...... ekPZh - . ias P rrOVS FQ3TAGE PAID. f. MS;Oa month, 6t. rata. l ' ' deIlTerl by camera, f in ay P'tof tbadtT' 44lie AiL, will pleaae report any and Iliiiiiiii rTT H vertissxnent wrz TJfUUGKQITr-FAXCTCOlrS' Lace Curtains, pOEW C RET02f E3. CARPET3, 1 OIL CLOTHS, Ac., leif and pretty. Blac and Colored Silks. J03T IX, IN GREAT TARIETT. Fins Parasols Sjjy gUAUijo a" ji - . w orr rn in t.h lead. ILAt. oil.--' r. M. Brie I mi re, sea SJ jfljllORELEAKY ROOFS ! TBOS CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT in it equiu iui iwi v.. pteed for II years. Any roof, n matter low Hi, can be saved by this palat. AjiRooflQPaiat and "fr Daaip Walla fcajria and tastinaeniala furnished upon Ifpikaflea at Offlee of the I ram Clad Faint CoitiT,ei Second, bttwean Market and rrticcatftrMta. feb 2- Arriving Daily rE ARK NOW BV8T OPENING, irklrj ami arraogiBg our Svring and Esmratr (tack of Gent'a, Youtla' and Beya Oclhing and Furnishing Goods. We aave "got thii teaaoi tha largest atock, tke prettS. ttt itotk aad tke cheapest atock of Cloth - tij itct offered in thia market. A call as A o !upJ la resjtctf ally solicited. A. & I. EHRIER., Market stress n 2V n z r rim I "62- mm Trv Hrs. Joo Persoii'rt-Indian Tonfc Bitters. "IVrtSS 80FUL. Cancer i its CawaCwSi a'lwm. Heart lhu, 5S. 3AU -'rf-i-Tf liVSC l BOY. HOLDEN'S OPIHiaH. Ihk-.i." 8H.-"-O-t Dm. 2d. 18S0 fr. EOLDKN, ,U JODOE STRQHQ' OPIFJlon. tu Jft JAWI. 0 Deo. 1ft, 168ft .U4,?.it?nVa ffrinif from de- 1 ' w Tonic, am 7 Mrl Jot Person, Frklia ,d4w Wiloaiagton, ! C; T r Masses and syrup ! - tDB 'LA8SR3, 7B 8TSUP, rCQl11 KOUSK BY SUP, For tl 1 h. Wttf A X V H A SrvfeJa. ) tch V"ttle Tonic, and i.h VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New AdTertiaeioems. Henry SxTAOETax Llatln IlEiX8BEKOjt A New Supply C W TaxESPlanos and Organs A & I Shriek Arriring Daily The Grand Jqry was discharged Ibis tercDlng. The ra are sevea prisoners confined in the County Jail. " We. hear that Mr. Octarias M. Wig gins qualified as a member of the Board of Ault and Finance from the First Ward in thi3 - city, and immediateJy thereafter tendered lii3 resignation. Gerrct Walker, Esq., of Harnett township, has tendered his resignation as a Justice of the Peace.' Mr. Van Aniringe, Clerk of the Su perior Court, says he will cot appoint Mr. Walker's successor until next 'week There is a very general complaint amonfj fishermen relative to the - run of shad this season. They say that the seinea and nets are not making expenses Possibly the light run of shad this sea men is owing to th fact that nearly all the spawning fish last. season were caught. 'I he stockholders of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad,met at Favette- ville yesterday t consider a proposition for the purchast of the State's stock in the road by General Imboden and those whom he represents as attorney. We have not yet heard the result of their deliberation. ' Tfw to do your owa painter : Buy the K. T. Ihamel Paimt, ready Mixed and araatei at Jacobi's. t What is the matter with our Raleigh friends ? Twice within a week have we missed our exchanges from the fair City ef Oaks. To-day the News & Observer has failed us again, and we were compel led to depend upon the generosity of a friend for a copy of yesterday's issue. Bto". Ashe, we don't like to complain, but stir up your mailing clerk, or your mail agent, or your Postmaster, and let us have your paper regularly if yo please. Go m Jxcobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds,' pare Whita Lead, Ofli , Varnishes Window Glaea, all aize. All at the lowest price City Court: Hit Honor, Mayor Smith, was called upon thjs morning to adjudicate the case of Jim Jackson, a little colored boy, who was found asleep in a box on Market street last night. The boy was discharg ed upon promise never to do tho like again. . . j A very large rock weighing thirty, etven pounds was caught down the river at the Keg Island fishery on yestferday Quite a large number of rock were caught, but the one