.mil FA FSB rrnV3 fAUE PAID. I I''?- . (M m"- kirtt r1' n .report uj ui .ri'ir; papersregulsrty. atraw battings. wUKOEQCTAN'TITr.FAKCTlor., Curtains, Lace BSICK, CKETUSES, CARPETS, 'y f.U. CLuTIH.A-., new mkI pretty Black and Colored Silks. IS, IN "JREAT VAf.IRTT. Fine Parasols, SHADES ani 3ua Umbrellas, Oar s 3UC2 8ILK3 are ia the lead. R. fsl. M.c!ntire. hO MORE Itly. $ I I BOX CLAD VATfc..'i IV. FAlSfT Hi to sinal for stoppiog leak. It is guar iBteed for 1 year. Any roef. ue matter oi can be eared by this p&iat. AisKooftDgPaiat ad for Damp WaUa H hli DO effttl. SiBpIa and testtraentals funrfahed upon implication at Office of the Iron ClaL Paint Compacy, on Second, between Market and MieeHitrwts. , ffeb 28- New Butter. piR I. 8. "GULF STREAM , Just ar rired tMi morals;, the first shipment of NEW SPRING utter! OF THE SEASON, lead ia your orders early and taste some JOHN L. BOA! WRIGHT. 29 11 A IS No. Front St. Arrivinsr Daily l rTI ARE NOW BUST OPENING, Mrktoff and arranging our Spring ant Bummer atack of Gent's, Youths' ac4 Boys' Cotklnj sad Furnishing Good. Wo have PttMa season the largest stock, the pretti. itock and the cheapest stock of ClotkJ m wereffertd !q this market. A call an iMpwHon is rwpectf ally solicited. . . A . A I. snRIER, Market stre LEE'S Propped Agricultural p&fOTTOy, PEANUTS, WHEAT, CORN, AND VEGETABLES Or ALL KINDS. TvT eale by Hil;L & PSAESALL. Try -v W A M.M. jl f m Tonic Bitters.' IVnl. 8JorDL., Cc.r l It. - a 4 !S Bd kiBdi of ensp. Partial, f. ,n A"". Tonto aa& QOY. HOLOEM'S OPirilBW. . . Mllla. n . W 1" Person's fat Mch ft i, InSSi nt fr pmrpoMt W a n w u U: JUD?E wiloHO't opinion. U JftB p"1"". G., !. Ut, U80 :.io4lJtfttJ;B afferiar from de- Itfu i " aaacd n.. - BM r n w 1 r HQ UJ IffiS VOL VI Vew Advartifemeni Read Resolution of Hook & Ladder Co Alfred Howe, Admr Administrator" Sle Sec ad Iloetotter'a BlttcrV riEi?BEitfiXR Pianos and Organ CW Yates Pianos and Organs A Susies Arriving Dailj All Fool's day. Blind Tcra arrived this morniaj. This day fool's day. ha's uuny owners its e No City Court today cor police rests last night. When ft New York man pops the question he now says: Let U3 consolidate. On and after to-day the breakfast bell will be rung at 7 o'clock, tha turn out bell at 8 and the market bell at 10 o'clock. There will be no chanse In the time of ringing the other bells. Pilots report the soundings taken at mean lorr tide as follow?: ' Bald Dead Bar 13 feet 3 inches. Westsrn Bar 12 feet. This, belt understood, i3 at mean low tile with an average rise of fonr and a half feet at high tide. TJow to do your owm N. Y. Snamal Paint, ar anted at Jacok' s. painter : Bay tke ready 'mixed and t Kiinrt Tom. Blind Tom will open, his engagement at the Opera House to night. Tom is said to hare improved in his. old ago and has leaned to sing several plantation melodies. He is a wonder and has sur prised and puzzled the phrenologists and physicians of the world. ; The Navaasa The steam yacht tfavassa, recently purchased by the Navassa Guano Com pany at Meares' Bluff is a pretty little craft. She makes the trip now in thirty minutes, but when she is limbered up and smoothed off by use it is. thought she will mak the trip in less time. Harbor Maitcr Report. Capt. Jos. Price, Harbor Master, re ports the arrival at this port last month of 0 vessels with a total of 24,882 tons. Of these 37 ressels were American with 13,953 tons and 33 were foreign with 10,929 tons. Of the former 6 were steamers 1 was a brig and 30 were ohocners, and ot the latter 2o were barks, 7 were brigs and 1 schooner. In Distress The schr. rFiWs'aw U. Van Brunt Houghwout, boand fron New York for JacksonvilleFlorida, with a eargo of railroad iron, put into this port to-day leaking, with six feet of water in her hold, We learn that the cargo will have to be