1HI3 TAT n. Rd7 aH T. JA'. JOS"' ,toS POSTAGE PAIP. o month, 60 efc h.elitered by earners, M LIB , r - ' 13 M3t5 oar wt. ' Aif' g,illple.rportiyai rsa' tftelr papersrejrBiarly. r Straw- battings. '' . n x VTITT. FANCY Colon, i Lace Cur-tains'.-. ORXICE, CKETONE3, CARPETS, OIL CLOTII3, Ac, sew and pretty. Biackand Colored Silks. , HIT Fine Parasolsj nCN SHADES and 8aa Umbrellas ..'Oar BLACK 3ILK3 are iu the lea J. r. RS-. jyiclntire- KTMOaT LtAKY ROOFS ! pON CLAD WAT.:i .ti ' iAlNT ii bo equal for stopping leaks. It Is gaar utwdor 10 years. Any roof, u nutter low tad, can be saved by this paint. ' Ai a Roofing Faint and for Damp Wall S las no eattal. ' bmples. and testimonials furnished upon application at Office of the Irom Clad Paint Cobdmt. a Second. between Market and ' - Mtcessstmt. feb 2ft- ArriVmsr Daily l TfTE ARE NOW BUST OPENING, irkhiff and arranffinsr nr Sortnjr and toamer stock cf Gent's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing and Funrihlng Good?. We have St this season the largest stock,, the pretii. tog erer offered in this market. A call and n iasectioB is respectf ally solicited, A. A I SIIRIER, Market street s?J Hlow Crop Ouba. the Finest Caig this Season ggg BBSS. SELECTED V NEW CROP CUBA, gQ HERCES BILECTED ? " NEW CROP CUBA JtW reeetTd d sow landteg ex Schr BnJ DalliEjr. WHIUBJh & .Murclilson. ft 12 live 1(97 INLJ HHIM 59 HBiHsS m C 333 S Ztf til 1 i Trv Joe Person Iaaian TonicBIttGw. i CWirRl, Sheumitism, Heart Disease. tiSSaw CoUe, and'all Sd. ofS?p A, bleSr dH?aea from Iznpwity its H u k ProTta Itself raqusi- ?U CQVBJL0LDlf,,s opinion. toalWk.iVlV1? aeaiter Uci ftu iSiJg ' p wpOB W. f. HOLDKF, Hu. jot S"'11- . Dw. 11. 18S9 alaiWstiomSt wfBria: frin de Be to trv. vT PHtnr, u rTl ,wts. I taJ sad . f L " mendia r tt .. . eg IsUss Is 1 s &. 1 1 1 ill CTJ VOL. V WILMINGTON, V. C, VVEDNESDAY, APRIL LOCAL VKWS. Haxx & PBAKsiXL Mo! uses and Sjrnp IIeixsberqeb A New Supply CW TiTES Pianos and Organs A A I Shbi eb Arrlying Dally Ice again this morning. N' City Court this morning. Tho bagpipe men ora doing town. ' up the Qaite a lrja number of timber acd wood raft erriTed Ibis morning. ' laut year thia time lusciou triwber iiea w'ers everywhere to be sec h " . Aman nuy always be right, tt going 1o the train he may be left. A young maa .who know3 ,saj3 that from court to caught is but ji short slep. Tou can mow buy Improyed Heating and Geek StorV at factory priocsat Jacosi's. h M-i S ii i Breadstafls aro on the increase owiDg to the shortness of the wheat erop in the We3t. It i a backward season for pUntiag but the ladies are all busy on spring ewing. The wjfe who has a husbaad who is al ways gruabliog should kiss him ftr bis "matter." . Don't fold up that ulster yet, young man, don't pack away that sealskin saeque, young lady. "Women generally are in faror of cor poreal punishment. They nerer go any where without their switches. We advise or friends to call at Jacobi'8 for Household Hardware of every descrtp tion. There you get the lowest prices, f The man who spends too much of his time bnilding castles in the air is not likely to hold much real estate oa the artb, The receit cold, ict and frost has doubt killed the present growth f early Tegetahles aid the prospect for aa ah an dant peach crop. The woodwork ia the interior of the Marine Hospital is beinz painted. It is thought that the Hospital will be mally opened in abeut two weeks. for- Rer. Dr. Pritehard will deliver an ad dress this evening, at 8 o'clock, at the First Baptist Church, j Ilia subjeet will be "The History and Needs of Wake Forest College." The public are invited to attend. - Turn your eyes heavenward on the 22d inst, and you will probably see within twelve hoars,-Saturn in conjunction with the'sun, Japiter in conjunction with the sun, and Japiter and Saturn in close con j auction. At least