jPLEASS S OTICS. W will bhul to X8CalTctoiaiia!aaUat from-our ttUndscn ay and all rebjeou KfiarlfBtarertnf .J :i. ' " josh iv'; i x n jts The MlflEW tie oame'oT taa wrilercii'isjt t tai ; pibn4 tojMttortN--. ' onuaaalcatloiis r&'Mt b wftn ivoai ' onedds of the.papcr ' -, J ; ."' Pemnalltles zavi t clW ' j: Ad it if epociAlly iwrtvUrly aider itood that tho divtr l-s tf ulirji sdori the Viws ot oorre?poalaaU(- nzlots no Ute in the editorial ooiumaj. 't ' 'ITo-w AdvertiBemont3. llules t Blules l ults ! mCKlTtiN, fOHTAUl. rA4D. r cuor itvu 1 35 fact mo d flit SC enta'. yf rhre, m ny part the city, t ib . bv raw, or 1.1 onts oer wet." idrartising rates to- and libera. WILMINGTON, '. C THURSDAY. MARCH 10. jSSJ. NO. 10 VOL.' VI t y.&tiviQicribQrB will report any and . New Ady rtiseme-n's NO MORE LEAKY ROOFS ! JrROX CLAD WATER" PROOF PAINT as net equal fort stopping leaks. It is guar- anteed for 10years. Any roof, no matter I ' how tad, can be saved by this paint. Aa Booting Paint and far Damp Walla . it baa no equal. .. v - Samples and testimonials furnished upon j . ; application at Office of the Iron Clad Paint - Company; on Second between Market and ; Prlteess streets. . f eb 26- LOCAL JiEW S. , T J tsouTHEBASD Mules ! Horses '. J A Sprixger Clean Coal ! K M McIntire Fresh China Matting IIeinsbergek Pens and Pencil C W Yates Blank Books A Shriek spring Styles 18S1 1 Ttyp Gerraan,barque Amanda cleared today for Newcastle, with 2,G10 bairels rosin, shipped by Messers Alex. Sprnnt & Son. . . . . Personal, Chireir Complelea Dcaicaxoiy bemces tho late Professor Woodman, of Dart tv rn Vi r'allorfo find Mka Ann K. Far- ;.;n,tnn T Portland. Maine, both of proves a town and is possibly mong whom have aided so handsomely in far A handsome new building is always a dalight to os for several reasons. It It has FMM ST 1881. y FIRST INSTALMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES At r. A. B. Chase, who has many friends here, is m the city in the interest ot Ucssrs. Luddcn .& Bates, for whom he has been working for many months past. We understand that the Merchants' -Association of Baltimore, at a recent meeting, deeded to put on a line of steamships between Baltimore and Wil mington. We could learn no particu lars. . Go to Jacoei's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at tho lowest SPRING & SUMMER TLtSr IN , r-:: J ARRIVING NOW aT S 1X15.11115.' O Shoo Store. fcb 11 - Market Street B fa nk Books. SUITABLE FOR .EVERY LINE J OF business, in stock, and made to order. : , Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fino Stationery, large stock. Pictures, Frames and Easels. &c, Ac. School Books aad School sup .ylies,at - : ' - Yates' Book Store. 32 ?w3arket St. 32 f .. .-., - v5 - V? f & 7 tK !iVJ mmm I S' ' Court Calendar. .The Superior Court3 for the Srn-inr term in this and neijrhborinjr counties will be held as follows: Bladen, March 2l8t ; Columbus, March 28th ;k Bruns wick. April 11th; Onslow, April ISth : feobeson, May 2nd ; Duplin, May 23rd ; Sampson, May 30th; New Hanover, June Cth ; Pender, June 20th. This is a correct list. There are several errors, we notice, in a list published by tbe ttoldsboro Messenger and copied into the News and Observer. Supplemental. . We are requsted to state, by Mayor Fisblatc, in connection with cur report yesterday of the attempt to erect a frame building on the site of the old market, that he acted entirely under advice from Bo;viGof Davis and that hp had applied totstat gentleman ; lor - uuvot' iu xnc premise before Col. Moore, the Fire Marshal,' had protested to him against allowing the building to be erected there H did not interfere,according to the ad vioe given himj until the first piece o Bcantljng was in an upright position. the greatest educators we hare. , i i i .i 4 i nu.,.i, uuen earn mat, ne wuo causes a ouiuc vj nishing mo iJirsiuongregaiiouiii vyuun.ii of this city, have arrived here. They gras3 t0 grow nhe none grew before .3 con,c to bo present at tl,o dedicatory ser- phnthropjst, far greater .s he then a bencfector who causes to be erected a vices of the church. v. piace oi worsaip wnere ine uivinc tcai;i- Mayor FUhblat'n Case. Hngs of Him who is greater than all will We learn that the case of Mayor Fish be given without price and without blat.e. nrres tevesterdav uDon toe charge money. - ' :l . . .. . i e r ,MTof Tno. iha fUWmpn'a and farmer I 1 he First JJensregationai cnurcn 01 L 11 otherwise known as the "Poor man's Wilmington, which has been under the KidTinstPiul of coming to trial at U course of erection- for months past,-is clock to day. as was yesterday stated by completed and will be dedicated on oav- r,c .