fill liiii : Smiew,: - I . . V : x - -. " -. - . . . - , t . - ; ,, ' "' 1 -Ji" ,-!Li-i "- " r" - . --Jt t l i v :C i FL2ABSIT0TIC2. ; TT will ttla4 to rsealv o3J3JtiicxL'cr:i from our firUnda oa aay and all nbjrctj c f cvwraiuaeratt ova The nana of thawrltrr ntrt alwy t f i r alhe4 to tat Editor., Goox&u&leatloas nut ba written cn t ttjv. oaaiilsof thepapai. - C FroaaIItle muitb avoided And It b specially aid VariLndtrlj tci tt rtood that ti EdiVwdoea act alwaya . zicnt th viawiot correpoadeatf s&Ieat so atatU ta tae editorial eolv &a f i 55 One month, M cent iaatitf.1' ' h,da;iTered bycarriar, ESLu-r partoftbeeity.ati VOL. VI WILMINGTON-'. C T0ESDAY, APRIL 5. 1881 NO. 32 ts. Straw Mattings.- .vtjtv' FAN'tTCwlors, 1 Sew AdVfTtisemcn Taxes 2i. Curtains, 5 i V w ' CARPETS. 0 ORNICS, n-" - OIL CLOTIIi, &c, ew and pretty. Pifc and Colored Silks. Fine Parasols, r;T SHADE? and Sua Umbrellas. Oar S BLACK 8ILKS rs mine leaa. - r. M.- Rlclntire. ?3 3J KO MORE Lt TRQX CLAD WATci faint 4, M eual for rtoppUig leak. It t gaar ..W for II years. Any roof, na matter v an be eared by this pAiflt.J lit Rooftop Faint and far Damp Walls jtkuaoaaaal. Samples and testimoniala" furnished ujoa tppttcation t Office of thelroa Cite Paint Copaaj, on Seccnd, betvrten Market and Micaaetmta. fob 29- Arriviner Daily J TjTTE ARE NOW BUST OPENING, irklnj and arranging our Soring and taaner itoek of Gent'a, Toutll, an Boys' Ctothto j and Furnhbins Goods.' We ava Qttkli le&soa tha largest stock, the pretU t stock and tae cheapest stock of Clot2 - lij ever offered !n this market. A call atd aa Uupectioa i resptctfally solicited. A. & I. SHRIER, ea 22 Market street LEE'S Prepared Agricultural poR cotton; peanuts, , WHEAT, CORN', , AXD VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS Fr st by HALL & PEAR3ALL Joe Person's Indian , Tonic Bittera. TT CDaro onr.. AIt tu0OTUM. Cancer m its aar- lmU.o. .Heart Disease Boat Md ,vT. 3i vo"" au xind orerap J a, bioS i1" 1 lnf f impurity ). " Pro Itnlf utqul- t UV . MOLDEB'S OPIMIOn. Ibk..i."A,Mt A. O..Dm. m. iftsn .a IMUlk ! . ' " i fisuiV i xaamter ft U laJidS fr p,irp0M f W. W. HOLDXlf, ' Urn i! 01 Kiin W.J : r&.4.hf.itN from de- ttT Wie VT 'Tf1 PPU whan anr,uZl?y ealta. I take leeeaa. v- w,uwiia pli i Him LOCAL NF.WS. IlEixSBKBOrR Easter Cards W L 8a.U2TDKK3, Sec. of State An Act to Extend the Time to Redeem Land Sold for CWYxtes Planoaand Organ , A fcISnniER ArriTing Dally Head advertisement of Co!. W. I. Satmder's, fc'ecrelaryof State, in regard to the extension of time to redeem land io!d for taxes., published in another col umn. :' Fisnerroca: tell Ui that the fun of mullets in the SoaniU last week was un msually large and fine ; "in fact," said one, I never saw as many and as large mullets at this season of the .year if my life." We advlae our friends to call at. Jacobi's for no3ehold'Hardware of every descrip tion. Tbare you get the lowest prices. tmnallablcs- The following unmailablc matter re mains' in the city postofSce: Mr3. Louis Curtis, I3road St.., Meri- den. X. (J- Miss Mary Hewlett, -Woo- i . . berv, Queen Co , Ii. I., N. Y.; Sandy Bell,-Fender Co. F. O.; J. R. C.Lowry, Sampson Co. Fire this Mornli:sr. The fire alarm about noon to-day -was causedby the burning ot the roof of a nans cn Seventh between Church and Castle streets, Fourth fire district, owned and occupied by David Williams, color. ed. The fire was soou extinguished with but little damage to the house. The fire department turned out promptly but their services wera not needed. Wil. iam's damage is covered by insurance. Fire Last Xlshi. Last evening, about 11 o'clock, the stables and barns on the old Downy nlaco. about two and a half miles from Z 1 his oMv. on tha turnoike. owned and U3ed by Mr. Thos. Edens, were destroyed by fire. It is. not knowa how the fire originated. Besides the loss ef the sta b!e and barn, 4ir. Eden loss was very light, consisting of a little provender and farm tools and implements. "We mnderstand Mr. E. has