ttcndav JOSB y. j m n & m MJk mm ' tVXf0 AD PKOPKIKTO. WtSSO; Three " ? l 15- Oae month, 63 cent. 3"'3fb rill' b delivered by carriers, fSe ?'? i9T Prtof thecitr.aUhe fV..or isntspr.rwfc -T , Jibrat . to r-i" 7,eir PP" regally. nTmore leaky roofs ! uriTFU PROOF PAINT 1 Ual for gtor-pin ? l,- It sruar- ..J for 10 rears. Auy roof, no matter , . can be saved by this paint. Paint ayJ for Daarcp Wall t U ca efi d testimonials furnished upon cfttion at Office of the Iron Clad Paint rr engecoD J,' between Market and feb 20- SrMNfi STYLES 1.881. FIKST INSTALMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES IN ARRIVING NOW aI. : SiXn.XSB.; Shoo Store If Si Market Street 32 Market St. 3S 8 i?a of the Shew Case with th Slicemsker jJY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SROES always complete. Call and examine. Sat ?.&ction guaranteed tocuBtomera. Now ia ie time to supply your families. ipatS? line of th08e CHILDREN'S UTIH SOLE, ia lace and buttons. Soe JgUbcUevloff. Couvinceyourself of the A. tew lot of those FHOTf!TT RHT.-R JAITER3 juii received. Don't forget the D. ROSENTHAL, 33 Market Street. 0T 8 Com, Bacon, Molasses. ft OnnCushs PrIcao .White CORN, OUU New Crop Cnba, Just weived and for sale low by ,vS ILMAM8 5IURCHI80N) ,0, Sugar, Coffee, &v. 1000 Bbl Hour, all grades, Bbls Susrs, Granulated, A, Extra CandC, .BblsSew Orleans Sujar, 553 Bg Coffee, different grades, 125 Boxe S sorted Candy 10( Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75BMaad Bo4es LemongCakcs, : 3:3 Boxes Lyeand Potash" 200 Boxes Soap, . 75 Box and Ke-s Soda, 100 Boxes and Ualf Bbls Snuff,;. fot. Bucket, P&pert Spice, Pepper, Gln- p Hoop Iron, &c., Randolph Sheeting for sale b 5jm:lAMSr& MURCHI80N. He uvian Cuano. 2000 Tons p0R SALE BY Sluams&MuichiBcm T,rj aftenn I'M'. 1 H tt i iliE VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N: C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16. 1881: NO. 15 Local nSws. HfUNSBEiiGEK Heliotrope Water J A SriiixGEB Horses for Sale; Notice to Second Ward See ad Second Ward See ad Mrs Joe -Person's Inliau Tonic Bitters C W Yates Pull Stock A Sar.izn Spring Styles 1 SSI Have you registered i II ey? Do you intend to register? If i.ot, why t The trees that are mo?t in the sen bear .the sweetest fruit?. t Vandyke red ii the latest color a shade darter thai) cardinal. Clear medium French blues are reviv ed as the latest rival of navy blue. For ladies at church the correct thiug now is to rerhoye the glove from the right hand. Some people think it an excess of magnanimity to forgive those whom they have injured. - ! Mr. J. I Macks has removed his ofiice to a suite-of rooms on the first iloor of thet)ld National Bank building. A gentleman the other evening object ed to playing cards with a lady, because she had such a winning way about her, Plow to oe your own painter: Buy the N. ; Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. f It is a curious fact that from vice to virtue the road is a long andhard one, while from virtue to vice the read is very short. We make solemn promises to be aw fully good when we are in danger of death but when we begiu to get well we forget all about them. The couple that wrangle incessantly at home are its loving as turtle doves in the railroad car. Advertised affection is generally bogus. It is not safe to have too many irons oa tbe fire.' When a man tries to catch two rabbits he must needs leave OBe and is apt to lose the other. The number of croquet sets sold in the United States during the past five years is estimated at 8,000,000, and still wc continue to send missionaries to Asia. Do you call yourself a Democrat? then act like one, register and go to your Ward meeting prepared to abide the de cision of the voice of the majority. A minority must not and cannot dictate to a majority. , Chief -of Police Brock is improving the sidewalks on the west side of Seventh street, between .Mulberry and Walnut, and on the