BUBBLE8 .mbeaof uTySt beneath.' fa 'mtie trefc-n L larn- to wail foef11 ctrtcbed in vain; ,Ue"bo arseqaest!oning8ure; fwSff Si f'Kcoffi. not 8Stltt- . your j - -ati ur then not to cry; n1 ,,c bubbles inirw A h tw"e and thoush tber M h they would have deemed it jliC1 . ..JCtt- m B'slnd that May Lost Ld III ld . r.,v,n V. Forney has received o c frorn" W G. Mary t'? ?ller;:v.0, from Bobert BeDjamm Kiitne Ul" lou jjiving some mfor ft, and furnishing a clue that may .loStothciwoveryofthe long Vrivu llnsniaa. states that He lf h a naraph in a San Antonio !p!lS?f February -17 to the ef- (fexas) pape R haJ not yet been was under the impj TV li Mil bad heen returned iu ui 6tThe notice r-ctlh-d to. the SefUr. UugmiU am u?r I r his observation previous to the o February, while he and Uia f.mi fo were residing at Laughton, Lssex, rXniles northeast of London. Hi loToanrest children went to school ETSlch was attended by a rather rettiboj of about nine years of age, SL called George- by the woman nth whom he lifed but wno "equeuuT ld his name was Charlies Ross; that ,;a mntlipr and that the woman was mi - . he was brought oTer from America in a hie shin. The boy claimed that his aoV was a lady. Mr. Huffman says that the boy answers to the description of the lost Charlie and that he left the Tillage some time ago, it was understood, w.lh the intention of being sent home. Mr. Kingsbury voucnes ior mc renaun itj of Air. llughman and states that while he was stopping at Laugh ton boat a year ago he had .his attention called to tat boy, bit paid no par ticular attention to. the matter, as he supposed that the Philadelphia boy had teen found. Mrs. llughman had 'told the writer that the woman who had the boy in charge always wore a reil, her ex cuse being that her husband was abroad and that she had taken a vow not to show her face in public until he returned. Mr. Kingsbury concludes a3 follows : "A little before my visit referred to, the boy was taken away and some months after the woman herself moved to an other town only a few miles away, and as wi write we do not know whether the boy is now with her or not, or whether the 4,takiog away" was only a blind or rase played by the woman, but Mr. llughman will make a visit to the lo cality to-morrow and find out whether lae caild 13 with her or not. At any rate I have hardly any doubt but that this was and is tha veritable Charlie Bos3, and that if he has been taken away the woman could tell something about it. If we can make any new discoveries we will write or cable you as soon as made." Mr. Chrstiiin K. Row ia ronortirl to - - - - - . rcgtrd this latest clue to. the- where abouts of his sou Charlie as the most bopelul which he has received for several years. The letters from England which iuu cuuuierparii 01 iiiv iooi uvj written by persons known to be re sponsible, aud the evidence is strong jht this child declared his real nam .to to Charlie Ross before any one elsesin the neighborhood knew that a boy ef that name had been lost. These Btate ocnts come, not in a roundabout way from persons whom nobody can identify, bat from two gentlemen as to whose char ..Jter there is said to be not the slightest All The Year Round. Educating Oysters. 4iAad alihough.it has been doubted -ai&4 oviter had been so far subjugated J o "follow its master up and down JJNi a consummation wnich might be pted as positive progressive teps in - me toward ultimate civilization, at according to Lewes Seaside stud f0!!Jster3 are susceptible .of being edu S kil?a smaU xtcnt.' In the great Ablishmeuts on the coast of Calvados merchants teach oysters to keep their "closed when out of the watr. hv ;camfan3 the liquor retained keeps r gills moist and they arrive lively t al8tant Paris- The process may W 7 xteD8ive publicity; it is this: Sooner is an nrct vJ f. lhemf,ait closes it shells, and opens iB iSerkcerlain time from fatigue, shack ; more Prohably because the air ci!; hy removal into the puig itsmuscldi to contract, has ?he Calvados men take ai mrV ? u to exrcisc the oysters 7t! I , aatomed to be 00 1 of Mer,DT leaving J., :i : n Tkisfc. 