some insurance but what amount we couid not learn. His dwellinjjfmade a narrow escape from destruction. Col ft den Sot 111 We are glad to be able to state that the report in circulation in this city last week, relative to Col. V. N. Fcden having received a strake of paralysis is all a mistake. Wo have just been shown a postal to a firm in this city from Col- Peden's son-in-law. Mr. R. II. Hubbard, of Clmton, which states that the gentle man had a severe attack of colic which !afpd him nil tlar. on Monday. This attack is probably what originated the report in regard to the stroke of paraly sis. Col. Feden, tho postal farther BtAtM ii nnvr tin and well airain. This will be welcome news to that gentleman's many friends in this city. The Pentbn Cotton Cases. The six cases against W. J. Penton and George McDougal, charged with larceny, were arranged by counsel in the Criminal Court to-day. The State's JLttorney agretd to a verdict ,cf not guilty of larceny, but guilty of tres pass. The sentence of the Court being one penny and costs in each case. It is understood that the yerdict was agreed to npon the condition that Fenton and McDougal would never return to the city. It will be remembered Fenton was arrested some four or five months ago and gave bond for his- appearance before a justice's court for . preliminary examination, and that he jumped his bond. McDougal had not been arrested, but left before the officers could come up with him. - My Good Woman. Whv are you so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that you are well? Ten to one its all caused in the first place by habitual constipation, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and live. The sure cure for constipation is the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It is also specific remedy for all kidney and liver diseases Thousands are cured by it every monih. Try it at once. Toledo Blade. VtsrA fnr the Brain and Nerves that will inviimmtA the bodv without intOXi- catings what we need in these days of rash and worry. Parker's G nger Tonic restores the vital energies, , soothes tne nerTRa and brinsrs eood health quicker tkn anTthfcsT voa can use. Tribune. Sw ether colcna. r Regular Monthly Mcetlnc of in narU f AtrmMi. The Board met in regular moathly session at the City Hall last night There were present Mayor Smith and Aldermen Kowden, Northrop, Worth Chadbourn, Telfair, Harhpaon and Wil li?. ' .:'-:"'- - Alderraau Worth moved that the irat 1er ef r'emovirg the portico of the First National Bank building on Front street ifldefinitelv nostpon-lf Ourr;? ?. Alderman VMth read a report of a Committee of the Commissioners of Nav igation recommending t'naV the dock fott of Chestnut street be not Opened. i Herman Bo wden moved that the matter be deferred until the nex meet ing of the Board, the city attorney to te consulted in the meantime as to the power of the Board in the matter. Alderman Chadbourn moved that the said wharf be immediately repaired and the Committee on Streets and Wharves be empowered to act in the premises. Carried. The committee on Streets and Wharves recommeuded that the site of the old market house, on Market street, be paved. Alderman Worth moved that it be balasted. The report as amended was adopted. The application of Cape Fear Fire Kngine Company was granted. Several applications for gas lamps were not granted, the gas mains not ex tending to the localities where the lights were desired. The Mayor called the attention of the Board to the list of delinquents for license tax amounting to over $4,000, and on motion he was instructed to enforce the collection of the same, as well as the Butchers' monthly tax, in arrears, amounting to $250. The Chief of the Fire Department, Mr. F. G. -Robinson, submitted the following recommendations, which were . referred for consideration to the Fire Depart ment Committee: 'In addition to my estimate and re commendations already submitted, would recommend that your Board of Fire Commissioners inspect, condemn and sell what hose, reels. &c.