discharged and the vessel undergo repairs before proceeding on her journey. The whaling schooner E. H.Uartfieid which has been lying at anchor be tween the bar and rip for the past six weeks dragged her' anchor this af ternoon, and telegraphed for tho Revenue Citter Colfax to come to her assistance. If the Rdriji'ld is in great danger she can be assisted bp one of the three tugs now lying at Smithville. The Cotter did not go down, a3 it would be after night before she could pump up and get hiteam en. . US District Court.' The following named persons have been draWn as jurors for the U, S. Dis trict Court and summoned to be present on Tnesday, May 3rd, at 10 o'clock : Duplin county, Martin Robinson; New Hanover county, Soli W. Nash, Chas. Stemmennan, ! n. Hayden, N. W Schenck, Geo. Sloan, E. J: DeBernier' Nicholas Morris, J. K. Brown, Chas. Love, W. W. Campen, Jas. H. Carra way, R. Greenberg, Jas. W. Collins, Stephen H. Morton, tienry Sweat, John wn Hooper, W. II. Alderman, Benj. F White, B. F. Hall, Dan'l. Ellison, Har ding Johnson, Jes. B. Worth Christian Hussell, Jas. K. Cutlar, N. IJ. Sprunt, J. C. Stevenson, Juq. J. Guier. ILS. Rdcliffe,Jocl W Woolvin, aron Kellog. Brunswick County L. K. Skipper, Asa Ross, J: W. Smith, J. W. Taylor. Court will convene on Monday, the 2ndday of May, bat that day will be de voted to the hearing of admiralty cases. . Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sires, AH4 the lowest LOCAL "'NEWS. rlcee WILMINOT N, N. 0., Foul and Brutal Murder of a You g Wcniau aid her Babs Tfce As sanim trscked Thei Victim fought." EesperateJy o the last Diagram of the lane rf t o Y.ur derand it3 urcuadngs r i' I i u i i i.i r -"as J .sroiili's Crefelc. ar i . -,. . ... . ... gj- . . , ,. ' if ill . Spring V . i - ' - ' .. In a sequestered ravine near the scene of the Carter murder, about a mile from the city, the mangled remains of a wo man and child were found last evening by Officer Richardson, while in search of deserted sailors. The officers and his comrades have been trying to keep the matter in the dark until the capture of the perpetrators of the atrocious murder. From the fact that they will bo appre hended and brought to justice before night, we relate the blood curdling par ticulars of the murder which stands with out a parallel in the history of the State. The details are sickening and can hardly be heard without a feeling of indignation and desire to avenge the death of the frail woman and her innocent babe. Above we give as accurate a diagram of the ravine and surroundings as the short time at our command will allow. About a week ago a young white wo man, .who, had she been nicely dressed, would have been considered pretty; made her appearance in the northern portion of the city, where ; she remained until Wednesday in a house occupied by Yat3 kin Jennings. The poor unfortunate woman and her babe were found on yes terday in the cold embrace of death ly ing in the ravine. In and about the va cant house, shown ia the above drawing, were the marks of a struggle and drops of blood. Under the house .was found a stick besmeared with gore. From the house, across the railroad traek and through a cattle path to the ravine were traces of blood. An investigation of the body proved that the unfortunate woman had been stabbed in the back with a knife, that her skull had been crushed ia by a blunt or round instrument and that her tongue was torn out. The innocent babe's brains had been dashed out and one of its feet had been either hacked off or eaten by hogs. Near the house wasfeund a sailor's knifebearing bloody finger marks and having on its handle the letters H. M. A piecevof woolen cloth staiaed with blood which had evi dently been used as a scarf was found some little distance from thy house. The officers thought they recognized