1013 FIFES T.ff sfisrseoa. Baadaft Wo wCl bo glad to roeslvo ocmcualcaCri f froa emr frirads ca aay tad all njretj f ceaeralmtsmtbat Tie easao of tis writer czrt slwiyi bitu alAedfta tao Editor. Coaguxlottloas em bo .WTtttea e e tly oao sido of tao paper. Ferioaalltlao mtstbe Vvolded And tt Is especially and cracalarly aaier stood that the ESitrm does not always r dens the views ox eorreepoadeatf, a&lesf soaUt jd bi the ed2torial eolatoBa, . 0P r. .1 A M B t ..- if. .-.,1 AM FBVrci-' rriO.NS.l'WTAOEPAlJ. $3 50 ; Three -.53 .K Si 55? ""CAJ" ' ; 'r iM t- d silvered by earrttTi, f" r? n t- pAfi of, lh city, f is .vp.r-w.k. n''"- ' la, libera; VOL. V WILMINGTON, .V C, SATURDAY, APRIL 2. 1881. NO. 30 latsc report any ana 1) A TT.Y srav fiaattrngs. 1, I Lace Ourtins; pOBSI'.-E, 'KETONES, U A.5MT . V (.IL tfmt, Ac, nstr and prv U , C!aC: ntlti GtjIO T.tetl -' v . . XT T V GUEA.T VARIET.. " "" r- ; r" "saaS rinS r'Ml QiwlSa nCX SHADED and Sua Umbrellas, Our j KLirK are in the lead. j ra-ft-io ' t- iK.' fira "t"V8 ' ... T - u i ' -' J i : i TEON CLAD WAT ii t0 equal for itopplog leaks. 1 1 Is guar .- r,,r 10 years. Any roof, no matter ko bd, can Ve larcd by this paint. AuRooSngPalflt aod fr Damp Walls it ku do equal. gimples and testimonials furnished upon ijpUcaUoa at Office of the Iroa Clad Paint CotcDiTiT. on Second, befwtea Market and frirceuitresU. f eb 2ft- New Butter. PER S. S. "GULF STREAM", juit ar JL iire4 tbii rnorniD, the firat ehlpment of NEW SPRING Butter! OF THE SEASON. Itcdin jour orders early and taste come J3HH L.vBOgitSifr l TtTE ARE KCW BUTOPEJ IT marking and arrapgilig onr-,FDi1ns: . 36ined:tlie foiadgentlemeh Banner itock of GeqW, .ltha andUoys .wjuiiojana tumuiungtlood?. We hare rt thia seasoa the largest ttbekihe prettl itoek aed the cheapest stock- of Clohi H erer offered ia this market. ' A call and b iai?octi5B li respectfully Solicited.' A. & I. SIIRIER, Market street ajch22 LEE'S Prepared Airr.cnltural' pR COTTON, TEAKUTS, " TTHEAT, CORN, AKD TEGETABLE3 OF ALL KINDSc Tor !e by . & PPARSALL. Hals, Try Tonic Bitters. 7 tUffM. RK- . aneer ia its ar K .WW0U b(a proT itaelf anjal- ,K opinion. S!MMa L?? X iXsla j.Te LOCAL N KWS, S G Nczthrop New Fruit and Confec-n-ry Store KsixssERGEB P:acv?s.I Organ W TAT2sP:tc:i?-x? Organs A & I Snr.'m1 Arririj, Daily Ejs sell for 15 cjnts per dozea. No !r.-"nents ia Bel'evue Cemetery .'lurinrf-.li:'; -reek. No !ri.rnents in Oakda'e Cemetery VThe'l'; of Deeds issued five oar. . Ai luetics, all 10 colored copies, 'i-iria? tha wees. rter. V. Urritchard. D. IK, i'res: of-Weke Forest College, will cccu py 'the pulpit of the First Baptist Church to - morrow meroir asd tjomnz .r the UEaal hoars.. AJr. Wilkes Jorris, ono of tht newly appointed, members of t he 1 Board of juditaad Finance, has returned his I commission to Gorerner Jarvis and de- ciincs the anpoinUnent. We adviae oar friends to call ai i-iec?:s for Household Hardware of every dserip tlon. There you get the lowest priees. f There was at least one inch thickness of ice risible to early risers in this city this morning. ; Countrymen coming to town with their carts early this morning report the small ponds along the roads all frozen oter.. Good bye fruit. Gone Foreign. The Danish bnrqne Lovisa cleared t- day for Monterideo with i cargo of 167, 52Gfeet lumber, shippeby Messri. E. Kidder & Sons. The Nor. barque Stanley was cleared from the Custom Houso to-day with 4,113 bbls. rosin" which were shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. A LtYely CSbost. Some time ago a rumor was current on the streets that f)elafate Towers, col ored, had died, in Raleigh, and we so stied, tThiif morning we saw Towers a'ndjjLme .to the conclusion that he was as liVely" ghost as.we erer saw. 