- ; -.- '' yof !ni3 FIFES 4 w ifttrtooa. Hnadavi ,0 J II . r. r"l,KTf,H' t. U A. I 11. .cirn; ;. $J.M)-; Three 1 !.": - (setnontb,60 ceata. "Fill? Ilia ,!V.t pt-f the city, at the b rtfe- . and Hb-r Vlb-rS -ill riewereport any aad tiheir papera resrniarty. j-,aT.iflATrieiit8. Xflt7 U V I BLACK SILKS pUlS AND BROCADE. Special at- called to the boT3good?, which ire are offorin: at real bargains. Sun Shades Parasols, ALL WOOL SUiTiNQ Jo.t the tWngfut the season Ta arrive on Wednesday, 23d. . Also a large assortment of SPANISH LACES for Trimming Headquarters for all kinds of ,5j 21 Seed 'Rice. - -' ' . ;- -V,.'- ' " : VOL.- V . WILMINGTON. T . THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1881. PLCABEEOTlCr. , . . We wl be glad to receive eoulcaUcti from ocr fiica&i on aiy tad all retyecti " t ffenerllteren rat -, The azae of the writer Ctrl alayt.e far 3w4 to the Editor. - CoramTifratfom crest b writles cs t cly o.etide of the paper. Fereaaallties must be avoided And it Is especially and pr?alarly 3dr ; ttood that th Edltnt dnoi -mt ilwtt rcnrr VO Q j tb views ot correrpo-dfi-tj, ueIcsi 00 a'.atc d 1 tae editoriI eomtrti. I) KM Oi: K ATI C! T.ICKRT. For --ldermen. The elections here to-day for two Al dermen from each of the five -wards ia the city, to serve for two years, passed off very quietly. The only excitement and that was of a qaiet nature -was in the Second Ward, where the Radicals and a few dissatisfied Democrats agreed upon a ticket composed of one from each party, R. F. Eyden and'II. K, Scott, as opposed to the regular Democratic ticic- ct. The result is not known as yet, and will not be known until some time after our naner has cone to press.. A.nd it is safe to assume that tho First nd Jfiftl? Wards have gone Republican, and Jnat the Third and Fourth have heea- carried by the Democrats. In the Second, as we write, the result is still in doubt, but : 4K TVir-rrrtta IruA it. it will DC I.I t. J r t -.-. fnnm nnv laflr ff IIl & Peai:sall- N O Molasse, Alui- mrougu ucmuiu uu uw -j w. let . SECOXD WARD Z WILLIAM L. SMITIT, ALFRED ALDER JAN. third ward : ' LEMUEL n. BOWDEX, JAMES B. nUGGINS. FOURTH. WARD : DAVID. G. WORTH, SAMUEL' NORTHROP. "SIXTH WARD : FREDERICK RHEU, -ALEXANDER n. LESLIE. U)UAL"NEWS. Tht Hr. Last Klsht. The alarm of fire last night, about 8 o'clock, was caused by the burning of a small dwelling-house, on the corner of Seventh and Wooster streets, owned by W.J. Penton End accompanied by Mr. Jesse Dicksey. There was no one in the house at the time and-it is not known how the fire originated. Mr. Dicksey 03t nearly all of his furniture and had no insurance. 1 ne pildinr was insured with Messrs Jno.W. Gordon Jb Bro. in the gricultural, of Waterto .;!.. for. $300.' .;. C Vf Yates Full Stock nr2TSBEaB Tbe Live Book Store A & I Shriek Arriving Daily Beautiful day. No arrests to day. No City Court to day. strength. The chances at o'clock, as they have been all day, were decidedly in favor of tho Democrats, the only drawback with them beiDg the difSculty in calling out their full registered strength. If this can be done the day will be theirs, as they are numerically superior to the ; . rombined ODDOsition. Ye trust that tne . . t JJu6inos3 is aimest entirely suspeuueu Crt ,nm(, nntn.ll nio-Kt on'the wharf to day. We have not heard of a