the scarf and the knife was identified as the pro erty of a seaman deserter. The ravii e and locality, as drawn above, is a rendez vous for deserters, tramps and hard cases, as is also a place equally sequestered on the banks of the creek about a quart er of a mile distant. These localities were weir guarded last night and the ofii cers and their posse eomitatus were re. warded by picking up one of the con federates of the murderers who turned State's evidence and related the follow ing. SICKENING PETJ.IL. Kuhl Ton Astic, Pedro Ibetmre and Ruls DerVonstrac saw their victims on Wednesday at the spring, which is some little distance from Yadkin Jenkin's house, and by subterfuge took her to the vacant house shown in the diagram, where they made an attack on her. The poor woman kept them from her by the use of a club, but it was finally taken away. She fought desperately for awhile and was then struck down with the club by Pedro Ibetmre. She fell with her face to the ground, and Yon . Astrio plunged his knife in her body. The assassins then dragged the almost dead woman across the track to the ra vine, and. placing her dead babe by her, left her there to die alone. How long she lived is not known. The details of the murder are most brutal and would vie with the atrocities of a savage Sioux twwIW.vuu--.-6- Indian murder. -It it be remex&erea that to-day iithe first of April! . lEYIEW. FRIDAY, APRIL Ucmorlal Day- At a meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association, of this city, held yesterday afternooa at the residence of the Vice President, Mrs. Armand L. DeRosset, it was decided that, inasmuch as the Legis lature of North Carolina had, at its re cent session, made the 10th day of May a legal holiday, it would be unwise for this 'Association to celebrate any other day, as, among other reasons, it would be asking too much of employers and em ployees to give another day from busiaess which they would necessarily have to do ifte 26th day of April was continuted ta be observed as Memorial Day in Wil mington. The motives; we are informed, which actuated the ladies of the Associ ation io changing the day for making the annial observance of the memorial services to the Confederate dead; from My to April, were on account of the lateness of the season, the scarcity of flowers in Way, and more than all, out of consideration, for the military' the march to the Cemetery " being a long and tedious one aad at the very warmest part of the day at, that "season. The ladies o f the Memorial 1 Associa tion in Wilmington had the honor of being the first organization of the kind in existence in this State, and were we first to observe, these memorial services en the anniversary of Stonewall Jack son's death, which is, the : 10th of ; May. They disliked therefore to' give'ip that day, but for the reasons mentioned above, felt it their daty to make the change and earnestly sought the cooperation of other associations throughout the State. FailiBgin this, they have wisely .conclu ded to abide the will of the majority in terested m this observance, and will re turn to the day , first inaugurated by them in the observance of the solemn ceremoiies of that occasion. Major James Beilley who has beta in Tited to act ae: Chief - Marshal has ac cepted the invitation ""and ia due time will make his announcement ef the order of the "day. The Orator and Chaplain have sot yet been, announced. A Keif lair on Prohibition. The prohibition question is assuming large proportions in more States of the Union than one. The Pennsylvania Legislature has recently acted upon it, and now comes a dispatch from Wiscon sin which says the Governor to-day signed the bill recently passed by the Legislature prohibiting the practice of 'treating." The bill provides that any person who shall