rLEASE 2T0TIGE. We will teg! id to rsoalvo eoraanakatioai from oar frUndj on any and all gnbjMU c f general fatare-t bxtt Tte CASS of tie writer nut always bo fit aishedto tha Editor. OonataleatloEj nut be .'written on c nly oae eide of the paper rcrsorali ties must be avoided And it y e-peeialjy and fs-if nlarly cader rtcxrd that the KdiVHdoes not always endorse the t1ws ot correfpordent, unless So stated in the fdltorial colui-nB. ,19Ty afternoon, Sundays -f: 11 Jli rpt3 POSTAGE PAID. "Z 5250; Three st GO .v. l IS: will b u6livcrou re P: iaanr part of the city. b delivcrea oj attbe VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13. 1S8I XO. 39 ib;r8 ,ieafte report .nj and THIS ?tW Da ILY New Advertisements. THE GREAT FOR SHEUMA Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. . Backache, Soreness of zi:j o frvf, tfu'w, 4Va Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and -Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, - Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other tle.' Pains and Aches. Ko Proration on earth equali St. Jacoss Oil m a safe, surf, simple and cheap External Standr A trial entails, but the comparatlvelj tiffltef outlay of 60 Cento, and every one Buffer ing with pain can hare cheap and positive proof ef its claim. Directions in Eleven Language. BOLD BT ILL DBUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEU3R &; CO., Baltimore, Sid., V. S. A. Straw iVIattings. !rX LlKGE QUANTITY, FANCY Colon, 'hVli aiuHOets. Lace Ourtains. QORNICE, CRETONE3," CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac, new and pretty. Black and Colored 55 ilks JCsT IX, IX GREAT YARIETT. a, Fine Parasols, s UX SHADES and Sua Umbrellas, Our BLACK SILKS are in the lead. R. M. clntire, 1000 Bushels BEST LOWLAND, , WHITE UPLAND, for gale by WORTH & WORTH. foo t18 Try mm w JksuAU'-a Tonic Bitters. KWWDLl.Cane.rlait, ear- p5S;,u'v A,t'Uve, Tonieaa ow) iar hts proven itself unequal. irp .... WY. HOIOEH'S OPINIO?!. UHui8;, ?; IJec. 2d, 1880 er W "! Joe. 0Bie 5k "".iub reraon a n t r-Tia """" o U Junnt -... IK0WG'S OPINION. Uu. ;01 ". C Dec. 1st, Us" ttr!lth?T ?lt. I take 'Wy reiOfMLtfnll. 1., ' rt , 41,UU1U' Seed Ricer. Wilalngton, X g LOCAL NEWS. See ad I.ott T J SouTnEKL.AXi For Sale Hall, &, Pkaksall Good Flour Cronly & Mounts Auction Sale of R Estate ;.v Heinsbebqer Japanese Good C W.Yates Prang's Easter Cards A & I Shrier Arriving Dally fa Mayor Smith held no levee to day. As lined. a pen i3 bent, the paper is iuk- The watch repairer is always en in spring cleaning. Saged The blunt talker doesn't try to get hi3 words in edgewise. Some of the mo3t timid girls a frightened by a loud bang. re not A counterfeiter finds it impossible to make an honest penny athis business. Rakeyour last year's straw hats up now. and see that ther are cleaued m , w timt. i , Paper money is very quiet in a church, but a trade dollar makes the plate rat There has been a plentiful promise of rain hereabruts to day but only a few I drops have fallen. A blacksmith's helper is a remarkable man. He is alwavs on a strike, and makes money by it. Thousands ef people who never read I the Bible in its old form are kicking up a fuss about its being revised. . Corn is the worst used of all the cere" als. No matter how fruitful it is, it is only grown to have its ears pulled. The late Spring is causiag Eerioua ap prehensions all over the country as to its effect on business as well as on the crors Br. brisr Stella cleared to-day lor ma.,n. w;tii a in harrpls Toflio. shin- UiUOgWT, - I ' I ped by Messrs Pateraon, Downing fc Co. Dr. M. J DeRosset's condition, wiare aorrv to sav. centimes extremely low. His death is daily, almost hourly, ex -petted. Children now crowd ia front tf the p.AnfAp.tirmera wiadows aid woider at the versatility ef the hem which lays the Easter eggs. Merchants sheuld remember that the harvest tf simmer trade will be in pro bertitn to the crp f advertisements planted now. . Three days more, Maunday Thursdy, Good Friday and Easter Eve and then the penitential season will be closed with Easter, the Queen of Festivals. .The devotees of the oyster box should bear in mind the fact that the delicious kiTnlTM will be out of date within but little more than two weeks of this day. A bov knever so happv as when the -j -- . family is moving, aud he can walk tkroiffh the streets to the new house wearing a chair on his head. That's the wav most bovs can sit on a chair. A gentleman lost on Front street, this aftftrnnan. between Messrs. Adrian and Tollers store, and Messrs. L. Tollers and Geo. Myers', the sum of sixty or sev enty dollars, for which the finder will be lihfrallv rewarded bv leaving the j