ARBUfUS. JOHM O. WHITTIKB. wandered lonely where the pine .trees wtLer east Uielr barricade, 6 And SV und within a narrow delL 'erfulBij do " moJ aad dead leaves at my The tr,iUS Prln" . ... flower, tinted like. a a i r n'er it not irreverent ABd bending Jj;, l0wly clogged and r thong11 nnt TumDerTug; of deep, decay .Sir?S aeavau the sweetness of their Anl tTarih the beauty of their bloom. tneraTPu'nains l)ucl a od story is told of-General Pat t ht evolutionary hero, m Forney's' 1 n Public Men. He accept- .A, . Xllenee and Gxed the time, and as - ...nnist approached he was greet DiJ Patnam's can at e, : ,f.u A Putnam was reloading l,irp"eee.u adwary approached and ,l.,F u-h,. Rre-vo about to do? Is fh g the conduct of an American soldier IS man of honor! Vhat am I about fo do? was the reply o' the general. a nretty qwston to put to a man toa intend lo marder! . 1 am about to Hi too, and if yoa do not fight m .less time than it takes old Heath to hang a Tory voa are a gone dog. pf course the other turned and ran away, t he second ifttir was with a British officer, who challenged him. Putnam accepted, fixed ,u. imt .nd dace, and wheu the Eng- liihrnafpttnd him he was seated, near al barrel apparently containing powaer., smoking ins pipe. The General request ed him to take a seat on the other side of thecisk, and then set fire to a match communicating with the contents of the barrel The officer looked at the burn ; wnnd retired. As he moved off the Geuercl said: "You are just as brave aa I took you lobe.; thia is noth ing bat a barrel of ont-ris v.i.h a few grains of powder on lb' lo, to iry you by; bat you don't like the smell." Buffering Woman. There is but very small proportion ef the women of this nation that do not suffer from some of the diseases lor which KiJney Wort is specific. When the bowels have become costive, headache torments, kidneys out of fix, or piles dis tress, take' a package, and its wonderful tonic and renovating power will cure you and give new life. Watchman. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmiagton District, Metho dist E. Church, South, 1881. (Second round.) Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Ap'l 23-24 Wilmington, at Front Street, Apl30,Mayl Smithville, - - - May 7- 8 Brunswick, at Zion, - - May 14-15 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, May 21-22 Onslow, atGum Branch, - May 28-29 Clinton, . - - - - June 4- 5 Cokesbury, - - - J uno 11-12 Coharia - - - June 18-19 L. S. BCBKHKAD, Presiding Elder. The Greatest Blessing A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease bv keeping the blood pure, stomach reg ular, kidneys and liver active, i3 the greatest blessiug ever conferred upon, man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cur ed' by it. Will you try it? See an other column, Eagle. 8T03XAGX2 Tr?,0.11" Chills down the BackT ln limbs, nauea, fciUioat.eei, a- 7r??t0ma of "PPrOoCjlnff eTer aad 2h i.4 witnat 'y HoBtetteri Stom Mssfti " whioh rabstt utes fcr the chill? t!I,Viva Jfl warath, re:nUte the ho?., .'v'1"1 lQ,PWfi tone t the liver The bsht J ,tJ0nieb aad the bi iary gand 3ttreitcred to nalthr rendition, the .jyorv by U Drag Ruts oatiet. and Dealeri apl 1 eaerallf. ?youLfwenM bTth "tain of a 5' etters. toillBO tvnvnntmlHlhlt T60 nerve-andraste; " " ninni..r --u iiema eu.iMiIli,b1.iI.n TOWOf ImJL). "."'Of'.Ht V m ---ui DProiwH )- it! Bcytt. In.. lb ' - " 1 r fcn . ... - Mtlreda. P"HH fl-'-C It tt - , f n-o. It!, Tyrfw-V : . " F-.