mis fafjb i08fl. T. JAMB-. orTI05S. POSTAGE PAID. ' sl Utb, $1W ; Thr.. 3 J-. al 2$. One month, 60 cents, ""r will ba delivered byearrUra, 25Sff" wil1 pleue report 7 reiTe their papers ref-iarly Try jltt Joo Person' Indian Tortic Bitter. - rrieVHCKOFUt-, Cancer in It aar Tf Rhaaantiiin, Heart Dlea, 7 Hirtioci 0 he n w orerup a aKit JIi riorf fromi.npuritj i'JarVflorAc a prov ltlf unequal- l'J "HitiioBi 0 lie.. n " oferup Bkd Fariflor ,rr coy. HOLDER'S CPlfilOJJ 888 iukipU''9i tttin -Jl- mesuker t flmfy hM M9d Mr Jo" P- ! ju.Tosle wh "d waits. I balleye !":" df to te exW'eat for t j purposes r-bicbitUiBteiKiea. W. Tf . HOLD SIT, tn JUDGE STRONQ'S OPirilQri. i BmifiH.nr.C, Dec. lit, 1883 Ifu. Mdo: Home mcnih- jMia bi etth, lafferln from dc- MKrr to"fMt?0B 'jd ,,,M of PPfi' wLen I friwd todaeed m to trj your Tonic. I ildio witothe'mothppy ieniU I take vrMtpUuarein rAcommeadias; it M a y1 ukliud ffieint Yep etable Tonic, and wish mi macb laccen. Verr reeoectfallr, Frped bJ Mrt. Joe Por?H, Franklin' "J'oJbTWM. H. OKf, mm if 10 1881. I FIRST INSTALMENT OP " BOOTS & SHOES SPRING & SUMMER SYTLES ARRIVING NOW" AT . fnaiSR'fl Shoe Store. ftbl! Market Street 32 Market St. 32 of th Show Case .with th Shoemaker- JJ1 WO0K:OF BOOTS AND SHOES JJS comte- Call and examine. Sat k7t!Fa&ranteed tp customers. Now la ae time to aUppry your families. koTORQA1! of those CHILDREN'S &!. Lf,9LE' 111 lace and buttons, t. See pt! 7 eTln- Convince yourself of the BMTFM,lot of th0M SCOTCH SOLE fWaSer118" rccelYed- , forjet the tt9 Market Street. rn, Bacon, Molasses xi75 Smokedand D 8 Sides SH Tierces ihrVir:, New Crop Cuba. W Reived and for sale low by - Williams & murch so fr, Sugar, Coffee, &c. I 1 AAA . BJU Flour, all cradet, n8."' Granulated, AExtr. .8!BhlsKew Orleans Sucar. -" BE CoflVe, dliferent gnit h 125 Boca Assorted. Candy, I 1 Choice Leaf Lard, u and Baxe. Lemon Cak,lJ .-"aoxesLye dPoUsh, Boxes Soap, Boxes and Keg, Soda, . v "uomia !Wt, Bll-V-t- iW XlfAte t . " . Ph Sheetings, "MSlJknjRCHlSON. j . VOL. VI WILMINGTON, Nl c:, THURSDAY MARCH LOCAL NEWS. ; - New Advertisements.' Votebs Third Ward Jim McG.owan Globe Saloon. J I MACK3Removal of Law Office Lectuek Opera House f E E Bcekus Assignee's Sale A Card Local Columns HEiNSBEBGEIieliotrope Water C W Yates Full Stock A SnKiERSpring Styles 1881 No City Court to-day. The storm, signal has been flying all Chamois leather gloves wrists are new. with wrinkltd The cotton, receipts at thi3 port to-lay foot up only 64 bales. The dead, wounded and dying will be lying around promiscuously tomorrow. . 4 You can now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory price sat Jacobi's. , , ; The older a fashionable belle or a spark ling coquette, the m ore matchless she be comes. . -''Vi " ; ' ' A lady friend says that bachelors are like a batch of biscuits, good enough af ter they are mixed. The man who attend3 a ward meeting to-night must submit gracefully to the will of the majority. - 'Pansy bows," formed of half a dozen shades of ribbons artistically looped, now beautify white dresses. Swedish barque Orion . y at this port for Grantou Scotland, with 5,500 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. There are six Richmonds in the field in every ward. Four "will certainly have to be slain in every ward to-night. There can but two remain to each ward. The amount of pin money required by the married woman depends on whether she use3 diamond pinsor rolling pins. , The storm signal has been flying to day and there are indications at this writing of the approach of a nor' wester. The acts of the Legislature relativejto the State Guard, and authorizing the sale of the State's stock intheC. F. & Y. V. R. R., will be found on the fourth page of this issue It is a beautiful' sight to get up early in the morning and 8de the sun rise, but the wise man will continue to lie abed until the atmosphere is charged with the aroma of the breakfast coffee. ' ' A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the , hair is furnish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deservedly popular from its superior cleanliness. A