BIS PAPEB PLCABE 2TOTICE. T wQl be rlad to reeelvo eccraticatk x t from our friends ca aiy an3 -e!l r?M?.-u f , r. r- ! I Tie tan of tiewrlterctuw?! bits - aiahed to tA Editor. Coaa?ra!eatIoai aatt b -rrJUfts r tlr : one ride of tho ptper. ' 03tkf, .,' bt j-rfi ey carriers. Pcrscaallties xat te ivlied And It is ejrpeciallT and cuCcniarlT osJar VOL! VI WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23. 1881 NO. 21 ttood that tae Editrvdoet ret a! wits cEcerro the viewsot correfposdeau, olcsi foiUtl The Mil -lir ie w . ; : r -- " '. .. -M-irtO rei-' T5rLAlSANI)SROCAi;E. Special .re' ra! bargains- . . gUn Shatter Parasols UL WOOL SUiTiNQ?3 Ju-t the tairiir i": thv. season. T. arrfr on Wlnesd.y,'2!d: AIo a large assortment o ?.vN11! ACES for Ttlrnrni!.. HetJqnarltri for ail kiads of FBH'IS'f HO Q0009. 1000 Bushels BEST LOWLAND, do. WHITE UPLAND, For sale by WORTH & WORTH. 32 Market St. 32 c! tht Sb$w Case witli vh JJT STOCK OF BOOTS' AND SHOES lwajs complete. Call and ixamine. Safc tsfactiou guaranteed to fcustomers. Now is tte time to supply your families. A full line of those CHILDREN'8 SCOTCH SOLE, la lace and buttons. See tog Is believing. Convince yourself of the 'set. lot of tho SCOTCH 80LE gaiters jujt, recved. Don't Jorget the Cia number. C .ROSENTHAI-f 2 Market Street. Try 'Mrs.-Joo rerson'8 Indian 1uic Bittern tuE SOOFDLi, Ciscer in its ea' iV7 fUrM- aennntiaoa. lieart DUe3?, tTle,w,llM fllie, and all kinds of ernp f Tvk, ,kJa dl8e ariiiojr from impurity bWd' At an Alter aUTe Tenia ani oa Parinor it h prora ie.lf unequal- SU GQV. KOLOEfi'S CP1KI0H. . f;. Dec 2d, 1860 r B,V f ie,Ma'e ia "n? that a memter Ui r. lj h,a wed Mr Ferson'B ttm . V kuuu regain, i DBuere ' W. W. HOLDER. W JUDGE STRONG'S OPINIO?!. . K AL,ISU W- C., Deo . itt, 1883 Ufei iX Vlrellh "erinir from do- r&d iS'01 id lcM o' PPttit3. when w lltaiS?dmtotry Jour Tonio. I much in.,?1 Vee:ai ,e ToQ?c M ,acco- Very .eapectrillf, irpa-edbT if. TaBlV. STRONG. Kn. q bj Mr- Joe Person, Franklin. ovsii. (jr L twfficee J'S MY OFFICE to the hinVn-., ..100 first flnnV K'- i -nwaace on both streets ' , BUrcop, JLtt'jLaw, lB310rUATIC TITKBT. S'cr Aldermen. SECOND WAJID : WILLIAM L. SMITH. ALFRED ALDER AN. . TEIIKD ward : LEMUEL n. BOWDEN', JAMES B. nUGGINS. rocr.TU ward : , DAVID G. WORTH. SAMUEL NORTHROP. ririn ward : FREDERICK" RHEU, .A I . EX AN PER II. LESLIE. LOCAL NEWS! C W Yates Full Stock S II FrSnnLTE, Mayor Notice to Liquor Dealers ..Heinsbergek Tho Live Book Storo A I Siirier -Arriving Daily For- other locals see fourth page. There was no City.Court to uav. ThcrRegistrare are busy to J y. Is the printer who sets up aa ode an odoi? A slave of thevriDg almost any mar ried man. Best place in the world for th8 blind the seaside. The sweetest chamber music is a moth er's low lulaby. It is said a bang ou the forehead is worth two in the eye. Corporal punishment net er fails to make scamps scamper. Firemen as well as other people like to talk of their own flames. "We are sure to be the losers when we quarrel among ourselves. The Spring poet will seen make him self heard throughout the lane. Fassing around the hat ia one way of getting the cents of the meeting. Mayor Fishblate has rocoTered from his indisposition and is on duty as;ain. Toucan now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stores At factory pficcsat Jacobi a. The reason 1 871 does not resemble a pair of lovers on a sofa, is because there is one at each end. TTriw to'Devourown painter: Buy the N. Y..; Enamel Paiut, ready mixed and arr anted at UcoBia. t r Tonne- man. be true to yurself, and it must follow, as the night dtn the day .... that yen cannot be false to anyone. If the keeper of a jail is a . jailer, why 18a t tne seeptr HV" picy" " If hand writing is indicative of characj ter, some - reputed good men have rery bad characters. c He that does good for good's sake Beets neither praise nor' reward, though