tnis FA? h .very fraooa. 8dT ec J08H. ,y"f il One month, Weents. 0t. wUl bs delivered by earners, PP .. iht Prof the city, at the r 1 JL All Keview . 1 t , low snd liberal 'jJsshrfbe" will pleasereport any end F2 . .MMtnair papers regularly. Advertisements. THE GREAT rae J FOR RHEDIATIS! Keurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sorensss cf iha Chcrf, Gout, Quinsy, Sera 1 hrcai, a wan ing! and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily , Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, Ko Proration on earth equals St. JiW8 Ort m laf't we simple and cheap External Irtndy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling ootlr of 60 Cent, and every one roffer fog with rn can bT0 cheap and poalttre proof of its claims. . DlrUom in Eleven Languages. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AID DEAEEBS 15 MEDICTJJE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, MdL, XT. 8. JL. Nun's Cloth, onuum ilm , Qae au light wo ght. BUCK FRENCH BUMTiNSS. 1 All Wool, Beaatifal and Cheap, Novelties In Drcii Gocds. ja?t received,- Laces, na VaU Tolehoc, Spanish and verioaj aai saA sk 11 mIoVA Straw flattings. il gaitock atd -ail to be the ens ape t BUCI 9ltK-plain and broeade these IMI f.r Xw as. J ... , . . mi o ucacr maraei Witt, . j- M. Rflclntire. Arriviner Dailv ! WE ARE NOW BJJSY OPENUM, lUAu-mg our soring: tnt oi uent-8, louths' and Boys CiOthlnw i t . . . . -6 -u r urmsntng Good?. We have PH tills t... 1, ' vU lQe Urgcst tock wimeciieipegt stock of CloiM m mis market. A eall ant ft IETUot " -n is respectfully solicited. A.&I. SHRIEK, Market & treat Try .LIs DAM. j Tonic Bitters. B..LDVUOtt Caie. and 11 r UNhlSfa d.iaM, from impuriii VOL V WILMINGTON; N. C MONDAY, APRIL 18. 1881 NO. 42 i rj, jl. LOO AT: N'KWS. C W Yates--Do You Want tn.Or-xn f HEIXfiiEKUKK Ne Book L J Uttekbocrg Al'ubllc Beoefactt r ALTAFT8R, Pkicr & Co -Siah, Drr asd Blinds J L Boatttsisht Spring Gon-Is R M MolNTinn Xun's Cloth D F.Beattt Orjaiu E B Tkeat f 100 a KrntU The Tanitk Co Tanlt Dr y n Pai; jleb Know Thyt ;f IJouACS 'ATBHg A G-Organ, Pianos P Pascccci iUliart Xuical Corpa T M EMsno reclai Settee to Shfpjwsn W C CBAifT Wafchmokfr V ' A & I Sir Rim Arrirlsr Dally The TnALiAX CoaraM Up For other locals see fourth jagev Be the Thaliaai tt the Tilestort per Kooms in Comrades to nijht. Te regret to learn that Mr. W. D. Mahn's conditios. if not considered as favorable as it was a few days 8go Easter Services , I i estcrday, Easter Day, was the pret ti-st of the 8?ason. The weather, though not exactly suited to Easter Spring dresses, being a little coo!, wa3 th.irrning for all that, and saited no doubt the larger majority of church-oers, as well ai same other folks besides, who possi bly vwere not prepared with new attire The day wa ushered in at St. James' Church, a haa l.ieen Use cuoin for Hiiny years, ' by tho ' chilurou cf the Parish 8anda School warnlinjr Xorth frm thd tower of tL L'barjh, sweet carols in hoaor of the everBleiAi-dltay H nor u h ProTen Itself uneanal. E 60V. HoI5ii.S OPINION. IU.i. Alwaa, J. O.. D. M mn 9rMB. V10 Rood reanlta - T K.i;... . W. W. BOLOEK. aS?lBee.bVn . from de- " iwcc . f d wish 4hT Wlf ' Wllfclajtoa, H g The State ef North Caruliuahss pur chased the National Hatei prapeity in Raleigh fr the ns of the , Him4 ef Agricultare aad the Geological M. as van. The Thaliaa Araeteurs will fire an entertainment - at the Tilesten' Upper Boobs this renmf . The play selected, Cenrades, U said U be tht best erei played by the Aneteira. The diagram for the sale ef reserved seats for the Docter of Alcantara aid SnlliyaB's Ceuic Opera, Cox and Box, f irea cemplimeatary to Urs. J. TV. Cam eren, ii new at fierasherer's aad is be ing rapidly filled up. Go to Jacobi's for Doors, fiash and Blinds, pare White Lead, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, all aizea. All at the lowes price Douglass, the barber, has Tery much improyed the appearaace ef Carra way's old stand and asks the patrenage ef the pubi c - The bath rooms connected with the establishment are saw