2 I longcr aQd longer periods tJn effect? the wili-edu- Cfo?ilask keeps iUdoor closed at ktP nSt. dl i3 closed its ?Uls arc ckS auty from the hair ffiS r57 wurishment, pre 1151 Cng gTajness and fa aa niscellanooua A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVErJ I IRON EITTEHS are Lihly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss cf Strength! Lack cf Enerqy. etc. Enriches quiring miitent 1 tlie blocKl, strengthens the inuscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act , j A x , iute a cnarra ca lire aigestive organs, removing all dyspeptic Eymptoins, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in ite j&cmach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading sent free. - v BROW CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. M THE ONLY MEDICINE? v IX EITHER LIQUID OBDBT 10U3I That Acts at the Same Time ou The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. These preat organs are the natural cleansers of tle system. If they work well, health will he perfect; if they become clogged areatlful dis eases are sure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Biliousness, Headache, Dysjxpsia, Jtunilc, Constipation, Tilts, Kidney CoTVjhainU, Gravel, Diabetes, Jiheumalic Pains or Ache$. are developed because the blood is poisoned with the humors that should be expelled naturally. innM FY-W ORT WILL BESTDRE the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished; neglect theni aud you will live but to suffer. Thousands hare been cured. Try it and you win add one more to the number. Take it aud h ealth will once more gladden your heart. Why uffer longer from the torment of an aching, bark T Why bear saeh distress from Constipation anil rile ! Ktcnet-Wobt wfll cure you. Try it at once and be satisfied. Yourdniggfcsthasit. Price $1.00. 1 gy It is put up In Dry TcyetaWe For m, Jn lnin cans one package of avbich makes six ty quarts of medicine. l3TAlso in IJnld Form, Tery Concentrated ttor the convenience of those who cannot ti tareadily prepare it. It acts icith equal rweMcteneu in either form. m r- WELLS, KfCII AKDSON & CO., Prop's; 1 (Will Bend thedrypost-paid.) BCBUXGT05, YT. lining 5t?d 3 O 4 5avi S a- tr 4 ? 0 rf A a. S S'c:- 5 ?5 2. ' f 2 ar 2 2 .S Bo dinger Bnchn, Handrafee, Stlllingia andj .many other of the best medicines known are com-4 bined so skillfully in Parker's Ginger Tonic as to make it the greatest BSood Purifier and the J Best Health and Strength Restorer eyer ased. I It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, $leeplenes3, and all diseases of the Stomach,. Bowels, Lunqs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs; and all Female Complaints. , , If you are wasting away with Consumption or. any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter what' 'your symptoms may be, it viil surely help you. J ', Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,, -is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely, different from Litters, Ginger Preparations and J lotlier Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-, -ertiesof all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist., iNone genuine without our signature on outside ; wrapper. Hiscox & Co.. Chemists. New York.; PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM 4 PERFECT SPRSMG AND SUMMER MEDICINE. A TFlOiiOUQtT BLOOD PDrilFIEB, A TO ?IO AP?TIZHa. Plaiant t tbe tatte, la?ioratinif t- tte brvdy. Iba noet emi :ett PHY81CIAN8 resaaimcnd fiese BU ta b f t, Vieif 'uratira properties. Tiit.1 i t? bQz. Fail eize (largeat ia mrk.et$1.00. T2LTZ .B --O M f - Cf) mr fan S-n B ff ?e :S g.a g s.g. Tor ike Klaseji, Liver atd Urlnarj Or ea.5i.riM nothing bat 'MVARVER'S SAFE KIUNKr ANU LIVER CUBE " It standi 03 RIVALLED. ThooJandj owe tbelr halth and bappinetito it. pT We offar 'Warrer' SaloTonie Bitterg" wiUi equal eemfideace. Q H TTABNER 4 CO., pli:-dir . Bochejttr If r Lliscollanoous . . ju. -t-n. ! The ."World foi 188?. rytilF. -OH'..i) frr will bs 4be8X 1 and cbrRftfet -vAiiyt;i iubii.l;td in tbe cg 'sb ior g,fi n .i :.' e-i-if nf the Ailaatie. v itb i e- prer e .u;.e-t:i s rv t-ror be- fr wannfcta'tc evtf. bs r e Co., with !w nrd unequilied :vpi?,j aplscal ai.d boil eta far il tie cf h nrt jn t with a tatter rgu)jed teJegtapbii corzeapondenoe '.trovK fcont Ibtt world f-.an tat of ary other Icaeucin jo"rn', The WoIild fr 1881 will Soid its readers daily a correlate, condone .! id t cr.wonhj record of all current erenta. 