single transaction in naval stores or cotton. and that the city i3 to remain under a wise and beneficent Democratic rule. 000 rach IS Bus-els BEST LOWLAND, do, WHITE UPLAND, For sale by' WORTH & WORTH. Did vou ever notice how much more Latek At 5 P. M. in the Second you walk on the foot with the corn on it Ward, it was confidently believed that than on the otherone? Xou hardly no- the Democrats were suostamiaiiy aneau tice the other foot at all. At that hour 304 white and 111 colored ! : ' " I votes had been polled. There are van A great many peoples morality resemu- estimates at this hour, varying from lessign posts at the corner 01 country 25tQ QQ majority for the Democrats roads. They point in tne rigut uirec- Ther0 are 329 whites registered, and 113 tion but they don't budge an men inem- , registered. selyes. 2arket 8t;-;32 Our local celumns are generally pretty falL.but all rules have their exceptions and to-day is the exception with us. Pol- i How (a Prevent Lamp Ctmnneys cracking A journal, which makes a specialty 6 matters relating to glass, gives a method ,t,cs have ruled the roost so clerer y that I ft aMcrts preTcnl chimnej8 news items have shrunk out of sight. from cracking. The treatment will no .Under an act of the Legislature, the J oniy render lamp chimneys, tumblers and county Justices o the peace will meet article inor durable, but maj be ap- with the county commisioners, at the piei with advantage to crockery, stone court house in thii city, the first Monday ware, porcelain, etc. The chimneys in Jhe, te elect a county .superintend-1 tumblers, etc. are put into a pot filled ent of public schools. with cold water, to which some common Go to JAooBi'i fbr Doors, Sash and table salt has been added. The water is Rifn.HreWhita Lead. Oil. Varnishes well DOiiea over a nre anu ttuuwcu w Window Glaa. all sizw.:All at.the lowet Cool slowly. When the articles are tak en out and washed they will be found to Personal- We were glad to see on our streets to day, after an absence of nearly three years and a half on the deep blue sea, Mr. J. McEet Lane, one of our young townsmen, woo had the manhood three years ago last January .to leave home and friends and branch out in the world for himself. He left home on a vessel for Liverpool, having shipped before the mast a a common sailor, and he returns home now as first mate of a vesseL Mr. TIIR MAILS. t- The in&ild ce aad arrive at tha Ciiy Puot OtBco us fallows : Northern throojjh mU.....6 00 p ra Northern through and way mail G:S0 a. m. Raleigh .5.30 a. in. i Mails for tbe N C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, laclud A. &N. O. Railryad.at 5;30 a.m. Southern mailt i- r all points Socth, daily 8am and 7:15 p. sxx Weetern mails (C O Uy) daily (except Sunday ).-....... V. 8:10 m Matt for Oheraw & Darliog- -"4 - C Mails for points between Flo rence and "Charleston . 8 a m & 7:15 p ra Fyettevllle, and offices ca Capo Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays. 1:00 p. in. Kot7 Advertisements. The Live Book Store CONTAINS THE LARGEST stock of ...... . .., Topular Literature and , -. : ' Miscellaneous Worka, Pino3 and Oiahr? jyjUSIC COXKS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, and all othr Val Instruments, Tot sale at ITEINSBERGER'S, - xLlrc Book Store" mch.23 Arrivmer Daily i yE ARE NOW BUST OPENING, raarkin2 and arranMns' our Sorln- and FayettcviSle, via Lumberton, daily,; except Sundays...... 