itt pars i - - . . . - PLZ1B2 170TIC2. Ws wta baglid to rttilrt cccri'tfXL'cEi from our frlsads oa aay sad, all rcbjwts f CTOrall2arai but. tao name of tlo writer mart alwsji b f 1 1 bhd to tko Editor. Oomaaaleatloascritba wrlltea ce ftly -oaosldoof tho paper. Parsooalitlos amat bo avoldsd And t Is espodsJJy and pariisalaxly naier stood that the EdlW does not always ecicr a tho viows ot corre5poadeati, u&lcu so i!at: d ' ia tie editorial ' i fOaXAOfi PAID. l .,.. On cwBtMO .... si 14: b delivered byearriera, ft fPr :- rr' rt..iow " libera: -. r-ceire iteir papers regularly. VOL. VI WILMINGTON. . C , MONDAY APRIL 4. 1881. NO; 31 ' ' --jggjfr ' , 'rSSSSSBBBBBBBMBBBBBBjSSISySSMgMairgg- ' . ' it UA d vertisementB. -4- Sfra'w flattings. XtlMEQWNTITir.V.XXCr Color., I Mi 111 J tU Lace Curtains, n,0RKICK. CKKTONE, CARPETS, V ,in, Ci.oTIIi, Ac, ew aJ pretty. and Coloid Black Silks. is, is g:;sjlt variety. Fine Parasols, EX SHADES ani Sui Umbrellas. Oar s ACK SILKS arc la the lend. p. (VI. Mclntire. 54 I ' TSO.V CLAD WAfa. i r faint ii it eaal for atopplag leaks. It it gaar uteed for 1ft yeare. Any roof, no matter tar kaii caB be saved by this paiat. lit Roofing Faint and for Daaip Walls Bhunoeaaal. Saaplea and testimonials furnithed upon application at Offlee of the Iron Clad Faint Company, en Second, between Market and frtzceta street. ffeb 2- Arrivinsr Daily J TJTE ARE NOW BUST OPENING, Birklc; and arraugio our Soring -and Snaaer ateck cf Gent'a, Youth' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We hare rot tats lesson the largest stock, 13xe prettl. at itoclc and tke cheapeat stock of Cloth? 1b erer offered In thla market, A call aud as laiyectloi is respect folly solicited.. A.& I. SIIRIEB, bcb 23 Market street'-. I LEE'S spared -Agncullural po& Cotton, peaxuts, WHEAT, CORN. .. .. AND VEGETABLES Or ALL KINDS. For cale by W1' TARSA L, F - r kJw ia n J. Joe Person's Indian Tonic Bitter. Sa.Cu from lopmrit, !tt60H"5' opinion, f T. HOLD EH. ,M!L-a Vimon. Jo. p-"w" 1st, 1889 r&Mai wfferias; from de tS'l01 -ben SJttTlostw7 J"0" nle. I . luZ TMs Tonlo, and wish J Urt jrQfiti; V- 8TROITO. " WrHfiiiBff Vew AiiTftHneiiicnta. IIzixsb&rgbr Pianos and Orgsoa CW Tates Pianos and Organs J L BoATWMaHT Ntw Butter ! "Piide of tne Pantry" Flour -Altaffer, Price Js Co 3aah, loor and Blinds L J OTTBUSotna A Descnj lire List Sa'i.If Caxnox -Notice Lectuke By Rev E A Tate A A I Ssaiss ArriTlnr Dailr TU C. I. is M. T. - Tke only dfeadrtntage of an iien&at heart i3 crednlily. Ycunor preilicls a illght epriokliKir of snow to mrrrowv Toucan nuvr buy Improvtki lleati ai.d Cook Str:a at rctorr priccsat Jacohi". Afflictions brinff many to God who make" Iigat of him in prosperity. The good which jou do may nut bo lost, though it may be forjoiten. The more we help Ihers to bear their burdens, the lighter will be. our own. ''Tis; wi:h our judgments as onr watches cone are just alike, yet each believes his own. ! Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure Whltq Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices There was only one ease which claimed His Honor Mayor Smith's attention this morning, that of a white man charg ed with disorderly conduct; the defendant was dismissed under promise of future good behavior. Firemen's Parade ,The Cape : Fear Steam . Fire Kogine Company (colored) were out on their an nual paradetlrisafterneon, and when oppssite Col. Roger Moore's house, on Chestnut street, came to a -halt doffed their hats and gave three ronsing cheers for their late Chief of the Fire Depart ment. ' '" . Collision in the Bi?er. The schotner B. B. Gibson, Captain Stargis wfcilt faib'ns; 4owii the! river yesterday collided with the Nor. barque Mediator, lying at anchor at the Five Fathom. Hole. The schooner lest her foretopmast and jibboon by the collision and the barque her jibboon. The schoon er returned to the city for repairs. The Mediator cleared en the 31st ult. for Liverpool with a cargo of 1,000 barrels tar and. 1,640 