every ftru . .lUll. 1. f2 50 ; Three 90z-ti , jpr.,-i hr carriers. ,py part of tbe;tr.te c5M rr wrt. v tore 4r'-. ....... p.-j 1U"' KeW A dvcrtisemenig. Try jln Jow lrsV Indian AlT S HlioM C'hc an U kinds oferup I ?dlie3 5 .rhio from iuritj A- "n A'te-auv, TcnHanji Bl4 J f 0 13"' " " " ' SU GOV. HOLDER'S -CPiKION. aiu'sttin tfc master j .. i ... t i . turn I "If (I c w.ww - r W. BO. .DEN, UE JUDGE STBOfiG'S OPIFiiafi. " Kalsigii.N. Dec tit, U8i iff0 I iru la bi 'ealth, suSonaiT from de bititT n ?'ft'on dl 1' ;.p?tit beu .friend iadaced in to i"F J-ur Trfcio. 1 4iiid the inat hopj fc liia. " I te fretf par in r-Roujme jdi:i,? it J val baa1H i-ntVe ea Ja -Toc, scd ish mac1) arc Bs V er -'r-.'!! f - 5 rp si b M- ... mob iS ljdtw .1 - 'Tikili : 1 mm STYLES j 1881. FIRST INSTALMENT OF .- BOOTS & SHOES ' ' . IN '. SPRING & SUMMER SIRES - -ARRIVING NOW AT . . Shoo Store. fH! Market Street - 32 Market 32 4' .T"CN VVv Bfca of the Show Cass with th' fihcemaker jp STOCK OF 'BOOTS AND SHOES Iways complete. Call and exainlue. Sat uiacuon guaranteed to customers. Now Is e Ume to eupply your families. tnvr&lK Jluc of tbosc CHILDREN'S ii 1 l 11 50 LE In lMC aQi buttons. See S lerinS- Uonvlnco. yoursef of the fiUT,,ot of those SCOTCH SOLE eM num&er. " C ROSENTHA'-L, : Marltct Street. 0T g r' Bacon, Molasses. Q QQQ Du3l,;j 1 lira8 White-CORN, Jq cs SmokeJ aivi D s Slde8 Qrr Hhla and Tierces JOVJ New Crop Cuba, 100 BWs cw rlcan9 Molasses, Just received and for sale low bj WILLIAMS & MURCniSONl , p'our, Sugar, Coffee, &c 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 20 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra CandC, 50 Bb:s New Orleans Suar, 530 Bags Coffee, different grades, . J25 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Tub Choice Leaf Lard, . 75 Bbl &nd Boxes Lemon Cakes ? 5 Boxes Lye andTotasb, 2 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxes and Half Bbl.8nuff.; - . . Bu-kets, Paper, Spie, Pepper, Gia. ,IIOOpIron.. Randolph Sheetings! "or sale by . ' " ' 25 vrttLUKS.& MURCHISONiJI VOL. V WILMINGTON, TESbATMARCH PE5lbi:RA TIC TlrKRT. Zor Aldermen. SCCOXD WA2D : WILLIAM L. SMITH. ALFRED ALDER VI AN. THIHD ward : LEMUEL n. BO WDEN, JAMES B. IIUGGINS. FOURTH TTAHD ; . DAVID G. WORTH, SAMUEL NORTHROP. FIFTH WARD : FREDERICK RUEU, ALEXANDER II. LESLIE;. 7 LOCAL NEWS. " Report of the Condition of the First Nx tional Bank of Wilmington ;N. C. Dk E C West Health is Wealth John C West & Co f 500 Reward S M Emi'Ie Law Books for Salo C W Yates Full Stock IIzixsBEnGER A Trsxtnp. Abroad A SuitiEit Spring Styles lSSl Have you registered? Whj dou't you register? Do you intend to register? Yes? Then register now. His Honor Mayor Fishblate is confined to his bed by sickness.' 1 1 - 1 luc diagram for Rial's Ilampty Dampty performance is filling up very. rapidly. - There are quite a number of timber rafts in the river abreast of 'the city and more are en route. ' The Dramatic Club of Charlotte are rehearsing the Pirates of Penzance and will, after Easter, visit this city by invi tatiou. i Some of the gardens and truck farms near this city are well advanced. Green pea vines are flowering and the prospects are that a good yield will be had unless the vines are killed by frost or cold. .