-, (the pro- nrtvf the city), that they may find j mi' - - unserviceable. "I also recommend the placiig of a hose reel and about 500 feet of the best of the old .leather hose (now in use), with Messrs. Hart. Bailey Co., to be used by their steam pump in case of fire at any point that can be reached from their foundry it being understood that if the hose and reel should be required by me at any time, it will be subject t mv orders. 'I would further recommend that 'gate ways' be constructed at the runs on Mark et and Fifteenth and Dawson and Fourth streets. This recommendation was un thoughtedlyleft out in my' general esti mate, but I think enough can be appro priated from 'miscellaneous' to construct these gateways, which I deem very ne cessary to the further efficiency of the Fire Department." The Finance Committee submitted the following .report of appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year, which report was adopted and ordered to be referrred to the Board of Audit and Finance: For Streets and Wharves, $8,600; Police, 15,500; Public Building, 2,500; Fire Department, $9,000; Prisoners, $200; Lights, $5,74o Printing, Stationery and Advertising,. $600; Sanitary, $3,600; Miscellaneous and Extraordinary, $1,000; Water Works, $2,000. ' A report from Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, was submitted through the Chief of Fire Department and referred to com mittee. The contract ifor printing the City Laws was awarded to Mr. . S. G. Hall, and the contract lor city printing to Messrs. Jackson & Bel!: their bids' for the same being the low est The contract for, feeding prisoners was awarded to York4Moore, at six cents per meal. The privilege of removing night soil trail awarded to L. Perkins and Uco. Robinson, "at schedule prices. Reports from the Superintendent of Health and the Chief of Fire Dep rt. ment for the month of March wera read and ordered filed. Alderman Bo wden offered tha follow- inz resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Reiolved. That for the able and em cient manner in which CoL Roger woore has discharged the onerous . duties of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, to i ontitlAfl tn th crratitude. not only AJ vw Q v m ihf Ttnard rt Aldermen, but also of the community at large. I On motion the Board adjourned. You can aow buy Improved Ileating and Ceek Stoves at factory prfecsat J axon a. Exports Foreign. The foreign shipment to-day include 1 tie Ger; barque Orion, for Rotterdam with a cargo of 2,822 bounds of rosin shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son , I ami the Br. schooner Rosalie, for Na. vaasa with a targo of 38.649 feet of- lumber and 10,000 shingles, shipped by I Messrs Ii. Kidder & Son. , , i a ineeunr l 1B0 now aaa uer company ,aeiu ai fneir ' - . it .it.' TT 11 1 I n, vne omcer. 01 xu? couipuj dertd their, resiguatioms whica "were ac cepted,1 and ah election immediately held, which resulted as follows: Foreman Roger Moore. 1st Assistant R. H. Grant 2d Assistant Albert Gore. personal Dr.Fairfax Irwin of the TJ. S. Marine I Hospital Service accompanied by his wife, arrived in ths city this morning. Dr. Irwki comes to relieve Dr. Bailhacke who has been temporarily in charge of the Marine ITosnital. Dr. Bailhacke is ordered back to Washington, D. C, and will leave to night Mr. LaFayette Nelson, representing the Palmetto Yeoman of Columbia, S. C, who is in thecit- in the interest of hia naner. naid us a short visit vester-1 -v I uaT - l Mr. Geo. P. Cochett is now at tha I Purcell House and is presiding over the : destinies of the office. Mr.. Cochett is an affable gentleman and will no daubt in crease his large number of friends in his new vocation. The old Market ;and the City Bond Case In the Criminal Court. Upoa the opening of the Criminal Court this morninff Mr. Solicitor Moore ssatea to his nnoraw vuo ma. 4 ury naa sent up a presentmeni again