B ewi aad hemry Con Jested.' Tas Grnral Assembly ritU-tULiilll IAY. SEXA.TF.. Moxdat, March 7, 1S1. Senate bill to authorix3 the comruia sioaera of Brunswick county to levy and collect a special .tax, "passed its second reading. Senate bill to amend the charter of Jacksonville, ia Onslow oountv, passed its third reading. Bill to make dosa listed for taxation the subject of larceny, passed second and third readings. Bill to secure the better drainage of certain lowlands in Sampson county, passed its second and third readings. Bill to prevent the felling of tr"rt in any of the creeks and rivers of J?- '.. county, ana make Huth Hico lawful fence, passed i- rcond ami r h. ad readings Bill for the support of the penitentiary, appropriating $75,000 for this purpose, passed its second reading. Tlrmte bill 15o,Henato biii 73;', to au thonze the State Treasurer to rxcuaux'e t he stock of the State in the AlbetnaYie Chesapeake Canal Company for the flds of the State. The. bill parse! its sveond and third reading. . Bill to amend .section J , cbaptor Battle's RevieaJ, limiting the number of jnrora in inquests to six, passed iu ? w ood and third reading?. A bill supplemental to n?j h (,r hz i i protection of farmer; h.l fWicr mcu, p-t?fc"l M .rortrl nu thin! tv! irigK . . -' Tbe loabiocry b wv afctn tip on itrf third wud i n - A miViftii t cnniVr hr--M.ie4.ion3 prevailed. ' Ssnatcamcndracnls (o varies sedioos were adopted ar.d fbc ' bill p.(NrJ thir l On motion . rf Mr Portb. th fvhv.1, bill was take.; jjt iso3 coujHercil. ' The qncstliqri was tipoa adopt i n :? ibc report of th rmfrc . conniH- Adopted. Bill to inc-rvHi-.i,tc Ihi Unlcigh jHnrvt. j llailway Cotvriiiiv, prmd .oi?d d Bill in regard to tbc cVtlcctioa oitaxcf in ltoboflon coiinty, p'd wemvf orsd third reading?. Bcott, ot New Hauovcr.- introduced bill to repeal ecction ,4, chapter' '2?,. TJjl llc'rt Rcvisa'. ' .-Calersdir. ' Bill 52."), (bribe .irotttio t' pr't- idges in North Carolina,- being it enbsti tute forsaixlrv bills introduced upon tht subject- The amendment offered by Mr York providca that thi bill shall Hot apply to Wilkes or . Caldwell counties. Au amendment was offered by Merer? Harper, Spruill, Stowc, Hampton. Cup niaghain, Dates aud Richardson, exclud ing certain conntics. Adopted. : Honsc bill, to incorporate tRo North Carolina Fertilizer Company, pasccd its second and third readings. IIOU6K OF IIKPBKSKNTATIVES. .Manning introduced a joint resolution concerning the interest of the people of this State in the Fiedmont Railroad. Ee frred. , . ' : CoranTo amend chapter 23 of the laws of 1979. Referred. Grainger, a bill in regard to the mou air.ent to be raised to the memory ct the late Governor Richard Caswell. Calcn- Newell Fctition in regard to tbo townships in Bladen county. Referred. Boykio, by consent, introduced a bill enpplemental to an act to providoTor the better protection of firmers and fish ermen, and requested that the rules be suspended and the bill placed ou its sev eral readings, which was done, and the .bill was road three Vimed and sect totne rfenate. , ' , A, . Henate bill to extend tho Urn? to te deem laud sold to tbo State for taxes was taken up and passed ita i etcond and third readings and was enrelled. McCiure here wibmittcd s report from tbo committee of investigation in the vase of alleged forgery. Tbo committee exonerated all the employees of the Oca cTal Aeecmbly, and