opea. Jordan Nixen, colored, has been ap pointed by Mr. S. - Tan Anringe, Clerk f the Siperier Court, a Jastice of the Peace for Harnett township to 'fill the racancy caased -by the resTgaation of Gerret Walker. City Court. His Honor, Mayor Ssaitfa, interviewed W. Finney and Cock Berry this morning. Both are colored and were charged with disorderly condnct. They were ordered to pay a Ine of $5 each or go below for 10 days. Finney arranged his fine bat Berry went below to rest for several days. the TeitlTal To-NteM The ladies ef St. Thomas' Chirch hare made great preparations for the Bazaar andFestiral which will be opened at -the Citj Hall to-night. They, promiae their patrons a pleasant time and have prepar ed refreshments for the inner man which will be sold at remarkably low priqgs. Tkere will be many useful and pretty ipecineii of handy work on exhibition am& for sale. The Alarm of Fire. The alarm tf fire which was sounded yes terday aBont 11 o'clock, was cansed by aeke peiriag oat from under the eaves f the kitchen attached to the residence of Hrt Nl'B. Rankin, on Fourth, between Ann and Nun streets. The fire depart ment turned oat promptly but were or-; dered back before they reached the resi dence. Connenccd Work To-Day. Dr. J. A. Oload and Mr. George W. Downing, the engineer, in charge of the contraction of the Clarendon "Water, Works, arrived in this city en Friday night. The teams and machinery of the company arrived Saturday aad work was commenced to day. The werk of con structing the water works will be pasheeV Lord and Saviour and Hia Glorious Re- as fast as practicable. For Alexandria. Mr. C has. A. Strangmio, who has so faithfully presided over Mr. R. Portner's branch office in this city for the past two years,leaves to-night for headquarters at Alexandria, Va. Mr. Strangman goes to the brewery on ae co ant ef the absence of Mr. Portner who is now in Europe, but will return to this city nextFall. Mr. Robt Strangman will bavo charge of the business here until his brother re turns. -Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre Tents failisg aatl gray en and is aale giM ercnizj. The youthfuf YoictiraT -tW singe rs in the iarly morn, as the sun's rays of the new-born day vrcro just cotn ng over the trees tad housetops, ma le the occa sion and impressive one, and numbers of people gathered in the streets below, aear tho Church listening to the sweet strains as they came float ing on the fresh morning air. After the carrolling, services were held in the church at 7i o'clock which were large? v attended. The decorations of this charch,which have always been noted for the exquisite taste and beauty dis played by the ladies of the congregation on Festival seasons, were equal on Easter 1881, to any previous occasion we have ever remarked. The chancel was ar ranged with many beautiful floral offer iags,while the windows of the church were most beautifully adorned with flowers and evergreens. .On the right hand side of the altar and near the Bishop's chair the wall has been prepared for the erection of a tablet in memory of the lamented Bishop Atkinson. In this alcove were placed in tasteful arragement, rare flow ers and plants while suspended halfway down the retreat from the top, hung a beautiful crown of choicest flowers. . Ser vices were held in this church at 11 o'clock also, in addition to the early ser vice, and in the afternoon when the chil dren of tho Sunday School participated! aud bere a prominent part., At St. John's Church, there were early services and Communion at 7 o'clock with a sermon, and services and sermon also at night. The music of the excel lent quartette choir was remarked upon as being very fine,indeed,while the deep rich notes of the organ which was so artistical ly touched by the accomplished organist who presides ever that instrument, could hardly have been improved upon. In the afternoon the Sunday school children of the Parish had a special service, when Processional- and Recessional' hymns were sung, the same as in St. James', while tho children marched in and out of the church In addition to the regular services, .the Rector related a Bibical narrative to the children. - At 8t. Paul's, the church was neat and tastefully decorated. The services there, were in the morning at 11 o'clock and at light at 8 o'clock. At St. Thomas' Roman Catholic church the dressing was arranged most taste fully and artistically. The music also was beautiful and appropriate, as might well be supposed, to the Queen of Festi vals. Barly mass was celebrated there at 7 o'clock and the High Service at 10 o'clock; Vespers were held at 4 o'clock. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church was yery prettily ornamented with flowers and evergreens, much time having been devoted by the ladies and others of the congregation in this labor of leve. But owing to the sad death and fttneralof Mr. Henry Ohlandt, one ef the members of the church, the morning services and communion had unfortunate ly to be postponed until next Sunday morning. There was Sunday School at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and English services at 8 o'clock at night. The chief theme of the ministersof the different churches referred to, was the final triumph and victory of our Interesting to the Military. From the Raleigh News and Observer we glean the following facts relative to the State Guard and the proposed trip of the military to the Yorktown celebra tion in October next: General orders No. 54, just issued from the Adjutant-General's office, is as follows: The following companies of the North Corolina State Guard, having failed to comply with the requirements of law, are hereby disbanded: Albemarle Rifles, Company 1 First Regiment, Plymouth; Avery Guards, Company D, Second Bat talion, Morganton; Newbern Guards, Company Bf Foutth Battalion (colored), Ne w bern ; N ewbern MiSeCadets, Com pany C, Fourth Battalion (colored), Newbern; Oberlin Vance Guards, Com pany D, Fourth Battalion (colored), Ral eigh; Charlotte Light Infantry, Company K, Fifth Battalion (colored), Charlotte. The arms and equipments ia posses sion of these companies must be sent to the State ordnance officer,' at Raleigh, within thirty days from date of this or der, otherwise bondsmen will be held re sponsible for the value of the same. rhe Guilford Grays. Greensboro, have been assigned to the Third Regiment In addition to the encampments by the Frst, Secoud and Third Regiments, and the Second Battalion of white troops me i? ourtn .Battalion, colored, wili, it is understood, be ordered into camp at tioidsboro or Newbern, perhaps at the latter place. From rjresent indications the exnense to individual members of the Guard on account of the "Xorktown trip will be very small, within range of the means of the poorest. The arrangements for trans portation there, quarters, rations, etc., win do complete. Before October every compiny in the State, without exception, will be sub jected to a rigid inspection. Thos or ganizations which fail to come up to the standard of equipment and soldierly ability will not be permitted to sro to Yorktown. So it behooves every com pany to be on its mettle. TheGuard is to represent North Carolina, and must do it well. The attention of company commanders is called to the fact that a high standard of excellence will bo ex pected at the inspections and, of course, at Yorktown. This week the "certificates of active and contributing membership will be sent to each company in the Guard. These certificates insure exemption from all jury duty. Each company is allowed twenty-ore contributing, members, who are entitled to the exemption on pay ment of not less than $10 annually. As people appear to be eager to escape jury duty, it should not give each company the least trouble to raise $250. We advise our friends to eall at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every deaerip Ion. There you get the lowest prices, f Now Advertisements, - Wo will be glad to reeelva ecamralcat!m front our friends on any and all subjects c f geaeralisleresl but t Tae naae of He writer cuat always be f ar