.-. v.,1ttia PAP IS ---'Vpaotfjaad iTirt ifttnMi. fUaAarl bx - w w ' - - -"-7 -v - i. --i . ' ' . ----- - wro a?ro tojUJnt)&. a year, IS 00 8i aoaUu, $360 ; Thrae taoBt&a, $1 14 1 Obb taunt, 60 eonta.' " "'"mm'JiW W . ... M AV m aiair(, is ibt pari o ue ciij , a muc va rate, cr 13 msu per wefc. 4drertUiBjc rata low and liberal 2An hMtrituiri will nla.a-. ntntirt abt Bad 11 fkllnm n mmIu tlial MfMirt rtMrnlBrlv . ITovr Advertisement!! r:Q MORE LEAKY ROOFS I tnusi - UJUAU w A'lriK rxw-ur i aw x ill m-m w-k. . mmm m Vn ATI Vft ft TMHI oat no equal for stopping leaks. It U guar- ateed for 10-yeara. Any roof, bo matter . - 3 1 - 1 tVI . '-.). huii vau vu ww ni.u j Ab a Roofing Faint aM fee Damp Wall rt ba no equal. Samples and tecticnonkl furnished upon !, apj4kattoa at Oficeof tha Iron Clad Paint , (company, on cecowr, uwbcsi wsraex ana 1Q31 ' V f FIBST INSTALMENT OF BOPTS & SHOES SPUING G SUMMER SYTLES ARRIY1NQ NOW Ar OX2XXXZ3it!0 Ohoo Otore, fe&U Market Street . Blank Books. - In t'w.V anrt fncA tr AriW. large atoek lecture, Frames and Eaaela . School Ikbka and School sup- Yfttfta Boole Store. S5 iJJarltet flka o thi Show Csa with t.1 ; Shoemaker :T 8TOOK 0 BOOTS AND 8XXOSS Trm irmrmipta. Call and examine. Cat- '."'tef action guaranteed to cuitomers. Hew s the time to npply,yomr families. -Afull "lijoe of thoae CHILDRiyi --gCOTCH. SOUS, In; lace and buttona. Bea XtegU belleviag. 4 Convace yourself ti Af tMit SCOTCH SOUS .ciirfA number. , - 4 ROSEWTHALf ;v5;,f m1- fItBABk. m m .- - ACCERTAin MT PHICES BEfOBE . havimo your , pmriTino -., . 00I1E EL8EVIIBBE . Satisfaction Guaranteed I for ptnoas r4dibf out ct ii then by mall tv of poftsga. V Ooiwr ChBttemtaad WatarStrtats ustea id Starch BOXES BKKNKD PEARL m- Jt rAMI Tlortnoking purpoa.es., ow yourtinAj Mohave been EDUCED- , , w-' f " ; DsEQSSETSCO 1 I 12 VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. Jfew AdTcrtiscmenu. Jso L Dudlet, Seet'y Sec 221, Eadow- caeat Rank, K of P . IIeimibekgxr Pens and Peneila C W Tateb Blank Book A 8HBXKB -Spring Style l&Sl Now is the time to Dip coroer-loang- Ug ia the bad. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot tip 159 bales. - The bens are preparing for Easier laying for It, so to8pe$k In ordtr to rise with the sun jou must now get out of bed at six o'clock. v . 1 1 Tou can novr buy Improred Ileatlcg and Gook Storea at factory priccsat Jacob J 'a. A weak man trill aay more than he doe a Btronff" one will do more than he iays. Real estate is thought to be reviving in price, and many there be vbo do not regret it. Turkeys now etep down and pnt, and aa on article of food will not be relished again so til next October. When a man puts an innocent hen to work upon a porcelain egg, is he ee'ting that hen a good cgg-eamplet Emeralds,' which hare been locked up in jewel boxes for several years are coming into fashion once more. Hon. D. L. Basse!! was expected to : . return to the. city last night bat did not arrive here. He will get here to-night. A smart but conscientious sausage- maker stuffs all the old chopped flanpel in the middle, so an to make both ends meat: Schr. Cygnus cleared to-day for Pro gresso, Mexico,with 152,626 feet lumber, shinned bv Messrs Northrop & Cum- -rt ming. A writer aaya justly, farewell ia a sad word but if we could only contrive to ba it ta some of aur bad habits we should be much happier. The cornet practice is getting to be quite universal all over the city,' and hnnoM in the Jmmedate vicioit? of the BW wvw ww - . playets tent for half-price. ttr.T.TC. Mellhennv has placed a Mcllhenny has placed lrr illnminated mortar at the corner of 1 Front and Market streets. It answers I as a street lamp and is handsome. . " r: v i V.i New street lamps nare Wu F the northeast and southwest corners o f the intersection of Market and rroax streets,, and letter boxes hafe been at tacked to the posts It knocks all the love out of a man to I .t. . - Jl L.