the late Board of Aldermen of the city cbirgine them with the destruction of a public bnildinff. via: the old Market ! Housed The Solicitor further atated that he refused to draw, up a bill of in dictment for the reason that the Board of Aldermen had a legal, if not a moral nVht tn have the buildinsr removed. He also stated that the tame Grand Jary had presented the late Mayor of the city rr ia. ili t- S. H. Fishblate; lor issuing city bonds, and he likewise refused to draw a bill of indictment for the reasons that there was no criminal intent on the part of the juayoriuBkuCWm. proven, ana no matter whi uia uujcvn might have been, the result was a satis factory one to the city and was bat the funding of the bonded debt ; that there wasno;way for Mr. Fishblateto have made anything by the transaction, and that his explanation of the matter to the Board of Audit was satisfactory te them. Mr. Solicitor Moore said in con clusion, that he had examined the wit nesses in the cases and. had consulted the law upon the subject and he could see no just cause wny ne snoma araw mc - . , . 11 . . bills of indictment based on the present - ments. He deemed it his duty to the public to make this statement in open court. Rich, Rare and Racy If our readers would uke to enjoy something a little spicy, let them read thiTaw-ftHBt of the discusaion.or colloauv. .r u;.,:..; uetwecn oeu-iurs ucurjc, ui whunii ancl lawes, oi oinBsacaaevt, puuusucu on our editotial pacre to-day. The Mass achusotts Senator evidently mistook his man. The Mississippitn was a new tomer in the Senate and - Mr. Dawes thought to brow beat him, and attempt el like Hoar, of theifame State, once tried to do our own Ransom, teach a Soalhera Senator what goo J manners was. It is needless to say that Haar re ceived the reward ot hi3 impudence at the hands of our distinguished Senator then and there, and we think our readers will agree with us when we assert that Mr. Dawes received his just desserts at the hands of the able Senator from Mis sissippi. The senior Senator from Mass achusetts had evidently not measured his opponent good, in ibis instance, or he would not hava rushed so heedlessly on to nis own discomfiture. t any rate, it is fair to presume that Senator Dawea will be more wary in tuture.and not seek a tilt with the distinguished Senator from Mississippi forsom? time- to come, or at least until he recovers from the wounds received in his recent encounter. Go to Jacobi's for Dxr, Saab and Blinds, pure White Laad, Oil. Varniahes Window Glass, all clxav All . at the lowest prices - - - ": The Lcctnre To-Mgnt. Do not forget the lecture to be deliv ered by the Rev. Dr. Yates at the Opera House this evening, at 8:15 o'clock, on the subject of "The Reign of Theory. Ih9 lecture is to be delivered inier the auspices of the Wilmington Library 'Association. From the well- known reputation -f Dr. Yates as a pub- I ltin.l'.p f. u! iscnMi) ill oin'nT fVtot ail wa aiiena win enjoy merarj f.t Th . . of -j-.:.- sman , r ad fc object a worthy ote. Every tj- a&t- u necessarv to make the evening n enjoyable one in the way of a literary entertainment is prepared for W ' m . - those who may attend to night. nrainal Court This Court convened at the regular hour His Honor O. P. Meares presiding, ; and Mr. Solicitor Moore representing the State. The feliowin cases were dispos ed of: State vs. Delaware Nixon. Larceny C juiinucd. State vs. Benj Robinson. Larceny. Continued. Ltate vs. Henry Harriss. Misdemean- ueienaaut suDmiuteo .luagmeni aspended on payment of costs. State vs. Maria Leftiu. Perjury. Nol pros with leave. State vs. Eimond Moore. Larceny. . Not gailty. State vs. Jere. Palmer. False pre - I tence. uuuty. List of Letters. The following ia a list of the letttrs re maining unclaimed In the City Postoffict Wednesday, April 6: A Mrs Becky Anderson. B Wn Bush, T T Brooks, O Barmty, I C Alexander Cox, Geo Cherry, M i q Groom, W H Uiark, Clara Cbancey, I E A Cornish, Lizzie Cobb,' Louvenia