same at this office. i. u a March seems deal from April. We .appose April, in order to make no her complement of wnitftva to encroach noon the r r beautiful Spring month of May and dis tnrh thfi sunshine and merriment of va rious picnic parties of that season. "We understand that in addition to the other attractions prepared for the Festival to be given next week by the ladies of St. Thomas' Church a gold- headed cane will be presented, by ballot, to the handsomest gentleman. Col. Kerchner.Mai. Reillv. Mr. Dan O'Con nor ana Frank H. Darby. Esq., are prominently mentioned. Worklngmen. Before you begin your heavy spring South to defy the Government s authori werk after a winter of relaxation, your ty and yet the brave and chivalou3 Conk system needs cleansing and strengthen- and Taiiatft Hoar and Dawes, ing to prevent an attack of Ague, Bill- worthies from Massachu ious or Spring Fever, or some other tne tw0 1 ll" w?r 5 ' Spring sicknes that will unfit you for a setts, who find time to attend to every season's work. Yon will save time, much body else's business, except the domestic sickness and great expense if you will affajrg of their own State, continue their use on bottle of Hop Bitters in your . . :mM-.-,i, Southern family this month. Don't wait. Bur- war against tho impoverished Soutnera lington Hatokete, people. The Recuiatnr, The 8t'eam3hip Reg viator, 'which has been laid up in New York for some weeks past for repairs, will be read very soon, probably by the first of the new month, to resume her trips to thi3 port. She ha3 received many improvements, among others accommodations for pas seugers. We presuRie that her old com mander, Capt. Doane, will be again placed in charge. A'rs. Georgia H. McLeod,f Maryland, one of the lady temperance lecturers, who visited our city some month ago in company with Miss Frances E. Willard, of Chicago, is in the city. Mrs. McLeod has iast returned from a trip in the South and speak3 encouragingly of the success ot tneir enorts in me cause 01 temperance during their trip. Miss Willard is expected vto be in atterdance at the Prohibition Convention which meets in Raleigh to-day. . Go to Jacobi's lor Doors, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All, at the lowest prices Soap Suds ler Flowers. Nowise woman who has flowers in her house or garden will throw away her soap suds. They are a most valuable fertilizer for flowers, and especially for the verbena. If this floral favorite Js plentifully watered with soap stds and its seed vessels picked off, it will flower profusely. Soap suds are good for vines Rnd current bushes and fruit trees: indeed thev are the food for tdants. correspond- ing to milk for aiimals, and it is very - ---- x wasteful to throw then away if there are plants anywhere within reach that may be benefited by them. Mr L. F. Thompson, Superintendent Moore Je "YYyman's Engine and Machine vork8 37 Foundry street, Boston, Mass., sends the following item: My wife has been suffering for years with, severe pains in the limbs, to relieve which I had her 1 ' . ... . . aDDiv some of that tamous liniment, at. Jacobs Oil. Now she is cured, thanks ' ' , , A 1 to the wonderfully healing properties of the Oil. It has also been used among bt men with splendid effect, and I can highly recommend it. Unnecessarily Alarmed- The Little Giant engine was puffing and steaming away last night on the corner of Princess and Fourth streets, at the cistern f the engine house, test mg a new piece 01 hose, l he evening l - .. 1 4.1.- .r onM Deiu Cdlul tno UU13C Vl tuo CUKluo 1"um be distinctly heard several diocks away. This caused some anxiety on the part of those who heard the engine, and for the space of fifteen or twenty minutes people could be seen coming from different di rections, to know if there was a fire any were. But their apprehensions were soon allayed when they found out the true cause of the excitement. Ton can now buy Improved Heating and Ck Stoves at factory 'priccaat Jacbi's. A Good Rule for Capitalists. An ingenious arithmetician has devised a very simple and easily remembered rule for determining how long it will take a given sum of money to double itself at a certain rate of interest. Divide the rate I of interest into seventy-two, and the qUOtient bo the number of year3 to within a small fraction. Thus, at 4 per cent, interest, the answer is eighteen years, which is only one-quarter ot a year too great, the exact time being about seventeen and three quarter years For six per cent, the result is one month out of the way, while for eight and nine P nfc it JtZ This a Eood mle for ed.ton and othtr 1. .. . large eapuwiaw The Commencement of War To-day is