4.u its P'ro Mimtei With the News of tbe Day tie World t eeta and keeps pace with n- increipir do rds made Mr rap'-d tran sit. te tJejjra! b Bd the ttlephore, on the time attentioo of bcMcesB men. Its daily cable lett- rs from London brine tfc Id orld tn tbe break ffcl tables cf the New In i'e Wn Street O-selp and Ua Tteirg for iDYestore, tak-n together wito its accurate 5 1 . -2 J l i 1 . if t i jnuu u ana auso'uwiy lutparuai nuanciai Article, ice wold daily presents an uori vailed picture not cnly of the true conditior of tha mnltitodinoaa entarpri?e in which tbe tdreoturoas and acdre people of tbir oountrr invest their svrwrf, but also of all tbe flactuatintf i fiuenteseieited upon those enterprise by the Fpculatiora acd the epec- alators of the tf ck rxchvee. "Nn man who owns or eipeots to own as Interest in any cirporate property can afford to rc iss for a eicgle day the information daily id exclusively given in The World, not -nty as to the natural and legitimate coarse if alirs affecting etock yabes, bnt alao as to plans, schemes and combiuations which are incessantly znakintr and nnmakinr in and out of Wall street to aflect those yalues. The World contains alio etery day the tresbest, rawest and meat instmctiye notices f everything new and interesting in the c- alms, of art, of literature and of social life It is the accredited organ of the colleges ot tbe Union, and the accuracy and vivacity of i s sporting oolumns, covering all the va rious forms of tthletie amusement which have multiplied among ut of late years, com mend it to the "rising generation" through out the country. An tbe oalj metropolit m morning journal published ia the English language which maintains an unswerving fidelity to the enduring great prsnciples of the Demooratio faith in politics, Tbe World for 1881 will be 'ocpd, where for the last five years The World Las been found, absolutely loyal to Democratic principles; absolutely independ ent of ail persons, cliques and factions with in the Democratic party. The World will Maintain tbe cauee of the Union against sectionalism in all its formp, the cause of good government against cor ruption in all its forms and tbe cauve of the pto. ie sgaitet aonopoly in all its forras-i TEAMS POSTA G 2 PAID, Dally and Sundays, on year, $12, six months, $5, three mon-hs, $3. Daily, without Sundays, one year, $10, six months, $5, three months, $2 50, lets thai three months, $1 per month. Tfce Sunday World, one year, $2. Tbe Monday World, oonainisg the liook Reviews and 'College Chronicle", one year. $ls59. t be Semi-Weekly World, (Tuesdays and Fridays) $2 a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten, tbe Daily for olub of twenty-five. .The Weekly World (Wednesday), $? a year. To club agents An extra copy for clab of tez, the teemi-Weely for dob. of tweaty, tbe Daily for c!ub of fifty, We have no travelling agents. Scicimea number sent free on application. Terms Cash invariably ia advance. &eod post-office money order, bank draft or registered letter. Bills at risk cf tbe sender. Address, TUB WOULD, dec 17-St 35 ParkBow, 2few York. v. TEI WEEK DELICIOUS PEACHES AND SB 1 TOMATOES ! a Airvarieties of Choice Preserves, in one and two pound Cunp, the be&t ia the market. Oar elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honour, Pig Hbuif, T3reaka6t Strips and -Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Laguayra Coffee, These 'goods are all fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods will'convinco younf ou will try us. : Try the prepared Soups. For sale at . ; , , - GEO. CV3YERS,I? feMe HcfcJU Aa3;Coxt!i front Btt Ilkcbllaxicoia. - - . the - .1 $1. BALTIMORE WEEKLY. SDH $L I A3 ( OOi A FAMILY PAP& ABIS PL I LISHLD IN Tilia COUKTKT. Tbe Original and Selected 8tuirs are fall cf interest a d contt tote chr ice family read ing. Its lyrical pleeee are also of a bisk oro.r of merit, betides these merits it is a ocmpencium of THjfi SEWS OF THE WEIC. well collated aid of infix ite Tariety. All fresh ccorresces at home asd abroad find a pl'cs in iu columns. Tbe bright asd graphic letters of tbe srecial coireepondenU zi .