-HJLL&ssaxzcs. U.J 11 I V : WpWSt"WT"v- "! v. . . I CVITt8 AJT1 PfeorarSTOKV episacairciojis.iwT AGE PAID. yr, fS 00 Six montfe V 2 50 ; Three ao,th, 2S ; Oae montli, 69 oeata. ro pfr wiB b delivered by carrier., of B4r(ft lit any part of tbe city, at the bT rau, or 13 oeats pz vtm. 4.lrrtiin ratas low and liberal - iSAS aoribr will please report an r and i tl failure, to receive their papers regularly. r-bftCAi; NEWS. -W fe W R R Commutation Tickets " W C A R R Commutation Tickets tk IIohsek The'Oxouian i,VIjEtXS8EBOERJast Published! - vi U tV. TA.TE8 Blank Books TV4' A 8HMKB Spring Styles 1881 Hate jou registered Att cntiw, new: registration i3 required. -te4m3hip Benefactor. Capt. Jones arriyed hero to-day-from New York. Jfjott do not register you capnot rote J U$X the approaching municipal election Ton can now bay Improved Heating and Cook 3 tore at factory pricceat Jacobi's. f The etorm signal has been flying all The receipts of cotton at th:s port to- day foot op 497 bales. . Magisterial circles barring the arrest of Mayor dnll. Fishblate are exceedingly Tbe Danish Coasai c.r. ,i seaman to the Gaard House this morning, for safe keeping" ' J A memorial tablet is to be erected in the chancel of St. James' Church 4o the memory of, the late Bishop 'Atkinson. The rain fell ia tprrrents last night and to-day the wind is vfrom the West and it is cold and blustering, although We lave had some sunshine. , 1 : Ward meetings for the nominations of Aldermen for the approaching municipal, electitn .will be held on Thursday e?en ing, the 17th inst., at 8 o'clock. The fishermen and farmer's bill and the market question generally, including the attempt to raise wooden shantieson the -Bite.of tbe old Market, this morning, has caused as much excitement on the streets tfltafaj aa a first-class circus procession . iwoald create. . ,. . r TU- Oxunlan. We invite attention to the advertise ment ot the Oxonian, as it "appears in thia issue. . We have received the vari oas numbers thus far issued with; a great deal of pleasure and can cordially and conscientiously commend it.. It is edited With rare ability, is a homo production and is published at a price Which places it within- the.: reach of all intelligent talod w ' snipped Foreign: The ex ports foreign to-day foot up 1,225'casks spirits and 8G bbls. rosin, per Br. brig Tramo re, for London, ship-1 red by Messrs.Chess, Carlcy & Uo.; j,iuj do rosin, per iNor. oarque njemmzz. ior London, ' shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprunt &Son, and 300 casks spirits and 3,759 barrels rosin, pernor, barque Led for Hamburg, shipped by Messrs. E. G Barker & Co. 2 A M mor al Volume.. V understand that a memorial vol- a-j- i.A n-mrrr of thelatel ume, aeuicaiuu Bishop Atkinson, will be published soon after the meeting 01 me r,pwtup T . . . - - , .1 r vention in May. The principal features J resentatives made in connection with our Hof the volume will be the memorial ser-J river was tho appropriation of $10,000 't ,.l. li bv Bishop Lav. af! for the work below Wilmington. I III I I LU &ru - . m - tm ?"t rvland and a sicei puino v -mented "deceased.: Some 2,500 cop.es Will be printed, not for sale, but for gra- V -I i.tribution among the friends tui ous diitribntam a K -aau pariauuucw v ."" . ''v?Jte&..e.nJ,piblieation is to be de- SfraycrP$nieans of. voluntary cootnbu- 1 1 , . - ,n rrr , --nw Iff . - - ."aj 11 - T?tftrv Club." the - ,.t - r'tnVi " the obiec Vein to raise funds wherewith to enlarge " itfd improve the Rectory attached to Uni,.v an as to render it meet foi the awHdtta nd reqoirements of the .vTT . s r...n;w Will: present Bector ana u -j-. this end in view, they propose to hold Urge fair some time after easier, rw . .- ..... i r nii ari late in . iaowjbusy plyilate in Awil or early in - 90W busy witn ineir P- will offer for sale many pretty dJ ano M.j.Mmar. and tne Fail - children a " - . . 1?nr continue for several nights. Fur . iher particulars will be made known tii time approaches. Thai's for Doors, Saab an . Oo t ixCr, read, Oils, Varoishe Blinds, pure Whit-' ' tae lowe8 : w Glass, all rires.AU l r mTTT a r i a. VOL. VI WILMINGTON; N. