MT -a 1 I - 11 " " - --. 1 . . 3 I- .una tAPEs A. "i V. V I 5 typttcl4t4 evrt afternoon. Quad&yt prm ajvd nopaijcroa. UR9C&umoNsioaTAO paid. Tear, $- 00 Six cBOTsilu, t-50 ; Three aoeUx $1 14 ; Oa month, 60 eenU. ffce pw ' rill BjHTered ny carrier, rea Af ebarfe, in any part of the city, etbe pot's raisi, or i vent per wcju , . Aj&TtftUiac ratae ow nd libera. v" . TatMCriWi will pleac report any and ill failure to receive inair paper refpilirly LOCAL NEWS. , "Haw ArtvarttaatneatA. M CCou.rK For Sale M C 'Cbx.uf 9 and others For Sale HwssBEKdEtt Just Pdblishcd C W Y1te& Blank Books A Sheik; Spring Styles 18-31 . - -. - - - - ! ' c" . , . . ...... . . iL JJljo )l -y;CTi:-n l ll JLU;dO v jljlj v y 0 .-Vs. ' -" "'', ' r-i5' r - A s -J ' - i7 p "i ' - ' ' . - t ' : ' VOL. VI WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY MARCH 8. 1881. NO. 8 . -Kor. F. A. BeHwsot arriycJ here last sWihto a ?iiit to his father, Pr. A. J. viv; DeBosset'. ' ; ' " As It Stands Now. uoara 01 Aiaeraen- wBomBU'i' 1 . ' I rt n 1 . iLlt. ana Wc published yesterday a telegram T be Uoara ot AWermea met xq rcgu 1 ao uoara mei in regumr muum.; oc. from Mai. C. M. Stedmaa to the Review, larmonthlj session yesterday cvcniig, sioa yesterday ; present, Col. VTm. L. statin- that the market-bill had bee'u at the City Hall, preset, May or Fish- Smith, Chainman, and Commissioners B. supplemented by anotherSvhich forbade bbte. and Aldermen Myers. Bowdcn, Di- G. Worth, E. L. Pearce, Jas. A. Mont- any interference with the operations of vine, Tollers, TonGiahn and Foster. gomery and H. A. Bagg. . . h f nalfh nn ihut bv it the Several committees were grauicu xub xreaaurer mauo iua hnt,,. nw nr.mnt fmm taxation, further time to report. month of February, showing a qTa rr,nrni-nr xvr, finl fhft War a bill ThO MaVOT Stated that lb- law ftU- 10 avwv ta&t thorizinff the eatabUshment ot a uny balance in hand as follows General fnnd which was received at 12 o'clock -last camuuouuw - r"T iQfi night, which shows some otherJnodiCcd. HospW.rcqmred the BoarU to ecwo &.uuuf . . 5 WT?re clad to receive a call Tester, tions. ! By it the objections to the bUi ts of jU member - ' ; The renort of the Eecister of Deeds S the financial receipts of the city 1 On iaotiOD, the Mayor a. ul" l , preseatcashowing the lreceiol Idsboro JL?css?rii7r.4. He is. on a litUe been rcmoyednd -f this boyoDd to appomtljnaaagez !, J fxow marriage licenses for the past month tear in this section and left inlBiTtflcrq qVeitiou, an iinprovemcht. ' As the bill tae uoara, arm xuercupua and ebitw a receipt for the same. noon oh the steamer Wave, for Fayette- formerly stood it was simply intolerable, crs aaa umne were bo rr It was ordcrea that the sum of $20 be TiUc. , ;- but the only restrictions which remain un mouon, we pia. ..T" w oflfcrt 'thftiinthoritT and Toting as published 10 tne cny pa- '.. ' !u ? -n Wflfl of the police.- Uad the framers of the pers were ratified by the Board. For the South Atlantic Stales, lncreas. " , 1 . c , v , A -;t,nn fnr a eras lamp on Nun, winria suDDiement crone sun lurincr anu iu 1 " - . , ing -clOHdmess, occasional rains, shifting to warmer, t or lower barometer, appropriated to the Board of Health for yaccination purposes. . The Board then proceeded to draw a regular venire of jurors to serve at the as xasionai rams, wiuuh --,iH--,.v fa. - , , Gnrre., -irppta was Suuvww.j.iw.