mis FiPSR T. J JL M - ,rrnVH. f OaTAGE PAID. flCiacr"- ' v,ii 82 50 : Three te 1"' ? 1 . one month, 60 cento. will -be delivered by carriers, fi PPr w ... .rftAf the city. t the ICJ"'. Mr week. rites, ur lew cuu iimw 11 1-"-' " .:i.,.ito receifc""" r-- - KeW Advertisements. THE GREAT loirft FOR mi ..." O Tri!rt I ttn-ftr tin neuralgia, o o Backache, Soreness cf i'.c Cxcsr, Gout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. v,- Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m a tafe, sure, simple and cheap External temtir. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cent, and every one Buffer ing with pain can have cheap and positive-proof ofiti claim. Directions In Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AITD DEALERS INMEDIOJJTE. A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, MdL, IT. 8: JL. Straw flattings. Y LARGE QUANTITY, FANCY Colore, 55,$37and40ets. Lace Curtains, QORXICE, CRETONES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, new and pretty. Black and Colored Silks. JWT iy, ix i GREAT VARIETY. Fine Parasols W 8HADES aud Sua Umbrellas. Our BUCK SILKS are in the lead. r. m. Jcintire. GOOD FLOUR. 500 BARREL3 GOOD FAMILY AND EXTRA FLOUR, 5Q BARRELS MINNESOTA Patent, "owvishinjjto U3E THE BEST will pi u Try . Joe I'erson'n Indian Tonic Kittys. nSCROFDLOaxceriaiiie 'KWiona nZ8118' Uert Disease, J5 kUdu. ' ?d U of trap! Sat? tV E?.iB.from impurify ' FfTen itseir unequal mC0v- HOLO.S QPiniRM 'y sled Mm t aemter VjLTai with Va . , Jm Pewon'a itUiVt for tta, purposes L V- HOLT) EN, j una, i .a iii nn.ii.. hen - OW v u"T HPHBS.H1. 1 me itui. w RHEUMATISM, r VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. , IIeiksberqer Japanese Goods C W Yates Prang's Easter Cards A 4& I Shriek Arrlring Daily Yoa can now bay Improved Heating and Cook Stoves at factory priccaat Jaour's. Mayor Smith is not kind to us, he doh't famish eaouh items. This rain will give Chief Brock some thing to do te have the streets all put in repair again. . i i i ii To-morrow being Good Friday, there will be no paper issued from this office on that day, in accordance with our usual custom. There was some six feet of water on the shoals at last accounts.bat the water, which had been rising a little, bad com menced to fall sgain. Yesterday everybody nearly was say ing wjth a dissatisfied air, "Howvery warm it is !" To-day the tune is changed and every one is saying, "how very cold." Verilj human nature is hard to please. If we were allowed an opinion upon the subject we should call this to ill appear ances a bleak November day, when the leaves fall, -and are scattered by the au tumn winds, instead of a day in the mid die of the middle Spring month of the year. It is hoped that before this paragraph reaches the eyes of onr city readers there will be a complete change for the better in the weather. We notice the off-shore signals displayed above the signal office, which generally indicates a northwest wind, with clearing weather. Business will be virtually suspended to-morrow (Good Friday) as the banks and the Produce Exchange will be clos ed. We presame that the public offices will also be closed. Mayor Fishblate. we believe, inaugurated the custom f closing the city offices on Good Friday Hew to do vrur own painter : Buy the ready mixed and t N. Y. Enamel Paint, warranted at Jjlgobi's. Among the new collars for the ladies which have just come in are immense round oies, such as were worn by the great grandfathers of the grwn-np pres ent generation.. They are hand wrought on mull, or on linen cambric, and, with a dark dress, have a very quaint and pleas ing effect. " Personal. We were glad to receive a call this morning from two Wilmingtonians, now residents elsewhere, but at present here en a visit, Thos. R. Purnell. Esq., ef Raleigh, and Mr. E. Dudley Mcllhenny, of Georgia, ion of Col. T. O. Mcllhenny, of this city. Did Not Come. Rev. Dr.Patterson did not arrive here last evening, as he was expected to do. Instead, a letter was received from him stating that he would not reach Wil raington until next week, -and will not, therefore, be able to spend Easter among his' old friends and parishioners. An old lady writes us: "I am 65 years old and was 'feeble and nervous all the time, when I bought a bottle of Park er's Ginger Tonic. I have used a little more than one bottle and feel as well as at 30, and am sure that hundreds need just sttch a medidne." See advertise ment. An Anniversary. This weather is very much like nnto that which some alasl not too many will remember as having occurred during the Spring of 1849, just 32 years ago. In that year, on the 15th day of April, there was a heavy snow storm here and it fell nearly all day. To-morrow will be the anniversary of that day. Yet the snow to which