-.(t.. mno? stnnnpd snddenlv and UBfg ius " "w r I m verybody in the" ball-room hear him asked his girl: Can I hold yon a liiue whUe w"ieu we get home? A man should enter and graduate from college early in life, if at all. He then has ample time to look around and find oat what he onght to learn to enable him to make a respectable living. Ur. S. O. Northrop is to opea a con- fectionery store at the corner. of Water office The store .is being fitted npna in a few cays it win w , .. a .pntnrv arro long pads andhver - . . pads were unknown, but the -foot pad is an institution ot sucn ioDg thatthe memory of man runneth not back th time when he did not annoy the nv . wew. w--- people. Pa Mr; Mendelsohn, of this city. -o in Charlotte on Wednesday for the f nif in . marriacre. accord-1 th Jewish rites. CapL J. M. j u;a. TTatVF Bernstein, of I KOessxer uu www thatciljv -or. w a lew days ago a unique eotrvenir mado.of hair by the deft fingers of a young lady who wm some aay this city her home, me preuu her home T that H8 will k" '" ttmainder ortbe oair -- . Ui ,U1 fee. like ane. m... Tb.Wade.boro 3Vme oneof th. best of our -eekl, exchan tndxerj much improved. W. areSluJ n . ' . M.nrM.of oroeperilT always been kpers published ft ortav-w f WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. MARCH 11, The Little Jok.r "Now fou ee Me ana Now Yob Don'f r "Let well enough aloneji Better to have the day offcompletion more remote than to have the great work pass into the handakOf alien." Wil mington Star, March 1, 1881. "The bill to appoint a commission with powdr to sell the C. F. k Y. V. B R. should meet with no favor at the handa of t he legislature." Star, Mar& 1, 1881. . The iatar has not fOrgptton Tiowerr incredulous gome pebplcjuid papera proper inan ho was in their ight..7 f If they hate , the welfare of North Caro lina at heart it isn't what the Star bt' lieves." StarfMarck 4,881. Oar only fear in regard to the sale of the State's interest ia the C. F. & Y. V R. R. is the possibility that it may fall into the hands of those who will direct the trade of the rich country through which it passes from its natural outlet At a fair price we would be glad to see the road sold to some one who would complete "it to Wilmington. Star, March 6, 1881. ' This is the bill, with the ad. dition of three commissioners, referred to in the Star of Sunday last, and to which we then gave our indorsement." Start March lth, 1881. The last link in tho line of railway which connecta Wilmington with the mountains of the Blue Ridge has been completed; the last spike was driven yesterday. We now have a true North Carolina eystem,such as a Caldwell could but dream of. It has been reserved for gentlemen from another State, who have vast interests within'our borders, to do the work and build the road. The North Carolina system is now a practical real ity. The iron horse is harnessed in Wil mington in the morning and stabled un der the shadows of the Blue Ridge at night. We congratulate ourselves we congratulate the company, we con gratulate everybody, on tho cnrltion of this grand enterprise. Let the Great West belch forth its stores of mineral wealth into the harbor of the Cape Fear; its bosom is broad enough to bear them all and,from thence they will be waft ed to.every quarterjof the habitable globe At the beginning, some two years ago, it win do reiucjuucircu, uo fought this fight almost single-nandeo and alone, and "success has resulted al most by compulsion from the Legislature f the State, in securing the passage of the bill for the sale or tne atate s stocs Valley