,n pa PES iii mm . PLEAC3 II0TIC2. Wo will bo glad to receive ecsssrtrizj from our frleadj on any and all nl!rcli c f twral latent but - . The name of the wrlta csst always be far nlahed to the Editor. . ,-,. Comannleatlonsiaulbolwilltea ca on! one side of the papcrv Personalities mrtt b avoided Aad it !j especially and ptrticaliiljtrlc? ftood that the Editor does not always csdens the views ot correspondents, unless to stxt?i la the editorial eolraaa. - Now Adverticbmcnts. r v D,vTrONS,TAUE PAID. 5r,f 1 25 . One month, M oeate. fl3Btb, dfllTered b7 earrier, p'P'r (Tut pari of the city; at the ""'arats. low end liber- , VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1881 NO. 44 Da Advertisements. TTT THE GREAT for. RHEUHATISH J Hmrr.Inia. Sciatica, Lumbano. 7 Backache, Soreness cf the Gout, Quinsy, Soro Threat, Sac ings and Sprains, Burns and iW, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equal! St. Jacob Olt m$afe,sure, timple and cheap External Imtdr. A trial entaito but th comparatlTelj. triflice ontl of M Cent, and eTery on Buffer bi with pain can have cheap ana poajttra proof if its claimi. Directions in Eeren Langnaf el. BOLD BT AIL DBUGGI8TS AHD DEALERS ISMEDIOBTE, A, VOGEUER fc CO., BaltlmoTT, Hid., XT. 8. J-. Nun's Cloth, 43 h t. BLACK FRENCH BUNTINGS, ill Wool, Beautiful and Cheap. Novelties la Drrij Goods, ji3t receive!. Laces Fine T!i Toichor, Spnih and various t&srnsfcts. Theprl;es areallrigit Straw PvTattmgs. A Urgeitock atd taM w ba the cheapest U the BtrkeL BUCK 8lLK8-pUia and brocade these bouldbe.eef.r they are juder market IpUj VB lia.ll Arriving DaiItt i ARE NOW BUSY OPENING, B 5ns 111(1 arranging our Sorine- asat W stock cf Gent'., Youths' and Boys' 0JlinS aa FurnUhing Good-. We hT Wftlt geasoa the largest stock, the wettf. ,toind the cheapest stock of Clotij rer offered in this market, A call aid 11 ir'?tioa fa respectf ally solicited. A. & I. SHRIEK, Martet street Try Mr. Joo PersonV Indian Tonio Tmtw- ?,bCa MC' 4hia from import ariBnpn v. auniamnt U,. aor it hu pr0Tea iteelf -. ,EE C0Y. HOLDEH'S OPlNinn J riil.OM Io. 2d, 1880 nr n . - LEI III IE LOG A i, XR Wa H II WARXEn Warner's Safe T.nfe mi ters - J A SrniNaEit-i'.oner for Sale EG Mallaud Xot'cc C W Yates--Do Yon Wact an Or?jn f IIesberger New Book A fe I SnaiEn Arriring: Dailr No City Court to-day. JKggs sell for 18 cents per dozen. . The star g-7Aag business U looking np. Memorial Daj, May 10th, Li's on Tuesday. It is said . pa ragra pbers anj the t-nu-men of newsarxrs. A man cannot expect hull a loaf i.ru he loafs all the time. ihe Spring-lime has come, "Gentlo Annie" at last, we hope. - Some very fine rock are being caught at the fisheries at New Inlet. You can uow buy Improved Heatinsr acd Coirfk SU)Ve atfactorv i ri-.csit J acobi's. Mr. W. D. Muhn is slill Yery ili, with no chaLge in his condition for the better Qiito a number of hands went to work this morning laying the pipe for the wa ter works. A hydrant has been erected on the site of the old Market. Hew teeyearowa painter: Buy the N. T. Enamel Faint, ready aarxed and warranted at JAeeai'p. t It is thought that gentle spring will hail mo more, nor snow, at present. The steamship Benefactor, Captain Tribeau,arrired in port this morning from New York. Merchants, sow your adyertisenients in the spring, if you want a rich harrest in the summer. .- A good action is nerer thrown away. This is the reason, no dcubtT why we find so few of them. I am dyeing for lore, said a raelan chtly young nan, as he put the coal black fluid on his mustache. New oiions have made their appear ance in narket They look so lonely it makes ene's eyes water. The Baleigh Newt and Obtefver will soomemlarge its size te a 42 column pa per, yft congratulate you Bro. Ashe. tThe steamer Gevtmor Worth is on the Marine Railway. 