nished to tie Editor. ComauaieaaoM mart be .written ca enly one eifia of the paper P3on&Iit2j mulbeavdided . And it is especially and particularly aadcr ' rtood'that the. Edltm does not always esderte fte views ot correipoa dents, unless so stated ta the editorial colosns. a c w AdvertiaomontOe hreitt and Special. Offer for Thirty Days, Only! HORACE WATERS & CO.'S . : fIew "FAVORITE" Organ, (M Boxed and Shipped xviOx atoo". and Book for tji)'i' 5 OCTAVE?, 13 SliifS, ..specua" ' ' S1 complete Orraos in cror ( V:i of p- 5 sets q: (nwkinpr a grau-i !.?! c.r TWO SWELLS -(faJ organ ami kixe 0GT1YE - COUPLES, 5 (vvkich ro'ul.l-.? -VJ ftTSlTA m . CKXAT YAJUZTT Hew Advortisementa. surrection. Clarendon Water Worfertompany. A meeting of the stockholders of the Clarendon Water Works Company was held at the office of the lion. Geo. Davis on Saturday afternoon and a permanent organization affected. The following gentlemen were elected as officers of the Company: President J. F. Divine. Treasurer Edward Kidder. - Directors- Messrs. E. Kidder, E. E. Barruss, D. 6. Worth, H. A. Burr, I. T. Hancock, J. A. Cloud and Jno. F. Divine. -r ' . Horn can now buy Improved Heating and Coot StoTts at fastrry friccsat Jaoow's. ' 1 - .i . KD Tna rUBLIO GE!NEBALLx wil find me always at my pltce if bislneei ready to do their work promptly ard la a superior manner.- Bespectfallv. W. C. OR 4 FT. Watchmaker. apl iF-lt Bvaas' Blook, Frlnoess it Do You Want An Organ? JNrsCULKTi CF THE BE3T MXlfJl always on baad, atd aold on easy lostal ments Groqcot asd Hammocks, Largo Moot Books aad taii:c7Ty always oa band at l5w prices. a?l 18 Yatas' Hook Store. SPECIAL NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. SSI Wily sar5, tf. C , April 17, 1131, rp K WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA. A uffvsta Bai.road is prepare! to issue th ough Bills Lading, and guarantee rates f.ou Wilmington, N. Cj.t 3 all points on Atlanta 4 Charlotte Air Line Bailrar, v Ibertrn Air Line Bail war. lUrtwell Railroad, . I awecaville Branch Railway, and North altera Kailroad, of Georgia. Kreijbt in ear load lots will go through wi hout Trans'er T. II. JSMKBBON, A. O. W. At ,SOL nAAH, O. JT. A. , apl IS It Tileston Upper Eoom. EASTER MONDAY EVENING, April - 18, 1SSI, "THE TnALIAN3M wUl present the finest Drama ever produced by tbem entitled, Admission 25c- A limited number of tickets for choicseata for sale at- store of John Dyer A 8oq at 10c additional. apllWi . 5 . VWtf-unwwi Mt1;1 cnUre Bent on for 15 TvSSJ.- L. . tea-. kSMmmm . t is ins fwtory. " la .5?BJ " , Bd Organ advertised fiv? iB':::;:?'-' - - 'i-YP- pets of reeds uj !" I &.tif:i$?2- ' IT cot'.... .5 -iiVV.-; ' Illuiitrated Catal-ra j Ciarltfe3, thirteen Stops , Anuctana Uanthov. nnte-C9r1fmt.01t Vox llcmana and LaBriliant TVe wamat tU Organ ts b 11 rat- in every ree- and gnarantse it yearn to rive F&tisfaction. Greatest ' maUedfres. S- tn eatUfactien. PIIIIAQ. octaves, Rosewood case, carved legs, ivory keys, ovcrstrnne ba3S,full I IhIiUw 1 run frame, Agraffe And til improvements, with etuol, cover and oook, sent Mention this $190 HORACE WAITERS &CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers. paper. 82G ltroadway, fievr YerJu mm goods s DURING THIS SEASON, when it is exceedingly difficult for house keepers to find anything suitable for their table, I have on hand up oa the arrival of each Steamer a fall fcttpply of VEGETABLES and of OYery kind, f rash froi the Northern Markets. BIT ATT Vs ORGANS 17 Stops, 5 Set Sol Golden Tongue reeds only $6D. Addrcs?, Daniel F BeaUy, Wasblnr Inn V f 1 1 0 A ton. 2i J. apl 18 4w $100 A MONTHB.: shears aad ladies taking orders for -the life of Jeffarson Davis, bj Win. F. 8amford, LL D., of A labama, including a fall history of the Lost Gauss. ILuitratefl, Vow read r end for particnl an. K. . B. TREAT, Fab 8her, 7J7 Sroad tray, New York." flspll3 45r " TA8SH ' EMERY WHEELS ai GRINDING MACHINES Tor SawSniLa Foundries, aad Machine tenons For circulars, xldi w - THE T ANTTE 00. BtrondsbarB. SlonxoeOa itJ All would do' well To Call and