spoken of above was - the largest in the catch There wert several twenty-fire pounders. , Jitw to Us i Wt have been told that the salt water herring which are caught at this season of tho year are equal, as a pan fish to the delicious pig fish which are caught daring the summer. An epicure has told us that the proper way to prepare them is to gash them closely on the side and. then fry them brown. By .thus gashing them the bones are gotten rid of. Personal 'We regret toleara that Capt. Thomas Joces, well aid favorably known in our city as the affable and genial commander of the steamship Benefactor of the N. Y. & W. S. S. Line, has been compelled to resign on account of declining health. Captain Jones will take a trip to tho Hot Springs to recuperate his health. It is rumored that Capt. Tribeau of the steamship Ellen S. Terrt will be his successor. ? Criminal Court. The Court convened -at. the regular hour, His Honor Judge Meares presiding. The following cases were disposed of : State vs. Sip. Conoly. Larceny. Guilty, with recommendation to mercy. Judgment $10 and costs. State vs. Smith Ennett and Minerva Ennett. Harboring escaped convicts. Guilty. . - State vs. Ransom Cobb. Disorderly house. Case settled. All the cases against H. Bentley for conducting lottery have been settled, tho djf&rdant paying tho costs. WILMINGTON, N. C., We Don't Understand. We agree with" the sentiment expressed in the resolutions of the Democratic Ex ecutire Committee of the city published in the Star this morning, atid we think with the Committee, that displacing snch good and efficient men and Demo crats a3 Messrs. W. D. Mahn and Jno. S. McEacheru of the First and Fifth Wards from the Board of Audit and Finance, is to be fcincersly deplored, no matter who their successors may have been. These gentlemen have given en. tire satisfaction to those whom they repre 8ent,aml have performed their duties well and faithfully as far as the public know. We cannot understand therefore why they should have been removed, any more than wc can unnerstand why Mr, F. H. Darby, Chairman of the Demo cratic City Executive Committee and Mr. Jas. W. King, Secretary of the same, should withhold from publication the resolutions of this Committee supposed to have been drafted on the 6th ins t. and furnish them to tho Star a the 7th for publication on the 8th inst., (two days after the meeting of the Committee), when another Democratic paper calledthe Daily Review, which is widely known for its uncompromisinq Democratic 'principles as well as for its outspoken sentinents on all questions ef public pol ity, and especially where the interests of this city are concerned, was published in the afternoon of the . very day upon which these resolutions were furnished the Star for publication. 3arr&w Escape From Death by As phyxia. On Wednesday last Messrs. H. C. Smith and M. B. Smith, father and son, from Columbus county, registered at the Purcell, and retired about the usual hour, blowing out the gas before getting in bed. Yesterday morning about 9 o'clock the chambermaid went to the room occu pied by the Messrs. Smith, but thinking they didn't wish to be disturbed went to other rooms in the house and attended to her duties. About 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon she went back to the room and detected a smell of gas. She called assistance and had the door forced open. Tho father and son were found prostrated in separate beds aid life was appareatly extinct. Dr. Thos. F. Wood was sent for and administered restoratives and after considerable trouble succeeded in recussitating them. When the physician arrived, respiration in the almost dead men was very feeble Mr. H. C. bmith, the father, was first to regain conscimsnes3, though ho suffered greatly from the effects of the gas poison afterwards. Mr. M. B. Smith, in con versation, after ho had been snatched from the jaws of death, stated that be fore he lost his consciousness he was aware of what was the cause of the op pression which