8:10 a.m. summer stocu ct tient'a, Youths' and Coys' Onslow O. H. and intermedin ' Clothing; and Furnils Goods. .We have ate offices, every Monday . .,,,.- and Thursday at 6. 00 a. m, cot tnig aeaeon the largest stock, the prcttl- Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sundays) ; -r L "y ill! I, I own CJ.ek, Sbuilutt and Little River, S. O , every Moa 8 60 a. ill, t Etock and the cheapest stock of Cloth J io ever offered In this market,' A call and au iapection is respectfully solicited. , t Lane left his vessel at Charleston, whith-1 day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. er he had just arrived direct from Brit- Wamlngton and Black River T n - J Knttnn I Unapei, iXJLUDUaVB, YV OUUM' isa .u-w, uuj,- pc- day- aQd Frday8 at C:0Q a m in a lew aays, wnere n expec- w u OPEN fob deliveby. again for some foreign port, and posiibly I Northern through and way as master f the vessel. I mails Northern t he Refflitratlon. I Southern Aa& mattpr of interest, and for fa tare I Carolina Uentrai Kauway reference, we publish here the registered Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 T'mA. r . , . M and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money strength of the various wards m the city, 0rdet and Register Department open ii ' - , . Ant' in. m ivr max wim wmca m w v jimhw 1 same as stamp ouice. v.utAj-i 1 General delivery open from 6:00 a. m First Ward-Upper Division-White w o:uv p. m aau oa u., - 90, colored 35. lotai -. , I 8tamM for Baie ftt general deUvery Lower Division Whites 78, colored I Btamp office is dosed. -I . . i .., a i i 44. Total 542. I Malls coiiecwa irom Birew ooi w; Spnnd Ward Whites 329. colored I day at 8:so p. m. 113. Total 42. Third Ward Whites O0, colored U2. Total 412. Fourth Ward-White 277. colored 125. Total 402. jFifth Ward White172, colored438. Grand Total White! 1,246, colored 1,604. Total white aid colored ,8ao. : mch22 A.&I.SnRIER, Market stl-eet Law Books for Sale. rpHE LAW LIBRARY of the late Adam Jl .mple, . approximating 500 Volumes. -.7:00 and 7:30 a. m. TJZ; uoAucUop, ; ; : maUa W UU . all o'clock. A. Af.. on TriPsflav thi wi . ; Mails......... ........ 7:80 a. m. I S. Mi EMPIE. ' " mm a A A 1 1 . 9--'.- :uup. m. xuchSStds ' Attorner - : ... fotice' To Liauor Dealers. UovT Advertifleinents. i - About pf f BBLS. MUL-ftTia. . - c-L or saie low , mch 24 HALL & PEARS ALL. Mayor's Office, City of Wilmington, 1T C, March'23,.lS3l The Wife. Only let a woaaa be sure that she is precious' to her husband not usefil, not valuable, not convenient simply, but lovely and beloved; let her be the recip ient of his polite and hearty attention; 100 New Orleans Molasses. BBLS. MEDIUM TO FINE, At Low Prices, mch 24 HALL & PEARS ALL. Full Stock. IJIHE ATTENTION OF L-QUOR DEAL rs Is called to th following law of the, State of North Carolina : "No person or persons shall give away, .id any public placed retail or sell, except upon prescription of a practising physician, and h of the Shew Case, with th Bhcemafcer. press, free of charge,, if so requested, un p STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES I jer the regulations of the Treasury De- STfieombiete. Call and