if ...hia leafy PJ 18 potter di(D rxn?aiKTca. &a7 kf . . , 7 t.I CTE Six months, S2 50 ; Three Iflotbi.1! fe;' One month, 60 ceata. - piper j fo'i ba dalivtred by carriers, bflTertxeJr 13 oeBts per week. . Mr&nr rates Jew end liberal ' jabjicnbfr. will pisacc report any aad '.Vto receive fteir papen regularly. Kew Advertisements. BLACK SSLKS v pr 4lf AND BROCADE. Special at- I X . tn the above erood?. which tecaon is - rttrtoferiatroftlbarpaliia. Sun Shades Pa.asoIs5 AND IILK UMBRELLAS, Jast ia. Ht WOOL SUITINGS, jsut the thing far the season. . Summer T rrrire oa Wednesday, 23d. Also a larg , assortment of ?AXI3HV LACE3 for Trim ming. rfetd quarters for all kind of H0US FUHKISilSNG GOODS. R. M. Mclntire. eh 21 - OPERA HOUSE, A SOEJS NORTH AND SOUTH, Two Niehts Only ! Monday and Tuesday, March 2829 M B. CURTIS, AS ' Sam'l of PosenV THE COMMERCIAL DRUMMER ! Parquetteand Dress Circle, $1; Parquet te Ciiele, 50c; Gallery, 2oe. tW Reseryed Seats at Htiniberger's. No eitra eharge for reerred Scats. mch'i-j- , s . , . NO "MSnc if AKY ROOFS ! IRON CLAD WATER PROS'V! u no equal for stopping leaks. It is guar snteed Cor 10 years. Any roof, u matter bad, can ba saved by this paint. lit Roofing Paiat and for Damp Walls ft has no equal. . ippllctUoa at OiUce of the Iron Clad Paint Company, on Second, between Market and frhscew streets. ieb 2(5- Arriving Daily ! E ARE NOW BUSY OPENING, marking and arranging ottr Soring and Summer stock cf Gent's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing and Funmhing Good?. We have flfcthli season the largest stock, the pretU. stock and the cheapest stock of ClothJ H r offered in this market. A call and w ,0PwUon is respectfully solicited. A. & I. 8HRIER, Market street Try P tClCS HCitUFDL , Cancer in it ear- ttLilY."!? Raaa-. Heart Disease, fiM "lie. and all kinds of erup sf A a dl,eM from impurity BlwdP.' V11 A,tnTe, TonUanf fariaar it h?g prorsn itself ttneqnal- t CQY. HOlOEft'S CPINIOW. Ink, i..:fc",I -? . i c 2d, 1880 &. rnrV l Minz that a memt er believe w-aitiai,,eS(jej purposes W. W. HOLDER, Ul lm STRONG'S QPlNtOFJ. .lali v ta,th "fferinjc from de- m w ita the k xr 7 yoor TcBie 1 pUuVie?'thtpPJ 'esiits. .1 take fi Utv !lll,,-(li32 as a- Tel. acc si Very tMP,if ally, 7T ttalngton, K O M-5vai of L.-,w.fflci-. iWj-a" OFFICE Fi10"" Front and Prin. ceon both street T J?T t.v J.I. MACKS. Starebjy Att'yV, r iTiri VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. vew A.iTertifeiaenu. Altaffeb, Price & Co Sash, Doors and Blinds J L Bo ATWitiaHT Attractions L J Ottebbourg Apr; lause I IlEixsBiKOEB New Books . C W YxTEsPlanos and Organs John S'James, Ch'mn Tothe Justices of the Peace of the County 'E S WareOck To Ship Brokers C PvOSBxthal -Sprin? & Summer Styles Ophra House Blind Tom Library UallMUs Louise Clark W C Cruri Encasement A & I SHRiERArriring Dally " You caa now buy Improved I Heating a.n3 Cook St o vea at factory priccsatjJACouj's. -.Strawberries for theNorthefn markets, from the far South, are kow naasin through the city. - t O Major Smith hascbaDged the hour of holding City Court from Oi A. M. to 8 A. M There was a slight frost visible yester day morning and something that, looked very mnch like a frost this morning. Columbus CouVi Jude Uuds?r- The spring term:ot Superior Court'ior Colambns county convenes in Whitcville to-day, His Honor Judge Ganger presid ing. Judge Gudger spent the day in this city yesterday, attending Front street Methodist Church in the morning. His Honor left for Whiteville on the Southern' train at 11:15 last night. The Police Force. In view of tho fact that there are Qumerous petitions being prepared for positions on the police force, we will state that we understand the present force will be continued in service. It is an ex cellent force, well disciplined, and com posed df good men, and until there is a removal for cause, or a