THIS F1PW Bi0lbed every arteraooo. 8dV. "ted .,v,cRIPTI05B.F08rA.OB PAID. 15 00 Six aoatki, $350 ; Throe "f .s. tl M; Ose month", 50 cents, nthf. . h.d.llTered by earriera, pert of lb. city. at. 4lTtiin? rates iom"- 11 . -i . Viti oleue report any and , .jMg to recciretbeir papers regularly. S ! CLAD WATKi: nwu n ,4 AINT I V X for stopping leak. It in 'iar- ,,1 for lfryears. Any roof, do matter A. B Roofing Taint arl for Damp Walla aw no rpl- an1 testimos.til furalshed upon nf uUoii Oilircof the Iron Clad Paint BfflS STYLES 1881. niUT INSTALMENT OF ARRIYINQ NOW AT SBZlIISa'll Shoe Store. Maiket Street 32 Market St, a of the 8hcw Case with tfc Shoemaker- St T 8T0GK OF B00T3 AND SHOES iways complete. Call and examine. Sat- acucra guaranteed to customers. Now is e ume w supply your familieg . kJ&KJ1 of tho8 CHILDREN'S wLt, m lace and buttons. See- .js ucueTinp. convince yourbolf of.the A new W nt tVvA Crrvrrrr c-vt tc 1 ITPDO! UWJVU 4 number. - b 32 Market Strppt. 0Tg Family Bibles. y5 4 TEHTAUE TH, F Ira's a d Bjoacf, B oki of Worship, fiaptll Hytcs BookB. M hodut Ojmn Book, Ciholio Prayer Bookr, For tale at HJ4 - KGJTK'd, CU Lt?e Book Btrv n Bacon, Molasses. ) 000 ruibs Prim3 C0EN SSn Eh'1a and Tierces VfVJr New Crop Cuba. JOO 18 "ew Orleans Molasses, Jct received and for sale lofr by .WILLIAMS & MUKCIIISONJ on 0Ur, Sugar, Coffee, &c 4WUi'- Hour, all -radej. 250 BU SmraW Granulate, A, Extra v., 50 Bbls New Orleans Sncrar, 1130 Bags coffee, different rade, 125 Boxes Aeaorted Candy, 100 TuUCh6!ce Leaf Lard, r3bU and Bores LcmonCakcs, 873 Boxes Lyand Potash,5 ' 300 Boxes Sosp, " 5Boxe8lQa Regs Soda, i00 Boxes and naif BbliSn:- it' v 4ron Rudolph Sheetings. I Frulo by mm : I SI-AMURCHISON. I' H VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. Vevt Advancements. II M Mc1xth:e Lace Curtains Jas IIeillt Notice IIeixseekgeh lloyt'a German CoUne C W Yates Full Stock A Shriek- Spring Styles 1SS1 Ucgisr! Ilcgisteri: Register::: Nq.v is the time to register if 'you don't waut to zet left. " The receipts of cotton at this port to day fool up bales. Wc HJto to ?ce a man who" cairtaea joke. Dut-ivc ippoet liim t7ioro when he givea credit for it. How to re vcur own" painter : i)uy the 2f. T. Enatnol iVi-.U, rnly ' wiv.? warntnloa fit, .TACpEX't-. ancl Everyman who 'is a tru": Democrat trill abide the decision of bio ward meet ing in the matter of nomination?. When an elephant ha? a cold they give it five-gallons of whisky, and that's the reason whvEome men witOi they wero ele pliant s. There will lc a bazir held at the City Hall for the benefit of the Sisters o Mercjon Easter Monday,-Tucsday and Wednesday. Whenever young ladies learn so to Btick a pin in their apron strings that it won't scratch a fellow's wrist, there wiL be more marriage?. - A man who will break a gum-drop in two pjeces to make tho exact weight when selling' candy to a little girl is mean enough to sell cross-eyed needles to a blind woman. Dr. H. , 13ailhache, commissioned Surgeon U. S. Army, who has been ordered to temporary duty in this city, io charge ot the Marine Hospital, arrived this morning. Mi-3. C. W. Whitehurst, of Norfolk, Va , died at the Purcell House in this city on Sunday. The deceased lady was in the last stages of consumption and was en route for Jacksonville, Florida Upon arriving in Wilmington it was as certained that she was sinking rapidly ani could go no further. Her' remains were taken to Norfolk. ' At the regular meeting of tho Wil mington Light Infantry, held last even ing, Second Lieutenant Jas. C. Munds was elected First Lieutenant to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Lt. Col. James. There has been no election, as yet, to fill the office recently held by Lt. Munds. Sold for Ciy Taxes. Deputy City Collector Nicholas Carr soM to day in front of the Court House, n the delinquent city tax list for the year 1880, real estate property through A, B. and C. of the