found tbetorgcry bad rien committed by W. W. Watson, the member from Edgecombe ntln Bledsoe epoke to tbo subject, stating that he ras present during of the committee, and could not , agret. Coat Wat;on should be braoderl w;th tor- iirain-er. who was a member ot vne, comStatcd that the committee had examined thti . evidence ra. the- case as cSSy as possible. Tbcy made their re port u no other light than that of dntjy And arrived at their cone usion unani n ouslv from no other consideration than nonse nor in North Carolina noold Eeccived -orf :jucoum He left, tup report m the. Hands a, tnc U Uolion, also a member of the commit tee had tried in every stage ot the es imination to bring out facts and cireum stances to establish the innocence of the S bat could not conscientiously coTto a different conclusion from toe report of tho committee. - He thenvtcn IL the details of the case. lie thought If W W Watson was the the evidence ot -rr- strongest point against son admitted signing an order fjrSlOO for Newell, who admits he-nzed him to do so. Experts m 5 testi fied that the handwriting on the Jorgcd certificate was the same as that en tnc S100 certificate. . - .uf Manning moved to postpone the mat ter, and make it the orto for 11 a. m. on Thursday, and la the meantime that tbe evidence be printed. Uolaod, a member of the committee width examination bad been cioselj :10d mientely inade,;and rf-tr Ibad Ui-cxi a donbt in bismind a to Watson jruilt bo would give . niui xao kuw tbst doubt V UCu uu vtbUb uitv 1 1 Vt 'XTs-a11 mi the -niltv party, but all tbetacta in tho case d pUTnlf that Nowetl had acted-m JhtanutU an honest, coupons and 3d upright iuau. c wiT- v--benthe House was io possessioa of all w the evidence, they -would uphold the ver dict of the committee. ! " AlcClnre, also - a member of the com mittee, hoped that Manning' motion would prevail. ' HU position to the guilt df Watson wcm the same rs that taken by ihe oiIkt t roiitee. " Manning'.-! ja-ticn. the matter was maU; Thursday at 12 M. Wr of tho 'com v.;u adopted and ? racial order for Webster here submitted a report lrom the committee of conferc-nceon thr school 'bill, which wa3 adopted. Day, by consent, oEVitd a bUl to v re mote the cause of temperance. '(This bill prevents' the practice commonly knowu as ''treating'' when-.applied to in toxicating drinks in puV.ic pla'c Re ferred. Senate bill changing the time f the close of the fiscal year, making it con form with the caleudar year, pa.scd its 6trvond and third readings. IIou3C bill for the protectioa of .-beep husbandry, and to raise revenue by a tux oa dogs, vms takcu up and tabled. VKHouko bill to incorporate the Utileigh Street Railway Company pM-cd its ?cc ond and third reading-. llotiMcbill u amend W lurx xu re gard t the landlord and tcr.ant not uas UhW. TnE lsrnu eartuquake- A Town Tartly Jlestrojed and 42M Lives I'rohably fiunt- i3 of tho earthquake at Casam: :':., m tbc Ulund of leebm, confirm the pvcri ou3 uccount (if ley of li!; end damage Uv'propcriy. 'I'hi tir-t shock -occurred nt I'j V. M. on Friday, and the fecond wnd irtfhl tbock uv our later. The whole, upper part of th-s tovrn was clc5- rosed, and to lV".rrn;il -citablishmcnts ifriouslv damsed. The second fthock lasted seven t-coud?. n'.:scmpaiiicd by ctoifo like fe-nbkrrnc:rfr 'thuudT.. Then came o-crash of tailing b?usf?,. -?compA-nied bv rhrir'3 nt" tho. victims, -'the probjblr f .lift will reach C0. The tiiuia rar,crC to bou properly o . l.0U000 If, ffii. .t. tirt eupporcl Jiiat tho. d;w- iisttr was coi'cteo vjjh thr; m'rlblj craptiou of Mount Vc'cuvius oo the 'M j inst;. b':t Fiof. Fultnicri fcy.ys that thi re:ttmographir. indtramouts g;ivn no indvj ?fttotfft ci a ciist,nrDttnc; ou icu nu inc.i. t c he t! i iks tbo cutastrOT'hc.