-, rva x ue PtJi or tar ope, in California and eluiwh ATA '.V. VHtkll.ttAi la the Weekly, and, in addition to describing tbe c urse of political events, mill give tbe gossip ot the day and -tbe drift of events ine WAHdl-iUTOK BUUKAU or THE rtUN will keep tie readers of tbe Weekly well mformt-d in respect to etery thing of Inures-, poii icailv and sr rial y, tr. Expiring , iu ji'iui. t o never neaiaes, that ia to ri' OS Or i'-Vnns. that t- r.Am' tn oir. av . variety, wul be supplied to make the Weekly IT8 AlAfcKST AND UKASCIAL RS PORTS are brongbt down to tbe latest hour of sub- IX.. J . . . uuiiuu, Kjiu 7rj pains iss an to scaae tnens trustworthy, j AGRICULTURAL IfATTE&S ae not ocglect d, acd the farmer will find lo the columui deroted to this snbjfct many valaable hints asd suggestions. Seund edi totia! diftfinssinns slwsti ntau t th. Wppkl? inri. with iia.nrl.nM it. 1.. literature, its well-written letters from places at corte and abroad, its political and general news and coasin. mad its ptmIUht Markit and Financial Keporfs, THE. BALTIMORE "Acaui nun commenos itseii to au wno desire to have a thoroughly good paper at a Term8 of ttubscriotion Inrariably Cm Advance. One Dollar per V ear (or one copy or an? number ofoopirs. . IN0KEA8KI PRRMIUM COPIES TO OKTTER8 I7P fir flT.TTHI- Tbe following liberal Premium Copies are . , , given w u ae wno get up uiuDt ior tne BALTIMORE WEEKLY ti UN- FIVE 00PIE8..M...W... ...M..$5 00 v 1th one extra copy of the Weekly 8un,one rear. TEN COPIES......... $10 00 with an extra copy or tbe Weekly n& one year, and one copy of the Daily Son three months. FliTEEN COPIES $15 00 With au extra copy of the Weekly Bun one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun si: months. TWENTY COPIES....................... $20 09 rt tth n extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Dailv Hun nine months. THIRTY COPIES .. .......$30 00 With an extra eopy of the Weskly flun, and one copy of the Daily i Hnnons veir. for full terms and premium copies to getter up of Clubs, see proepeoius ia THE HUN, Daily and Weeklv. and in the BAL TIM OKii.HXLN ALU A AO for 1881, a valu- aDie puhiication of seventy-tTropsges, free to all subscribers to the BALTIMORE 8UI. Daily and Weekly. The safest method nf irsnsmUtffis finds by mail is by draft, eheek or Postoffice mon- wjroruer. jo aevianen. Aaaress A. B. ABELL Jt CO., ftnn Iron ftnildinir. feblT- Baltimore, Md.JJ Hew Crop Cuba. ThelFine&t Cargo this Season.! 536 HHDS. SELECTED NEW CROP CUBA, TgQ TIERCESISELECTEB LNEWICROP CUBA Just received aud now landing ex Sckr Maggi fDalling. . For salelowby Williams & MurchUoni w -i mi - Benj. F. Grafton, Stobt B Ladd II albebt E. Pains Late Commlsa'cner pi Pa'enta. Fat emit! PAIHEi GRAFTON & LADDJ Attomeys-at-Law and Solldtow of Amer! can ana Foreign Patent. 412 Fifth Street, Weshlngton, D. Ot Practice patent law in all ita branchet In the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courta of the United States Pamphlet sent free on receipt of ttsrsp for postage. an 28 COMMERCIAL HOTfcL WILMINGTON, N O. Large Sample Rooms lor Commercial Trarelero ?yU PEOPSIETOR hartng thorowghly recorated this Dcue aid fornlihed it entire ly new. Is prepared to gire to the travel ng public all the eonvealssales of a F1E8T CLA88 HOTEL. It It located; la Cat Ttry centri of tbe bulnas part of the dry, rM8f enavenleat to tbe principal bvsiAees bowses, PtoS!tt-, Ositrs n4e4 City 4 Halloaed Oout Ho-, fSfk lim-Clau Bar and BiUiara Baloel eocaeeted with this Hotel THE JOSH. T. J -AJyiJES KDITOK AMD PUBLISHER Is published Everr Aitemoon (.Sukci ysesctTUCk). At the following" rates, postage paid : One Year 95 00 Six Months... . , ........2 50 Thiee Months.... 125 One iIonth................ 50 Thepaper wilJbe deliTered by carrierf, free of charge, i& any part of the city atjtbc kfcoTeJrates, or 13 cents per,. week. The Daily Harixwis--..w in the fourth year of its existence, ief per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing subscrip tion Jlist, and presents to'merchants and others a mostdesirable'medi- urn for advertising inis NBTON JOINAL Is published EVERYDFRIDAY. At the following rates : One Year ;e.7....