THIS PI PER PLTABSaOTXCS. ; We wmbeg'ld toreealre cenaiiafcatlon IOB T.,JlBCI. rDrro aud PHOPWrW f uai PTJOSH. fOBTAQB PAID. f5 00 Si Booth; $3 50 ; Tl .1. l 14: One month, 60 oenU. to vur irisau on aay aaa au roojeeu e feaerallaierert but ' Tie name of tie writer matt alvaytbafar Bisaea to tie Editor. .'MMr riU bed-livers bjwnhrt, iiMff, JLiiJa PersonaUtiea cm . molded And it Is eppeday u jtrtkUrly tad er itood that the Editrtr .tegs o ahrayi eadcrie the views ot cdrreepoa4st a&leat to ttiad In the. editorial columns. . Now "Advortisoxnoiita. Jlulcs Mules ! Mules ! . .rtWa rata, low and liberal VOL. VI 7 WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY. MARCH 12. 1881. NO. 12 8abKribor will pleaae report ay ud yew A dvertisemento. i;n MORE LEAKY ROOFS I rLAD WATER PROOF PAINT " fia no equal for stopping leak. It is guar .,teed for 10yeare. Anj:;xoof,i matter totr badrcan be saved by thh paint jj a Roofing Paint and fr Damp Walla j: iua no equal. Sample and testimonials farnl&aed upon application at Office of the fron Clad Paint Company, en Second, between Market and J PriLcew street. feb 28- 1881. FIRST INSTALMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES IN SPRING &SUMMaSTtrS ARRIVING NOW a r 1 S3B.ZBB.'0 Shoe Store. feb 11 Market Street . -- - 1-1 "' . Blank Booko. s LTfABLE TOR EVERY LINE! OF boslneae, in stock and made to order. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Stationery, large stock Pictures, Frames and Easels c, sc. scnooi J500KS aaa bcnooi sup- pile, at Yates' Book Store. met 7 32 Market St. 32 ia of the Show Case with u - " Shoemaker- Jji Bl-OOK OP BOOTS AND SHOES SS21' comlete Call and examine. Sat wicuon guaranteed to customers, f Now to ue toe to supply your families. i SCnTrS1.,? of those CHILDREN'S 80LE In ltct nd buttons. - 8ee gtoDelievinjr. Convince yourself of the QAir!S.loi 0f ft0M SCOTCH SOLS SfiSS receiTcd- Doo. forget tha 33 Market Street. CLEAN- COAL ! Hh K IRELY Pttfilfi FKOH t OUNY OTHER INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. jU REPORTS TO THk cON I ; ; TRARVARfr FALSE! Uq J. A. SPRINGER. Pefuvian Cuano. 2000 Tono o. 2 Peruvian Guano. U , ?OR SALE BY . I . - - ' ; . ' - . . . 5lliam8 & aurchison I ' Starch. Q BOXES REFINED PEARL, Bon . 0JU Close. Aleo improved Corn Jkhg purpcees. 'ow k your time, have been REDUCED DzROSSETAm SPRIG STYLES 2 LOCAL NEWS. . . 1 New Advertisements. . J C Walker Vacclnailon Notice Wuxxams & MrncHisojr New Crop Cuba UxiXKBjatazuTem and Fcncite CW Yates Blank Books ' A 8hkieb Spring 8ty lea 1S31 , Days' length 11 hours and 54 minutes. No interments ia Bellevue Cemetery this week. Sunset to-morrow Bfternoon at mioU utes past 6 o'clock. There were two interments in Oakdalo ! thi9 week, both adults. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 220 bales. Tou can new buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccsat Jagobj's. f In Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) there were three interments this week, ! two adults and one child. How to do your own painter : Buy the N. T. , Enamel Paint, warranted at Jaoobi's. ready mixed and ; t The Register of JDeeds lias issued, four marriage licenses during the week, all of which were for colored couples. The peach and plum trees hereabouts .i im ii ii are m fall bloom. If a cold snap should come now our prospects of fruit would be blighted. Nor. brig Ceres cleared for Belfast torday with 300 casks spirits turpentine ,r uww uj aS5rs Alex. Sprunt & Son. Go to Jjicobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. It We are requested to state that the re istration books in the Second Ward: arc open at the Court House, m the Grand Jcry Room, and not at Mr. Lumsden's residence. The case of Wm. Newkirk and Ben