he suffered, but was pow erless to use any exertion to prevent his impending doom. The Messrs. Smith were both aware of what effect tho gas would have oa them, but thoughtlessly and through, force of habit, blow out the light. It is a miracle that both were not dead when the door was forced open in the afternoon. There was no transom over the door or fire-place through which the gas could escape, and the window in the room was lowered. " . Mustard Plaster. An old and eminent physician says How many people are there who really know how to make a mustard plaster? Not one in a hundred, at the mo3t, per haps, and yet mustard plasters are used in every family. The ordinary way is to mix the mustard with water, tempering it with a little flour; but such a plaster as that is simply abominable. Before it has half done its work, it begins to blis ter the patient, and leaves him finally with a painrul, flayed spot, after having produced far less effect in a beneficial way than was intended. Now, a mus tard plaster should never make a blister at all. If a blister is wanted, there are other plasters far better than mustard for the purpose. When you make a mustard plaster, then, use no water whatever, but mix the mustard with the white of an)egg,and the result will "draw' perfectly, )ut will not produce a blister even upon the skin of an infant, no mat ter how long it is allowed to remain upon the part. A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the - hair is furnish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deservedly popular front JiU. aaperior cleanliness. : FRIDAY, APRIL 8. Sorth Carolina Soldiers. (Ei tract from a letter from President ba viato Col. John R. Winston.) Bxicvoib, Harrison Co., Miss. "I am very glad to know that you are preparing a history of the military ser vice of the North Carolina troops. I do not thins they have generally received their due meed of praise. Without making invidious comDariaon it mav be said of them, that few -great battles were foaght and fewer victories won to which North Carolina valor did not ma terially contribute. I trust that your as sociates in arm3 will freely and fully give you those minor details which cannot be found in official reports, but which best illustrate the deeds , and men we should giro as exasaaiea.ta future generations. Respectfully, Yours, ' V. . . -'"'" v Jeftkeson . Datis. ) The above we clip ,from the Farmer Sr 3fechanic of Thursday. We desire to "call the attention of North Carolina soldiers, resident in this city, to the esteem" and respect with which the soldiers of this State were held by ex-President1 Davis, and to ask of them if it is not a pity that the data of a war record, at once so'ntble and patriotic, shoul l perish and be lost to their posterity ? The last Legislature of North Carolina appointed Major Jno. W. Moore to the task of writing the his tory of North Carolina troops. Will not ur friends then who served in the war, for the sake of their children and the truth of history, furnish what data they have or can command,' in duplicates, to Maj. Moore, at Raleigh, and Col. Wins ton at Greensboro ? . The latter named gentleman has made the daty of writing the history of North Carolina soldiers, a self-imposed task, and eight therefore to be encouraged in his noble effort Bat do not neglect at tho same time, to fur nish Major Moore with all the historical facts which you have or can gather. What Is the Meaning of This? We make the following extract from a Fayette vills telegram to the Rich mond, Va.x Dispatch, which was pub lished ia yesterday's issue of the above named paper: ? Fayettbtillb, N. 0., April 6. At a conference of the directors of the Cape Jj'ear and xadkin valley railway and Jj'ayettevilie and Jflerence railroad held here to-day the two roads were consoli dated the Fayette villo and Florence transferring all rights to the other com piny, subject to tho approval of the stockholders of both companies, which will undoubtedly be given. Mortgage bonds to the