-. " , southerly, stetionary moved these restrictions, and simply al- between Sixth and beventn sirecw, wu. tcrm of thQ Criminaj Court r. v lowed' the sale 01 produce referred to the lj5 J follows : have pre- Beports ot tne unici ox .uc . - . . --1 ak r and tne anpennieuueub Ton can now buy Improved Heating and 00 Store- at factory priccaat Jacob j's. f from c&rts they would sented ' a bill which - might have been acceotable to the majority -of our Arretted irrt-.1 An it i liPmnf!tfirations which Karl Dabert. a sailor boarding-house have been be fousd, if lhe bill fanner, was arrested and carril hrore ig rcaiiy to be enforced, to have removed Justice McQuigg upoa; ihv iiarge 01 1 tbe most seYiously objectionable features perjury. His counsel, however, removea the case to Justice Gardner's court, be fore whom the case comes up at 4 o'clock this. afternoon- :: t?, iiartment Health were received andorderea on me. The following petition was presented i and read; To the Honorable, tte Mayor and the Board of Aldermeni The undersigned, citizens of Wilming- TI1K 01 A 1 The mail clMe and nrnvo at tha City Pot Office as f l low : Northern throusli mans. . . . . 00 p m Northern through od war mails .5:80 a. m. Baleigb.... 6.0 a. in Mails for tho N. C Uailroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. &N. C. Railroad, at ....C3;S0 a. m. Southern mai!a i ; all points South, daily. . 3am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (L t li'y) daily (except 8unday )...,.. ..... 8:10 a. m Mail for Cberaw & Drltu- j Mails for pcinto between Flo- ; rence and Charleston. S a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and ofiices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays.................. 1:00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday . and Thursday at... 6.00 a. m PI 170TIC2.. 'VTm wi t flai to nIva ecaanaioailon 1 Croa est f-mdfj a' car aad all 'nblaeu -ffaaanllslsresf tel - Tae nana of tia writer apt always be far alahedtothe Editor,, ; " CoamgT.TftitLo-ilaiirtt Vxlttoa ca oolt oae tide of the paper. - Penrmantlas bm.u folded And It Ii espeeially m particnlarly tnder itood that the Editrw 4 tee not alwayt eadort e the views ot corre-poaieau, nalea so' UUd in Ueeiltorlal eolavas. . v - a Notr Advortiisemonts; Seasonable Goods. A 3IOST DELIGHTFUL Bmxthville malls, by steam' boat, dailr. fexceDt Sun E McBride, C H King, Patrick Glavin, aays).......... Owen Fennell, Jr., W B Orr, George MaUa : for Easy Hill. Town Mo8eley,P L Bridgcrs, Daniel F Barnes, CreeK, anauotie ana uiiue W H Snecden, Clayton Giles, W H M Z. Koch, J. W nodges, Allen Evans, D H Wilmington and Black River Russell, Thos Brinkley, Geo O VanAm- Chapel, Mondays, Wednes- rin .Tn I. Holms, Jr. Washington days and Fridays at...... O ' 9 w w Breakfast Disb, ''Halibut Fins." Boiled and eaten with Egg. Sauce..; George's Bankand7" : : ' l r ; -.1 4 . i . . .'; 1 . " . . "Boneless Codfish." John L. Boatwriglity 11 and 13 Noith Front ST 8.S0 a m 6:00 a. m. " ' I X CD uouensiji ucu, wviuw - o 1 , , . att ttj Of course our.friends will understand nprtfnllv renresent that whereas I Howe, R L Hutchins, A D Love, J JJ ! wrw---y - , , - VT n-.. 