-.r, iho nnthor tv oF the MafflStrate I uiuajf uiguw a lie tuuiwu 1a ... Whn ind the warrant, was. upoufurther of tha American Missionary Association rnnQidpration and reflection by this same It is located on Nun, between Sixth and Justice of the Peace dismissed late yes- Seventh streets, and is under the charge terday evening without a trial, y Ada ttray. Air. Bloom, Agent' of Miss Ada Gray, is in the city preparing for her second appearance here this season. It was Miss Gray's intention to leave the South by way of the Mississippi river but as that country is flooded she con cluded to make a circuit back and go out of the South over the Chesapeake & Ohip It. K She will give three per iormances in this city.commencing on the 17th inst. She will play East Lynne, Camilie, Frou Frou, and Ruth Tredgette, the tramp. of the Rev. D. D. Dodge. The gentle man whose munificent gifts, incognito, have.come very nearly paying for the erec. tion of the edifice, is expected here on j Saturd. y mornincc to attend the dedica tory services and then for the first time will the congregation and society know to whom they are indebted for the hand some sums of money which they have re ceived from time to time The church is built of native material; the brick, made near this city, looks very much, at a lit tle distance, like Philadelphia pressed brick. The main body of the church is 72x36 feet, with 2 feet height in the nWr . Thfi vestibules on the east and west ends of the strath face of the build ing are twelvfe feet square and, like the - Tfic mails; Tho rnaild close and arrive at tho City PoatOSce 85 follows : , Northern through mails. ... .C 00 p m Northern through and way TO"i!a-.. .........5:30 a. m. Raleigh... .o.30 a. m Mails for the N (J. Railroad, . and routes supplied there from, including . & N. O. Railroad, at 5:30 a.m. Southern mails r ill poiaw South, daily . . Sam and 7 :45 p'. m Western mails (C O U'y) oaily . (except Sunday) 8:10 a. m Mail for Chcraw & Darliug ton ......... ":45 p. in. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 8 a ai & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and o25ces on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... Onsiow O. 11. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.... Smithvillo mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) Mails for Easy Hill, Town . . , . . .... r j i - .;-;rpjr, i-maroue an: uauo Btver, O, every Mon iiay and TbursJ&y at Wilmington and Black River . Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days aud Fridays at 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOR DELIVESy. Northern thruogh and way mails,, 7:00' and 7:30 a m. Northvrc snails 9 00 a m 4niitrurn Mails 7:30 a. m rp wo oi'i loads liOLSs't ; CXK CAR .QD HOESES ! Ruit tli work, for salobr . . . . . f '- .. . ..".,.... - , V - T.80IITI2KRLANDt- Ptfccd street mcb 10 3k A 1.00 p. rc. 8:10 a'ro G.00 a. m 8.30 a m 6:00 a. in. Ai?ricuitur n'vrv tons i Salt. ' f. , Apricultural purpose lor ta'.eat w - . fob 23 Imdiw - , " "SyiLLAEB'S". 500 - feu 23-1 xnd&w Cottjon ! ToTTT?t o rr DUSnELS COTTON SEED, : 1 ' tot sale rat .- .-. v . - : . " WILL ABD Is.' Liverpool Salt. 10,000 SACKS FOR SALE AT feb 23-lmdAW "WILLAKIVS" Carolina Central Railway Fact for fhtt Meitiodists. It is gathered from the minutes of the last session of the North Carolina Con? jnterior of the building, are finished with fsrence of the M. E. Church South, there natiye pine and cypress. All the window are in the conference 244 local preachers saaa an(j wainscoting are made of cypress and 67,271 members, an increase during asare aiso the inner doors. If a digress- ie year of 898. During 1880, 1,959 in- i0n will be pardoned we will say just faats and 2,228 adults were baptised, a here tnat Mr. Dodge stated to us he decrease of 156 infants and 1,149 adults, thought