this is what astrono mers tell us. Hew te ce your ovra N. T. Xfi&mel Paint, araated at J v-s st's. painter : Buy the ready mixed and t rtialiini Ctturt The Court opened at the regakr hour His Houor O. P. Meares. presiding, and Mr. Solicitor core representing the State. The' time ol the Court was taken up this morning ia the trial of Ed: Saun ders, charged with carrying a concealed weapoa. Terdict guilty. Sentence not yet passed. J attic Ordiuanco. Newbern enforces its cattle ordinance Th Jtfut Shell says: "The war on stray cows is waged by our policemen fith a stern hand. Hardly a day passes that two or three stray cows are not convey ed to the City Pound." 1 VWhy is it that the authorities of this city caD.no t afford to enforce the cattle ordinance. Are they afraid to do il? For the Benefit of toe sisters of Mercy The good Sisters of Mercy and the ladies of the congregation of St. Thomas'Church are getting ready for a grafid bazaar to be given for the benefit of those noble and self-sacrificing womea, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Easter week, Large contributions, we hear, have been' received irom cities North and South of us. The undertaking deserves to be well patronized. Food for the Brain acd Nerves that ! will invigorate the, body without intoxi cating is what we need in these - days of hand worry.- Parkers Ginrer Tonic tores the vital enerries, soothes the neVi and brings good health quicker thaa ynxag yoa-caa ca, invHn. ' So Tidings. There are as yet no tidings of Mr. Matthiesen, Male of the Nor barque Morvtg,rtho has been missins: for ser eral days, an account of which.appeared in Monday's issue of the Reyiew. It is ! vcrj generally believed that the mbsing man fell overboard and was drowned.-1 ; Honihly Report. I r. J. G. Walker; Superintendent cf Health, makes thc following mortuary report for the month of rarch : Whites Male3, none ; females,- 4 adults 4; children, none. : Totali. Colored Ma!es7SfTeifiailefVll; awaits 12 ; children, 2. Total, 14. Total white and colored for the month Rirer News Boatmen report only four and a hal feet of water on the shoals now. with the river still falling. From the same source we learn that Capt. Skinner and his workmen raised the GoU. Worth 14 inches yesterday, and that with the same progress during the next - two days, ad ded to what already has been accom plished, our informant thinks the sunken steamer will in that time be afloat again Go to Jxcobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices . Monthly Fire Report- Col. Roger Moore, late Chief of tha Fire Department, reports two fires for the month of March, during his term o office,at which the department work was as follows: March 23d, dwelling house on Woos- ter, between Sixth and Seventh streets, owned by W.J. Penton, and occupied by Jesse W. Dicksey. There was an insur ance of $300 on house whioh nearly cov ered the loss. Mr. Dicksey 's furniture was not insured. - Cause of fire, probably incendiary. March 2 7 th, roof of house on premises of R ' WV Heyer, on Second; between Walnut and Red Cross streets. Little damage. Accidental. In concluding this report Cel. Moore says: "I cannet close this, my last report as Chief of the Fire Department, without calling the attention of your hoiorable Board to the magnificent service render ed by the different companies composing it, and paying to them the highest trib ute for efficiency, irood order and disci pline; not a disturbance having occurred since 1 have had tnarge ot tne depart ment every order obeyed with alacrity, and, without question.- under the most trying circumstances, while exhibiting powers of endurance which have calle forth the admiration, of this entire com manity. 