hereafter ask another to drink at hie expense or any person con senting to drink at another s expense shall be liable to arrest and punishment When tho bill was introduced into the Legislature it was referred to as a sense less aad impracticable idea, and nobody thought it would became a law. It has only attracted attention since it has passed. No doubt there is many a poor fellow in this city, who smiles oceasion ally at his own expense, that wishes such a law prevailed in North Carolina Th a possibly hit own indulgence in that direction would not count up so heavily in the matter of dollars and cents. We advise our friends to call at Jxoobi's for Household Hardware of every deeerip- on. Tkere you get tae lowest prices, f flouts, and laadr company Meeting At a meeting of the Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, held Wed nesday, night, the following resolution was adopted. Whbeas, Oar newly elected Board of ldermen have seen fit to remove from command of the Fire Department Col. Roger Moore, who has so long, so faithfully, so efficiently and with such universal acceptance to the members of the Department and to the public gener ally performed the duties of tfcat office. Resolved. That while we recognize the authority of the Board of Aldermen to make any changes in the city Admin tration that may seem proper to tbern. yet we do regret that th y should have decided to remove without any apparent cause, andj without consulting the wish! of those w hose . duty and whnee pleasure it has been to obey him, a most popa!ar and competent officer. It is an admitted fact that Col. Moore has been greatly instrumental in bring ing oar Fire Department toils present standard of efficiency; and we think that to remove him without a word of com plaint having been made to them by an) one, is to say the least a great mistake. In adopting this resolution it is not our desire or purpose to reflect in ao v way on Col Moorr'g gucci-or, who, do not doabt, will make a capable office but simply and emphatically to xprea oar regret that auchaetion should bat rbeea fay the Eoaxd 0f Alderxaea. I apll-lt should bav- 1. 1881 NO. 59 Fxporis Fertlrn. The following are the exports from this port during the month of March, as compiled by us from the books at the Custom House : Cotton, 2,761 bales ; valued at $133,414. Rosin, 85,774 bar rels; valued at $161,999. Tar, 3,590 barrels ; valaed at $7,178. Spirits tur pentine, 215,76i gallons ; valued at $93,668. Lumber,' 1,066,000 feet ; valaed at' $18,690. Shingles, 154,000 ; valued at $934. Total value of foreign exports forth month, $415,992. Toucan now buy Improved II eating and Cook Stove at factory priccaat Jicobi'. New Advertisements. ra.'CROfilF, Auctioneer. BY CRONLT & MORRIS. Admistrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE OP A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of New Ilanover county, in a certain special proceeding thare pend- m-ifhefoie the UjerK, wherein Alfred liowe, Hk Administrator of Julia Petti ford, is plain tiff, and Orlando Dover and wife Margaret Dover, are defendants, I will on Mon day, the 2d day of May, -18&1, at . 11 o'clock, A. M.i at - the Court House door, In the city of Tf ilmioe ton, offer for sale by publie auction, that lot of land, situate in said city, and designated upon the plan thereof as Lot No. t in Block 204. - The said lot will be divided - in half and sold la two lots, each feting of tie width of 63 feet and of the depth of 165 feet. Terma One third cash, residue in 8 and 6 months With interest from day ef sale. ALFBEDflOWE, apl 1-11-20-30 Adaiinistrator Pianos and Organs, FOR CASH OR ON TI1E KA8Y INdTALhENT PLAN. For said at afilNSBEBGER'S. Lire Book and Music Store ANOTHER 8UPFLV OT TffOSS ' paHrKoriYC lettir file?. The Novelty Paper Fastener, Crcquet Sets, Foot Ballf, Can always be found at apl 1 HEINSBERQER'8. rpELEMACROPHONE The WattV Pat- JL cnt Mechanical Telephone ia not to be classed with the "HolcomV--and 'other cheap Telephones which have been tried only to prove a failure. "We are making extra low prices on lines lor a snort time. Will sell Phones and material with full iu struction a for erecting. Send for prices, giTiuff distance to conneet. OWN YOUR OWN TELEPHONE LINES and be inde pendent. Office at B. D. Morrill & Son's. Call at 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. 