'As soon as she cones off the Passport will go on to have her hull scraped and painted. Col. F. W. Kerchner who , has been confined to his home for serersl days past y sickness haso far recorered as to ap pear on the streets. Dr. Fairfax Irving's fifice is at pres ent at the Custom House. As soon as the painting is completed at-the Marine Hospital he will remore there. Xeyer refuse to receire an apology. Tiumay not rerive friendship, but cour tesy will require, when an apology is off "red, that you will accept it. "We haye received from Mr. Samuel Onyof Long Creek, Pender couaty, a sanple of musk melon seed, which from our wn observation we can testify pro duces the finest1 species of musk melon ever grown in this section at least in our time. Stephen Howard, a colored man who was sent to the Poor House on Satur day, died on Sunday' night; The piind of the deceased was somewhat affected, though it is thought that his death was the result of exposure and hunger prior in his entrance to the Alms House. We advise our friends to call at Jacobi's for Household Hardware of every descrip tion. ". There .you get the lowest prices, f The gifted and popular Dr. Deems, will no doubt have a crowded audience at the Opera House to-morrow night This distinguished and eloquent divine hj many friends in North Carolina and rticularly in this city, who will be glad to hear his voice once more in pub. lie. The Steam Fire Engine Company No. I Little Giant) will soon have their annual dinner. By the way, this excel" lent company has, wo understand, order ed new uniform shirts, their present ones being in many instances rather the worse for wear, showing evidence of the many conflicts Y&icfc the owners and wearers teva c& with ths fire fiend. The thermometer was 77 in this office at 3 o'clcck this afternoon. One degree above Summer heat. Now the roses and hyacinths will sprout, put forth and bloom, and all vegetation; laugh merrily tu the geniil Spring sunshine. Cannot i'ajor Smith enforce the va grant act in this city? .There. is a splen did fiel-i tooporale4n around the site of theoU Market, where busy and indas. trion3 men are hard at work making ex cavations aud laying t'.e tie.v pipe for the water works "company 'affd crowds of idlers stand looking on the b tier part cf the hole day. Wilmington is mach in azd of a recog nized city time. The time of the jewel ers differ from four to tea minutes, and each claim to have the correct tine. The city clock seldom runs and the need of some regular city time is - much felt. There are hardly any two watches in the city keeping the same time. Can not some thing be don8 to remedy the trouble ? To Night. Do not lorget the entertainment at the Opera House to night. A charming evening may be spent there at little ex panse. A chaste and refined perform ance with the best musical talent of the city will greet the visitor, (io by all means. Clerical so to Speak. The Rev. T. D. Pitts, Rector of St. John's Church, having departed for Florida on Monday night to be absent two weeks, his place will be filled by the Rev. Dr. George Patterson, who is expected in the city this week, until Mr. Pitts' return. 4 New Argument Irom the Stump ' Reference was made at the close of a mass meeting, noted in a La Grange paper, of the phenomenal efficacy ot St. Jacobs Oil in the many painful diseases to which mankind is subject. We men tion the above as showing how strong a hold the Old German Remedy for Rheu matisra has on the experience and good wishes of the great public. Wbat Was It ? Yesterday morning, about day break' persons living on Front, between Market andOrange streets,were awakened by the cries of "Help 1 Help 1" which proceed ed from a woman who was being driven hurriedly down the street in a carriage. What