WiT!i!ni:0IZC.-"'.,":,- Bttd7 " r 4 rery HTV oroxa o"ar tris&di on any and all ni-'itH c f saeral i&temt sat Hi Tae naae of the wxte csrt always U far afehsd to tho Editor. OonmirnTetUoas mast t rlttea ea snij oaa side of the paport Pcrsoaalittej s&sst be avoided And It la especially and partiemlaxly cadar itood that the Edife doee not always tttdasso the views ot eorrespoadenu, valaa to stated r-cnj. - s'-TO bTered i l k- daiifered by carriers, part of the city, sitae er week. rtr nd liber'1 - VOL. V WILMINGTON. N. C , TUESDAY, APRIL 19. 1881 NO. 43 ia the editorial eoluana, .D AIL Y ra- Advertisements. THE GREAT RHEUMATISM, Ituralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, lukchs, Soreness cf ihz Vm. tout, Qui"5 Soro ir.roai, Swell inas and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, yii, Ear and Headache, Frosted fat and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. to proration on earth eqnale Sr. Jacobs Oil . ft ture. simple and cheap External 'k trial entails but the comparatively ZZ OTtlar of M Cent, and every on nffer Jfrt ta pain can bare cheap and potior proof i inekiaa Dtnrtioni to Eeren Langnaf e. EOBYALLDBUGGISTS AHD DEALERS A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Xd., V. 8. jL. Hun's Cloth, 13 ItCHkM ID", fine ; ' ijtkt LACK FRENCH BUNTINGS All Wool. Beautiful and Cheap. Novelties h Driig Gooda, ji-t receive J, Laces, Fist Vila Toich 3n, Hpanleb and various &reiM. "the prLea e?e ellright. 8traw flattings. Abpitoci: aid fall vt be the cheapett 'UCK aiJLKi pUia and broede theto 2aiMW " .i i " taj are ucder market Rf.MvRflclntire. Arrivine Daily ! W ARE NOW BUST OPENING, and arranging our Soring ant peritock of Gent', Youtha and Bya i a -u f amubiDo- Goods. We hare r Mtllia Mn the largest stock, tie pretfi. the cheapest stock of Cloth. lathi market. A call and "Patten is respectfully solicited. "il A. & I. SHRIEK, Market street Try M Joe Person Tnrifn,. Tonic Bitters. VTbtm- it:-". wcer in it ear- I!1 iUa?10' 411 Wad of ernp! M. ur nil proren Itlf wkw av ""hoTdeh's opinion.'' ie Jin? Ja Ferioa'a STRONG'S QPIHIOH. n?tPu I raw SB SSI 1w. ill FOB - w U 'oo P. ' Deo 1f8 tut LOCAL NEWS V- AAV' 0 I Geo L Mabson A Card . 3 VaxAmsixoe, G ft C Legal ad Opeba Huose Ur Deem' Lecture G W Tat ts Do You Wtut an Orgin IlrixsHEKaBK New Book A fe I Shbibk ArriTia? Dail KoaJaft now bay In proved Heat in a id Gk StVf a &t facterv iiriccaat -I.cm. - The steamer Pastp&riii laid op fr repairs. Wken she ooancs out ajtaia fo resime-her regular tripi she will have her. summer clothe3on and"Capt. Jobany Harper" will be as prund of hf r a ken with one chicV' .. . v - falling' "'.or fAdigParker8 if air lfa sam supplies oecefsary Loarishment. pre veats falling and grayness aud ia as e!e gaat dressing. Indications- For the South Atlantic States partly cloudy weather and occasional rain, southerly winds in the southern portion and northeasterly winds on the N. C. Coast.stationary and lower barometer and temperature Dr. Deems- Her. Chas. F. Deems, D. D., LL P., is expected to arrive ia this city,tn Thursday morning and will be the guest f Mr. B. G. Wwth. Dr. Deemi will rest en Thursday, lectire it the evening and receive hia frieids on Friday. The Thallan Amatenrs. The 4,Ceraradea". was produced at the Tileston Upper Btom last evening by the Thalias AraatenrsVto a larga and ap preciative audieace. The play is a Strang ane, and is well calculated to test the mettle of the performers. As usual the Thalians handled the piece with ar tistic skill aad were rociferoualy ap plauded. Tfe are glad tt know that our Amateurs, in whta the city feels a just pride, will give two or three entertain ments during the next six weeks. To-Morrow N Iff fa:. The character of the talent employed to participate ia to-morrow evening's entertainment at the Opera House is a sufficient guaraatee of the pleasure in store for those who may attend- The well known vocal powers of the esteemed lady who is the beneficiary, will draw no doubt, Bany persons thither. It is all or nearly all native talent, that is to say, the performers are residents of our eity, and are well known to the musical world in Wilmington. Hew