1HIS JTr . to rroa ad rorTOB. Three jm J7' ,c . naa month, M oeatfc ' bidivered byeaxriers, fi F,pe' ay part of the city, at the VOL. -VI WILMINGTON, N. ., SATURDAY APRIL 9. 1881. Sber. 1U pleereport any NO. 36 KeW Advertisemento. gv flattings. 5UKGQi:TITr'rfNCTCOl0r9t' 1 4f37)fd.cto- Lace Curtains, ORXICE, CRETOXES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHi, Ac, new and pretty. and Colored Silks, ' Black IN', IN GREAT YARIETY. JUST pine Parasols, nC5 SHADES and Sua Umbrellas, Oar ilhhh. iw ... -w p. M. Mclntin 3b Sd kTmorFleakv ROOFS ! TROX CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT 4 to eqi&l for stopping leak. It Is ffar uteed tor II jears. Any roef, le matter lev tei, can he sayed by this pal t. jUs Roofing Taint an d fer Damp "Walls & to no erul. Staples aad testimonials fcirmlshtd upea ippBcstiea at Office of the Irem Clai Palmt Coapuj, ea Second, betweea Market end WncMiBtrMt. fb 2 Arrivinsr Daily f yZ ARE NOW BtfSY OPENING, surklxrg sad arranging r Boring and Suissaer itock of Gent's, Youths' and leys' Gsthing and Furakalng Goods. We hare pt this season the largest stock, the prettL at itoek sad the cheapest 'stock" of Cloth -r . tag Ttr offered in this market, A call aid, u iupecCen is reepectfmlly solicited. A. & I. SHRIEB, Market street h23 mi j ly Mrs. Joe Person's Indian Tonic Bitters. 1 J rt Rheumatism. Heart Die aim fSiwi ilea " Hsia,f from impurity C uriaorit h?" P itself vitevaV J GOV. holders opiniari. S ' fSl"?m ,UB t member 1JmtS7 ,ed Mr- Joe Person's f i3? f, S tot pp- . V. W, HOLDER, 111 Jge strqhqs.. opinion. Sr.i? 'thlppy desalts. I tke mcoess. Very reeotfallf, u. 0 7 Hrfc Jo Fersea, FrtjakUa WUmios;tO sses and Syrup I OELE4K8 M0Ufi8F.o. ' C8l MDLASS, 8 ED01R 8TEWJP fD0 HOTJSK SfRUP. Fo ale low by & PEABSAi Ttt- LOCAL NEWS. rew A.dTrttemeuts. T C Fanning Lccal ad Dancing Heinsbibger A New Supply C W Yates Pianos and Organs A & I Shbier ArriTing Daily No City Court to-day. No interments; in Belle vue Cemetery this week. Eggs are scarce cents per dozen. and sell for twenty laster , Sunday is just one week off from to-morrow. The Criminal Court adjourned for the term this morning. Picnics, red bugs, seed ticks and ants will soon receive a part of the public at tention. , When you tell a man to go to Jerico yon should remember that it costs $453 to go there. Abont the sorriest spectacle in this world is a henpecked husband. Both sexes dislike him. Be fore promising a woman to lore only her, one should hare seen them all, or should see only her. Bow ts se your owb V, T. Xnamel Paimt, araatei at Jacoxi's. painter : Bay the ready mixed and t w e lite to see a man wno can joke. But we respect him more take a when he gives credit for iti The Register of Deeds issued only one marriage fteenst during the week, and that to a colored couple. A young man of 26 years in Madison, Wis., has just married the divorced sec ond wife of his grandfather. Thousands of peaple who never read the Bible in its old form are kicking up a fuss about it being revised. Young people are always ready to adopt the latest wrinkles. It is the first wrinkle that they object to. Mr. C. M. Harris left for Birmingham, Alabama, last night, to gather the facts relative to the death tf his brother. There were two interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the week one of which was brought here for burial. Both adults. A cite observer remarks that the man who stops his paper to economize is like the man who goes barefooted to save his shoes. We are requested to state that the Rev. T..D. Pitts will pr-ach on the "Sin f Drnnkeness" to morrow evening at St. John's Church. Gray satin and black silk are used for 4 new dress. Black' yelvet leaves are trailed on the gray satin and the reins of the leases are of steel. It has become fashionable .for young ladies to .take fencing lessons; at a picnic where there is much climbing to do, this cconiplishmen t ought to be found very isefal tlr.T. C Fannind Dancins; Ciasne T insure classes after Lent, those wilhing to join will please leave their names at Ilcinsberger's book store, or apply to llr Fawning in person. If a sifiicient