'Commending them to your fostering care, and urging your honorable Board to encourage them in every way possi ble, consistent wity doty, I remain," etc. CoL Moore's term of office expired on the 28th of March. Since that time there has been two or three other fires which of course are not included in the above report. The Lecture Last If lent. "The Reign of Theory," the subject of a lecture by the Rev. E. A. Yates, D. D., of this city, was delivered by that elo quent divine at the Opera House last night to an intelligent and appreciative audience of ladies and gentlemen. , The speaker was introduced by Mr, Chas. H.Robinson, the worthy president of the Library Associatipn, in a felicit ous manner, and proceeded at once to place himself at ease with'his audience and to establish a bond of sympathy be tween lecturer and listener, in a manner that is known only to experienced publiej speakers. Our predictions of yesterday were quite fully realized by all who attended the lecture last night. The subject was handled in an able and masterly manner by the reverend gentleman,and was frnit- ful and interesting from .beginning to end. The lecturer showed the fallacy of many false theories in these latter day times and touched upon the issues of life from early youth to more advanced years, me lecture wav imerspcrscw with scintillations of wit end humor and contained many important truths which would be of value if adopted by this generation of young people and followed to a practical end. Dr. Yates is a graceful and forcible speaker, and has a very pleasing and finished . style about him. The general sentiment as far as we have heard from those who at- pnd3 iiis-t rht. ii cue of pleasure and lifiiw We hare receired sv comcimnicatioa from the Solicitor of the Criminal Court relative to a part of the proceedings of that tribunal' published in yesterday's Rkview, which will appear in to-morrow's issue. The said communication having been received too late to be in sorted in to-day's paper. Bad Water. We were shown to-day by Health' Officer:Scharf, a small bottlefali of water which fee said came from a well on the premises of Mrs. Williamson, who keeps a sailor boarding house on NorthJWatcr street. The water contained worms and other animal and vegetable matter which must be rank poison, to the hnman system. The officer carried the water to the Superintendent of. Health who, we presume, will condemn the well at once, and order it filled up. The Bemalns of the Late ! C- Ilarrls The remains of Mr. "thoa. C. Harris, who met his death by accidental shoot ing at Bermingham, Ala., on Saturdxy last, arrived iu this city this morning on thefc20 W.,C. & Av R. R. train. There mains were conveyed to the residence of his brother, Mr.C. M Harris, on Fourth between Nnnn and Church streets. At 11 o'clock the. funeral services of the Methodist Church were read over the remains, which were then carried to Oak dale Cemetery followed bj a large con course of friends.- Peace to his ashes. In Trouble. Mr. H. Bentley was arrested yester day charged with- carrying on a lottery, and was held in a justified bond of $1,000 for his appearance at the Criminal Court The defendant has been selling photo graphs, some of which drew money prizes. : Before opening his store the ac cused complied with. ;th law and took out a State, county and city -license. He Was arrested-under the provisions of an old law, which" it seems has never been repealed. Unless the enactaent of the law in 187;wich atien of gift enterprises, repealed the previous law, the legal fraternity think there is a nice point of law involved . in the case. One Charge Remains The original charge of larceny in the cotton cases which were made against W. J. Penton, Gee. C. McDoigal and fear colored individuals, still, remain against Penton and vtcDougal on the docket of the Criminal Court. The darkeys were tried at the last term of the Court, and found guilty, and are now serviag out their sentences