to se your own painUr : Bay th N. T. Enamel PaiaV ready aaixed and warranted at Jacobi's. ' t . binall strike. Dr. Cloud seems to have some, troible ia getting bauds to work on the water works. He ofifers 80 cents a day task labor of 10 yards per day. He says if hands will work they can easily make in this soil $1.50 per day, hat the laborers refuse to go to work unless they hare a guarantee of $1.50 per diem. This the water works company refaoe to pay and Dr. Cloud says he will send ntrth and get labor if hands here will not work at the 80 cents per diem task labor. Fell Dewa a Hatch. Suiiay. afternoon a seaman on board tf the achotner Jessie Hart 2nd went aboard of the schooner Irene E. Mc& strvey, loading with lumber at Messrs. Northrop 6 amain g's mill, to xisit a brother, when he tripped en some loose seajitling and was precipitated down the hatch. The unfortunate man was brought on deck and medical aid summoned. Dr. Bellamy, the attending physician, found him suffering very much from concussion of the braia and very badly bruised. The sailor is doing as well as could be expected. Wtt adviae our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tioi- There you get the lowest prices, f ' City Court. His Honor Maybr Smith had only two cases be for him this morning. Two persons, a whijo woman and a colored, man, were arraigned charged with selling spirituous and malt liquors on Sunday last. Thb two cases were tried under a city ordinance. These being the first charges against the defendants both eases were dismissed. His Honor took occasion to say that hm was determined to"put a stop to the Etlliig of liquor ea Sunday in this city. Go to Jacobis for Doors, 8aah and S I Blinda, pure Whit Lead, Oils, -Varnishes t Wi&dn.ton HQ ft aD sixes. All at the lowest Th- P. sttTal Lasi Sigh. The re was a good attendance at the City Hall list night at the festival giffu by the ladies of St. Thomas' Roman Catholic Chnrch f-r the benefit of the Sisters of Mercy of this cit y. His l!onor Major Smith, at 9 o'clock, made a formal opening ef . the bazsur, which continues throah today," to-tJglit, to- md; row and to-morrow night, in a neat title addrcsa. He mida a: warm eulogy npoa the cjuiet he roifci of the Siiters ofi Mercy, who so brarily faced . t ha pesti leucc that Fcourgcd Hr ciiy some years ago, ef cry where ministering a3 they didj to tie b filleted and. tly in ir, by which acts they won'the esteem of all classes and for which, if nugbteUe could be -a id for; tiitm, thry deserre the most liberal char ity of our citizens He said that he felt this would certainly be extended them during this festival, and in hi3 official capacity respectfully called upon our peo ple generally to patronize it. nis speech was short but appropriate and was warm ly applauded at the close. To give a minute description of the many attrac. tions which grace the Hall would fill our entire local space but we are pleased to note some of the leading and general features: The art gallery, arranged, catalogued and under the direct manage ment -of Mrs. John Sweeney, assisted by Miss Mary Darby, is a rich and rare ex hibition of genius and art. The candy tent, in charge of Miss Lizzie Darby and the Misses Sweeney, did an actire busi ness throughout the evening. There are two refreshment tables, on either of which mis:ht be found vivands that would make a feast for. any royal epicure. The one on the rostrum in the Hall is nnrjer the management of Mrs. Kerchner and Mrs. Darby, assisted by Mrs. Sweeny and Mrs. O'Connor. The other on the left of the entrance of the Hall is in charge of Mrs. Madden, Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Tim Donlan. The prices for either substantials or delica cies are quite reasonable, much more so than is generally the case at such enter tainments. The tables for miscellaneous and fancy articles are three in number. As the auctioneers would say, each table is crowded with goods, wares and merchandise, too numerous to men tion. For our own convenience only' in designating, we will say that table No. 1., the first to the right on entering was arranged and is in charge of Miss Josie. Deans, assisted by