-was t erni spricsr? 'llav Hvndic aud Sob-Fretect, are di- r reeling' operations for the recovery of the bodie of the victims The royal of steamers Xaiiuna, Pafionit, and Esplo ratcyc have arrived from Naples with soldiers and physicians. The soldiers have rescued many from the rains. The population have lied to tho surrounding country and aloug the sea coast. The Government is sending food from Naples. The King and the Minister of the Inte rior havo sent a contribution for the re lief of the sufferers. London, March 8. A despatch to the News from Naples reports that another chock of earthquake occurred at Casa macciola on Monday. Eleven more bodies have been found. ' The Xctc3 . despatch from Home Eays the latest reporteshow that 126 persons have been killed and 171) injured by the earthquakes. An Old Oak Tree that Tlclded a Buccb ojT bnakes and a tan of Gold Chicago. March A Junes ties- natch from Bloomingtou, 111, taNS; "Yesterday an old oak treu on the Muc- dougall place, near the Livmgtou Loun tv line. vas choppofl dov.u,, andaa it fell with a crash, out of its top vas jolted a bunch of snakes iu a torpid condition. The most remarkable thing, however, was tho discovery in the trunk of tho tree of an old Tvhite lead can, over the top of which tviis tied a piece of cloth, acd in which waa found S415 in coiu. The monev was wrapped in a piece of a Chi cajro netvsiiarver of 1SC1. It is opposcd that the monev was secreted there by old Macdou!rali. oow dead, who owned the place,doring tho war, and who fear ed a raid oo nc:ouut of hi? rebel sympa thies A Coroner- s Juror at tUc Aza d r i 1 51omi:j:al. March 7. -Louis Lecsaid of this citv was boru iu Pari;, IVacce, iu.1777, and to-day be fulfilled theduties of a Coroncr'6 juror with the keenness; of intellect of a'mau hulfbiauec. His extreme ae was doubted until he pro-; dcd u silver enuff kos, hich he said wis presented to him by Napoleon I af ter tho battle oi Austerlitz, and besn a narration of facts that bore the impress of truth, llo served under Napoleon moat of his great battles, fading Waterloo, llo came to Canada in-1 WO, and held a commisaion iu the LntisU militia during tho French Canadian ns iu of 1837. Dchas a most vivid and accurato iccollection of tho Napoleonic wars. He had been twice married. Ilis first wife died twenty years ago. and his second he led to tho altar in July lost. She is 51 years of age. The ETaciiation or Candabar. . Xondo.v, March 7. A despatch Iron, Calcutta to the Times enye: 'by the 18th isst., Jamrudwill be the most advanced British post toward khybcr Pas-. On tho Kuram frontier the 1 ball garrison ba3 beon reduced to a mere out post of sixty men. The remains of the Kuram field force have been removed to Jagh. Thus the ecientific frontier, which cost so much to gain, will, in a few days, so far as .northern Afghanistan is con cerned, be a thing of the past. It is the all but universal opiuiou of tho ludiau public anc the prcb that tho Govern mcot will, beore long, bare bitlercaufo to regret its tasty