number is entered to justify it, classes will be formed for instruction. It Disappointed. We had fondly hoped that we m'ght to-day rejoice with oar readers in the announcement that our big editor, or our editor-in-chief, who has been absent for nearly two weeks, had returned to doty. But alas for human hopes and happiness, "Twas ever thus from childhood's hour." A letter received this morning from our chief, announces the sad intelligence that he will not put in an appearance before Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. In the meanwhile we, his dimin utive 'representative, will have to con tinue on double duty until that time. But if our readers can stand it, we guess we can, and so we will try to make the most of it. " Little llocaes. List night the police drove off two or three little darkies who were stealing coal from the office of Alderman Alder man at the foot of Chestnut street Zacharia Johnson alias John Aahburn who was arrested this morning for steal ing from Mr. Strauss wai one of the Cag. . - -i - Pergonal. Aieaieaant Jonn u. iinoaes wno was formerly stationed at this port RevenueCuttcr Colax but who on tne is now stationed at Newport, Rhode Island, is here en avisit to his family. We were pleased to meet with him again. 1 Picked Up at fcea- Forty barrels of kerosene oil and thir ty boxes of soap were picked up near the Frying Pan Shoals by Capt. C. C. Morse, of tho pilot boat Uriah . Tim- mens, en Thursday last while oat cruis ng. The oil and soap are ' supposed to havo been thrown overheard from the schooner, name unknown, whtchhas here tofore been reported ashore on the shoals By throwing over a part of her cargo the ressei floated off on Friday and proceed ed on her royage, Charleston being her destination. Capt. Morse will furnish particulars and answer questions to par ties interested. To-day is the anniversary of the sur render of General Lee at Appomattox, sixteen years ago, and yet the valiant Hoar, Dawes, and other pigmies - of the Republican party, together with the im perial and chaste Cenkling, continue their war on the South just the same But there is a slight difference in their mde, from that pursued by Gen. Han cock, and a little difference' in the time also.' The sound of the last gun at Ap pomattox was the signal for Hancock to sheathe his sword. It was at the same time the signal for these blatant dema gogues to come to the front and make war upon a disarmed foe.$ Caught In tne Act Zack Johnson was caught in the act of stealing hoops from spirits casks by Mr. John B, Strauss, at his store, on the corner of Water and -Chestnut streets, this morning and turned over to a po liceman. The casks were the property of Mr. Strauss, and had been placed out side of his store, near the back door, but a few minutes, when the little thief made his appear ance and worked two hoops off. Mr. Strauss says h is considerably annoyed by a gang of these pilferers. It is thought that the boys tell the hoops. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices Board or Audit and Finance Mr. William Calder, the newly-elected member from the Second Ward, came forward and was duly qualified. Mr. John S. McEachern tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the Board, and he was thereupon immediate ly re-elected as a member of the Board to represent the Fifth Ward, and was duly qualified. t Mr. Octavius A. Wiggins, the newly appointed member for the First Ward, as was stated in the Review yesterday, also qualified and immediately tendered his resignation, upon which, however, the Board has not yet taken action. Mr. Norwood' Giles, member from the Fourth Ward, was re-elected Chairman, and Capt. John Cowan Secretary. The Freed man's Bank. Swindle. Commissioner Jno. Jay Knox, of the the "Freedman's Savings and Trust Company," has issued a circular under date of April 4th, from Washington City, from which we make the following ex tract for the benefit of many of our col ored citizens who were so badly swindled by this gigantic and infamous fraud up on the colored people of the South. This rascality was perpetrated too, be it re membered, under the sanction