... j . ' - ---..,.. - . - r. . - --" : ' - " t - ' .. . - - .- - .- ' - . . . ' - . .. . . ' f V i 4i i r - v-;v;v ... : 1 UIB Pa PES ' PttftlW6d rrery afternoon, Sundays ex ' ': ?0 HH. T. J E S , KtttTOK AJD FBOPKIKTOa. ' .flUBSCJilPriOJiS. lOaTAOE PAI . W Tear, $5 00 Six mont&s, 52 50 ; Thrse ; months, $1 Si; Ono month, 60 cents. . -r. fa paper will bsdaliYersd Dj carrier, . rof charge, in any part of ;be city, at the : itTa ratee, or 13 o-ata per wcfc. Advertisinjt races lov and liberal J&Sabieribers Till please report a&7 asd !l failure! to receire their papers rejrniarly . SPaiDJfi STYLES I 188. ; FIRST INSTALMENT OF BboTS.&SHOE : : IN SPRINEa SUMMER SV.T.LES ARRIVING NOW AT J flnnxaa.'4 shoo storo. . feb 11. . ' . :i , Market Street aitih?3 aS Car bete. rpllE WHITER WILL SELECT, in per too, the present weckj in New Yorka largs stock of . ' in White and Fancy Colors, and will add many novel ties to present stock cf CARPS DRESS GOODS 1HD TRIMMINGS .' . ' -. (an specialty ) will have the -closet atten tion, and the prices will toe placed as lovr as possible. ' All Wool Suitings and SDilnffStOQuinsrs. will' be.received on I Tnesday or Wednesday. Also, , a. full line :2IKSK R. febU SUI.-PJlclntirea-' . Mew iWlusic Sbxes, apHROMOS, - STEEL ENGRAVINGS and ORGANS Juatrecei?ed at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book'StoreJ A LARGE LOT OF POPULAR BOOKS, '.'published by the New York Book Ex ciiansce. Just received at HEINSBERGER'S, LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, feb S3 ' NO M0REL AKY HOOFS I TRON CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT has no etfual foT stopping leaks. It is guar- - -'j .- . anteed or 10 years. Any roof, no matter - v '- ' ' hw bad, can be saved by this paint. -n.i tv, Waiia s v Sampies and testimonials furnished upon aRTvilcatlonat Offic e of the Iron Clad Paint rr Company, on Second, Prireees streets. between Marketand Tom Rnnka far :ale.- Alt fTlHE LAW tlDKAriX V J-"" aa.. - I rmnU annruximatins: 500 vol- u-Se.,wm be "eipofd for salef, at Public at the "Journal Building", .on Princs treet,at 11 o'clock, A. M., irn oay, February 25th inst.g feb21-tds Attorney. The above sale has been postponed until -Wednesday next, 2d March March. 8. M. EMME, Att'y JO! AT THE LOWEST' PRICES Jascebtmm m prices BEFORE HAVIK0 YOUR PaiHTIMO OOfiE ELSEWHRRE! r : fV, a 4-1 r Guaranteed SatlStaCtlOn UUdI dUlCCU jxecurfiu s.foTWre-idi-g oat oi m, to th by oaii fe of pst4ge. . Vs ' ... . TiL(tHOCK.. . w . ' .... , " . ... rr a tar Streets . . . m . ii. cant rorner f'ceEU uv ' " oSclnKeriewHuliloi . mca Family F i o ur. BINDING A3 GOOD A3 THE BEST . . Mn -ivi convinced by White Wheat. v , seeing orders to the; , 'ilbiaf CAPE FEAB FLOUR Jllttl. I a VOL. VI 'ievr ArtvertiBmenta- k.W Schexck Knights of IlotiOf C W Yates Blank Books A Shrier Spring Styles 1S81 IIeiksberoee New Music Boxes Day's length 11 hours and 38 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoou at 1 min ute ast G o'clock. - ... The. receipts of cotton iit this port to day foot up 203 bales. The cold wave is with lis. A few flake3 ofo4ll his firAQoa: tit: No interments in Oakdale and Bel vjje Cemeteries daring the past week The United States District Court con- vencs in this city on Monday, May 2nd. Yon rAn now hnv Tmnroved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccsat Jxcom'b. t 1 fTfttfnnliaq flrr.nwd off a trifle and I -www v - J" a i.i j j ,nd tar have advanced correspond. v , rosin an in?ly The Register of Deeds issued six mar-1 riage licenses during the week,' ail to0f the Board of Health, and colored couples. We don't iust see whv a woman should like her mirror better than a rnan, for the man wUl flatter her and the mirror - ,t - wont. - I x l. X t- tL.f. a oumry caria iook up vucxr OWku my the old mud market this morning and abutcUer shop .as opeaed cn Market sueei.. 