- taia PAPER ' V II . T. J A W K .'" KDlTMt AWU HKOPRHCTDK. tUlSSciuPTIOXR. JfOftTAOR PAI1. yart tt 00 8i toonthd, $2 SO ; Three aweUu, 11 14; Ooe month. 60 cents. I p.r -rill b delivered uy carriers, "m of Hat in any part ot tne rity. th - rates, or IS msui wk. Advertising ratM low and liberal . iST-H abaeribors will pleaaortport any and - l failures to raeeire ttir papers rcjruiarly. Daily KEYIEW vol: vi WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY MARCH 7, 1881 NO 7 LOCAL NEWS. mtbin the streets aincanable, iioi iuj Card . . . n ftr t . l t . 1 the municipal authorities, but to the ' . r i ! Ur.. Lpitor Review: Board of vllc-Uh. .So long ;;s -round , ivderatondiaff that some of the citi- meat and soupd fish ore sold there can j 7ea3 0 Wilmington entertain and have hi no interference. The most lamentable fcuture.'howevcr, ia its effect ou the financial affairs ol the cit V. 1 1 this "bill is enforced and arcly X w Aivrrttuint!i DsKoiSEr & Co Starch, H-EIXBBBROBR Just Pttblifthe.l C XT TatESBIank Books .Caxic.6 Registration and Election If H Daubt, CU'm'nTo Democrat ic Voter ALTAfysa, rirS A: Co Don.-., and I it will be if it is not repealed license Blind tax mast become a thins of the past, it 4 L Boatw-uoht Seasonable Good, f-is not onlv farmers and fishermen and a naiiui spring atjica 1851 hucksters who will become exempt irom Asii-jr-i -v; : r V! Us payment, but all ct those -wuo may factory pricceat Jacobi'b. f 3011 furm P3ace, whether from carls or otherwise, i lie intelligent reader nos onlv -to mentally cuumeratc these who deal i:t farm rrouuet? to fee how disastrously this feature of the law wilt 'operate. In such a case it will be absolutely impossible to enforce tue col let ion of lhti license tax it will be an ; ea tvow f ' 5ak iytorca at ." tJroatnfcss is a capacity for miking folks yea meet feel small. The members of Carolina I-odge are summoned to attend an emergent meet in to night ' ' The Cmtom Uonao is being refurnish injustice to attempt it and the tax on d: frith new oil Tralctit and russia 1 real estate will be thereby increased, for leather furniture, body brussel carpets I money must be had to carry ou the op. and handsome -book case3, desks, etc. I emtioes of the city government, the New faraiture has long been needed. hlisaster which must ensue upou euch a state of attain it i appalling o co& Theatrical MlnirtiOR. temnlati- AilAfiraT en the l.Tth. ?- uud iSthtl Wft'imdcrstaiid that. the Board oi AI. Chas. S. Grovcr'a liumpiy Durapty l dermen are to consider tins Uill to-ni expressed the belief that I occupied a deal position in regard to what is com- moaiy Known as iuc puui iuu o wm, in?? mv two recent visits to Raleigh, I feel it duo in justice to mjsen 10 the facta as they really existed. This belief was so doubt occasioned irom we for the nurpoaft of 0fhdSd5 in waseqnenee of tho lfith- Kill f!L SlS.IT I UrSTTai U C3Wi4fcwt .",v-- this, after whick the bill passed." (This being a telejram was, of course, short.) By which I meant that the bill was not so sweeping' as was supposed because it did not affect the sanitary laws and that not deeming it my basi net or duty to interpose other objections thau those already made before the Committee, aad otherwise be cause I had been sent there by na au thority wbaUyerand repreaented no one bat myself in coanectin!wita thi bill, I . .11. J :iL J . V nfvlti 1 1 Ana f T In, lact that theIUvr elated some uay h wum.w iuc azo that I had ikiayor Fishblate i .i P.,5 T.i,.h ' woocousi aod there hrf betn ene knodred objection kUtcraent. Nowastotho Tacts. 1 was my tuu t 7 it,!.;,k i,r Cnmmiticea of tbe Uken w lb no mteat of Laviog aoTthio.s; Board ol I dlLn and SHf AudU farther to do with th,.bill fer I ftlt ttat Ct r,Fd IS. lcbl comin dao iS ped t. be the betrer ot the reflation. 