1 rr - r - 11 O " TT -f-- that we have been, actuated m all tbat the General Assemoiy 01 uu v.-i noggins, no a XiTero, o a urW-, a light Ltstat Draft steaoer iV;; T Uri Walter Taft hai built ; draft steamer designed for a passenger ' and tow boat for the upper Cf pe Fear. The steamer will be run during tho sum : ier months when the water in the river is very low. She is a stern-wheeler, 40 ,. feet long, fcy 8f feet beam, with 13J horse power. She will draw 9 inches of water. - 6:00 a, m. OPEN FOB DELIVEEY . Northern through and way mails 7:00 and 7:80 a. m. - w W . W ' a m-r-w m m ------ - - - 1 t -... . an I An tv I - . - . l. . rv , havf fipot ftn(i last and all the lina, upon wnicn we navo ucbu dv i Jno W Hewlett, J W Minis, yivesier 1 Nortnert mans we have said first and -la. a confidently ta rely for pro- McGarity J W Strauss, J I Southern Mails 7:80 a.m. time; solely by what we have thought to . . hts has ja8t passed the d .i10.1'" u w ' Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m be' the " best interest of 1 the city. We most infam0us law that .was ever impos H Mallard, u A. JJurr. Stamp office open from 8 a. m. to 12 have deplored, and do deplore, the differ- ed upon the people and anthonUes of Upon the application of Jno FGarrell m.. and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money ences which havearisen among our peo- this or any ther city in Jg the Board appointed Roderick McRae Order and. Register Department open .. - ?, , . ,. Hiveatincf the municipal aatnormes 01 n a -nn?nPtion aame as stamp office. pie on this point, and wc wouia ne giaa -. law right? com- -7 . 17.1 -J w I General delivery open from 6:00 a.m. ror xae weu oeiui -r-. . m., and on anndays irom o:ou to non-resi-1 m r. arr ell. to survey tne line Deiweeai n.aft m 1. . . M.. I ; to see mem aajus.ea Bausu-uiur.ijn w 1 moa to and necessary ior wewcuw-s "- I to 6:00 p, oil rnnrnrnRd. Ve have not nesitaiea of everv CUV. ana giTiug w jar. warrcu, w suncj . uu. to a.3(, ,( I. - 1 aM9 -1ar iMmnnttiM I .a t . to characterize the bill as it first stood as dents ana tne nucw the ice Ptam- P1"0?6 ana "P0" M iae Dei we thonirht it deserved, and we are glad ?na P"I!?f:cTn iary interest meting of tne uoara. w - hiS tfna nphrevr uoelfttlon - . . I tknennnUmont. tft th(. bill Last evening a large assemblage met - - '7 to an act entitled the purpose of .organizing me xouag 1 nrovide for the better pro ' '. rr . ..:.4.'nn and ttpr I . r - I i:,L.-- ' lien a :Jn.enrBw -wuwu, -- - -1 tection or larmers uu usuci m.u ha.mnn. nnaun u fwuu. . ww.ww . - ........ . -- 1 1 uaimuui, - s - . mu,. .ni;.llt;A- r-.- -atah KMnffthR . Ron that some moaincaiions nave 1 j .--,-; t. ot the wnoie Dcopxe, wua 1 iuo been made. The mostserious'evil, that the ost unjust discrimination asaiast road leading from Hilton to the Negro . w.nii finftnP.ial embarrassment, those who furmsn xne principal uu-. Head and unmswxci. uerry, was, ou . . . . 1 rUmtv ih thereiore earneai-1 .. - , - -.f 1 L ,ak.n ramnvP(1. We annend herewitb " . , . I motion, reierrea w mmrc cc.iu6 v. r"unatrT of that act: the Board. rU.MlUVAVMO VVM- .1 .A ma -r 51 . JJ 1.4 ffinf. . 