retreat- Abdurrah man Khan is making preparations which seem to4 indicate his intention ot trying to occupy Caadahar when the Ilritisb baro evacuated it. The departure of tho British will probably be the signal for'asanguinarv struggle between Ayooo- otttudden feinkin- ot the pronml in cou irnotea nrmai si i. : .:5l .fii. : land Si -io tot Good Ht rained. Khan and the Ameer, Abdurrahman Khan." In the House of t'ommons to-day Mr. Edward Stanhope gave notice of a resolu tion condemning the 'withdrawal of the British troops from southern Afghanis, tan in the present critical state of affairs there as not conducive to the true inter ests of India. " Sir Stafford Northcote will to-morrow ask what day will be con venient for debate. This action will amount to moving a formal vote of cen sure by the opposition on the Govern ment's Afghan policy, Arthnr Arnold (Liberal ) gave notice of a vote of confidence in the Ministry as an amendment to Mr.. Stanhope's res-chitlVn. AfiOLIMA Oiford Torchlight-: A two-hor?e vagon-load of tobacco, tLc property of Mr. Sam. Knott, was sold at the Gran ville warehense oa Wednesday last an 1 brought the lucky owner over $500. Nm:s and Observer: The residence of Mr. John R. Leamau, of Clinton, N. C., wa3 burned to the ground on Sunday afternoon. Nearly if not all the contents of the building were saved from the flames. From ouy present information, the cause of the flro was accidental. We cannot learn of any insurance, and the los8 is j-aid to be about $1,500. It has only been three weeka since. Mr. Beaman sutlered a loss of 300 in the burning of a barn full of corn at tho hands of an in cendiury. Charlotte Obscrccr: It is understood that it U Mr. A. L. Cutts' purpose to pamt two additional scenes to his pano rama, and not duplicate it, as has been stated. It will take him about two months to accomplish it. The total of tho disbursements lrom the county treasury for the month of February, ac cording to the treasurer's monthly state ment, which his been made out, is $1, T'JC.OS. The total of the receipts for tho Eutro period is S22,S33.8a. The principal items of expense arc: the poor and poor hourc, $234.04; Inferior Court. SS8.30; jurors' fees, $362.40. There is yet on hand in tho treasury, $841.74 of the public road fund, and 961.70 of the fund for bridges MACCK 9.-4 tr 21. UKFKNTIWli-Q,uotea firm at ;es ot" o00 casks at that figure. 40 ror trained au advance of since last quo tations. Kales r.'.'J bbls Good Strained at quotations. TAK Quoted nrm at H 65 per bbl of 280 lbs. ' " Cit UDE TURPENTINE footed firm at at tl CI for Hard and $3 65 for Yellow Dip. COT TON Quoted weat, without sales at 10$ conls for Middling. Tno following are tbt5 official quotations.: Ordinarj 7 Coa ordi&irr Oenti Low Middling y li-ltj " 6.iiauu ....... Ootton jpirits Turpentics iOSlQ ? 4'J7 h&le 627 110 ." 158 sr.... , Grade Turpentine.... MARIS B XiEWS. ARUIVED. atuurnhhio tJci.efaclor, JcneK.Isew Tori:, T E lioDO. . ', ttleknier JE llKa be ih , W ilki n son ,Hry ) t h vibe 3teaier iFPsaport, Harper, SinlUivllle, Mastr. . . . r- . HteamerP Murchison. KobeiU, layette VVilliaTTK .v. xturrtiiiion. ttwe barque ousif: a, uoruufu:. """i'. Heide i'cCo .... . Wor oavquc ssepiciiti Ic, le.crjjen, L.ivei- pool, C 1 Mebnue T (Jer banU t-'rahling. Anron. Publui, 1a rcscbaa it Westermaun , Dan barque Louisa. .t.arso, anta Cruz, Ueidc A: tv bt-i mtf K1 Uabtstl?.: W ' IU : soolultUvlUOi Mitf-r ... nVAanjvr Tassport, Harri". Hn;ltliVlLit!, Hteamer DMurchisou. Woberts, Fayctte ville, Williams fc Murcuisou. 