we have alluded, late in the season as it was, and disastrous as its effects were in many instances, was not without its compensation. - Previous to that time there had been an alarming mortality among the pine trees through out this section of theState, caused by the depredations of an'insect, and valuable turpentine trees were dying up by the acre in many directions. The turpentine farmers were in despair and knew not how to get rid of thebugs, when just as they' were at the end of their expedients down came the soft-stepping snow from Heaven and the remedy was applied and vthe cure was accomplished in a day and . a night. Th3 bags irere killed and the valuable pins forests vrera caved from destruction. :v- . WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY APRIL Arrested Again. Sarah McKenzie, the colored woman of unsound mind who was uj before the Mayor on Tuesday and released on condi tion she would leave the city, was again arrested by the police in Brooklyn, yes terday, and - conveyed to the Guard House. The charge is she had not left town as agreed upon and was a sort of nuisance to the citizens in" the locality in which she was arrested- Traop3 of little children were following her and the offi cers, apprehending soma yiolencejon the part of the unfortunate woman, thought best to arrest her: "She will be sen't out to the Poor-House and placed in the In sane department there. Dick From the Jaws of Death -There was considerable of an excite ment in the little town of Bargawon Monday last, caused by the attempt of a quiet little colored girl to shuffle off this too mortal coilJ She procured a bottle of morphine from a clerk in a store in the town, who could not have been a wars of its full effects, and swallowed it all. The fact was ascertained and a physician called in who gjave the proper antidotes and restoratives and brought the girl safely back from the very jaws of death. The girl, we understand, asserts that the cause of her rash attempt was a little trouble with some of the young bloods" of the town, as she calls them, and more especially one of her nearest neighbors. There is- a strong argument here in favor of education and licensed drgggists. Go to Jacobi's lor Doon, Sash and Blinds, pure White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all sizes. All at the lowest prices ' Good F i id ay. To morrow will be knswnas Good Fri day, the anniversary of the crucifixion of the Saviour. The Saxons named it "Long Friday," because of the protract ed religious services on that day; and the Germans style it Stiller Freitag, on ae count of the solemn silence observed in the churches, or "Char Freitag" from an antiquated word signi fying penitence. During the first two or three centuries ef Christianity it was called the "pasch" because them Christ, the paschal lamb, was slain. Its celebration has been at tended with pscular ri tel. Ia most churches a sepulchre used to be construct ed and a crucifix was carried thither and deposited as in a tomb. The ciborium, containing consecrated wafers, was placed with it. At Tours, as St. Gregory of that place writes, the watchings were kept in darkness until the third hour of the night, when a small light appeared befere the altar. Good Friday is the only day in the year in which mass is not celebrated in the Roman Catholie Church e3. A host is consecrated the day before for use on this day, and having been placed overnight in a repository gener ally erected for the purpose in a chapel or Dart of the chureh, is carried to the main altar and eohsumed by the priest. No consecrated wine is used nor are the customary lights, incense and music em ployed. The ceremony of kissing the cross, sometimes called "adoration of the cross," is performed by the clergy and the people on their knees. In England this was ancientlv called "creeping to the cross," as appears by the following extract from a proclamation in the reign of Henry VIII: "On Good Friday it shall be declared ho we creepying pf the crosse signify th an humblynge of oneselfe to Christe before the crosse and the kys synge of it a memerie of our redemption made upon the crosse." In some countries an imacre of Judas Iscariot was dress- ed up on this day and subjected to every sort of indignity. In the north of Eng land it is customary to eat on Good Fri day herb puddings, in which a principal ingredient is the "passion dock" which, in fructification, produces fancied repre sentations of the cross, nails, hammer, &c. Abetter known practice is that of serving "hot cross-buns,", which a popu lar superstition holds to be preservative against fire and other disasters. In sev eral English counties a small loaf is baked oa the morning of this day and put by until the next year, to be used in morsels as a medicine. There