occasioned the cries we could not ascertain, nor were we able to discover who the woman was. Wo have heard of no one being kidnapped and can give no cause for the singular behaviour. Si James' Delegates- ' At a meeting of the-Vestry of St. James Church, held last evening, the following delegates to the Diocesan Con vention was elected: Dr. A. J. DeRos set, A. H. Van Bokkelen, Col. J. G. Burr, Col. W. L. DeRosset. Alternates Dr. T. F. Wood, Dr. S. S. Everitt, R. E. Calder, Clayton Giles. The election of delegates by St. John's Church has, by unanimous consent of the vestry, boen postponed until the return of Rev. Mr. Pitts. Off for Sea. Mr. J. McRee Lane leaves to-morrow for New York as Mate of the schooner E. H. Drummond. Captain Higgins, of the Drummond, and his Mate have been bound over to the U. S. District Court; which convenes in this city next month, to answer to the charge of. bru tal treatment to one of the crew. The man who is said to have been brutally treated died and was buried at sea. Capt. Easdel takes Capt. Higgins' place and Mr. Lane that of the Mate. The Bazaar There was a good attendance at the festival and bazaar last evening- To night it will close and all articles remain ing unsold will be disposed of by auction. Refreshments will be served and persons who attend after the performance at the Opera House can be furnished with a substantial supper or ice cream and sweets. The young folks will be allow ed to indulge in the dance. The harpers will furnish music for the occasion. Indications- For the South Atlantic States fair weather, stationary or higher barometer and temperature, northerly to easterly winds An old lady writes us: "I am 65 years old and was feeble and nervous all the time, when I bought a bottle of Park er's Ginger Tonic I have used a little more than one bottle and feel as well as at 30, and am sure that hundreds need just such a medicine." . See advertise- Burled A11T6 While one of the workmen was down in the ditch on Front street connecting the joints of the water works pipe a crowd of eager-lookers on gathered on the bank of the ditch, causing a small land slide which buried the laborer and came near frightening him to death, so to speak. He was quickly pulled out and was found tobe'unhurt, but badly fright ened and somewhat mad. The JohnsooHrotherr ZicWhh Johnson and his brother, John H. Johnson, who wera. a few days ago up before hi3 Honor Mayor Smith, are still at largs in this city. These two little rascals were let off by His Honor with the proviso that their mother would send them out of town. She stated at the time that she could send them to some one in the country who wanted them and seemed so anxious to get them outjof.the city that his Honor suspended judgment in their cases. Zach Johnson is the little scoundrel who was seen about two ' weeks ago as saulting a little white girl on Chestnut street. Why these little rascals are not in the country or in jail we do not know' but suppose that Mayor Smith will find out the reason why their mother did not fulfill her promise. K Coroner Suing for Fees Mr. E.J). Hewlett, Coroner of this county, has brougnt suit against the Board of County Commissioners to force them to pay two claims he has against the county for holding inquests over two bodies. Mr. H. A. Bagg, Chairman of the Board, holds the opinion that the Coroner is appointed only to detect crime and to hold inquests over murder ed or drowned persons or persons who come to a violent end. The cases for which the Coroner claims fees are those of two men who had received medical attention and was under the care of phy iciansat the time of their death. Chairman Bagg claims that as there was no - suspicion of foul play there was no necessity of holding an inqcest, and that tne Coroner