R. the Cape . . inteirritv or r - "V " I.u ' L. the ability OI uen. imooaen aau vuoc ue represents and the result has gloriously juatified our implicit confidence in those - .. xi TTT'1 enterprising gentlemen. Wilmington Star, July 1, 1883. Oo to Jaoobi'8 for Doors, Saah and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varntebea, Window Glaw, all sizes. AU ax.tfl9 wweav prices. . . - . . t Quarterly Meetings For the VViloiacton District, Metho ! dist E. Church, South, 1881. (Second noun l.) . . m Marck 2627 BJ at Bethlehem, - April 2- 3 Txr;im;.tr.n mm m i LUiuA. wm I Wilaineton, at Front Street, pvuiaingo , Apl 30. May 1 Smithviile, - v May 8 inKtBBAOih' Tops at Hcrringsn pe J , . . . . Juna -4-5 Olinton, Cokesbury, Coharic, June 1112 June 18-19: L. S. Busebxid. Presiding Elder. Indications. For the South Atlantic States -gener- ally clear weavacr. "v -j -rrr. ing cloudiness, possibly rain, winds shift ng to northeasterly, sUtionary or higher temperature, lower barometer in the western parts- - t n Through aTeirscooe. Large crowds were observed last week rje "leicope m. at th. s ,H kUrltet streets bar reporter Btoppea w M Sf SZS&S2 X ?acT of mtMco lJjSfflJ iXr.faand that . Ball'. Co.gn a ' h-gt thine "t. ' avawfcr-, fe. . v Sew dteao Yacht. A steam yacht. 30 feet long, 7 feet beam and 7 feet hold, was shipped from Philadelphia on the schooner Thos Van Gildenvn Monday last, for theNavassa Gnano Company of this city. We pre sume the yacht, which is said" to be a very nice one, will be used in going be tween -this city and the works of thr HCompafcy, at Mtares' Bluff. v . : . Arrested. o Wm Newkirk and Ben Blapey, two isolored menwerejarrested. bjfficer, Bryant and carried to the Gtoard House this morning for engaging in an affray upon tho streets. When they arrived at the-Guard Room and felt the grip of the law upon them, it all turned out to tt a joke and they declared they were only playing Newkirk was released on boLd while Blaney was still held atr last ac counts in default of bail, until the trial to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock-! Gotten Off The three blasted schooner Mary A. Powers, Capt. Watts, from Boston for this port, with 550 tonsguano, reported ashore near the bar in our yesterday s is sue, was hauled oif by the steam tug Blanche at 3 o'clock on Wednesday af ternoon and arrived in port to-day. The only damage sustained was the loss of about 50 tons of guano, which were thrown overboard to lighten the ship and possibly the copper scraped a little on the bottom. The mizzenmast, Capt. Watts reports, was lost oft Frying Pan Shoals ia a gale of wind. Mr Hermon and Miss Clarke. By letter we learn that Mr. Harry ; Hermon, humorist, mimic and character vocalist, will shortly appear in this city with Miss Louise Clarke, of Selma, Ala bama, the Southern elocutionist, and will give one of his' laughable entertainments, consisting of impersonations of character and humorous songs. It is said Miss ! Clarke excels in comedy, but tragic pow- Lr is not wanting iu jr Ala. cover who hears her recite The Sioux Chiefs Daughter;' her gestures are a poem in themselves in this recitation. She is a Southern girl, and her family and associations are among the best in the country." Bow Wew 50 I- The Rads had a bow wow at the truck house of the Fifth Ward Bucket Corn Dan v f colored! last night at which E. A. Dudley, colored, presided and W. E. N. Sellers, white, acted as secretary. The ostensible object of the gathering was for the purpose of nominating a tics et for the Board of Aldermen. The can didates numbered seven and when the time came te vote all hands except the officers were put oat of doors and were then admitted, one by one, past the secre tary's desk, where they voted. hen