examine. Sat- partfnent, in sums of oUUor any muiu- Memorial Fnnd. 1 Tratftn f Rlftr.ksbnrsr. I ure. Virginia, widow of the late Gen. Robert and anxiety, for her husband's bye is to . a i i rir ieiihi- wuiun ua iac; iald vi vui avvu w v i m V'gS5?m Pto,tHor;o rb Preston, a brave Confederate officer, has her a tower and a fortress. Shielded and sjq fQfJg LEAKY ROOFS ! I fall line of those CHILDREN'S charge, if so requested, m sumb of 560 or , 0 General Ja3. H. Lane, of our sheltered therein, adversity will have y TCII SOLE, in laee and buttons. See- y multiple thereof not exceeding $300, tet lost its sting. She may suffer, but sym- TKON CLAD WATER PROOF. PAINT sbeliotin. Convince yourself of the! t igj. cf te person to whom sent 4K rosnt rra.iin.itK rnmm&naer 01 &- - j i r . r.mKn Knrth n.-rtl n hnorade. TJainywui Quuiuouugc ' I w chu w .."S a new lot of thnt SCOTCTT SOLE I Corresrjondence'TJertaining to this matter I I ;4WW.in U ml bv love we I . . . TER3jast received. Don't iforeret the .viA. CPfi tft t)lft Treaimrer of the Army er XNOrtnera v irginia, urg- -u, -.. w.w .-'V"- . teea xor w yeanu ADJ ruo,f ., . ww. puruber. .... . nMi9a n WftTna , find Klf ikh. ing that gentleman to assist ner in rais- w0FiC.o.u -.--r hovr Dadf can be saved by this paint. - . n1 rlMrln. for we have not one Bnar OI I ug a in a ..a . n. to jl. . Roo.msP.mt .-d for D.mp W. many dead uenieaeraxe BoiQierwnoue r buried at the Montgomery White Sul- house without love, as a person to a u a8 no equal. phir Springs, one-half or two-thirds machine; one 18 mo, me owier is a me-1 filimpleg and testimonials f urnished upon Uump;y Duciplj. ... i j i rru - ..rA.m onoa lost niuhr. A.L IQE l nnnn iud uwiuiuiouw .- - i r i .. . . i i . . : -i - PniH:,,r, Tmlluii n.f n;QrH Hnmntv Dumntv Ur th Rons of North Carolina. This as the o tae r, dui me lawer casaepnu, .c v v . 1.J a iJi I v. J- I ..I. ..... . ..11 ROSENTHAL,' Market Street. 8 the United Spates, Washington, D. U. How to ne your own paiuter : Buy the . -i l' ,1 .4 N. T. Enamel f amt, reauy m-cu n . i 1i -r . arr antea ax; jauobi p. i ry r the Iron Clad Paint between Market and feb 25- r ji i . . ... AiiltJ DllL:t- - Thf hnnse was oacked and I Rnrin?s) was used as a hos O.v xn-.i. rLxU .t;n- 'rnm was scarce, which was an the recent conflict, and the venerable ness to which the former is a stranger, -. - , . w i- ... li-l . ... . r-ruii rii.-1 nf hpantv ahont her. a iovouseaeTesl , , . . . . . troupe was one which was very genera ui p.ee ne Montgemery -p- - - - - - MLU R U L pitai auringiei'c, ut.Ufc, o u v llUr. iiw s -k I . t . . a . . .a . I I iIL J 8 Wtd ill P -o cc i-h c , d re rsv3 teeacetleat Rahigh. N. O.. Dee. lt. lPRa . v . . - . . j a j iu u Mi- iJJWso- acd l, ai ci appttlt hei V.KCe4mi.t0 try jo-r Tcnie. I ua the moit happy 'eaaiU X tike toj. Q'i.nt Vaaeta'le Ton'c, and wbh U m k. ,QK0 v STHOSrt. ea by Mrt. J0 Yenoxt, Frntlla f t WM. B. OaCEV, lvai cif L.w'Offlc Ql0VfD MY OFHCB to the Tiii-. - -b uwr oia National fE: 'wni, Front and Princess I Entrance on both utreeta lr-- c, J. I. MACKS, . I fitarcopy: Att'yt-taV , a. pricea of nx en. resist afterward any sudden changes of feel that her care and love are tf&ESii GOODS, LOW PRICES. Sva The following regulation of the United temperature. The process is simply oner ... mrmnilLi-A and turned, let ,..,...,.T.Bd fa.i ni-i.