15r briec rraiiioro, Morrlce, Luudou, Ltiess. Cariey & Co ' Nor bamuc Iljomr.jet.. luslcmundsen, Loudon. Alex gprimt &. iou Norbriu i.:o. AJuJcrsrn, Ilnmbru-j, 1, O Eurfcor .t Ct. Exporta. Londou lr Iraxorc 1 --3 casks Sjts.S6 tb!sroJi or barque H.ieiooiet i0 oblsrosjn. Hamburg Nor barque Leo S0j caslifa i-pt?, 5.7-59 bbLs rosin. ' WhEKLY aTATEMENT or rocK o haj;d kauch 7th, I8S1. T l Cotton sjshors..,, .......... ........ .... Silo&t... ............... .................. TOtal... ..... t ..... ) MIHIOHIH Spirits Mhorr.... ............... 3,273 Total , 9.22, Bosiu afborf,,...,.MMM"""' alioit....... ,....... Total. 136,8H Tar ashcre 7,065 1,U3- aJloit.....,...w Toa'...iM Gvude ashore.. Total. ... ....... Cii?T3 roa thi weis ixaisa'Miacn 7:h. Ootion......... ' Spirits Boiin. - 7i2Q Tar.... . Orude.... ,,. EXFOiTS ft)TBlWfEKIlTWHCa 7 Domestic Gonoa- Spirits.--" Bosin... . Tar.. - ....; ......-- Crado Cotton-.. ' ii7 Mr 6 8piri ts ..... - TarM...Mi Orude.M 6,19-3,C25 1.C3 13,263 For this Port frora Porein Port fJARKS. Ncr A M Schweigard, 42 ftns.Jobcsoii, at Liverpool, Jan 9. ' Nor hollas, 258 tons, Krogb, cleared from Malaga,! Dec 29.. t Nor Atlantic, 432 tons, Kuudrrn, at Liverpool, Dec 1. Nor -Bonrvfide, 511 tons, EJasn, a' Algiers, Jan 5. . Ger Carl Max, 294 tons, Jieyrr, tai i from Liverpool, J-n 19 Ger Charles 306 tons, Linbon, d;ara ' :rotn JLondon, Jany 20 Xor Cred , 371 tons, hristoph-rs'M;. frouiLiverr l,iec 4 .Svvd Daphue, 714 tons, Westerberg. at -loucertPr, Dec SO. Cter iJs b iiizitr. J7- tous,Ddbni3, silrl (ier Favorite, 30 1 ton?, Zepbien, sailed fnm St. Vincen:, C V, January 10 Nor Hrithjof, 44! tons, Johnsen, salbd from Amsierdam Jauuary 5. !Swd G ficii, 471 uf.i, Lorgersrn, ?dilrd from istcvin v 8 .-jwd (Qstafa,310 toes, Arn ;erg, at Liv ern o!, NoVJl. Xor try. If r, 4b0 to'.s, Ortensexi, at Kra gero, Dejeuiber 1". Ger Hera, Wsiek. -. led from Limer lck, Janua y H r Hertiiann W. lfl- 061 ton, Pormin, -.ailed tr,rr trhjcow J Nor iij -'niniet, ions. lngemQndeu, mailed from Live -poos Dec 15. XorJ-i ny, 4Si u.a.4, Ojrnelitnsen, at Gloucester, Dec tt d Jens, 397 t ii.-, Uckansrn, saiied r.m Uottenberg, Not 2: Nor Jfbuen, 271 toi, 6reidsen, sailed fr in 8:avaoger, Eeb 10 IS r John 1 ,Sini;b, 305 tons, Tref y, C eaied lrom Uablin, Jan IS. Ger Lydia IVsebau, 4'J3 ton, Kreniera, sailed from London, January 7. Nor Mediator, 285 tons, Jeaaec, sailed from Amsterdam, Dec 2'J. Nor 3I'nL', 3SS ton, Mattbtesen, sailed from Liverpool. Jan IS Nor Najadeu, 2oU urns, Halve; sen, sail ed from St Malo, Dec 19. Nor Norge, 44G tons, ELennckstn, at .Liverpool, Dr 30. Ger Orion, 3:52 ton, Klassen, sailed 1 1 om Marseilles, Dec 22. Nor Providentia, tons, Holz, sailed from Portsmouth, Nov 19. Nor Samson, 348 tons, Naess, sailed fiom Liverpool, Dec 4 Nor Stanley. 474 tons,, Wroidsen, at Honfleur, Nov 17 via Ty bet-. Nor Stanley, 300 ton?, Gabrsen, sailed from CaeD, Dec 6. Gr Star of Hop?, 2S3 tons, Hanumano, aiied from Liverpool, Jan 22. Nor Septentrio, 343 tons, Torgesseo, at Liverpool, Dec 2. Nor Viva. 3S2 toes, Fetiersen, sailed rom Antwerp, (inr Wanderer. Stubioc. sailed from iu5iread, iKc 7. 