The uppe? mandibleV its bill is flattened and terminated by a very strong hook, or nan, wmcn copscu and; Tery much bent. The lower mandille ia formed br two osseous branches, .which are depressed, flexible and united at the jaw or point ; from it is suspended a naked skin in the form of an expansive pouch, which is capable of holding a considerable number of fish. To test the flexibility of the pouch or bag, a olpred batcher ran his head with ease this morning into the mouth of the peli can. The bird ii quite curiosity about these parts, and is the only pelican known to-hare been captured near here. Charles Uartman, Toledo, Ohio, says: t Vnnw it rored mevasd I hone others similarly troubled with pain in the chest may be helped by &u Only Lung Pad? as I hate; Set Adv. FRIDAY, MARCH THE MAILS. Tba mails close and arrive at ths City Pot Office as follows : Northern through malls. . . . . 00 p m Northern throngh and way mails f 5:80 a. m. Rateigb 6.W . m Mails for tbo N C BAilroad, . -1 and routes enppUed there - from, including A. & N. C. FUUryad, at..... ............. 6:80 a. m. Sootbeo'maUa for all points South, daily;... .8 am and 7:45 p.m. Western mails (C C iVy) daily (except Sunday).... 8:10 a- m. aljrCbrawt DarHog-" ; . urn;; 1 ......I.'.'i 7:45 p. m. Mails for poiftts between Flo rence and Charleston i 8 a to & "'A& p m Fayettevillo, and offices on rjana FeaT River. Tuesdavs. and Friday.. ...... ......... LKK) p. m. Fayettevillo. via Lumborton, daily, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday af. 6:00 a. m Smith ville mails, by steam boat, daily, - oxcept Sun days) Halls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little 8.80 a m River, S. C , every Mon V day and Thursday at....... Wilmingtc-n and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY Northern through and way mails 7:00 and 7:80 a. m. Northern mails 9.00 am Southern Mails ,- 7:80 a. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6:80 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same .as stamp office. nmrft1 Hvervonfin from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80 a. m. ; Stamps for sale at'geaeral delivery fvdn fltawin office is dosed. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 8:80 p. nu HIssKarj. Mary Anderson will be seen in NorJ folk to-night in Parthenia, and aa Pau line in the Lady of Lyons to-morrow night. Sunday morning she will pass thTOnffh tbis city in her palace car, Which was fitted np especially for her and pro- ided with all the home comforts,and her old step daddy; Dr. Griffinjlhat is, we sup pose he will bttalong as he likes comfort and all that. -Doctors now recommend; the introcac- tion of a kid or goat into- the nursery ai a healthfal companion for the children. 1 It is not altogether pleasant to learn from a fashion re portress that thin ladies are rapidly going out of fashion, and fat figures are at present thought to be the only correct thing. Black walnut is much less used in rooms than formerly, and light woods are coming into favor, partly because they are cheap and partly because they con trast better with dark walls, It is universally conceded that the heart of a man weighs, aboit ten ounces that of a woman eight. As the age increases a man's heart grows heavier and a woman's lighter. Some girls lese; theirs atsixteea while others hare little or none to lose. There is nothing so harrowing to the feelincrs of a modest man in these days of colds, than to discover that his nasal blast wasaimetf at a hole in his handker- hief and a friend sees him nass his af- ileted hand across the seat of his trow- sertf, under the friendly shadow of his coat tail. C As a Cure for Piles indnev-Wort acts first bv overcomine in the mildest manner all tendency to constipation; then, by its great tonic and Invigorating properties, it restores 10 health the debilitated and weakened warts. We have hundreds of certified where all else had failed. Use it and suffer no longer. Ezchange. Quarterly Meetings Por the Wilmiairton District, Metbo dist E. Church, South. 1881. f First round .1 ! Onslow, at Tabernacle, - - Mar ah 54 Clinton, at Andrew Chapel, March (Jokesburv. at ilalis, - - aiarcn i.y-zw ThA Dwtrirt Rtewards will meet at the Parsonage of the Front street Church in Wilmington, at ten o'clock a. m. on ue Zu r CD. - A I oil attendance u ueairca L. S. Bckebtad. Presiding Elder. Maine Hews. -. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in nnr columns, are a sure cure for a true. ! biliousness and kidney complaints. Those who use them sav thev cannot be too birhlv recommended. Those aflicted Bhonid cive them a lair tnai. ana win . - - . .. ... become therebv enthusiastic in tneDraise of their curative qualities. Portland Argus- , r, j? I 4. 