delinquents. The city became the purchaser in eycry in stance but one or two. ? st laiicfc' Day St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated on Thursday, the" 17th instn ty the Hibernian Association. The members will assemble at (Jermania Hall and then proceed in a body to St Thomas church rherethe usual services will be held. Af ter the services tho annual election of of ficers will he had. Go to Jxconi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, puro White Lead, Oils, VaniUhes Window Gl&t, all sizes. All at the lowest price?. t ' ttocfey Point Acadmiy. The closing exercises of Rocky Point Academy were held at that institution on Friday, the 11th inst. The Academy has been under the tctclaje ct Mr. Da gald McMillan, Jr., for the last five months and he has proved himself a laithful, efficient and painstaking teach er, as was evidenced by the recitations of the pupils in ite different classes. The cxt-rciscs were listened to with ranch in tercstand satisfaction by quite an audi ence of relatives, friends and patron3 of the school. After the recitations were concluded, an intermission of an hoar was taken, daring which the nimble hands of Pender's . fair daughters spread a bounteous rep-ist, to which all were io ?Ited and to which all (our reporter in cluded) did ample justice. After dinner the school reassembled and several appro priate speeches were made by prominent citizens of the county, at the conclusion of which the pupils were dismissed to re- -4 . , , . . . ! turn to tfieir several homes, bearing w their hearts the most tender lore and regard for their faithful tutor. I r ' l 4 ' --! . x -i - i I V. JL.r. v t il LL rtr: WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH iins Cray in ratmlle. Miss Ada Gray will open her second engagement in this city this season on Thursday night in Camille. Since her appearance hero some two months ajjo the company supporting her has been strengthened by three well known actors. Miss Gray iv a ' frVorito with the the. tre going public of this city and will no doubt bo greeted by a good audi ence. The Atlanta Contiitution says: Notwithstanding the inapgaral ball, a very brilliant audience greeted Miss Gray at the opera house lafct night inker rendition of Caxrulle." This - wasi, no doubt due to the success she scored on the evcuing previous in her rendition of "East Lynne." Wo do not think words sufficiently strong can be found to coin mend the acting of this charminj? ac tress. Frm her first appearance cn the stage, as a light hearted, frivolous co quette, to the end where she dies aban doned almost by all save him whom . she devotedly "loved, she was equal to the task. Miss Gray is without a doubt a lady of great ability, one destined soon to go higher and achieve triumphs already won by others. Her pronunciation is faultless, her stage conduct superb, her wardrobe excellent, her appearance mag niGcent. Jler support is first-class in ev ery particular, for. Murphy as "Ar mand Duval" was rery pleasing. He is a painstaking actor, and in every scene rendered the star excellent support- Mr. Strong as "Count DeVarvette" was his equal. While his part did not afford him great scope, yet it evidenced that he was an actor. Mr. Benson as ' Gas ton," Mr. Brooks, Misses Thropp, Hull, Baldwin and Strong,. added much to the play, and were all very careful. Toucan now buy Improved Heating and Cook. Store at factorr pricosat Jaoobi's. Something that ! Needed. There is much needed improvemen at the Court House which, we learn, ear worthy Board of County Commissioners have had under consideration for some time, although they have not decided finally and positively yet as to when they will make this improvement. Many of the original wills of deceased persons,togeth er with the executors', . administrators' and guardians' returns, dating for a peri od of 80 or 90 or possibly 100 years back are kept in wooden