N T World. "Jeisie ," eldest daughter of onr esteemed T?AP T?mN N R W S mellow citizen, M.T N.ms, Esq, had a .1. KJXVX.y x peanut wnien she was eatincr. to loaee in - . . , ,. her windpipe, bitfce that time the child Loxdox, April 17. me zianaara s hag becn gUfferjDfir the most intense :3HELBCIAL XTEWS U3tKraTON MARKET. , APAII. 13. 4 P M. correspondent at St. Petersburg gives agony accompanied ' with difficulty in the following details w me manner in breathing. The child lingered until which the Nihilist prisoners executed about l oV.lnck- ihi mnmin tin Wth yesterday passed their last day. itussa- put an end to iu 8U8erjnr. Kon prayea mtcsaaunT uu U40 AWWr,,- Thrt Tr;ci, Mf.tAmn services 10 me goTemmcuu . lbia gectioo bids fair to be" by far the Z9' 530 1 IheoBer was declined: ueiiaoon spent ' Tur8"1"1" f l 85 for II, S2 00 me time m wrmng page p uuh catch in herri ngar hb dt 0Q Moa the trial. eemmiUmz to pater what he . . , , ... , ui iui. uuuiicicu uunui U3 ui who uuu wtwv vuvuoauu. iJLllu w J uvui uai rels in creat. numbers are now beinsr the trial. ctmmittmr to pa was forbidden to speak. The Sophie Pieoffsky, wrote to her mother rt mmbq time in assaumusf iou wiam f her father. Kibalticbe drew up a memoir on the subject of his specific 4;MTerics which he addressed to the haalecHo the several truck farms in this vicinity; from ths preparations in the way of empty packages for the recep- tion of truck, we should imagine that Bign wuriw. u.Uw ,r;"t oar trackers anticipate heavv crop re thathisiamebe immortalized and mak- 4 4i ' . : rli SPLRIT3 TReaN232CE-Quoted flrm.- aaiea 50 casks at 36 cents, 25 casks at 2G4 cenw ana is casks at 27 cent.: nrfJSIN Quoted firm at SI 421 fbrStralned ana u 45 far Ooed Strained. No sales re ported la either grade. Sales 330 bbls fine fori 92 2a for K. S3 50 fer M. 12 7 frr v lfta axm at fl fit tr bbl f zss les. TTf T7 ra rr y twi - vAuwft inrafliii5-Qneted arm at 1 1 49 for Hard. $2 49 fer Soft and $2 W for Virgin. uunu:N-totei steady. Sales 29 bales on a basis of cpqu Tb rr.n- o v..wBB me omeial uwtattous : n condition that all profit from them Oreensboro Patriot: On : hould go to the amelioration oi f children of 'political criminals. I u . .. :n i. i. i iT tnM f tM nntnern. nrrv that hn h;rr-- l"c ' e mrire ciass looeexaraint " O- -' . 1.1- -.T " . . If -would atteudLord IJeaconsfidd it ',or ,nc c '-acisaip at west roint irom tcis iiffi in nr. uuain is au oiu lneu j o --j . o ALLOPATHS TS. HOMEOPATHS, Dr. Qnain is bitterly attacked by some Members af his profession for meetiDg Dr. Kidd, a homoeopathist, who is Lord Beacensfield's regular physician. Dr. Quain's treatment has been scrupulously followed from the start, and moreover, Dr. Kidd is a member of the Royal Col lege' of Physicians. The attacks on Quain are ridiculed by the public, who honor him for hastening to the assistance of an eminent man whose life was in crreat dansrer. Sir William Gull con demns Qnain, but I belie re he told Lord Ho s eft Lord Beaconsfield and is well known throughout England for Li3 eminent skill and kindness