carelessly kept coffeepot will im part? a rank' flavor to the strongest in fision of the best Java. Wash the coffee pot thoroughly every day, and twice a week boil borax water in it for fifteen minutes. Remember the Ward meetings to. night and remember also that your fighting must be donethen and there; that when the meeting adjourns you must be unanimous on the ticket that is chosen by the majority. Let harmony and wise counsels prevail; let little petty differ ences be buried, remembering, only the great interests that are a stake, and rote accordingly. . No, ThanZL You. Everything has had to give way to day to the matter ofsupreme importance' at this moment, as to who shall repre sent such and such a ward as Alderman. Thet very many friends who have not urged our name will pleaso understand, oace and for all, that we wouldn't have the office under any consideration unless there was a good salary attached to it. A thousand dollars a year might be an inducement but to make it sure you had best double it, That: is, if you want us right bad. Dr. Grlaaom's Lector. " By notice published elsewhere it will ba seen that next Tuesday evening, the 22nd inst, is the time definitely fixed upon for the delivery of Dr.1 Grissom's lecture, for the benefit of the Wilming ton Library Association. Dr. Grissom'f theme is announced as VThe Prince of Men' and those who- know anytJiingof that gentlenian'a; literary ability will look forward with zest to the promised entertainment. The Petersburg Telf sram. ' We welcome the appearance of -the Telegram, & new daily which has just en tered into publication in Petersburg. vIt is an afternoon issue, handsomely gotten up, and wo trust will do well. It is ed ited by Mr. R. E. Blakely, a gentleman of experience, and from onr own State, who will be assisted by Mr. 1 V. Mor ton, as City Editor. We wish it well. Arrired la Distress. The Nor. barque Credo. Capt. Christa. phersen, from Liverpool Dec. 6th, arrived ia port this morning with cargo , of salt for C. P. Mebane, vessel to E. Peschau & Westermann. Captain ChristopherSen reports very heavy weather on the pas sage in which he lost mizzenmast, top masts and sails. No damage to hull, however. A survey has been ordered. New steam Yacht. The steam yacht referred , to by us some days ago as ordered by the Navassa Guano Company, to ply between their works and the city, arrived here to-day on the schooner Thomas Van Gilder from Philadelphia. We gave a descrip tion at the time of the handsome little craft. She will be put regularly to work in a few days. St Patrick's Say. To-day, which is celebrated in com memoration of the Patron Saiat of Ire land, wa3 observed in this city by the Hibernian Association by a parade from their Hall to St. Thomas' Church. The procession was fine and was under the direction of Mai. James Reilly, Chief Marshal. Rev. Father Gross preached a beautiful and interesting sermon. After the services alt the church the Associa tion marched back to their Hall and held an election for officers for the ensuinsr year, which resulted as follows: President F. H. Darby. Vice President--D Quinlivan. Secretary James Corbet. Assistant Secretary- Jno. W. Reilly. Treasurer T.-Donianv-T We are pleased to know that the As sociation is in a flourishing condition and tnat its unancial standing Has never been better. A Tlsit From Col- CralsWU. Col: Wm. P. Craighffl, of the U. S. Engineer Corps, in whose department are the works at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, paid a visit t these works on the government steam tug Woodbury yesterday morning, returning last even- ins: in time to take the Northern bound train for Washington City. We learn from Mr. A. H. YanBekkelei, Presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce in this city, that Col. Craighill expressed him self very well satisfied with the progress of the work now going on for the bene fit of our Bar and Harbor, under the supervision of the General Government. How to oe your owa painter : Buy the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t Opera House Tonight M iss Ada Gray, supported .by