'Tis seldom a manKainebleasure of feadinjfthejxn-1 nouncemeni. 01 nis own aeain dul.i owers & GeTernor -"J arrisXon A"Lt A. . -Jim ' jnesdayan. tR Bofird of fd jit .tidAFinT5l Between Herodila: 4his - city : .-lOctaf ins A ifcWjggifiS jFirs OTarnf.alder, X SecondVar ttichard' Jones, .Th ird -Ward j'Norwoo'cf Giles," Fourth' Ward, and WilkestMorris, Fifth Ward. ' A Terrible Tornadt A tornado of excessive severity passed over the town of Clinton on Tuesday. It was of short duration but the Episcopal Chirch was demolished, together with several carriage shops. The citizens were terrified and stood imperiled of their lives. Fences, trees and small houses were blown down and ether damages of a less serious nature were sustained. - llarlno -totes The whaling schooner . H.Hartfield which was reported by us as dragging her anchor on yesterday went ashore on the flats opposite Csw 11 later yester day afternoon but floated ofT oa the high tide. this raora'mg. The steam yacht Gleam, bound from Jacksonville, Florida, for Baltimore, which put in to the bay at Smithville for a harbor on Tuesday last, proceeded on her journey this morning. Painful Bucaor ; A painful rumor obtained credence here late yesterday afternoon to' the ef fect that Col. W.N. Peden, formerly of this city .bat for many years since the war a resident . of Clinton, ia Sampson oantyhad been stricken with paralysis. We have mads diligent inquiry among GLPfc&3'a cslfe&aia friemda to oh f Bsdj Set Tet Found. Corsner Hewlett en yesterday sent a boats crew ia search if the bod of the drowned man who wa3 reported Coating in the river about six miles below the city on Thursday. Nothing was aeon, of the body bat it has since been ascertain ed that the boat did not 0 far enough down tbo rirer. Xo one seems to know who the man is, os na ow it susain aleat here. Opera Uoaso- - Blind Tom opened bis engagement at the Oper House last erenieg - andas. greeted:bjs fair sized audience. Tom remarkable ia his performances and ! rvrapt his audience in wonderment and sarpriee. He hai-impro Ted consider ably Einco his last risit and ha3 harncd sereral plantation melodies which he renders with considerable effest. At the request of the "audience Professor Goodman performed a very difficult piece of music while Tom listened. Af ter the Professor had finished Tom was seated at the piano and executed the piece with faultless precision. He gave othea tests of his musical ability and wonderful powers of mind. How to De your owa painter : Bay the N. Y. Enamel Faint, ready mixod and araate I at Jacosi'a. t ; All Fool's Day Yesterday was all fool's day and a great many ahem! persons were taken in by various tricks etc. Reporters are frequently sent on aimless errands, as was the case yesterday when we were sent to hant up a Are which didn't oc cur. Krery one on all fool's day is on the qui vivc for his unwary fellow-being, and to get the laugh on him. Our little joke created quite a sensatisn and sold many of the "wise acres who never bite and are never caught." According to an eld English custom, which has ltngsifice been Americanized, the first day of Aptff'tfeTery yearirEttj apart as All Fool's Day, and people who are sent on aimless errands, and such lit tle practical jokes, must not complain. It is said that the custom prevails all orer Europe, . and wherever European races hare fixed a residence in America. Two accounts are -given- of