- Alderman F. W. Foster desire t0 -make a correction as to & statement made in a circular issued by him. .The contract referred to wai accepted by, tho Board of Aldermen, instead of the Board of Audit and Fioance, as stated in the circular. It Tlli" LKimr IO-rMlfiht Dr. Eugene Grissom arrived here last evening, for the purpose of delivering at the Opera House, this evening, the lec ture promised by him for the benefit oj the Wilmington Library Association. The lecture will be delivered, as'announc- ed, despite the inclement weather, as Dr. Grissom cannot remain here until Thurs day, and the Opera House is engaged for to-morrow evening. Dr. Grissom is entertained while in the city by Mr.'Chas. H. Robinson, President of the Wilmington. Library Association, and a number of prominent citizen? have called on him to-day a Mr Robinson's residence. . rciiy Tfccft. . Timber agents, saw mill owners and others are frequently annoyedand put t considerable trouble by petty thieves who steal pieces of rope from timber rafts. On several occasions sticks of tim ber have been set adrift by some thief who would steal the rope with which it was tied. We have heard of an instance where a piece of rope was stolen at night and sold to the rightful owners in the morning. The theft of rope from rafts is not at all uncommon and is a source of serious annoyance to dealers in timber. M. B. Curtis, who 'it will be remem bered made quite a hit as the jovial sheeDy" in Milton Nobles' p!ayt "The Phccnix" is starring in a comedy written by George H. Jessop, the author of the "Almighty Dollar" and other queer plays. Mr. Curtis will give two per formances in this city commencing Mon day evening, 28th inaW Personal Col. AV. L. Saunders, Secretary of State, arrived here last night and put up at the Purcell House. He will remain here until to-night, when he will leave for the Hot Springs in Arkansas, where we trust that he will find benefit. He has been the recipient to-day of many calls from our, citizens. A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is famish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam; which,! deservedly popular from; iti superior cleanliness. , ., ; . " Unaalhtblei Tht following nnmailable matter re mains in the Postoffice in this city : Wash Beauman, Pender county, K. C. ; white envelope, no address ; Lich tenstein Bros. & Co., New York N. Y.; Emma Hooper, Hampton School ; Clark & Currie, Clarkton, N. C - 1 Illamloatlon. The "City Park" was brilliantly illu mioated last evening about 7 o'clock. A mammoth canopy had been erected and from the centre-pole, which ran throrgh tho tent, a beautiful flag was flfiog to the breeze The orator far the occas'ou was about to opn his address, .when tbe lights were turned full on and the band commenced to play. The brilliancy lasU ed only for a minute or two, aa tho. boys commenced to "throw dirt," and tho ora tor stepped down." W intended from tho first .to say that the naphtha lamp, under the lawa tent, which has been used for a week past by an itinerant pedlar, exploded and Mike Peden's gang com menced to 'holler", and throw sand on the flames. The present year is the Hebrew year 5G42, and it is leap year. It has thir teen months. The added month is Adar. lilal s Humpij Dumpiy. Everybody has heard of "Humpty Dumpty;" that is, everybody who is any body in a theatrical way. The public needs no introduction to its eccentric in mates. Rial's company is a strong one, and a large audience may be looked for. An exchange says: The everlasting "Humpty Dumpty'.' was produced again last evening to a de lighted audience by Jay Rial'scombinV tion. The specialty acts introduced by this company are specially worthy of commendation. Among them may be mentioned the performances of Rel Mueab, the fire caterr Punch Walton, the English comique and cornet eoleist, and the London dog circus. Walton was recalled again and again for his solos, and the performances of the dogs excited much wonderment and applause. The dog circus is a whole entertainment by itself. How to M yourowa -patntcr r Boy the N. T. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and atv an tea at jacobi. t At the City Hall. Charles Sommus, a nautical traveller, was out on a lark pretty lata last night and when he fetched up at the Seamen's Home he found the door at the foot of the stairs locked. So he banged and baoged away until he broke tha glass door, which caused the policeman's attea. tion to be arrested and he proceeded forthwith to the scene of the disaster and now for the first time the nautical trav eller found out that he had broken the door to the entrance of the Carolina Olnb room on North Front street, and that he was not at the Seaman's Home on South Front street, as he had fondly hopsd. Upon a proper explanation and full pay. mcnt of damnges done, the man that goes down to the , sea in ships was d is charged. Delia, a colors d woman who is evi dently crazy was in the neighborhood of the Gas House yesterday afteraoon making an indecent exposure of her per son, and last night she proceeded ,to the house of a colored woman residing in the Fifth Ward and there disrobed herself entirely, piling up her clothes in the middle of the floor and attempting to u1 fire to them. The woman of the house was absent from home at the time, but her children, who were alone in the house until the entrance of the poor crazjr creature, were very mucn fngbtened. Afterwards the demented weman wan dered out into the streets and was ar rested byOmcersGrant and Williams ana" taken to the Guard House where she now is awaiting an examination by a Board of lnquirendo de Lunattco. Ben Teters, another jolly tar who was on a land cruise last night, shipped too much of a cargo of John Barleycorn and sank under the heavy load he was carry ing. A policeman gathered hira under his protecting wing and carried him to the Guard House where he was locked up all night This morning the son of Nep tune "said it was his first time ashore in many weeks and he had only taken a few dropsof the crathur when Jie was "keeled over." In consideration of the, fact that defendant belonged to a much-abused class of people and had done no harm to any one. but himself, tha good nature Chief Brock said, go and come hera no more" vv -;; - We advise our friend to call at Jacoh's for Household Hardware of every descrlp tion. v Thtrt you gtt tie lowest prlies.... t ;Bat one day left in which to register The storm signal was raised last night and is up yet. Thus far the fruit prospects here abouts are not damaged. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 434 bales. The .Radicals are, mustering their strength and sending out their runner to gather in the delinquents who have heretofore neglected to register. Democrats of the Second, Third and Fourth Wards, will you by your own neg lect and carelessness allow the city to pass into tho hands of tho Radicals? . . Nor. barque Gyllcr cleared to-day for Hamburg, with 4,320 barrels rosin, ship ped by Messrs. Williams & Murchison, and Nor. barque Gioja cleared for LonJ don, with 2,530 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Chess", Carley & Co. The Republicans in the Third and Fifth Wards niet last night and nomi nated F. W, Foster and Benj. Scott from the Third and Joseph H. Willis and Joseph D. Sampson from the Fifth, as candidates for Alderman from those Wards. Death 0! Caps. Lawton. Capt. Jas, K Lawton, formerly af this city, died on the 5th inat., at Foster, R