Td pa PES rt T J AMISS tPrroH an rRoriro- f vn iOSTAGK PAID. V J' J5. 0na month, bO cents. ,atbi, b deliT8d by carriers, partofVbecitf,.ttf Tr rrt.wndlibor; 52& will pleereport any ul 1 Treceie tteir papers regularly. IllIflllL FOR RHEUIATISI, . Keuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. K Preparation on erth equals St. Jacobs Oil ii t iafe, sure, simple and cheap External iDdT. A trial entaila but the comparatirely tfilDg ratIT of 50 Cents, and every one atiffer Jm with pain can bare cheap and positive proof (f fts claims. Directions in Eeren Language. BOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS A1TDDEALEB8 IS MEDICINE. AVOGIXER &, CO., Baltimore, M3L,TT. S.L. Straw Mattings. . 7S LARGE QUANTITY, FANCY Colori, Lace Curtains, QOKilCE, C KETONES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Se., aeT and pretty Black and Colored Silks. mi Hf, IN GREAT VARIETY. Fine Parasols, jJUX SHADES and Sua Umbrellas, Our 1UCK 8ILK3 are in the lead. R. ;M. f3cintire. i ry ttrs. Joo Person Indian Tim'c Bitted. I cSJbl dJ"MM ,rifi impurity KooJpnSJ uVa AlTe, Tonlean .'KWY. HOLOEK'S OPlfHSMa & h m that a member WJ. ni9d. 3ar8-' Jo Person'. U JNfiE STROMQ'S opihiq?i. 1 , . v use. 1st, 1880 . l32L le1'h "offering from de- 11 1 . - " w I TJ.. tC?AR H0rjsEaTB0pV rorIalowty i ltattn:v. WJ your Tonic 1 Masses atd Syrup I BLE VOL. V LOCAL NRWS. . Sew AdVttrUreuionL J W Hakpek, Master For Smithville. Miss E Kjlrbeu Easter Millinery See Notice of the Banka Stringer Lime and Cement AV M Douglass Tonsorial Change A Vogeleb & Co fiTt. Jacob's Oil Brown Chemical Co Double col ad ou tbird page Iron Bitters ' IIeiksbekgeb Japanese Goods C W Yates Prang's Easter Cards A & I Shrier Arriring Daily The receipU of eottoa at taipirt tw day foot up 75 bales. Toucan now buy Improved Heatieg and Cook Stores at factorypriccaat Jacob!'. Go to J atom's lor Doors, Fash and Blinds, pure White Lead; Oil, VamUhes Window Glass, all sizes. All at The lowest prices The steamer Passport will make regri Iar trips to Smith ville daring the session of the Brunswick Superior Court, com mencing with to morrow. The Trustees of Carolina Lodge, No. 434, Knights ef Honor, paid over to Mrs W. E. Hill, on yesterday, the benefit due on the life ot her deceased husband. Mr. W. D. Mahn has been confined to his house for some time past by typhoid pneumonia. . We hope to see him out in a very short time,though he is at present quite- ill. Tnt corrections : The 1iole ia the Gov. Worth' 8 hull was about 7x12 inches, instead of fret, and the big rattle snake weighs 15, instead of 50 pounds, as stated by us yesterday. Accidents will happen, you know, in the sanctum as" well as in the composing room. The Produce Exchange The regular annual meeting of the Produce Exchange was held to-day at the rooms of the Exchange, on North Water street. Mr. R. Calaer,- president, called the meeting to order. The regu lar romtine of business was then proceed cd with, the first in order being the Sec retary and Treasurer's report, which was read and then upon motion was received, approved and erdered to be spread upon the ninmts3. The president then ad dressed the meeting, congratulating the members of the Exchange upon the good feeling and harmony which had prevailed during the past year, not one case having been submitted to the Arbitration Committee. The president stated that the finances of tho Exchange were in an improved condition, and referred to the marked improvement and increase in the cotton trade of this city. The decrease ia receipts of naval stores was accounted for from the fact, that more attention is now given to the culture and production fcetton to the neglect 'of the other trade. The president also stated that there had been a general improvement in the business of this port, and he fur ther congratulated the Exchange upon the wholesome effort and influence which the body had exerted and which was felt in every kind of business by estab lishing rules of trade. After referring to the increased depth of water on the bar, the president concluded his address, and returned , his thanks for tho courteous and pleasant intercourse which he had enjoyed flaring his term of office with all of the members. . Upon motion it was resolved that the Board of Managers be requested to ap point a quotation committee on grain. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. The polls were opened, this morning for the annual election of officers of the Exchange from 1L o'clock until 1 o'clock, and resulted in the election of all the old officials, as follows: President B. E. Calder. . Vice President Roger Moora. Board of Managers A. Martin, C. H. Bang, B. F. Hall, E. Peschaa, Thos. E. Bond. Inspectors of Election Oscar Pear sail, Jno. D. Woody, G. J. Boney. A handsome steam yacht arrived here this morning on the steamship Gulf Stream for Messes. Empie k -Elliott, which those gentlemen propose to run between the city and their place of busi ness on the Cape Fear. The name Little May is" painted on her stern, but this may be discarded and mother substituted. We advise our friends to eail at Jacob ts for Household Hardware of every descrip "n. Thtrsyeugstthelcwestprltes. f WILMINGTON, N. C. Easter Goods Miss E. Karrer has her Spring a tock oi millinery newers, bonets, bats and nair goods in store and asks theattention of e the ladies. Her stock is very beautiful and she has some rare and elegant roses and panaies, the latter being hand-paint- jogs. 11 er Uaster goods are particular- ly fine and prttty. , Handsome aitdVuroi)'? A verv larere and beautiful wax doll. superbly and tastefully pressed, leading a little white Iamb by a piece of ribbon, ( is on exmomon in uapt. :tz. m. mcl tire's show window on Front stredf THe doll will be raffled at the Grand Bazar and Festival by the ladies of St. Thomas' Catholic Church, to be held at the City Hall on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day of next week. The doll, which is dressed as a child, is a beauty and will be rallied at 25 cents per chance. Almost a Fire. The residence of Mr. Alexander. John son, Jr., on the corner of Sixth and Wal nut streets, made a narrow escape from destruction by fire on yesterday after noon. The lire was discovered in its incipiency and promptly extinguished Had the devouring element gotten a few more minutes headway there would have been no hopes of checking it. The dam age was light. City Court. His Honor Mayor Smith sat again at the tribunal of justice this morning and disposed of a case of an affray in which Sarah McKenzie, Emrta Tucker and Jo anna Larkins, three sable-hued damsels, were the defendants,.as follows : To Sarah McKenzie, who is a sort of half-witted creature, His . Honor said, "Go in peace, but you must leave thi8 city." The defendant acquiesced in the judgment and then departed.. The other two defendants, Emoa Tucker and Joan naLarkins,were fined $2.00 each far their violation of the peace, good order and d'gnity of the city. This finished the business and the Court adjourned. The Fire this Horning. The alarm of fire was sounded thi8 morning about 9 o'clock.caused by the burning of the roof of the dwelling et Capt. ' Jno. L. Boatwright, on the south east corner of Fourth andOrange streets, Fifth fire district Capt J. M. McGowan discovered the fire and gave the alarm. He and others who were soon at hand commenced to remove the furniture.when the engines arrived and soon extinguish ed the fire. The fire was: discovered bursting through the roof at the north west corner pf the house, near one of the chimneys. It originated between the ceiling and the roof, and must have caught from a defective flue. The great est damage done to the property was by water. Capt. B.'s loss does not amount to very much, and is covered by insar ance. Many Fires but Little Damage The second alarm of fire sounded this morning was caused by the burning of the roof of an old dilapidated building, used as a blacksmith shop, en the corner of Front