north side of Mulberry, be tween Sixth uud Seventh streets, with a plentiful supply, of ballast. We advise our frie'mls to call at Jacobi'6 for Household Hardware of every deecrip tion. There you get the lowest prices, f Pick.u Up oa the Mrcct. William Dabncy, colored, the filthy, diseased, horrible specimen of numanity, picked up "On the streets one night dur" ing tbe8cverc weather of last winter by the police and afterwards sent to the Poor House, was to day found drunk and down on the streets and taken to the Guard Uonse. The authorities aro at a los3 to know what to do with the creature or where to put him. IU Rvci on What lou are Doln. What is oce man, or two men, or any set of men to the important issues at stake in this campaign? The credit of the cityhas been raised since a .Dcmcf cratic Board of Audit and Board of Al dermen came into power from far below par, where the Radicals left it, to par. The bends of the city have been raised from 58 cents on the dollar to 100 cents. Would you exchange this state of things for anothe Radical mil-administration? Go to Ji-COBi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure Whito Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all elzei. All at the lowest prices. t r i -1 i ' 1 Snuff or dust ofany kind, and strong, caustic or poisonous solutions aggravate catarrh and drive it to' the lungs. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures catarrh by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. Each package prepares cme pint of the Remedy ready for use, and costs only fifty cents. Sold by drug gists. So positively certain is it ia its resaltnhat its former proprietor used to offer a standing reward of $500 for a , case it would not cure. 4 struck He. f . 1 Those gentlemen who wero in the woods Sunday afternoon looking for flowering moss struck lie' i. e.f they found some money, which they pocketed andcame back to town with both mosa and money. Talk about your mineral re sources! Whatjcan beat a country -where silver, ready coined,' ig found on the sur face of the ground? Humpty imuiy. 3dr. 15. II. Grovcr, Business auager ol iliial's New llumpty Dumpty, is ia the city arransuir; For - the ; appearance of Ilial'tj Novelty Combination herd oh Wednesday evening next. The 'company come well endorsed and havo taken a new departure in the way of prices of admission. The prices charged are 23 and 35 cents each, and only 50 cents for reserved scats. Mr. G rover's stands of bilh arc very fine and arc enough , in themselves to start one's risibles. & ciiee.lne Prospect. i . , Wc understand that an official opinioa f has been expressed to the effect that the probabilities, not the possibilities, are that there will be 22 feet of water on Main Bar within a few years and that perhaps more than that can be obtained 1 by a liberal expenditure of money. In other can have plenty of water if you will but pay for it. This is cheerio? news in view of the fact that it will all be utilized in a few years when the iron horse comes thundering down over one continuous line of rail way from the Blue Ridge to Wilming ton, j - Improvements. The improvements recently made on the South side of Princess street, be tween Front and Secotd have added very greatly to the appearance of things in that locality. Mr. D. O'Connor's res' idenceand ofiice have undergone a won derful transformation and one would scarcely recognize in the property next East of his the buildings which have been so familiar to the eye for years past. These last are owned by Mr. E. T. Han cock, who by altering the arrangements for entrance to the various offices and by a liberal use of paint has made a wonder ful change for the better. The locality is a very attractive one now. City ottrl. Julia Ford, colored, and Charles Rich ardson, colored, were arrested last night on Front street for engaging in an af fray. This morning they were both ar raigned upon the foregoing charge. Jnlia