will be services in the Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran Churches to morrow. Mr. Frank Schwarz, 93 Nineteenth street, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: I suf fered for five years with iiheumausia. Having been persuaded by friends to try StJacob's Oil, I must acknewledge, that it is the best remedy I ever u:cd; in fact it crrclcic-tircly. MET Foreign Shipment!. The shipments foreign from this port to-day foot up 3,450 barrels rosin per Nor. barque Credo, for Hamburg, ship ped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co.; 400 ca3ks spirits and 3,045 barrels rosin, per Br. barque J. T. Smith, for London, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, and 163,055 feet lumber and.101 700 shingles, per brig Leonard Meyers t for Port-au-Prince, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Gumming. A Scarce Article Magistrates Row is almost ready to go into mourning on accountjof the dearth of business. We canvassed the entire block to-day, notwithstanding the in clemency of the day, and failed to get a single ray of an item. To night our subscribers will , want to know why we don't give them some news. But how can we give what we haven't get, and cannot find? "Why, manufacture some," we fancy we hear as the ready answer. Well, didn't we manufacture a whole col umn on last Friday week, tho 1st day of April? and wasn't there a dozen men in oar sanctum the very next day looking for the fighting Editor? It is well he wa3 out of town on that occasion, or we would have had to send for the sanitary commission and the Beard of Health to clear away the slaughtered. Merchandlid in thb Afalli. The question whether tags on sam- pies of merchandise, containing figures indicating the price and width, are mail able as fourth-class matter was recent ly brought to the attention of the Post- office Department by some leading dry goods firms. The rulings of the depart ment upon this question are embodied in the following general order, which has just been isstied by PostmasterGen eral James: "Tags er labels attached to samples of merchandise may have the price and width of the goods printed thereon, either by the original impression or by a hand stamp, - filling in blanks left by the enginal print. This will net authorize each use ef a hand-stamp for any other purpose than as a description of the thing attached. It cannot be used to con vey information personal in its nature or disconnected from the the thing to which the matter so stamped if attached, except at rates for first-class matter. The width of the article of which a sample is given may be stated in writing, but when so written, the pur pose of identification being heldte have been accomplished as authorized by the statute, the price of the article cannot be added, either in writing er in print, withoit changing the classification of the matter to letter rates." We advise our friends to call at Jasobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip ion. There you get the lowest prices, f THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive aS the City Post Office as follows : Northern tnroagn maus 6 OO p m Northern through and way mails......... ..................5:80 a. m. Raleigh............... 5:30 a. m. Maus ior mo n . j..aiiryau4 and routes supplied there from, including A. &N. 0. Railroad, at,....., 6;30 a.m. Southern mails for all points South, daily... ..8am and 7:45 p. m. Western mails (C CRy) daily (except Sunday) ...... ..... 8; 10 a. m Mail for Oberaw & Darling ton............................ 7:45 p. m. Mails for' points between FIch rence and Charleston. 8 a m & 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays......... ......... Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 1:00 p. m. &10 Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.......... 6.00 Smithville mails, by steam boat, dally, (except Sun days) .. 8.80 a, Xbi Mails 4br Easy. Hill, Town Creek, Shailotto and Little River, 8. C, every Mon day and Thursday at.........g6:00 a. m. Wilmington and Black River Chapel, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at......... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DSLIVEST. orthera through and way maiis... 7:C0 and 7:30 a m. Northern mails 9.00 a m Southern Mails 7:30 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a.m. to 12 JL, and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open fro n 6:00 a, m . to 6:00 p. m., and on Sand j& from 8:20 to 9:S0 a. m. . Stamps for eala at goacral delivery t?hsa stamp odco Is clccod. , -. . llz.h c:II::.:l frezi tiraitci every d;yttC:C0 r.r - : . . " - RW 14. 