and Walnut streets, third fire district. Upon the arrival of the fire department it was ascertained that the stable attached to Mr. Alex Oldham's mill,on the west side of Front street,wai pn fire, also the sawdust on Walnut street and the grass in the Methodist Church grave yard was burning. The fires were oon extinguished and the en? gines were turned back In a minute or two- afterwards smoke was discovered"' boiling ' out from under the shingles of the tenement house next east of the blacksmith shop. The Little Giant threw a stream on the house and the fire, which waa bo t ween the ceiling and upstairs floor, was soon under control. The fires are saicTtcrf have originated from sparks from the chimney of the Cape Fear Flour and Grist Mills. On the west end of the ten ement "one end of a piece of weather boarding had slipped down about two inches, and it is supposed that a spark must have blown in and set fire to the building. The damage to the house was very light, and istheught to be covered by in surance by the owner,whe is represen ted in this city by Messrs. Cronly & Morris. The furniture in the house - is more or less damaged, en which there is no in surance. . . How to e your owm painter z Buy the IT. T. Esaiael Paint, ready mixed and ariatei at Jacssi's. , t TUESDAY, APRIL I . Hislcal We have before as the April, number of the Muiical Herald, published at Boston, Mass , by the Musical Herald Publishing Company. This publication, some months since, gave a very flatter ing notice of that tissue of slanderous ,lus?"9us. " a ne uoors jrrana," wan which we were supremely disgusted. Its masse, however,' is always of .the very highest order and its musical criticisms are fearlessly just, not hesitating te cok demn when necessary and ever ready tor 1us!cal kno wledfje imparted - in ita col uant i truly valuable, which goes to prove that its editors have an intimate knowledge of that delightful science while they are wofully ignorant of the political hist ry of the South in general and North Carolina ii particular. Board of Alderman. The Board of Aldermen mtt ia ad journed session at the City Hall yester day evening. All the . members . of the Board were present. f Committee on Lights were' granted further time to report on applications for street lamps. Favorable repert ef Committee em Fire Department on application of the Hook & Ladder Company for the city to feed their horse, and also to purchase a new ladder for the company, was adopted. Further tisse was granted the committee concerning old nose belonging to the de. partment. The tax levy for the year 1881 was considered and adopted. A petition for anew fire alarm was re ferred to the committee en Fire Depart ment. Consideration ef the matter of the election of policemen was referred to the committee en Police, to be reported at next meeting. A petition frost Messrs. Northrop k Gumming for sundry lamps was referred t committee. : The appreval of the Board ef Audit and Finance of the annronriations and salaries fixed for the fiscal year was read and filed. F.Mayer was elected city detective, at a salary of $50 permeate. Mr. L. M. Willians was elected cattle weisrher, and empowered to collect li cense tax; under direction of the City Tax Collector, as imposed on batchers and hucksters by the tax ordinance. On motion the Board adjouried. List of Betters. : The following Is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in tho City Postoffice Wednesday, April 13: B Mrs Etta-Belle, mrs Mary A' Bat son. S and R Bntlar, John Bainie, J H Berry, W.H Bradley. C Frank Canady, George Cole, Hen ry Cheatam, W H Corbet, Helen Cos ten, Lidia A Carter. D Elick Dixon, W B Danforth, Wm Dandye. , F W H Fetner, Elvenia Fagans, Margaret Farspat, Mildred Feftrick. G BB Goine, Richard Greene, Har riet Green, Elizabeth Gooding, Maggie Geyer. H A T Herring, James Hall, Jack son Henry, Jno H Howe, T H Howard, Washington H Higgins, Charlotte Holmes, July Harrison. Narcessa How ard., . , J- Eraanael B Joaes, Amauda J ack son.1 Sophie Jordan. K Lizzie Kenneday, L Krower. M O ack S P McNair, Thos Mar tin, Dick Madden, K M Meyer, J N Merrit, James Mosely, Malissa Monk, Bridget Meyer. -Richard T Nixon, James Neal, jtrina Kelson. .! 