sare of both at last. . Skiminjr ropo is pronounced danger- ous. A rope has proved fatal to many murderers who 'did not skip it. It is not necessary, says an exchange, KMToh the rocks for the antediluvian man; he is here! and can be found id the store that cTon't advertise. - ' Lenten parties consist of quiet little parties assembled for the purpose or sew ing for (he poor, etc. The only thing served in the line of refreshments is taffy. A scientific writer in the Quarterly Review asserts that a piece of bread about the size of a French billiard ball, tied up iu a linen bag and placed in a pot of -vegetables, will prevent unpieas. ant ordors arising from tne same. Go to Jacobi'b for Doors, Sash and minds. Dure White Lead, Oils, Varnishea Window Glass, all size. All atHbe lowest prices - - Tt will soon be necessary to carry high stools to places of amusement. A fash ion authority says: Among new spring bonnets, 16 full blown poppies are seen on oneaud nine ostrich . feathers on an other. .; When you visit or leave 2Tew York City, stop at the Grand Unwa Hotel, opposite n-.. ..t ior-. Knrorjean Dlans Rooms reduced to l.(X) and upwards Rtuur aut unsurpassed at moaera- pi street cars, stages aadelevaied railroad to aii nirr r ti ial . . - Schr. L. TV. Wittier, Bowman, from Nayassa via Long Cay, Feb. 27, for this port, was abandoned at sea March 15, in last 30 24. Ion 79 47. with 4 feet of water in her hpldnd the crew exhaust ed. They were takes off by the bark Arthur C. Wade and landed at the Del ware Break-water on- the 2UW .The scnooner wa3 owned in : "Bristol Me, 323 tann hnrrien. and was liOt insured. She was loaded with gttano and phosphate, At a raeetin of the AVllmidstoa LI-' nuor Dealers Asaociaiioa, , oeiu wo. night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, "viz; President H. E. Scott. V. P. John G. Oldenbuttel. I. S. James M.McGowan. O. S. R. F. Kyden. Treasurer B. H. J. Ahrens. Finance Committc -Alex. Adriaa, JohnSteljia. Visiting Committee John w. Gerdta, Henry W. Bryant, Henry Haar. A Good Hole. We publish the following rale for cal- .niatinor intrrMt. &s of convenience to , r business men: Multiply any given nun ber of dollars by the number of days of interest required, separate the right hand figure and divide by tlx. The re sult is the true interest for sich a num ber of days at six per cent. This rule is so simple and so true, according to all business usages, that every banker, bro ker, merchant and clerk sheuld ' poit it by for reference and use. There being ! no such thing as a fraction in it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mis take. Look. li k. Bunnell. The following from the Hickory Press indicates that the operations of the South Atlantic & OhioRailway & Operatiig ComDan7 are to be pushed ibrward at once and with dispatch:. - . - Mr. Willian Cain, who was employed last summer and fall in making the iar- rey of the Westers Mortn uarouna ttau- road beyond Asbeville went up tne roaa Yveunesaay. xie uuu vapw imgut, who surveyed rhe Chester and Lenoir "W Nnrrow Oauffe. win meet in uicKory next Monday and organize their survey ing company ana procee across tne mountains. They will begin at Ianoir or Patterson, and going through Cook's Han and aloncr the Watauga river. wend their war towards lennessee. The object is to extend across the mountains into North Carolina a nar row tmnce railroad which is already doiug a good basinesa through part ft Kentucky and Tennessee, coonecuig- in this State with tne . uaester anax lenoir v.rrnw Hanire. or the Lane? Fear aai Yadkin Talley Railroad most likely the latterwhich wiuu then traverse tne entire length of the State.passing by the live towns of Winston andGreensboro and the old historiatowa of Fayetteville, and rnrnincr nnewftLKr &b ? uniuruju. jlv wsla this Tjreiect.. in tne Hands - oi ven. . Imboden. that called forth a bill in the late Legislature for