Tbe-- Daily Review. M O N i - Y, ' M 4 KO H . AT An ur.usuat prea of solid matter on " the first page of this issue cats short our editorial make up to-day. m Jschia is o . island of Italy, iu the 'J cdiitcrraneaD, at the northern. entrance . ,of Ui Bay of Naples, and has a popula. . tion of flOme twenty-five thoafeaud son's. . Ita coasts are eteep and rocky, a' -vnr its centre is the vok;mo of Epom, 300fcet above the sea. Its last erup tion irss in 1301; There are also twelve smaller volcanoes. The intervening Talya are of extraordinary fertility, Jrodacitjjf corn, wino and frnits in abund ance. Its warm baths, the most cele brated of . which are those of Casimic . Jciola jin'd Lacco, arc much frequented at every t season of tho. year. Tho chief ' towD.'Ischiay has; about sU thausand, i three Birndredl inhabitants. Ita castlo tana's on a high isolated rock nf volcan i . . in: and ashes, which is cun-'ected itH the mainland by a moK. It was built ' by Alfonso of Arrag a in the tnrdfthcenturv. Snuff or dust of any kind, and strong, caustic or poisonous solutions aggravate catarrh and drive it to the lungs. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cnre3 catarrh by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. Each package prepares one pint of the Remedy ready for use, and costs only fifty cent. Sold by drug gist. So positively c ertain is it in its rcault that its former proprietor used to offer a standing reward !' ?.i()0 i'oe :i case it would not cure. - THE 33,111' i -rh- City in The .Manchester Guardian, of Kcg Updj jn the course of a carefal article on the silver question and the proposed . monetary, conference, which is sought to be held in V&ris, ond to.whicn our gov erumeot haa been iiivitcd to eend dele gates; refers to a n almos t forgot ten tec tion of tbe .act chartering the Bank o Knglapd, providing that the isfene denart- ytsbi of the bank may emit notes on thv ban's of silver bullion to tho extcut of one-fourth of gold coin and bullion held by the bank. . The provision, if acted ppon would permit the bank to buy Ter to the extent of 66,000,000 sterling and, if the government of . the bank saw fit, it might be able to. promote the ob ject of restoring silver to the currency and rent .wing bi-metaliem to that extent. ' The' Manchester paper; docs not recom mend anyiuch- action, - but is evidently anipjasV to show that the Bank of Eug- . lapcj could, if the matter were plainly cx pedicnt, reinforce the 'movement for the restoration of silver to, its old ratio of paiity, with gold by thq purchase of the cjheapcr metal to the extent of 330,000, 000. . - Tbo malU close tj ! Atrvt l'ut Office as folio- : Northern through G 00 Northern through aud way mails.: 6:30 ni. Raleigh o.?0 a. ra Malls for the N. CMUilroHd. and route supplied there from, includiug A. & N. O Railroad, at o;30 ix. iu. Southern mails lor all poiuia Sooth, daily Sara and :4o p. m. Western mails (U CK'y) daily - (except 8aoday) :10 a- ra Mail for Ctieraw fc Darlings ton 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Fid renceami Charleston. 8 a m fc 7:15 p m Fayettsville, and oAjccb on Capa Fear River, Tuesdays, ' and Fridays.; 1:00 p. m. FayettcTri, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... b:10 a m Ooslow C. H. and intrmcti- ftt ofllee. every Mondav m.j Thnril.iy t . jimithvU'.H uasIi, by eteam beat, daily, (except Sun-djija)-.. Mail for Kiy Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Little River, S. C, every Mon day and Thursday at C:00 a. m. AVilmirigU u and Black River (Jhapcl, Mondays, Wodoea a kiul Fridays t ..... 6:00 rn. OrRN" FOB DKUVEBV. lorthrrn through rum way rniiH .7;00and. 7:30 a in. Kotlhirrt tnailB 9 00 a m 3othem Mails 7:S0 a. m. Cro!inii Central Kailway...... 