of; the Rev. pious hypocrite, O. O. Howard, and other leading and shining lights of the g-r-e-a-t "Republikm" party. Howard has been frequently rewarded by tne dif ferent Republican Administrations for his devotion to just such Republican principles, and has recently' been made Commandant at West Point Military Academy, where he is now examining with a microscope, the self-inflicted slits in Cadet Whittaker's ears. The circa larsays: Dividends from the assets of the Freed man's Savings and Trust Company were declared November 1st, 1875, March 20th, 1878, and September 1st, 18S0. Under a recent act of Congress, par ties who do not apply for these dividends before August 21st, 1881, will not be able to obtain them. - Depositors who have received the three dividends already declared should NOT forward their books at this time. : Ton can bow buy Improved Heating and Coek Stoves at factory prlccaat Jacobi's. Church services. Worship in tho various churches of the city to-morrow as follows r . ST. lAMXS' r-AlUlH, Comer Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A .Watson,' D. DM Rector. Falui Sua i5 April 10th. lebrU )u at 7:30 doming Pra er at 11 o'ekxk Sunday School E S-Sii'p. ra. Evening Prayer at 5 o'ci.-efc. ST. rAUL'S KVAM3. LUTHSXAX CflUBCH, Corner Sirtb and Market streets, Rev. G. D. fJ rnbelm, l) D. p&stor. Palm Sunday April 10th. EKglhh services at 11 a ra. audS p. m. Examination of Catechu mem at the clofe ?f the morning service. Sunday Sch ol at 3 p. m. Eafcliah services also ou Ta liy, Weduesday and Thurs day itfteruoojua at 4 o'clock- viood Fiiday Mi ci 15Lb Preparatory s rvlcs In Ger man at ia:OTTf"!a;;Bgnilr service- and C .iifinnatlon at 8 p m. Seats frte. ,Ev ery peisou cord Jiy Invited and welcome' ? it. johxtV chuectc, r Corner Third and'Red Cross sta. Palm Sunday April 10th. Rev. Thomas D. Pitts, Rector. Eaxly.Celebratlon at 7.80 a, m. Morning Prayer, and Ante-Corn-munlon at 11 o'clock. Sunday Schoo 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 8 o'clock FIEST Bi.PTI8T CHUBCn, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Paetor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. ui. Sa; vices at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p.m. Meeting of the Chore for business Monday night at S o'clock. xouDg A4 en's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday nignt at 8 o'clock. SXCOITS PBXS2YTEBIAX CHTJECK, CorFonrth and Campbell streets. Rev. 0. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 3:30 p. in. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Seats free. CHRIST'S CHUBCH (CONOEIQATIOITAL), on Kan, between Sixth and Seventh. Kev. D. D. Dodge, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. nr. . Pastor's Bible Class at 12Jp. m. Prayer and Praise Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m., in Memorial Hill. ST. MASK'S CHUBCH, Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets Rev. 0. O. Brady, Minis'er. Services are as follows : bandays Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer at 7:30 o'clock ; Sunday School at St. Barnabas, at 3:30 p. m Confirmation Class at the Church, at 4:30 p. m. Week days, during LVmt Morning Pray-er at 7:30 o'clock Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Seats iree. IT. C. irrlenltural Eiperlmem Station Bcllbtix No 8, April 8th, 1881. The following analyses of fertilizers have been completed: Premium Super phosphate of Lime, manufactured by Hymans and Dancy, Norfolk, Va., ofG cial sample contains water 18.68, sand 7.20, available phosphoric acid $.97, in soluble phosphoric aicd 1.67,ammenia 2. 37, potash 0.63 per cent, (jommercial value per ton (2,000 lbs,) $34.90. Ammoniated Soluble Nayassa Guano, Company, Wilmington, N. C, official sample contains water 17.33, sand 8.94, available phosphoric acid 8.19, in soluble 4.57, ammonia. 3 1G, potash .96 per cent. Commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs.) $33.97. Georgia Grange Chemicals, Moses & DoLeon, Norfolk, official sample con tains water 13.23, sand .67, available phosphoric acid 14.20, insoluble phos phoric acid .29, potash 2.56 per cent. Commercial value per ton (2,000 ibs.) $39.58.