its origin. The rieaUlschohrssaythat it is derived 5i . t" ' - ..T S rail wnere aajmiiar customs, prevails, ins c?le- raffias;1 irancerthefled-.maA is iish, like a mackerel, easily caught. In Scotland he is called a gowk, which means a cuckoo. Ton can" -now buy Improved Heating and Cook Stove at factory priccaat Ja&oai's. f Meteorological Report I From Sergeant James . M. Watscn, Signal Officer in charged at this port, wo have the following report for the month of March; Mean barometer, t29.845; mean ther mometer, 52.1; mean humidity, 52.9; highest barometer, 30,372, date 15th; lowest barometer, 29.405, date 30th; monthly range of barometer, .967; high est temperature, 78, date 25th; lowest temperature, 31, date 7tb; monthly ranjje of temperature, 47; greatest daily range of temperature, 27, dates 7t and 25th; lowest daily range of temperature, 8, date 5th; mean of maximum tempera tures, 61.3?; mean of minimum tempera tures, 43.6; mean daily range of temper ature, 17.7; total rainfall or , melted snow, 5.14 inches; prevailing wind, north west; total movement of wind, 6,360 miles; maximum velocity of wind and direction, 30 miles, west on 30th; num ber of foggy days, 0; number of cloudy daysoa which rain fell, 6; number of cloudy days on which no rain fell, 2; total number oX days on which rain or snow fell, 11; dates of lunar kalos. Uih aod 15th; dates of frost 8th, 24, 27th asd 23th. AiafpaiJc CPS 25ttod Too J U pd 4la ccrasar f yoar rj trTtfy ' rr- u j noauy causcti uerangea, Kianejs sa jTt?;ttrj vill kava Lnt tcn- liver. The sure are for constipatica is W elHis days,' althoagh a leap year. ! celebrated fidaey-Vort.. U to also sj mJ" f - a spetafirf remedy fpr all kidney and Uvcr Thb phacomeaca occars once only. Wjdiskses.- I'housandj are cured bv it ZZ7 ycirs, td alrap ia the odd bund 3?erj moato. i'ry it at enca. Tf.tdo The Sioux Chief which has stood, as silent sentry, in front of Kasprawicz's store for several years past has been sent North for repairs. Mr. S. G. Northrop has opened a branch store under the Review office. He will keep at all times a choice selec tion -of domestic and tropical fruits, also home made and fancy confectioneries and soda, waters See ad. elsewhere. 1 C ro? Tear of Karat Uores . '. Tfcecrbp year for naval stores begin oa tha 1st day of April and end with IheSIst day, of March of thr sttcceedmg year. The - quantity of spirits receircd at this port during the year ending with last Thursday, the "31st o liareh was 87,107 casks. The quantity of rosin 444,552 bbls, the quantity-of tar 56,460 barrels and of erode turpentine 92,101 barrels. The domestic exports for the same period were 33,121 casks spirits, 52,743 barrels of rosin, 38,517 barrels of tar and 2,832 barrels of crude turpentine. . The foreign exports were 63,199 casks spirits, 392,317 barrels of rosia, 11,850 barrels of tar and no crade at alL The ntmber of American vessels ar rived and cleared at this port during the same period -; were 68 steamships, - 5 barques, 23 brigs and 184 schooners, making a total of 275 vessels with a ton nage of 106,373 tons. Number of foreign vessels 174 barques, 51 brigs, 17 schooners, making Che total of foreign ships 236, with a tonnage of 71,222 tons. Whole number of vessels American and foreign 511. Total ton nage 177,595. This does not include the river steamers or vessels under 100 tons burthen. '. Dancer of Keepirr Flowers and Finite in Sleeping Rcoms. The Chicago Medical Journal nd Examiner cautions Us readers as to - the danger of keeping flowers and fruits in sleeping rooms. li mention several