1 7 7 k'4 . . a " r.a.aM- iara 1 1 i . iiBrruis tuabi a iik nuai ia uliaavwvu vw w-w at the 13armony Room, in this city, for . I. nn art titled Lill blentailed on the citizens by its mana for the proposed City Hospital, of .organizing the Young f Drovlde for the better pro operations, and to adopt anJ. a?i" Which resulted in the selection of Messrs. measures that may seem pracucau-c ..u , . . vi MtuivMf ""O r - ions for licenses to retail spir- n -. mm nrrantprl tn T T DlX- nrntPP.tLon of farmers ana nsnermen, xea oy mo - i I --h-v-- . : . nalsed duriae the present session of the measure termed tne " J on & Co.. B L Ferry and Maltha Adams. General ABsembly, was to prevent op- ermen'smi The Board adjourned. ana 10 enaoie i gnouia u - - I tecllOO Ol laruieiB i n" ni w 1 HDlllQ. Woptiig .niUble constitation .nd by- s TKe sole PW -Vl AppUti jrresxaenv -x-c. o. .Vice Fresideut Leopold Brunhild -.Secwtary-fJpseph B. Aaron.; U fTMnrer Natb'l - acooi. i pression ana wruu , 0-ipmn nrotest by an outraged com-l l1ia n.m..MM TntJVa of the Titv vendors or iresn meau, , , Jr efforthe odrpose of consider- "w "l V .7J,:."" .: j !--.--. TI Tt-nnhild. A . XOarU Ul juau-gno ' Tfeill, F; Rheinstein, M. M. Katz, B Point. at crhnol KxhlbltloB at Knckj i rVilAainfr"nf thft i DUbHc School tVi--" t;f ;ii fake olace at .the MJVLJ9k v wa " . ' , a fish, ovsters. clams, garden truckiand all farm products, tu sell the same upon any of the streets of the cities of Wilmington, Tarboro and New Berne, or from wagons, carts, snops or Hiurc, md not be forced to sell the saioe from th alalia of the Wilmington Market ETnn.A fJnmnauv. or to pay triDUie io UUHWW ww- J - w , 1 -I -. .-. Mrs - -.-! 11 ing what, under me circuiwuvo, best be done for the interest and general welfare of the community. Veryrespectfally, (Signed.) Pi-PBtnn tnmminir & Co., Sol. Bear WWw fj - of Wilmington. Wilmington. N. C, March 5, 1881. Stamps for sale" at general delivery when stamp office is closed. ' Malls collected from stret boxes every day at 8:80 p m. : , : New AdvorU8tmejii For Sale. a HOUSE AND LOT located at. Xoag Petfder county known as tbe Masonic Lo&fse The Lot tjontaina one acre of land, a good twe story hoase on it. A good location for a School or 8t6re. For further information apply to M.C. COLLINS, R. W. MOORE. R. L. BORDEAUX, mch'l-lt Committee. For Sale. ABOUT 400 ACRES of good Turpentine ti Tr Laiia in Pender countv, three The City Executive Committee of tbe j Ieadw acro-s the Land to the Railroad. Demoeratic party, in ooea.ence vo iue i xnie pood. Apply to . .., I -nmnrftt inn. therefore be it enacted: Academy 'therelDn next Friday the inn tio'u first of said act shall inst. " It is under the efficient care and I QOt be constrae(j to interfere with proper -.. ii n-1rl McMillan. Jr.. I aanitarv retralations adopted by the viay- lDmCuOU,,- : T , - rRniWi of Aldermen of the cities . Kn an OPTIIni lCttliUl I v- L Tt WW titkO WbtU - - purposes ot its appointment and in ac cordance with usage and precedent, pub- . . - . . . - : Bros E Lilly. Jno. D. Woody, V. lishes this can wr primary bwmuk.; MrlUfi C L. Grafflin, Geo. Harriss, The Democratic voters of the several . ' . t m r..