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9. 1881., NO. .9 Commutation Tickets. Commutatiou tickets, acceptable over the coDuectious of the Wilminrton & Weldon Railroad, at Wcldon and Ciolds boro, aud tboso of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, at Flor ence and Columbia, are for sale uow in denominations of 1,000 and 2,000 miles, at the depots of the respective roads in Wilmington and Columbia. Pee notice of Col. Pope elsewhere. v Rlrer News- ' The river ' was thought to be risiD slightly when the steamer Murchison left- Fayettevillc yterday kero1 however, good boating water now, there being as much as six feet on the shoals The Murchison reports Capt. Skinner as getting ready to commence operations on the Gov. Worth again. When Capt, Roberts passed the sunken steamer yes terday, Cupt. Skinner had one of his steam pumps red up ready to commence 0Peratl0n We advise our friends to call at Jxoodi'8 for lloxuenoid Hardware of every descrip tion. Thore you get the lowest prices, t As Seen by It One.ofthe latest and most popular dances among' the young folks is the raquet." It is neither waltz nor polka, ohottishn or mazurka, though the best parts of the waltz and polka are preserv- JcL The dance has heretofore been non- descript but we now give it as seen by B3.a few evenings ago. The girl was taken around the waist. The music struck up with a crash as th'ough a volcano had broken out, and the girl clung tightly, as though fright- ened.and the young man reassured her by a ierentle pressure. At the second crash they dodged as though a blacksmith ghophadteen hurled at them and then started in. They began by imitating "the struggle for life, representing a person who is drowning, but at each crash of the music they dodged and scooted to one side, then darted back" J'again, jammed each other sideways and then a3 the crashs of music became more terrific and deafening, they tried to drive each other through the floor, by main strength, got desperate and clawed and tore and pulled and all at once they went raving mad with hydrophobia and the delirium tremens, and gnashed their teeth and suffered tho most terrible agony, and it was all over. It is a short dance, as the design is amusement and not tnurder. But short as it is, it is said t h verv sweet. Where it has been I introduced it eeems to give the most per- I f!Ct satisfaction, many young people pre ferringjit to tbe slow and solemn polka or the cold and freezing waltz KxiinguishaiOiit or an Old Charter The Cane Fear a Free River. A paragraph in the River and Harbor Bill which passeuCoagress a few dajs ago is of-great interest to the people of the Cape Fear section, and from Hon A. M V7addell,thc Counsel for the Cape Fear Navigation Comnany, we learn the fol- - a 1 lowing tacts The only provision the House of Rep- tWa wa nn cfijrt made beiore tne House or the House Committee to in- crease the amount.and the bill went to the Senate. Gen. Ransom increased th ap- nronriatioa ,rom 10,000 to 140,000 propriation lrom for the lower river and added $30,000 for the upper river, between Wilming ton and Fayettcville. In tho Committee of Conference of the two Houses there were added to this I S30.000 clause several provisos. - C.F- several provisos, viz: river, another directing the aecretary ot War to pay a sum jnot exceeding 610.009 to extinguish all chartered rights to exact tolls, anothrr prohibiting any expenditure Ot the appropriation for the upper river antil it is thus raale free, and finally one requiring this to be done by Oct. 1st, 1831. The Cape Fear Navigation Company, I a corporation first chartered near the be- ginning of the century and amended by jOM act3 from 1815 to 1852-the State being a large stcckholder until 1871, when the stock was sold thus reases to exist and the navigation of the river is henceforth free of all tolls. Mr. Russell's bill to make Fayetteville a port of entry, with a Custom House, ic and to abolish the Navigation Com- : 4 "- -' . .