1;"yt0 'ttr it tho Board rfle.lth.Uj second rint Ealcich all that i 4ent the to acccm- w to further the je of the bond A ll W T tnnhr nnf ar.tlTft Part OliU iUQf or interest in. iinrincr .nv first vLait. at the request ot Mavor Fiehblate. who went to Ealeisbit THE MAILS. t hrt faumn Tim, but for what pumose I Sow AdvertiBomoDts. A LARGE riTOCK OF t-or? blinds i ANiJ j ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK j lUMBESf LATHS. A j K.-r m!' ve .i?ftp. j bat t: tp cb 7 at. F. II. Darbt. Wot ice U1E LWDEKSIGN'ED, having r.fcn ap pointed Registrars of Election for tLe Clfj of Wilmington, hereby girc notice ta all concerned, that there will be held a Muni cipal Election, for tho election of two Al dermen in each Wa d of the City of Wil- 1 minirt-iu. on the FOURTH THURSDAY IN MAliCII.(March'Jithj, lL; that the poll for said election will be kept openonaald March 24 th, 1S31, from eeTcu, o'clock, A,M until sunset, at the places designated be lew, and that Registration books will be kept open from 9 o'clock, A. M.,to C I. M.. PLSASS fiOTIC. ' Wa will b glad to rectlre eoancatlcatlon from oar frlands oa aay and all inbioeia . general laterert bar Tbe muae of taa writer smart always be far aiahedto taa Editor. OonunanleatloM nut be written on only one tide of the paper. Personalities moa oiJed And it is especially a particularly under stood that the Editor lews not always endorse -the views ot eorreepoaaesu aniets so tatse in the editorial oolawns Xew Advertisements. i Seasonable Goods. A MOST DELIGHTFUL - Breakfast Disb, 'HaHbut Tins." Boiled autl catn wi'U Fj Saiico. ... - - ' Also, "George's Bank" and ''Boneless Codfisb." John L. Eos,twright, 11 a-l 13 No'ith Front H.' 1 9 tho eame time, but tor what purpose i rM raa an( arriYt, H the Citj was entirely ignorant, nntil he informed OWpe ,8 f0ii0Wi : me as we were about to etart, I went bo- j jortbcrQ thronch mails. . . . . 00 p m lore the Committee to whom had been Kiorfcnero through and way referred -'the poor man's bill." 1 argueu mag 5:go a. m tronpe, 23rd, aad Curtis' Sam of Po&en, We do nmi J Art.t- a1 - a i '. , 28in, ana yiu, arc mo mtraciums u we are sausuca iuat u,ajj fjpatrnd tKo ennation of taxation, ana ant TnntM .nnnlied . . i v. uv.wiv w -i i uuvs v - -rr far booked for the Opera House this Board will take measures to resist us en-1 fnrthpr that the bill was bo Uosely fmm. indndine A. & N. O. - I I"-" . . . . . "I i I f I - , i T U aBtb. forcement. Th.s will depend, however, I drawn that it would De construea 10 w Railroad, at 6;8U o. rc. I on every day, -fcunaays excepwu , W. advise our friends to call .t . acom-. npon the opinion of the Hon. Geo. Dav13, tact th aanitar, - Bojtbaw muu lor au pom Uencing with Monday, March the 7th and ' i ... . , i r in p ivr ti ii i I irz ni u uuau v tin i yn rn iiuiiv . - - . ui siuu i xu a me IbrHouwhold Hardware of every descrlp- Us to its const, tutionality the auer made by our side that the Board of Al- Westernmails (0 O R'y) daily ending Wednesday evening, March Uie 23d, a. a. a i . i.n 4V . rfiAa; u niaiAi . i - .. a non. luwe you ie iowbb. prjtee. i haviner been reierrcu w mm uv wj w jam(m rinni! a tftit was necessary i .Mnf flnn(.nT 8:10 a. m I Klstrr . " Fishblate. for a law to accomplish, by passing a. forr0heraw & Darling." 1881, at the place, designatea Deiow .: I I -.'noria allAWincr the cartS LO ITO WUCr-I 7:4fi D. m. 1 ,- t- T:--:.,?-.'P.