C has. A. Watkins' troupe, will appear in this city to-night in Camille. She is a fine emotional and tragic actress, and is said to have no living peer in some of her fa vorite characters. The Cincinnati Com mercial says: "Last Monday evening we welcomed a new face, a stranger to our city, an ar tist so thorough in her delineation of passion as to deceive her audience re garding the identity of self. It was a welcome relief, and we hail her advent with unalloyed pleasure. Miss Gray is destined to staid in the front rank of her profession. Nature has moulded her in her kindest moods. ' A face full of ex-, nression. and an eye capable of emitting at a single glance the feeligs that stir the soul, and a presence tnat is com manding and full of grace, added to a voice that rises high in scenes f passion, withers with scorn, and pleads for pity in its wpAith of tenderness. Wo voice, un less we accept the lower register of Mr, Forrest, contains such a wealth of organ tones, such range, such compass, wonder fnl reserve nower in a vocal sense. Her thorough and complete assumption of a part tells what a mistress of her art Miss Gray is. ! She has - thrown her strong nature boldly into her personation, which is not only grand, but a beautiful and en during picture of art." Snuffer dost of any kind, and strong, caustic or poisonous solutions aggravate catarrh and "drive it to the Jocs. Dr. Sage's Catarrh-Remedy cures catarrh by its mild, ioothing, cleansing and healing nroDcrties Each Dackaxre Drenares one pint of tha Remedy.- ready for use, and costs only fifty cents. 'Sold by drug gists. So positively certain is : it in its result that its tenser proprietor usea 10 ofier a staziis reward of $500 for a case it wridd cot cure. . A Card. , WiunxaTOx, March 17th, 1S31. Editor Rktiew.- I am glad to learn from an advertise ment in this morning's Star, "the opin ion u general, thai the nomination of Capfc J ohn F. Divine and CoL Wm. L; Smith for Aldermen of the Second Ward is the best and strongest that Can be made." The ideas underlying what is known as the "development theory," are, per haps, seldom thought of in connection with practical polilics ; and yet, . one of the most important and significant branches of modern political science is founded logically on the- much-talked-of doctrinfrof iihe survival of thejfittest." One of-the best hopes awakened in the minds of .the good citizens of this city at this time is that this doctrine of the "survival or the fittest" is tcvbe applied in the selection of tha officers . who are to conduct the afiairs ot the corperation for the next two years. It is encourag ing in the highest degree ' to notice the laudable disposition manifested to put and retain tbe right men in the right place. V The office of Alderman has been so sat isfactorily filled by Capt. Divine that ap preciation of ms services nd a desire to retain them, are only a creditable- appli cation of this doctrine, and but a just tribute to a most worthy citizen. - The nomination of CoL Smith would also be a recognition not only of the right man in the right place, but of right principles, and as such would be hailed and welcomed by all the intelligent por tion of the community. His long and valuable experience in financial affairs is regarded as investing him with pecu liar qualifications for the delicate duties of Alderman, and if- elected, the city would then have a Board in which there would be no lack of good Mayor tim ber. His qualifications and natural en dowments can but awaken anticipations of exceptional efficiency in that office; Let the Secend Ward nominate Capt. Divine and CoL Smith and it will per form an act that will elicit responses of the warmest approval from the good citi zens of the entire city. : ; : T. Coaptations : If the thousands that bow have their rest and comfort, destroyed by complica tion of liver and kidney complaints would give nature's remedy, Kidney-Wort, 'a trial they would be. speedily 'cured. It acts im both organs "at tne same time and therefore completely fills the bill for a perfect remedy. If yon have a lame back and distorted kidney use it at once. Don't: neglect . them. r-ifafrror and Farmer. V THE MAILS. The maila close and arrive at the City foat Office aa folio w : Northern through mails. .