1881. T i INiO Sl New Advertisements- Cook Wanted. ' ' ' ' I TT A N EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN I r or Uiri as a v;ock in a wmuj oi wax i persons. Must understand her business. Aadress r. ii. 001 jw or appiy oouiu- 1 eat corner of Fifth and Princess streets. mch S-2t Cuba Jolassesr NEW ORL8A5S U 0LA83SI?, D 8 siDrajutdsnarjLi)Blisr, f HtfiAVf ME88 PORK, . ALL GRADES OF FLOUR, At Low Prices. HALL & PEARSALL. men l Blank Books. Suitable for every line,' of I business, in stock and made to'order. indies' and Gentlemen's Fine Stationery, large stock Pictures, Frames and Easels' &c., &c,' School Books and School 6Up- plies, at YatesV Book Store. feb 28 Coriii Bacon, Molasses. jQ QQQBushs Prime white CORN, 9ift Tin.. nit QmAlrailAniin Q QM.S O fr r Hhda and Tiercea OtJVJ New Crop Cuba, JQQ Bbls New Orleans Molasses, Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHI8gN", Flour, Sugar, Coffee. &c 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, ' 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra . CandC, 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, -4 350 Bags Coffee, different grade, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, , 75 Bbls and Boxes LemoaCakes, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash," . ; 200 Boxes Soap, ' 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, ; 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff, . - Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, GinV .. ... - . . . ger, Hoop Iron, &e Randolph Sheetings For sale by feb 28 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Agricultural Salt. srr TONS CLEAN SALT. OUU For Agricultural purposes For sale at feb 23 lmdAw "WTLLARD'S". Cotton Seed KAH BUSHELS COTTON SEED, OUl For sale at reD23-imdw "wihiiAKUB." Liverpool Salt. 10 000 8 c feb 23-lmdtw "WTLLARD. PURCELL HOUSE, UNDER NSW MAVAOEMENT, WlLMlSTOV, V. C. B. IV PERRY, - - Prop. Lata Propriator Atlaatie Hotel. firit CTIan in all its asDointaenta Terffif S3. 50 to $3 per dav. feb 8-tf Hincon &. Blount. TTTE HAVE FORMED A CO-PAET- nerahJp under the firm name of HINSON A BLOUNT, and ask for a eoatinua&ce of the patronage bestowed upon the old firm'. Wa will remain ia office SO Pearl' street, New Tork, recently occupied by the late firm of Hincoa & Cumming. HINSON &. BLOUNT, cm rail buvcu new xui. R. H. EOUNTREE, Special Partner. feb Z4Jw Mary bad a little corn, Upon hT little to, And every wfcare that Kary west That eora was sure to go ' Pel's Corn Solvent TO TUB OVLT KSTOW2I .BEKSDr that jl wui reaova a com laaooara. - for tale by ' ' . : . 3 J NT7T A A Crash lot cfj Mattoa Szat jait rtcslvei xa aaaa oi ue.wnter dui uwayi ne i ar Mnkhedto tie Editor. OommmTftttloaj nut be written co onlt oat dda of loo paper. V ranonauoa aut ' , cuoa And it ll especially m porUealarlT ender ui us irOinr w r noi aiwayi enoort e wrretpoadaito. uleaio ,t Uu4 in tne editorial oolntsca. Now Advertisements. p i & Co., T TrT k VTA 4 iT,Vfl A TfT T T I uma kjc , - - String Band and Dealer in Confectioneries, . , " a- ond and Third street. Orders from the country for Fruit and Music promptly at-' a. J J. " AO Jl. KfJew OropCuba 350 HMsud Tierce ". :choice:aktio,: -a oust received and how landinir ex Bnrr Chat tanooga. For sale by ' Williams & Murcliisoii, feb 17 ' . - Mackerel ANOTHER LOT OP THOSE FINE Extra Ko. 1 Mackerel just arrived, "which I am sellingr from the barrels in quantities . . -. . to suit any one. Also in Half Barrels and Kits. These goods being' of ; excellent quality I can recommend them. John I. Boatwrigliti . 11 aad 13 North Front SV Catsups Sauces, &c "aiUden's" Tomato Catsup, in Pints and Quarts ' The Finest Tomato Catsup made. Crosa &BlackweU's Royal Osborne , . Sauce, - ' -Cr03S & Blackwell's Ath'enxr xi . Sauce, Cross & Blackwcllfl Beefsteak Sauce, ': Cross Blackwell's China Soy Sauce, ; Cross & Blackwell's Mushroom ' Catsnt), Crsss & Blackwell's Walnut Cabup All Standard Goods. For sale low by JNO. L, BOATWRIGHT, 1 ! i Nos. 11 & 13 N. Front St. fab 28 -1 f SGDFPSM6I6 1 AND Wine ! jyjAjruActrixtKD by wHiTuyjiiL TTiat.Coapaay. trhltevOIe, II. C, "'. Price aad samples oa application Sand ia y our orCsra tor the hoUdxyr. dM7-dawtf ' "THE; STATE. 19 RICa2I05D, VA, 4 GHAlTBEELATn: A BEIRJE, t-r'.T . . " Owners aad Editexf jXmft eircalatloB, Cheapest' 8nhfcip- 1 I?lfcDJ tircUtica cow over ,CC3. --We aaly aiternooa paper la Klchsaoad - Crt22rf! rrls-ii.Mw en .... .

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