the establishment of - : .vll l.a QUU. inUMit in the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail road Company. If this proposed road is ever completed it will be a srreat blessing to a section of the State that has been long needing a respectable outlet from the mountain nooxs ana giens. Banks and Holidays. The following is the text of the act to designate the holidays to be observed, I and date when papers will be due: The General Assembly of berth Car- olina do enact: section 1. That the first day of Jan nary, twenty-secona oayoi leoruwy, i i m t5.i tenth day or May, twentietn aay oi Jaay, fnnrth dav of Julv and a day appointed ! by the Governor f North Carolina as a thanksgiving day, ana me tweaiy- fifth dav or uecemDer - oi -eacn and every year be, and ine same are hereby declared to be public hniinaTs. and that wnenever any sucn hniirlav shall fall uDon Sunday the Moa day next following shall be deemed a public holiday, and papers auo ou wcu Cnnnv afiaii Vw Tmvahlft on the Saturday I next preceding, and papers which would otherwise be payable on said Monday shall be payable on the Tuesday nexv thereaiter. . . Sec 2. Be tt further enactea, l nai thpr of the above named days shall fall on Saturday, the papers due on the Sunday following shall be payable on Monday next succeeding. Rw 3 , Tip. it further enacted. That whenever either of the above named days shall fall on Monday, the papers which should otherwise be payable on that day shall be payable on the Tuesday next succeeding. .. : . ... $ec 4. This act saau oe ia from and after its ratification. Mr. N. Jacobi. D. SC. for this State, of the Order cf Amcricaa -Xegica tf Honor Jeft this canisf for BocHcslsa where he coes to institute m ':; cquscil ei thsLe.Tica cf Hcscr- " We fear that these cold wiadi will in jure the young fruit and pea crops. ' The 'revenae cutters Colfax and Sf fi vers were reported at Ocracoke Inlet this morning. ' The wind has been blowing from the West all day and overcoats and fires are among; our best friends. v Deputy City Collector Carr wai en gaged "this morning" in. selling property for city1. taxes. The city was - the pur , ill I I K.v . " " The wdrk ol laying ; the government cable at Hatteras Iale t has . been sus pended at present on account of the roughness of the water. - Jay Rial's Hampty Durapty troupe ar rived this morning and paraded taoprin cipal streets. The band played some airs and . was followed by the performing dogs and jack. The kitchen in the rear of a residence on Fourth and Dock streets was discov ered on fire yesterday morning. The flames were extinguished before the ! alarm became general and before much damage was done. The Republicans were registering their voters in the Second, Third and Fourth Wards at a lively rate to-day. I It behooves the Democrats to come oat to-morrow and votd the regular ticket and save the city from the Republicans Something of a par. Messrs. W. H. Bobbins & Bro., con tractors and dealers in ship spars in this city, have just completed a spar for the schooner Mary A. Powers, 90 feet in length, 2 feet ia diameter at the top and 2 feet 6 inches in diameter at the base. There are 4,H.feeVf timber in this one spar. It is' intended to replace a mast in the schooner Marg . A. Powers, mow in port, whick that vesal lost in a ealerff Frying Pan, Shoals while on a Yoysgo here froa New York, some three weeks since. Back AsalDs Mr. A. Shrierhas, we aetice, return ed from his lengthy visit tat the Northern markets. Heweat for the purpose, of pmrchasins; Spring and Summer goods for his twt houses, clothing aid shoes. He tells us that he boigU largely and that his when purchases are all here and displayed he will be able so show two of the handsomest stocks of goods ia the SUte. -The first installments of clothing as well as of boots aad shoes, are new arriving and are Wing opened and mark ed. , Democratic c halleng