L, aged 81 years. Capt. Lawton is re membered here by all ante-belleum resi dentsu For several years, previeus to the railway connection with Charleston, he commanded the Vanderbilt,. one . of the fine large steamers which plied daily between . this port and Charleston, con necting with the traias ontheWilming ton &' Weldon R. R. as part of the line of through traveL When the railroad line was open to Charleston, and the steamers were ; withdrawn, Capt.: Law- ton remained here until the. close ot the -war, when he removed to ' Rhode Island, where he died at am advanced ag. , Hit of Letters. Tha followins is list of the letters re Balning unclaimed fat tha City Postoffice Wednesday, farch 28: A Mrs Caroline AIlettfGenrgeAsher, Jack Ashe. B Thomas Batie, Absom Burnie, David Brown, David J.. Becton, C D Bell. Edward Battey, Bobt Bell, S If Barney, Willie Brown, Christian Brown, Easter Blunt, mrs Maggie C Bennman, mra Martha Brown, miss Sarah Brown, David Brvau, C Andrew ACoEn, Andrew Cheat- am, Jno B Canady, Levy Curry, misi Louisa Clark. DJ Dudley, Louis Davii, William Davis, Benj Davis, Lucinder Donelson, Manraret Dare, Adeline Davis. ' EMis Elizabeth Edens, Alexander Bllrson. . . FOaflTcy Fink, Geo W Fnlcher, George Femell, George Fairly, Marry Frankland, Laura Fenaer. G Anna Graddy, miss Sophia Greta, Dani Grange, Jacob Green. H T H Higss, Bristow Harriss. Isaac W Haney, James Hall, Noel Her ring, Nelson Hanks, TTalter xlamon, Thos Edwd Howard, W J Hicksen, mrs Elizabeth Howard, mrs If ary Hooper Lissie Hall, Mary Hayes, Mary Homes. J Calvin Johnsos, J W Jacobs, W C Jones, Wei Jeffers, Elmira JsbnsoB, Hannah Johason. , KlTios H Kent. . ,L Andrew Laboo,Abram Lariogton, Benj Long, Cudjo Larkias, Chas Law son, M Lackman, nrs Jane Lewis, Ma- nerva Love. ; M C T Mnrphey. Esther Messick, Hannah Merrick, J M Morris. Ida Ann Mack. J Josephine Mack; F McLauron, George' Morton, Jo Mosely, Joseph W Moore, Jno Meagher, E F Mason, Thos HcFarland, Jas Mosely, Wn H Moore, W H MaxwelL O A B Orr, Jno Ongh, PB C Palmer, Dr Profit R W A Respass. Lucius E Reeves, Lloy Buss, L W Ross. J C Bowell, Danl Roan. Sarah Ross. F lorence liamn, Ielsy' Richardsoh, G M Richardsoc, Benj Rone. Mrs Mary Simmons, mrs Sampspn, Melvina Stewart, Mary Stevenson, M E Smith, Lissie A Smith, F J Sanders, Christian Scot V Josephine Stewart, Ella Smith, Benj J Sellers, Ester Sharpless, J M Spragens, Wash Shaw, VV J Smith, C G Sawyer, J H Shoemaker. T Willie Trust. W Jno C Wager. Jas Wallace, Hen rj. WaddelLPM Walker, Geo Wash ington, Ben Wilson, Rachael Williams, Rosan WaddelL Annia Wilson. Peraona calling for letters in above list will pleaea say "advertised"; if not claim eil In SO days will be sent to dead letter OlEcerWashington, D. a E. R. BRINK, P.M. Wilmington, New Hanever County, N.a Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Cash and Blinds, pure Whlte Leaf, OHi, TarnUhea Window Glxu, all tea. - An at tie lowest prlie;;fj- . - - - 22. 1881 NO 20 This is probably the tail end of the equinoctial. . It was ushered in with a fierce blow on Saturday and Saturday night and to day has been remarkable for heavy rain?. The members of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1. will celebrate their anniversary to-morrow by an en gine trial, in fait uniform, but there will be no parade. Kiclicv-Fouriii Annivrifarr. While Nihilists, Socialists and Com munists are pulling down and destroying; assassinaticg crowned heads and murder ing quiet, peaceable aud inolfensivo citi zens who may chance to be in the way of their designs. iu tbe; old k world