Blaney, colored, arrested yesterday af-1 ternoon for an affray on the streets, was dismissed by the Mayor this morning without a trial. ' A local weather prophet ventures the assertion that the present unsettled weather will calmiuate during the next ten days in a huge storm and that irame- diatelv thereafter bpriDs: will set in in earnest. Maj. C. M. Stedman, as we learn from j the Warsaw Brief Mention, has been compelled to decline an invitation to de liver the annual address to the Warsaw High School, in May, because of impor tant engagements at that time. Two of the members of the Review staff retnrn thanks to two of their little lady friends for waiters filled with the beautiful flowered moss to be found in the woods around this, interspersed with violets and hyacinths. It is a pleasure! to be remembered. ' The sausage factory of Messrs. Mott & Campeo, on Market, between Second and Third streets, was discovered to be on fire this afternoon about 3 o'clock. The building was burning under the' furnace , - o avt;nv,;aoA ;fi, uf and the fire was extinguished with but I little trouble, and was done. before any damosre Not Lost. , The schooner Lottal Captain Stroud hence from this port, on the 23d nlL, re. ported abandoned at sea, arrived safely in Baltimore a few days ago, and a firm in this city who were shippers by the above named vessel received official noti fication from theit agents in Baltimore by postal card yesterday. Good Farming Here is a specimen of good farming in this section. Col. W. G. Baldwin, of Whiteville, raised this year, on a one horse farm, 400 bushels of corn, 500 bushels sweet potatoes, 25 bushels peas and 10 bales of cotton. All of this was done without the use of fertilizers. Look! Z Through a Teles ope. I Large crowds were observed last week I gathered around a Telescope man at the j corner of Eizhth and Alarket streets. I Onr mnarter stonned to ascertain the I cause of so much excitement, paid his M0 bCUW IV w. www I thM fre nf'the moon &t which the I -w .w-w w. 1 vam' waannintAii ' Rest thin for a I Cold Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." He ovww ' r w wvmmwvp O just concluded that Dr. Bull was a high old advertiser, and that- Bull's Cough Kvrnn m thf hpst thinrr not. Hume one had stuck a strip with those words I across the end of the glass. i7t7afe- rhta.Pdi. Traveler. I Repairs Completed on the I 8 Marine llospltal. Some months ago we mentioned the fact that the U. S. Marine Hospital, on Eighth, between Xun and Chnrch streets, was to be thoroughly repaired and that Mr. D. M. Dart had been ap- pomted Oovernraent Supervisor, and gave an outline of the work to be done For several years the building was un tenable and had 'been left by the au thorities to so to waste and rain. The Pizzas around -the structure had rotted and tumbled down' under their owb weight and presented the aDDearance. not of the ruins of a castle, but that of Capt. James C. Borden, with whom she building which was gradually but slowly is connected by marriage. "We under falliDg to pieces from decay and neglect stand that there will be a meeting of the It was left. to the mercy of the elements ladies of the city who favor the temper and to rats and squatters, there being ance movement at the Front Street about thirty of the latter in it when the Methodist Church at 3 o'clock this after work of repairing was commenced in Au- noon, and to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, gust last. The work on the building has Miss Willard will deliver a lecture at the been completed, with the exception of Fjpnt street church at 4 o'clock, which painting, though there is much yet to be the public generally are invited to attend, done on the hospital grounds. At our On Monday night it is