- KorhWr, j. i , -0 SiSr, - rJ 1 1 Li xy i i A TRUE ERFECT STRENGTHENED .A SURE REVIVER. IRO BITTEIvS arc highly as Tastinq the Food. iMchina. Herd frith a HTO cerum ana ethcient t onic ; crpeciall j Indigestion, Dytpcpna, In tcrrs, anz oj ppctdc, Lioca cf tercnfJi, Lack cf Energy, etc uie uiooa, sirengtiicns the muscle?, and gives new life to the nerves. Tlicv lronl?repdxatioa that will not L-laclscn tho toetli or jrivo headaojie. Sold by all dmpgists.' Writo for the ABC Bool;, C2 ?n. cf useful and amusing reading scrd free. , BKOTO CHEDJICAIi CO., Baltimore, 3Id. 1 mmmmmmm mmm .mi J: . , THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHEB LIQUID OB DRY FOR3I Tlyit Acts at the Same Time ou The Lively The Bowels, and the Kidneys. These fcreat organs are the natural clean hp rs of the system. - If they work well, health will ho perfect; if they become clogged reudful (lin eages are aure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness. Headacke, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, 'Kidney Coin plaints. Gravel, Diabetes, Rheumatic Pains or Aches'. are derelopeif becanse the blood la poisoned with the humors that should be expelled naturally. KlnMEY-WORT WIH BESTORE the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished; neglect them aad you will live but to raff er. Thousands hare been cured. Try it and you. win add one more to the number. Take it and h ealth wUl once more gladden your heart. Why saffer loafer from the torment otnn nth lag bark t Why bear each dlitrea from CoMtlpntlon and Piles 1 lClMrRT-WoT wUl cure you. Try it at once and be aatiaaed. Your druggist has it. - Price $1.00. tar It ! put up In Dry Vegetable Form, In tjytln cans one package of which makes six tyquarts of medicine. laTAlso in Idald Form, very Coneentrated tSsrfor the convenience of those who eannot Crreadlly prepare it. It acts rft equal tSgrtotency in either folrni. "wELlV.IbICHAKDSON A CO., Prop's,- (Will send the dry post-paid. ) KI RIJNGTON, YT. mm e f srS-fe 5Pir5 J' 5 Z.S- -is Ginger Baeha, Mandrake, Stlllfngia andj tnanv other of the best medicines known are com-. bined so sldlUully in Parker's Ginger Tonic as rto make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the iBert Health and Strength Restorer ever used. I It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neuraigia,, Sletpldttnets, and all diseases of the Stomach, QowelsLunqs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs; Land all Female Complaints. . , If you arc wasting away with. Consumption or. fanv disease. use the 1 ONicto-clay. JN o matter wnat rwi .nmntnmc miw lv if will Qnrf-iv fip1r vntl. jour sympti Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,. k the Bast Family Medietas ever mads, entirely (different from Bitters, Ginger Preparjitions and; other Tonics and combines the best curative prop-) t ernes Ot all. tsuy a 50c. Dome 01 your druggist.. Won genuine without our signature on outside 'wrapper. Htscox & Co.. Chemists, New York.: .tVUflVLrVw flAlri DnLonlfl BOmicai lUir OreniBg a nttun 11 1 in niirl(l The best and laott THE STATS." RICHMOND, VA. A B EI RITE, Owners sad Editor! largest circulatioB, Cheapest SubsOAip tlen Price, Lowest Advertising Rates. . Daily circ .lation now over4,C00. Tie only a.ternoon paper in Richmond Sabwiiptios price Daily, $3.50 per an nam; Weekly, fl. per annua. j 8nJ for spcinsea "ft Die fr. 1 di 7 Peruvian Guano. 