do rosin.' The schooner brotght a cargo of corn, from Elizabeth City a few days ago and tfas on her rc tixn voyage. ! Board i.T Count? c.'oinmtseionef , The .Board of County Commissioners met in regular monthly session this after noon. Commissioners Worth, Bagg, Pierce and'.Montgomery beins present: The resignation of Commissioner Smith made on the2oth .of March -was read and accepted. Col. Eoger Moore who was elected to fill the racincy by the Board of Magis trates. aDDearcd and took the oath and was "(duly installed. The Board then piocceded to the tltetiooof a Chairman. Commissioner Baggwas put in nomination and wa3 elected by acclamation. Commissioner Moore was appointed a the Finance, Public Building, Board of Managers,'and"City Hospital Comrait ties. The-report of Messrs Brown and Mc Rae, Surveyorst relative to the boundry line between the Poor House track and Garrell's land was accepted. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report. Balance of general fund on hand $27,522.09, balance of special fund on hand $390 20. One bond of $500 No. 133 with all coupons attached and 62 coupons of $3.00 each, and thirty-two coupons of thejdenomination of $15.00 each were sur rendered ancLdestroyed in the presence cf the Board. The Treasurer's report show ed balance on hand of educational fund of $8,268.29. The Register of Deeds report for the Bonth of March showed $20.90 paid over td the Treasurer; receipt for same was handed in The Board are engaged in levying schedule B and C taxes as we go to press Food for the Brain and Nerves that will invigorate the body without intoxi cating is what we need in these days of rush and worry. Parser's G nger Tonic restores the vital energies, soothes the irres and brings good health quicker vnvthinc von can use. ' Tribune. I f v a- -- : ' v-thsr cclwnn. - y-: -. ;V; A CanKJCT. Three cars of the freight train on tie W., C. k A. R. R., were thrown frt m the track at Atkins Tnroont, 13 miles from Sumter, on Saturday Ian. . The train stopped to wood up at Atkins, and as it proceeded on its j-xmicy these cats were thrown from the the track and completelf wrecked. It is not known whether the accident was caused by a bio ken rail or by a peice or wood which feil from the tender across the track. There was no damage other than the complete dcmoHshment of the can and a slight Missing. An able-bodied .seamjn on board of the Norwegian barque Morei-j and a brother of- Capt. Matlhiesen, commander of the vessel, was reported misting this morninsr. A.r. Matthiesen was com plaining of feeling unwell last night, and this morning aboui 4 o'clock, ho was s?en on deck, in his night clothes, by I the watchman, who spoke to him and ascertained that he (Matthiesen) was not well. Since then nothing has been seen or beard of him. The ssppesi tion is that he must have fallen overboard and was drowned. His brother has instituted a search, but aB yet there are no tidings of the missing man. Criminal Court. The April term of the Criminal Court convened this morning, His Honor O. P. Meares presiding, and Mr. Solicitor Moore representing the State. The Court was formally opened by High Sheriff Manning when the Grand Jury was drawn, aid charged as to their duties. ' The names of the persons com posing the Grand Jury are as follows: Chas. H. King, foreman; TV. B. Orr, George Moseley, D. F, Barnes, IT. H. Sneeden, W. H.M. Ktch, J. W. Hodges Allen Evans, Thos. Brinkley, Washing ton Howe, R. L. Hntehins, A. D. Love, S. H. Mortoni, Jio. W. Hewlett, Sylves ter Burriss, I J. H. McGarity, J. ST. Stransa J. JT. Mallard. . , . The docket was taken up and the fol lowing cases disposed of: State vs. Mike Peden and Robert Toomer, larceny. Judgment Jsuspended and defendants turned over to their parents to be bound out. State vs. Ella Sheppard, nuisance. Continued until next term. State vs. Wm Phinney, forcible tres pass. Now on Death by a Pistol Shot Information was received in this city on Saturday night of the fatal