- Etiwan Dissolved Bone, Etiwan Phos phate Company, Charleston, S. C, offi cial sample contains : water 15.27, sand 13.20, available phosphoric acid, 11.98, insoluble phosphate . acid 2.35. Com mercial value per ton (2.000 lbs.) $29.95. Diamoad Soluble Bene, Walton, Whann & Co., Wilmington, Del., official sample contains water 14.39, sand 8.22, available phosphoric acid 10.04, insolu ble phosphate acid 3.44, potash .98 per ceat. Commercial valie per ton (2,000 lbs.) $26.66. ' Sea Gull Ammoniated Dissolved Bone Phosphate, Patapico Guano Co., Balti more, Md., official sample eontaini : wa ter 13.96, sand 1.94, available phesphor- le 8.76, sasolable phosphate acid 4,54, ammonia,.49, potash 1.33 per cent. Commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs.) $33.44; Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's Manipm la ted Guano, W. G. A Co., Charleston, S. C, cfficial. sample contains: water 14.51, sand 7.37, available phosphoric 9.9Q, insoluble 7, amnooia 2.67, potash 2.21 per cent. Commercial value oer ton (2,000 lbs.) $38.40, Standard Fertil zer, Standard Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass., official sample contains; water, 23.46, sand 2.96, available phosphoric acid 9.23, insoluble 92. ammonia -1.82. potash 1.49 per cent. Commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs.) $32.34. Sea Fowl Gaaxo, Bradley Fertilizer Co., r Boston, Mass oScial saspla contains: water 15.14, fond 5.01, ftTAflabls picsphoric acid 10.19, insoluble phosphoric acid 2.36, ammonia 249, potash 0.25 percent. Commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs.) $35.28, H. Preston & Son's Acid Phos phate, Preston Fer. Co., New Yorkof ficial sample contains: water 14.09, sand 7.28, available phosphoric acid 11.68, in soluble phosphoric acid 3.60 per cent. Commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs.) $2950. ' Chas W. Dabxet, Jr. - Director. Afloat, vflih Steam Up The steamer Gv. Vforth is not only afloat now but she had steam up asd her engines working when the steamer D. Murchison passed her at Council's Bluff yesterday; Capt. Sam Skinner :who raised the sunken boat will itis thought steam on down to this city with her and raach here by to morrow night or Mon day morning. ,.. - A Safe and Sure means of r restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deservedly popular from its saperior cleanliness. We advise oar friend to sail at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every desorlp Uoa. There you get the lowest prices. New Advertisements. A EJew Supply Q? THAT POPULAR LITERATURE, pabllshed by theAxaerieau Book Fx chaste, - Jost received at HEINSBGROSR'S. Live Book and Musie Store Pianos andl Organs FOR CASH OR ON TI1S EA8T INSTALMENT PLAN, Matio Boxes, Oaitars , Tiolins, aad all other Musical Instruments, Pot sale at . aplS HEINSBERQER'S ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To Introduce our new styles and Influence trade we make the following unparalleled offers for a short time : " The Berlin Packet contains a gold plated watch chain, agate shawl pin, lady's ele gant set Jewelry , sea bean cuff buttons, coral neck, lace, set or agate studs, gold plate band ring, collar button, key ring, pocket book, Imitation silk handkerchief, pen, pencil, comic envelopes and visiting cards. All these mailed to you for SSc in stamps; 4 packets for S1.0O, The lot can be re- tauea at irom sz to fd.uu. . The Royal Casket contains one superb amethyst ring, elegant coral brouch set In box, fancy neck lace, coral sleeve buttons, engraved gold plate bracelets, rose scarf pin, geld plated lady 's set, gold plate sleeve buttons, heavy gold plate stnds, lovely cameo scarf pin, genuine Parisian diamond stud, Maltese cross with P. diamond center, beautiful Jet sleeve buttons, plated collar button, plated link watch chain, plain gold plate ring, nobby cameo ring. Maltese ear-rings with P. diamond settings, gents' full comb, amethyst set, lady's full plated set with white stone settings. Jet and cameo scarf pin. eng. gold plate sleeve buttons. The whole of this magnificent collection sent secure by mail for SI 2 for S1.70. 