-n-ctraT;Ai' . , I utuiuuwv" j, w irvui ----- i i first y aru, iu'ci uiiioivi ''-i. " The citissena of this community, the I - ,r.r wrlll. u,n I .Tpr thpw nleascd. as was done some I f.;i. fAr nninU between Flo I " i Jt lA"- x'Ja. ixv --. a jf h ru.r . sw a . . . . . - tax-paying citizens we mean, and thote . v p . days before that by the Board, and that rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m S.E. corner Fourth and mrneu sireeis 3 i xkj.i)Iii aa ' .-- - i - Wines and Liquors; Mumm's Dry Yerzenay and riper Heidsick Champagne, Lemp's "StLomawLagor Beei Old Stock Wbiskey . Hilton Rye Whiskey, Martin's Extra Bye Whiskey, - For Medicinal Use. who are interested in honest good gov ..- knninff hflan rPT1tP(l tf 1)T the I TT1 til-. ,) nffinol An "T I O - ... 1 aL I J . I TOLllllJ- 1)11C E1UC r.T.rTfiP pviiw: i i i.-rtki. hi 'iinaraQ nnn u.a i hh i - tti -r, r-. mv. " r i. . . ernment as welll8honld remember thatit------ i?Sa I' 1.)0 p. m. .t Ward. Lower Division Registration Pare Old French i5randy, ana is their bonnden duty, a duty they owe to hH .es u dedarC3 ia CI- dermen would repeal the' ordinance," FayetteviUe. via Lumber ton, ScharfT. residence, corner Fourth and arietv and vjosteritT alike, to eo to thes LJ, 4t.- w:.Af.a f the i tried to induce the advocates of the daily, except Sundays 8:10 a. m at E. ScharfT-residence, corner xou - - . . DreoS lilUL'UttLC IU4. tu- ui,.jwu- I , mi , , k- ..l;anr.. a tw rm ftU .i.ln rT - .1 J.---11 I . . . . t -. 3. ,;., ? rHfl and register their name . .. - ..p. :i ;.n. ounouiaw lUD ivnoiow a., auu iuiaiii-- i vampueii sireeia; vouu5 u - IC8- r .-.0-- Din snail noi lnieneru nu atu.-j . .nutitnt ror the whole Dill oeiore ns, i at flF ever Mondav I in order to vote at the com vg city elec , f. q f th itv an(J shall not ex.l havino- been aarrecd to by Mayor! anA ThnrdAv at " 6.00 a. m cnth and Bed Cross streets tion. In this way only ean the control empt butcheri from license tax. It i3 Fishblate; bnt.itwas refused on the other gtnithville mails, by steam- of the city be kept out of the spoiler's all htand i am wniing to Moulder all side. This was all I did aboat the bill boat, daily, (except Sun- uuriug iuj mo. -. i nayuj v.v. b-u hands. responsibility. Chas. M. Stedmax fln1v flrni Irml. 'r.t. ThU imnnrtu- To the Democratic Yoters gr the CitJ quire, I learned that the committee had, One more unfortunate, rashly importv l;'i.aonr th ohiectiona nrred ate, on a big spree, was tho only case Durinff my recent visit, though I did ftlla ror KaflV Town not make it specially my business to in-1 oreek. ; ? nd Little Lat tne committee nau, i River, 8 O , v?ry Blon- notwithstandinir the obiecuons urged ,iav nd I rifrhit -t it 8:00 a. m. at the City Hall this morning. She.was poeor degraded and debased white wo- ian who, from the diflerent graaawoni j ia crime, since first she made the one false step, has sunk so low, that now, alas! she is steeped in sin and crime Hke. Her beauty, of which there is H'- .t;n i. lm crprinfr trace, avails her not u m "."fS w o ' Wards are nereoy reijuuetcu i mcs. u f& cieVer gentleman wno aiiewarus rc-i q8 primary meetings on Thursday evening, I thc occmrrence as much as I did) Uftnrh 17th. 1881. at 8 o'clock F. M , at j rharo- intimating that mvself I x nf WtlminvLnn. I V,tt mvoolP anr At.hprfl rpnnrr.pd I nr-.t'.. . ... . Oi .W t.r . v- , v . . f-,TQrabiv. tae Dill Mavinff n.a.i .Vl..Hva W.dnea. ... ,! rfr . . T I vuhljvi j , The Citv Executive uommittee oi tneihpp rPnfrtpdin the morninsr belore II Ava .,,,.4 Pndvi at... 6:00 a.m. , ... . . i . . . . . . " - - - j Democratic party, m ooeuience to xne i reacaed there, while in the House, later opkn fob duuvbst. purposes ot its appointment ana in ae-i n tne evening, the bill was called up lor I hthera through and way cordance with usage and precedent, pun-1 acjon. Bat u was lot to be fsuad, and I maji8 . . 