the purpose of request Mr. Dart showed us through the taese a J visitors to have anothe? meet building on 'VYed'iiestlay last and kindly inS an(1 lecture, if they can get a suita gave the Review reporter the informa- ble nal1- The7 endeavored this morning tion herein contained. There is not to secure the Opera House but that was a piece of woodwork in the house which already engaged. They now hope to be is not new or has been renovated ftDl to get the hall in the Tileston which is not now as good as ever, school building. Many of the ill-shaped cuddy holes have Mr B G Worth, as President of the been remodelled and transmogrified into County Prohibition Society, and Sheriff new paitries or closets. New Venetian blinds have been put to the windows throughout the buildinir.and the interior of the edifice is g0 cwed for the bet ter that it is hardly recognizable now as the old building which was tumbling to pieces last summer. There are bath rooms, with hot and cold water pipes, water-closets and slop hoppers on each floor. In the basement is the laundry, with stationary wash-tubs, hot and cold yxpea, dW nuppcra uuu igree pump. iNext adjoining the laundry is ohe kitchen.. iUaprtmentscannotbel01?11 o'clock. Church excelled. It is furnished with dressers, sinks, a fine,large, improved range, with a stationary circulating boiler, hot and cold water pipes, and all the little im provements known of in the culinary de partment The dead room, wood room and passages are laid with clinker brick, and the floors in the other rooms are of I wood and are new and laid in cement concrete. The rooms of the hospital are to be I heated with urates. th old fnrnaft. or I heater, having been taken down. The exterior of the building is to be cleaned and oiled and the grounds graded and leveled off. To do this .work 5,000 cart loads of dirt will be required. The premises, which are just about the size of one-half of a block, are to be enclosed by a nice fence and a few shade trees will be planted. The dead house will be pulled down, if not blown down by the winds before the workmen have an opportunity to do so. In the yard there is a fine well of water and a doable water closet. From a member ottho National Board f Health we learn that the appoint ments about the hospital are not sur tiassed. and but in a few instances ecmal- L '.i...:1..;.4ur.:,..ic,.4.. cu UJ auJf uitcu ow5. i u 7:. ,i m,. r i! chanjred and improved appeal ance and I condition, and the better ventilating : fa cilities of the structure, from cellar to dome, xm1 the excellent quality of the work done. . We desire to tender our thanks to him for his courteous attention to us during our trip through the TJ. S. Marine Hos pital. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmiagton District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. (Second round.) Duplin, at Charity, - - March 2G-2 Rladcn. at Bethlehem. - April 2- 3 Elizabeth, at Purdies, - April 9-10 Whiteville. at Carvers Creek, Ap'i J 6-1 1 Waccamaw. at Cypress Cr'k, Ap'l 20 Wilmimrton, at Fifth Street, Ap'l 23-24 Wilmington, at Front Street, Apl 30, Mcy l Smithville, - May i-8 Brunswick, at Zion, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel,. May Zl-Zl Onslow, at Gum Branch, - May 28-29 Cokesbnrv. - - - Jane li-i , Cohane. - - - June 10 1 . . m w . . r. p Presiding Elder. We advlM our Mends to call at Jxcobi's for Household Hardware of every deserip tion. There von t the lowest prices, j A Temperance Movement. Miss Francis E- Willard, of Chicago, President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the United States, together with her Secretary, Miss Anna I Gordon, of Boston, Miss Bessie Gordon, lot Boston, and Mrs. Georgia Hultz Mo Ieod, of Baltimore, the latter named