of heart. He kept Air. Delune, of the Times, alive for years against the assaults of a fatal disease and is in high favor with the reyal fam ily, being First Hurgeon Extraordinary to the Queen. The uttacks of jealous professional brethren will only increase his popularity. PUTTISG HIS HOUSE IN ORDER. Lord Beaconsfield nov has Loudon nearly to himself, all the world having gone into the eountry lor tho Eastei holidays. Be talks a great deal every day with Lord Rowton and it is uuders toed that his private papers and the manuscripts which Lord Rowton will use in writing his biography are now in ship-shape. The private papers, which i will nei see tne ngns until ien years or more after his death, are said to be ex ceedingly interesting. II is political duel ,Witfi Sir Robert Peel and the inner his tory ef the Corn Law agitation, the Cri mean war, the Indian mutiny, the Ber lin treaty and of events precediag it, and other prominent features of English history daring the last forty years are dealt witn Tery fully, and a flood of light is thrown npon many points now wrap ped ia obscurity er wholly misunderstood. Seme say that His Lordship kept a diary and posted it regularly before he went to bed, bit of this I am not in a positioa to sneak. It is certain, however, that he kept full notes of all the principal occur fences i a the political and fashionable wtrld. and that the revelations which these posthumous papers will make will armists. vesterdav lot e following persons were seHtenced by ouugc aick. voi inc u. o. court: " I'jii Bean, for illicit distilling, four months Urdiaarj ood Ordvoar..,. Low IfiJdRi r i j IX OeaU 1 imprisonment in jail and $100 fine. V. X. Steel t illicit iiistillinf'', four montbs imprisonment in iiil and 100 fine. George Oldham, illicit distilling, fonr montus imprisonment in jail and $100 fine. Jesse Johnson, illicit distilling. four months imprisonment in iail. and .$100 line. Jack Thompson, tcr counter feiting, thre? years iatbe penitentiary at Albany, N. Y. John M. Kine,,hreak ing into aoxaslofiiee, three vears in the penitentiary at AUnr, N. Y. Neits and Observer: We learn th it d sons.. - -.. -...r... .......... ... ... 1 r 49 bales 44 casks C6i bbt leV alrenlv represented in the annlicutious to General Y.' R. Cox. Yesterday the safe of the, 'National. Hotel and its contents, was., b gun. Thi hotel, with th.it portion of. the square on which it stand.--, fruiting ou Kdenton street 210 feet, and 'on " 8aii?Iary and Halifax stree(3 1S3 fo.-t, was purchased by the State of North Carolina, the sum paid being 13,000. J ab. O. Bu.bee, Esq.. represented the Slate in the transaction, j What' -a merry time a hundred little ! neOniC Inn Vi.?tlrH:i.V n f! mrrmexn in iiia I I U VliV yard of the Church ol the Good Shepherd hunting for E ssteregg-5. Their searches were in every case rewarded by finding beautifully colored ejrgs. .Shouts of laughter rang out as the children mad -3 the ir eag- r search AF.lilYSI). Steamer. Elizabeth, W ilklnsoa.SmiUi vllle. dttKiUier Pastiport, Harper, SmttUville, -U I.T la . w Steamer North State, Green, Fayettevllle W Iltiams & urchiaon Ger barque Atlantic, Shearing, Liverpool Nor barque Erstatningen, Lydersen. acar Jesse Mart, Wall, Belfast,- E G BAiker&Co ' scar Alta V Cole, Mitchell,, New York, Huainer Elizabeth, Vilkinaon,9rulthvllle. -?e.aier la.