Ford being an old offender and having been oa two previous occasions brought before the. Mayor upon very serious charges was fined $10 or given the alternative of ten days in the C. P. Being short of the necessary spondulicks to liquidate the fine defendant was sent below. It being the first offence of the other defendant, or at least his first ap pearance beforo Mayor Fishblate, he was discharged and the Coart adjourned. Cap. Fear ToDacco Works. We visited yesterday the Capo Fear Tobacco Works, Factory No. 210, situat ed on the old Camp Lamb site, on Sixth, between Campbell and Hanover streets. The new bnilding is 94 by 40 feet and is two stories and a jump high. It is sit uated on the line of the railroad and has many conveniences over the old one. The capacity of the factory b bep doubled. - One hundred hands will be em ployed and the machinery run by steam. Additional' machinery will be added, in cluding a lump machine tor plug to bacco, The proprietors will use 2,500 pounds of unmanufactured tobacco a day in the manufacture of their plug and smoking tobaccos, on which they will pay the Government 16 cents per pound, or $100 a day,or $135,200 a year as revenue. ,3Their conveniences for loading and un loading the cars will be very fine. A platform will be built on a level with the car , doors, and the goods will be , .. ' . . , ... ra sea up to tne street, wuicn is aooui. -w t feet abomthe railroad tracks, by anlc j Tator, or derrick. The dry house is built ; of brick, and will be used in drying out the tobacco in bad weather. The engine, which will be the motive power of the hydraulic presses, lump machines, etc., will be in a brick building sear the East end of the factory. , The work on, the ouuaiug very cny WmVi the operators wOl be put to work man- - - ? v , uacuriBgwuff us cviy PVSprinr and Summer millinery and on WVs. .... ,, . . .i , : , f- I ' We appreciate ao pleasures ualezs ve r are occasionally deprived of themv 4 1 ' THE UAKKET HUDDLE. Opinion of Hessrs Herrimm & F nl ler They Think.The Laws Consti tutional. Oar opinion is requited in response to the fol lowing stated questions, viz: 1. Does the actentitled "An Act for the Better Protection of Farmers and Fishermen," ratified on the 5th day of March,: A. D. 1881; and the act entitled 'An Act Supplemental ; to tfn Act to Provide for the Better Protection of Far mers and Fishermen," ratified the 7th day of March A. IX.183L . abolish the police and sanitary powers of the city authorities of the city of Wilmington? 2-Does the fact that thirty days' no- tico of the application to pass said acts was not given render them void? 3.' If theeaid acts were not read in the General Assembly on three different days are they therefore void? 1. Wo cannot doubt that the police and sanitary powers of the city authori ties of the city ot Wilmington are unaffected by eaid act, except in thT relpec? Sat - The Sties nf J! ; I: i, cannot , compel farmers and fish ermen to sell the things specified in the acts mentioned at particular places. They may make all- reasonable regula tions Tn respect of the sale of such arti cles consistent with the rights of the far mers and fishermen to sell from their ve hicles oa the streets and alleys of the city. . This is -manifest from the terms, spirits and purpose of the acts. The plain- purpose of the acts is to pre vent monopoly, and to let the sale of such articles be free on the street and alleys of the city, subject, nevertheless to the reasonable regulations authorized by law. 2. We are of opinion, in reply to the second question propounded, that it may well be questioned whether these acts are private laws ia the sense of section 12 of Article 2 of the Constitution. They aie probably local public laws. But if they ere private laws, the question of notice ot. application to pass them is one for the Legislature, and upon .which the courts cannot act, unless perhaps if it appeared by the acts themselves or by the journals of the General Assembly, the courts might in such case declare them void. The courts must take it the presump tion is that the acts were duly passed, and it could not pet proven by parol, or by admission of parties interested, that notice was not given. See Gatling vs. Town f Tarboro, 78 N. O. R. 119. 