-V - 1 , . n - ,AV, ., " i H WW . -3 H -fi tVnM f M -U ; H III-II 71 V M 1 1 I o ' " ;j( lVsr? " . -n-t : . " ' , : : - Mortuary Repott. From the seport of Dr. J. C. Walker Saperiutendent of Health, tve have the following list of deaths inthe city of .Wil mington, for tho month of February, 1831: White 2 maleii and C females; 4 adults and 4 children. Total 8. ' Colored 4 males and 9 females; 7 adults and 0 children. Total 12. ' Total white and colored for the month, 1 21. icq u Altar fTrriairt J. We had honed that the removal of (thfinanLmtricUoaa ou;Ue aarktt pill which recently passeu iiw jueRjs tmcw6uld allay the excitement caused by the passage of the bill, but auch is, after all, not the case. This morning a new phase of the case was developed when certain parties began the creation of the a frame building .'on the site of the old market house, without naYing previously obtained the necessary per mission. Complaint was therefore made by Col. Roger Moore, Chief of the Fire Department and Fire Marshal, against the erection of this building, whereupon the Mayor took legal ad vico and sum moning the Chief ef Police.with a squad of men from the force, proceeded to the site of the old market. He there found -T-nnnrJ timbers laid for a frame wuw v building 24x30 feet, while other claims were staked off, one of which bore the legend. "This is our claim." On arriv- 9 W . ing at tho scene the Mayor ordered the work to cease and instructed Capt Brock to arrest the first man who at tempted t drive a nail. There was no oDuosition manifested but there was r . much excitement among the bystanders Later on Mr. Fishblate was arrested by Simon Richardson, colored, on affi davit made by J. A. Ashe, colored, and taken before J. C. bill, colored, who in the absence of a certified copy of the bill held the defendant in bond of $200. for his appearance to-morrow. The affidavit chances thatS. H. Fishblate did;inolet obstruct and hinder certain butchers and their employes frem carrying on the business" of butchers on the .public streets of Wilmington, using his author ity for so doing as Mayor of the city." Toney Ashe declares, we understand, that the affidavit was made upon tne suggestion of a third party, whose name hi is not willing to dnrulge. "The Poor Man's Bill." The writer was surprised to see, in yes terday's Review, a card from; Maj. Sied man, avowing the authorship of the sup plemental bill, the original of which has caused such unfavorable . comments, throughout our city. Without intending to enter into the merits of the market question, I beg to differ with Maj. tited man in this matter and express my con viction that the supplemental bill is just as erroneous in principal as the original was infamous in its sweeping provisions. To my mind, the entire question hinges on the rights of a chartered city to regu late and control its own local affairs. It that right exists, as may now be ques tioned from the recent extraordinary action of the Legislature, it is vested in the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. If they commit any crime against the rights of the peop.e there is a remedy for it, but that remedy certainly does not consist in Legislative interference, especially such as virtually wipes out municipal authority. This action has brought into disrepute our city govern ment, and renders powerless our city au thorities over matters entirely within their province. - There are perhaps a larae class who are restive under re- straintt-from the city, but every good citi zen knows tn-tt sucn restraints are essen tial to our welfare and he who would overturn them must, even mougn 9a Sampson among us, b9, like bampson. buried beneath the ruin he occasions. Pro Bono Fcblico. Wilmington, X. C, March 9, 1881. As a Care for Plies K ?rlnpv-Wort acts lirst by overcoming in the mildest manner all tendency to constipation; then, by its great tonic and Invigorating properties, it restores to health the aeoiuwuea qu parts. We have hundreds ot eerunea it cures, wnere an eisa g '"" and suffer no longer. Exchange. Ed tor Review : We deem it due to the signer, of tne pe tition referred to by Maj. Stedmau m ir&tion uablisbed in tbe KK. viaw of yesterday, and the tar t