-m Ml k nr.onon o in tor. I nt onnDftl ino find t hO SlOWPr the COOllDfiT I . ... ... 1- I oiates t reasury wm uC u. --- --- - ner opinion ased, ner approval sougui. i gtaUonexy, Bohool t tn t.hr.B uhnsft business is sub ect to art of it is conducted the more effective I . . . j,, matter. Uae Office ana ji an y c auon xy, . - T ; " t. "m,u.v v .. . Mlaneom Boks. .raaOT Ar- irequent demanas ior cnaugc. am. ,mm.nwl. f which she is cesmizant: in short let i - - Uten from the New York Sun: Lntil We advi8e our friends to call at Jacobi's her oai- be loved, honored, and cherish-j tides, Picture Frames in itock and made to fw mt4Ical v7?06e) aDy IntoxicaUng liq lurther notice iractionai saver coin auu for Household Hardware or every aescnp- . fulfiliment 0f the marriage TOW, I ordar. Organs on the InitaLmeat Plan, at mm i tl 1 t 1 1 1 I . . 11 i. -,. A ....I I . . . i. Standard silver douara win. dc sent uy t-tion. inereyou gei mewweti pi;c-. j i . ... . to t. wband. her child-1 i uora at any time wumn iweive our ci, --it- wAll-RT.rin? of ' Dleas-I V.tna' Rnnlr Ktftrp ct.. -;n v ru-in and toil I I 6urwvuh -..w OUv T, -l i" i , . or during the holding: thereof, at any place within five miles of any election precinct. "Any peraon or persons violating the pro vWona of the preceding section fchall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and pun ishahle with a fine of not less than one hun dred nor more than one thousand dollars.' Battle's ncTiial, .eatioDs 149 and 120, Notice is hereby given that In aecoidanc e trith the above Jaw, all Bar Rooms and plaees where intoxicating liquors are sold, shall be closed at 3 o'clock, P. oa Wed. . aesday, March d, and remain closed until 8 o'clock, A. M., on Friday, Harch 20th. Any vlolatloa of the above law at the en suing election on the 21th of March, lSt will be vigorously prosecuted. S. IL F1SHBLATE,. nch23-2t 'Major May bad little corn, Upon hr little oe, - : ad everv where that Jrjwat TAat com was sure to ga, " . Pel's Cora Solvent 10 T noffiT xznosnt B5i;jy aa Ull reaave a cam la 8 ho rs. for t il by " Js d. liurr a cj. Afresh let tf llattoa bzst jz;t icrSia I . . . i ... v: '"" Kh,..u... h..r UUuf. if,hl.r-nmpntm Tor ofthelow ld.. whose namo U mentioned above, We deep Happiness in ner nenr, e-iura Sjm?J. liSSB,- pHc. 6JStcm. The performana, a. a was there engaged during th, war while out in her face. She gleams oteru. vIIitfiNiT N. .N O It Tirn h is s Lt'i ii a -v-a v --- -- cao us w lKr.'-" - a i . l f wwkJ. a. .a Aiterati--. Tftni anH r , . a .uun hp 1 1, v-,k- at tn fmnt. donatint? is airy and graceful, and wart) and wei- Pri&or it h r ltlf n.nnal. WnOIC, WUB .ry vu, uW ; . - , -5K W nM. ah ia fnll of . " I rw a n..ntiAn nag nftt I -I-ft- t h MnW. KTTliinLninir I wmi" u. wuw, UUmpiT-l-'uGjpiJ' iruiwcuiauuu " w I UC1 cciiibta n l . . I Humpty-Dumpty representati eqnal to that given by the Tony Denier roany E fir;V wrr.i rvcuio nni;iinti avU0VU Bt-aiin? that a meaiter good performance and received tee r?n- r.ill0w of the bovs devices and plots, and sweet surprises for ' V - J -o r - -i , :i ol t. A SHU it. was n. vcrv 1 ; Iiaa nnmps and kindred were far nuauauu ouuiBiuujf. uuo -v- I i la t a ... l , . ri- r m. un- kwav. and otherwise actinc a "mother's with me romance ana poetry ou.ie. one