1 i EDW'D B. HOLT, mch 30-eod-2w i Geu'l Agt. for N. C O PERA HOUSE. Friday & Satarday April 1st & '2d. Two Nights and Saturday Matinee Tlie Wonderful Negro Boy Pianist, BL3WD TOR3, Renowned throughout the world aa being the most remarkable Mutical Prodigy of the age. Admission 50 cts; Reserved Seats 75 eta. Seats secured at Heinsberger's Book Store. IdiT" No Reserved Seats at the Matinee. Tickets 50 cts; Children 25 cts. Matinee at 2 o'clock; evening concert at 8 o'elock. meh 23-6t Spring: & Summer Styles. I AM NOW KEfF.IVIN'G DAILT a lanre aul well s-Iect-d niock of a I te laUt tI in i adics and vjl-ses'. Children cd len'afice lht JTS and -SHOEi, coceiitfog of I-adies Button Boot, fa Kid, Foxs, ?e ble at d French KM Hand Made, Turn and Machine Mde, of the Dt caike, such a you hare been getting at my place, and which need no further recommendation. Alo, the same in In'ants, Children, Youths and Bovs. ST My Men's Wear Department will not te surpassed by any store in the city. A -all I all 1 e-k to conTinre you of the same. Pi icee that defy competition. ' - Reepectiully. 3 . R OS E M ;TT H A !w CO Marlie t atrcc U ? jpMr ... . PLTTMSSOUCS. We will he glad to receive ecxsi&taiCoR from omr friends en ay aad all WioU f general interest nut Toe naxae of tie writer ttsti tiwy bIcx elJhedto the Editor, Ocrnnmaieationa icut oa aide of the paper. Pnunalities mt be ivjf.dei And it Is especially and parEoalarly under stood that the Editm doef cot aJwtjs f rcorte the views ot correspondent, ucltaa so stated in the editorial column.' 1 8ow Advertisements. . i P. anos and Organs gOf, FOR OAGH o ' ON fi'K HBTA! LAN L&kUB STOCK Scbn! Side, . ' i 1BX B ,.' s hliii a ery, Kiicy Gotdr, Ac. A Call aad eee for oureelt. Yates' Book Store. isch 23 JUST RECEIVED, per Steamer, tho following Good They are of the Finest Qnality and Perfect ly Fresh : Gordon & Dil worth's Preserved PoacLea Assorted Prcsoivea Jellies, . - Tvfin iBro's -Yeast Cakes, V Cross & Blackwell's PickleFj .; Hazard's Eicena, Baker's Broma and Chocolate, J. Wihslpw J onea' Green Corn , Canned Lima Beans, String Beans, Succofash, it ButterBisijro;iios, Assorted Pie Frnit, German Greene Ktrno Dutch Herring, Imported Dried Peas, Turkish Prunes These Goods are selling LOW. My Stock being- replenished alf most entirely every week, I am always in' a condition to ofTtr FRES ARTICLES.' JNO, L, eOATWeiOHT, IVos. 11 &I5 N. Froiit 8f. mch 28. - Corn, Bacon, 31oLise?. 10 000BcsLs Prime Litcc 2-75 Boxes SmokedandD 8 Side QC Ilhds and Tierces OeJVJ New Crop Ccba, JQQ BbU N.cw Orleans iiolaisc?,. Just received and for ealo low by k ' 1 WILLIAMS & MURCITISONV Flour, Sugar, Coffee, 1C00 Bbls Hour, all grades,'; ' . C25 EWs Sugar?, Granulated, A, Extra CandC, ' 502bls New Orleans Sugar, . C5D Bags CouVc, uUTercnt trader, 125 Boxes As&frted Candy, ICQ Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, T5 Bbls and. Boxes Lemon Cakes, J S75 Eoxee Lyeand Potash, 200 Boxes Soap, I iV 75 Boxee'and Eegs Soda,. - 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Scuff' Shot, Briskets, ;Paper fpice, Pepper, Gin ger, Hoop Iron, fcc., Randolph Shcctlri , For sale by ' Hemo HAVt I suite c Bank Bui streets ncV17.-if.--w.- imsmm ; I

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