lady being becrctary of the Maryland Tem perance Union, arrived here by the train from tho North last night at 1 o'clock. Tho first three named ladies are the guestsipf the NewHanover Prohibition oociety and are stopping at the Purcell I House. Mrs. McLeod is the jruest of I canning, as one ot tne v ice-rresidents of the society, called on the ladies this I morning ana raaae a tenaer oi tneir ser. vices to assist in carrying out tneir un dertaking while in this city. Church Services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows . FIBST BAPTIST CHUSCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. i.ev. M'' Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at i 7 3Q p m Brooklvn QUDday School at 13 p.m. Tonne Men's Prayer Meeting o'clock. ST. JAMES' FABI8H, Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Second Sun day in Lent March 13th. Celebration at 7'30 a m. bloraing Prater at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. T. PAUIl KTAJTG. LTJTSGKBAX CHURCH, Corner Sixth and .Market streets, Rev. G O. Bernheim,D. D. pastor. Enelish service at 11 a m. and .7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Catechetical Instruction on aay P. 8T. JOHN'S CHUBCH, uornrr Third andKed Cross streets, o c ond Sunday in Lent March 13ih. Rev. f. D. Pitts, Rector. Early Celebration at 7:30 a. m Morning Prayer with sermon at 11 o'clock. Sanday School at 3:30 p. in Evening Frayer and Sermon at 8 o'clock. 8T. MASK'S CHUBCH, Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets Rev. C. O. Brady, Minis 'er. Services are as follows: Sundays Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock: Evening Prayer at 7:30 ; o'clock ; Sunday School at St. Barnabas, at 3:30 n m. Contirm&tion CAhah At. th Church at 4:30,p. m. Week days, during Lnt Mornine Praver at 7:30 o'clock. I Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Seats iree. The Sunday Magazine For April The present number overflows with reading-matter to suit all classes, and which c.d?not fajl to prove instructive, Hntertaining and prohtable. ltisapub- ilcati0n whioh must find a welcome in r rVU u., dant an(l varied, but we can only glance at them. "How the Poor Folks Live, by the Editor, is deeply interesting, aud the twelve illustrations servo to intensify the interest. " memories of Egvpt," by S- K. Hunt. "Easter and the Days Be fore It." '"Good Friday iu Munich," 'The Gnat South American Struggle." etc., are among the particularly notable articles. In the department of fiction are, a continuation of the admirable serial "Out of the World," by Mrs. O'Reilly; -'A Ghost Story." by Rev. J. Hyatt bmith; '-Jt or the Coming of the King," an Easter Story, by Helen V Pierson. etc. There are several excellent essays; sketches of Rev. John S. Macin tosh, . D., Bishops Atkinson and Kerr, Rev. Dr. Chapiu, Carlyle, Rev J. Hyatt Smith, Rev. Dr. Hoge. etc., etc. The poems are quite numerous, and of great merit. Among the peculiarly interesting fea.uresare "The Hume Pulpit," " ard Plaves in the Bible." bv Rev. Dr. Deems, With a Smile in ''Ii,". -The Invalid's Portion and Thought for the AfEcted," "T mperance rlkV International Sunday-school Lesstns," "Editor's Portfo lio," etc., etc. The miscellany is unusu ally abundant. There are 128 quarto pages and oyer 100 il nitrations, and a singte copy is only 25 cents; annual sub scription, $3, postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing Hoc3e, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place New York. f - Gray Hairs are Honorable, but their premature appearance is annoying. Par ker's Hair Balsam is popular for cleanli cess and promptly restoring youthful color. - - i . ' THE MAILS.' The mails close and arrive Kt -the City 1 oat Office as follows : Northern through mails 6 00 Northern through an way m mails.... ...o'.oO a. m. Raleigh.. .5.S0 a. m Mails for the N. O. Railroad, , . and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. C. Railroad, at 5:30 a.m. Southern mail .