3. Asto the third question propound ed to us above, we are of the opinion that the acts mentioned do not al low "cities or towns," and particular ly the city of Wilmington, to raise money on the credit of, or pledge the faith of, or impose any tax upon the people of the city of Wilmington, other wise than as provided by law at the time of the passage ot the acts under considera tion. These acts do not exempt farmers and fishermen from taxes properly laid; they, do not impose taxes they leave the law in respect of imposing taxes, the pledging of the faith of the city, and iaising money on its faith and credit as at and next before the time they were passed. But if the acts impose taxes, &c, (as they plainly do not), then the presump tion is that they were duly passed by the General Assembly. On reading the acts mentioned, wc cannot see that they in any respect whatever, come in conflict with the Con stitution of the State. MEaaiMoy, Fuller & Fuller. Raleigh, N. C, March 14, 1881. A Card- Wilmingtojt. March 16th. 1SS1. Editor Review. Dear Sir: I see bv thzMorninaStar that I hare been announced as a candi date for Alderman from the Second Ward, and the Review has been request ed to copy the advertisement. Will youdo me the kindness to say 'or me that 1 have persistently decimea to allow my name to be used in this connection, and while thanking my friends for expressing pref erence for me that I most unqualifiedly refuse the use of my name, and if elected will not serve. Yours respectfully, Roger Moor.?:. Indian 'i onic Biuts. We invite attention to the advertise meat elsewhere of Mrs. Joe Person. This is a home remedy which has been used for years past with mnch success, and we can conscientiously commend it. Mrs. Person is a North Carolina lady and this remedy ws discovered bv her. - .... There are some strong testimonials as to iue ueucui u u&s conicrru ana wuru i sucn a man as ! uare estrone is wmmer to testify as to its curative poweis, as illustrated in his own person, then it can bo confidently tried by others. The midicine is for saje by Dr. W. II. Green, druggbt. . , Miss E. Karrer has mme North for of ,aj.flg ft wppy of ha Mn rr will nttiFv kaw larlv Mtfnmm of the arrival of the new goods, through. tht coluians of the Bmxw. e Ilattfation. Mr. W. M. Ilays, Jr., has had a little sport at his butcher shop on the corner of Sixth and Chcstnnt streets. During the last three days he has killed 07 rats, killing 5G of that number this morning. As there are no Chinamen in town he was compelled to send for the city carts to haul them awa v. The exports foreign thus far this week foot up 11,709 barrels rosin, 50 casks spirits, 235,170 leet lumber and 41,150 shingles. The shippers are Messrs' Williams & Murchisoo, J. R. Blossom & .' , , J . . " "Downing A- Co., and L. G. Barker & Co. Complications If the thousands that now have their rest and comfort destroyed by complica tion of liver and kidney complaints would give nature's rcmedyj Kidney-Wort, a trial they would be speedily cured. It acts on both organs at the samo time and therefore completely fills the bill for f remedy If yon have a lame fkd distorted kidney use it at once. Don t neglect them.