7:00and 7 :30 a m. lishes this call lor primary mecuu. I Rnmf. little excitement was caused tnere-I Wnrthart maUa -. 9 00 a m The Democratic voters ot tno Feveraijb during which a member of the House I Southern Mails... - 7:80 a. m i Knn-i-j-vi Trv mctm Tina.-. . i l. r a i - . w . in rolina Central Kail way...... ou p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. no to 121 same .h tf.m t ti fxf. n m. money n . 1 ....Vnti )1 Otin Ahal l- r 1 1 ., i r - nl. oq for the TllirDOSfi Ot I - .. .. L n . I nnnnau. t hn Kill- I - r . . f -4 ..,- . nnnn BOW. Jprteauo, nao uot u "uueiuuunjuj ""--"i 7 - r r - 1 ana omeia, nuw vuu " 1 Tjroe ana j-it ivt i;ep.nu'u' uvu ; l.ft tn tte cold bitter chanties or a f nominating, in u.3a , ..w . Qad somet&ing to ao wun iia uisppcr- me 8 stamp ihee. 11 ri. u : r f T-iioo I vuiiuiuaics n 7 lance, wnicu iuiuutiuLi wuo i itenera; nenv-.-.rv -m n ir. ui n ,w u- keartlees wona. jo w W4 i W"vu ot thfl municiDal election March 4th, D 'Kotwn him and mvself. It was ... a.a m n m,.,.,vk from 8:80 t 1 .n ifinno .hit TOnm u(T l- I . . i . . i .(I gave amuiy - " . I discovered, however, tnat a memoer ui i lo 9.30 a. m aad then bade her to go and sin no more. 1 The Democratic voters 01 uiu u at 1 the committee, who twas opposed to tne stamps for sale at gtml delivery - I Ward will nit-ei at, DrouMjunuu. bad tne ln,nis pocaei,. ana was 1 Blanp office is closoa. Thi. Poor Man's BUI " I Those of the Second Ward will meet at 1 t of the house. He was sent for, I m, collecod from Btrest boiea every on.. ki Wt farmers and fisher-1 the Court H ouse. . however. Such was the determnatien oi d4y at 8:80 p m. v w... .w r. -------- Those oi tue iniru u aiu tlie h()lle t0 tske ttCllon m lIie muer mefi ," alias me -ocon, um, -vw" I the usual place, 1 nira sireei. oppwuc d the bill placed under discussion. , iwtfn1 thpm of conversation on our I r;tT Hall. I nn the member last spoken of, moved hUD 14 WIlflM . . --- 1 1 1 .a. 1 - t itfwL, lftjaT We do not remember, Those of the l'ouriiiw ara wiiimej.aw an amendment that the ordinance oeiore Cffirrh Streets to-oay. e uu . .....JI u.mA iourt Room in tho City I nan n tirl h rh I had tried to in- 31ciri.Il O J v - ' I LUU V, .- Second Ward Registration Court House; voting place same, Third Ward Registration on Princess, aearS. E. corner of Fourth and Princess streets; voting place Giblem Lodge, corner Elghih and Princess ctreeta. A Pure N. C. distilled Corn Whiskey Both entirely free .from . all impurity,- 1 J LI iOATWJIIGHT,. Fourth Ward-Registration, Ann Bt I fos. 1J & 13 N. Front St. Rew Advertisements Engine House; voting place eame. Fifth Ward Registration New Market, corner Fifth and Castle streets; voting nlace ARCHIE ALDERMAN, Registrar First Ward, Upper Division. E. SCnARFF, Registrar Firt Ward, Lower Division. J. C. LUMSDEN, Registrar Second Ward. W. L. JACOBS, Registrar Third Ward. JAMES KENDRICK, Registrar Fourth Ward. H. E. ORR, Jr., xneh 7 ev Crop Guba 0 1 asses 1 ReslBtrar Filth Ward. any add, sncb a storm of indignant cam- fte Stedman Bucket Lorapany iian. lho bill this amendment rTv. L , .mi rt aWp-T.incr in I Th Rpveral fueetinsrs will be called to I t.j .n. I then. a3 1 went, now sucu .., - -- ninutc5pa8t eight o'clock 7" t - do. DUt nto it. provisions, and so injurious . ef the Iliembers of the City E beJjir. Jlose of financial as well as execuwvc, absence 01 com uiuuuc.o .