the balloting was about half completed we understand that it was declared that Mr. George Hooper and E. A. Dudley kwl hppti choseu as the nominees ot the "ReDUblikiu" party from the Fifth Ward. At this junction there was a rjcrfect babel of voices and confusion signed supreme, amidst which the lights -a rtinrtiifthed and every leuow r.nnA far thn door, and that was the nvio vbj " U"wa ns -" - end of bow wow No. 1 in theFifth Ward! I S h. klnnlh Atlantic. - The February issue of this magazine, which is just at hand, is one of the best that the accomplished publisher, has ye An admirable article on w Thomas Calyle, by W. M. Coleman, is the fir jt piper; All Hail, which follows it, s tie beautiful poem written by .Mr-. Preston t the memory of Bishop At kinson; Auld Robin Gray is a pleasant litde s.ory; Short Sketches of the oil Southern Regime, by P i lip' A- Bruce, is continued; If'' Father's Rome, by Francis H. Marr. 'Blsond; Alix SteDhens. bv C. DeR. Faust, is an admiraoly written critique , i i oa the great Gergia statesman ; Coo leera e, the serial cow being written by Annie E. Johns. U continued ; Walking Through the Fields is a charming poem from the pen of our North Carelin poet, John Henry Boner, and Where Doe3 Protection Protect? is a lively and forci ble paper on one of the great political questions of the day from the pen of rtftthpr North Carolinian. Daniel R. Goodloe. Gray Hairs are Honorable, but their prera tore app-arance is annoying, far- kpr'a uiir d -lsm is Dopuiar lor cieaniL nets and, prump Uyrcstoripg yoathfuj color.- NO. 1 1 THE SlAIli. Tho mails cio?8 and arr yo s.t tbs City Post Qfluce as follows : Northern tbrcnzh rnaiis. . . . G CO p xa Northern through and way , mails o:du a. m. Raleigh.. 5.30 a. in Mails for the N. G. Railroad, and routes supplied there from. includiDC A. & N. G. Railroad, at , G;S0 a.m. ffouthem mails ; r nil noiata South, daily... ..8am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (U U U y) daily : (except Sunday )..... ...... 8:10 a. ra Mail for Chera w & Darli i g ton. ;4o p m. Malla for oointa' between Flo- rence and Charleston . S$ a ra & 7:45 p tu Fayetteville, and, offices on Cape Fear River. Tuesdays, "-. and -Fridays 100 p. xa. Fayetteville, via . Lu m berton , daily, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m, Onslow C. H. and intrmedi- ate offices, 07 ery Monday and Thursday at.. 6.00a. ra Smithviile mule, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days)......... 8.80 a m Mails for Eas7 Hill, Town Creek, Shttllo M uruLfJe liiver, S. C, every Mon day and Thurad r at 6:00 a. m, Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days ant Fr days at 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... 7:00 and 7:30 a m. Northerc mails 9 00 a m Southern Mails ......... 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4.00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. to. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. fleneral delivervooen from 6:00 a. m. to6:00 p. m, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Stamps for eale at general delivery when alamo office is closed. Mails collected from etreit boxes every day at 3:30 p. m. Hdw to De your own painter :. Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed .aDd warranted at J acost's. . v t New Advertisements. Sec, rjata'aQwiiBiit -r-w v.nTTT. A T MONTHLY MEETING. Sec- rC.Mnn 221. Endowment Rank, K. of P., will be held at tjastie iau, tnis . ' . i .4.0 J ! fFridav) eYenxn2:,-aiarcn inn, aioo cuca.. mcli 11-lt Secretary & Treas. Fresh CMna Matting. Ia White and Fancy Colors. OaRFETS, Semethin new and pretty. Ingrains, Ex tra Superior ana lirusseis aix ai Tcry low pnees, comparatiTejy. Lace Outains. Alarie assortment of Cream, Ecrue and White, Ay, ana yaras 10115. prices will astonish you. -evTtfVSTnv CORNICE Can be used as wide as fire feet sir inches, and quite pretty. The Pole Cornice inciuaea in xne assort ment. BLACK ALL WOOL BUNTINGS, and a variety of new and desirable Looas. Kespestfally, S3. 