- Mirror and Farmer. tfaw &d7 ertisemeats. osrses for Sale. J HAVE SEVERAL IIORSES AND ONE MULE for sale very low. They are fine, large animals, and can be had at a bargain from J. A. SPRINGER, . mch lC-3t At Coal Yard. Second Wacd. "YE THINK THAT THE STRONGEST names in the Second Ward are those of ' Cou W. L. SMITH. and . , . ROBERT E. C ALDER, We nominate this ticket and will support it in the primary. mchlC-2t DEMOCRATS. Heliotrope Water. IN EACH BRIGHT DROP THERE ISA charm. A Floral Essence of exquisite fragrance, . so highly concentrated that a few drops will leave its delightful perfume upon the handkerchief for many days. For sale at HEINSBERUER'S, . Second Hand Piano. SECOND HAND PIANO in perfect or der, will Ie sold for Seventy-Five Dollars. Here Is a bargain for any one wishing a cheap and good Piano. For sale at IIEINSBERGER'S, mch 10 Live Book Store Notice to Second Ward. JT HAS BEEN ASCERTAINED BY actual count of the Democratic voters of this Ward that the .-strongest candidates for Aldermen are Col. ROGER MOORE, and RUDOLPH F. EYDEN. All true Democrats will support them. Neither of them seeks the office, but both will undoubtedly accept the nomination, and will serve if elected. mch IG-lt DEMOCRATS Notice. r, ine memoers oi tne hi- L TJ I? T V T XT T TLT TT nrt j i sr 'CfC. LENT SOCIETY will 1 ) meet al jermania Hall, ?-Vr attf o'clock. A, M , on the 17th Inst., lor the a Parado ud attending Maes at St. Thomas' Church. J AS. REILLY. mch 13- Marshal - Try Mrs. Joe Person's Indian Tonic Bitters. IT CUtE- SCRO?DL., Cancer in It ear ly it?M, Rhecranleii. Heat Dieae, Ch-onic Hiilioas C ho and all kind, of amp tion a d sti i dlseaa s arido from impurity of th blood. As an Ait atiT, Tociiaoi Blood PoriG-r it h o proven its;!f uaequal lea. SEE 00V. HOLDER'S QPINI0F3. kalkigh. . , lc 3d. 188 I take nleaia". ia statin; Ut a me .a' er of my fiuulij h-t used M'S J'- Peffors Inri;, Tonic with g d' rernlu. I bsliare hr rem-"ty to e xeU-t for t j pU'poj for woich i is i looded, W. W. HO .DKN, SEE JUDGE STRONQ'S OPINION, r ALKI0H, N. UeO Ut. HB Vmj. oa Pvasoa Mada-: Bom mAsth ajro I was in bat "ealth, iafforlnr from do blity, ind fraction a-.d 1 si ot tfpp'tit ha a friaod iodacad m to try jour Tralew 1 did o wita the most haopr coa.ta 1 iako f reaT pUsar in r-eomme-jdlajr it m a rri- nb ad vx unt y e. eta.t-K ron'e, and wish y.. macb saeecss Yrj er -fIlr, . rpa od by airs. Joo Pertoa, iratI2a t . O . . sold bv W3d- a. G&EE5, , . - lach ie-ljdA w Wilmia't0B, 3 Q PLKABTS ffOTICS. . . W via fetcUd to netlvt oasudcaiiesi froa ovr frUads oa aay aad all rabjteis t ra&naltrtarat bat - .;; TLe aasto of fh wzlkr xast alwaj bo far alahad to taa Editor. OoramrrtT cnttoas gait ba . wrltta en ce.'j oBiddo of tat papar.7 " : PorsoaalltieB mut ho aroldad And it licepecUllyand tvartlcoiarlT endar ftood that the Editnt doos not alwtjs eacono the vitwsot oorroepoadea'u, ualeai so stated la the editorial oolvnaa. Now Advertisements r Full Stock. P?.KSU GOOJS, LQ 17 PRICE3. Evuy efljit raafe topplr tho'densird iaevsrj Km. Cflic and Faasy BiaUon'rj, BchooU Blank atd iliicellaSeous Backs, fase Ar ticles, Picture Fni-i is vcV acd xntdt to order. Organs on he Irstah, zt Plan, at ' Yateo-Book Store. mch 24 A N 0 2d ANY NOVELTIES IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CORNICE from low priced to line to suit all. MANY NEW THINGS IN CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS all widths. IN STRAW MATTING S we can please you. i, - It will give pleasure to any one (of good taste) tolookatour LACE CURTAINS. Dress Goods & Trimmings One of our Specialties. ' All arc invited to call on us, Respectfully, R. SV3. Mdntire. men 15 "Pride ot the Pantry". Another lot of this Celebrated Flour Just received, andSweei : It has no equal in this market for family purposes. John X. Boatwright 11 aad 13 North Fsont 8 Slflalt Liquors. Barkley & Perkin's Brown Stout, Bass' Pale Ale, Lemp's "St. Louis" Lager, Rochester Export Beer. - Wines. I White Scuppernong, Old Koza Golden Sherry, Sicily Madeira, Star Cadiz Sherry, Old Oporto Port, together with all other Imported ; For sale low bv JNO, L. BO AT WRIGHT, IVos. II 6c 13 It. Front St. meh 14 ; SGUFFEfilOMi AND Wine jyj KDFAOTOKD; BY . WniTKT'Iil Wiao Companj, IfhltevUI, N'c, 1 1 0 v . ' Prices and samples oa apyliestios ' ttend ia yotxr orders for tb bolidarg. V doo7-dwtf .