in the peni tentiary. Six cases against the fugitives, Penton and MeDoagal, were arranged by counsel yesterday in order to get the cases oft the docket and to . avoid sum moning the eamt witnesses at each term of Court. Planets In JprlL Saturn is evening star until the 21st, when at 9 o'clock in the evening he comes into conjunction with the sun and becomes morning star. His conjunction with J upiter has already been described and his movements are se nearly allied with those of his brother planet that the portrayal of the one includes that of the other. Saturn tets now about 8 o'clock. At the end of the month he rises not far from a quarter before 5 o'clock, very nearly at the tame time with Jupiter ' Venus is evening star, and having just passed her period of greatest brilliancy, is now fair to see as, piercing theethereal depths before the sun has sunk below the horizon, she shines in bewitching loveli ness araid the glory of the dying day, increasing in size and radiant glow as ths sun Eets and the evening shades ad vance. No member of the starry host can now compare with her in size or del icacy of coloring, or ia the soft, pensile beauty peculiarly her own. But a change will come over the queen of the stars, for the greataaess of her glory as evening star is p&ssing away. . As she approaches the earth the illuminated portion of her disc grows more slender, anl soon her light and size will percepti bly decrease. Each evening she will set earlier thin on the preceding, nntil. at the clo3e of the month, she will set so soon after the sun as to be invisible, and we shall lose the radiant evening stir thatjrraced the sky during the passage of antnms, winter, and spring. Yen us sets now about 10 o'clock, and at the end of thetaenth alfttlo before half-past 7 o'clock:. I T7ra:s ijiercabs star, -cad cay bs 6. 1881. NO. 33 seen by the naked eye on clear, moonless nights. His position has changed but little from that of last month, and he may be found near a small star in the hindjegsof the lion, and forming a tri angle with Regulus and - Dembola, the leading stars of the constellation, being a few degrees south and nearly midway between them. . He rises now about a quarter before 4 o'clock ; at the 'close of the month, about a quarter before 2 o'clock. : Mercury is morning star, and reaches his greatest western elongation, or great est distance from the sun, on the 7th. For a week before and after that time he may be seen-with 'the naked eye, this being one of the three favorable periods for picking him up "during the year, though bis southern declination increas es the difficulty of finding him. He must be looked for about an hour before -sun rise, about twelve degrees south of the suurise point. Those observers who Have the good fortune to obtain a glimpse; of the ouly planet that twinkles will be well paid for early rising. Mercury rises now not far from a quarter before 5 o'clock nearly an hour before the sun ; at the end of the month he rises at half, past 4 o'clock. tl an , is morning star, and is not , yet near enough to be an object of interest, though he is coming toward us, and will soon attract attention in the morning sky. He rises now about. ten minutes after 4 o'clock , at the end of the nenth abont ten minutes after 3 o'clock. New Advertisements. A few Supply Q? TEAT POPULAR LITERATURE, paeliibed ly tie American Book ExehaBe, Jait received at v HKIKHBEBGER'S. Live Book and Atusie 8 tore Pianos and Organs, L70& OA8H OB ON TQK JL INSTALMENT PLAN, stsuie nxes, Uaitars, violin, aad all other usieal Instruments, Tor sale at ap!6 HSlNaBEHOKR'8. Notice- TFIE ANNUAL MEETING of the mem bers (policyholders) of the Wilmington Mutual Insurance Company; will . be held at the office of the Company, on Front st., second story of the Crockery Store of A. A. Hartsfleld, on Wednesday, April 