wounding of Mr. Thos. C. Harris at Birmingham, Alabama. Sunday morning a second tlegram was received announcing his death. Thre are few particulars relative to the shooting whith caused tho young man's death. The telegram simply an nounced that he was aecidently shot and that there were no .hopes of his recovery. Hie brother Mr. C. M. Harris has tele graphed tohave his remains expressedto this city. They are expected to-morrow afternoon. The deceased ' was about 24 years of age and was a son of the late Thomas M. Harris, Esq. The young man was born and raised in this city but left here at the time of the removal of the shops of tho W. C. & A. R. R. to Florence. From Florence he -went to Mobile and from Mobile to Birmingham where he was engaged at work in the railroad shops there. He has many friends here who will be deeply grieved to hear of his sudden and sad end. His death is a great blow to his widowed mother who has before had to bear up' under the blow of the accidental killing cf another son. i Ho to oe your own painter : Bay the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready natxeJ and arjuitel at Jvcjbi's. t It was getting well into the night She yawned, and then asked him if he ever saw a snapping turtle. Once he replied, in a show. Said she, It's very fanny, but do you know, you Bort of re. mind me of that bird? Why ? he asked. Oh, you hang on so. . My Good Woman. Why are you so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that you are well? Ten to one its all caused in the first place by habitual constipation, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and liver. The sure cure for constipatiqn is the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It ia also a specific remedy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands are cured by it every month. : Try it at cace. Toledo Elade.t . -' . ''. c '.'..V.--' The Weather and llontpoiies. More bad weather. We have had to day a mixture of three seasons-Spring, Autumn and "Winter. At this present wrilinr. 3d. m tha clouds look like hail,' Enow and rain. We havo had the latter several times to-day, but it was in terspersed with a little annshine. Before to-morrow morning, however, W2 may have the hiii and snow. It really, be gins to look as though Vennor and these CJil dealera wers running this thing to gether. One of the last named, went so far Jto-dayv as to tell us that he had just raxived a tetter. from the Canadian prophet sappase, this morning. Old Proh., -we hos taken stock in the same firm and formed a sort of combination ajainst poor suffering' humanity. We are opposed to corners and combinations of any kind, and this thing must be bro ken up. We are down on monopolies. Board of Magistrate The Board of Magistrates for New Hanover county met in the Court House to-day at 12 o'clock, in accordance with the published notice of the Chairman, Justice John S. James, for the purpose of electing a County Commissioner to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Col Wm, L. Smith, tko recent Chair man of the Board of Commissioners. Justice John Cowan, Secretary, called the roll, aid 23 Magistrates answered to their namu. Tho nmber of Justices present being a full quorum, the Chaii proceeded to business by informing the Board that he had been officially notified of the resignation of County Commis sioner W. L. Smith, and therenpoi stated that the object of the present meeting was to elect a successor to Col. Smith. A ballot was then had and Col. Roger Moore having received 1 oit of a possi ble 23 votes, was declared duly elected a number of the Beard o( County Commissioners. Upon motion of Justice Chas. D. Myers, the eleotion was made mammons. Upon motion the Board then adjourn ed. " ...... , -v. v. : - V The Crop of Naval stores From Messrs Peacock Hunt & Co Commission Merchants Savannah Geo. we have an annual statement of receipt of Naval Stores at that port duriag the crop year from April 1st 1880 to April 1st 