is' not entitled to the fee's which amount to $20.50. Mr. Hewlett holds that as the cases were re ported to him "aa sudden deaths" he summoned jurors and held the inquest ac cording to law, and is consequently en titled to his fees. The case was tried this morning before Justice Gardner. Mr. M. Bellamy representing the prose cution and Mr. F. H. Darby acting for the County Attorney, CoL B. B. Moore, who is confined to his house by sickness. Justice Gardner gave a verdict in favor of the defendant, whereupon Mr. Chair man Bagg, through his Attorney, took an appeal to the Superior Court. LlDpincotl's Magazine. Besides the usual variety of light and entertaining reading, Lippincott's Maga zine for May has some articles full of in formation on subjects of general interest. Thus, in a paper on the "House of Com mons," the well-known magazinist, W. H. Rideing, describes the general ap pearance and arrangements, the iorms of procedure, and other details that require to be understood before we can have a vivid notion of the great debates and characteristic scenes of that ancient as sembly, the prototype of all existing leg islative bodies. In an article on "OysteiJ Culture," W. Jj . G. ohands, who has uiaoVa thorough study of the subject, shows the necessity for the speedy adop tion in America of methods for preserv ing or renewing the oyster-beds along our coast, such as are extensively prac tised in France, which are here described with the aid of illustrations. "The Truth about Florida," by Louise Seymour Houghton, . holds the balance between opposite views in regard to the climate and advantages of that State, both as a health resort and a field for agricultural enterprise and investment. Dr. Oswald continues his account of "Zoological Cur iosities" With an anecdotical and finely illustrated paper on that "step-child of Nature," the sloth; and "Granada and the Alhambra" forms the subject of a well-written article, historical and des criptive, by S. P.Scott, with many strik ing illustrations. "The Indiscretions ot Madame Joubert" skims the cream of a newly published French book containing reminiscences of Alfred da M asset, Hein- rich Heme, and ether celebrities of the last generation. 'Craque-o-Dom," the new serial, keeps well up to the mark; and among the short stories, one entitled "In Search of a Soul" is remarkable for its originality and for its charming des criptions of Italian scenes and1 lifer, while "Pringle's Flat," by David Lowry, is a come picture, and shows much merit in the way of vivid word-painting. Yesterday we were crowded with news for our local columns; to-day. there is a perfect famine in th way fiteasV We easnot even find a dc j fijht to Itpcrt., Ner Advertisements. Boiler for Sale. QNS UPRIGHT SO 1IOR3E POWER Boiler, nearly new, wish grate-bars, smoke stack, steam and water gjujjes, tfce. Every thing in working ojtrer, an;l will be sold low by apl20Ct J. A. STRINGER, At Coal Yard ... Notice ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU tioned against trading for the follow ing Certificates of Deposit of the First Na tional Bank of TVilmiegton, N. C, jul of which are drawn payable to my order, tfaid Certificates haye been lost, ami j ayrDent of same has been stopped. Certificate of Deposit No. 1738. dated Dec. 18, 1878, for $75. Certificate of Deposit No. IC'31, dated March 26, 1879. for $ 100. Certificate of Deposit No. 21G9, dated Sep tember 10, 1S79, for 125. Certificate of Deposit No. dated June 29, 1880, for $100. Certificate of Deposit No.2G19, dated Oct. 17, 18S0, for $100. apl 20-law2w E. G. MALLARD. A PERFECT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. A THOROUGH BLOOD PURIFIER, A TONIO APPST1ZSB. Pleasant to the taste. Invigorating to the body. I he most emi nent PdYBIClAHS recommend these Bit tes for their curativo properties. Tiial size 50c. Full size (largest in market) $1.00. Til "ST TXZSZVZ - For tie Kiuneyu, Liver and Urinary Or gans, use nvtbiag but WAttNtli'd BAFtf KIDNKI AND LIVER CURE." It stands D5B1VALLED. Thousands owe their health and happiness to it. JB3& We offer "Warcer's fcafe Tonic Bitters" with equal confidence. H II WARNER CO., apl 2 .'