1881. NO. 40 Taking ilrr Plane In Line. The steamer North Stats, Captain TJ. Green, of the "Cape Fear and People's Steamboat Line," put in an appearance here this morning after an absence of several months undergoing repairs at Fayetteville. The North Slate has come out in Her summer dress, (though it is thought at thefpresent writ ing she 'is straining the season a little) having been renovated and repainted.and cleaned up generally for the summer trade and travel. - T. Hew advertisements; 2000 Barrels yIME AND CEMENT, , LOWEST MARKET RATES, At SPRINGER'S, ap!12-3t Coal Tard For Sale, HEAD MULES, ROR3E3 arrived to-day. Apply to T. J. SOUTHERLAND, apl 12-St Livery and Sale Stable, 2L st. Easter IVliiiinery ! Fine Selection ! QHOICEST FLOWER3 and latest syles and shapes in Hats and Bonnets. Latest styles in Hair Goods. MISS E.KARRER, No. 6 South Front ft. apl 12-3md&w GRAND BAZAAR AND FESTIVAL. jgENEFIT SISTERS OF MERCY, CITT HALL, April 13, 19 and 20, 1831. Refreshments served by the Ladies of St. Thomas' Church. The Italian Band will furnish Music. ncKets gooa ior tne inree days and eve nings, 25 cents. apl 115t ! TO ARRIV B Y NEW YORK STEAMER, this week: CABBAGES, PARSNIPS, CARROTS, BEETS and APPLES. Both Baldwins and Russets. ALSO, New Spring; Butter and Good Cooking Butter, Th latter at 25 cts per lb. FRESH SUPPLY OF Crushed Indian Corn, A, B, C, White Wheat, A, B C White Oak, Oatmeal and Wheaten Grits All perfectly fresh and for sale low. JNO. L, BOATWHIGHT, iYos. 11 & 13 11 Front S apl 11, Health is Wealth I DR. E. C. WEST'S Nebvb axd Brajx Tbeatmext : a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impo tency, Premature Old Age, caused by over exertion, excesses, or ever-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dol lar & box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us ior six boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written agreement to re turn the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued by WiL H. GEEN. Drurrirfst, (successor to Green & Flznner) WilsunTtcn, N. C. Or!?rs ty nzd will receive rr:r;t tit , We will begiU ta ur:lv3 from our Crtaaiica tzj asi.'a!V general feismt tzt . Tie nasas of ci'irrikr cat ?i : ; (z filled to tie Editor- - ' cae die cf tie ptptsr, PrsoiiI!t!cjcwS'b8avo:iftl . -And It U espsdallyiad pt3r.!y,ts stood that the Edltv&aoi sot wjzt,r ' : the riirs ol crr?ord"entJ, crJeji fDtut. : la tlse edlterisl colaxsia. - r " , Piano's Easter .!zilz ; j an x . kzw ; axd - BSAunVuL d :: . ics. Crequetatd 11 a mac cts atTerj to-: prists. . : . . . , . oaQAiTS-BoId a t9 lar.aiaent pTaa, & Tatw. Book". Store an ;J apaheieGac 3d LitlGE A!?D BEAUTIJUI, szort meat ja?t received at nEIN3BEItaEli?, EA?.TIB CARDB, st Pianos and OrgaiiGr? FOR CASH OR ON TAB KAHY INSTALSlENT PLAN, For sale at HK1N8BERGER8. pl 12 Live Book and Muiio Store Arrivina: Daily ! -E ARE NOW BUSY -OPENING, marking and arranging our Spring and Summer stock of Gent's, Youths' and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods. W have got this season the largest stock, the pretti; est stock and the cheapest stock of Cloth lng ever offered In this market, A call and an Inspection is respectfully solicited. A. & I. SHRIEK, Market street mch 22 NO -MORE LEAKY' ROOFS TRON CLAD WATER PROOF PAINT has no equal for stopping leaks. It Is guar anteed for 10 years, Any roof, no matter how bad, can be saved by this palat, ; As a Roofing Paint and , for Damp Walts it has no equal. ' " Samples and testimonials furnished Upon application at Office of the Iron Clad -Paint Company, on Second, between Market and"' Priccess streets, b 2 J-: - RED CEDAB PACKIBO CHESTS. . SASH, DOORS AliD BLINDS) BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac . ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS AT ' ' ALTAFFER, PRICE feTCO'S. Factory: Office: Feot Walnut st. Nutt, near Red Cross st HEY FflUIT AfiD COfiFECTIQfiEflY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A branch Fruit and Confectionery Store under the Review" Office,, corner Water and Chestnut streets. All nrennt r,aB0in. that locality are respectfully Invited to call and be suited with Fruit, Home-made and Fancy Candies, Soda Water. general nice variety, at : a, G. NORTHROP'3, ftPJ 3 . Water St, Store. ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL; WILHLNGXON, N. 0 2-arge Sample Rooms ior Commercial Travelers ipEfi PKOPRiETOa having Jhorcogtly reaovated tali Houf 9 ehd famished It satire 1aew, Is prepared to glre to tae travesg pufclio all the eoavenleaeloe cf a FIEST ' OLASa jIXOTSL, !t.U located la the very centrVof the fctiliMj art of tLe city, 'beiag ooaveaieat to the principal - business lions Poitoffloe, Oaita Hawe, CltHaliasd Ooiirt.ioue, - Ffrst-Clsii Bar aad 1 Billiard Baloca . ooirectd with thit HcteJ. ' RATES $2 PAY. o--t;2 K. A. KCIilJTTC, seuppi fii JJJLSUi ACTUilED ; BY mm:

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