in. stances, reported by Dr. Breitter, ill as- trating the fatal results of the practice which, as a precaution to our readers, we publish: j "A genilsman had the unhappy idea of m&kiag of the branches of an oleander some sort of an alcove in which to sleep next morning he tras found dead. - A grocer and his clrk went to sleep in a room in which th: : o boxes ' of oranges stood, and they wer? dead by the next morning." A clerV. in store, who was to watch at night, laid down with a bag of s assafras - under his head; he, likewise, wasound dead in the rtorning., Another gentleman, having souse hyacinths in his room, got the most vie!eat headache and felt so drowsy that he" could hardly re strain from sleeping. He at once put the flowers out of the rooss, opened the windows, and soon after felt easier." Cbnrcta Services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : ST. J A.UES TAUIiB. Comer Third aud Market streets, Bev. A. A Watson, D. D., Rector. Fifth on dy in Lieut April 8rd. tlorniug Ptver inri Couuiuaion at 11 o clock. Su iuay School at 4 p. ra. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. ST. PAUL'S SViStt. LUTIIERA2T CUl'KCU, Oornerbiatli ud jJarket gtrtt3, Key. G U. B-riiiein,i, pr,.r. Gerinau aerrica at 11 a in aud C p. m Sun. my School at 3 p. to. (jAt-cLetiCAi imtractiou oti Fj Hay at 3.30 p m. rt. John's cauacH, Corn r Third and Red Cross sts. Fifth Sanday in Lmt April 3rd- Rev. T.D. Pitts, Recior. Morula Prayer and Holy i 'ommunion at 11 o'ci.k Sunday Scho 1 3:30 p- m Bveidng Praj er wi'.a Sermon ai 8 c'cTck nssT BAPTi.r cnuncn, V corner of ilarkct acd Fifth treet. Rev. J'13. Taylor, PasUrr.-' Sunday ?ctfvi a. Hill) a. in. Srrv.ces at U i.'n. -vj.d 7.oO u cn.ducri by r?. '.II. Pr;tchrd D. O., V.r-Mclzt of tVktf iA r st JoIIh llrockiyn 5ujtay School : 4 p. jinwhij ijtarc. v Ve'IT.g fi ! U'itwisa JIotHtay i t 7:30 trr.bjcx Vxt-g Aieii's i-iayer M'nititz 'i'ues-JUy xJ& 7:0 f.' locv. Caurch lYayer c cd rsessrxzBiAiv cnunca, . -F-uirb sal tmpb)'t otreou. Bev. j. & rVne, PssSr. 'errlcaa at 11 a. h i- (Q- b h Sebool at ari-J a, lyr' woaaeaoayat 8 i fay art-jotx f j fii csrtaj never able to. u-11 folks that yoa are veil? Tea to rain ita a!f r uiii in IK firat Til a f b abi taal constipation, which no dcbt The Illustrated Scientific News The April number of this interesting and popular magazine is just out. Among the various subjects illustrated in this number is an engraving of the lata Emperor of Russia's steam yacht Livadia; a series of views illustrating wood working detachments for foot laths: Prof. Secchi's solar photographic appa- rtnuw, wiin bix uisnnci views oi ine sun taken by appra ns used on Lake Gen eva tor determining the velocity of sound in water; a new machine for decor ating enameled surfaces; engravings of several curious animals and objects in natural history, and an elaborately ill us 1 trated article on Bee Culture. . . Every number contains thirty-two' r.. m ... . psgeaiaii oiengraviogsror noveitieris science and the useful arts. Published bvitunn&Co4 17 Park Row, New York, at $1.50 a year, and sold by all news dealers. A Good Iloasewire. The good housewife; when she is giv ing her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear ia mates of her houto are more precious than many houses, and that their systems no;! cleansing by purifyi j the blood, regulating the stomach and H)wels to prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she must know, that there is nothiog that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. Coneord N. II J Patriot. Go to JiaeoBi's for Doors, Saah and Bllnda, puie White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. AIL at the lowest prices 1 New Advertisements, NEW FRUIT AND COflFECTIOfJERY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the "Review" Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All persons passing that locality are respectfully invited to call and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candies; Soda Water, Cigars and a general nice variety, at . . 