iiSXH. T. JEditor & Prop. FBIl V'MAKUB 18. IWl. Oxtxhw - to - f-arro"ncK AT MATTK&l ' . - -: - - The books of the New York Cooper-' ative Dress Atsociatiou huvo d our been opn three days, and besides the crowds of applicants, who haro made subscrip tions in person, many applications for itock hare come by mail. Io the three days one-half the capital stock of 230,- 000 in chares has been taken. aa Senator Eimnnds has gone t " -rcia for his health and nator Ya.. has paired with him- Why our Senator should baTe gone out of his way to do this we cannot understand. At tbfs crisis it may prove a stroke of bad poli cy. Had Vance been tick we doubt if Kdmunds cotld have been indoced to pair with hirru yWe arc sorry that Senator Vance has done this thing, and for rea sons which tnuit be easily ndcrtoodand appreciated." I with visitors, who hare a right, as they Claim, tu iu ni nujr . I do not knowwith what to compare the ante room of the secretary's office, unless to the waitiog-room of a dental college ou free days, when the poor get their teeth pulled for nothing. The anx ious look on every wailing face and the agonizing dread of suspense which fol lows the interview tella the tale of profit less adventure. To day Secretary Blaine actually had to hide himself from the crowd of importunate friend3, who, un der the pretense of merely calling- to pay their respects, expected to have there paid back again with promise of office. Not only at the White House and State Department, but iu every depart ment thoprcsure is the surac. No mem ber of the cabinet- could have fewer claimants for position than the new Sec retary of the Navy. I lis years have been ?nent in legal practice, and yet friends, relatives, personal acquaintances and al leged iortner associates multiplied, so fast to-day that it was necessary to lock the door to keep the mob .outside. Mr. Muse, who iu fifty years has opened to tho callers of thirty secretaries of the navy, says he never saw anything like it. The President aod cabinet to-day agreed to say to every applicant that unless for just cause or where tho commission of the applicant had expired there would be no changes whatever in any department of the civil bcrvicc. HUUXSUtKE- Kx-Senator McDonald, of JnH:au& d'-e? 'not : think that President Garfield i.5 td successful in unifying the Jiepub litan party or ii having a banbonious Cabinet, which, he says, will probably be discordant, so that it will breed disunion and discontent, nd, moreover, ears the ex-Senator, if Garfield docs not show ex ecutive ability the next National Con vention will Botmnutt not Mr. Blaine, but Conkling or some other statesman of the Grant stalwart wiog. Kx Senator McDonald vi1l return from Indiana to Washington, where he will practice. law. A Corryr- Pa, special to the New York. Herald-te: "A large meeting of the merchants ot Northwestern Tcnn. syyani4 W'cs.l.fra New York and East ernjOhio, eqtuprismg purchasers, of over $23,Q0Oi 000 worth of dry goods annually, was held to day to protest . against tho selling by 'New York, mcrchanis, jobbers and manufacturers to irresponsible par ties, or compromising.; with periodical bankrupts. Great indignation was, ex pressed at the injury done by wholesale dealers in continuing to sell to and com promising with . irresponsible concerns Resolutions were adopted tending to make the influence of the meeting felt; amoig those Eastern wholesale houses which make a practice of supporting such retail dealers. . The phylloxera, the vine-destroying inseet, has appeared in six California counties, a very per ions occurence. ; Th is pest, for which no prevention or remedy his been discovered after years of search, has ruined the, vineyards . of entire dis: tricts in France and driven fiOO.OOB arret of vineyards put of cnltivation sine, 1874. As a result the yield of French vineyards for 1S8Q was.only 673,000 jral lons, about the same as the yield a cen tury a,go, and barely one-third the wine crop of 187f;, the most abundant year oa record. In 1879 and in 1880 Cali- - ibrnia exported wine to France, and, un- a . at . 1CS3JDQ pnyiioxera spreads on tno ; 'a ciflc coast,, the State is certain belore iiany years to supply But ope with wipe During Jay Gould's sojourn in Galves ton he had made a proposition to! the people of ,that city that, if ihey would subscribe $100,000, he would duplicate the sum for the establishment of a daily line of steamers between Galveston and tr vera uruz, io oeoperaiea in conjunction with his system of Southwestern rail- . 