2000 Tons No, 2Ji4 ruvikn Giiano, f OR SALE BY Williams fcHuTchison jan ft ; . i HAVE YOU VSR KIWI Any person to be seriously ill without weak stomach or inactive liver or kidoeys? And when tseea organs axe in good eonditloB do Jen not find weir possessor enjojlng good ealta t Paaxxa'a Oneut Tohio always regulates thesa iisportant organs, aad never rails to snake tie blood rich sad pure, and to ttrtaxten e rerr part of tht sjsa. i It few csrel hsrdred cf desyalrfair lavalUs. Atijcn!2ttcrec-t It, cci244ir ESf 5 Sri8 S-&ff rJ 5 ?WS'5, - in nhp li i h imfsf miscellaneous. TONIC recommended for all diseases re- tcr- Enriches act ttrrvarh ITrtfK,v T'ltrv New York Wrefl? Keralfl ONE DttUR Cili I I.A 'IUJV. f is rcDulai i 1 1 ewer at er i ssincrea ed cnnnj tfr nasi j-rr it C'ni5i!B ell the ledina: rews ol fJe I silr Het aid, scd in arranged i handy .. .. . : FORlQN .NEW3 emtrCi nperjal dispatches from alt'ouar ttra f tl e gl b IH dr the bead of AilMJICAN NKVS are given the Teigrap! io Voet aichea f tht week from all 1 &U o' th . I r 1 Lis fea ture alone makes' TUK WEEKLY HERALD tne most valmbi cbror je-e i- ba world. 1 i. : - .1. r . . . at t a faithful tep'ort f i ULITIGAO EYYS embracing conopltte atd concprcherve te8patcheg frora WaphlDgtn, inrluuing fnll eports of the speeches of eaiioeDt poiiticiaae on the qaeetinn of the hour THE FAUH DEPARTMENT Jr the Weekly Herald aWes. the latest as vrell as the most practical euartfef tiocs and liieoTeries relating to the duties of the farm ar, hints for railing Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Crees, Vegetables, Ac, Ac, with suggestions 'or keeping bui dings and farming utensils in repair. This is supplemented by a well itpd department, widely copied, under the head of - V , LTHE HOME, f sT'iEg lecelpU for practical dishes, hints for masing cioimng and for keeping np with the latest rasaions at the lowest price Every item of cooking or economy euesrested in Uis department is practically tested by ez- x a. 1 . . ucrw ueiore puouoation juetters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very iatet fashions The Home Department of the Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times. the price of the pa per The interests of SKILLEDoLABOK are looked after, and everything relating to mechanics and labor saving is carefully re- corded There is a page devoted to all the atest pbesesof the business markets, Crops, Merchandise. Ac, Ac. A valuable feature is found la ta specially reported prices and londi'.iois-ot THE PKODUCEa MARKET, Pporting ,Ke ws at home acd abroad, to ?ether with a Htory every week, a Sermon by some eminent divine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Personal and Fe Notes There is ao paper in the world which conain? so much news m&tier every week as the Weakly Herald, which is sent, rootage free, for Ose Dollar 7 on can subscribe at any time. The New York Herald !n' a" weekly form, One Dollar a Year. Address, Iew York llcraJcl. Froadwy and' An 2 ritreets.New York dec I t DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I Ail Tarieties of Choice Preserves, bx one and two pound Can?, the best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honeur, Pig Hams, breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Laguayra Coffee, These goods- are all fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods will comrince you if you will try us. Try the prepared Soups. For sale at GEO. MYERS',! febJU Hoe, 11 and; 15 South Front,8u PUR C ELI H0:U, UNDER SEW MANAGKMEirT, TTititiKaTox, N. a B. I PEURV. ...... Prop X?tirepritor2Allaatio Hotel, t" , - l Krrt CL 1 li tZlllSz-zlzlzz.2 Tera i 4 I I HEW GOODS si THII WEEK ! Miccollniio oils. THE SI. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SDHii$L h a? tidou a family papxb abis i LLLUULD !N lUirJ CODNTKT. The Original and Selected Ptiis are fall of lttsreat a d comt tate choice family read ing. Its lyrical pieces are also of a Ugh cnit r of EGcrit. besides thesa merits It la a oou.teBGiam of THIS NEWS OF THE WKFK, well collated and of , in finite variety. All fresh ( ccorrenees at home and abroad Sad place in its columns. The bright and graphic letters of the special correspondents ofTrtK HON at the capitals of Emrope, in Hahfomia and elsewhere, axe published la the Weekly, and, in addition to describing use ui bo o pouneai events, vtll give the rswp ot tfce day aad the drift of events 'he WartnliTON BUKEAD Uf THE "UN wt l keep the readers of the Weeklj wpl i&f rm-d in rep4ct to et ery thing of in vest, r.ificall and s rial y, transpiring it that 1 cifct V. b -uTer besides, that U e i j focs.vbitt nos to give a spioe rf tj, ul bd tapp icd to make the Weekly attractive, irn MarKLI AND WiS AN'ClAL RE POSTS are brought dowu to tne laf st toar of pub licatioa. nd erery pains ttken to make them trustworthy, AOEICDLTUBAL MATTBE8 are nr.t neglected, acd the farmer will find In the columns deroted to this subject many raloable hints and suggestions. Sound edi torialdiecutsions alwars have place in the Week It ; and, with its stories and ether light lite'sture, its well-written letters from places at come and abroad, Its political and general news and goesip, and its excellent Market and Financial Reports, THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY HON commends itself to all who de ire to ha-re a thoroughly good paper at a very low price Terms of subscription Invariably Cash it. Advance . One Dollar per Year for one oopy or any number ofoopies INCREASE" P1EMIUM COPIES TO GETTERS UP OF OLTJBP Tbe following liberal Preminm Copies are given to th ee who get up Clubs for the BALTIMORE WEEKLY tt ON F VE COPIES eSSSMHetflttMltMSStSN $5 00 With one extra copy of the Weekly . Sun one year TEN COPIES $10 CO With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun ene year, and one copy of the Daily Bun three months. Fill TEEN C0PIE8.... .....$15 00 With an extra oopy of the Weekly Bon one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun six months. TWENTY C0PiE8..M..M...M $20 CO With n extra copy of the Weekly Eun one year, and one oopy of the Daily Sun nine months, THIRTY COPIEB............M...$50 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Bun, and one copy of the Daily Sun one year. For fnll forma and7nrtnTnin rnnfoa in getter np of Glnbs, see prospectus in THE oufli u&uj and weexiy, and in tne haju TIM ORB BUN ALMA" AO for .1681 a valu able publication of seventy-two pages, free to all subscribe! s to the BALTIMORE SUN. va.n .a nr. vi 17 any ana w eeaiy. j The safeet method of transmitting fandf by mail is by draft, check or Postoffice mos ey order, no deviation. Address A. 8. ABELL A CO., Sun Iron Building, feb 17- ' BalUmore. Md. New Crop Cuba. The Finest Cargo this Season. 