8. G. NORTHROP'S, apl.3. , Water 8t. Store. Pianos and Organs? ' FOS OABH OR ON TRE " ASV; IN8TALHENT PLAN. For sale at ! mCINHBRBOER'?. Live Book and Mario Store ' ANOTHSS SUPPLY-O? TSOSH PfcRFEOIlVE LETT fen FILE 3. The Novelty Paper Fastaier, I Croquet Seta, Foot Balla, Oan always be found at . apt 1 H KIN 8 BE BOER'S Q PER A HOUSE. Friday & Saturday April 1st & 2d. Two Nights and Saturday Matinee The Wonderful Negro Boy Pianist, Renowned throughout the world as being the most remarkable Musical Prodigy of the age. Admission 50 cts; Reserved Seats 75 cts. Seata secured at Hcinsbt-rger's Book Store. IST No Reserved-Seats at the Matinee. Ticket 50,ct; Children 25 cts. Matinee at 2 o'clock; evening coLcert at 8 o'clock. siea aet Spring: & Summer Styles. Li - ; i M NOW r.ECriTITC DAILT a la.ve iid ttll selected nock of a!l the latest etjles in I adies and Miaes. Children and Mea'a fine UiXjTd aod coneistinsr of Ladle' Button Roots,- in Kid, Foxed, etble and French KiJ Hand Made. Torn aad Machia3 Made, of the beet make, such as yoa have been getting at my place, and which need no further recomxnendatf on. f Also, -the same in ln'auLs, Children, iooim ana ooya. X3T My Men's Wear Department will not be surpassed by any store in the city. A call la all I ask to convince yon of the same. Pilcce that defy competition. ' RiSpectfaUy. F20GE?s!TMAi -., Koxr Advertisement. " ' llanos and ; Of gariB gOLU FOS casu qi . - O.V 7FE XtS-A'ilENTJLAN . LlUOE STOCK eehcol Ecoi FUttk Bjckf. i Ftaf;Lbrjf . . '.' r 'n.e, . . Call ani ree far j'2reelt, -, - Tates' JBooIr Store. mch 23 JUST RECEIVED, per Stumer, tho following Goods. Thoy are of the Finest Quality and Perfect f .f . . .. . ly Frosh : Gordon & Dilwbrth'a Preserved Peaches ' Assorted Ptcscttci "Jellies, Twin Bro'g Xeasfc Cakes, Crois & Blackwell's Picklcry Hazard's Bicena, Baker's Broma and Chocolate, J. "Winslow Jones' Green Coifc, Canned Lima Beanp, , a String Boanp, Snccotasli,, tt Butter Dish Jelliey, V Aesorted iPie Fruit, German Greene Kerno Butch Herring1, ijnported Dried Peas, Turkish Prunes. Theso Goods are selling LOflu My Stock being replenished al most entirely overy-week, I am always in a condition to offt r FBESH ARTICLES; . JNO. I BOATWHIBHT. Ios. II & 13 N.FroiiiSt. ash 28 torn, Uacon, Mo1:lsvc3. 10 000 Buss rriae Vihltc C03y' -' ' 275 BoiM Smokc2anaD s slJti QKf Hhds and Tierces tJOKJ . New Crop Cubs, TOO Orleans ilolaafiee, J uet received and for sale low by IWILLIAMS & Muricniscxi Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &cm' 1000 Ebls Flour, all grades,; . " . C2-0 Eb:a 8u'ffarf Granulated, A, Extra -" ' CaadC, , .- - SObls New Orleans Su2ir, p 353 BeCoSVre, dllTerent gjadej,' . Boxea Aatsorted Candy, 100 Tube ChoicLeaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Toxea Lemon Cakes , 375 Boxes Lyejand Potash, 200 Bpxee Soap, 75 Boxes'acdKeifoJA," : . ' lOOoxes and Half Bbls 6nc2. Shol, t - irer.n I - ' - v ' Jt ti s L. L. Lank Cclliln-. corner Iront andiv"::; '' - . j cn L .. ...i ttr?'!s . . . . . . . ' 1 trcvc3 1 r-rc w trcsdirfil t fcrj r: jr rr? rClcsrs yea . v , - - - .- - no rri. nil 13 i Liz di.