Cameron, miss Kitty. Curry, Nora Car- roway, Nellie J Cotton, S P Coleman. D Dan gel X Hunter, Edward Dixon, Cloa Davis, Lula Davis. E Wm Evans, P Easterling, E Ek- man, Curd Eps, Etta T Evaus, Alice Ellis. F Lucinder Floyd, Nathan Fails, Lendal Fredericks. I G Frank Grundler, E P George, Jai Green, Nancy Gause. ' " . I H A R Hurst, O W Hudgen, Char- , tt mpa raJ ftmJnhn.l T.J I beua Houston. Louvenia Hooper. I . J A A Johnson, Alfred Jenes, David Jones, Jno W Jacobs, Fanaie Johnson, K Cornelia King, Dallas Kirkland, Geo W King. L J W Louis, Charles Lamb, D H Long. M Frank McKoy, Isaar Moses, J W Maxwell. K Maxwell. S R cNair. Ab bey Murphy, Elah Melton, Lenora Mor- ris, Nathaniel Moore, Silvia Merrick, W J Martin N J D Norcum, Ida Nixon, Nancy Nelson. P Mary Pace. Rosa Pearsall, 8 Powell, Philander Picket.. Jerry Patter son. Q Julia Quince. 1 A Ilia i aKdcati CnniM T?Vatn AtltV AV Kf - ITVI1 v UUUU6 w A Raspus, R L Russell. A E Bobe- 1 son, Catherine Randall. SMacilla Spencer, M L Shavers, DtatowSiSS Ja,ia B1,i'd"l TWm Taylor, Wm Thompson, Mol-1 he 1 hompsoo. W Joseph Williams, Willis & Hop kins, Benj Wortham B S Waller, Robt Wright. Sandy Wallace, Higgins Wash ington, Isabella Wright, J U Williams, Elsy White. E W Wilson. Kesia Wil l; ' u VVJ,;t Persons calling for letters in abore li-t will please say "advertised"; if hot claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK; P. M.4 ; Wilmington, N. a. New Hannver County, tidverti-m9 t. Easter Cards. gIRTHDAY CARD?, - A Beautiful SelectioB, J net received at HEINS BERG P R'S, Live Book and Music Store Hoyrti tie tna i 0 1 g q rpHE MOST FRAGRANT and laatlng of JL all perfume. Bewai e f counterfeiU and lm'tations. For a4le at a? 5 HEIVSBEROo'R'3. jjo ice- THE ANNUAL MEETING of the mem bers (pobey holders) of the Wilmington Mutual Insurance company, will be held at the cJfUce of tne Company, m Front at., second etory of tb Crockery ftore of A. A. IIrtsald, oa Wednesday, April 6, at half past 7 o'clock, P. M. a?4st sAML:r.CA;?:o2r.r:-y woxy AdvertlBomenta. An Act to Extend the Tijse to Ec dtem land Sold for Taxci. TJie General Assembly ef.Xo.rth Caro I lina do enact: - . ; Section I. That all ths rrovkions- of chapter two hundred and twenty-four (221) Of tha lawa of ISrj shall be mud the eame are hereby extende t ta the fijvtday cf Jan uary, A. D., If.vj, ard thj iJecreUry of fitate be and U h -v directed to have thla act published tu Kur cwapapera lnvthli SUte. . , . , Scc,3. This act ehall be la force" from and after its ratification, i - In the General Assembly read three tlma and ratifled thla 11th day of March, A. D. 1881 !: . ' " ' '- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. , , OrricE Sjecetxrt or State, - , IUleisrhAprU 1, U3l. I Certify the above to be & tran rnnv from the record on nle in this ofilce. - L.' SAUNDERS, apl5-3t Secretary of Sta,te. Lecture. fJIIIE REV. E. A. YATE3, D. D.,wUl liver a Lecture at th Onorn nmn. m TUESDAY, "April 5th, at 8: 15 o'clock, PI for the benefit of the Library Association. uojeci "ine Keignof Theory," Admission, 25 cents. ' apl 4 2t NEW FRUIT AND i OMFiCTIOMEKY STORE. i npnE UNDERSIGNED TIAS OPENED A I X branch Fruit and Confectionery Stor I under the "Review" OflW onr.. v. I and Chestnut atreeta. All persons Dasair 1 that locality are respectfully invited to call ' Fancy Candies Soda Water. Cio- ini a c. U. NORTHROr'5, apl 3 Water at, 8tar. "Pride of the Pantiy." Another lot of this Excellent Flour, Just received, IN BARRELS AND HALF BARREL Si TRY IT. JNO, 1BOATWHlOHT, iVos. 1 1 & 13 N. Frsitt Sf ' apl 4 I. I e8 Mew Sprina: Butter YEPvY NICE. ALSO OTHER QUALITIES I RD1I 20 to 3Sc in prlea. J3HN L. BOATWaiGHT. apl 4 . 11 & 13 No. Front Sr. . .. iriaaoi and Uraaiia COL ) L WFiJli OARff o-t - o 03 THE I53TAMIE-1T I, AH LtHJ?E HTCCZ - 8ch o! B:ok, Blaak Bak, - i .. .. 8Uriooery, ... 01I and 4 tar ytyur-l ' Yttes' Hook Ktore. apl 4 PUR'CEIt U P E R R Y, LU Troprietr . rint Cla-j ia !t lli'z'.t. T - - By n