4 for 5f This lot can be retailed eas N. Y. JEWELRY Y. JEWELRY CO., Atlanta. Oa. in: iv at from S5 Address, Thi Atlanta Globb says : " This mmrmnv u perfectly reliable, and the amount they give for your money is astounding." fob SS-dlawsatrwly ENLARGE AMD OEVELOP THE TORSI If shrank wholly or In part from nature or JQs ase. Advice free. Describe case and send stamp to P. De L. Co., Atlanta, Oa. Nohnmbo. High est reference. Correspondence confidential. j. feb a ilast-wly SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FABIUSBS' "BOKJLNZA." Hfft-riTA. a new vegetable from 8. A., differing from anything ever grown here, delicious raw or cooked. Seed sent by mail 20 eta. a paper. Bean of Ja ipan, hair bean nair pea, saia oy cnem E5f i.t tn twt the richest human food known, jme fodder Plant, also. Seed, 15 eta. a paper, -npan Queen watermelon, Juat importea, largest variety sugary : best to keep or ship, 25 eta. a paprof20 seels, papers for $1. Very scft If-Wood Muskmelon, largest known, 2 to 3 feet long fine quality, early and prolific, 15 eta. a paper. Climax Tomato, richest flavor, early, prolific, Mlid-un-qualedln every way.licts. a papey White Egyp tfin corn (from the Nile), fields Immensely nr.mvn in. II. H.. Iiriu. lusuuuv. uuw buu In the south where other corn fails. Unequal ea for teble or sSock, 20 cts. a paper. 75 cts. a pound. Teosinte, one plant feeds a cow two days: 10 to 12 ft. high, 15 cts. a paper. Cuzco Corn, grains 1 in. long, ln. broad. Seed will bring fabuloas prices, 15 cts. a paper. All the above sent lor s i, ox eacn ior A AArfm C- R. aVXJSEXCT k CO. AtlMta. Gsw nohnnrv TTnn. tw. i Calhoun, 2syor of Arlaata. j fob 2-lawat-wly PUR CELL HOUSE, TJNDES 5KW MANAGEMENT Wiliotqw, N. C. B. U PERRY, - - Prop Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First Class iaall iU?appoInt Jients. Termi IZ.60 to $3 per day. ' (eb 3 t Winberry Oysters. TflE-riME-HT or s. 9.4 - the seasoa. Br th Sjk'W iosem, Qart or Jloxu Faasl ies Sepplisd . The best Wines, Liqsors sad Cian always on hand at J'JH CABSOU'?, saehlS stvtet-. t A LARGE STOCKIOP1 SASH, DOORS "AfID BLINDS, AND ALL RINDS OF MILLV05KI LUMBER. UTHS. &s. Tor saleTerycheap at ALTAFFEB, PBICE & C0'3. Factory: Offlcc: FootTTsiaut at. . Kctt, near Bed Crosa'ct y v frca czr fcLrr-j ca tzj tzl all ictJecU 1 1 sTtaer-lIitirtti tt tit ttst Cf tla milr? czii tlwiyi tefar -itaedto tat E-iSor. :: r , '''' ' OoaTnTTntntfloaj tszzl bawrittea ca c nly aesldeoribpapfv - Ferixmalitifti nut be ar.Hed Aad It Li especially and psrUralarly C2der rtood that tie Editor does not always enficne tne views ot correspond cats, unless so stated la toe editorial columns. . Now Advortigonionta. MEW. FAUIT AflO C0riFCTI0riEQY THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED X branch Fruit and ConfecUonery Store I "Review" Office .comer "Water and Chestnut streets. All perebns asslns that locality are respectfully invited td call -and be suited with Fruit, Home-made an Fancy Candles, 8od a Wat.;r, Cigar and a general nice rarietv, at K tt. NORTHROP'S, Fl -- Water St, Store. - Pianos ond Organo gOLD LOWFOE CASH OH ON TOE ISSTAtllEJlT PLAN LlEQESTOCK ."' . . .... . 8caoo! Bcokf, . - . .., . , Flank Books, ''" "I ' . . ... St'sticsery, Frames ' 1 ; , , Fancy Goodr, ic, As , Call and see for yourself. Yates' Bookistore aro goods si ; DELICIOUS PEACHES AHD TOMATOES r All Varieties of Choice Preserves, in one and two pound Canp, iho best in the market.' . Our elegant Family Flour, . Parole d' Honour, Pig Hams, .Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched JaTa and Laguayra Coffee, These goods aroj all freeh this week Our prices and quality: of goods will convince you if you v? ill tryj us. - .vA Trythe preparedlSoups, For sale at CEO. MYERS';! .feb 14 Nos. 11 and 1? fmth Front Pt: rJewISprinj? Buttec LVEUYgNICE. ATjSO OTHER QUALITIES FEOil, 20 to 35c in price. JOHN L. BOATVniGHT. apU 11 & 13 No. Front fit. 1000, Bushels BESTfcLOWXAKD, 500 do, innTE UPLAND For sale by 0 "WORTH '& Tronni. mch IS Peruvian Guanos 2000 Tons Ho. 2;PernviaiiS3uaiiCo j FOECALBBY r7ilUamn:rlIInic (o) 0) So

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