here In Republican America the , faith ful subjects of King William of Prussia and Emperor of Germany, aro casting their eyes wistfully over the broad waters j that separate them from the Faderland and drinking the' health of their much beloved monarch on this.thc eighty-fourth ; adversary of the Emperor'i birthday; iir. E. Pescbau, the German Imperial Consul at this port, had the official col ors of the Consulate flying from the flag staff over his office to-day, while within the consulate, the Consul was holding a levee in honor of the occasion mentioned above, where cake and, wine were dispen sed quite freely and cigars with a pleas ant aroma were puffed .by many qC the numerous callers. A distinguished British scientist pre dicts a great drought this summer as the historical sequence of the great frosts of the past winter. " He quotes various ins tances, ranging from the second century to the.present time, to confirm this the ory. - The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Margaret D. Mclihenny, postponed to-day on account of the inclement weath er, will take place to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from St. James' Church to Oakdale. New Advertisements. Report of the Condition OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANsT OF Wilmington, at Wilmington, In the Stats 1 Worth Carolina, at toe clos ct Duunees s3areh ilih, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts............ $675,411 21 Overdrafts...... 6,7 20 W U. 3. Bonds to secure circulation Et,0Q0 Other stocks, bonds and .mortga ges 2,155 3 Da from approved reserre agents 19,t37 25 I)u from other National Banks... 15,288 81 Due from State Banks and bankers 2,190 4fi Real estate, furniture and fixtures 88,658 II Carrent expemes and taxes pnid, ,CI4 t Bills of other Banks, 3,7 08 Fractional paper currency, nick- ' els aud pennies.. 626 6 rtpecle 22,774 03 Legal tender notes, 6,000 00 Redemption fond with U.S.Treat nrer, (5 per cent of circulation) ., 2,250 00 Total,.. $925,143 17 LIABILITIES." Capital stock paid in;. $250,000 00 8urplusfund 39,3s2 &7 Unclivided profits 18,013 2- National Bank notes outstanding, 44,990 00 Dividends unpaid. U 2,228 00 Individtal deposits subject to check 236,587 OS Demand certificates of deposit,... 269,542 66 Due to other National Banks 32,731 14 Netes and bills re-discouuted 40,058 03 Total......... $D2,143 17 btitp nt wnnTTT niunrtvi CODNTY OF NEW UANOVER,s named Bank,do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. A. K. VV ALKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before xne this 21st dar of sf arch. 1831. H. W. BOWDEN, Notary Pablic Coasisr Attett : ALF&SD MARTIN,) D. O, would, V Directors. h. E. BUBRUdS, J xeb22 NO MORE LEAKY ROOFS ! JRON CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT has no equal for stopping leaks. It is guar anteed for 10years; Any roof, no matter how bad, can be saved by this paint. As a Roofing Faint and for Damp Walls it has no equal. Samples and testimonials furnished upon application at Office of the Iron Clad Paint Company, en Second, between Market and Princess streets. feb 20- Starch. BOXES' REFINED PEARL, Ben 250 Twn, Royal Gloss. Also Improved Corn for cooking purposes. Now is your time, as prices have been REDUCED. rBCh7-U UEKU33KT V CO. Removal of LawIOfllce. JHAVE REMOVED MY OFFICE to the suite of rooms first floor old National nk BuUdiog. corner Front and Prince ss streets. : entrance on both streets. - . J. L. MACKS, rich 17-2w : tar copy Att'y-at-Law, As-, J A AW ... Ti'e will tsl&3 to recilvs cosszrJciUcii froa ezr frlc2ij ca tty tri all nb'ti rf ' tie nxzie cf tla wiltsr rsci t alsrs js 1 9 fr. r nlshedfjthexiior. .'