-d aw Rochester N T RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS, SASH, DOORS AHD BLINDS, BRACKETS,MOULDING, LUMBER, &o ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE k CO'S. Factory: Office: Foot Walnut st. Nutt, near Red Cross st apl 11 Do You Want An Organ 7 JNdraUME5Td OF THE BEST HAKE always on hand, and sold cn easy Instal ments. Croquet and Hammocks, Large Stock Books aad fftatbzeiy always on hasd at low prices. Yates' Book Store. apl 18 JOB PRHTIG ! AT THE LOWEST PBIC23 ! ASCERTAIN MY PRICES BEFORE HAVinO Y6UR PRINTING DONE ELSEWHRRE ! Mm Satisfaction' Guaranleed 1 JpEINTiLSO CAREFULLY iXSCUrED or persons retldixg out ofthe elry'aad sent to them by mall free of postage. F. 8. WAiROOJT, Corner Chestaut aad TTater Streets OZa i la Review EaUdirj " . ccb l VUREUyyEGCTABLE Lecture. rpilE WILMINGTON LIBRARY AtSO X CIATION announce the TUIJtD LEC 1 URE of the course, on THURSDAY EYK NTNO, April 21st, at the OPERA HOUSE. by Rev. CHARLES F. DEEMS, D. D. LL 1. Subject "NATURE AND , THE BI BLE." Admission, Single tickets, CO cU; Two or more, S7f eta. each, Lecture to commence at 8.S0 o'clock, ap 19-St - ... , c 171. CROM.Y, A?tc!c BY CKt LT & MORRIS.- Admistratoia ;Saie. BY VIRTUE OF. A DEGREE, OF TTtE Superior Court of New Hanover county, iu a certain special proceeding there pead ingbefyie the Clerk, wherein Alfred Howe, as Administrator of Julia Pettlibrd,ts plain tiff, and Orlando Dover and wife Margaret Dover, are defendants, I will on Xfoa day, the-; Jd day of May, lSel, at IV o clock,. A. M., at the Court nousc door.in the city of Wilming ton, offer for sale by publie auction, that lot of land, situate in said city, and designated " upon the plan thereof as Lot No. 3 in Block -' 1. '1 lie savl Int. xrlU Vu AiviA t- v.ir and 5014 in two lots, each teeing of the width, ol j ieet and of the depth of 165 feet. Terms One third cash, residue in 3 and C months with interest from day of sale.' ALFRED HOWE, apl 1 11-20 -CO Administrator GRAND BAZAAR AND FESTIVAL. JJENEFIT SISTERS OF MERCY, CITY HALL, April IS, 19 and 20, 1881. Refreshments served by the Ladles of St. Thomas' Church. - .... The Italian Band will furnish Music. ; Tickets good for the three days and eve nings,25ceats. pl H.5t I OPERA-HOUSE Wednesday Evening, April 20- . Testimonial to Mrs. J. W. Cameron Eishherg,e Opera Bouffe, DOCTOR OF ALCANTARA, and Sullivan's Comic Opera, Cox and Box. General admission 50 cts, . Reserved seats iocis. - iicKets on, sale at UeinsDtrrer's. w oiicctopta Jionuay morzunz. apl l6-3t - Kew Booko- rpHE LAZY MAN'S WOBIT, , Alloa Account of EJii, The Tar . 1 r A Prodlfious Joel, Just out and for sale at HEINSBESQEH'S . mmmmmmmmmmM Pianos and OrgantTp FOR CASH OR ON THE 5 ' r , E18Y IN8TALME3T PlAIt For sale at HEINSBERQER'S. apl 18 Live Book and Mule 8tere SPRII? GOODS S DURING THIS SE1SON, when it is exceedingly difficult for houfiO keepers to find anything snitablo I for their table, I hare on . hand mi on the arriyal of each Steamer A fall supply of VEGETABLES;. . a?3 of every kind, fresh from tfco .Northern MarketpJ - All would do well To Gall and Examined A!eo, by each Steamer a full , snpp'.y of STAPLE ARD FAfllNACIOUS GOODS, Always Fresh and Swaef . v I guaranteejall goocU gold by xro and take back whatever doe3 nc6 suit. All goods sold at loncst pxiczz. JfJO. L COATtVOiOllfn fl 13 '

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