'fillet rA? I i wa asa.Iaj3 ao4 the JinajwIU . . be established as soon -attho steamers:, tan be prepared. Mr. Gould said his observations in tho Soath- west folly jubtiOcd his enthusiastic esti mate jof the trado advantages .to result from tha.pro;ectioii of san American rail way system into old Mexico. 'Down in b rvm I n mtki tip. sHin i v Kinnn inar '.il I'll- ' i i i ii i ineuruianis ptosiiy ouy .ineir goous m .Chicago, doing it right over, the head oi JSk-lLonis,'.- too. Their greatest need ilrkwn f.)tfrA. ripxt ftftpr riiitrAfld is rrnA hotels and plenty of them, and when they get them it will be a charming sum mer resort. . . X F - DREADFUL TIMES IN WASn- IROTON. Public grief will be raised to aa agon iz'ng pitch over the following account of affairs in Washingtonby the correspond dent of the N. Y. Herald: - The pressure brought to bear .opon . k n Tf J I a x -wi jrrtfSiueni uarneia buu occreiary Diaine for office would crush -men of ordinary physical entiarahcer 3oth of these gen- ,raent ana cow tnat taoy: aaTe ine custn 'bvUoE.otiomortronasyie Old frieidseea to think" they are dftfcg tha adcuojrsipn s favor -by -personally Tresectinsr their- claims or the .claim of f the office seekers ac? under the belief that Mr. Blaine is the Ilercnles of the Cabinet, and that the way to success' is via the State Departmenu This solemn, almost sepulchral, edifice is . daily overrun AT I II K k:a 11 roi. Yesterday's 'Ualtimorc Sun is full of choice bits of news from the seat of gov eminent. Garfield, it informs ns, is still bcfcct by caller?, whom he is compelled to receive promiacuDusly, and to whom he can only fay, '-how'-dy do !' shake hands; and then say "good-bye." The Presi de,ut,Fay.H the .San, reiterated iu a some-; what more emphatic man-ner his purpose iiot to make any removals at present, ex cept for good aod sufficient cause. He told a gentleman who has hsld and faith fully perfoimcd the duties V)f a promi nent -office in the South for twelve years, and who was apprehensive thy his long tenure might Cperdtc against him, to give himself no uneasiness. Muhonc is. also buy in the first Hush of successful treason. There srems no doubt of the .fact that he will be able to control the Federal patronage in Vir ginia. . He is dailv beset bj crowds of C7 - - hungry applicants from his State and overburdoned with telegrams and letters and ret ho finds' time enough for daily visits at the. White House. As tothe threats made by the two Republican members from Virginia, Jorgenscn and DcMadorfF, that if Mahonc was allowed to control the Administration patronage ia Virginia Ihey would vote with the Democrats in the'nouse, that is all bosb The Sitn says: The two Jlepublican Congressmen from Virginia, Messrs Jorgensen and DezendQrff, had another interview with .the President to-day, in which Virginia politics were discussed at - some length. They are understood to have expressed to'the President theirintcntion of sup porting his administration, even if he did give 'the. Federal patronage to General Mahone. . Qlt is probably after all, that Stanley Matthews will be confirmed. His friends, says the Sun, arc quite confident of his success. They say that Senator Conk ling will not make serious opposition to him now, and they seem to think that this wrill insure , his confirmation. The Supremo Court is very much crippled by the absence f three iu3tices from the bench, and the recess taken by the cour was ordered because of the great strain upon the other members by their having been compelled for so long, a time to per form double duty. They are exceed iug ly anxious that thn-vacancy caused by tho retirement of Judge Swavne shall be filled as soon as possible. As tor the extra session which has been spokenbf its advocates clajm that it will certainly be called, notwithstanding the welhknown fact that neither the Presi dent nor Secretary Blaine consider that there is the least necessity for it. They Btill insist that an extra tession will be called before the first of July. Nearly a hundred members one-third of. the body ofthe House' of Representatives are in Washing tor. Tho Sun tells us this relative to Gen. Hancock's reeent visit to the capital : When Gen. Hancock was here during the inauguration ceremonies a warm friend of his said that he thought it was Eerhaps better after