1 Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash ana Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes AU. S lowest P"oe8- 1 It is incumbent on a great man to make I if v:t- tnl an ass 01 nimseii uuuc iu vrui;c, iL 4V uwyiay me CccCuwrK.i.j The butchers are opposed to the "Poor8tili more CTe wares, must pay flae Man's Bill." They think that the bill will make many of them poor men if the bill is enforced. A. UlaU auuneu l vuc .6ou. 4 1 Ik UanictaVfl R1M during the week, stating that m wanwa . .... , il to get married, but as he did not hate 2.40 the license was not granted. The hucksters are happy akain, for thev can line Market street with boxes.! barrels, etc., and no one can interfere with their setting meats, provisions, etc. : : By the, terms of the roor man s i J " . Bill" (?) dealers in grain, peanuts, nccI auua-reuis oi,u- bjuub, vunuu,ujt v-. and all other farm products are exempt from taxation. 1 ,.-mmmmmmmmmmmmm But one careo was shipped foreign to - d,y.. It consists of 176,112 feet lumber No. 222, I. 0. B. B., last w fnrlp.vfinino. tiresented Mr. J: . 1. lo.:-. .ft.RWlMACkPa Grand President of the Fifth Di i uiubn i ui.uuU.r,.u- n r i pcu ujr tool o. aj. .u-iuui The Legislature has put Wilmington down on a level withWashlnjfton.Tarboro Lumberton. Rocky Point and Duplin Cross Roads. Now let it (the Legisla ture) step down to its own level- if it can find it. , ui.-, Tor. "nH-oln wrth and (vu.T.im ,lt. from the Produce earner, ioo vmum.ee .. ExcW, appointed to. me mavier oi ioe ui wo x .ur e, "v t t i,a - iiocts in me v. x . tx.: . returned to the city. ,wa; nearly as much cotton re- J. , .u. There emeu ai i:us pii-uaj "i.w".v... - 1 a -U r Hart it this port lo-cay as mere waa during inc lira l ncv.lv m iitaicu v V ' . ma mnH receivcu uVi wu,; uunuj week. - Farms and Fishermen." The: General A ssembly f Xorth Caro lina dp enact; Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for the Board of Aldermen, or the proper ! authorities of the city of Wilmington, wUinjtlpa. and Tamoro. to impose or collect awy ax on or for the sale of fresh meat, oofi, pork, urn: ton, gme, nsn, ovsurtJ, clauis, garden truck aud all lurm pro iucti, on any ol tiie streets or alleys tbereoi. iroui wagons, cariv fchops or stores or to ia.au) m tuneriuteriere with the sale of the above named articles. Sec 2. Anv Derson or persons violat ing the provisions of the above section of this act ehaii be deeinea guuiy oi m mis demeanor, and, on conviction before any Justice of the Peace, be . fined not less than fifty dollars and imprisoned not less than thirty d .ys for each and every of- Sec 3. That all laws and clauses of laws in codlict with this act arc hcreny " fecc'4. This act shall be in force from the date of its ratification. y u. -.. a-j-i..,l..K-,Mr-TJmnldBrnnhiU in WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH Tke Poor alaa,i Bill.1' We pubheh elsewhere that which Jiai been so pathetically termed "The ; Foor Man's Bill." The prorisions of this bill wora not known here until it had become a law. We tried hard several day. .ffo to get a copy but could not. It nasi 1 rtes supplied there excited much unfavorable comment, be-1 - frcro, including A. & N. O. MnAr;u fnni1!niifv wmridinn. nnd I although it is said to haTe been com- mended and endorsed by several members I of the legal fraternity, yet wfe venturer the assertion that it is not wsrththe paper it is written on. vrayor xu-, wattweg ni-iaiijauiy ue win a, whx contest the bill and Carry It before the rJ . . .a. -. I 7T -r. . . . . I lity. It will bo thrown out there, as ran i&iue Duaanmes. i. bur objection to the bill ia that the I thlUff hOS bCCU OVCMOne. W S U hul .... - xr i . i object to the sale of fish and oysters and 1 nnn frnm r,art anTWnerO I l"" . I tin the city after market hours and under 1 1U fcUCI'1vtlii " I proper restrictions, but we do object to . m. t a. a S -4 am a measure which will rob the city of its j re venues, render nugatory the powers allow the sidewalks, and en- nmc w m,, - f- eBusiness, ,o uo iu ; who may select any particnUr spat they please whereon to vend their wares and " ., . , trt bpII require no Ucense and pay no tax to sen. . . '. .A. A I. Ann. , rbe hucksters are nereaner w vw 1 0f the cjt- They caa pile np their I ( and frcm 2 to 5:80 p. m.. money drJ.EM(j3 b,Ie, aBJwherh JJ r DeP.rt.nt .pen I Dlace 01 business or a aweiung-uvow a school-hocse, eyea a church, and there obstruct the street completely, and & man can Bay them nay. They can for . J. v.nv.a ami ' . Itnat matter, sireica uao wi -- fish carta iicxcMwtetstrea WfttMi flfrt. or across an? thoToaxh - i - .1 I farthemav select and totally nioeai 7' " ' . . L,a ?. ftamn Ana tbs ub hi&u . nutr iJ B he.nda on their sacred bodies or their I f r0 and ff0 to prisoa for ao days. I Thft nenaitv is not S5fJ or 80 dau, bat I it is $50 and 30 days sod there is no a t ' iMiiAnftTO nnwpr Antwhprrt to limit or I r . T .c K - . Mtboritv I II uUalll VUO PCUBllj. v jttnw I - . f AldenBeB no discretion. The Board of Health is I also paralyzed. Rotten meats and fish may beoSered for said under hot July sun nntil the stinch becomes intolerable aad there is no remedy whatever or any- where. There is no exaggeration in i th 8tatemente : they are all plain , nn - mese suiiemenuj; vbct re ail win, wr Yarnished facts, according to the "Poor Man s Bill. . , . . HaBdsonC TestlniOftUL I t.i.i. T l The members or JNortn aiavo igs 1 . ..... vision ot that order, wun a Maowme o-nld hAd.re: in honor of his recent elec - tion to the highest office in the gift of the Grand Lodge, The badge is the handsomest wo have ever seen. It is in ;hree pieces, linked together with gold chains. The top piece bears, the letters inHnamell O.B.B. The second piece, - I peuuam iruui mo uibv, um u, Uk.. The third piece, which .to. .Ur .... , .r m. ot j i . ..' i .i i i hr.nrh rhandeiier resune aoove ine ara. i r . - . ... . T .ii kranoh rr thft r.nsvndeiiers is ai n j; n tha rererae of the star is the inscription "Presented I t- t t ai L u,;a vt,- DUiiui uaoaMw ' - - i iromer o. x. j iiiuriu omiwjwujjw f - - I . n . n.. t U.Mh 11KMI ' - 1 nfl TlTPiKnUUOa BDRCB . w, r wv tpndpr and feelmir manner. Alter .u e.:- - .n,1 mixtion Hwpu-.-..- T ""f4nth heavy rains will be likely in the was given Mr. ..acks by the members ofl . - i the Lodge. Inspcc ors of Election. The following are the inspectors of elation appointed for: tho manicipal elcctioo to ts held on the 24th inst: First Ward Upper Division S. FliU T rry, L. J. Thornton, O Strede J. 0 VT. , , r r t u v- W :r,l Twicer Division Juhn L. Dudlev, John 11. Strauss, J. W. Whif nej, LooU L. Niion. c a xv. a t. TmtA TtAvdee. E P. Eyden, B. G. Bate. Geo. E. Berden U-ttion; Jj re Third Ward-A. J. Yopp, W. M. I tha debihtated and weakened Ran: John B. Tavloai John Bargrove. Fourth WardThos.O.BaoUng,w. K. Harriss, O. P. Locke Louis Bryant, r:vu Vf.k V Morris. Geo. W Branch. Anthony Howe, Jr, Janes the mails. Po8t office as follows : jjthern through mails 00 p m Northern through and way mail., 5:80 a. m. toMf J-- Rftilriaj at , 6;30 a. m. fvutbern mails for all points Sooth, daily .....8 a m and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (0 C R'y) daily (except SnndaT)..... .... 8:10 r. nt alail lor uneraw z arur ton. i.sv f g fct . B jfjo. renee arxi OJiarkston .bam & 7:45 p ro FayetteviHe, and oiucea on flanfl Pear Rirar. Tueedavs. and Fndaye.......... 1$Q p. na. F etteville Luberton, ' cajiv. except onnaflys o.iv a. ia Onslow O. H. and intermodi- ntA nmMM svnra - iinniiav ' . 8mithviue maii- by steam" 6.00 a. m i k. J . Snn. "Wfi Al" nays,;........ Malls . for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little Rlver S. O , every Mon- . day andTburdday at i X . 