536 nHDS 8elected NEW CROP CUBA. TIERCES SELECTED NEW CROP CUBA Just received and now landing ex Schr Maggi fDallin. For sale low by"m Williams & Murcliisoii. mshlSJ Bknj F. Grafton, SToayjB Ladd H ALBERT E. PAINF, Latc Comrr.issloner 01 Patent. PAINE, QRAFTOrJ LADD.: Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of AmexU can and Foreign Patents., 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. 0 Practice patent law in all its brancbe ln tbe Patent Office, and in the Sapreme and Circuit Conrta of the United States Pamphlet cent free on receipt of stamp for postage. ' . an 28 COMMERCIAL HOTEL WILMINGTON, N. O. Large Sample Booms lor Commercial Travelers rpHE PHOPSTETOS having thoroughly renovated this Heue tad furmlsbed It eat!rv ly sew. Is prepared to give to the traveZcg public all the eorvexlaaalos of a FTJUST CLASSuHOTEL. It Is located, la tie vary eentref tbe casta ao part ef the dty, beiag eonvesie&t to the priseipsl .bmsiaeM .hose PortoCasj, Custom CltyBail.'aad Court noose. v Hjrt-Class Bar cad EUUard 8loor ecanettad1w tilIlct, - - - CTZ3 C3 iCT DAY fp) THE DAILY EEWW J JOSH, T. JMSS. EDITOlt AND rUBLISHER Everv J ltei xicon At the following ratcg, i oclMgo paid ! One Year . . . . . ......... $5 00 Tin ee Months,... 1 25 One Month..... ' 50 ( Tiie paper be delnered by carrier?, free ofeharge, isany'pait of the city at tt e ibp to rates, or 13 ctnis per week. Tbe Daily Review is now in the fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing eubscrip' lion list, and presents to'merchants and others'a mostldesirable'medi- nm for advertising) Anis MLUI1T0N JOOIAL feOOSH. JTJ JAMES, Is published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rates : One Year..,. ....;,.......S2 00 Skllosths,....., 1 00 Three Months 50 Tin WnjnsGTOs Joubsil circn- te largely in the adjoining conn ties as wall as in the Western por tions of the State and presents nn eqnalled facilities to xaexchr.nta foz mslzr hzLOTrn what they Iisto fcr Bail HoadLinC3, Cc. ttAJXllOAD COLTPAin: T?ra-c., i ai 1 - "r i WLioilsctOE, K. C, Feb 17, X53I. f CHANGS 0? BCSEDULr. On and afUr Fehrnary S0th.'-lisi. 4.15 i X, PMseneer Traina on . tha mintoa & WfcMoa Esilrcad wiU run a DAY AILANDE2P2E33TRAIir,djJlj Nos. 47 crth azd 43 Bout!s;. -LeAte v iimlngtOE, Front St Depot . ' at.. S OA Arrive at Welooo t 1M.W.. 12 40 1' J Lt V idAt...... .4 44 r ArriT as WiIu:Stc, f ront 8t. , '- l?ct iU,M,M.,w-IMI, 11 IS p I.: Tat TbriiCjrh Mail acd Farrea;er Tia: DiUy cs. 43 Lortb and 40bouta, LeaT SVIlciagl'r'; Fjroct t. iPf t tt .:. ... pi. c- jn.o r.o.r M . I V) A t a Weldcr.. Arrive tt i - t.3 I' ftv.utat. Depot 13 a Traia ftoii Sah will stop only at Eoe k Poiat, Uorgiw, iietnclia Warsaw, II ottre, GoidaW, TViLon, Cecity 22otn t tafkld, and lialifar - TrtnfoiQ 8outh will stop only at Rett Moufct, ihov, CdiJeboro acd ilsgr.olia. Aikht'Pastcnser, lUii aad Fxpress Tre St s, 45 Kor'Oi aad 42 bcuth. WilcaEjtcu, i?02t St. .. . .1?" 2 65 Til Arrive at Veldca a:.......w w lo 46 P I; Leave W eidon, .. .......'.... 2 C5 A li Arrive at Wuicic-ton, front Sw Depot at............., . 8 IT A 11 ,3b!" oa i7rS?ro' Branch Road losve l.oc.y itouct for Tarboro at .S0 P II di t. A.M. 