resignation, there will be no change in the force. The Atlantic Air Line We learn, on reliable authority, that tha Richmond & Danville E. E. Com pany have just succeeded in leasing the Charlotte & Atlanta Air-line E. B. This gives the Eichmond & Daaville Boad possession of a lint which they freighrinasJ;hruS- travel. "The lease is perpetual ' fei:JJM iato effect very soon. Sam ff Posen Tc-NlKht. Mr. Curtis and troupe arrived lait night and have been busy to-diy in ar ranging and mounting their play for to night. Tho troupe will be greeted by one of the largest audiences of the sea ion. , An exchange says: Mr. '"'to. B. Curtis appeared in his new Jewish impersonation, "Sam'l Plas trick," last evening at Che Academy, be fore a crowded house and under the best of auspices That is, the piece was well irjpunted, played in good style, arid fcsd a friendly, audience- To say the best of Mr. v.artis'" Jew at the outset, it was a Tery exact reproduction of nature, por trayed in a quiet, unassuming way. The persoacrge is a good hearted, honest and industridus fellow, whose principal aim ia life is to make his way, acquire money, and haTe a good time as he goes, not ne glecting aDy opportunity that falls in his way of righting a wrong for the benefit of his friends. His-dialect, though rich .in its highly colored quality, and espec cially appreciative at times to the He brew listener, is not his only mode af fun making. The simplest speech is mirth provoking; and, though loquacious to the last -degree, he is always interested. Mr. Curtis proves himself a most agreea ble actor in the role,' and certainly makes the most ol it. Directors' SI e-tins of the IV & W U B At a meeting of the Board of Direct ors of the W. & W. Eailroad, held at tbe President's office this morning, a committee of citizens from Halifax and Scotland Neck, consisting of ion. W. H' Kitchin, Mr. E. H. Smith and five other gentlemen from that section, submitted 5 proposition to the Board agreeing upon their part te gire the right of. way, do the grading and furnish the cross-ties for a branch road from Scotland Necfc to some point on the V. & VY. Eailroad between the stations of Enfield and Hal ifax, a distance. of 14 or 16 miles, if the railroad company would on their part furnish the iron and lay the track ; this to be done without aky increase in the stock of the road. The Board seemed to look favorably upon the proposition, and appointed a committee consisting of the President, Hon. El E Bridgers, Dr. A. J. DeEosset, and Messrs. Don. Mac Bae, W. II. WiUardand E. B. Bordan. to Tisit that section with fall power to act ia the natter H WILMINGTON, N. C, The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 171 bales. Messrs B. F. Newcomer and W. F. Walters, of Baltimore, the former Yiee President of the W. Sc W. B. R., and the latter a director of the ame, are" ia the city in attendance npoa- a directors' meeting of said road. The foreign shipments since our last report foot up five cargoes---(three on Saturday and two to-day.) They aggre gate 1,302 casks spirits and exactly 14, 000 barrels rosin. Tbe shippers were Messrs. Williaai3- Llaicliison, Alex. Sprunt & Son and DeEosset & Co. The alarm of fire this afternoon was a false one. The bells were rung and people turned oat but nobody could locate the fire. It is likely that it orig inated in the fact that clouds of smoke from fires in the country near at hand were floating over the city at that time. The C k & X vTb R Hero is a refreshing item, in which the people of Wilmington should be inter ested. It is from yesterday's Ncivs and Observer-. , The foeople livinr on tho line of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Eailroad win soon oe gratinea at seeing tne track laid. The iron has been ordered,, and is expected to arrive as follows: 1,000 tonsin April, 1,000 tons in May and l,- 