8. SO a m 6:00 a. m. Wilmingttn and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes da?s and Fridays at... 6:00 a, m (WftH TOH DKLIVKBT. wern ramngo w ; '1'00dJ'mm Jorthri. mal s .... uu a Southern Mails - v.w a. m. .naCentralRaU 4)0 p. m - . . -t n 1 Stamp Omce open trom a. ro. o 1-6 1. ..i tnfm AAOiLm. BWMWaeM w w . Trv w 6:00 p. ml and on Sundays from 80 io9'AQ a. m, . Stamps fbi sale ageneral deUfrery when stamp office is closed collected from street boxes every f . -r , B.K.t..i!iiit. fn. Mnrrh. uuir'. rru,,...... 1 tr , noIan weather . muv&, mv -wm prophet indalges in the following predic. ltions torthe weather during the month I of March: I "This March will come in like a lion. 1 ... i . I The beginning of the month will be char- I acterized bv storms of wind, which wil I . . I .J.irota nim 4,A lAPADd week in i v i mn". hmvv ales throuehout thft United au 0 thQ 2d vUl he heaTy I snow storms in Quebec and Montreal . . . I On the 8th snow storms are probable in I St Louis, Kansas, Indian Territory and Arkansas. On the 9th and 10th gales are probable around New York, Boston and intervening points, and snow storms 1 pretty generaL I VAbont the 7th and 8th storms of wind and snow may ne expecvea,ioiowea by rain and slush. This condition of things will terminaie in a cold dip aboat Itl. 1 0U li kUh a nnw Fall tin - the 13th cold weather may oe ezpecu 1 ia Toronto, Sama and other points west. - 1 "St. Patrick's Day wdl arrive during fi. m rn---: r-Kaor,1 wc ww uB; iuuu..iw, ...... 1 th Northern States, while rain, snow and sleet will prevail southward as far ae Washington, and snow and rain will fall in the Canadian mar.time provinces, With the beginning of the third week of 1 this monin general bbow iis, irum uC I lower provinces westward to Chicago, M . - . a m a ar likfilv to nrevail. lhev Will DO Snc . . . ceeded b, mildand 8pnog4.ko wer wiih indications of rain and .now. while the lower provinces and portions of the! I rr;- H.t ' "During the last week heavy rains will to preraU throughout Canada, with a prob. U()ft flableenow fall in the direction of SLI ZAJJ r..:. m: ; ,.... n i . the Gulf of St. Lawrence. There will a b iigns of the opening of navigation in I nnt.,1. fall-will b nraba- I . . . ble at points west of Montreal. On the Iwer Provinces anJ Ouebec ana through portions of the United States; and from the 20th to the end of the mouth there will be wet weather in Hal iax. On the 30th the weather will be blustery, with hletit and snow p jssibly, at maay. poiats cast and wtst. The old adage about March when it comes in like a lion will hoi be falsified, us the month lijrlablT Will e;.d lm-like. 1 V','lMJ w j 1. a l ore l.r ?iies I Kidney- Wort acta first by orercomug I in the mildest manner all tendency to I .-t. We have handrede of eertified cares, wnere au eias caa iacu. w and auger no longerang. I vTo' to terocrowa painter : Buy the I jr. y. Enamel Faint, reasj .nuxea and Iwrrthte4at Jcein' t 5. 188L NO 6 Church services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows . ST. JaUES TAmsa, Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson. D. D.. Rector. First Son- day in Lent March 6th. tlorning Prater and Celebi atien at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. ra. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. ST. PAUX. S EVAX . LDT1IEHA.X CHT7CCH, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G D. B-rnheim,L) D pastor. German service at 11 a. m. and l7:3- p. m. fimntfay Sch'Kl tt 3 p. m. Caiecheticil Instraction on B":ioay at 3.30 p. m ST. JOHN'S CHUECH, Cornar Third and Red Cross streets. First Sondy in Lnt Match 6th Rer. Thos. D. Pitts, Rectqr. Morninir Prayer with Celebration of Holy Communion "at 11 o'clock, Sanday Schojl as. 3;30 p. m Evening Prajer with Sermon atS o'clock; ST. MA-EK'S chubch, Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets Rer. G. O. Brady, Minis 