amount ot $180,000 will be issued, and in thirty days work will be gin on the extension of tho Florence road to Florence, where it will connect' with roads to Columbia, Charleston, and tho whole southern country. It is also hoped that eventually the present Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley road will find a northern connection which will make it a great through freight and passeager route. The completion of the Florence road will open np a new and desirable trade for Fayetteville, making it a great trade centre for the Yadkin Valley, Cape Fear, and Pee Doe sections. Hosting of the Democratic CHj Ex ecutive Committee At a meeting of the Democratic City Executive Committee, held on Wednes day, the 6th inst., the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted : Mesolved, That this committee has learned with regret that His Excellency, Governor Jarvis, has seen fit, without consulting the Democratic voters in the First and Fifth Wards, and without ac cording to this committee the right to have the seitiments of the said wards in that regard expressed, to displace from their positions as members of the Board of Audit and Finance, Messrs. W. D. Mahn, of the First Ward, and John S. McEachern, of the Fifth Ward. Resolved further. That this commit tee, after consulting Democratic voters of the different wards, were of the opin ion that it was in accordance with the wishes of a large majority of the Demo crats in all the wards that the Board of Audit and Finance should remain as constituted before the 1st of March ult., excepting such changes as migh be neces sary to nil vacancies, and hence this com mittee did not embody in the lecent call for primary meetings the request to name members of the Board of Audit and Finance, and that the Democrats in the First and Fifth Wards especially refus ed in their sovereign capacity, in those primary meetings to make or request any change in their representatives on the said board, and therefore we feel called upon to say. that we consider the action of the Governor ill-advised (no matter from'wbat source the advice emanated) and his discrimination in making changes in the First and Fifth Wards only, un necessary and calculated to produce that dissatisfaction and disaffection which this committee has ever labored to dis courage and destroy by insisting that in all matters under its charge the will of the Democratic voters should have the fullest and freest expression. Resolved, That Messrs W. D. Maha and J. S. McEachera having faithfully tad efScisatly discharged th) duties acd 1881. NO. 35 responsibilities of their ooaitinn nd having ably represented the i nterests of tneir respective wards on the said board, this committee, feels called upon, and aoes nereoy tender to them the thanks of the Democratic citizens of Wilming ton and of this committee. Resolved, That in passing these reso lutions, it is not the intent or meaning of this committee to in any way reflect upon the gentleriu who have been ap pointed by the rernor to represent the First and Fifth Wards, as we are well satisfied that thev will make officiala faithful and perfectly satisfactory to their respective wares, out the purpose of these resolutions is simply to express our senti ments, and those we believe f tho citi. zens at larxre. that the disnlacement nf aiessrs. Aiana.and McrJachern was un - - ir necessary, ill-advised, and without reason or excuse. .... - F. H. Darbt, Chairman: Jas. W. JCixo. Secretary. TFe advise, our friends to call at Jaoobx's for Household Hardware of every desorip fckm. There you get tho lowest pricts. f , TTew Advertisements. Office City Clerk & Treasurer City of Wilmington, H C April 7, lSSt Notice rJlAX LISTERS WILL ATTEND AT THE City Hall, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and for twenty days there after, for the pnrposa of receiving the Tax Lists of the inhabitants of this city upon all Subjects ot taxation which are to bo listed for city purposea. HENRY S ATA GK, ap 3-it