-r all points South, daily . ....8 am and- 7:45 p Western mai's (U CR'y) daily (except Sunday )..... ...... 8:10 a. Mail for Cncraw & DarliDg , ton,....M..:............ . . . 45 p. tn. m. m. Malts fgr points between JblOM . rence and Charleston . 8 a m &' 7:15 p m Fayetteville, and oSces on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Friday8.......i.......M 1:00 p. ft. fayetteviilo, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 8:10 a. m Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days).. COO a. m 3.80 a m Mails for 'Easy Bill. Town O.T-k. Shnl!otto and Little uiver, S. C, orery iion- .". ' day and Thursday,at C:00 a. m, Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. OPEJI FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails .7:00 and 7:30 a. m. Northern mails 9 00, a m Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Carolina CJentral Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp OfiBce open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and' from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from C:C0 a. m. to 6:00 p. m and tn Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. , Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp omce is closed. dfty afc 3:30 p Indications. I h'or the South Atlantic States crener- ciear weather, followed by lincreas ing cloudiness, possibly rain; winds shift ing to northeasterly, stationary or higher temperature, lower Darometer in xne western parts- - Now Advertisements. Vaccination Notice. fF ALL PERSONS IN THE CITY who have not been vaccinated, or who desire re vaccination and have not the necessary means to procure the same, will call at my office.Seuth side of Princess, between Front and Second streets, between the hours of 11 a. ib . and 1 p. m., from March 14th to 19th inclusive, I 'will vaccinate them, free of charare- I would state that there'Is no case ol Small Pox within the limits of the city, but vaccination Is required as a pre cautionary aud preventive measure. . J. U WALKEK, Supt. Health New Hanover County, mch 12-lt Star and Post copy It New Crop Cuba. Finest CaiSTO tlllS w vwigw . Season. 536, HHD3. SELECTED 2xy tnur Kjv li A. I 50 1IERCE3 SELECTED NEW CROP CUBA. Just "received, anil now ...landing ex Sthr Margie Dallin. . For sa!c low by Wiiliain IV .urch mch 12 Frsi C'-ia 5Iaitii la White and Fancy Cclor?. CARPETS. Soraerhinarncw and pretty. InjraJn.5, Ex Ira .ucrior aud Brussels ail at very low prices, . comparatively. I . Lace Curtains. A laree assortment of Cream, ' Ecrue and White, AM nd 4 yards lonfir. The prices will astonish you. EXTENSION CORNICE Can be used as wide a five feet six inches, nd quite pretty. The Pole Cornice included in the aasort ment.-. t - V ? . BLACK ALL WOOL BUNTINGS, and a ariety of new and desirable Good. - -' . . ' - -,. Itepectfully, . fJl. filclntire. 'l'u L'Ai LQ ADS JklUL"S3 t ONS CAS LOAD HQ2SE3 t Snft all work, for sale by 1,1 T J SOUTDRKLAKD, ach 10 Ct V; t Fecocd atreef. Agricultural Salt. -. ..... TON3 LLI-AX SALT, 1 .VpyU FoAgtura; 1 TtUT.ii ' feb 23 lmd&wv ' "WHXAKD'S". Cotton I5eed- nfffi DLIIELS COTTON SEED, OKJVI ' -For sale at-- ool Salt. 10 000 SACKS for sale at feb 2,T-lmdtw "WILLAJID'S" Live?m ore's JEW nTYLOQBAPaiO PEN. the only reliable Pen now In market, Por ea e at .,.'; f . v " ; " HI!f8BEROER'3, Eagle Pencil Go's JNDELIBLE ISK and Copyist Peas'. A Lead Pencil possessing the properties of a Pen with Copying Ink : . 'I . 