-usp-jrt, Harper, Smlthville, via?tr. 'Sterimer North state, Green, Fay etteyille, Wi'Iiams & Murchison ' chr iSelile V Kokes, Thompson, London via Darleu, a U, E Ci Barker fc Co fachr Alice Hesrn, Pennewl 1, Baltimore caro'by Coiviile te Co; Vessel by George Harriss & Co , Scar Taylor fe Walhis, Cheeseman Phila ae.plila, Nortbrop & Cumming sclir C H Macomber, Rurnlll, Plymouth, Mass, iiobitison A King. Exports. My Good Woman. Why. arc you so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that you are well? Ten to one its all caused in the first place by uaonuai constipation, which, no doubt linally caused deranged kidneys, and liver, i he siireture lor constipation is tne celebrated Kidney-Wort. It is also a specific remedy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands are cured by it svery month. Try it at once. Toledo Blade. COASTWISE. is Lift cf Vesaeli Over 100 tons ia Port April 9. 1881 r A PVf Nor A il Schweigard, 429 toc5,JohnsoD, UP Mebace Nor Kobe, 3S4 tons. Josepbson. Heide&Co Ger rrovide&tia, 235 toc8,Holz, Pescbau A Westermamx Dr John T Smith, 390 tons, Lcckhart. E& Barker & Co Ger Lydia Pescbau, 403 tons. Bremen, E Pescbau & Westermann N"or Cred 371 tons, Christophersen, Heide & Co Nor Atlantic, 420 tons, Enudsen, C PMebane 5or Norge, 440 tons, Hendricksen, CP Mebane Nor MoivL , 36S tons, Matthiesen, Heide Co BRIGS. Am Leonard Meiers, 0C0 ton, Hicks, Master Ger Clara, 304 tons, Vcss, J PefccLau & Wet term inn Br Stalls, 445 tons, Kobiu&on, KG Barker & Co SCHOONERS Am Nellie V Kokes, 16' tons, 1 hornpsoa, Master Am S S Bickman, 224 tons Long, Master Am J b ph Souther, 380 tons, W.ts, J It Chadboum & Co Am Geo CLurcbman, 2tl tons, Rlsler, Geo Harriss & Co Am S C Hart, 258 tons, Kelly, Master Ana Carrie Bellej 274 tons, Seavy, Gt Barker & Co Am Alice Borda, 351 Lols.D tikes, . Geo Ilarnss &('o Pidgewood, 293 1 jus, H.ind, Geo Harriss & Cc Fatnie K Lawreuce, 316 toiiS.Bwen Ge Ha r.ps & Co Am Emma Heather, 292 tons, Riekeits, Master Am Alice H. am, 347 tcris, 1'ennewel', liej Jrlarriss V; Co Am Stai-jigV., 16 toes, BrewctT, Master Am K H irumiaoud, 29G tons. Hi jrias. KG Barker & C - m J .-ha P KtLav. 180 ton. Stefehnao. Geo Harriss & Co Am VVm H Van Brunt, 260 tons, Hough vcut. ueo Harriss & Co Am Marcia Reynol s, 312 tons, Tiiion. E Kidder & Sons Am Jenu:e Miudletou, 280 tonsJIughes. Geo Harriss & Co Am I fcuiicoksen, 240 tons, Dickenson. Geo Harriss & Co Am Faunj K mmy, 384 tors, Wolf, Geo Harriss & Co .m Danery Gray, 401 tons, Brunton. . Geo Hanis8& Co am laylor & Matins, 280 tons, Cheese. man, Geo Harriss & Co The follOHiX? OBOtfttlfinA mwiMd aoiwu prices tnarann ia aaJUaxup uua orawi nigifyprteeg Hare to b ehargta 8Undrd. . ...... WHO S vHq 1 u . W)iQ BACON North Oarolina, Bamt, M.MMMMMMM..M 10 O Sidss. V . TtfA Western Smoked Bmi.MMMWt.w.,HM... 13 O Sidee, y fiWHnHWHHHW JO 8koaidar. fkfl Dry Salted Bides. KO 9X -ouooiuers, r a DO BEEfUre weight.. IX O. O I T6 o i oo & 11 ou Off 13 14 MX Stvleo. GlC; BABSSL3 Spirits TarpeatiM seeona nana, uam.HM.. BEESWAX 1J 30 BS1CX8 Wilmington, 7 00 60 12 26 n 10 14 U 10 If ixe o o Q Q O e o 1 10 o o '.itimor.'' 