the young folks. She may well be proud of the general admiration her table called forth. Table No. 2, the next on the right, was gotten up and managed by Mrs. Price and Mr3. Frank Darby, assited by Mrs. Corbett and Miss Annie King. There are quite a number of articles on this table that were contributed by friends in other States. The taste displayed in arrang ing .them rendered them particularly attractive. Table No. 3 is on the East side of the Hall and closes the list. The general impression made by those who visited this table is that taste and expe rience are displayed in a marked degree in its arrangement. The many beauti ful articles which adorn it, are only to be excelled by the bevy of fair attendants. The management is: Mrs. Wright, Mrs. J no. Heilley, Mrs. Fulton and Mrs. Bauman assisted by the Misses Divine, Bauman, Connor, Mary Powell and Alice Queen. All of the 'tables were liberally patronized. The "grab bags" though minor in their clausM, wsre driving a thriving and prof itable trade among all in ' attendance. One very marked and commendable feat ure was the faet that while Articles for raffle were on each and every table, there was no undue solicitation for chances. The congregation of St. Thomas' Church generally have exerted themselves to make this bazaar a success, and all are more or less entitled to credit for their efibrt3 in that direction. "Horse Overboard' A horse Attached to a dray backed off of the wharf at the foot of Princess street thi3 morning into the river. The water at the end of the wharf is about twelve feet deep, and the animal with the dray attached to him, swam into the dock, but seemed to become confused and swam out in the river again towards a timber raft. After the horse had been ia the water about twenty minutes and was very much exhausted the dray and harness was cut from him and he was with much difficul ty taken ashore. The dray sank in about 18 feet of water and was being dragged for during thejday. The animal does lot appear to be injured in any way. Wild Cat. The Patriarch of the Fox Club of this city took the dogs out for a little exir cise yesterday afternoon and after a sharp race aad plenty of fun and "music" the dogs ceased to "give tongue" and the Said Patriarch rode up (and found that they had caught a very large wild cat. The cat is enormous for its age and can be seen at the new Market. I rointnltteea vf ib Produce Fx-, change. The following named gentlemen have been appointed on the different commit ttes of the Produce Exchange named below: , ' v Arbitration Committee G. J. Boney O.B.: Aiobinson7ri?."or1alnes Sprunt, J. H. Carrie. - Immigration and Statistics A. H. YanBokkelen, Harding Johnson, N. F. Thompson. Marine E. Peschau, It. E. Heide, T. E. Bond. Inspection G.'W. Williams, J Loeb. Rufus Hicks, Cotton Classification J. H. Carrie, S. R. Birdsev, James Sprunt. Statistics A. Pope, E. G. Barker, A L. DeRosset. Cotton Quotations W. Calder, E. Lilly, S. R. Birdsey. Naval Stores D. G. Worth, J. D. Woody, G. W. Williams. Grain G. J. Boney, W. R. Kenan, D. L. Gore. In addition to the appointment ot the foregoing committees the Board of Man agers have reappointed the present effi cient Secretary and Treasurer, Col. Jno L. Cantwell, to the same position. Mr. G. Grobel, 542 Canal street, Chi cago, told us that he would not live with out a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, so highly does he prize it. Easter Election. At the usual Easter election for Ves trymen ot the various Episcopal churches in this city held yesterday and last night the following was the result: jst.jorjt's cbubch. Vestry James A. Willard, John Ij. Holmes, Henry Nutt, C. D. Myers, John E. Lippitt, W.H. Green, H. G. Small- bones, Dr. E. King, S. L. Fremont, Gabriel Holmes. Trustees James A. Willard, Joha L. Holmes, W. H. Green. Delegates to Diocesan Convention to be elected to-night. st. Paul's church. Vestry John W. Atkinson, DuBrutz Cutlar, W. G. McRae, R. B. Wood, Jr., Wm. H. Bernard, F. H. Mitchell, R. E Heide, R. G. Raskin, H. A. Burr. Delegates John "W. Atkinson, Du Brutz Cutlar, Wm. H. Bernard, F. H. Mitchell. Alternates R. B. Wood, Sr., H. A