cases in the Supe rior Court Clerk's office and in a build ing which is not considered by any means fire proof. Now,in the event of a fire there at any time it is probable that many of these Valuable papers, which could not be replaced, would be lost either by re moval or by the fire, and we understand that the Board have under consideration the propriety of running a wing out from the Clerk's front office aid making it a two story addition, the lower part to be made entirely fire proof, where the re cords, referred to above, can be kept in perfect safety, while the npper story can be . utilized: as a - .... Grand Jury room, instead of appropriat ing Maj. Dunham's office, Clerk of the Criminal Court,for that purpose, as is the case new. me uierK oi tne urimmai Court could then use as his office the present room where are kept the papers by the Superior Court Clerk referred to above. The standard keeper, who has now nothing but a sort of a box for an office, could move into the office at pres ent occupied by the Clerk of the Crimi. nal Court and the Graad J ury conjointly. It :s not so much the convenience of these different county officials that we are considering in discussing this matter as it is the safety and preservation of the important records of wills, executors, administrator's and guardian's accounts. The county, we learn, has the money to make these improvements and we trust a favorable consideration will be : given o our suggestion. Soring Races. The old race track ai tao Hopkins place, about 4 miles from' this city, is be ing put in thorough order and a trotting club has been formed in this city. In a very shest time thet ante bellum spring races will be indulged in and efforts are being made to get noted horses to trot on the Hopkins track. There are several very fast horses in this city and even if horses from other places can not be in duced to come here there can and will be some fine racing between horse3 owo?d in the city. - Snuff or dust oi any kind, and strong, caustic or poisonous solutions aggravate catarrh and drive it to the lungs. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures catarrh by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. Each package prepares one pint of the Remedy ready for use, and coats oul? .fifty cent. Sold by drug- gists, do poeiureiy oertaia i aait that iu former proprifltw to offer a standing ' reward of $500. for y a ease it would not cure. j lleesrs. MandsBros., "of Brooklyn," j have a very handsome sew soda fountain, raado with all the latest improvements, including porcelain syrup cup3. It is supplied with eight sjrnp cups and Vichy aod Deep Rock spouts. . Ppnkteii at Spr. Captain Halvoreen, of the Nor.barque Xajadcn. just arrived in port from St. Malo, whence she cleared on Dec. 19. report having spoken the following ve J sels daring her voyage at sea: On Jan. 32,F Apsian barquo J,. A. T. G., from Croisicr to-New O rieansf H 3-chtys on t 'all well. On Jan..5 Swed. barque TTtV hehri KiZcieiwm;,Captaia Asbcrg, from Hambtirg to New York, 60 days oat, al well. On Feb. 14, Ger. barque Germa nian. Captain Aim, from Hull, Jan. 1, bound to Charleston, all well. We adviee our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household . Hardware of every detcrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, f THE MAILS. Tuo maild sl.-o and arrive at the City Pot Ofncc us fotlcrwii : Northern through malls 6.00 p in Northern through and way mails......... .... 5:20 a. rr. Raleigh.... 6.80 a.m. Mails for the N O. Railroad, and route supplied there from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at 5;30 a. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily..... 8 am and 7:45 p.m. Western mails (C O R'y) daily (except Sunday ).......... 8:10 a. m. Mail for Oberaw & Darling ton. . ;....... . . . . 