3Chr Alica Hearn-232 OnS fopt. I Am fllora r.-. isj lumber' . v.w WUO( uiauiuiBf, iju u, 1'lultulelphla schr Taylor 4c Mathis 1874- oai. it iiiuiuer, 3&.d'ju tniugies Plymouth. Mass schr C H Maoomber xow uom lar, s ao pitch Gee Harriss Ports or erot-Ki os hxsb at u. tmj lgtk, 1B81. Odod ivitiore, aSoat... HIHI IIIMIttlHttMMtl LOCAL NEWS. Total.... estiymen and Trusties. At a raeetiDg of the Congregation of) St. James' Episcopal Church held to-day the following gentlemen were elected rerolutienize histtry in many important J Vestrymen of the Church for the ensu- reipeets. . inr year: Dr. A. J. DeRosst Dr w I I II 1. L. . A 4 . . I m -I ' . .....rtMt..........,n.MM dpirits asiiore... ...,., ............ ......... afioat...., 3,071 41 3,11 1,851 Total., WWWI ttHH4itWIHMIWMII afloat . ........ 1,868 75,080 3,57 Total... f 7,56T day. Twice he asked for his meals be fore they were due, and he may now be regarded as steadily recorenns. lie is ich gratified at the handsome manner in which his political opponents hare treated him siace he was prostrated. Mr. Glaadstone has not had an opportunity r referring to him in publice, bat Larl Hosebery spoke of him in the highest terjms the other day te the students of Edinburgh University. The Plague in Turkfj Cokstantikopi.b, April 17 AdTices from Bafidad state that the ravages of tbenla&rue are terrible, though not ex tending beyond the sanitary cordon. Four, thousand inhabitants have quitted Redjed and encamped in salubrious local ities. -Nedjed and Dejuhara were burnt. a the 8th instant. I he disease has be come most virulent, the afflicted dyiog in tun hours alter being attacked. G. '1 nomas, Col. W. L. De.Rosset, Col. J. G. B urr. Messra Jamps Anrlprsnn Alfred Martin, James Dawson, A. H. YanBokkelen,4Z: Lattimer, R. E. Calder' Clayton Giles amd Jno. L. Boatwright. The foliowins: gentlemen were elected as Trustees of the Parish, to hold in trust the Episcopal residence of the late Bishop: Dr. A. J. DeRosset, Messrs James Anderson and Alfred Martin. tiow to do your own painter Buy the si. I. enamel Paint, ready mixed and warranted at Jacobi's. t Tar adhere.... aoit i one .... 1,350 wk Totai.... Orads ashore afloat. 1.297 MmitlMIIHmiHIH . " I ....... ... eor,-s W9 tsa irx. aiH apaix. 1,297 18 th. Cotton Spirits Rosin Tar... Orada e-e xp?kti roa tax wiik ihi apsiii 18ih, An old ladv writes us: 4I am 63 veara eld and was feeble and nervous all the at time, when I bought a bottle of Park- snap of a cap and tried to get the door Suicide at Whltevllle Jasper W. Stanley, Esq., a merchant Tar Qf Whiteville, N. C, committed suicide 0rade" " yesterday morning about 6 o'clock by shooting himself through the head with Cotton ...... a pistol. Before committing the deedlP1" Mr. Stanley locked himself up in a room at his residence. He made twoattempts self destruction. Hi3 wife heard the Domestic CF 03i... .. . KOSIB eee eeeaeee-ere Foreign m MClieeee s f,ifM.. far Urude. 