'Ketumxng, leave Tarboro, at 0.frO 1 na aioaaay, Wednesdav art: Friday at 8 530 P Six ".ouiwsuay atu irain jo. ii makes close cosneeUea at Weldon for all points Worth dailv. All rail Bay LiaE Rd dU? icept fiaadsy via Train No. 45 mas via Eichmond and JliVJ rig!?nV t0 mekcs Iose connection daily to Kxchnlond, and daily except Bator, day Bybts for all points north ot liichaond. Train ISo 43 runs daily end makes close connexion Tor all points tforta via Ilich mond and Wathicgton. 7Jrtrvi.cs raaBoIi between WUttinetca Sleepers Attached. ' a mT.ri' rY J,?IVIE. General 0p s leb 4 i " ... . .. G on,l S u D'ts Gfinlco WTLMl5QT03r, COLUMBIA AND' A . QUOTA RAILSOAD CO. WUainton jr. C, Feb 19, 183IJ OHAKQE OP SOHEDTJLS o On d after February 20th, 1S8I. a 2.35 P M, the followiog Paeaeager Bchedu 1 wul be run on this road . . v , , . . Pay Passenger, Mail and Express Trals. dailyJos. 42 West and 43 East t Leave WilmlngtoBM....;; 8 S5 A U 1J 6iPIJ Leave Floreacew.......Mw..wt, j 35 y n Arrive at WUminton....MWMW.Mi 6 40 P U niOHT EXPRESS TRAIKS (Daily). Nob. A3 West and 47 Eart. Leave Wiladngton,M...;.... n 55 P II Leave Floren9.M1M.. tJA 11 Arrive at C O and A Junction..MM 8.C0 A U mxz 1 ve at voinni &1& . w....m...... 8 15 A U Leave Colmnbia...w......, CO P H Leave C Cand & A Junction..M,10 20 Pill Leave Florence..,...M.......M... 2 CO A JEl ' Arrive at Wilminjton.. 6 20 All' Night Mtil and Paseenger Train, Bo, 4 0 West, and Accommodation Trainl Ho 4 6 East. .., Leaya WiImiDton at ...12 25 A II Arrive at Florence 11 Leave Ilorence...........;;-...i,.,M.'5 to A 11 Arrive arWilmine ton.......,12 co'lt Trains Aos 42 axsd A3 stop at all Stations Trains ITos 47 and 48 stop only at Brink lev. Remington, WhiteviUe, Fair Blur,' Ifarionf Florence, Simmons villa, 11 ays villa, B water, Camden Junction and Eastoni ' 40 stops only at Flemington, White vile, Fair Bluff and Marlon. . No 45 stops stall Stations. - v. Passengers for Columbia, and all rolab on 9; C.- R. R., 0., C. & A. H. B, fcJUtloas, Alxen Junction, - and -all points beyend, should take No 40 or 43 Night Express. Separate Pullman Bleepers for Charleitoo and for Augutta on trains 40 and 47. All trains nm solid between Charlef toa 1 , and Wilmington JOB K D1TINE, Geatrtl rJapt A. POPE, Oen'l Taw. Agenti feb 22j . - CAROLINA CEliTRAL RAILROAD COitPANY. Ovnoa Quiaax. B rrrraixTXjrcKrT, Wllmlngtcn, IT. a, Deo 12, 1S0. KjHasqz of Sceeduu:, ON AND AFTER December 12, '1839, tl following Schedule via be cperatedlo; tail Railroad s ,fc Passenger, Mall and Express Train. , DaUr except fiuaiay STo 1 o 2 l Leave Wilmlngton..9.10 A (Arrive at Charlotte at-.. 6. 10 P Leave fjharlnf t tt 9n . 21 II ir Arrive at Wilmington at.S.20 P II Traics No 1 and 2, stop at regulirrrtatlcn 1 only, asd jpicta dteignatel in the Cccpa nysTime Table. . , . Passenger, Kail and Through Freighters! . . I Lesve Wilmington sU, 6:33 P li 5 2 VArrive at Hamlet U. 1:25 A XI J " at Charlotte at.. 8dS A U l Leave Charlotte aL...7.30 P II Arrive at Bamletat l2S a h No Ne J " at Wilmington at 8:45 A U No. 6 IidaHy except Sunday,! bat t s connection far Raleigh on Saturdays No. 6 Is daDy exeept Saturday, Shelby? Division Passenger, 1I!L Exsr , and Freight Zfo. S. ta vatHottesu ....F:3S A ao XArrfveatShelbye: 123 P II UOm fc JArrive at Chariotte atWM. p n Trains Nos 5 and 9 cake close ecssec'fc ts Camlet to and fren Hi2d-1, excert ai above, sad at Charlstts wlih trtlzslks 2 sad acaCitlby diri;:ca. - -

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