'er. Services are as follows : Sundays Morning Prayer at 11 o'ekxk; Evening Prayer at .730 o'clock ; Sunday School at St. Barnabas, at 3:30 p m Confirmation Class at the Chn-ch at 4:300. m. Wek-Javs, during . ut Moriiiuc Prayer at 7:30 o'clock Exiling Hrayer at 5 oclock. Seats ree. Slew Advertisements Knights of Honor. QAROLINA LODGE, No. 434. Members are hereby summoned to attend an emer gent meeting of he Lodge on Monday ere- ninff, March 7. Roll call at S o'clock. Uy oraer - N. W. 8CHENCK, Dictator. Geo. N. DLaREiss, Reporter. mchC-lt Cuba Molasses- NEW ORLEANS B0LA83K8, D S 8IDI8 and SHOULDERS, HEAVr MESS PORK, ALL GRADES OF FLOUR. At Low Prices. HALL & PEARSALL inch 1 Corni Bacon, Molasses. 10,000 Bushs Prime White CORN, 275 xes 0 350 uhdsand'iierces New Crop Cuba, 100 n 6,1118 Moia113 Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHI80N1 pJ0UP Sugar. CoflfeO. &C. 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra CandC, 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, S50 Bsgs ColTee, different grades, 123 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakes, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash,' 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff, I in,A nn.v.. Pmr fln1A. P-nner. Gin w.vk, -r --r-- , stae,,. For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. feb 28 Agricultural Salt TONS CLEAN SALT, For Agricultural purposes For sale at feb231mdV "WILLARD'S". Cottim Seed. CAA BUSHELS COTTON SEED, OUi For sale at iebiSJ-imaaw "willaou'3." Liverpo ol Salt. l JQ 000 I SACKS FOE SALE AT feb 23-1 mdaw "WILLABD'S" New Crop.Cuba o lasses wj 350 HhdM ar d Torceg, CHOICE ABTIOLE, lfc 1 Jest reciiTcd and now lxndicg exrig Ctrt tanccga. Tor sale by I Will laiUS MUrClll30D ftW . VTs till tsclal to receive ecauaudcaticBt from exur Meads oa aav aad , all tcbfesti . aanaraltatentt bat T& aaae of tia wriltr ctsrt alvsyi bt fa? nk&edto t&s 2Itor. 1 Ootiatslcaaoas nut be-writtea oa oalt oae stda of the paper. ' Personalities zatut voided : And it is especially aa pax'Ufcalariy'uader stood that the Editnr A jot always endorse the views ot eorreepenaeafe . salens so uterf in tae editorial eolu'c as. Hew Advertisements. PURG ELL HOUSE, U5DES KW MANAOEIIENT, -Wlt6TOf S. C. C. t. PKRRT, - - .Prep LaU Proprietor At'aatie Hotel j . jrirst vitu in au its appotat-rents Xrrxs 91.60 to $3 per dr. feb S-tf Blar e Books. QUTTABLE FOR EVERY LINE, OF business, In stock and made to order. Ladles' and Gentlemen line Stationery, 1 large stock Pictures, Frames and. Easels' Ac., Ac, Sckool- Books aad School sup plies, at Yates5 Book Store. feb 33 - . . Mackerel. AX0THBB LOT OF THOSE FINE Extra Not 1 Mackerel just arrived, which I am Belling from the barrels in quantities to suit any one. Also in Half Barrels and Kite. These goocU being of excellent quality I ca a recommend them. John I. Boatwrifflit? . 11 aad 13 North Front 8', Catsups, Sauces, &c 4Gulclen'a" Tomato Catsnp.V in Pints and Quarts, The Finest Tomato Catsup made, Ctoes &Blackwell's Eoyal Osborne - Sauce, . Cross & Blackweil's Athenseu&i' Sauce, Cross & BlackwelTs Beefsteak Sauoe, Cross & BlackWell's China Sojv Sauce, Cross & BlackirelTsj Mushroom Catsup, - Crsss & Blackwell's. Walnut Catsup All Standard Goods. For sale low by JNO, L eOATWHiGHT, Xos. 11 & IS Front St. fsb23 Hinson & Blount. yTE HATE rOBMED A CO-PART-nereaip under tie firm name of HDsBON & BLOUNT, and ask for a continuance of tho patronsge bestowed upon the old firm. Ws will remain In ofllce 83 Pearl street, New xoric, recenuy occupied by the JaU firm or Hinson & Cum siing. - HINSON & BLOUST, 89 Peart street, New Yo sr. B. H. ROUNTBXE, Special Partner, fsb 24 2w Mary had a little corn, Upon hr lUtie toe, , That earn was sax to go. PelFo Corn Solvent 10 THIS OSLT Cff OTTIt EEUEDT ti wU Ttnrf a aorn ia . Lava. , - JTor sale by J. DKUTP A03. Af-AUttfj Hatta tint pitt rcetlrtd isti