the twentieth anniversary of the commencement of the bombard ment of Fort'Sumter. Maior Anderson , afterwards General Anderson of the Northern Army, the gallant defender of Sumter; Governor Pickens, who was at th9 time Governor of South Carolina, ... i and many other distinguisn ed participants in that stirring event have long since passed away. Generals Lee and Johnston sur rended some 16 years ago, and not a single armed "rebel" remains ia the 1 The ladies of St. John's Church con tinue very busy in the preparations they are making for the grand festival which they are to give soon after Easter. They have prepared many new and nice and pretty things, among whieh are novelties which ate sure to please. The time and date are not yet made public bit it will probably be soon after Ulster Week. Further particulars will be made known through the city-papers ia a few days. Personal. Rev. Dr. Patterson, who has been for or some months past traveling in the South in the interest of the University of the South, is expected here this evening and will remain here during the Easter season. He will be the guest of James Munds, Esq. General R. E. Colston returned from Baltimore a few days since whence he had gone only a week ago ' on important business suffering very much from a se vere attack of rheumatism. General Colston was accompanied on his return rip by his son in law, Capt. A. D. Lip-! pitt, at whose residence in this city the General is stopping. W wish tar old commander a speedy and tntire recovery rom his present bodily ailments. An Unforismats Accldont. A serious accident ccnrred at the W. A YT. R. R. depot this morning by which one man will lose his right arm while another received severe bruises on the shoulder besides having several toes on one of his feet badly crushed. The men this injnred are named respectively Bill Mack and Daniel. Middleton. The former is employed as a section hand on the W. & "vT.R. R. while the last named is employed at the W., C. & A. depot The accident occurred while transfer- ing the trucks ot a sleeping car to a flat car in the transfer bed, or pit, at the W. & W. depot. The car, it seems, over ran the chock 8 which had been placed to check the wheels crushing the men under it. and then when it reached tho end ef the pit, where there is a second inclined plane, the momentum it'had re - w ceived on the first incline in enter ing the pit, reacted, so to speak, and the same heavy car ran back again and caught Middleton a second time, bruising him badly and crushing his arm so se rerely that the doctors say amputation will be necessary. Mack, the other un fortunate man, was pulled out from his perilous position just in timo to prevent his being run over a second time by the car in its backward course. The injured parties are both colored men. Every attention in the way of medical attendance, we understand, has been given the wounded men. Hew to ne your own N. Y. Enamel Paint, wi! tinted at Jacobi's. painter : Buy the ready mixed and t ' THE MAILS. The mail cIofo and arnvo at the City Poet Office as follows : Northern through mails..... 6 00 j Northern throngh and way mails.... :3 a m Rileigb . . . . o.SO a. m. Mails for the N . C. Railroad, and routes gupp-ied there from, including A. & N. G. Railroad, at. , 5;80 a. m Southern mai;e for all points South, diily 8 a ta ard 7:45 p. m Western mails (U O R'y) daily (except Sunday) 8:10 Mail for Oberaw & Darling ton ....... 7:45 Mails for oolnta between Flo a- m p. m. rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and oflices on Cape Fear River,' Tuesdays, and Fridavs l.00 P. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Suudays 8: 10 Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate ofiSces, every Monday and Thursday at 6.00. Smithville malls, by steam- - boat, daily, (except oun day6) 8.80 a. n. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., .every Mon day and Thursday at g:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days aud Fridays at C:C0 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY . NorthGrn through and way mails. ....7:00 and 7:30 a. m. Northerc mails 9 00 a m Southern Mails 7:30 a. m. Carolina Central liailway 4 00 p. m. Stamp Ofiice open from 8 a. to. to 12 M., and! from 2 to 5:30 p. ns- Money Order and Register Department open s&me as stamp oflBoe. Geoeral delivery opsn from 6:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m.f and on Sundiys from 80 to 9:80 a. m Stamps for esle at general ceilTery when stamp ofiice li closed. Mail collected from Streatboxea every day at 3:S0 p. m. The m John's Festival. Kf'w Advr.rtisoroout?. Lost A ROLL OF MONET. AMOUNTING to between $60 and $70, on Front street between Market and Dock streets, this, Wed nesday, afternoon, about 2 o'clock. The tinder will be liberally rewarded bv leaving the same at this offics, apl 13-lt . Fcr Sale. 25 20 HEAD MULE3, IIORSE3 arrived to-day. Apply to T. J. SOUTHERLAXD, Livery and Sale Stable, 2d tt. apl 13-St M. CROlVIiY, Auctioneer; BY CRONLY & MORIilS. AUCTION SALE CF SEAL ESTATE. QN MONDAY, 2d MAY NEXT, at 11 o'clock, a.m., .we will sell, at the Court Tk-dt Valuable Unimproved Lot,6Gxl01 feet, upon West fide of Front, between Mulberry aud Walnut s., and Lot and Buildings, Drug Store and Resi dence N. W. corner Campbell and Fourth streets, apl 13-213-30 GOOD FLOUR. 