8RiG. Krr Anna. 272 tons. Pettersor, sailed mm Sharenets. Dt'C 9. Nor iirazill'Un 332 tons,; Berge, sailed .rom Aleers, Dec 14, N -r Go gal, 334 toDS, Danielson, at St Ovaxaire. Jan 12. Nor Diamriii'ev, 30' tons, Terkelsen, iled from Plvmu'h, Jan 0. Ger G C Michel?, 332 tons, Dittwi'z, ' at filnneester. Dec 30. Nor baltero, 332 tons, hoyer, eailed from Ctte. Januarv 20 ptr Sitmal. 312 tons. WiliiamB. sa'led "'O 1 ' frnm Rristol. Dec 1. r on;i AAK f one -RnhirtROtl. S&iWI fVnm T.iwprnool. .Tan 15. vtr TrnTnnrfi. 221 tens. Morr.ice, sailed from Bristol, Deo 15. SCHOONERS. Br Warkwortb Custle, 259 tons, L'.uck, Gloucester, Nov 11 List of Vosaeis Over Port Feb. 21 100 tons in 1881 BARKS. Nor Scfuna, C1G tons, Christiansen, Hei'ls & Co Ger Favourite, S40 toDS, Zeplin, E Peschau & V stern: ann NTor Theodore, 29U tons, Daniesen. Hei le & C? Nji-Erato, S3 tons, Salvo. sen, r CP Meban-j Ger Eintracht, S00 ton?, Maswick, E Peschau & Westormann Nor Frey, 281 tons, Halvorsen, Heide&Co Ge: Scharahorst, 41 C tons, Herder, E Peschau & Weatermann Grfr Saitic. 44b tous, Uerwir, EHnscbau A Wf-storinann N"or Lpo, Dlf.toa". i.rfcecf Heide & C -o BRIGS. Am Chatlancora, iWlons. CuVKnor, E K (Uer fe -So-. a Nor Hiidir, 2:i4 tons, Jenv-i. C P Mebaitr Dr ZluiU, U9 tc-TiS, Burns, Alex Sprunt & -ou Rr r-"rti.r.mv. 415 tons. Sm:i EG Barker & Co Br Malaga, 2GS tons, Wason, 'Alex 5prunt.A' Son Ger C F Maa", 'i7 t.iis. Zepliu r. iVscbau Vest:inianu SGROt)NBKS.' 4m John A Grtii!!, Fes er, Jeo II rms & Co Am Alfcratla Snare. ii52 to: s, vVitham- E G Barker & Co Am E'JiibSR Seward, 244 tons, Tall, Geo Harriss &Co Am Cnrhleo. 220 ton., Niwarfi, Go Harriss & Co Am Wienie Laurin, 240 tons, Hatch, DeRoeset : Co Am Boston, 120 tons. Funnel, tVi) iarus & Mnrchison m Mary Bear, 163 tons, Ch nick, Geo II rriss & Co Am Isaac L Clark, "34 tons, mer, Geo Ilarrisa & Co Br Java, 17; ton, Home, Northrop & Cummiog Am Mary F Corson, 276 tone, WillUms, Geo Harriss & Co AnTW A DuBosqu, 88 tons Gates, Kercbner & Cider Bros Am CarriuM Bicbardson, 283 tou8,Rich 'aidson, E G Barker & Co Am Wm Jenkins, 105 tons, Redding, KG Barker & Co Am Wm II Boardman, 149 tont, tlichard 80n, E G Barker & Co Am Geo S Mar!, 442 tons, Mart. Geo Harxiss & Co Am Lottie, 2C2 tons, Stroud, Master Am W H Knight, 157 tons. Taws, Geo Harriss & Co Am Clara, 2t 8 tons, Crammer, wtg repairs Geo Harriss . OW BATKfl-For all bads of Frinuat Fereoca resldine out cf tha city eaa have their printing earefnllj executed aad sailed to them U- ot Potga VAEeOO leBevtewBandlafl ileVPWJiW Miscellaneous THE SI. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN $L li AH OOOn k FAMILY PlPB AS IS r-UfcLlafU I VTCM UOU2IT&Y. Ib OriiD'. nJ We.ecid 8tiii are fall f interest a d cooit tate cbf ics familj reiui io?. iu l?rcl pte- m.ie lo of a tij?b cr-jrot' E3ts'it lltxie. tbtto merits it is a aipendiuta of Tveil cil&te1 a'd cf ic&iite Tiietv All t .-erQ c ccarence: t hon e td Rbmftd fiad a piCt ia it- ilaxii Th bright ad jrr7Iiic lettra of the reci correspondent t,fTif 61 tLe CA(.i:a!s of Europe, ia OalifornU azd eiewhere. are pabliahed in tho Weekly, and. ia adaitioa to describisg tb3CurB9 ur poIifici events, ill (five th ifcetip o( tbe day asd the dtift of erentr. he WA8ulTOJf BUkKAU mc THK HUN will keep the readers of the Weekly wli iiiformd in repct to eerythiot: of io tetfit, -oliiicallT aod rcitlry, truupiring ct thftt p-cint. biterer besides, that is se ri cs o j yus. tbt t-cos i?e a spiee f vri tj, wi.l be supplied to taake tbe Weekij tractiTe. IT.s- MA-KST AND FINANCIAL hE P0KT8 are