-v, ingthat tne diu 11 sao intellieent a body as the pres- tive Committee, the meeting shall be QQt tQ intcrfere 1 - iLitui U und called to order by snch person as the ulations x was ent Legislatnre, it is dimcuit to. unuer ti hall ct. , ' , ability, and the a for cooking purposes. Now is year lime, as prices have be REDUCED. mch7.tf DeROSSET&CO. ittancL , iYe polish elsewhere a telegram from MdjiC. Hi,Stedm.n,.who is now in Ral eighfftating tfcat a supplemental act had tew js8e-i'declaring that the provis ions of the bill shall not in any way iti ..r ritk the ooerations ef the Board .r w.lfh.ind that the butehers shall not be. exempt from the payment of license Ux. He thinks that the om is v vhiW we have a Terr high respect for Major -?,. nninions we cannot see that fcJVt.VlLU.i- v I ... J Uphill has been materially improved, .hier.tions has ' been re- mnvpd but there are others cqual.y itn --t h;rh remain. The feature m Wgard to the butchers does not help the matter any; on the contrary, it only it tbo more oppressive on that part of our business men. It forces tbero Jo pay taxes, as well as store rent, to conduct a business which others can car ry on without payment of either. Those who sell from carts or from the sidewalks exempt from taxation wnue --uo . U -.rt ama fmm s Blank Books. UITABLE FOR EVERT LLNE. OF . - - . v ;v 1 tnfl Jriavor vuui. iw " 1 r.n .n VMM a 111 I OI a lUvOi CUiuavkw I ' . .- K.Il tn aor.nr . -. -y --f . Hi 1. . 1 tinm tne auToouics wi -v-vi.. , ir.VFS Rir.FrxKii peahl. ien ". t ...m nn onn vr . , -r-.t :.i ,- . . . ! .?.. . 1 x i ., i k -.--. - : ms creaiea sncn a co-n-uiw- Those ot tue liun "aru nm ujccw hfnrethe committee, De suDsuiucea ior 1 v.: il I wa9 promptly j Ton, Royal Gloss. Alio Improveu Corn l considered it the hands of a Cumberland) the r- nnnaauoa oi 'lonntivo 1 nmm ucuui iuu ' 1 ...r.intinns or me roaru vi uwuu, una . . 1 j ww--. . - . , , . f !. r.- ltom.-" 1 i. I -l financial as well as executive, couiana 1 absence ol botti mcmoers 01 iuc .- 2 that thc bill 11 passed oe bo bucu assured by lawyers of axaertion was made on an npninnrats who. if required, Ehali .. a fl ' nf tv House in tho discussion,' pledge themselves to support the nomi- tbat the bill would 7? ot interfere with Sees .of the meeting, and who will be gaDitary regulations. I confess I lawfully entitled to voto ai saiu iiiuun,.- had been of a contrary opinion, ou. iv pal election, shall be entitled to a vote wag a mere 0ff-hand opinion, formed at said meltings. . . without a moment's investigation, and I ir.n .'r- a dprmnnif. nouimni.iuo u 1 .... ... -,n,,. tn it 10 nizner uuu ! . n- ,,if.fl!l(T Rhflll be DVl . .. a! A n.l in fart til IflW I OtG. . C . . rvfxwrt --a Tin 111.11 iiV--tva-iM -.-- - n 9 t rm am niiriLV. liu a aa m w w -- - ballot, and each voter, at the time of de- ig enerallv COnceeed te bt, that tbe R, h a ha ot: 6Uau u rtruia- i u:.i ; i nnt interfere witn saniiary re- . LIUOlvlUA w 7 . I n A . - - I , - v ... bv tellers, noi cAeecu.ug i-" ' ulations.) i iuea wauufew c . , . I lutes uuua rc-ifj for each Ward meeting, who snau no P- laliong EOt that I think it would nave thp nresidinsr officer of each . u , . d ff . :r t bad not, because meeting. The balloting for candi- t, ft committee on the bill refused, shall no- cum feb.7, ly. 17, 2-Z basine, tn stock acvd made to'order. Ladie and Gentlemen's Fine Stationery, large stock Fieturea, Frapes and Easela PUBGELL HOUSE, UNDKK SEW MANAGES! EST, WlLMIfTOXf 5. C. B. Lj. PERRY, - - - Prop, Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First Class in all its appointments. Terms J.60t perdav. fb 6tf Hinson & Blount. "E HAVE FORMED A CO-PART W inch I" v- . ... . . r who conduct a legitimate oa.ine stores mnst pay. The fact remains that ihe police department of the city gov ..! is Daralyred,ihe Board ot Al- dWmen is a mere figure-bead.the finances 'IS languish and nuisances in the shape rf fish carts and dry-goods boxes may and everywhere UH.VCO w --.vw. . , menco until fitteen minuies au-r -time designated for the calling ot the meeting to order, and the voters shall have an opportunity for at least forty-hve minutes alter the balloting has com mesced for depositing their ballot?. his call shall be published in the Star and Review. Bv orderof the j-.xccuuyb vuhuiui.