all that the General ad not been, elected President. Gen. Hancock concurred heartily in this ex pression, and said that he nad no regrets whatever on the subject. While in Washington ho was the recipient of a great deal of social attention, and was a favored and honored guest in the house hold of a number of leading republicans. He expressed nimself as much pleased and gratified with his visit. He was told of an.uttcrance of Gov. Jewell, the chairman of the republican national com mittee, mado last September, to the ef fect that he had so much respect for Gen. Hancock that be would allow nothing personally abusive of him to emanate from republican headquarters. Gen. Hancoek said this was a real compliment to be said in September, when the partis an fever was at its height. He added laughingly that everyone said pleasant things of him now, a3 wc were all at peact?.- . r Two hundered young ladies in Boston are learning to play the violin. They should appear in the opera of "Bowcat-chio."-Vew York Commercial Adver tiser. . Whisky is an antidote for snake bites, and when a Texas man sits down on a prickly pear, all the arguments ou earth won't persuade him that a snake didn't bite him. The question of whether a Brooklyn boy will turn out a gentleman depend somewhat on whether a gentleman will ever call on him and so give him the op portunity. They say that insect3 can't reason, but a spider at the West End has stretched his web right over the portrait of a bald headed man. And he doesn't go hungry you just wager. Boston Pod.' If prize fighters really wanted to fight it would be easy enough to find a place where they would not be interrupted. For instance, they could meet in the store of a merchant who does not believe in advertising. Detroit Free Press. He had one son hung, another at Sah Qaentin. His wife bad eloped with a chromo peddler and his daughter was a waiter i girl in a dive. "Have you any family?" he was asked by a fellow pas- sentrer. Tsone tosneaic or, was me prompt retort. A gallant old gentleman by the name of Page, findiDg a young lady's glove at a waterinir-rjlace, presented it to her with the following words. "If from your glove ycu take tha 'etterg, y our gio re ii love-wbich I oevot-s to the " To which the lady-returned the follow ing neat answer: . ' If from the paza joa tae the letter p. Your pza ie sire, and that won't do for me." - We have much to be thankful for. In the Arctic regions it is so cold that the steam from tne teakettle condenses and forms icicle which, dropping, put the fire out. Alia - California. Well, what the old boy is there about that cir cumstance to make yon thankful? Bos ton Post. - - Our i;fa ia bot a wioter daf, . t'oanu oolj breskJast asd wj-; Oew( to dinner . tj Acd &r '.a 1 ted. . Th oid s; inaa baclse; And Kotn t; ted. Lura ia his expense - . 'Thai lingers out the dj, Kothtg fsscona.t U3 toe loapt to py. It is true, George Washington never told a lie, but then he hadn t the strong Iliscollanoons. 1 IlincollGncoTia. rinuu (in? y organized opposition to his candida ture for the Presidency that troubles his successors. In these degenerate and un unanimous days the candidate has to lie like a pirate to straighten up his record, and then he has to lie like smoke to keep it straight. Neio Yor7c: World: There lives in the Undjof Japan A very lugcbriong-man, V? ho sketches with toil, in water ana on, . 8tf nge eceaes for the Japanete fan. . lie p&iats with a Chinaman's queue, J Ard mes vermilion and blue; He deiighta in lare herds - Of lonjj legged birds. Which he makes with their bodies oskevr, Hestrikes with the noble intent To pictaro erxh current event, - tie often ipenda hours, . w?er i tiicite flowers, And receives juet the eighth of a cast. laeftlirrl.IquIdorDTy Form acts t ,ulra time en the diseases of tbc Liver, Bowels and Kitoeys, This combined actum gives vj.. power to curt au iuoc.. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because weallmo Ihjse gredt organ toj come cloggedor tormd,andpwuhuwre are therefore forced into the Uood that should be expelled naturally. BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTTPATIOX, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their poicer to throw off disease. lTliy Suffer Bilious paius and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frieutened over disordered Kidneys! UWI.7 endure norrous or sick headaches! tn i.hIams Mif1iti;9 I" IXD NEY-'tVORT an d ryoice in health fl STcans one paskageowhichinakesij l-ofjneaicme. - LJ Twadflypfeparelt. JtfictsvHthegnaleienctt f TV rtO VAT'P TlTJTTrtaTOT PTJTnP!. mVt.OO. WELLS, 1SIC1IAKDSOS & CO., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BUBUSGTOtf, VT. HEW GOODS I TBI b WEEK ! DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES! All varieties of Choice Preserves, in one and two potmd Can?, the best in the marfc t. Our elegant Family Flour, - Parole d' Honeur, Pig Ham?, .Breakfast Strips . and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Laguayra Coffee, These goods are all freeh this weekj! Our prices and quality of I goods will convincejyou if you will try up. - Try the preparedSoups. For sale at . GEO. MYERS',! fob 14I No?. 11 nd 13 Bouth Front Kt. MiscoUaneous. . -II m . I t - E y . y . ' HEPSLSSOSf! Willimake for the next GO day only, a R.O SmiflrA Oran! Pion - IVI cniy 824s 1. us,, Magnificent rosewood case 8 w Octaves full pateut cautato mf"ru! scale, beautiful carved U gs and lyie, heavy serpentine and ilrf . fnh arni.it A.ftir.r- A n. fee lOc ment which can in any way tend to the perfection ot the iri ctfttrkL Our price for this instrument! boxed and delivered i't,' eut at New York, with fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book. rnlv C f This Piann will h wnl nn teat tria.! Pluses ...j . - - . .to ctuu iciereiiAi money with order. Cash sent with older will be iefm.(U,i .. . r do by us both ways if Piano is not just as represented iq fhis il twS in use. Send for catalogue. livery instrument Inllv vw...,-j7Hnt,t TvT MaaA mix Alton :U n ' - . ..'iru ()r fio. k ouwi,uover and &x)k ih l CLAS3 and sold at Wholesale factory nrice t? 1 k " 1 j - vcuienrnai vv. . . - PANOS t AT 1 . T 1 -w-m unanimously recommenaea ior me xiioiiest Hnirnoa tt.. - - . u rviu.. 16 mj he hi; Ltkfu. tore ouyiug. rositiveiy we oner the Lest bargain rv. Handiome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 J: rvSu' tiiW . . j x. m r b-" uiaiiRn t ' tr&wui ocaie, me greaitet luiprovemeDi in me History "of Piu6 r"! j ui UM DtiPar f IM t 15 days' test trial -flight fi en it ... WPtbZ? write us before buying. Positively we offer the Lest baivai,.. .-!:. TnrlWr rights are the finest in America. tone a d the greatest durability. They are recommended by th Hi" tborities in the country. Over 14,000 in use, and not "one di-ii; eT'1 Pianos and Organs sent on Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years, Our "Parlor (irand iled tor aTS UnUrllMU -toiUto. rm Octave., prva oi 7tSTfX each, and one of Three ctaves. Thibtekh Stops with GravA ntl k length, 43 m ; Width, 24 in.; Weight, boxed, 360 Ids. The care w ' veneerea wicb cnoice wooue, ana is oi an entirely new and r. y ly carved, with raised panels, 'music closet, lamp staDds. frrtwnrv. n,,4' finished. Possesses all the latest ard best Improvements wilh brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful solo effect Snt.50tB tion. Regular retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash price to k with stool and book, only $97 as one organ sold sell others. Fbttti ? m price, jno payment requu-ec untu you have folly tested , s me. We send aU Organs on 15 days test trial and pay fceieht ; both snt is not as represented. Fully warranted for 5 years Oth i W? V oi.iy uu ; v stupo, co, j 'p8 iio. i;ver iJZ,uuo sold, and evarvih. TS the fullest satisfaction. Illustrate J circular mailed free Factorr and xr1? sts. and 10th Ave. ' va nweroct SHEET MUSIC sLu-mSlSa, of the day and every variety of musical composition, by the best aotbttaSl1, MENDELSSOHN PIAftO CO., P. 0., Box 2058,? dec4? City, CLYDE'S -AND - Wilmington. Steamship in C4 THE WILCOX GIBOS & CD'S MANIPULATED C Is claimed and admitted to be the s-"-;5' tins Best, Most Reliable and Cheapest Fertili iniuse for Cotton and other Crop3.'v "Yon can always depend on itM Arrange for yonr supplies at once, dn the Usual- terms. - i All material composing Fertilizers haye advanced End aomeof t are difficult to get. : I For supplies and any information in regard to Guano ww- with - -' . . : v I dec 23 ' , ;, v liniDgtdia fill inc. or Protradinc I that DeBlncTs pile Remedy felli to cure. Allays the Kcbinz. Uori th tunon, cin di'ate relief. Sold by druegiatt. Prepared by J.f.kXc 10th & Arch. Phlla., Pa. ArTIONWm wra pper on bottle contains his (dnatsn aaiaftlci , x A114Tueg tis and country stores hart it or viO ttt 'tk' 9M I 