000 in June. It will be laid as rapidly as possible. This quantity will' lay the track from the present terminus at the Gulf to Greensboro. We may expect to see trains running between the towns of Fayetteville and Greensboro by the end of the year at furthest. The opening of a road was never looked for more eagerly. City cutt. . His Honor, Mayor Smith, held his first Court this morning at 8 o'clock. There was only one case for the Mayor's consideration, however, and it being one cf a rather mild offence, His Honor told the defendant, Sarah King, who is a col ored woman, that inasmuch as it was her first transgression, never having been ar rested before, that he would dismiss the case, with due notice that if she appear. ed before him again he would mete out to her the full punishment that her of fence might merit. Dummy Williams, a colored man un dergoing sentence of thirty days in the City Prison, was ordered released by the Mayor, his term of imprisonment lack ing only a few days of beiDg complete. The Alarm Yesterday. The ataTm of fire yesterday, about 2 o'clock, was cau?ed by the ignition of a wood-house on ihi premises of Mr. F. W. Heyer, on Second street, running back near Third, between Walnut aad Bed Cross. An ash-barrel, it seems, was kept in this house, and -from live coals emptied into this the building caught There was a stiff breeze, almost half a gale, blowing at the time from the North and there were serious apprehensions of the result should the flames get beyond control. Happily this was not the case, as the flames were suppressed by those from the neighborhood who rushed to the scene when the alarm was given. The fire steamers were turned back be fore reaching the spot. In Distress. Through advices received by Mr. Wat son, the Signai;Officerat this station, troea Portsmouth, N. C, we learn of two dis asters which occurred there yesterday. The following are the dispatches in the order in which they were received. Portsmouth, N. C March 27, 1881. Eiver steamer Vesta, in ballast, Capt. Ben Patrick. " 219 tons, drawing 30 iuches of water, lately bought at Ply mouth, N C, and on her way to Wil mington. N. . C, in charge of owner, parted chains at North West light house at ten A. M. yesterday, and drag ged to White Shoals, four miles N. W. of this station in sound, where she now lies in 2 feet of water; tide falline, velocity 22 miles per ; hour, direction northwest and chopping sca. Steamer may float at high tide. , Pobtsmouth, N. C, March 28. Steamer Vesta is in same position; I have telegraphed to Beaufort for an chors, etc., with which she expects to heave off as she has only twenty yards to go to bring her in deep water this .side of the tboal. Wind northwest and gen tle, still light. Chaffee, Private. Fort M acox. N. C, March 29. Schooner Ruth Shaw, Capt. McElwes, bound from Wilmington, Dei., for Sa vannah, with a cargo of guano, made this harbor at 6 P. yesterday leaking four hundred strokes per hoar. She wii proceed oa her Toyage as sooa -as winds are favorable, Kkxak, .;7 Sergeant. Llb-ILJ V JLJlJ v MONDAY, MARCH OXE DAI'S WOBK. The innocent Drummer on Hand What he Sells and 'How he Sdls 'emV'V Mr. Curtis likes his fun -off the stage as well as on it. Several of the bojs concocted a plan to fool old man Fice Alayer this morning, and asked Mr. Cur tis to aid them in carrying it out. He tumbled to the plan and has been as sideously selling(?) cigars and dodging the Detective all the morning. Old man FiceVwas seen ruminating this morning and murmuring, "tarn der feller, he was scharp as der lightning; yust Tait until I get some glue on him an I takes him in before de Mayer Smichdt, py tam. goes an' gets dot Tarrant now, py tam, 'fore he goes off on der Fayettevilie steamer." At about two o'clock Mr. Curtis, with a grip sack in his hand, started down the Custom House alley and the Chief