0-r-Jasper Owens. FMiss LiMie Pngh, W H Page. , R Jno Randolph, W A Raspns. S Miss Ella Smith, F P Sanders, W J Sikes, Wm Schntte, Presley Smith, UL L Shaw, Geo Wash Shaw, Chas E Shoeber, Emanuel Solmon, Geo Wash Smith son of Rowland Smith, miss &ary Simmons, T Alice Townsend. Charles Tate. W Miss Annie Wood, Balaam Wil liam?, Alfred Walker, Ponpey White. Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised''; If not claim ed in 80 days will be sent te dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. - B. B. BRINK, P.M. Wilmington, New Hanever County, Si- Jacobs Rev. A. Opitz,' ef Schleisinger ville, Wis., an honored German Minister, writes: I was a sufferer with Rheuma tism for years. Friends recommended the use of St., Jacobs Oil; I tried it and must confess that the result was aston ishing. Having hardlyvnsed ip the first bottle, I found relief, and the ssccsd cse cured me. I thereforec fsel ssdsr . ebli gationa, and shall recemaesd this af fective remedy whtstver X hays a tt 12. i81 NO. 38 I Thr( f'loiA Trlni Steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. In gram, arrived here thb morning from New York. She left her pier in that city at 4:15 p. m., on Saturday, and ar rived here this (Tuesday) morniug, abont 8 o'clock. "She brings a heavy ; freight. It is a remarkable fact that during the last three tr:p made ut by this tine steamer, Capt. Ingram has brought her to her wharf here within a few minutes, each trip, of tho same hour. The Guff Stream, in addition to her other freighVbriugs out a steam.yachtreferied. to elsewhere, and a number ef plugs and waterT mains for the "Water Works Company. The editor of t paper came out from New York this trip on the Gulf Stream and he desires herewith to ten der his acknowledgments to Capt. In gram aid his officers for their courteous attentions to'him during the very pleas ant passage. ' For the Far West. Irs. John London and Mrs. H. N. Latham, her sister with their children and kinsman, Mr. Eli W. Hall, left this city last night for Fort Laramie, -Wyoming Territory. Our young townsman, Mr. W. N. Cronly, son of M." Cronly, Esq., made one of the party also, and goes to Fort Laramie to accept the posi tion of book keeper for Mr. John Leu don, formerly of this city, who is Post Trader at that point. Mr. Cronly has for the past few months been residing temporarily at Goldsboro in the estab lishment of Messrs. Murchison & Wil liams of that town. Here is the way the Goldsboro Metsenger goes for our young friend: J Mr. W. N. Cronly, the clever and ef ficient book-keeper and financial clerk of the extensive establishment of Messrs. Murchison & Williams, in this- town, leaves to-day to take a position offered him at Fort Laramie in Wyoming Ter ritory. The firm here gives Mr. Cronly up with utmost reluctance' and regret; and he carries with him the warmest good wishes of a host of friends in this com munity, for bis success in the new dis tant home be is seeking, fie is a gen tleman of amiability and character, pos sesses rare business qualifications, and is well worthy the esteem and respect of his new friends, as of those whom he leaves behind him. Worklngmen. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthen ing to prevent an attack of Ague, Bill ions or Spring Fever," or sdme other Spring sicknes that will unfit ' you for a season's work. Yon will save time, much sickness and great expense if you will use one bottle of Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don't wait Bur lington Hawkeye. 