1L:L SI IT , , W i . T 11 J. 1 . ' nrraiica wco D5d ioer Dat are rcover injc vital etamins, declaro in eratefal termc tnelr nppreciaion cf the merits a a tocic f f ttoitdttera fitomash Bitters. Wot oaly doe it impart etreagth to th weak, it correct an irregular acid state oftlxe stogaach, makee ioe Doweia- act at proper isterrals, jjiTe eaio to tho?a who BulTer from rheumatic and kidny tronb'es. and cotouars as well aa ore. enta feiver and a.trn. f$YJT Bile bv all Urncffwta and Doilerj generalf rata X 3 A Safc and Sure means of restoring tho joathful color of the hair is furnish. ed by Parker's Hair JJalsam, which is deserTcdly popular from its superior cleanliness. SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW- There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter Jiow Epor it may naturally be. Lagan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly remores Freckles, Tan, Redness, Ronghness, Emotions, Tnl ffarllnshines,etc.,etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. .No Jady has the right to present a disfigured lice in society when the Hagnolia Balm js sold by all druggists lor o cents. TIIK STKAMEH BEN EFAGTOR. OAPT. JONES, H1LJL SAILFBOH SEW TUSX Q3 SATUEDAY, March 19, t.w Shippers can rely .upon theproap lailin of Steamers as adrerttod. -"U, ' J"or Freight Engagements apply to THOS. BOND, Bap't, ' Wilminfrtoc, Hi C THEO. Q. EGEK. FreLrht Aeeat! Wilmi3toH WtSfion Fail; Eoatl, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C, March 5, 18S1. QOMMUTATION TICKETS of denomi nations of 1000 and 2000 Miles, acceptable over the connections of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. at Goldsboro and Weldon, and especially adapted to the neceBeitiea of commercial travel, ai e issued by the Wil mington & Weldon R. R and are on sala at its Paisenger Depot in Wilmington. A. POPE, - mch 9-tf General Passenger Agent WLliEgto'D, CoMM'a & Anpsta R. B ORGANS MSStaJ free. AddreuDaiill J.Etti?,' work all rprinc and loaiMr. I f Jars address J O IfoOUaDT A Cp7' rfelpMa. Pa. - FLOWER SEFDS: FBESH h EE Trna to name, la neat packet, witk eat aesenpooo and al tart. Cat- ?AMiia fraA F E YanxiLuw, 31 1 iltoa it, I n thews: PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, - 5 WILMINGTON, N. C, March 5, ISSlV r SHI, COMMUTATION TICKETS of Denomi- vy ... , ... naUonaof lOOO and 2000 Miles, acceptabla V7M. P. CLYDE CO., JaaSl New York. over the connections of the Wilmington, W Broadway flew York. I Columoia & Augusta B. R., at Florence and Columbia, and especially adapted to the necessities of commercial travel, are is sued by the Wilmington, Columbia & Au gusta R, R. and are on sale at its Passenger Depots in Wilmington and Columbia. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. WLLMI NTG TO N7;N. Q. Large Sample Rooms ior Commercial XraTelcr mch 9-tf A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. rpHB PROPRIETOR bavin thorough!- renovated this Hoaae ac farnlahed It entire lynew, is prepared to give to the trav.ln. pshlio aUj the eonvealeneies of a FIIi8T OLASSoHOTEI. It i located la the very oeatre of the buainees part of the city, being ooavenleat to the principal bulness hoasea, rostoflee, Outea Hqvse, City Hall and Oourt House, lint-Class Bar and Billiard Baloov tosaeeted with this Hotel, BATES ifRT DAY, oot 24 F. ACHDTTB, ;, Bust Well Auger, " Kust Well frills, Eiist Horse Power. THB BEST AND M08Tf STJOOESSTUL Well boring and Prospecting Tools Haa- utacrorau.' ; .. : c: v r i ; r GA&PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The mort-improved Hnrfaee Attachment Guaranteed to make rood well anywhere. - Works much fester and with half the labor of any other tools. h Anger aad Drills wwrk by fha&d 'or horse power. :. .. . -..., s $2 Ho,B poww' have canaclfyfor wwvtrofe.-x; ii.ii .:.' THE RELISH OF HAtFORD feb 2Ww HOLD BI ALtfj i 10P BITTSi ra if -JlelM. not DELIC.'l ':A v f and ttepttrwtaad:jV' au ewer All diieaies ofthe 8tomck5 f. lldneT a-d Uriaarr voniaesr. Bleepleisaers, Balt Complaiflts. ii'Jjy tJ Hop Bitters and trv tha JfrJ, ud Toronto, vbi. CEORCEjPACi Piteat PortrtU CBSl, Jo gtatoarr aal IWf- STEflr.1 '-BjOKfiS sjr.BcmoEJEsex, . In use fi vejyeara and no Cailnxas. lladefronTbeatmaUriai and antj fw kalf tha price or.otaerf.j Bead for dreulars. : -,, ,-IO, BUST. I a T7-lydw 81 Joseph, L . II - m! T3' Ortat and Floiff juu-. -c.iai,, av 4 Go to Jaoobi' 7a 1 fir-.W"- WindCnasssUts.,: prices ;