i. morning, to state for nis, ana uw iwor n,.hnn of all others interested, that Uw petition was drawn, signed and sent to fh. Rrd hAfora anvChlnff waa known by them of any supplemental bill. If Major stedmaa did . not entertain some sucn views ra regard to tbe proviaior ot the 4.n&i hill aa those expressed in that pe tition, it would be interesting to know why he was in such haste to get a supple mental Diutnrougn uo uyiiwuw U3TE OF THX PETmOXEXS. Wilmington, N. C March 1WL THE HA1L8. Tbe maili dote and arriTo at Cuy Pot Office as follows : Northern through malls 6 00 p Northern through and way m&ils..M.aMM. ......... .........&30 a. m 01. Ralelgb......... 6;80 a.m Mails for the Q. Railroad, and routes supplied there- . from, Including A. & N. C Uaiboad, atM M..M...M . 6;S0 a. m. Southern mails for all points Sooth, daily. ....8 am and 7:45 p. ro. Western raaila (O O B'y) daily (except Sanday) .... ..... 8:10 a- in Mail forCberaw & Darlings ' ! H)U ... - t. JifJ b us. Mailt for points between Flo- rente and CbarlestonigUi m & ta j Cape Fear River. Tuesdays, and Fridays.... WW p. m. Fayctteville, via Lumber ton, daily. except Sundays...... sio a.n Onalow O. H and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursdav at.......... 6.00a. ro 8mithvUle malls, by steam c f boat, dairy, (except Sun days)................. 8.S0 a m Mails for Easy Hill, Town Oreok, Shallotte and Little River. S. O . every Mon-. day and Thursdav at 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes davs and Pndavs at 6:00 a. tn. OPEN FOB DSLTVSaT. Northern through and way mails 7:00 and 7:80 a a. Mrtrthorr. mails , 9 00 S a Southern Mails 7:80 a. m Carolina Central Railway". 4:00 p. m Rtamn Office ouen from 8 a. m. to 12 M. and from 2 to 6:80 d m. Mone Order and Register Department oper same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. tn to 6:00 "p. m., and on Sundays from 8:8 to 9:80 a. m Sumps, for sale at general deliver) when stasia office is closed. Mails collected from streat boxes every day at 8:80 p m. How to be your own painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamei Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jaoobs. t Rxr dv tism nt : ,Wilmiiitoii & WelOoii Bail :Raad PASSXNGER DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, K C, March 5, 18S1. QOMMUTATION TICKETS of denomi nation, of 1000 and 2000 Mile accepUble over the connections of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. at Goldsboro and W.ldon, and especially adapted to the necessities of commercial' travel, aie issued by the Wil mington Weldon R. R , and are on sale at its Pa senger Depot in Wilmington. A. POPE, mch 9 tf General Passenger Agent WiiminatoD, ColomMa & Angnsta R. R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C, March 5, 1881. jOMMUTAT :ON TICKETS of Denomi nations of 1000 md 2000 Miles, acceptable over the. connections of the Wilmlrgtcn, Columbia & Augusta R. R., at Florenra and Columbia, and especially adapted to the neceseitie. of commercial travel, are Is .ued by the Wilmington, Columbia & Au guata R. RM and are on sale at its Passenger Depot, in WilraiDgton and Columbia. A. POPE, mch 9-tf General Passenger Agent. The Oxonian, A Journal of Literature and Educa tion. Published Monthly, at Oxford, N. C, at One Dollar a Year, in advance. THEOXOSION alms at increasing the interest for Literature and Education, and stvea, oricinal articles on subject of vital importance as well as cri iclams of the neweat and most valuable publications. Offers decided advantages to advertisers. High average circulation. Advertisement are shown prominently, are free from er rors, and are tastefully displayed. Its ad vertising rat-s are not in excess of its value to an advertiser. Advertisements, Intended for publication in any issue, should be in tae office by the 20th of the month. J. C. HORNER, mch9 Oxford, N. C. Starch f)rCi B0XES RAINED PEARL, Bon Tun, Koyal Gloss. Also Improved Corn for cooking purposes. Now is year time, as prices have bten REDUCED oeh7-tf prROS8ET&CO. lfcal 5 agrafe; New Advertisements." HO MORE LEAKY ROOFS TRON CLAD WATER PROOF FAH