2.313 cr's Ginger Tonic. I have used a little more than one bottle and feel as well as at 30. and am sure that hundreds need lust such a medicine." See advertise- open, but before she succeeded the de ceased had pulled trigger again and the pistol discharged its load, the contents entering the upper part of the cranium. Mis ce llano ous deceased dreh. leaves a wife and six Mr. H. M. Blair retires from the Hick ory Carolinian and Mr. J. F. Murrill beeomes sole Editor and Propietor. Charlotte Observer: Senator Z-.B Vance and son, JJrON Vance, arrived in this city yesterday. Mrs C N Vanco Statesville Landmark: Mail and nASHi DOORS AND BLINOSi passenger trams on tne n estem iveria . Carolina Railroad no longer carry local BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBEK, A Picked up at Se?, O ii. V EN TEEN BARRELS KEROSENE The rash act is supposed .to have been I Oil and fifteen boxes Soap, were picked up the result of temporary aberation soper- h,t.bTnnk fcn.t t wpsmuiw.. . . . 1 c uiaAiiMLinn. Por this Fort from Foreign BARK i. Nor Agatba, 360l toas,Rohr, sailed from Bremen, Feb 24 Nor Alf n, 375 tons, Fetters, sailed Irom London, Keb 11 Nor Bonafide, 511 teas, Xlltsen at Algiers, Jan 5. Kor Braekka, 368 tons, NeiUen, sailed from Amsterdam, Apiil 1 Swd Cariu, 472 tons, Westerlani, saiVd from Liverpool, Feb 25 Ger Charles 306 tons, Laugttff, cleared from London, Jan'y 29 Dan Elene, 471 tons, Dabl, sailed from Liverpool, Feb 25 Ger Elsie Mtzler, J7 J tons,Dabms, sailed from Dantzie, Dec. 15 Ger Emiie, 419 tens,' ICnutk, saUed from St Nazaire, Maren 12 Nor Forsrtte, 349 tens, KnudseB, sr i ef from Belfast, Feb 11 Ur Geo Walker. 418 tons. Paterseu saued from Havre, March 18 wd Gustav Adolpb. 30 toas. Oissea Sailed from Goole, March 1. VjerLlera, Bcback, sailed froxa Limer. Ick, January 28 - Qftr Irma. SiPrprfa S1hwa.. .ti 3,3 m xTItTo; " owv, B I Cnr T....1 OOA m. m n . ,1 . 6 429 wns, xamn, sauea from Liverpool, March 3 1 7a i ucruuen, 2 i ions, ovendseB, sailed irem otavaoger. eb 10 uer Marie, Permien. sailed from Glas- gow,jan is Nor Besolve, 898 tons. Sne fibers, safled e r-k , i -. ' irum jLruuKira, dan 13 Ger Kicbard. 463 tons. Fasfea- sailed from Havre, March 27 Nor Silo, Niereen, sailed frcm Havre, xuarcn 4 Ger Star of Hope, 286 tons, Hannmann sailed from Liverpool, Jan 22. isr Vizcaya, 276 tons. Butler, sailed Ircm Plymouth, March 20 BRIGfci i Ger Albert ine Meyer, 2C6 tens, Zelck, saiieu irom navre, iviaich 2 in or Anna, 272 ton, Petterscc. sailed irom abarpne-fs, Dec 9. rnor lirazilliau, 332 tons, Berge, sailed from Algiers, Dec 14, Svrd Carin, 2S3 tons, Schmidt, sailed frcm Hall, April 4 Nur Uoupal, 334 toes, Danielsoo, at ft Oyazalre, Jau 12 Dan2ndApil!, Scrensen, sailed Irom uioarutua, eo iu Northern 3UTTRS North Carolina a Northern, V Tb Tanow, y UK Adazoantiaa.'S kUh CilEESir- Sorthrn Faetory. 