-. i- w a Kat.teraon. no. t. mch 8-lt M. C. COLLINS. The Oxonian, Wines and Liquors. Murom's Dry Verzenay and , Piper Hoidsick Champagne, Lemp's StLouis"Iager Eeer, Old Stock "Whiskey, Hilton Rye "Whiskey, . Martin's Extra Rye Whiskey, For Medicinal Use. A Pure Old French Brandy, and ' A Pure N.!.d distilled r : ... 4 , .. ; , CoraWhiskejr, Both entirely-free from all impurity, JNO. 1. BOATOIGHT, IVos. 11 &13 Front t. mob 7 "New Crop Cuba f Wards are hereby requested to meet in Hardin Johnson, Kenan & Forsnee. primary meeunga n ouu G Boney & Sons, A. A. Willard, F. karch 17th. 1881, at 8 o'clock P. A , at y. xu"cy y ' n v. I i,o riiAwine- n lappa, for the ouroose of vv. Kprr.nner. r. r. "uim - i A who has been an accepu. - - - Tarbo and New BerDe) Rocky PoiDt Academy for aboatfive w direction of City Physicians T - - a 1 - 3 LmI a -Itl1..-. months. Speeches will oe ae-iver-- arld Boards of Health; ana nau no. ou tha bovs and other attractions will be construed to exempt Uenlers in snch or ZZ .Lnnnils. Basket dinners tides from the ferment; of the usoal he- "IrXd bV the parents aid friends ense tax to v't-x Ur" W" ,aB.a, " The of the Second Ward will meet at SJ rominenU? ,fre. ftb "V , w-, t.- I aeaicr d"" - n - , r mission that he receivea me 4pcuuu w flnnrt House rors, ana are laaieituij spij. . f 4V c.KnAl Several SDeakeW navel t,0aTr0y. rnr tVio. henefit of the Wilming- mission, u 4ri. I the lUourt noose. I .l-i,-, ratjn are not in excess of its value Wdoa U 111 UtlUlU ouu-w "f - . . . , ,. v. f - . ' . , 350 lllids and Tierces, . . .. . - CHOICE ARTICLE, A Journal of Literature arid EducaA Hon. Published Monthly, at Oxford, N. C, at One Dollar a Year, in advance. tuv ivu"n r ' - . . . . . I . . . ! V .. ',,t l t-- vir;n I in oarh nFiHairt Wards . twOI rilH K."iiX(INlL)N aims a. increamg wo da der.-K. ii. worm oa. m.vwuo. uuhjiubhur, ...v-v- i . . I ' ; "7 t trnn-aHnn I " . -r r-i i i . r , vArori tfti1 1 .nT.prp mr i.ilci abui - ou ..,. . . m n.. - Alex. Sprunt, J. W. Taylor. J onn ooi- anaiaaes tor w - u, "J'"; a-d orfciaal articles on enbiects of Host recmea ana now lanaing exng wi . ville, CronlyA Morris. F. J. Lord, at the municipal election -March 2 4th, JSSe M weii a. cri icisms of the . tanooira. Forwleby w b niriham AImt. S. Heide. 1881. UAt'ind most valuable publications. I iano-. aorwtiwu Wilmington, N. C, March 7th, 1881. --The Democratic joteirs the .-& if llrpihlKoTl. ward win meet at xrooaivu xittn. i Hitrh averaere circuiauuu. t io. Mu. .--.. 9 High average circulation. feb!7 ?S& srwu sz. OT--. expected, socallj and edncatiolly. JB fc substituting the, word "o t the Bigntttllres annexed, many per- City HaU tt frt vnnr own painter : Buy tha in the nlace of -'and in the mtn line oi , nff ni1OTt frnm their places of , . n-t T?rtnm in the Citv UQW wt-;-"r- . - - , I A K T. Enamel Paint, ready rntxoa ana i said section Deioru .uu u u warranted at Jaoobi's. t ." xiie tctre eatn. We are glad to be able to announce 4- it;rM.o-i nf te Rkview that tne tub temv.B . . lecttnt season will seon bo inaugurated inthie city -undcr:- the auspices of 1: the Wilmington J Library f As tocUtion Dr; Eugene Grissora. of Ral ciri will be the first to lecture, and has chosen as the theme of his lecture King David, of biblical fame. ine crder will be the ;Rev.,Dr. Jos. T h rJtvfwho has chosen Subject "Courage". Theprecise date of ' - : i - Kaon hl these two lectures we u .