1881. Tho number of casks of spirits received daring' the time specified, amount to 50,583; number of barrels of rosin 257)127; increase over receipts of previous year, 13,454 casks of spirits and 64,440 barrels of rosin. Wilming ton received during the same period 87, 107 casks of spirits and 444,552 barrels of rosin, being 36,524 more spirits and 187,425 barrels more of rosin, thanSavan nab, which has the States of Georgia and Florida both to draw from. The following extract from the same state ment or circular will be found interest ing to our dealers in Naval Stores. In regard to the coming season, we have replies from 144 parties, comprising about all who are engaged in the busi ness in Georgia and Floaida. These re port - i is umber of new boxes cut id 1880, 1,180 crops oi 10,000 each. ; Number of new boxes cut in 1881, 1,064 crops of 10,000 each. bnowing- a falling off this years of 11 1 crops, or about 10 per cent. I he unusually baekward Sprinff bat retarded the flow of sap, and compared with 1880, one full "dipping" has already been lost. ihere is uo way by which this los3 can be repaired. The number of "dippiugs" Will lairly average 8 dar ing the season, consequently tne a-ggre- gate crop must oe cnarged witn izj per cent, loss already incurred. It is fair to state, on the other side, that in the pro duction of spirits turpentine this loss will be modified to some extent, by the addi tional old boxes to be worked this year. Bnt we suggest to those who are accus tomed to calculate on the basis of the working of the trees in the Carolinias. that our trees are abandoned much earlier than in those States, many were ing them only two years, and none after the third year simply from the fact that, with hired labor, and with an abun dant supply of virgin p nes, it does not pay to work old boxes when new ones can be obtained. So, whil-a part of the loss in spirits may bo overcome, we see no way to avoid the conclusion that we shall have a decrease of 22$ per cent, in virgin rosins M, N and W G, Medium and low grades; will probably hold their own possibly gain a little. We have so utile rosin granny beiow a mat it is not a factor in our trade. . Mr James Carr, a venerable and mcch respected citizen of Island Creek to tn ship, in Duplin county, died at his resi dence in that county, on Friday, the lit isst, at the advanced ago cf 83 years. Exports Foreign. The Ger. brig Der Wanderer cleared for Hall, England to-day with 1,650 bar rels rosin , and 550 do tar shipped by Messrs. Paterson Downing & Co. The simo firm shipped by the Ger. barqne Carl Max, which cleared for Genoa, Italy, to day 2,650 barrels of rosin. The Nor. barque i'. . entrio cleared henc for Hamburg to Uj with 2,900 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Spraat &Soa. V : : A Superior Omelet .Mkffljcerx light, the whites to a stiff froth that will stand alone, the yolks te a smooth thihek batter, add to the yolks a small cupful of milk then the pepper and salt to season properlyf last ly, stir in tho whites lightly.- Have ready in a hot frying-pan a good lump of butter. When it hisses pour ia your mixture gently and set over a clear fire. It should cook in eight or ten minutes at most. Do not stir, bat contrive, as tho eggs " "set," to slip a broad-bladed knife under the omelet to guard against burning at the bottom, Whea done lay a hot-dish, bottom upward, on the top of the pan. and upset It and bring the browned side up. Eat soon or it' will no be so light A grand dish for break fast Worklngmen. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthen ing to prevent an attack of Ague, Bill ions or Spring Fever, or some other Spring sicknes that will unfit you for a season's work. You will save time, much sickness and great expense if yon will use one bottle of Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don't wait Bur lington Hawkey e. A Safe and Sore means of restoring the youthful color of the .hair is furnish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam, which-is deservedly - popular from its superior cleanliness. Hew Advertisements. A ive List OF THE SUPERIOR CLOTHING : ON SALE AT OTTERBOURG'S MAMMOTH MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. WILMINGTON, N. C. April t, 1131. Geatlearen of New Hanover, Brunswick, Pender, Duplin, Bladea, Robason, Rich mond, and all thejother cumties. Spring Is bare. Tou ar doubtless thinking of WHAT TO WEAR, "HOW TO WifiAJt", and WHERE to kuy the LATEST, thi CHEAP EST and tho BEST CLOTHING. Read our reportoira carefully, containing last week's additions, and then visit aa, armed with your, own judgmant. Wa will skow you not only tha HANDSOMEST and BEST regulated Store In the State, but the LAR GEST and most COMPLETE 8tock of CLOTHING and MEN'S FURNISHINGS in the Southern market. We take pleasure In mentieniag Harris' Ihrht weight Cassim'ercs in Frock and Sack Suits; ''London Block Twsels" in Blut and Brown Plaid, a very neai and stylish Sack Suit. Tkeee goods were never before introduced in this city, and aire warranted the latest out. Granite Diagonals, black. blue; and brown, in Coats and Vests; Coat, cutaway frock, four buttons, long waut, short skirt very stylish for ouryouag pat rons Vermont Plaids in Yonths' Suits Coat is decidedly short, Back Cutaway. Thia one of tho nobbiest Suits we are idling; the ground color is of a light pearl shade, with a delicate trace of brown forming the plaid. Especially adapted to balmy afternoon walks. Space will not allow us to continue, etc. You have an invitation to call and exam ine oar Rouph and Ready Salt, Basinets Suits, Ball Suits and Wedding Suits. In short, everything required for a Stylish Out fit can be had by vfeitiner OTTERBOURG'S, ap4 1t Iron Front Store. Pianos and Organs :AH OR ON TflK HY IffiiTlL&it'XT ?LsN. o stle at Live Boot aaJ Maie a tore ;k .i-Krao IY& LETf k -ii.ej." Tto V,,r-iy Papor t nt tr, Crtq-zeteU, Toot Uah, lso a'. way g to fjsz.d at llW FRUIT A WD CONFECTIONERY ST3SE. h rjlHE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A X branch Unit ana i oniectJonery More uu er the "Review" C'&co, comer Water .ud Cli stout treeU. All perfons p-inr Ik t locaiitv are repectfullr iuvited to call I mad b-s suited with. r'mit, Unrne-tDS'Je au4 Fancy UaiiOies fw water, cigars and a general nice variety, at - . Q. NORTTHIOP'S, , jow AdvertiBements. m 1 w Lecture. rtMlE RKV. E .A. VATr? r. n . ; - -..v, a., wiij vit.- TtJESTH, ?? for the bencfltVf th'LThJary"! SubjccU--The Beign of Thwry Un' ouuinwoii, cents. api 4 2t oiicc. rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING of the mem. -xfe.?!(pol-T ''W'") " the Wilminfftcn ..i-lU6unknsl otupany, .wiU be held at tne oince of tue'Com nan nn Tmhi econd story of the Crocked fit r a ' 3t BAWL K, CANXON. Beef, ' 1. ;rru"lxlu:li---l'h Watt's PaN en it Mechanical Telephone Is not-to be classed with th 7ti,vj - cheap Telephones which havo been tried .j lauure. - we are makia" win .in rii 1CC on Vncs ror a short time. Will sell Phones and nnl.rtol .nK .. ' structions for erecting. . Send for,rrices. ' IT VIM W A . - m. r uMMuto 10 connect, own lnim WN TELEPHONR t.tvm 1 . Situ lULiW VA 3-D- MorriU & Son's. - . m: EDW'D B. nOLT, raca o0.cod.2w ' Qeni Agt. forN. C . Tride of the Pahtry.,, Another lot of this Exeellent Flour, Jiut received, IN BARRELS' AND HALF BARRELS: TRY IT. JNO. L. BOATWRIGIIT No. It & 13 iV. Front Sf, ' apl 4- ". "' - Bum ol (Mew Sprina: Butter VERY NICE. ALSO OTHER QUALITIES Fr.03I 20 to 03c in price. JOHN I. BOATVfilGHT. apl 1 11 & 13 No. Front St. Marios and Organs gOL J J.UT7FUR CASH O t OS THE isar i' MEWT HAM lihge arocK Sch:e! Bsokr, tlsak Bcka, Etxiloturr, Oil: aai lea for yiuael.f, Yats' Book Store. a?l I A LAEGE STOCK OF, SASH, DOORS AKD BUHlSj 'ALLKiriDS0F-jf.!ILLV0RK3 LUMBER. LATHS. &; For ssieveryjmeap'at AXTAPjraiICECO'R Factory-. . f Foot Walnut it. J . Off KATttnt ierona fuiinz 01 -l? trintic C?i Xitm (te ut Km l2!t;riiftii; I u j j - )3 Fiiv.z;