4 00 p. m. kS ,tnp Ofllce open from 8 a; n. o 12 At., nn.l trorn 2 to 6:80 p. re. Money OriH nnii Rf-pitor Department open same &g. stamp otTicc. GKt.eral dolirery opeu from U:00 a. m. tn 6.00 p. m.f and oa 8nnday8 from 8:80 tf U:30 a. ni . nuwpti "for sale at general delivery ?e ftiamp oflice Is closod. ivJftdn collected from stre-t boxes every Jy h? 3:30 p. m. h.10 a m j y CELEBRATED " Ilincollaneoiis. Inralids who fcaTe lost tut 'are rfcorer inir vital stimina. decUro in eratcfal term tbeir appreciaion cf tbe merits a? a tocic of Hostotter'e Stomach Bitters. Not only does it impart strength to the weak, it corrects an irregular acid state of the etomach, makes tbe bowels act at proper intervals, sires easa to th'-ee who feulier from rheumatic and kidnty troubles, and cocquers as well as pre- veuta ferer and agne. ' For sale ty all Drnggiets and Dealers c eoeral6v. a rrch 1 - Tlii Crpnt Remedy T Su .the same time on the diseases of tbo Liver, iioweis M.juonejs, This cotnlinerZ action nives it tconderfut jmvtr to cure all disease?. . ; WHY ARE WE SICK? Became ice allow these great organs to be come chggedortoiyid, end poisoiw'tskinnors are therefore forced into the Hood that should he cxpelltit naUtrajly, ;. ... There is complete stagnation in the . Liverpool hog-rjrodacttpn t ride, in con lqQqcdpf report mado-by tho British cossal at -Philadelphia that 700,000 hogs have died of cholera in Ohio. Tho Cin wnnati Chamber "of Commerce has eerrta dispatch to Sir Kdrraid Thornton, at Washington, denying the statement, and taying that, thahoga ia Ohio and the cn tirelTcEt have.Tjeen aingnlarly' irce from dijeases of afl kinds daring the last year. The. Chicago and Indianapolis Boards of Trade also denounce thejfalae report prop agatecl ronghoat i Europe in'regard to the.:: American, hog e product. ; Comrnis ioner of Agricnltnro Le Doc telegraphs froaf . Washington to the Ne w York Pro duce Exchange, that the Jiog "cholera is not prevailing among American hogs to . oxioz like the extent it did twe years gor and that -there ' is no special' out break whatever any State- lie also telegraphed to Cincinnati that the story atwui hog cholera iu Ohio ia ah absurd fabrication. What It Doc. . , - Kidney-Wort mqves the bowels regu- Urty, cieanies tno blood, and radically cares rkidnev. diseaso cravcl. -Diles. bil- . ious headache, and pains which are cans- ; ewpj ,jBoraerca.iuver) ana Kianeys. 'rhouaaiiaa hive, been cured hy should s yoi ot try it? Yonr druggist wiil tell yoa that it is qnb of the most eucceBsful .medicines ever known It is. sold in both Dry and Xiquid . form, and ita action is positive and sure" in either form.Z)a? iast Tcx.t 'ZTeraldi v- ' x BUUitHUiBC Maine Sews. IJopBitteiei, -which are advertised in Lour columns, are a sure cure for ague, .biliousness and kidney complaints, those who use them say they cannot be too highly recommended. Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative qualities. Par f land Quarterly Meetings Por tbo Wilmiagton District, Mctho. dist K. Church, South, 1881. (Second round.) Duplin, at Charity. - - March lili-27 Bladen, at Bethlehem, - April 'J- 3 Elizabeth, at Purdics, - April 0-10 Whiteville, at Carvers Creek, Ap'116-17 Vaccamaw,at Cypress Cr'k, Ap'l 20 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Ap'l 2-3-24 Wilmington, at Front Street, A pi 30, May 1 Smithville, - - - May 7- 8 Brunswick, at Ziou, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, at Gam Branch, - May 28-20 Clinton, - ... Juno 4- 5 Cokesbury, - - -. June 11-12 Coharic, - - - June 18-10 Corn, Bacon, Molasses. 10 000 rrime Wllltc C0II:N" 9j2fYFy Boars Smoked and D S fides QKf Hhds and Tierces OCLI Now Crop Cuba. JQQ Bbls New Orleans Molaeees, fuht received and for sale low- lv JWI LII AMS & M CKCII ISO J M i BILIOrSNESS. PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS UKDfART DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND NEItVOL'S DISORDERS, b'j causing free action cf these organs and 94 A billion is only a million with a cold in its head. . Can a man intoxicated by music be aald to bo air-tight? . I Thoi man who.'Uhiuks the boy who Uvea next door to himis good boy has not beezi toxu&BostonPost. ; ;TKefdifty.tJatttts'?meat into the brine id the real corner nfbejif. Itotton ComnKaX-Bi&dty . ' ,. . . ...Hciwtoiraiaa -iembrtgage on his building lot. and so, poor - man, without becoming bUnd he lost his site. fffiv$ advised," says a little weekly JPf'-te 3fenaoat,-"the people of this country have chosen Gen. Garfield for lt c nglagd.