Cleric A lTeaa. TELEMACROPHONE The Watt's Pat ent Mechanical Telephone is not to be classed with the "Holcomb" and other Cheap Telephones which havo been tried only, to prove a failure. We are making extra low prices on linea lor a snort tune. Will sell Phones and material with full In structions for erecting. Send for prices, giviig distance to connect. OWN YOUR OWN TJlt Kir HON LINES and be lnde- Sendent. Office at B. D. Morrill & Son's, 'all at 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. EDW'D B. HOLT, men 30-eod-2w Gen'l Apt. for NYC A RSew Suoply QP THAT POPULAR LITERATURE, pabliahed Ly the American Book Kxchaife, Just received st HKIITrtBERQER'S. Live Book and Maaie Store Pianos and Organs, FOR CASH OR ON THE EA8Y INSTALMENT PLAN, Mmalo Boxes, Guitars, Violins, and all other Muaieal Instrument, For sale at aplS f HBINSBEROBR'3. A LARGE STOCK OF SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS. AND ALL KINDS OF'MILL WORK' LUMBER, LATHS. &ci Tor salevery'cheap at ALTAFFEB, PBICB CD'S. Factory: . Office: Foot Walnut st. Natt, near Red Crossfat apU . u t it-. it! - w. I New Spring Butter TERY NICE. ALSO OTHER QUALITIES FROM SLO to 35c in pries. JOHN L. BOATVRIGHT. apU 11 & 13 No. Front St. PUR CELL HOUSE, CWDKB S VST HA9AQKHE3T, WiutzasTox, 5. O. B. L. PEURV, - - PrOD " Lata Proprietor Atlaatio HoteL First dan la all ltaarDoIotr9t ' f2.C9jta.t3 per Mr - febCll fo) lo) - T7e cSl tsglsJ u kzzlr ccznnl!cj frca err fclcajca tiy tid all tJtcti f geaexaltrest : .r- v - . , - tie aaaa cf tia wrllsr csrt always fca fc? Kl&UdtotU Editor. ; OoTanrtTgttloas cart bewrittea cn rtly sue aids of the paper PeracnallUei safest bo avoided And It la especially and particularly aaier stood that the Edltai does aot always endorse the vitws ot eorreipoaeeatf, ualeas so stated la tke editorial ooluaaa. Hew Advertisements An Act to Extend the Time to Be 4scm land Ecld for Tases. The General Assembly of North Caro - Una do cnacti . Section 1. That all the provision of chapter two huuU rrd anrtvettv-four (224) of the lawa of is; shn t .mi , are hereby extended to the tiretday ef Jan- nkrv A . 11 iw ..,.1 ? o . .A - State be and i U t uy directed to have thi act published iu lour newspapers in thia State. . . . . Sec. 2. Thia act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In the General A sembly read three thnea and ratified tlds 11th day of March, A. V. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - 1 O m g Secretart of State, t '-' KeWApril'IlSSl. j - v wvi t .i lie WiJj 11UU1 the reoonla on Hie in this office, w - W. L. SAUNDERS, apl aot Secretary of State." WEW FRUIT AMD CONFECTIONERY STORE, riUlE UNDERSIGNED HAS OTENED A X-branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the "Review" nYW rw, Tr. and Chestnut streets. : All pereons-passing" iMab locamj are reepectiuiiy invited to call and be suited with Fruit. II Fancy Candies, Soda Water, Ciara and a gcuvrtu juce variety, at S, G. NORTHROP'S, Pl2 Water St. Store. , Pianos and Organo gOLD LOWFOB OA8H OR OX THE ISSTALUE2JT PLAN LaRGEJSTOCK -v School Book, " Blank Books, 1 Btatiosery, Frames, .. . Fancy Goodf, le.t Is . . Call and aea.f r yourself. Yates' BooIklStore. apl i mm anmm T1IWEBKI DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOAIATOES ( All Tarietiea of Choico Preserves, in oa and two pound Cans, ;f ho best in tho market. Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Hpnenr, Pig Hams, breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Laguayra CofTee, These goods arej all fresh this weekj Our prices and quality of goods will convince you if you will try j us. -. Trythe preparcdSoups. .For sale at GEO. R1YERS', feb 14 Noa. 11 atd 13 "'euth'FrontJFtT lOO a: 1000 BusheIa DE3T ROWLAND, f 500 d' WHITE UPLAJ7, " For sale by mch IS i WORTH & WORTH; Peruvian Guano- 2000 TonsD No. 2 PeruvianlSuano. FOESALE BY WilKams:&!IiIurch! Oysters. f THE" Doiea, Quart ore ,ti. Tho beat I always ca hxad r Seed 'Is Winberry W

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