Examine, Also, by each Steamer a full "supply of STAPLE AND FARINAGiOUS GOODS, Always Freih and Sweet. I guarantee all goods sold by me and take back whatever does not rait All goods sold at lowest prices. JNO. L SOATWRiGHT, los. 11 & 13 N. Front St. apl 18 A Public Benefactor. ONE WEEK AGO TO-DAY, a party of young: gentlemen were standing on the corner of Market and Third Streets, engaged in earnest conversation. An attentive ear would quickly reveal the fact that the sub ject which engrossed their undivided atten- tien was not one or a religious or political poiatof view. "It's astonishinj," remark ed one, apparently the talker of the crowd, "aince OTTERBOURG established the MEN'S WEAR DEPOT in our midt,Ibave actually saved not less than fifty per cent, on the clothing I have bought since that time; Formerly," said) he, not heeding in the least the interrogations of bis friends. "Ihadmy garments made to order at a double cost; unless I gave my measure a re spectable fit otherwise could not be had. Observe the change. Now I can go to the popular IRON FRONT STORE, and for HALF THE MONEY purchase a Ready Made Suit, possessing all the requisites of STYLE, FIT and FINISH, equal if not bet ter than those made to order. OTTER BOURG, yon see, has bscn raised in the clothing business, and being a young man naturally can better cater for the desires of his voung fellow patrons. As for the older and more sedate class of customers, his practical experience of over fifteen years has taught him a lessou well calculated to sat isfy their desires, etc It's a positive fact," he 'continued, growing more enthusiastic, "OTTERBOURG'S Clothing beau the World. It possesses that peculiar 6nap which goes so lar to the make up of style, eneral good appearance, c orxLli (OURS'S stock is a subject of GENERAL COMMENT. It contains all conceivable shades, and every style known to the fash ion world. OTTERBOURG '3 tendency is Unward and Onward, and his marvellous reductions on former prices, and the Intro duction in our city of the Latest Styles, es tablish him truly a A rublie Benefactor.' " apl 19 - GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THI AUTHO, A new & rrat Medio! Work. warranted tbebectaoa CAap- est, indispensable to every man, entitled "the Scienes of life," bound in ftneat French muslin, emboaaed.fall Kilt,SOO paeB,containsbeaatiful steel eru?raTinr, 125 prescription, price only SL25 eent by mail j V -w "JJ illustrated eampie, 6 c : eeoa Jh ' &5tf now. Address Pebody Medi calInBtituteorDr.W.ILPAJv. AsOW THlSElF. ma.Wo.sBttlaoehst,Boaton. GEORGE PACE d CO- Manufacturers ot Patent Portable Circular SAW BULLS Abo stationary sal Portacls STEAM ENGINES 5 N. SCHROEDER ST., JiALTIAlOREi MD. m as a a. -a iJ4 Grist and Flour Wtr "WhTs,.Woo(l Wor kins' iM 8'ipplie,tr. T.5.NITI-: imUY WllKKLM apl 81-4w . bend for CataJome. GRAND BiZAAR-AMD FESTlVALi jgENEFIT SISTERS OF MERCY, CITY HALL, April IS, 19 and 20, 1531. Refreshments served by the Ladies of St. Thomas' Church. r Tlio Italian Band will furnish Htulc. Tickets good for the tbrcc days and eve-. ninq;s, 25 cents. spl ll-St I opera jiouse; Wednesday Evenlngi April 20 s Testimonial to Mrs. J. W. Cameron Eiahberg's Opera louffs, DOCTOn OF ALGANTARA, and Sullivan's Comic Opera, - Cox and Box. General admission 50 cts. Reserved seats 75 cts. sale at .Heiosberger's. Box Sheet op?n Monday morning, apl le3s ItElian Musical Corpa 7) VA'-CUZUl. i!ASAGl;B, wtll farabh X Ucslo tor Bali arti,, 1 io UIcs. Ea carti ns 'Ac, Ac. iirttU tuii Zlnile. tnil Corps of Kuiiciiia Hix pieeas rlnte Pic col, t7? Hnrpa, and Flrt ard Sceond Vio lii. Ttey will tvs ssUet namUrs any pie ei desired. Address or apply to P. Par sBcci, Grreer and UonfecUoaer. Market st Wilmington, N. O. apl IS-lt Wew Booked rpnE LAZY MAS'd wow, ? All pa Account of Elizt, The Tar s Wido w, A Frodlxloui Fool, Jast oat asd for ssle at HEINSBERGtR'S Pianos and Qfgans9 FOR CASH OR ON TUB - K4flY I5STALliENT PLA2f For S&1? at . - nsufsBsnags'ar- apl 13 Uve B?ok tzi UzzU I3tore i

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