df the detective force took down Mitchell's al ley at a double quick. Mr. Curtis quiet ly turned around and went back to the hotel, and old man Fice stood on the steamer's wharf waiting for de poy to come down until the boat started on its journey. The Detective retraced his steps and soon caught a glimpse of Mr. Curtis and quickening his pace-oyertoek him. "Aha," said the Detective, "I stopped yer from gitting on der post. You vas a drummer and I vant dot license " "Yes," replied Mr. C, "I am a drum mer, but I have sold no goods." "Dot makes no aeber mind; I vants dot license." "I haTen't got any; I haven't sold goods and I've got no license, and I am not going to get one." i "Den I tucks yer in before der Mayor Smichdt." VAll right, I'll give you my . name; Sam'l Plaisteck der drimmer in Sam'l oPosem9 "Bet's too tin; you cau't fool me, I knows yer, Wilson, and you must go in before de Mayor." Mr. Curtis and the Detective, followed by a large crowd, who were in the joke, proceeded to the City Hall and the May or was summoned and an investigation was held. , His Honor soon saw it was a practical joke, and dismissed the case af ter admonishing Kasprowicz, the insti gator, not to do likewise again. Mr. Curtis and the Detective were then in troduced and the old man said: "Veil, I knowed it all the Vile dotTas you; Tell, I sees you ter night, of you got a ticket." How to oe your own painter : Buy tbe N. Y. Enamel Paint,, ready mixed and aranted at Jxcobi's. t Miss Clarke and Mr- Ilermon. Miss Louise Clarke, of Alabama, the accomplished Southern elocutionist, and Mr. Harry flermon, humorist, mimic and character vocalist, are to give one pf their chaste entertainments at the hall of the Library Association on Wednesday night. They are highly spoken of and come well recommended. The Savan nah JVewssays: "Miss Clarke has genius, cultivation, energy, pluck, ad perseverance, and w predict, will leave her name in the his tory of the South. She attracts people, draws the hoar ta of her audience to her self, and whether it is as an actress or a reader, or even in her social life, her earnestness claims the attention and holds the hearts of htr hearers. Her manner is easy, her intonation perfect, and the aids of proper gesture, so truth fully and forcibly applied as to render notning lacking to create a pleasing im pression upou ber hearers. Harry Her mon was voted immense by all. Hi3 character acting, especially in the 'School Uoy, created, much merriment, and ne received several encores. He is a splen did -Mimic and brought down the house every time he appeared. Some of his characters. Grandfather Sam,' . Poul try Yard Favorite,' and Schooi Boy, were first-class. Wew &oaks. NfcUDuir,a .Or i'OtiU J taN, . Bf JjunW.JoTtiey, Qea QrextV Toar Arcand the Wot Id. For sale at Pianos and Organs FOX 0JL3U uE UN TilK Foreai- . . aei4Bgogird, inch 23 - Ure BocI4ad Hult rJtore 0 28. 1881 NO. 25 Nw A dvcrtisomen ts Engagements CtnOTJLD BE PROMPTLY FULFILLED, KJ ana in oraer to do thus vou should hare your WATCH cleansed and Carefully ad- Evans Block. Princess nr. P. S. -All work deposited at nfeht In fire ana Durgiar proof safe . . nsch 2741 1 OPERA HOUSE. Friday & Saturday April 1st & 2d Two Nights and Saturday Matinee. Tha Wonderful Negro Boy Pianist, BLIND TOM, Renowned throughput the world as being the mo,st remaikable Musical Prodigy of the age. I " ' Admission 50 ct; Reserved Seats 75 cts. Sea s secure at Heinsberger'fe Book Store. No Reserved Seats atf the Matinee. Tickets 50 cts; Children 25 cts. Matinee at 2 o'clock; evening concert at 8 o'clock; v men 26t Library Hall Wednesday, March 301 h. XJNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Wi ) miugton Library Association, MISS LOUISE CLARKE, of Alabama, The accomplished Southern Elocutionist, in her charming entertainment entitled ''AN EVENING WITH THE