1 , For sale at UKlNHBSHGER'a, ! Live Book Store. mch 10 Corn Bacou. Molasses, 10,000 Bushs 'Prime White CORN Boxes Smolccd and D S Slles 275 Q XfV Hhds and Tierces -fJCJyJ . '"' New Crop Cub' 1 ff Bbls New. Orleans Molassef, XVJ ' --': ' J ust received and for sale low by fc WILLIAMS & MUKCIUSON 5 Flour, Sugar, Ccffee, &c2 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades; '230 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, "A, Extra . ' - CandC, ' - . ( - CO Bbls New, Orleans Sugar, ; ' -350 Bags CoHee, diluent grades - 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, - ' 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls-and Boxes' LcmonCaicf, i , 375 Boxes Lye and Potash, . 200 Boxes Soap; ' : .. 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, ' ' 100' Boxes and Half Bbls.SnmT," Shot, Buckets, ; Paper; Spice,: Pepper, Gin- ger, noop Iron, &c Randolph Sheetings . ; For sale by ' ' ' feb 28 WTLLIA3IS'& MURCHISON. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! mrrTTt trt m nm w not atTryT A ?T a from any thin? ever grown 2ier. dellctoan raw or cooKea. coa sent ny man cis. ynzwr. - Bean of Janan. balr bean bail nor. nam by ajnan. the r by cbtrt- to be rirhest hamno rood ood known. Vi n fodder plant. Hoed. 14 ct. paper. CutMia Queen Watermelon, Just Import od. largest Tartet r ever irrown- In U. K, firm, luicioup, crisp and snsary : be!t to kep or ship, 25 cts. a papjr of feeds, 6 papers for SL Vry bcarco. lx-f-Wnd Mnskmelon, largest lrnown.2 toS fbee lonr nnt qaality, early and prolific. 15 ct. a parer. Climax: Tomato, richwt flavor, "arly. prolific, solid un eqnaledlnevery wav,l5ct.apttper. White Eflrrp tlan Corn fxom tiie Nile. tlds lmuienlr In the Bonth where other corn fail. Unequal-1 for table or atock. 33 ctv a paper, 73 cti. a iKu'nd. plant felarwtvoftT: 10tO12 f . bijfli, 15 cts. a paper. Cuzro Corn, eralns 1 In. Ion, in. broad. Seed will brin(rfabnlO'5prieM, 15 ci. a paper. All. the above sent fur 11,3 of each for Addreau C, CGICaSEZlTrCO. Atlanta. Cia. neferepcei lion. ,V. J- Calooun, 31ayor of Atlanta. - ; .'.'., ' t hi d'asat-wly ,f ..'VT.'.'."" -EKURSE ASD DcVab? ,TKZ FOrlS!. If shrank wholly or in part from n&tnre or dis ease. Advice free. Deacrlbe mm and send Bt.imr to P. Im I. Co Atlanta. Ga. No humbu?. Uigu est reference. Ootresiiondenee coniid-ntiaL. blt.dla eat-wiy , ELEQAKT JEWELRY CHE To Introduce oar Dew styles and inflartsUfidfj we make tbe followlnjr unparalleled rfr foe hort timer The Berlin I'aeJkt contain a eo!d' plated watch chain, a?at nhawl pin, ladv "te tran t aet Jewelry, tw bean t?a a bottoas. coral n-k -lace. set of agata ntuda.coM plate band rine, collar button, key rinif, poeJc book. Imitation ajllc handkerchief, pen. pencil, eemk envelope and visiting cards. All the milled to you It Xc. in atampw; 4 packeta for fiMX. The lot can bo re tailed at frjm i to tiM. The Royal Caaket eontaJs ore TOperh amethyst nnr. elegant coral broodj aet in box, fanrv neck lace, coral aleeve notions, enffTaved roid plat braceleta, rose scarf pin, rold plated lady "a set, gold plate sleeve boUons, beavr roldplattods, lovely ' SCaltaa crosa with P. diamond center. beaoUf.:! Jet aleeve battooa. plated collar button, plated: link watch chain, plain rold plate rine, nobby cameo rimr. Maltese eerrtne9 with P. dmonf aettinm. rents' fall comb, amethvst nt. ladv fall plated aet with white etoner aettlnes. jet ant . cameo acarf pin. eng. gold ptave sleeve Nutton. The whole of this maraifvnent collection &itt secure, by mail for ft, 2 for tl.7r. for $3. ThLs lot, can be retails easily at from f i to ilj, . ACdrtiis. If. Y. JEWELRY CO AtlantA, Ja, Ths Atuaht a Oxoss says: - This company in -; perfectly reliable, and the axuoaat they rh e fur yocr money ta t&UAUrtlBgS 1 ... I fe&SMHwit-wl7

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