6, at balf past 7 o'clock, P. M. ap 4 3t SAM'L N. CANNON, SecVy rpELEMACROPHONE The Watt's Pat X eat Mechanical Telephone Is not to be elaased with the "Holcomb" and other cheap Telephones which have been tried only to prove a failure. We are making extra low prices on lines for a short time. Will sell Phones and material with full In structions for erecting. . Send for prices, plviag distance to connect. OWN YOUR OWN TELEPHONE LINES and be inde pendent. Office at B. D. Morrill & Son's. Call at 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. EDW'D B. HOLT, nrch S0-eod-2w Geu'l Agt. for N. C A LARGE STOCK OF SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS) AND ALL KINDS OF MILCWORRI LUMBER LATHS. &c For saleverycheapjrt ALTAFFER, PRICE & GO'S. Factorv: Office: Foot Walnut st. Nutt, .near Red Crowftrt api Com, Bacon, Molasses. jq QQQ Bushs Prime White CORN, Qty p Boxes Smoked and D S Sides O pCf Hhds and Tierces I OOU New Crop Cuba, JQQ Bbls New Orleans Molasses, Just received and fur sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISONJ Flour, Sugar, ColTeo, &f. 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A, Extra CandC, 50 Bbls New Orleans Suar, 3-W.Bags Coffee, different.'zradei, 125 Boxes Aeeorted Can Jy, 10-J Tubs Cho!ce Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Boxes LeuocCake, S75 BoxesLye and Potaah, . . 200 BoxeeSoap, 73 Boxes'and Kejs Seda, 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff . Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice, Pepper, C la ter, Hoop Iroc, &c., . Fandolph SheeUn For tale by ' fjT ?s will:a:i3 & :tur.jn::o:r, J7e xrHl U gl4 tanc.Ivs ccnaclc: : r frora err frlcii ca tzy vzl all tz. t i srallstsrc:! 11 Tie naas of the writer cmi tlvin h r ( r dshed to the Editor. : OotewOTTirigoas csst be ' wrtlta ct -r'y omerid ef the paper. Pertoaalltles mask he avoided And It Is especially exd asrilaularly C5d t -r stood that the Edltre does not elwsys ticcrr the views ot eorrespos dents, uzl to siati I la the editorial eota" as. Molasses and Syrup N U2L.EA.N8 acLisats, CUBA UOLASREt, UOAi iiOD-K BTRUP, "r I,r tj HALL apt 6 06 PEAItSAI An Act to Extend the Tiae to Be deea land Bold for Txef. v (2 1 r cvnl A ir.:.ji n Una do enact-. ! Section 1. . That f t,a. t,m?I- chapter two hundred vd twenty Tourt ) of the laws of 1879 ahali: be aJdtha ir. are hereby extended to'e first day - of Jan-1 vvf ' i." : , .uv.wjt:; oecreiary . oi State be and is hrreby-directed toihave thU h-v ublUhed . in fouriiiewepapers. iu - this ; Sec. a: --;ThIsW; shall bVltt force from and after iu ratiflcaUou. - , , . - , and ratified this llth'day f MarchA. V. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OrriCE Secret art'op STATri ,T ,.r 4V vRaleiAprm, l5l. . i certify the above to be a true copy frora the records on file in this office. - y . s W TV a TTvrlrTo api 5-St . . Secretaryjof SUte. 4JEW FRUIT AfiDlCOHFiCTIOfiEftY rpHE UNDERSIGNED-HAS -OPENED A X, branch Fruitiand" Confectionery j Store under the Review'i.Office,t1lPorue5? Water and Chestnut streets. All persons pajslts: thatilocality at?- respectfully. Invited to call and be suited withi Fruity . Home-made ana Fancy Candies 8odaWatoit Cigars 'and general .xdcu variety," at? -' I , , SG. NORtUROP'S, ; j ' -Yatrr;strStcu. . 'TrideofttiePantry." Another lot of this Excellent Flour, Just received, TRY IT. iiui s.1 uuri i is illUli 1 1 IVos. II & IS N. Front SI. api 4 ' " Hew Sprint Butter I VERY NICE. .... J f 4 ALSO OTHER QUALITIES FROM . 20 to 05c in prica. JOHN Ls BOATWRISHTe apU- 11 & 13 No. Front St. Pianos and OrgaxiG gOL LOW TOU OABH OR T OY TE ISSTAtMENT 1-La2C LiItE 8TCCS School B?ekr, Blank Bwks, - ' EtktlGnerj, . Fr2:sr OiD aad ses far yoursell , Yates' Book Gtoro. s?l4 PUOGf O It r r D. ! PER LttsPr ly tt evl n-r. c:- V . . a J K WUalsjitoi, IT Q rstixfictica. T.