. ;. Oommualeatloas cuit be written fii t r!y oae tide of the paper, Persamies tazsi be at jliel And it Is especially and pcsiXsLxzlj nader ttcod that the Editradoes act alwijs enocne the Tiews ot eorrespotden ucles? so stated a the editorial eoluip&s. - ffew Advertisemcntg. law Boks for; Sale. rpriE LAW LIBRARY of tho late Adam a. Jiiupie, approximatin? 500 Volumes,. iBt. S. 31. EMPIE, mch 22 tds v Attorney S500 Reward. WE WILL PAYTITS ABOVE reward, Ilo inT v - ,,f Uvcr Complaint, Drs-'. Persia, Sick He-!-.-bvVlndtgestion;ConsU-pationorCoth.. wo cannot cure with" est s V egctable Lirer Pills, when th di rections are strictly complied with. The aro purely Vegetable, and never fail to civo satisfaction. Suar coated. Lame boxe. C?,nTVllai3sr no. 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware ot countcreits and imitations. Hie. jjenuiue manufactured oulv v by JOHN C. WEST& CO.. "Th JvS ken:,.I81 & ISZ W. Madison St., Chicago. -Free tHal package sent by. maU prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp, inch 22-d&w' ly ealth is : Wealth j XR. E. C. WEST'3 Nebve axd Buiin J Tkeatmext ; a specific for Uvtcrlj. LieiQD, excesses, or over-indiiifwnr which leads to misery, decay and death. -One box will cure reeeut cases. Each box ; contains one month's treatment. One dol lar a box, or six boxes for. nvo dollarsj sent -by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Wa " guarantee six boxes to cure any case. .With each order received by us for six boxes, tie- -' companied withf five dollars,? we, will send 1; the purchaser our written agreement , to rc-v. turn the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by WM. II. GREEN, Druggist, (successor to Green & Flanner) Wilmington, NC. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. , mch 25-dAw-ly . . OPERA, .KOUSEi WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23d. An Absolute New Departure . JAY R 8 A L'V'f5 MAMMOTH " ; Humpty-DunVpty AND TRANS-ATLANTIC , NOVELTY COMBINATION.- , , At the Extreme vf Topular Prices. Admission, 25 and 3.c, Best'Reservwl Seats only 15 cents extra. See small bills and posters. Seats for sale at lleinsberger's Book Store. Jmch lS-fri-mon-tues A Tramp Abroad, JOUGniNQ IT, INNOCENCE Abroad, Tom Sawyer, Sketches Old and New, Glided Age. AH by Mark Twain. Forxalc at HEINSBERGER'S. - Blank Book JNKS, MUCILAGE, GOtD PENS, PEN-; cils, Stationery of every variety and fctjlc. For sale at mch 21 IIEINSBERGER'S, " . Live Book Store" LECTURE. ' - DRi EUGENE GRISSOM OF RALEISIJ ZZ WILL LECTURE, u-r:: For the benefit of- the Wilmington Library . . j Association, at the TXy OPERA HOUSE, ia this city, on TTJECDA1T, 22d- Commencing atS.15 o'cIookP. II. Sut: ject : "...-'. r . . ... "THErRlkcE ;op MEN." Admission 25 cents. ' mih 17-5 . Full lock. pRiSd G00U8, LOW PRICZJ. Eray eflort ra(fe tompplr the;dexsnd .iaeVet j'', llaa. Cfl-ce aid Fa y S aUiaiiy, Fclcc 1' Biatk acd lIIee:Uaeoui Boks;ra3ey Ar tieles, Picture Frimet ia stock and made to order. Organs on tha IasUlcest Plao, et Yates' Boot Store. mch 21 PUBCEL! J00 3". W 1.1 U.TOES SSW EAJAOEaEST, W I.I IiA nVVi. -v 1 1 " ... at the "Journal Buihlws" on Princess st ac ii o ciock. A. M on 'Hi L"-"uiwi vum ulsiuiis, nervous lieaaache, Mrntal Depression, Loss of Memory,' Impo-tcuv-y, Premature Old Age, caused bv over. v Wuinvcny, N. c. Ct L. PEitny, :m Uvrcxz LattFroTrkt).-' Atlantic Hc'el." IhlltoZZptTCir. fh8tr .

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