2&. Dairy eram, BtaWi, V D..... COFFfcE Jy, js.. IPMt i Ijacnxrra. d &. - COSN MEAL bnihl.. COTTON TIES V bdl..M DOMESTIC Bktetinff, 4-4 p yard.L..M Tarn, V buibMmMWW MMterl, No. 1, .9AbLa6 00 nV'hvX obi Mackerel, flo. 2, P bbL...H tO N. 1, V X" bbU.... d 00 Idaekrl. No. 3 S bbL....OO CO . Jatait3, bbl.....w...TO. S6f 6 3 76 k. u. li erring, f reg.M..M 6 "60 6 00 L'ry uco, n. t FLO&a-Fina. ? bbl 0 00 Bttptr, Northern. " bbl... S 00 Kxtra do V bbl... 6 00 family " p bbL.. 7 00 City MUlExBuper bbl... 7 00 " Family bbL.. 7 60 "Ex. FamiljVbbl. 8 00 JKBTILIZEB8 Ptravian Guano, p 2000 Ibfl.OO 00 Carolina Fertiliser " " 00 00 NaTawa Guano, ' "00 00 Complete Manors " " 00 00 W harm's Photphate " 00 00 Wando FhofphaU, " " 00 00 Wilcox, GIbb Co., ms Jfnipulated Guano. .....00 03 GRAINCoratore,,p 682t uern, cargo, 65 Oa... 18 as 40 10 15 15 11 SO SO 30 75 60 f A. 10 i s - Oorn.yeL, buihel uw, bushel.. ... ....MM. -J?.6"? eow V buihtl.., uiuu) ureen, v a 8 TO ea 67 60 70 . 4 10 30 1C 038 00 6? io eo 600 00 4? 6 6C; 6 6 J5 d o e 400 0 6 60 O 60 O 8 60 7 35 7 75 Q 8 25 O70 00 40 00 40 00 OCT 00 40 00 O40 00 45,00 14 - o o a of , u eocSj: Ladles' Button IW. - Pel We and FSek lSHS f. W and Machine Made, o ?! as you have been geta,? J Also, the aame ! in&H iontns and Boyg " valfc- a" My Men's Wear Der . be surpassed by aifSnJ??!! can ts ill I k L eYn J l ' Reipeetfi a - C. ROSERJTHA cb? Maot 8tree(. 10 11 Drv. TO IS HAT Eaitrn, p 100 lbs... North Kiyer, lOO.lbs.... HOOP IKON W ton. LARD Northern B..... North Carolina "3 ft ...... ilXA DDI.".. ............ ... , LUMtfBK Cityiteanna'wd 0ipstua,refawd,llft.l8 00 Bough edre plank, M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, aeeord- Ing to quality, ? Mft...l3 00 Dressed fiooring,geasOned. 15 00 Seantllng and boards, eom- MOLASSSCuba.hhdVgl 37 ubb, udis., tfgai. .......... 39 Be gar bouse, hhds. P gal. 26 ' " bbls.gal... 57 Qileftc Choioe b.bls. y ?aL 00 lit! w HJi. jj HriTl i. . OILB Kerosene, af.... 14 Lard, y gal 70 Lbiiea, $ gal , 75 MWrau. - vai.Mt.,.!.,.... 4 PEANDTB SbuaheL fl POTATOES 8weet,p bus. 00 . man, aortnem, bbl 1 25 PORK Northeru.citT meu.17 hQ ; xnm, fr ddi..... ........00 00 O O 1 o 1 o Ofodia tte prindpsl ChweW fvCM1 Excellent for tsdies and Wfci:f Person, ind tic led. ; l ?5 g ioa Speer's Port Graj tvi Four JTeart OR fTlHlS C5LKBBATID WiTrvi ... - Ji 69 68 MX 76 12 25 16 00 O20 00 li 00 lfl 00 25 00 14 .00 oe 3 75 90 60 2 60 18 00 00 00 646 424 222! 814 22 The chil- RED CEDAf PACKIfiQ CHESTS, and stay at a station but a very few mia utes. It is said that the receipts of the read have increased 30 per cent. Hickory Carolinian: 'Iron for ths Boad towards Paint Hock is continually rassiDff up. several carloads this week t is said the track will be laid to Mar shall by the first of J uly. A Lodre of Knightiof Honor was organized this week with eighteen members and several applications for membership. Southern Home: Daring onr visit at Union Court, at Monroe, we-noticed a bale of cotton, in front of tee Gonrt House, weighing biu pounds, pnt np by fclr W W Walkup, and pressed by the recent invention of Mr li P Davis. Tho uaie w cite-nii o iuu au uiu Mary size 450 poand bale 0 feet around the tie, and pressed by one small mule. Rilrigh Visitor; Section 'No. 487, Endow nent Bank. Kmghts of Pythi , ALL SIZES WINDOW GL AS?, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE &IGQ'S. Factor?: Offl,.