-jnst twenty-foar hours to ' take ner 'ctnaus. "This .news should in . oenyus "who j" 'fpenct months is Xhe same .labors -- - - - A Safe anTSure ""jneanspf restoring Ine yoathFulcolor tf tho" hair is furnish- deservedlj popular from its' superior WilKaillS & LltLI ChlSOIl cleanlinesd. " .n a - . Flour, Sugar, Cofloe &c. 10W Bhls Flour, all grades, iVK) BbJs Sugars, Granulated. A. Extra CaudC, J Bbls New Orleans 8uar, X.0 Bags Coffee, different grade?, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tuba Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Boxes Lci&onCakc., 3?5 Boxes Lycan Potash " Boxes Soap, T- Boxes andJKege Sod;t," tOO Boxes and Half Bblf.SuuII.: Shot, Buckets, t Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, fce., Randolph Sheet inc-g. For sale by feb2S WILLIAMS& MUKCHISON. Peruvian Cuano. Kl restoring their jmeer to throw off disease. Egn lVhy Suffer Bilious pains and aches? 1 Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! fy lVliy frightened oyer disordered KidiieyH? Why e u dure nerTons or sick Iieadachesf lYIiy have sleepless nigh ts? kA Uee IUDNE1WOKT and rejoice in health ItfcpatnpfnJJieetnWeTorm, in tin &Vwi3jonepckB1(?e of whlphlnakeflixquarte tAfo in Llqnld Form.TeryGoneentrateA t3SortheonvenieHcefth cannot fjyreadily prepa reitItactswith equal efficiency GET T OF YOUR rRUGOTST. PRICE, 1.00. WELLS, lilCUARDSOX & CO,', Prop's, (WO! send thlfy postpaid.') BrnLlXfiTON TT. The Sun for 1881 EVERYBODY READS THE 8 VS AISp th editloni of this nowipap" tbr ues out the tmt to eoma everybody will tioc: i All the world! nem, m preaented the reader will ret the greateat amount of information with the least nnprcfctab'e ex peoditnreof time nd eyedfbu Ice bno lo. g ago difleorered the golden mwan be tween redundant f ulnea and une a tie factory brevity.: vl . . II Mucu of that Bortor new which de pfLdf lets upon its recognixei importance than upon its interest tc mankind. From morning to morning The Bun prints a con tinued story of the lires ot real men and women, and of their deed, plans, lores, hates, and troubles This story is more raried and more interesting than any ro mance that was erer derived III Good writing is erery column, 'and freshness, originality accuracy and decerned in tbe treaitaent ot erery subject IV Floaeai comment The runV habit is to speair out feariersly about men and things V Equal eandor in dealing w th each po litical party, and equal readines to commend what is praieewonby or to rebuke what is blacnbale in Democrat or Republican VI Absolute independence of partisan organizations, but unwarering loyalty to true Democratic principle the tun belire that the Gorernutent which the Constitution Kires us is a good one to keep its notion of duty is to resist to its utmost power tbe ef forts of men in the Republican party to set up another form of gnrernment ie- place of that which exists The year 1881 and the years immediately following will probably decide this supremely im pot tact contest The Sun belierea that the rictory will be with the people as against the Kings for cionopo 1 , the ings for plunder, and the Kings for imperial power Our terms are as follows : For the Daily nvn a fonr-psge sheet ot twenty -eigbt columns, the price br mail, postpaid, is 55 cento a month, or $5.60 a rear; or. including the tiundar paper, an eight page sheet of fiftv-six celume, tl e price is 66 cents a month, or $7.70 a year, pottage paid p Tbe Sunday editir.n rf The r un is also fur nished separately at $1 20 a year, postage paid , The price of the Weekly un, eight pages, fifty-six coluins, is $1 a year, postage taid for clubs of ten sending $10 -we will send an extra copy tree Address, I W Fngland. Publisher; of Iho Sun, Aew York Uity dec S s Hiscellaneous. UiBcellj rdSIBELSSOM PMirai w a jlul-' v mjau w. u.4 only, Grt S850 Square Grand Piano for only $245 -ir "V I ET 5 ?ts3'"ficent rosewooc! case pW.. ., - w GclJlve!l ful, .pateM cat,ute-aSr. ,nu-i-- scale, beautiful carved Wgs auit lyie, beavy serpentina and'lLl Jiiit. .oca full ii-j.ti VrntT-P. Rteflfh liratiii Affir.r- it. "a5 fllKT ..V?t , 1 njui;iu. y ajyQiL.: inen- which can in any way tend to the perfection ot t!,. , .7 rt etff.5 Our price for t.bis instrument boxed and delivered m T01 h wLSW cee. full irniiVrnlTie. Fielich Grand Artifvf. (Ire A u ' 7. .V V" amDiK I,. tf n ot the it.-r...