-. . .6.00 Northern through and way p in maus :u a. rr. KaiejgD.......... .6;ao a. m. Mails for the N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there- from, including A. &N. O. naiiroaa,a; M. o;so a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily .....8am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (U U B y ) daily ; (except Sunday ).... ..... 8:10 a m. MaiLfor Oheraw & Darlings ton.i..;............ . . . 7:45 p. m. Mails for points between Flo renoeand Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayettetille, and offices On Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, r and '-Fridays.., l.00 p. m. Fayettevflle, via Lumberton, daily, exoept Sundays...... 8: 10 a. m Onslow O. H. and intermedi - ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at........ .. 6:03 a. m Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days)....... 8.SQ a. cc. Mails - for - Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., every Mon- V dav and Thursdav at....... 6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at......... &00 a. m. OPEN FOB rXLTVZXT. Northern throash and war mails................ 7:00and 7:80 a. m. Northern mails .................. 9.00 a tn Southern Malls.. 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m Stamp Office open from H a, m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Monev uraor anu itegiater Department cpen same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00. m.i and c Saidays from 8:30 to9:SQ a. rA Stamp? Cor PIe at general delivery when stamp office is closed, f Mails collected ficra erreit boxes every day at 3:30 p.m. Miss Ada Gray and troupe arrived in this city this morning and are stopping at the PurceU House. The tronpe has been strengthened by the adaitiQa of two fine actors. Go & Jacobi's for Doors, Sash aid Blinds, pore WhiU Lead, O05, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices. - " '" f It is said that a thin coating of var nish applied to straw matting will make it much more durable,- nd keep it looking fresh and new IThite varnish should be used on white catting. 17. 1881. NO. 16 New Advertiss merits. RemriVai of Lw Oilico. I HAVE REMOVED MY OFFICE to the suite of rooms first lloov old National Bank Buildiog. corner Front and Prim-ess streets Entrance on both streets. "J. I. MACKS, - mcli 17-2-sr Star copr Att'j-at Law.. Third Ward. WE ARE AUTHORIZED to offer the name of R. J. JONES to the Demo cratic voters of the Third Ward meetiutri sight, a3 a candidate for the nominination for Alderman fromthat Ward. . rr jr- rach 17-It . VOTERS. . GLOBE SALOON. 16 Market Street. I HAVE SECURED THE SERVICES of JIM LEWIS Pure Whiskeys and fine Oysters a specialty. I am prepared to fur nish Phj's Feet,Ham Sandwiches and Boiled Eggs. Gira me a call. mch 17-lt JBI MCGOWAN. M. CRONIiY, Auctioneer. BY OFOSLY & MOIUIIS. Groceries at Auetion- Assignee's Sale TN TO-MORROW, (FRIDAY) , ISth XJ inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., I will sell, at the Store of Messrs Hankins & Bates, the entire stock of GROCERIES, &c, there in contamea. mchT7-2t E. E. BURRUSS, Assignee. LECTTJKE. ORi EUGENE GRISS0M-0F RALEIGH WILL LECTURE, For the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association, at the OPERA HOUSE, i -in this city, on - Commencing at 8.15 o'clook, P. M, Sub ject : ' "THE PRINCE OF MEN " Admission 23 cents. mch 17-0t OPERA HOUSE THE RECORD OF OUR LAST VISIT A GUARANTEE FOR THIS ONE. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights" and Cr. 4-.