it very peculiar that .the people There are 74a Sunday schools, a decrease ta this state in finishing buildings com- of 28; 4,760 teachers' a decrease of 145 pletely ignored cypress, while; persons 38,993' scholarsj increase of 1,749. Dur- North - thought thecjmadpniost ing the year the church in the State con- beautiful finish and would send to this tributed $3,240.10 lor domestic aDd $5, state, thousands of miles off, to get the 026.50 for foreign missions. Marine Disasters. The schooner Mary A. Potvers, Capt. Wells, bound from Weymouth, Mass., with guano to this port, went ashore! near the Bar yesterday and lost mizzen- mast and all attached. The steam tugs 8ign offthe Show Case with tl Shoemaker : -mpT STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES always complete. Call and examine. Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. HOW m the time to supply your families. A full line of those CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, In lace and button. Se-. lag Is believinar. Convince yourself of the faA- new' lot, of - SCOTCH SOLE i GAlTEliS just received. Don't forget tie old number. ' O r SEKTH A L, ats ittarfect Street. . rov 8 c j A.T THE LOWEST PEICSS ! CEftnUT MY WIPES BEFORE HAV1NQ YOUR. PBiriTiriO -DOtlE ElSEVHRRE ! Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 Has -Anjboily jl.ost Ills Head ? Mr. Marsaen enaioy, vuhb pawiu , mauu I proper ventilation. The church along this afternoon on the East side of Alpha, Blanche and Douglass have -t of 450 Third Rtreot. between Market and Prm-1 gone down to endeavor to pull the vessel . .f Jf. . na , op9 nlrk-pd nn a human skull in the 1 off. street. How it came there is a mystery, but it is supposed that it was carted there to fill up the street with earth ta ken from the City Hall "property, and only became ULearthed during the recent rains. It is well-known that at a remote The schooner Mir a A. Pratt Captain Boulo, bound from Mobile for New York, with a cargo of lumber, put in at Smith- ville on Tuesday, the 8th inst., with rudder-head gone. 1 cypress for their buildings. A glance at the church will satisfy any one that the cypress makes a mo3t beautiful finish equaling, and possibly surpassing, the curly pine. The build ing will be heated by furnaces and par ticular attention ha 3 been paid to the The church has a The seats are what are known as the Union patent reversible half-arm chairs and besides being exceedingly comfortable aie very pretty and substantial. In the north end of the-building is the pulpit and on the riffht of it is the choir. The cp pulpit furniture, which is exceedingly tasteful, is made of solid black walnut, A -1 A. 1 were many lnieniicnxs inauu vu mr .1 . i .. 1 il . A. square on wiucn now sir.nss itie city Hall building. Ti e Railroad Bill Passed. rv Nutt received a telegram -o-- r-j - r r omc3.J.D.ImbodeD, dated ia tbe Eet.EW on Tuesday to the effect will be used for Sunday Sch , staling that' the amended that the only restrictions which ren,.n cisw. We neglected to say in tl , . i e .1. -a 4 now in the Scott bill arc those which o!- place that the side chairs we CKli'4 persoa. i.Mbf ot of the city and sent Y) tfcWbr matt free cf posUgt. ; - v f. . WAttBOCK, " " Vdo,ner Cttamtd TTafr Streets BOXES REFINED PEARL, TmnrrtTCd CklTl Now is yourtim1' . Mr. Henry Nutt received a telegram this noon from at Raleigh bill providing for the sale of the State stock in the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. had passed both houses or theLig islature. We' have had no further par ticularsbut ss Gen. Imboden spoke cl leaving for Bristol this evening we judge that the bill has already become a law. Tbe result was almost a surprise. It was known that the bill had passed the House but it was feared that it would not get through the Senate, whereupon a H. VanBokkelen and Henry Nutt and Dr. A. J. De Rossef sent a joint telegram to Mr. Dortch in the Senate, earnestly requesting him not to allow the bill to be lost there. The response came-sooner even than was hoped for. And now o from Wilmington to the Blue Ridge, over' one continuous lino of railway, on the first day of Ju'y't 1883 Stamn from 8 a. m. to l M.. aud frooi 2 to 5:80 p. in. Mone Order and Register Bame as stamp office. General delivery open trcra o:OU a. m to 6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Stamps for sale at Keneral delivery when stamp office ia closed. Mails collected from street boxe3 every day at 3:30 p. m. The Oxonian, 1 Journal of Literature and Educa tion. . 