brought down O tLe latest beur of pub lication, nd every palDa ttken to stake them trustworthy. A-KinnLTURAL MATTERS are not nrjflect d, and the farmer will tad Id the ooIujmjs dero'ed to this sabjtct maoy valuable tints and sagarstioES. Hcuad edi toria: diecatsiens alwa s have place in tt w eekiv; nd, with its s ories ana tber light lite stare Us well writte letters frooa plaees at Qonie aad abroad, its political aud irenerai sews and gotip ana its ezcelleot Market and Financial Reports. THv MALTMoKK WiCEK.LT I'JS eommends itself to all who de-ire to hnv a thoroughly food paper at a rer low price. Teres of a33criptIoti toTariably Cash ia dranc5 Olo Dollar ptr Year lor one copy or any nnmber of oopies 15CKLA8HL PREMIUM COPIES TO UETTKRHUP OF CLUliS The folic wine liberal Premium Copies are pi ren to th se who gtt up 'lvib (or uu IfiVK 'JOP1ES. ....fS 00 With one extra copy ot the Weekly Hun one year. TEN COPIfiS .....$10 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Bun one year, and one copy of the Dailv riun three aiontha FIFTEKS tJUPIF.B 00 With au extra eopy of the Weekly fcun one year, and one copy of the Dailr San sz months. With n cstraeopy of the We kiy Boa ene year, and one copy of the Daily 8un nine months THIRTY COPIES... 99 With an extra copy of tha Weakly Ban, aad one copy of the Daily 8un one year. g& For fall termi and premium eopiei to getter s of Olmbx, tee prospects 1b TBB CS, Daily and Weekly, and in the BAL TlMuKCoUN ALMA AO for 1881, a valu able publication of seventy-two pages, free .to all subscribers te the BAt,TIHO 4U, HUy acd Weekly. The safefet method oi trantmlttins; fands by isaii ia by draft, check a- Poatofiio mon ey order. Ko deviation. Afldre? A. 8. ABELL U.t iran Iron Building', fef? 17- Baltisaore, Md. RBwM WfiBHf HeralJ. QKt DOLLAR YEAR. Si tsis popular i . e"vrpapiii- f.asicorfcA.-ea cunng ine pasi Vi-uV 't coiitai's iitl tbe' ieadinjf news of Lt- ; ai; Hemic!. ?..i-t UK ar?anjed ia handy 3;:&atoeritt. i he FOIlKl-iX NKWri enjbrae fr':-:l dispatihef froxn alqor ters of tt Ti-t v. Ua i - ta hnaa of AMKrtlCAN NEVV8 &r- circn the Ta!"irraptic Despatcbo -f 'he veex M ooi &1I i.arta o! the Un?on Tti te. I HE WEEKLY HERALD ha taost riaabie cbrocicie ia the world, as it i the chfrapest. Eviry week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL. NEWS embracing: ociplete acd coaiprebepsire despatches frou Wttshlnjrti'n, inoiuoing fail reports of the 8ieeche f ewioent politioiaas on theqaestion of the hour THE FARM DEPART MEST cr the Weekly He--ald gives the latest as well as the at practical sojrfestHna anJ discoveries relating to thednue of the farm er, hints for raiaing CaUle, Poultry, Orain-, 'n-M, Votretables, Ac, Ac, with sujfKtl e ior Keeping bi'iidings and farming utensils in repair. This is aapplemented by a well edited department, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME, tiTipp reccirti for ractical ! lubes, hints lor making oio:Lla and for keeping up with the latent lahioo at the 1 west price hvery Hein of cooking or economy ugestfcd in this department is practically tested by ex terts before Dablieatiun Letters ron our r-- . . . .a. Farii asd London correspondents od the verj latest febicne The tft.m Depait rat of tb Wjeexly e ald will eave the hosewif more than one hundrt-d times'tfce priso of the pa per Tha intercut o' SKlLLEDoL MiOii are looko alter at.d 'everftiiin relating to neih&nies