- Foot V alnurst. Nutt. near Red Cross t ! ' - - apt oT Frying Pan Shoals. Paitics interested will please take notice; . ap!16-St JULIUS NEWTON, Master. I Easter Millinery ! Fine Selection ! QEOICE3T FLOWERS and latest syles and shapes in Hats and Bonnets. Latest styles in Hair. Goods. " Swd Kmii, 205 ton?, MeJmors,, tai'ed rem Havre, Jan 25 Nor Gaselier, 260 tops-Weybe, cleared from London, April 2 Br J Wilhsrns, f 39 tous, Nelson, sailed frcm Oporto, Feb 17 Nor Kagnbild, 197 tens. Hansen, tailed irom ucireraam, j? eD 1 cr Saltero, 332 toi s. Nover saiUd r Swd Sval n, 325 tor.3, Jansson, sailed ircm 01 Vincent, jan 31 Prime, 9 bbl (extra) ..00 CO 00 00 Jfcump, y b01.M.......M.....oe 00 ) eoo 00 BICE Carolina, ? a n IX ......... ftM. ...... Roneh, bnsheL EAQB Co cm try. Tb Vl&WMHtM.mwMMM. aoPK--.... Benzp...... .......... ...... ManfllaM. ww SALT Alum, V sak...w Liverpool, V saek.w.. Ameriean saok Marshal's fine, 9 saekM.M, Oadii V iak' 8UQ1B Cuba, y 3b..w. H Porto Riso, V a uoiree, v s. B " $ ft. O- " 5 ft. fPBx 9 ft 8 El jmshtjd ft................ d JAP Northern. IT ft a SHINGLES Contract, VJM 6 00 Common, jB H.M..MM..MM. 2 00 BTAVE3 W. O. bbL M.12 M 00 00 TIMBEE-Bblpping y MM.12 00 aui, exira per jUm.w....m10 00 Mill, prime per M..... 10 00 DfMill. fair per M fl 00 20ommon, per HNm.....,..H6 00 inferior to Ordinarr.narM a so WHISKEY North'n,pr jrl I J5 !;C nurui uvojiii. on rai ti nn W00L-Unwaahed,per2w ai:' n, wasaeo.. jer m...., 35': onrrF wool, per 18 00 25 Fresh Eve 9 ay apl 12-3mdw MISS E. KARKER, No. 0 South Front st, i, was duly organized last night by G. fHiil Y. C. Joha li Shultr, of tSalem. Little I Pl G OO D F LO UK.. oOO bakrelsgood:family AND EXTRA FLOUR, plf liAHKfiLS MINNESOTA - PfcteBt. Persons wishing to USE THE 1JESX will be plcasl with Ibii. HALL & PEAF.SALL Health is Wealth 1 i x.. vtsi'a webve asd Brats jLf ireatmext : a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache Mental Depression, Loss ofMemorv. Imnn! iiwiMmic viv ngc, causeu oy over- citriwu, ciucosce, or eYer-indul-ence which leads to misery, decav andrith' One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dol lar a box, or six boxes for live dollars- ct by mail prepaid on receipt of price. W guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by m lor six boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we wM send the purchaser our written agreement to re turn the money if the treatment does not etfectacure. Guarantees issued lr vt li. GREEN, Drmnrfst. f successor tr a-' & Flanner) Wilmington, N. C. Orders hv mau will iceiTe prompt attention. I WISE AB80BTMENT eP .0A5DIE8, French and Eosiettie, jnt recl'd ard foi ile. XU1S UJXLY GENUINE iiOilE-BJADE vfxuj u uo viiv, wiu loata every J t - aay, iresa ana siyeet, tirce umra Soaih f the Postoffice cs Sea Un3i street. Also. Nuls E. JEVENg, 'ei the Pot6&xj . .FREE TO ALL. I -R ll'bsiretei i-fa.