-C. F. H. Darby, Chairman. - Ja W.-Kisi, fcecretary. uia o Saeh and 8y John W. llootl, For t BEINSBERQER'S, Liva UorktStor-v a trt Jacobi's for Daors, Blinds, pure Whita Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, ali.sizes.All ,at the lowest prices. " As a Cure for Piles Kidney-Wort acts first by overcoming in the mildest manner all tendency to constipation; then, by its great tonic and Invigorating properties, it restores to health the debilitated and weakened parts.' We have hundreds of certified cures, where aU else had failed. Lse it and mfferno longer. Exchange. a the committee on the Din reiusea, U3 JUSl rUDIISlieUa was shown by this report, 10 enicr-am the sanitary objection. rpaE BEIRS OF ST. J-1LDA, I then felt that I had done my duty.as- X :. r,.., i u V- . mmnTt i Mrt nt m a a I mucn as coqiu uo - ...w, private citizen, that on account f my attending to something which was not iny business or duty in any manner whatever except as a pnvaio integrity had been assailed and that there was nothing that required of me auv further objection to the bill and l I ha"d mothing further to say. In this tiame oi minu a ic.c5h--- the RKviF.w.as it had sUted aa before re ferred to.that Ihad gone up to oppose the bill, and as such was not the case J de sired to correct that impression ia order that my want of persistency would not be publicly construed to be a rihtor a . . . -T t - r. f Vl T" duty Tor wnicn 1 naa wcu k.i -v . . 1 .iAL.4 k Kill T 8cftK.l Book? aat ghool sap-l narshlp under the firm nam of ITrNSON & BLOUNT, and aak for a continuanca of the patronage bestowed upon the old firm. We wlllieanain in offlca Pearl street, w" York, recently occupied hj the late fcraa f Hinoa & Cunimlng. HINSON & BLOUNT, 350' Jihds and Tierces, CHOICE ART! OLE, Ju;t received and now landing exJDrig Chat tanooga. For eale by Williams & Murchison feb 17 Cuba eolasses- NEW ORLEANS M0LAS3E9, D 8 iSIDSS and HOULDEPS, HEAVF MESS FORK, -ALL GRADES OF FLOUR. . At Low Pric. HALL & PEARS ALL mch 1 Pianos, and Oreanst COLD 05 TilK ISTlL dE T PLAN at k3 HEIXaBaKOKK'8, Lt Book aad M.tic tor Family Flour. ?he telegrkm stated "that the bill wu 1 not so sweeping as wassupwu, Extra family Jriour, iroa .na v-iu.i &f ffltlrwA1 w.-,. W... -a c.o U on-,a .. resolutions of the Board of Health and orduUw j :-;-, Hn.in.Hii or duty to ..U..hribittoa I with-drc RbHtf CXFE FEAR PTJB JULI... tUKIWY 89 Fearl street, New Toik. R. H. ROUXTREE, Special Fartnt-r. feb 34 2w Agricultural Salt. ann tons clean salt, sCXjyj Ft.r Aniculturl purpftsts For ale at feb 23 lmdaw "WILLAKli'3". Cotton Seed. dfr BUSHELS COTTON SEED, OUU For sale at fenlii-lmdaw "WILLARD'S." Liverpool Salt. SACKS FOR SALE AT Benj. F. Gbaftoh, Ktoey B Lai.d Dalbzut E. Paise. Lato Commlpf loner o: lV.:nts. Patents. 10,000 fen 3lmdAVf ,4TIXABD'S it PAIHE GRAFTON & LAOO. Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of Amer can and x cre.sn ratents. 412 Fifth Street, WathlEgtpn, V. O , Practice patent law in all lit brafcehc. in tbe Patent OlEce, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courta of tbe. Urdted'fetate", Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp tor postage. !an 28 Fresh Every Day A-11515 AB80BTME5T 07 0A-VDIS' French and Domestic, just rscelvJTaxd fua 8THB' ojfLTi O EN DINE UOME-MADE Caady la tbe dty, will be Iband eTerv tjay, ireah and sweet; Crea doors Honth t the tottoSe0 oa Seeoad street. A!w, Xau lUtalns-tFrall,.; O. E. JEVM5, jTSV . . lcar tU Fottoe: . any whe start np re