kas no equal for 6topiic? leaks. It is guar aateetl'for 10year. Any roof,, no. matter hew bad, can be saved by this paint. Aaa Roofing FaHiupd fur Damp .Wall it aas no equal. Samples and. testimonials furnished upon application at OfflUjc of the Iron Clad Paint Comrjanv. on. Second. bet ir pen Market and rfe? Ulattinero and Carpets. IJiliE WRITER WILL SELECT, in per su, the present week, iu New Tort, a large stock ef - tu Whitend Fancy Colors, and will add many novelties to present stock of CARPETS. DRESS G01D3 AND TRIMMO ( eur specialty) will have the closet atten tion, and the price will be placed aa low as possible. All Wool Suitings and SpiIngSacquings, will be received on Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, a full line of SILK BUNTINOS ior ereninjar wear, ano many other article, which cannot be named. R. HI. rjlclntire. &b!4 Corn, Bacon, MoLisses. 10 000 Prime White UOiui, O C f Hhds and Tierces 00J New Crop CUba, jqq Bbls New Orleans Molasses, . j J uat received and for sale. low bv -, WILLIAMS A MURCHISO Flour. Si guvC ff)e, &c 100D Bsls Flour, all grades, 3) Ebl. Sugars, Granulated, A, Ixtral C and O, 00 Eb'.s New Orleans Sugar, 0j) Eags C'oSee, different grades 125 Eoxea Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbla and Boxes Lemon Cakt3, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash," 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff, Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, &c, Randolph Sheetings, For sale by feb 23 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. JOB PRINTING! AT THE LOWEST PEICES ! ASCERTAIN MY PRICES BEFORE HAVING YCUR PRINTING DONE ELSEWHRRE ! Satisfaction Guaranteed i pBlNTIXO OARE7ULLT IXSlDTED for perconi re-'dirg oat of the eity acd ren to them by mtil free c f pcstge. f.'h. WAAHOCK, Coiner Cte taut and VTater Street, office in Beview HuWdinff mch 1 Blank Books. g CITABLE FOR . EVERT LINE OF business, In stockand made to)order. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Stationery, large stock Pictures, Frames and Easel. &c, fcc School Book, and School eup- fli,at Yates' Book Store. JTs will tsJU U reeslve ecaaasJcatlcDr rr&a.ezi fxlaj'ea taj and all i?bjcts reaerallatsmt but 7jLvr;-- -".- n " .. . TSie name ef. t2ia wrltar tcozt always be fir akhed to Ue Editor. v OoTamuTifftstfmij cut be.wrlttea oa oalr o ia sida of the papaT. And It U especially ra p&xtfcnlarly a&dor ctood that the Editor i not always ardors 0 the views ot eorrecpo&ctesU nlM so lattd ia the editorial eolanas. New Aflvertiflements. Seasonable Goods. A MOST DELIGHTFUL , . ',"-.." Brcakfjist.Disl?, l4Halih;it Fins."'- . Boiled ami rate a with Eg SanccJ "Georgca Uiuik- and - : v . If IfeneleCoiafit. John L. Bostwrigliti U aad 13 Noith Front lJ wines ana i.auors. 1 V ' ' v " m "".. . v . Mamms Dry Verzenay and Piper Heidsick .Champagco, Lemp' "StLouis'Xager Tiocr, Old Stock Whiskey, Hilton Eye Whiskey, Martin's Extra Eye Whiskejr, For Medicinal TJs?. A Pure Old French Brandy, and A Pure N. C. distilled . i , .... Corn "Whiskeys Both entirely free from eiee'4w3f: all impurityj m, 1. BOATWHIGHT, If w. 11 & 13 N.lFront n . aeh 7. Sf RIG STYLES 2 1881. FIRST INSTALMENT OP BOOTS & SHOES SPRING & SUMMER SVTL'S ARRIVING NOW AT OHIlICR'fl Shoe Store. feb 11 Market Street URCELL HOUSE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, - I WlLMItQTOSj'N. C. . ' C. L. PERRY. - . - Prep; Lata Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First (7184 in all its ai.po nt rWi Terms , $3.60 to $3 per J r ffb8.tr A?rricultural Salt. O CiCi T0XS CLEAN flALT, t-wCAjJ . . For Agricultural purposes For sale at ftb23 1radw "WILLARD'3". Cotton Seed twZrr BUSHELSLCOTTON SEED, QUi. . ; For sale at fcblC-lmdiw " "WILLARD'S.'" Liverpool Salt. 10 000 SACKS r0R sale at feb 23-lmdav ',WILLARI,6,, Just Published. rnflE ailSi or sr. ku.oa A Story of Southern Fiat. .Bj ipha W. JI.o i "Wit .ale at " . HEINRB SRQ ER'B ' Lira book tS.o.a. Pianos, and Orcanr; OQlDOSfaBlS&TwtLXZST Fliu at r''SEIVSOCIUIElI' Lira Book aad Utile Ctor Cta7; pany, did not pass." . ' ( .

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