Dd labor saving is carelutlj r corcloi Ineieia a pge aevoted to ail t9 la:j"t phases of tbe bosincss marke s, ropfc, Me-chardise c. Ac. A vanbie feature band in th specially reported pricts an conditio ns-of TH PKODUCEu MARKET. Sporting Kews at home and abroad, to gether with a Mtory every wrea, a tkroou by ooue eminent divine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Personal and rtea Note Thore is no paper in the world m icb cmtainso much news matter every week as the Weskly Heratd, which u sent, pt-Ue free, for One Dollar on can subscribe at any time The New York Herald in a weekly .form, One Dollar a Year. Address, . en York Herald. b roadway and An-. Htr'eet,hew York dee 11 Winberry Oysters. THE FINErtT Of the By th Doses, Quart a Galloa, at JOUt iarH st Notice. PPUOa.TIO WILL' BE MADEO the Oe&eral Aseesbly, at its npvosehlag seasiout for a Vftavrter for tbe Vilsnlagtors Barks Company lt-Kr!Z SPEEHB Used ia ,tb rl&cipa! rtarbs for Ooataa Excellent for I adies spd T7takl? renoni kfna?:r Aeea. r- 8peor's Tort Uraiie uine Foun Tearo Oitl. rpiU3 CELEBRATED ffATl?K TflNI li made from the Juloe ot the Oportr Graft, raised ia this country. IU iavaluabls Toalc acd! Streuitlieiiiiit Froncrties are unsurpassed bv any ther native Wine, Being the pure juloe of the grape, produeee under Mr. Bpeera owa personal supervision, its purity aad genuineness are guaranteed The youngest child saj partake of its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantsge. It is particularly bene, fieial tothe aged and debilitated, and svited to the various ailments tLat afflict the weaker sex. It is, ia every respect, A WIS B TO PI BSI-IKD ON., SPEER'S P. J. Sherry, The Y. J. 8HEURY is a Wine of BIOS CHARACTER, and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape from .which it is made. For Purity. Klenness, Flavor aad MEDICINAL PROPERTIES It : will he found unexcelled.; . SPEER'S P. J. Brandv, This BRANDT stands unrivaled ia thie Coantrj, being far superior for nredical pur poses. IT IB A PURE distillation frm the f rap and contains valuable medicinal properties. It has a delicate flavor, similar to that ef the grapes frcm which it Is rfiitflled, acdU io great faver amon first-class fsmilie. bee that the signature' o Alfred ' Hpr, Paaiaie, N. J.. is over tht cork r,f eaeb bet. tie. '.". For sole by W. II. OSEEN,J ; O. tlcNPe. Druggists, and T. L BRIDO&K? A Ot e.26-tf Sarfcet St. " 32 1 Biarn off the show Cate with -Shcemaker " M Y STOCK OF BOOTS AND SU0ES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now is -the time to supply your families. " A full Hue of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, In lace and buttons. See log is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. ' , A new lot of thoe 8COTCH.80LF. GAITERS Jurt receive. Don't forget the old number. :c : - , O. ROSEWTHAlL, 32 Market Street:. nov 8 COMMERCIAL sLargc sample Lioouku tor Commercial Travelers A - - ( Hst PKOPBUTOa havtea tAcroag&lv tenovatad this House aasl ramished It txre ly new. Is prapmred to give to the trave 9g puhlie all the leeavealaaelee of a j f lftttT CLAS8 HOTEL. It b located U the vary eatre of the busts ee part ef the dty feeing eonvedeat to tbe principal tmslftetj hoasee. rownee, uertroa use, vily nail aa4 fjoart Hot. V pSr-k rim-Ui Hr ae WlUaie eoaaeeted with ibis H&tjl - ' ' - , t ! RATZS i rJCK DA V. r.A. tfc: mil r-w mmm 7 i 6: HOTtL 1