9 - Published Monthly, at Oxford, N. C.,Nat One Dollar a Year, in advance. THEOXONION aims at in creasing the interest for Literature 'and Education, and frfves original articles on subjects of vital importance as well as cri iclsras of tho newest and most valuable publ'Catlons. Offers decided advantages to advertisers. Iligh average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are rrec ironi er rors, anji, are tastefully: displayed. Its ad vertising rates are not in excess of its value Denarttr.ent open to anadvertiser. Advertisements, Intended the office by the 20th of the month . ' 4 - J. (J. 11UKN JiK, mch O , ! " Oxford, N. C, 4.00 p. m torn, Bacon,, Mol.iSisos. How to De your own painter Buy the K. v. Knamel Paint, ready mixed ana warranted at Jacobi's. t Buahs Prime White CORN, Boxes Smoked and D S Sides DIED ...In this city, on thetnoxning of Af? I Inst.V "of typho-malarial fever, SARAH SWANX, wife of B. F. Mitchell, In the 6Sth year of her age. The funeral will take place Friday morn- Ino-." 11th inst.. at 11 o'clock, at First Bap tist Church, from thence to Oakdale Ceme tery. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectiuiiy invited to auenu. Of membranous croup, at Burgaw, Monday, 7th inst., at 2 A.M., little WIL LIAMSON, youngest son of Sam'l P. Hand, ae-ed 15 months. Little Williamson now rests sweetly and happily in his mother's arms, who preceded him only a lew short montns ago. 10,000 s ID try CL ( Ilhds and Tierces - . OtjyJ New Crop Cuba, Just received and for s WILLIAMS .& MUItCHISOl - . . J . j . ... We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's period in the history of our city there for Household Hardware of every descrip-1 finisted vith jnlaid yeneering and was a present from Mrs. Woodman,, of Cam A Difference of Opinion j bridge, Mass., while the organ is the gift This-morning's Star publishes a teit-f 0f the Smith Organ Company, of Boston gram from Maj. C. M. Stedman, now in j On the south end ef the edifice is a ros- Raleigh, in reply to a statement made J trum about the size ot the pulpit which School cxer- he proper place inaime-uue cnairs were iu ue feet the authority of the police. Mai, placed en an incline facing the pulpit. Stedman expresses himself as ''entirely Whenever the rostrum is used the chairs satisfied $b&t the Review does not wish I can be reversed. to mislead the public or misrepresent ! The spire, of the church is about 100 feet me'' (him) and in this he is surely right-1 high and is arranged for a bell. The We have had no axe to grind in this I building is made -pf the best material matter, neither lor ourself nor for any j the lumber being all heart and tbe brick one else, and all that we have said has J among the best we hve seen made in this been dictated solely and simply by whst State. The edifice presents quite an im we have considered best for the public posing appearance and is a very great good. As to Maj. Stedman and our-1 improvement. It is one of the hand- self it is simply a difference of opinion, somest little churches we nave ever seen He thinks that "the bill in no way land Mr. Ddge and Alfred Howe, affects the authority of the police but I who built and superintended the work, only prevents carts and dealers from be-1 have just cause to be proud of the frnits in" forced into the stalls of the; Wilmmg- of their labor, baturuay nignt, at i:ju toa Market House Company," while we o'clock, the church is to oe dedicate think that It goes further and gives them j The Rev. James B. Taylor will rea'd the the run of "any street, alley or by-way I scriptures, Rev. C. L. Woodruff, of Bos in the city;" and provides a penalty of ton, will deliver the Eermon, and Rev. S50 fine or 30 days imprisoxment, at the Jos. R. Wilson, D. U the dedicatory Who can tell what has become of the discretion of a justice of the peace, for prayer. The music for the occasion win old military bounty iana warwuts. interference whatever, except under be beautiful and appropriate, uq oa- . . i . . r . r- 1 1 . V " the Board of Health, day morning tnc nrsi oaoDain service will be held. The public are invited. City t onrt There was one case of a colored woman before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct and insulting po- CLE AE COAL ' r GUARANTY ALu COAL I SELL BE ENTIRELY FTZZ FROM 10 GUAKO CKAKY OTHER IfJUICUS SU3S7AKCE. ALL REPORTS TO THE CON TRARY ARE FLASE! mch 10 J. A. SPRINGER, Fresh-China Mattiag. In Trlit; ard race-Coicre. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &c. 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, ' 250 Bbl Sugars, Granulated, A, Extrt C and C, . ' ' i - 50 Bbl3 New Orleans Suar, , 850 Bags CofTte, duTerent grace3, , 125 BoxerAesorted. Candy ) , 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, , .75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakes, . : 375 Boxes Lye and Potash, 200 Boxes Soap ' 1 '75 Boxes and Kegs So3a, 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff, ' Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, &c, ; "Randolph Sheetings. 1 For sale by . . feb 23. WILLIAMS & MURVHISON. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, LMI'GTO", "S. C, March 5, 1S61. SoicelLicp tew scd prstty. Inrin, Ex tra hope ior Bd BrDiie's il a very low pr'ic.r, cooji ra iely. . Lace OR 0 oyalGlos.. for eooUog purposes. prfce. have betn REDUCED, 5 - A'.rvrr noor V tWPTl t V-tl VP A nrn i9n RO and 40 acres authority from each which were issued to soldiers or The Scott bill positively prohibits inter- their heirs for services renut-reu im i fcrencs ana mere is uo mviup u - i t (-11 i jn;nna rr jxat. i? loriua war. iox nciuiuuw""; . . tA.;Ann n-ir A rnstooK war. an i war, icaiw" '- . ' Indian .wars. 1 hey amount m the ag i am, m il 1 inn and fiv nrregie w U1V.I v ....... r,,Jr.(l thousand acres. They must b n ilin nld naners left bv vour grand father, your father or your mother, ana reader of this article see if he or she can-1 community we sincerely hope mat we i ' defendant" paid the remaining this or in the supplemental bill by which police authority is recognized. A sani tary interference is provided for but not a oolico interference. A m ItbVf t K f -"" We trust that we are wrong ana ior n rj , fi d glQ haif 0f which the sake of the peace nd welfare of this ftfterwarij relBitted by the Mayor. JL lice; (we suppress the name by request). Xagl e Pencil Go's A Hree a-eortxent cf Creani, Ecru tad Wiiite, 3K 3a 4 lo p. 'in i . .CI3 wiil 6, oibh jca. I XTVn-ON ,. -XW an bo nsei ii .vi t- a litMfr-tHx i'.prc?, aci qii(pretl. Tbi ' Cw.tco included m he A3ortf&ent Hb OK. It1! OOL BUNTINGS, and a Tafict7 tfnfw trja d eirftvle Co- 1. 8r- C lull;, R. -:M cSntire. meh 10 Live? m re's TEW 'VL'I'KAPH'O fkv. Toe sly r'jV. i n now in market. r f.f ta's t . ' not find one or more of them; when found. I arc. We must be, wesuppose, as such discharged. write vjnaries u- uhuuic,i , . . --it.! D. O- 629 T. street, and yon Wilt wo - . nn able lawyers as Maj. Stedman names say so, but yet wo have scanned the two acts TND1L1BLE l:l K sd Coryjr Fees. A JL. Lead encll ?..i B.iax pr ;pe-tiea of a Pen with Co?io; I t- Ton can now buy Improved Heating and Cook StOT at factory priccsat Jacob i'a. f ael 10 Kcr n.'e st LIv Hoc Bto;. IRS3ZS29 J2JJ3Mar-i 1 UhtiTXZ, ,i : vrv r r Commutation tickets of; denomi- nations of 1000 afad 2000 Milcir, accepUblo over the connections of tho Wflmlngton 6z Weldon R.-R. at Goldsboro and' Wsldon, and espedally adapted t5 the necessities of ... V . commeMal travel, ai c issued by tbe ViI Bungton dc Weldon E. R , and are on ealc at its Pa;seugcr Depot la Wilmington. i A. 'POPE, mch 9-tf; , General Passenger Agent PASSENGER bEPAETMENT, QOMMUTATION TICKETS of Denomi nations of 1000 and 2000. lilies, acceptable over the connection of the Wilmingtnc , Columbia '& Augusta R, R-t at Florcare and Columbia, and especlalljr ' adapted to I the necessities of commercial travel, are Is sued by the Wilmington, Columbia- fc Au gusta R, R.,' and are on sale at Its rasicuger Depots In Wibnington and Columbia. A. POPE, tach Mf General Ps;r jr Ajent. very carefully and we "fail to see iw vailable to you. leoo-xw

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