PDETSi" Assisted by Humorist, Mimic and Character. Vocalist. Admission, 50 cents; children and pupils, 35 cents. mch 28-2t Applause ! Applause ! Three Cheers and a Double Encore - ' far: ,otterbourb:s Men's Wear Depot. Third Appearance this Spring of THE KINO OF CLOTHIERS ! AT THE MAMMOTH IF0N FS0NT STORE. DBSCRIPTIVK : Counter No. 1 Contains Suite in Cream Colored Cheviots, and Delicate Shades in Emlish Cassimeres. Counter No. 2 American, French and Scotch Tweeds, all colors very pretty. Counter No. 3 Cutaway Frocks in one, two, three and four buttons in Blue and Brown Cassimeres, extremely stylish. Counter No. 4 Black Diagonals in Sacks and Cutaway Evening Dress.' Counter No. 5 Blue, Black iand Brown English Serge Short SacksNobby for business. Counter No. 6 Full Dress Bl'ck Diago nals, Tricots, Broad Cloths, &c., Ac. The list will be continued in next issue, and also euch new desifriin and pattern come from our manufacturers. 7 " A haJidsome line of French Percale Shirts, with Separable Cuffs. ! Novelties in Neckwear, Collars,Cuff3 and Silk Uaudker OTTERBOURG'S Men's Wear-Depot, mch 23-lt j Spring l Summer tviesi 1 1 V IAM NOW RECEIVING DAILY a larce and well selected stock of all the latest etjles in Indies and Misses'. Children and Men' fine BOOTS and dllOEi, consfctiuj? of Ladies' Button Boots. In Kid, Foxed, Pebble and French Kid Hand Made, Turn and Machine Made, of the be&t rake, such as you have been getting at my place, and which need no further recommendation. Also, the same In In' ants, Children, Youths and Boys. EaT" My Men's Wear Department will not be surpassed by any etore In the city. A call is all I ask to convince you of the same. Pxicea that defy competition. - Respectfully, O. C20CE WTHAL, CO riarZxct street. c:h 23 .. - Vkii it-ftps w a'w 9 7 IT VTa will te glai to receive eozaciuaif&iL'i i from oar frIadsoa.ay sad all Rhjscti f goatrallrterert bur , , . , Tae case of the writer erst el way be f s? U nisaea to itlte Edltox. .- - - - Ctoamuaiettloaeauitbe writiea cz ctlJ rerscnaiities a est be avoided, And it is especially and .ainicdarly under Hood that the Editor does not alwtye erdcree the views cf correporiefiU, utJcal bo etatcd in the editorial coinr. e. fro- Advertiaarjaent. ". To ihfMn of 0i5 Peace cf tlis Ccnity. -'; rpQE JUSTICES O? THS TZLvi JQJX the County of New Has ver are notla. d U meet at the Ccurt U cs- rn Monday, the th iiycf Apiil.tt 12 c'c'cct.'to elect a Oca. mii.i3rerf;ran"ooit-:o fiU the vacat cy caaed by tic gnat oaof WllUaa V Szaitb. jvn. rnvra . Hanos and Organo gOLD FJR CA3H O t . . . a" ON TOE I.VSPA UEST ILIN: LAUrJC CTCCK Schcol Boot?, Blank Bsotf, Staiiosery, Fianje, 011 and sea for yoarstji!, Yate Book Store. inch 21 To Ship . Brokers! Charter-Party - AND Inward Foreign Manifest Blanks, with firm's card nrintetl at top, can be had. at Low Rates, if ordered this week, at E. S. WAHIIOOK'S Job Printing Office, Cor. Chestnut & Water Sts. Office in "Review" building. , 2t JUST RECEIVED, per Steamer, tho following Goods. They aro of the Finest Quality and Perfect ly Fresh : ' "' Gordon & Di worth's : v r ' V id Peaches Ak ' Jed- PresoiTes Twin Bro's Yeast Cakes, Croso & Dlaclsncll'tt ITicIil Hazard's Ricena, Baker's Broma and Chocolate,; J. Vinslow Jones' XJreen Com, -Canned Lima Beana, String Beans, Succotash, Butter Dish Jellies, f : Arsorted Pie Fruit, German Greene Kerne, Dutch Herring, . Imported Dried Peas, Turkish Prunes. These Goods are selling LO WV My Stock being replenished al ' most entirely every week, I am nlwaja in a condition ' to "offer FRESH ARTICLE I! i D iwo. ii at ii n. Efront .if, meh J. . Wanted. BY TTIE WILMINGTON & COAST Turnpike Co., from .OOO to SOai bushfcla of Shells. Parties desirin-to con tract for delirerv of am ZiZ.IZ C?.nr. .aformatioofroa " S;JWETT,cc.ATrcasM kmsBwm .IMn j in

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