-. at New York, with fine Piano Cover. Stool and Ron wwa car. This Piano will be sent on tfst trial. Please send rfpr. ,V v4i5f money with order. Castv sent wub older will be refunded a!tIi ? y0Q Jo te by us both ways if Piano ia not just as represented in this adwrti bl in use. Send for catalogue. Every instrument folly Warrfli r aent- TL? S165 TO S480 ( with Stool. 0.,vpr r.H u i ' ,vr ne t.Js I'T id inii aK ot ITVino.i;. .Jti) All tf.u.i 1 unanimous Patpnt Senile o -"wwutj vi i dim m Vi "GCt rights are tbe finest in America. Positively re make the finest Pi J tborities in the country. Over 14,000 m use, and not one' oj ,? yhi i Pianos aud Organs sent on 15 das s test trial -freight free ii un Ird pQm u write us before buying. Positively we ofler tba best bargains i s,?1' Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 43 P4olI:"tJrJrPw k2k Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. mailed 3c 0 fin HMO uf "Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ" tvle k'-L aQd swee-test tcned Keed Organ ever uflrr-u u2m?, i llUHIl3 contains Five Octaves, Five sets ot Keed I f1' ftach, aDd oum of Three ctaves. Thikteex Stoi-s with f Melodia, Viola, Flute, Ceissie. Dulcet, Gracd-Sweli. Kw si "-"t IL-gth, 4i in ; Width, 24 in.: Weicht, boxed, SOU Ids. rh?ZZT? M'.: CLY York AND Wilminfifton. f. C. Steamship Line veneerco whb cnoice wooas, anu 13 01 an entirely new and beautif 1 a N ly carved, wii braised panels, -music closet, lamp stands, fretwork A -finished. Possesses all the latest bvd best improvements ih ' brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful solo effects 5n')0,Bi 1 iAf . 1? arm if oil ,1 Tuem is r.ot ss represente n. i? uuy warrantea lor 5 years. OthM i " s i iy oo ; v siops, co, j- aior ii;. ver jz,uw sold, and evervow. V be fullest satisfaction. Illustrate J circular mailed free Fzrtnr Ja nPt sts. and 10th Ave. ' ry 40(1 Wb,1 fHFPT MIIRIH at one third price. Catalogue of 3,000 choice mU01" 3c. stamp. This Catalogue includes most of theSfc' of the day and eveiy variety of musical composition, by the best aathori i& MENDELSSOHN PIAftO CO., P. 0., Box 2058, New? dec 7 ',' - FeirtDllBgeirs-' Ferti :o:- TEE STEAMER SOMETHlMCs,....' ought to mmi. ..-- c ' There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matteiLow noor it may naturally be. Hagau's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan 9 Bedness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. So lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all drusrgists for 75 cents. II Cuba EVloiasses- NEW UliL&lXiVUaLASSirp, HELVt MEHfl PORK, ALL GRADES OF FLOUR.' At Low Pricos. HALL & PEA.ES AIL. inch 1 sir ? n. fc v. r GULF STREARflr CAPT. INGRAM, rily- CAiLFUUM SEW IUBK OS SATUBDAY, March 12 Shippers o&a relj upon the'.proinp 2000 Tons KTo. 2 Peruvian Guano. FOR SALE BY Aqfricultural Salt. onn T0N3 clean salt, OUU For Agricultural purpose For sale at feb23 1md&w "WILLABB'S". Cotton Seed- An BUSIIELS tOTTON SEED, OUU For Bale at febJ-lradAw ''AVILLABD'S." sailing of Steamers ss adrertised. For Freight Engraemeiits apply in THOS. E. BOND, Sup't, Wnmiajrton, N. O. THKQ. O. EOEE, Freight Agent, ; ew Tork. M. P. CLYDE A CO., 31 Broadway, Stw Von. THE BEST PAPER TRY IT I Beautirullj Illustrated 36th' Year. The Ocientific American.! J. large First'Clsss Weekly Newrpsperoi -'ween rsea, prmiea in me most Deaatifcl style, profasely illastrated with splendid en. -rsTiags, represenuog tne newest Inrec tions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences; including Sew and In teresting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, tbe Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social cieme, Natural History, Geology, Astrono my The most valuable practical pavers, by eminent writer in ali department of Science will be found in the Scientific American, j ' Terms, $3.30 per year, f 1 60 half year, whioh includes postage. Uisconnt tO Air Ants Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all News dealers. Remit by postal order to AJ UTSN A CO., Publihers,37 Park Bow, JTew Yorki PATENTS.