ers. ' The following is a list of the Demo cratic Challengers ia the Second, and Fourth Wards: 8EC0SD WA1D. , CoL James O. Burr, G. J. BoneyTohn IK Crow, DuBrutz Cutlar, F. M. Fre mont, H. McL. Green. A.' J. Hill, H. H. Kasprowicz, E. H. King, Beger Moore, R.O.Orrell. JohnT. Bankin, William W. Shaw, Wo. L. Smith, Jr , Gen. U P.Taylor, Henry P. West. FOURTH WASP. Martin S. Willard. A. L. DeRosset, liS. I. Brown, E. H. Kilers, W. P. Oldham, John Daniels, Walter Talia- ferro. " Registrars aad Inspectors The following" is a complete list of the istrars and Insnectors for the muni- clpal eiettion to beheld in this city to- First Ward Upper Division Archi- bUd Alder man, Rej;istrar ;S. Hill Terry, L. J. Thornton, C, Strode, J. O. Nixon, Inspectors. : First Ward Lower Division E Scharff, Registrar ; Juo. L. Dudley, Jno. H. Strauss, J. W. Whitney, Louis L. Nixon, Inspectors. Second Ward J, C.'Lumsden, Begis. trar; L. Tate Bowdan, R. F. Eyden, B. G. Bates, George E. Berden, Inspectors Third Ward Wjli. Jacobs, Begis trar; -A. J. Yopp, W. M. Hays, John E. Taylor, John Hargrove, Inspectors. Fourth Ward James Kendrick, Reg istrar ; Thomas O. Banting, George N. Harries; C P. Leockey, Louis Bryant, Inspectors. Fiftfc Ward H." B. Orr, Jr Regis trar; rNick N. Morris, George W. Branch, Anthonj' Howe, Jr James B. Dudley, Inspectors. The Begistraxs and Icspecton are re quested to be at lbs :polla by Jalf-psst 6 o'tlccx; as " thsf ; vctirj wiuc cc fibrstly atl ocfr:! trl czzz at czzzz The Lecture Last Sight. Notwithstanding the very inclement weather last night a goodly number of appreciative persons attended the Opera House to listen to Dr. Eugene Grissom's lecture, under ths auspices of the Wil min&rton Library Association. The htheme chosen by. that gentleman was "The Prince f. Men" referring to King David. . l ue lecturer gave a very full and elaborate history of King David, relating many remarkable incidents in thw eventful life of this shepherd's boy who was afterwards the great King of Israel and father of Solomon the V ise Dr. Grissom, at the beginning, claimed for this illustriouslsraelite that ho wa3 the greatest among men. There were many beautiful passages in thi3 most interest ing discourse that gave evidence of deep thought and scholarly research. Dr v - Grissom is a clear thinker and a pleasaa speaker, and he kept his sudience inter, ested in his subject last night,- from the boffinning until the close. We regret exceedingly the unfavorable circumstan- ces which prevented a larger audience, I but we teel we can safely promise the distinguished gentleman, shouldhe honor us with another visit. ( if we have more propitious weather) a full house and a like appreciative audience. He that is not with us. to-morrow is against us. There must be no division in our ranks- Otherwise-the enemy may slip in at the gap aad flank us. Then we will have a nice kettle of fish for the next two years. - - ii i .ii DI55D. A. A.U IUM iJ 1 VI. uw inst., Mrs. SOPHIA W. UAS8IDEY, widow of the late James her 75th year, Now AdvertiBoinents. Notice- To Liauor Dealers. Mayor's Office, City of Wilmington. N C March 22, 1S81 rpHE ATTENTION OF LIQUOR DEAL- crs is called to the following law of the State of North Carolina : "No person orrpersons shall give away, In any public place, retail or sell, except upon prescription of a practising physician, and for medical purposes, any intoxicating liq uors at any time within twelve hours next preceding or succeeding any public election j or duriag tho holding thereof, at any place within five miles of any election precinct. "Any person or persons violating the pro visions of the preceding section shall be - . s deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and pun ishable with a fine of not less than one hun dred nor more than one thousand dollars.' Battle' Bevital, sections 119 and 150. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the above law, all Bar Rooms and places where intoxicating liquor are soli, hall be closed atC o'clock, P. M., on Wed nesday, March 23J, and remain closed until 6 o'clock, A. M., on Friday, March 23th, itiT viol Atio of the above law at the en" suing election, on the 24tu of March 1SS1, Will be vigorously prosecuted. " I 8. H. ri3RBLA.Ti, " Advertisements. ; The Live Eopk Store ilONTAIX3 TIIIl LARGEST iV nf rr pi:iar Literature and ; , Miscellaneous Wort Pi 11103 and Organsv, . . jJ USIC r.QXZ, GU1T A H3, VIOLINS, aad all other "'':1-1 IuairumenU, For sale at HEIXSUERGEX'S, mch22 ' - Live Book Store Arrivinar Daily, ! --E ARC X0T7, BUSY OPNLGf markicg and arranging our Soring and Summer &tocl: cf Gent's, Youtbs" and Boys' Clothing and Fumijhiog Goods. Wc tavo got this season the largest etock, the prctU- C4t stock and the cheapest stock of Cloth; i ever offered ia this market, A call aY 1 pection is rcrpcctfolly solicited. J A. & I. snrjER, rach jrarkct street T TnnTra f av A'olo 1 " -"r rPE LAW LIBRARY of the late Adam inst. S. M. EMPiK. mch 22 tds Attorney 8500 Reward. -T7 E WILL PAY THE ABOVE reward r any case of Liver Complaint, Dy- pepsia, cick iieauacac, maicsuon, tonsil nation or Contireness we pan pation or CoatireDess we cannot euro with. . West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di- - I rections are strictly comnlied with. Thov I SIC IU1C1J T VCLaCFlV, uuu liutcr iiXll IAJ fall v satisfaction. Suar coated. Large boxc?, containing 30 PUU, 25 cents. For sale by L .11 n....i.ti. t r A . r,. i .i imitations. The peuuine manufactured only Kers," 151 & iSo w . Maaison St., cmeago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 ceut'starop mcit 22-diiwly Health is Wealth I DR. E. C. WEST'S Neistb acti Braix ; Treatment : a specific for Ilys-teria, Uizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Ileadacbe, ; Mental Denression. Loss of Memorv. lmro- - terey, Premature Old Age, caused y over exertion, excesses', or over-indulgence,, i which leads, to misery, decay, and death, i One box will cure recent cases Each-box- : contains one month's treatment. One dol lar a box or six boxes lor five dollars; tent bY mail DreDaid on rcct-I&t of urice. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With eacn oruer received oy us ipr six do res, ac companied with five doJlars, we will seed the purchaser our written agreement -to re- ' turn the money if the treatment does not etiect a cure. Guarantees issued by M. , H. GREEN, Druggist, (successor to Gfccn k Flanner) Wilmington, C. Orders by v mail will receive prompx. axicauon. mcnu-s UAw-iy . ; OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23d. An Absolute New Departure. J A Y R I A L' S MAMMOTH : - Humpty-DusTBpiy AND TR AN? .ATLANTIC NOVELTY I COMBINATION, - At the Extreme of 'Popular Prices. Admission. 25 and Te. Best Reserved Seats only 15 cents extra. Sco email bills and posters. Seats for sale at Ileinsbenrer' Bookstore. fmch lS-fri-mon-tucs Full Stock. pEESlI COOSB, LOW PSIC2J. 2v l fl"ort made to tupplr thel.dax.ind ia otsij lino CCca aad Fssor Biatioa?ry. Echao I Blank atd Hifce'laaeaus Baoks, JFtsey i r- ticlee, Pictu e Frnies ia it ci ad nado Ho orde Organs cn iho Irsta'razt Plan, at Yates' jjook Store. mch 21 Miry bad little corn, Upon hr litt'e toe, . And every wharo that Mary jircfct That corn was tare to go. Pel's Cora Solvent I S THE ONLY KSO TN P.SKD V iS will reaaova a corn ia 8 hoars. - . Jforl by , V j. d. ncTr h oo. A freb lotcf Hattaa tiaet jaet received laalS - . F resh Every Day JISS AB30ST2IEN7 OF ATiDIir, French and Uoaestk, Jci5" received ttd fci vsls. TUB: OSLYi OE2;UIiar HOME-ilADI win De exposed, lor eaie,-at i uDiic Auction, at the "Journal Building", on Princess st , at 11 o'clock, A.M., oa Tuesday, tho 20th' - o7,iraaaiweei, irriee Cixrs Hct. c th9 joeioSc8 oa esooai etrest. Al-, UxlU RitsiM.;Fruit, 6cir - O. 11. JhYLUs,-