Burr, R. E. Heide, R. G. Rankin. The following gentlemen were elected Trustees to represent St. Paul's in the general Board of Trustees to be composed of three members from each of the Epis copal churches of Wilmington: DuBrutz Catiar, John W. Atkinson, R. E. Heidt. st. mark's church (colored. Vestry J ohn D. Nixon, J. O. Nixon, J. W. Holland, C. W. Avant, S. W. Nash, J. H. Davis, James E. King, Samuel Reid. Wardens J ohn G. Norwood, John D. Nixon. Delegates J. O. Nixon, J. H. Davis, Jssi EKing, Henry Sampson. Alternates E. F. Martin. G. Wf Betts, Valentine Howe, Washington Howe. Trustees Jokn G. Norwood, C. W. Avant, Samuel Reed. The delegates from St. James' Parish to the Diocesan Convention will be elect ed to-night at the meeting of the Vestry. We published in yesterday's issue of the Rsvntw the names of the Vestrymen and Trustees of St. James Church. Disgraceful Conduct. We insert elsewhere to-day a commu mcation signed "Churchman," which w 7 j r : ut. r- J iuict:ucuiur jrcoLvruay o issue, vuh iumaa vcrtently left out. We call the atten. tion of those interested to the purport of this publication, and we would like to remark here for the benefit of those to whom this communication refers, that if the young men, and over-grown boys, who conducted themselves so disgrace fully in St. James' Church on last Sun day afternoon, and in SL John's Church last Sunday night, ever repeat the un gentlemanly conduct, they were then guilty of, they will not only feel the heavy hand of the law upon them, which is particularly severe for disturbing church services, but they may perchance see their full nam?s ia print, so that the public may bs well assured who the guilty parties are. Young men and boy who ha re been properly reared and taught good manners at hom?,t!cserve,and should receive greater censure thau those whose opportunities f i proper instruction have been proscribed A person who misbe haves, and is guiity of indecent conduct at church 13 pretty certain to receive the severe condemnation of all respectable people in a community whether they be church-goers or not, and irrespective of faith or creed. "" We hope we shall never have to recur to this matter, but if the occasion should arise again, let laese yjmaeyitrtriis- ware, for we shall deal with theai merci lessly. List of Letters. . The following is a list of ths letters re maining unclaimed in the City pasToili-e Wednesday, ApH'r 2'): A Ezekial Amen, Elizabeth Allen, Fanny 11 Alexander, Mack Austin. B Mrs Ann Jane Blackman, Catha rine F Bonham, Charity Bellamy, mrs Jane Bradley, Janie Bryant, Rachael Bradley, Aleson E Burnett, D H Brock, L H BergerJ J J Biggs, J&o Biver, R H Beijamine, Robt Branch, Toney Black, W Biggs, Bloxton & Waller. C Lillie Cook, Dora Croom, Mary Celly Allen Calhoun, T N Collin3. D A Davis, D A Davis Jk Co, G W Davis, G G Davis, C Martha Dudley, Susan Dew. E-L E Edwards. F Jane Flowers, J G Frier. G Jasper Gillican, Richard Green, W A Grisen, W G Green. H Benjamine Herse, J G Harper, Jamea H Hewett, Philip Hodge, L C Hufham, Washington Higgins, Frankie House, Ida Herring, Mary E Hawkins, Mary Hagget, Roiin Hymaa, Maria Hill Sarah C Hodges. J Allice Joyner, George James, F Johnson, Josh James, S N Johnson. Steven Johnson, W C Jarman. Ij George Locke. M Ella Martin, Josephine Mack, Josenhine Morton. Minnie Murrie. Sudie McKnight, Clara Moore, D McFadj en, J Duncan Miller, J A Maston, M A Moore, Wm McDurmick, W H Mo Bride, K O McDougal, 0 Matilda Oden, H S Orr. !P Emma Petteway, Emaline Poke, N C Priest, Jerry Patterson, Philmore Picket. R Teanor Richardson, Rodey Rite, Fannie Roberts, Clara E Reynolds, W J Robertson, E C Robeson, Squire Rob eson, ProfE Ruby. T Robt Thomas. S W H Strickland, Jno IT Skinner, Georgian na Swans, Elvenia Simmons, Hariet Stewart, Mary A Sampson, Mary Simmons, Day id Sassers, David Stoaks, Teaner Smith, Frank Stanley'. W Richard Wilks, Peter Williams, O P Willis, Jr, George Walker, Nancy Williams, Mattie Wilder. Y J J Young. Per ons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim' od in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. B. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover County, -For the Review. A Word of Warning. Mr. Editor: The undersigned desires to say to those young men who by their talking and noise disturbed the congregation in that part 01 bt. John s church nearest the doors and did other disorderly things during the service Sunday night, both inside the church and outside at the door, that a repetition of the offence will cause them to be placed in a most embar rassing position. We trust it may not occur again. Churcuxay. . A CABD. WiLMixGTOx, NAC, April 18, 1881. Editor or the Star : - - X Sir I see in your paper of the 17th instant, that I am spoken of as the succesor or Mr. v. Uanaday, as Collector of Customs at this port. This is being done,-not by those who wish me well, but by bitter enemies of Mr. Canaday, on account of the friend ship and support he hasjjiven my race. I positively decline to allow my name used against Mr. Canaday, and as long as he desires the place I shall support him with all the influence I can command and his enemies must not try to use any colered man ia North Carolina to strike him down. Very respectfully. It GEO. L. MABSON, Given up by Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?" "I assure you it is true that he is en tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago his doc tors gave him up and said he must die!" " Well-a-day! That is remarkable! I will go this day and get some for my poor George I know hops are good." Salem Post, J N ar Adverti4emeiitaJ Lecture. THE WILMINGTON LIBRARY AXSO CI ATION announce the THIRD LEC 1 URE of thocourae. on THURSDAY ETC NINO, April 21at, at the OPERA HOUSE, by Kev. CHARLES P. DEEMS, D D. LL 1). Subject "NATURE - AND THE Jill BLE." Admission, Sinrle ticket, It eta: Two or more, 87K ct. each. 1 - Lecture to commence at 8.80 o'clock. t sp 194Jt - State of North 'z -olina, ) r Superior Court. hew ITaneYer County. )v Joha D. lkllamy, Jr., .Plaintiff, , - " VB. Cornelius Campbell, Framcea Camplaad Joseph W. "Whitney, Defendant. mms action is instituted 'to X foreclose a mortgage- oar real estate la the City of Wilmington, aaade by defend ants, Corne'ius and Frances Canpbell, aad i "Seltf !iniat!terttr appear liai tLo u cr. I.:: ' Cornelius Campbell Is a non-re&idtnt, has property within this State and can not site ' due diligence be found therein, aad tha said defend Ant reaides lu Albany, New York. , The eaid Cornelius Campbell Is hereby notified aad required to appear at the n ext term of the Superior Court of rew nanovcr county,, to be neldattho Ourt House in. Wilmington, aa the 13th Mt.-iiday alter tae 1st Monday, in March 1SS1, and answer or demur to the eemnlalnl tiled in this action. S. VA5? amrinqe. Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. apl ly-lafffctr-tues GRAND BAZAAR AND FESTIVAL. JENEFIT SISTERS OF MERCY, CITY HALL, AprU 15, 19 and 20, 13S1. Refreshments served by the Ladies of -St. Thomas' Church. , The Italian Band will furnish Music. iickets good lor the tbree days and eve nings, 25 ceats. aplll.Stl operahouce: Wednesday Evening, April 20- Testimonial to Mrs. J.W. Cameron Eishberg's Opera louffe, DOCTOR OF ALGANTJU1A, and Sullivan's Comic Opera, ' Cox and Box. General admission 50cts, . Reserved seats 75 cts. Tickets on sale at Heinsbtrger's Box Sheet open Monday morning, apl 16'3t . Kew BookOa- rpflE LAZY MAN'S WOEK, ' All on Account of Eliza, The Tar W Idow, . A Prodigious Fool, - . Just out and for iale at ' HEINSBESQE&'S . Pi alios and ; 0rgancr7 FOR CASH OR ON THE HY IN8TALHENT PLAIT For sale at - HEINSBEROER!3T apl 18 Live Book and Mule Btere SPRIG GOODS I DURING THIS SEASON, irhea it is exceedingly difficult for hous; keepers to find anything snitablo for their table, I have on hand UJ oa the arrival of each Steamer II full supply of M V mm rnrn A S fa and of every kind, fresh frdm the ''Northern MarketpJ All would do well To Call and Examined Also, by each Steamer a full " supply of STAPLE AliD FAfllMACIOUS GOODS, Always Freah and Sir set? . . ' I guarantee U goods fold by rro .in ri fa lr n rV vhftf avm enit; - All gooda sold at lowest priccrS JNO. L BOATlVfllGI! rvTcs. 11 IS IV. Front ZVX pi w; ' -

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