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston. 8 a m fe 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays......... 1:00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 8:10 a. m Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6.00 a. m SxrdthviDe malls, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun- . 4lay).. ......... ........ 8.80 a.m. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shailette and Little River, 8. O., every Mon day and Thursday at ;6:00 a. net. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at fi:00 a. m OP13 FOB DXLITBmT. JSGrthfcrn through and way mails... ....7:00 and 7:30 a m. Northern maila .................. 9 00 a m Southern "Malls.. ........ 7:80 a. m. Carolina Central Railway 4.00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and .from 2 to 6:80 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from flrOO a. m to-6:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80 a. m ' S tarn pa for Bale at general delivery when stamp office is dosed. Mails collected from stret boxes every day at 8:80 p. m. List oi Letters. The following Is a list of the letters i maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday, darch 16: ASmaline Allen. G F Alexander. uotit Ad kins, David Ames. B Williams Buck, Bryant Barlow. UK JBrown. Tanit Baker. J H Berrv. Bettie Brown, Kate Brown. Lucinder UaRer, Miss Mellie Brower. C W M Craf, miss Sonhie Carter. mis3 lissie uasteen. DMiss Sarah A Daniel. Wm Davis. TW VT STV . w iv n jiiiwortn, vv k Dnmn. F-J T Flowers, Catherine A Free- man. ' G Andrew Gillespie, Sophie Guile. miss Mollie Goodwin. H Nat Hill, L Hudson. Dr Headen. James Hosier, I5eni Hnrse. David Hen derson, Ella K Hill, Lncy Jane Hiffh- smun, LW8W Howard, Vergil Hill. JC Nathan Joiner, Oliver Johnson; W A Jenkens, Edward Jones. Geo A Johnson, Eliza Jane Kelley, Neal Kelly. If Sam'l Livingston, M L Lejrwin. M Peter Murphy, Jim McDonald, Thos Ed w'd Moore, A Moore, Abram Mosely.E N vercer, F M Miller, Jas W Miservey, Sarah 2ontford, Ella Masor. miss Fennie Aiott, Hannah Marrav. Polly Mack. P James Pendearmss, Friday Picket Mary rane. xjxcj fecen. BHandy Robeson, George Richard son, Baffin Renfrew, ary Ray. . S Wesley Skipper, Jno Stokes, Ma ry Simmons, Jno S mis, Horace Smith, Sarah E Sail, Lucinder Spiver, Annie Stubbs. - T James Tooley. v Aaron vann. W Barges" Willianu, ma Whiter burst, Eliia tl Wifcoa, ; Psons calling for letters in above 1UV will please say "advertised''; if not aim ed in 80 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C , E..R.BRLNP,M. : Wilmington New, Uaever County, n.c NO. 14 Quarter! jlIctUngs For the WUmiogton District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 18S1. (Second round.) Daplin, at Charity. - - March 2G-27 Bladen, at Bethlehem, - April 2- 3 Elizabeth, at Purdies, - Apri 9-10 Whiteville. at Carve rs Creek, Ap'l 1C-17 Waccamaw,at '-pre3s Cr'k, Ap'l 20 Wilmington, o! :' 1th Street, Ap'l Wilmington, at front Street, Apl 30, May 1 Smithviile, - - - May 7- 6 Brunswick, at Zion, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at HcrringB Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow at Gam Branch, - May 2S-29 uiinton, Cokesbury, Coharic, - - June 4- 5 Juno 11-12 June 18-19 Compllcatlcns. If the thousands that now have their rest and comfort destroyed by complica tion of li ver and kidney complaints would give nature's remedy, Kidney-Wort, a trial they would be speedily cured. It acts on both organs at the same time and therefore completely fills the bill for a perfect remedy. If you have a lame b .cUand distorted kidney use it at once. Don't neglect them. Mirror and Farmer. Now Advertise men t3. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned not to harbor oi trust any of the crew of the Am. tfchr. GEOKQIE CLARK. Cant. Bartlett, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Captain or mch 15-1 1 GEO HARRISS & GO Notice rrti ... xae memeers or the Hl- BERNIAN BENEVO mi LENT SOHTTT.TY will S7?r) meet at Germania Hall, JCJT at 9 o'clock, A. M., on the 17th tncf tnr . purpose of eelcbratinff St Patrick's Day, by a Parade and attending Mass at St. Thomas' Church. JAS. REILLT, mch 15- Marshal Hoyt's Girman Cologne. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND tatlons." Wholesale and Retail at HEINSBERGER'3. Second Haud Piano SECOND HAND PIANO in perfect or dfcr, will sold for Seventy-Five Dollars. Ilere Is a bargain for any one wishing a cheap and good Piano For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, mcb-15 Live Book Store AND MANY NOVELTIES IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CORNICE from low priced to fine to suit all. MANY HEW THINGS IN CARPETS. OIL CLOTHSall widths. IN STRAW MATTINGS we can please you. It will gi?e pleasure to any one (of good taste) to look at our LACE CURTAINS. Dress Goods & Trimmings One of our Specialties. All are invited to call on us. Respectfully, R. M. Eiclntire. IS Full Stock. JPi;ESa GOOD8, LOW PftIC83. Every effort nade to tnpplr the ddnad inev)j lio Cfficj'acd Fsnor taticTr. i ; 9 . w blank a d Mics iaaoous 3 ioks Fasc At ticlet. Pi: la e Frtiuea in stock aad xade to order. Ore ass on the InstatmeDt Pi. . Yates5 Book Store. neb U SCOfPEPJOHS I AND Flowers Wine ! jyj sDfAcrcaEo by waircy WUe Coo pan j, WbiMrUle, N. O. Prices aad samples oa applieatfeo Mead ia yoar orders Icr tbe bekdare. ejsMtvtf 15. 1881. fT wm fee glti ts ttsslve tontsssJeatlczf tnm our fHadibn car tad all rchjuU i f ce&erallstemt tcf - Ttl naata of the wxitar rarxt always ha fat -nlsa4 to tU Editor. Oosamssleatloaaz&cst be written rn enly oae ttda of tot paper. , Farscnalltioa nut ba aTMded Andlt U especially axdriUlariy aader stood that the Editrti dbee not alwt ji ecdene the views ot eorretpoc dealt, unless so stated in tbe editorial eolntna Hot? Advertisements. W ot ice- rpnr rNDEKSIGNED, having bcCa art poiatcd KcgUtrars of Election for the City of Wilmington,' bercey give notice te ail cipal.Ekction, for tho election'' of two Al), dermcn in each Wa d of hc City of WU ralagton, oa V.r ' H;P.Til THURSDAY IN MARCH (March -1th)," 1SSI; that the polls for aaid rfectiontrni Utrnt vju axk4 c S March2ith, lisi, from seven o'clock, A.M7, until euocet, at the place designated lc--low. and that Registration books will be kept open from 0 o'clock, A. M.,to G P. M , on every day, "Sundays excepted", com mencing with Monday, March the; 7tU and ending Wednesday evening, March the 2Sd, 1 1 , Ht the places designated below : VU-it Ward, Upper Division Registration S.E, corner Fourth and Harnett streets ; voting place same. FirrtWard, Lower Division Retfstration at E. SchariFa residence, corner Fourth and Campbell streets; voting place corner Sev enth and Red Cross streets. . Second Ward Registration Court nouse voting place same, ! Third Ward Registration on Princess, near S. E. corner of Fourth and Princes streets; voting place Giblem lodge, corner Eighth and Princecs streets. Fourth Ward Registration, Ann 'Street Engine House; voting place. eame. Fifth Ward Registration New Market, corner Fifth and Castle streets; voting place same. "'' ' AKUUIE ALDERMAN, Registrar First Ward, Upper Division. E. SCHARFF, Registrar First Ward, Lower Division. J. C. LUMSDEN, Registrar Second, Ward. W.L.JACOBS, Registrar Third Ward. JAMES KENDRICK, Registrar Fourth Ward. r. H. E. ORR, Jr., Registrar Filth Ward. feb 7, 15, 17, 23 "Pride oi the Pantry". ' Another lot of this r-; Celebrated Flour Just received, i . ' Fresh and Sweet 1 It has no equal irt this market for family purpose. John X. Bostwriglit, 11 aid 13-Noith Frost 8" ealt Liquors. Barklej & PerkinV Brown Sknti,' Bibs' Pale Ale, - 'i Lempa "St Louis" Lager, B ichester Export Beer. Wines, White Scnppernong, Old Eoza Goldea Sherrv, : Sicilj Madeira, Star CJadiz .Sherry, , Old Oporto Pbrf, : together with all other Imported J Wines? Fc x sale low bv m, I, "-BOATlVBIBHt, Koa 11 &13 W. Front Slfl' '1