500 BARRELS GOOD FAMILY AND EXTRA FLOUR, 50 BARRELS MINNESOTA Tatent. Persons wishing: to USE THE BEST will be pleased with this. HALL & PEARSALL apl 13 rflELEMACROPnONE The Watt's Pat 1 - ent Mechanical Telephone is not to e classed with the "Holcomb" and other cheap Telephones which have been tried only to prove a failure We are making extra low prices on lines for a short time Will sell Phones and material with full iu etructiona for erecting:. Send for prices e-ivinar distance to connect. OWN YOUR OWN TELEPHONE LINES and be inde pendent. Office at B. D. MorrilJ & Son's Call at 9 A. M. and 0 P. M. EDW'D B. IIOLT, . mch30-eod-2w Gen'l Afft. for N. C Easter EVSiliinery l Fine Selection ! HOICEST FLOWERS and latest syles and shapes iu Hats and Bennets. Latest styles in Hair Geods. MISS E.KARRER, No. 6 South Front st. apl 12-3mdw GRAND BAZAAR AND FESTIVAL. JJENEFIT SISTERS OF MERCY, CITY HALL, April IS, 19 and 20, 1581. Refreshments served by the Ladies of St. Thomas' Church. . The Italian Band will furnish Music. Tickets good for the three days and eve nings, 25 cents, apl 11 St 1 TO ARRIVE! NEW YORK STEAMER, this week: CABBAGES. PARSNIPS, CARROTS, BEETS and APPLES. Both Baldwins and Russets. ALSO, Mew Spring: Butter and GiVjd Cooking Cutter, The latter at 25 cts per lb. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Crushed Indian Corn, A, B, C, White Wheat, A, B C White Oak, Oatmeal and Wh eaten Grits. All perfectly fresh and for sale low. JN9. L. 80ATWBI6HT, NoMl & 13 N. Front St. Not? Advertia8ment5. 2000 Barrels i "T IMF. A'NDCEMENT, . " LOWEST MARKET RATES, At SPRINGER'S al I Igt ;' Coal Yard. . P; an?-0 :JLuoter Cards. JJilfY SJ - AND Be.A.UTirUL DB- siilBS. Uroqxiei aid IlaajniCcXs at very low prints. . . OHQ A SS 3od on the initaltteat plan, a Yates' Hook: Store. a?l'll Japanese Goods. LARGS AND BEAUTIFUL assort Eta', just lecsived at II I N S B E RG ER'S IATER CARptf, at li IiEINriBKRGsTB.'H Pianos and Organs, FOR CA8H OR ON TQK KA8Y INSTALMENT PLAN. Tor sale at UKINSBERQER'S. apl 12 Live Book and Maiio Btore Arriving" Daily l y-E ARE NOW BUST OPENING,. marking and arranging oar Spring and Summer stock of Gent's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We have get this season the largest stock, the prettl est stock and the cheapest stock of Cloth lug ever oHered in this market, A call and an inspection is rcppeetfully solicited. 1 A. & I. SHRIEK, aach 2:2 Market street HO MOHH LEAKY ROOFS ! JRON CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT has no equal for stopping leaks. It Is guar anteed for 10 years, Any roof, no asatte how bad, can be slaved by this paint, Asa Roofing Paint and fer Damp Walls it has no equal. - Samples and testimonials furnished upan application at Office of the Iron Clad Paint Company, en Second, between Market and Princess streets. , feb 26- RED CEDAS PACKIHQ CHESTS. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS BRACIETS, MOULDING f LU3IBER, dc, ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, ' AT ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Ofllce: Fot Walnut st. Nutt, near Red Cress it apl 11 HEW.FAUIT AKD COHFECTIOWERY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the."Review". Olfice, corner Water O T rl ITl flcf nit erf ronffl All tsi.stn m Ar.fM I that locality are; respectfully invited to call I and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and i? ancy Candies, Soda Water, Cigars and a general nice variety, at ' S, U. NORTHROP'S, apl 5 . Water St, Store. , DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOilATOES AH varieties of Choico Preeerre in cno and two pound Cans, tho best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d Honeur, Pig Hams, breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Laguayra CofTe e, These gooda arej all 'fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods will convince youjf you will try us. Trythe prepared Soups; . For sale at CEO. nSYERSM feb 14 Jtou 11 asl 13 Eostt FrcsC:.; : HEW mm 1 1 1