9ft rcintire. mch 0 ClA' COAL ! I GUAKAV? JLlu COAL I Vthu O BE ENTIRELY FBElfi FROM GUANO Or AMY QTS-HR I JUflOUS SUBSTANCE. ALL REPORTS TO THE CON TRARY ARE FLASE! mch 10 J. A. SPRINGER.. Peruvian Guano. 20CO Tons No. 2 Peruvian Guano, FOR SALE BY Williams & ffinr: hison Fresh Eve A FINE A8S0BTMENT OIJlANDlSb, ifretca and Domettic, j.axt reelr asd fo- 'THB U5L1 1 GENJiE HOii v-MADi 0&sj in it eitj, will be kj,lioch aadiweet, tbrea doors -Hiata c; "t,e rortofeca oa fieeoad -treet. A o, H ct iIins,;Frit,AcuS C. . jrvci IHcar thoFojtoitiJ 1881 . , PLEASE IfOTIOX.- Wb will ba'clad to recalre eoninnstcatlcni from our.firls&dB oa aay and all taboU r general interest bat 4 , , - TLe aiar.B of tie wxitox &axt alwayi be for nUhedto the Editor. . '".',- . ' " Comrnxmleatlottj must be written 6a ob!j one etttle of the papar '". ''.'. ': Personalities men . rpidet Asd it ia especially tu fsazxj Uidar stood that the Editv not always eadon $ tho riewsot eorrsspoatat - xmltti to Uted in ths editorial eolu-'-as. ;. New Advertisements. fluies l Mules i iUuUs ! rp WO CAIi LOADS HULS3 I '. ONR CaK. LyAD,nQB8ES! Suit til woii:, for eale by " T J EOUTilKBLAIfb - - - . . . ' , , mcb 10 3t Hfcoad itreeU . Ariaultura .- Sailv TSfr TON'S "SAN SALT. - &JJ ' -ar Agriculuiral ptnre For tale at ' " ' - . " , feb23 1md&w ? WILLAKBS". . Cottonseeds 7. crrtA BUSHELS COTTON SEED, tJUi . For sale at V- feuSS-lmdaw WILL'ARD'S.'.' Liverpool Salt. 10 000 SACKS f.r"al? T - feb 2S-lmdAw i "WILLARD.'S" r mo re's 21- ' bTILOGKAPHIO PEN, ' . Tha oiily reliab'.B Pin no Sa marie For sa'eat vc -; ' UtIKBBEHQERS ' - ' : I Eagle Pencil Ctfs ; JNDELIBLE ISK and Copyiag Pets. , A Lead Pencil poseesring the properties lof a Pn with Copying It k. For sale at ' " . Live. Book 8 tort. mch 10 torn, Bacon j Mol tsses. 10,000 Bushs Prime White COP! , Qryc Boxes SmokedandDS Sides - O fT v -Hhds and Tierces ; OOXJ , - New Crop Cuba, 100 Bbls New Orleans Molassesj Just received and for- aale low- by -a , WILLIAMS & MUi;CUlSONl J , . Flour, Sugar, Coffee; &cmi 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated7A, Extra Caud C,r 50 Bbls New Orleans Sugar, SoO Bags Coffee, different "feradca, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 BbU and Boxes Lemon , Cakes, , 375 Boxes Lyeand Potash," -200 Boxes'SoapJ " 75 Boxes and .Kegs Soda, t 100 Boxes and naif Bbls Snuff, Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, &c., Randolph Shaetinss. For sale by , feb23 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. "wilrton & t m I ail Rii, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, ' WILMINGTON, N. C, MarckC,' 1SS1. ri 1 i im 1 W ! f r n ri V" -' I COMMUTATION TICKET3 of denoml- nationsof 1000 and 000 Milesacceptable over the connections of -the WiImlgton & Weldon R. R. at Goldsboro and Weldon, and eepcc'ally adapted to the necessities of comraerdal travel, aic issued by the Wil- mington & Weldon R. R and are on.eala at its Pa senger Depot in. Wilmington, . ; ' ' -." -K-k'W-Bn . - mch 0-tf General Passe: ger Agent WilTninntOT'rfflrjnMa' anrn?QP P V, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, . ' r If "FrjS5i V' QOMMDTATION TICKETS of Denoxpi over tee connections of. the Wflmingtna Colombia & AcgusU 14. tt., at i: loren" and Colombia, and especially adapted t inn n wwbei t lit niim m iiti m.m i vii k r f- mm guita R. R,, and are on cale at it Paasen.c Depots in W fJraisgtoa sad Colombia. ; : q A pope; ;

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