&W AMEHIOAN, Messrs. Munn Co. are Boli c itors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years experience, and now have the largest eitablisbment in the world. Patenti are obtained on the best terms. A sceclii notice is made in the Sdemifle A merman ot all Inventiona patented through this Agener with the name and residence of the Patentee' By the immense circulation thus given, nnhl io attention is directed to the merits of th neW, PJ!h?nd "lei cr iatrodaction often easily effected. cu An person who has made a new!Krn... or invention, can ascertain, free of charlr whether a patent can probably fc0 obtained by writing to Mnnn A Co. . .ji iree our nana bo s: about tbe Patent Patents Caveat, Tr.de.M.rks. ' 3S? adtanees on inventions. AdrfrK' t Paper or coneerning Patents. - " MU UU 37 Park RoW, wew Tork Branch Office, cor. P Ttb BtT, ' nov 16 Washington. D. C. THE WILCOX GIBBS & CD'S MANIPULATED V. Is claimed and admitted to be the Best, Most Reliable and Cheapest Ferffli; inuse for Cotton and other Crops. "Yon can always depend on it." Arrange for your supplies at once, on tlie usual terms. All material composing Fertilizers havo advanced and Eomeof 1 are difficult to get. , ' . . ; For supplies and any information in regard to Guano comae!: with' . . ..-'... ,,.:'-: - 'a ';.. I dec 23 - WilmiDgton AndlAirisit, Wilmmetcn & Welioa Fail Mi PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON. N. C, March 5, 1SS1. (-- IM1 W... r 3 111 ' ' ' " ' . A- - . . .. L - QOMMUTATION TICKETS of denomi nations of 1000 and 2000 Miles, acceptable over the,connections of the Wilmington & Wei don R. R. at Goldeboro and Wei don, and especially adapted to the necessities of commercial travel, ai e issued by the Wil mington & Weldon R. R ,. and are on sale at its Passenger Depot in AVilmington. A. POPE, rrich 9-tf General Passenger Agent Wi'mingtoDColuiMa & Anpsla R. E PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C, March 5, 1881. , HEW GOODS ! th h m DELICrOUS PEACHES i' TOMATOES I All varieties of Choice Presr. in one ands two pound G&u best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, ' r Paroled' Hi Pig Hams, "Breakfast Strips and Small Sho Liverpool Salt. 10 000 SACK8 for sale at Fresh Every Day flNK 18OETI!KNT OFJOJJIDIK Preach &ad DomMtM, jut reeeWcsi i d foi !. - v-.- . r--,. ' tT ; t THE 05LT c OliNrJINX1 BOME-M AT) R Candy lJ-l-wm'-be -fo?r; day, fresh mad wt. tfcr h-drr. : v ' , ."ir'VTC1"! to then, fre of port QOMMUTATION TICKETS of Denomi natlonsof 1000 and 2000 Miles, acceptable over the connections of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R., at Florence, and Columbia, and especially adapted to the necessities of commercial . travel, are is sued by the Wilmington, Columbia & Au gusta R, R., and are on sale at its Passenger Depots in WilmiDgton and Columbia. A. POPE, rach 9-tf General Passenger Agent. The Oxonian, A Journal cf Literature and Education. Published Monthly, at Oxford, N. C, at Unc Dollar a Year, in advance. nnHE OXONION- aims at increasing the JL interest lor Literature and Education. and chives orial articles on subjects of ital importance as well as criticisms of the newest and most valuable publications r Offers decided advantages te advertisers. High average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from' er rors, and are tastefully displayed.' Its: ad vertising rates are not in excess of its value to an advertiser. Advertisements, intended for publication in any issue, should be In the office by the 20th of the month. J. C. HORNER, mcb.9- . Oxford, N. C. Parched Java and Lagnajrafc j Th9se goods are alljresi'j weeic. uur pnees ana gjods will conTince yon if jes' try us. Try the prepared Soups For Bale at GEO. WlYEf?S Bust Well Auger, Eust Well Drill Bust Horse IOW'jlATXA Tor mil kinds cf Printing PrsoarTeiding oat of t&e city can have their printing careful Ij ezsoated and mailed rpllK BEST AND gSSS&'i 1 Well boring and ProipeeCrf ( aSpiPESHAriT50 The most improved Sarf Guaranteed to xnaks food Woiki much fwter and wia1 j cf any other tools. w-Wy'i Anger and DrUlark bj" I PDrflLand HorMpowrbi 1,000 fret. . 1 Made from batt 0. I the price of othrn. t Jjpt aa a.-iyaw Uaiertater .-ari t Prince Street. Id 1 WILMINGTON eiVTcritiUlj ontA r feb -lmd&Tr "WTLLARD'S" apb r nail proa

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