1 A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is. deservedly popular from its superior cleanliness. Hew Advertisements. Change. W M. DOUGLAS, Successor ,oJas. . II. Carrawar. Old Stand to be ren ovated. Best Barbers and polite attention can always he had. My old patrons and tho public generally will receive the best attention. apl 12-lt Notice BUSINESS WILL BE trausacted by She Baaka of this city, on FRIDAY, lStk. A. K. WALKER, Cashlsr, First National Baak. S. D. WALLACE, Cashier, apl 12 It Bank of New Hanover. For Smithville THE STEAMER PASS PORT will make regular trips to Smithville, commenc- . lnc to morrow, (Wedaesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, and coutiune dur ing the session of Brunswick Court, for the couvenieaco sad accommodation of those desiring to be in attendance. -apl 13 1 1 J. W. HARPER, Mastsr. Easter Millinery ! Fine Selection ! QHOICEST FLOWERS and latest syles and shapes in Hats and Bonnets. Latest styles in Hair Goods. MISS E. KARRER, apl 12-3mdw Ho. 0 South Front t. GRAND BAZAAR AND FM7AL BENEFIT SISTERS OF MERCY, CITT LL, April IS, 19 and 20, 1SS1. -HefreshaenU served by the Ladies of St. Thomas' Church. The Italian Band wCl furnish. Music. 1 Tickets good for the three days and eve 5 cert. spllLSt! PL2AC3 HOTICT. We will be glad to receive eoxomcnicaUcxj froa"onr friends7 on aay and all izb,??c.j c f geaeral Interest hut - . The name of the wrltar cut always be tsr cished to the Editor. Oommaniaatloli xamst be 'writtso f a c tly ene side of the paper -.. yerscnslities nztt be avoided ? . Aad it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editmdoea not always endoria the views ot correspondents, unless so stats d in the editorial eoluuina. How Advertisements. 2000 Barrels JIME ANDl CEMENT, - ' -.LOWEST ilARKET RATES, At SrRESGER.v ' Coal Yard. spl 12-3t Japanese Coodo. LLKQ A n ii ..l.iiCL assert meat just ecu ji U v v ' v; rr, ; r heinsb erg fl h EA?TaR CARDS, at 7 ; ; : HfiilfdBERGKR'd Pisiics and Org'ancfr, FOA VAll i R ON TflE J K ft Y 1 tfSTALHEUT PL N, For sale at BSINSBERQRR'3. ?i 11 Lira Book and Muiio Store - Pr ans's Easter Gardo, J"NT KEW AND BEAUTIFUL DE sigus. Croquet acd Hamarets at very low prices. ORGANS Bold on the ias tain eat plan, a Yates' Book Store. : apl 11 . :y . - t Arrivinar Daily! "yE ARE NOW BUSY OPENING, marking and arranging pur Spring and Bummer stock of Gent's, Youths' and Boya' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We hsvs get this season the largest stock, the prettU est stock and the cheapest stock ef Cloth ' lag ever offered in this market, A call and an inspection is respectfully solicited.' ' A.& I. SHRIEK, n 23 . . Market street NO MORE LEAKY ROOfS ! JRON CLAD WATER PROOP PAINT. has no equal for stopping leaks. It is guar anteed Sot 10 years. Any roof, ne matter how had, can be saved by this paint. As a Roofing Paint "and fer Damp Walls it has no equal. Samples and testimonials furnished upon application al Office of the Iron Clad Paint Company, en 8econd, between Market and Princess streets. feb 26- RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac, ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT : ALTAFFER, PRICE & GO'S. Factory: Office: Feot Walnut st. Nutt, near Red Cross st NEV-. FRUIT AND tONFECTIOriEQY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit aad ConfecUonery Store under the "Review? Office, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All persons passing that locality are respectfully invited to call and be suited with Fruit, Home-made an Fancy Candles, Soda Water, Cigars and a ' general nice variety, at S. G. NORTHROP'S, apl 2 Water St. Store. OOBS 2 DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES All varieties of Choice Preserresr, in cue and two pound Oanr, tho best in tho market. Onr elegant Family Flour, Parole d Honenr, Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips , and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Jjaguayra Coffee, These goods arej all freih Ihi week Our prices and quality of goods will convince you'if you will try vjl . Trythe prepared Soups. For cole at -;; 4 mi Mie, m - t, . U ws 4. W ftb ii ii -113 r ;i 11 WW s THI i WEEK'S

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