Liirge Sample Koouus lor oniHirrnnl Trnveler. ivva .uw -- ar?V, UUU Vh-a " a ... , .. . f ience. Hal part to those who had no claim upon her herself is a lyric poem settidg hers.if to 1 that was except for humanity's sake, and theca.se "sdi pureand gracious melodies- Humble Ira Joe Persou'i fiA0i ----Aval nf tha and r,.1t I K.li... I o-" "t'i r... I Mna-- fKo (irp.kin?. did all toat WaSloTOAnt i-oi ii 0u.d. r . ,-... it- ---n-, I ..!. ... n .r,i;t0,i Thial household ways aud duties have for her Vtr up nnrnvv I promiSCU ior uim. xo -v.--. j . la nui. iirjr . . . . W. W. BflLDKN. .bed it on hU hands, arms, ladr. unlike many others in our Hoathern a golden significance. The prus makes J JSGE STRONG'S QP.N'lQFl. face and head and licked it with hb ton- iaQd, is still mindful of the noble sacrL her calling hrgh and the end sanctifies ... . ... a. r : j I . , .i t A ;-1 thfl rnpana ior Jove is iaiiYcu, buu i i .rn wniTL ni ircm 1 1 11 I nnt m n r a Tno.n 1 1 ..( i ucrucs. uu z i - m true, auvi vu - me i i 01 . ... ...... I . .. . . i e t I ITainnn i Lovft." hot from the fire. At least, tnat is tne i now devoting tbe, remaining years 01 ner " way it looked from the auditorium. If life to rescue the names and deeds of The receipts of cotton at this port to there was. any deception it was beyond I thos3 noble patriots from oblivion. Gen. day foot np 99 bales. our ken to discover it. The contortions I Lane will receive and forward any sub-1 me through with by Bonalde were very scrfptions that may be entrusted to his ''J Kjril fine, Frank De Forrest was very enter- care. We sincerely trust that this ap- u- cleanfcet the bloodf aad radically Kia onnrra and dances and I mmI -nil mat with a. Ice.nerons resDonsel l-;- ;-m at rttla hil. Uinine with his songs and dances and I pe-,i meet with a fgenerous response carea kidney disease. CTavel, piles. .... j .v Vlntm fMrfnm n a I e II - XT V. PsmKnUni wfirt fffpl I ;! hoArlftphA anrl Mini whir.h Are CTUH WlttlClSmS auu. Ilia uu vaw .. ui n uh a. ui k vMvuuiiHiii " - i it - -w , j .. - themselre. able to gir. to o worthy 0Xn c"-hfS object. I tot. not try it? Your druggist will tell A Safe and 8nre means of restoring yon that it is one of the most pleasing feature of the entertainment. When yoa visi-or ive crk Ul at tha I i rami UuiOU HoUL OPPOS Grand Ceutral Dtp t- Eirorwan pla Rooms reduced t $1) and up war kstauraat utisurpajjed i moderate prlc Stredt cira,'stie3 nt4eiovavi railroad Vd part ot tbe city. . J 5 -i-1 ' the youthful color of the hair is furnish medianesyer known. ; It is vU in both ed br Parker Hair Blsam,;wbich is Dry and Liquid form,, and its action is .U.ww11w nnnnttr fffln its iSUDCnor I POSIUVO Sia STB 13 Ciller IOIXX. XC- cleanliness. jiH FitOPHliiTU- baric lhoroaj-l .TUd thia ilonaa asl f aratshed It ntir If jvrls prera- to to tbe tratai pablle all ta-6tat! f a Flu- OLAflSo iOXKL, It U loatd ta tae very 9strao' 't. b tiiu part of tie city, g mvalat to the yrinetrai Jta-ines- hot rotolee, Castom J x, ,!j1t HaU a.d Coari Houi j. FLrrt-Claai Bar aad tiillLard Saio 8 ysaaseted with this HoUv SATS $2 fft&JDAY, . i ' - 1TTT Starch 2QQ BOXES BZFIXED PXASL, Ben Tm. Koval Glees. Also- Jmpreved Corn far cnokisg purpoaea. Now ia your tr. as prices have beea USD L'CZD. c :

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