-rf an Vt SeeJ Ca!i)one of SO pares. !"$3 , Hee, lialu. etc. ia euU 4 briliol.- - Aio. a loiorsd i iaie u-am'ttr hum Uaq. vardU will be aiiN upoo lbs receij nr a .v. strap for Speoai Deacriptire Yrm-hsu (4 BaeesFBu. Gewle cmnutBc4 firMqaaliij. 30 free eaeti ia Xasz a sicsra, iuw, Eust Well An a-Aiii Bust Well Drilli ' - . - . Euit Horse Power. 1 ft ? 1 J A Vell borinc and PrtltnMiX?Jvrz.'Ji' nfaetured. an G Ab PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. nZ. ... ' 7' " 'T1 ooriace Atuchmenti. huiw u inaae good wells anTwhern ofanV V u W1U1 n"thelaboT :i wore oy aaad or horse iooof H"8 hTe capacity for In use tire rear anrf ,n r.n. .v? mAeriJ -old for nan vi wtuers. r.sna tor circulars. .2.U4iw Ht. Joseph, Mo Reward. WILLPAYTHE ABOVE reward T T lor any case of Llrer Cnmniainf n.. pepsia, Sick Headache. Inditinn r.K Twtinn r.t . r,r., uv'vculcureswe cannot cure with W est's egetable Liyer PiUs, when tie 5 rections are strictly complied with. Ther are purely Yeeetable. and nvr rn satUfacticn. Suar coated. Tmt. conUininj :)0 Pills, 23 cents. For sale by all Druggets. Beware ol counterfeits and imitations. The irenuine mtnnrtn. t by JOHNC. WST&c6:r"The TpmSS Free trial package sent by maU" prepaid on receipt ot a 3 cent stamp. ; mch 22twy is aade from ths ol ths Opork gi Tofiic aii StreBjeiilEf teciti are urarptssed bT any sther aithi fh Us purity and cesaineBsst art ruruM ho jcuresi eniid may parUkc of m M .nalifiet, aad the weslsrt faTsM m 5!? to draataf . It Is psrtteslsrlT b fleial to the agri aad dsbiliUteiwdsW to the 7arioms ailmeats ttstaffiit totwmXt BPEEB'S P. J. Shew, p- J Is Wbt of Ufl. RIOK CHARACTER, asd tuUlmdii golden qualities ef ths graps froa wild I IS lnadfl. Prt Pnrlv. Bttia. n.memi IK MBDIOIAL PBdJPBaiTlj5?lt rfl i X I found unexcelled.?? . BPEEBS . -' , P. J. Brancfv, This BBAWDT ttasds rarlrsW k i "tt Conn try. belaa far sapsrior for wdlai ft poses. - : .: IT IS A PUKK distnUtfoa frsKOipt? and eontaios valuable tatdkhial peprtU It has a delieals flavor. MmUsr to tAi the rapes from which it It dliuHsd. ull in grat faror among InUdut fsaSte. ; 8e that ths sigiiataro of Alfred t& Pasialo, S, J., is ovsr th cork of ski ue. , For salt by W. H. GKXXN.J. a KCFi Drairffists, and P- BRIDGES? C0 e2.tf Corn, Bacon, Holasfes, ' "' ' Mtf 10 000 Frlaa "7 yg Boxes smoxeaiaay o 100 Bto New 0rlca:t,l!,reI:s Just received and fof sal to ! ,WlLIMSA3a . " ' f'- .- v' ' .-s . - i. . . , : ' s - A Flour, SngM Co&e, 1000 Bbla Flour, afl findea, ; Utndu, , . eDJBbls New Orleans Sogr, ,3W.Bap.Coflee, diflfereot ; 125 Poxes Assorted Cindr, t 100 Tubs Oiokseeaf 75 Bbla and Boxes UatfiF S75 Boxes Lye and Potwif 200 Boxes Botp, ' 73 Boxes and Xejs Sod, , 100 Boxes and Half Bblifc ger, koop Iron, Ban W V riV. FRUIT AnDCC3fECTI THE UXDEKSIONKD HASO branch Fruit and under the "Review" Jf. FCaoSeVsodaW, er'Aeral nice variety, at --jsCf is .1

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