-. a ir.i a u-Kuiuajr ii.aimee. Re-engagement of the Distingulahed Artist, Miss ADA GRAY, Supported by Chas. A. Watkins' Fifth Ave- nue Company. .Thursday Night CAMILLE. -Friday Night Benefit of Miss Ada Gray FROU-FROU. - Saturday Matinee-THE NEW MAGDALEN Saturday Night RUTH TREDGETT, The Tramp; or CHARITY. Usual prices ef admission will prevail. Seats can be secured without extra charge at Heiasberger's Boekstore. Secure Matinee Tickets at Heinsbere-er's without extra charsre and avniri th the box office. mch 14-St-m tk-fri Second Wiard. THINK THAT THE STRONGEST names in the Second Ward are those of Cou W. L. SMITH. . - - nd HOSERT E. CALDER, We nominate this ticket and will support it in the primary. mch lg-2t DEMOCRATS, Heliotrope Water. IN EACH BRIGHT DROP THERE 13 A charm.. A Floral Essence of exquisite fragrance, so highly concentrated that a few drops will leave Its delightful perfume upon the handkerchief for many days For sale at HEINSBERGER'S. Second Hand Pis no SECOND HAND PIANO In perfect or der,' will he sold for Seventy-Fre Dollars. Here is a bargain for any one wishing a cheap and good Fiano. For sale at EEINSBERGER'S; mch Live Book;8tore Aqriciiitural Salt; QrfV TON3 CLEAN 8ALT, iAJJ For Agricultural purpose For sale at feb23 lmdaw "WILLARD'S it Cotton Seed. "i fet)23-lmdw 'YTLLARn'a Tf trill btgl&d vi rjcdT ecnaasaleaUcts" Crest err txlz2.ii ca tsy tzi. all iblfcis f geaeralistsmt nut , - Tis naaa of the writer tnnsi alTS yi be fsi abhedfto tie Editor. - , Ooosisslasiloss nsrt be wrltta tly caesidacf tispapeV. renoaalltiss But be avoided And It fj cfpedally and portiralaTly Mder tcod that the Edibvdoes cc alwtjs eccone the views ot eorroeposdeatr, ua!ei so 'attd la the editorial columns. . ott Advertiroments, - Full Stock. pBF-Sd GOJJiS, LOW PRICES. Every effort mace tot nyplf th0ldesd laevsrj U" t fSce ad Fan?y U'.ationexT, School. Blank asd Mi-ceUaaeaui Books, Faaey Ar ticles, Picture Friru ia c-c and mads to order. Orpins rn be Irstt'.cer.t Flaa,"at iiMo jk Store; ' r AND MANY N0VLtIS IN : , -..-.. . " - HOUSE iFURMSHINQ GOODS. CORNICE from low priced to fine to suit all. " mm kew thIngs iw carpets.- OIL CLOTHS all widtlis. IN STRAW MATTINGS wo can please you. It will give pleasure to any one (of good taste) to look at our LACE CURTAINS.' K ' Bress 8qo(1s & TriiiiiuiHgs One of our Specialties. All are invited to call on us, -Respectfully, M, PJicSntirc. meh 15. rilHE UNDERSIGNED, havicg been ap- pointed Registrars of Election for the City -or WUmington hereby give3 notlco to all concerned, that there will be held ' a Muni ' cipal Election, for . the ' clcctioni of ? twoAij dermen in each:VaxA.of thd City r.of. Wil mington, on the FOURTH THURSDAY IN MARCH (March 21th), 1SS1; that thepoljs . for said election will be kept open on sal d March 24th, 1881, from seven o'clock, A,M., until sunset, at the places designated be low, and that Registration books will be kept open from 9 o'clock, A. M., to C T. 31.,: on every day, 'Sundays execptod", com mencing with Monday, March the Tth and ending Wednesday evening, March the 2Sd, 1881, at the places designated below : , t First Ward, Upper Division Registration ? . . ... ' , " , .- j S.E. corner Fourth and Harnett streets ; voting place same. , SFirst Ward, Lower Division Rcrristration at E. Scharff'a residence, corner Fourth and Campbell streets; voting place corner Sev enth and Red Cross streets. ' Second Ward Registration Court House 5 '--! f . voting place same, Third Ward Registration on Princess, near S. E, corner of Foujtth and Princess streets? voting place Giblem Lodge, corner Eihth and Princeaa streeta.' Fourth Ward RegUtratlon, Ann Street Engine House; voting place same,-' 1 . Fifth Ward--RegIstratIon nW Market, .... lt .) . corner Fifth and Castle streets; voting place same. ... ... : . : " f ARCHIE ALDERMAN, . Registrar First Ward, Upper Division. E. SCHARFF, '. ' . Registrar First Ward, Lower Division., J. C.' LUMSDEN, Registrar Second Ward. ; W. L.JACOBS, Registrar ThlrdVard. JAMES KENDRICK, ' " ; Registrar Fourth Ward, v H. E. ORE, Jr., - Registrar Filth Ward. ; feb 7, 15, 17, 23 ' ' , ; " Starch 250 ?XES REFCEI "TEABL, Boa Ton, Royal Qlotu Also Improved Corn for cooking purposes. - Now is your time, as prices have been REDUCED. , mch 7-tf DeROiSET & CO. Horses fqr;SaIe0 J;HAyE SEVERAI UOSSASsD ONE MULE for sale very low. They are fine, - large animals, and xan be had ataiaV'ain' '. . . " 0 roia J. A. SPrJNGER; QchlWt AtCcUYard. t.i'

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