-. t.. Vha IF. Deems, D . iron , w .;it 'v. 4plivercd on . :.T Mr. Charles B. Bobin-on, Pk -it of the Kbrary -ssociatio -. . . . i-.i-.- f a recent date from receipt era - - .K- ?. - 1 i 1 11 VI ed" and after the wora-aoiiars. III. All laws and clauses of laws m conflict with this act arc hereby repeal- IV. This act shall be in force from the c'ate-of its ratification. imprison- o bein obscnt fr0,n the Mayor's Court Room in the City j mch 8 thA nffiM bv the 20th of the month. J. C. HORNER, Oxford, N.GY u-a;e0 wnnm bn was satisfied would have 1 traii UM,U6Ba ru Wffi- War will meet at - I ' 1UUBC VI ..... " signea. i uman Bncket Comoany Hall. Alderman Myers movea ma u pcu- -r eral mbetlnff8 wiU be caUed to tion be received and append tho toiiow- A LARGE STOCK OF msr: next in R. WiL for his ! lecture. D. Li the 21st of 'V-hich h. accepts the in TiUtK- to lectre, and announced the i"" , .. nth on hn aboTe named date as ins .will be at the disposal, o. the Aaoc ticn. QU th,0e.'the.Borend genUemaa irriUs. will be I'Nataw and the- Bible. S fartheradds that lie will eoY-"r . j;-r hnth laoonlar and T. .?- weU as instructive. inie8,'a 0f : these gentlemen v world . ,o! AH are weH-ktown letters and are a r ik 1 -Wolaf a besides. ".v reTrernUcipat, a rich treat i..,UU C? .k! T Dr Yates, of this city, 'T-lsraiifrr!ii OIJ- Sledutaii- r.llALEiGir, X. C.; March S. Editor .Review: My attention has been called to a peti tion signed by about twenty-five gentle men protesting against the provisions of Scott's bill. I myself drafted a supple mental bill which certainly cures any real or imaginary evils published in to day's Star. I call upon any lawyer of respectability to point out where, under the supplemental bill, the municipal an thorities are divested of any single char tered or common law right. Where, un der tbe supplemental. bill, is there any a .lKrf X di-criminatiou against any cm-- challenge all of the advocates of the Wilmington Market House Company un der, the supplemental bill. Larts can not be , forced inte a market house xor t:e beneht oi a iew uu v " , and oppressed that a few may grow ncn, and that is all tna. xs in ouFl.-- mental biU, which I can deiena anywnere. Resolved by the Mayor and Board of ccutive Committee of the Ward. In the liesoivea, ujr -uo J , t 4wQ I c mDmhom of the !Execu- Al1prmon That W6 earneswy uepuno no auscuwc w --- t rituatSn i'n which- the citizens are placed, tive Committee, the meeting shall be "tSKiKrnoanCa.inthename ofthe caUed to order by such person as the rrnY we renresent, the bill, with its meeting shall select. i ::r . . - The several meetmgs will be caiiea tp eft nnnoe .nn D 11TQ fifteen minutes past eight o'cioca inHOm uuuiitf hhu u-"'" bv one of the members oi tne ny order at ; AXD or. inm features. The yeas and nays were ordered on the above resolution with the following result: Yeas the Mayor, Aldermen M vers, Von Glahn, Divine and tester. All Democrats who. if required, shall pledge themselves to support the nomi nees of the meeting, and who will be lawfully entitled to vote at said munici pal election, shall be entitled to a vote at said meetings. VotinE for Aldennanic nominations in ... rt nnrl V nl Nays-Aiaermen - : - the meetiags shaU by Aldermen Bowden and oilers stat j . . d VQte at the of de ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK! LUMBER CLATHS. At. For sale very cheap at ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: umce: Toot Walnut fit. Xutt, near Red Croea st mch 7 SPRIG STYLES 1 1881. S FIRST INSTALMENT OF BOOTS &SHOEG SPRN9 SUMMER SVTLIS ARPJYIXQ NOW AT SZZZlXBIL'fl Oboe Store fl 11 ' farket Street ed that, not having me om uciu.c them they voted "no;" but if the condi titions of the bill were as published they would vote"aye." On motion, the Board adjourned. Arrested far L-arcenT Joseph Lambert, a white sailor, was arrested upon a warrant from Justice McQuigg, this afternoon, upon the charge of larceny in two cases, said charges be in that defendant purloined from Mary m i r.wi Walker. - two of earner u , - Paddy's Hollow's soiled doves, bed i-thin. and wearing appareL Defen dant, in default of bond, was committed . .. , :-. m vo h( bv I m - i .:i rrmw morninfif at 10 A Smootn CKjrapteaiuu i IOr uw oum every Udy who will use O.dock Tonic. For promptly , - . k v-i wi aa ar a a , - ..! i-t ,- nil uui it v a 1 1 Vi'r lulu 1 aiun j , r - m w . blJod there is no h,nga like it, ad th r tTT . :- -u. c nmklv . removes w; ti- i.MA tost bloom to tne n Tf.ta for Doors, tfasa an4 R.- nnre WhiU lad, W. anUhea Window Clia, all sUetwAH at tho lowert 250 nositmff his ballot, shall be registered . . f A ' 1 by tellers, not exceeamg two in numoer, foreich Ward meetinsr. who shall be ap- r,inted bv the Dresidinsr officer of eaeh I Ton, Koyal Glosa. r - ... - , ,,.-. , j; I meeting. me oauoting icr canu- dates for Aldermen shall not com mence until fifteen minutes after the time designated for the calling of the meeting to order, and the voters shall have an opportunity for at least forty-five minutes alter the balloting has com menced for depositing their ballots. his call shall be published in the Star and Review. By order of the Executive Committee. F. H. Dabbv, Chairman. Jas. W. Kisq, Secretary. mh 7 3t Starch BOXES REFINED PEARL, Bon Also Improved Corn for cowking purpose. , Now is your time, as prices have been REDUCED- ; mch 7-tf DbR033ET &CO. is a Core fer Files Kidney-Wort acU first by overcoming in the mildest manner all Umdency to constipation; then, by iU great tonic and lavigorting properties, it restores to health the debilitated and weakened parts. We have hnodmlt of certified Sea. where all else bad failed. Use it and snfTsrno loctr -iTxcTianc. Just Published. -F ST i-lL0a, 1 ' A -Jtory of OBtitrn Pitt. ; . ' Bj Jota W,Hocii For a?e at " " live ock 8iorb Fiauoo, and 0nrarLn- CCLD . 5 Tda l53TLUEir HW at n-issEaoiiiij, Ci 7 Lire Bock crl 21z& C r j PUaCElL- HOUS Ej U-TDEB HiNAOEMEST, r, i - WioiiafiTOVj C. - . O, Lt TORV, o .vr Pxop; . Lat Proprietor AtUat'ie Ilote!. first Olats la all It? appointment. Ttrmi 12.60 to S3 per day- ' i y b IWtf Agricultural Salt. O A A TONS CLEAN SALT, U Tor Agricultural purjoict r; ' For sale at ' - - '. ' feb 23 laadaw,, . , "WILLARD'S". a aaaB ' r Cot ton Seed. CAA jnjSRELS COTTON SEEI, OUlf v - For sale at VfeO-3-lslW - WILLARD'S." lixroipocJL Bait. OAcks ros SALS AT r nrii-Lin)'s'' 10,000 to 2lnitvy pimples j,. cheek. Beeaotice. i prices . 3-