$2 00 SixMonthBi-i...... 1 00 Three Months 60 Tns WrLKUGTOJi JoTOJfAL'drcnJ tea largely Xin the adjoining coun ties as well as in the Western por tions of the State and presents un equalled facilities to merchants for making known what they haTO for Hail Ec-'J Zii", C-o. vjiir;j::3Tc:i 'cy vzslw oazleoad coirPArrs'. Blum nw nf. ri.....i " - TOT! X I WT m . n . tr usuogvon, a, u., rto iwt isau , UUAKUls Ur bOODULE. On and after Februarr 20th. ls&l. a 4.16 P If. Passes rer Trsins nn thm mington A Weldoa Bailroad will rca a follows . DAY MAIL AlffD EXPRESS TRAIN, dally Koa.47 Worth and 48 South, , .... Leare Wilmington, Front Si. Depot ; f tM.nnnMHMt t 6 40Ah Arrive at Weldoe at . . 11 i ft v H Leave Weldon...... 4 ia y u x.'9po at. 11 la r Fast Tbronirh Mail and Farsenrer Ttau Uailj Wos. 45 Korth and 40 Bontn. 1 ; Leare Wilmington. Front 8L Depet aW ....h..,. 7.00 P: ex Arrive at Weldor 1.05 A 11 Leave Weldon 6.43 P AL Arrive at WL M tcij, r t.tt. ' Depot........-......;...M.MMMM..iXC5 A 11 Train No 43 Aonh will stop otly At Rok t Olive. Ooldsboro. .Wilson, Reeky Atocn t Enfield, and Salifazs ' v Train No 40 South will stop only at Kok Mount. Wilsov,' Goldsbor and Mtgrollv Night Passenger, Mail and Ezpms TraJxi Ncs. 45 North asd 42 bontb. ; Leave Wfimlngioa, Front fit. Depot at 2 65 FU Arrive at Wldnn at t n a wl?,n a cs a ju Arrive at Wilmington, Front bt. xfepoi u.,wwMMW, 8 17 All Trains on TarborA r?. a Rocky Mount for Tarboro at .50 P At dai y. ad Tuesday, Thursday and daturcay at 6ttx, A U. KetUrnlns. Tirhnm m O in ti dailr. and Mondsv. w..4.. Friday at 8:30 PM, " ""n ft ?es close eonaeetlon tt Weldon for all noints NnrK .n. a n --n via Kicnmond. mnA dill o... i- Bay Line. w. Train No. 45 runs tU Richmond and Washington, and makes close connection -daily to Richmond, and daily except fiatur day nights for all points north ot Richmond. Train No 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points North ria Bick mond and Washington. All trains ran solid KAtw&m'ttmi... and Washington, and tare Pullman Palac e Sleepers Attached, . UJ? ' DIVINE, General 8npL A. POPE, Qen'l Pass. Agent . " feb 21 Gen'I Sun'f s Ofvinn WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND A GTJSTA RAILROAD CO, ' Wilmington,' N. a, Feb 19, 151, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On and after February 20th, 4 1831s- a ... . o owing rassenger ucneasi will tcA on this road Dayl. . Mail-said ?Eresi Train, dafly xt5C.42 West and 43 East. ) Leare Wllmlngton..t.M.........M. 8 85 A 11 ArrlTe jat Florence. M...eii.. 12 to p U Leave Florence.... 35 P U Arrive at Wilmington....... fl 40 PU , SIGHT EXPSERfl TRATWR n..T. Nos. 48 W;est and 47 East Leare WIlmingtn..Trr, M1 j z5P 11 Leare Florence.ww....M.. 4 2) A 11 Arrive at CO and A Janctlon.w 8.C0 A 21 imrs at ClnlfiTnMa. a a m Leare ColnTtiMs;.,,,,,, ....TO 00 P II Leare O Cand A A Junction..... 10 20 Pill Leare Fwrence....... a CO A la Arrire at Wilmington...... 6 20 A U Night Mn and Passenger .Traln, No. 40 West, and Accommodation Train! No 41 East. - . , - Leare Wilmington at....MMMM.12 25 A U Arrire at Flofenoe............; 4 10 A ll Leare Florence............,.,....,,..., 6 CO A IX Arrire at Wilmington w....M.l2 CO II Trains Nos 42 and 43 stop at all Stations Flemington, White ville. Fair BluJT, lUHon, Florence, TimmonsriUe, Maysrille, fiuater, Camden Junction and Eastoni . - No 40 stops only at Flemington, Whlte rlls, Fair Bluff and Marlon. ' No 45 stops at all Stations. piHenKer" for ColnmbU, and all points oa G. a R. R., O., a; A A. U. R,feuUons, should take No 40 or 43 Night Express. ' Beparate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on trains 40 and 47 - ilLSJ1" 8oUd Deteo Charlestoa, and Wilmingtoni ' JOBS! F. DmR.nnTsi n.t A. POPE, Gen'l Pan. Ageati feb 221 OAEOLINA C2KTBAL BAIXBOAD V : COilPANT. V. ' - Oma Gxxxxix BvnanRixnzxr. 1 TTTlndngtoa, U. 0., Dee 12, 18J , Gxxasos of BcnsDuxn. ON AND AFTER December 12, 18S0, tie i0ltoBcaelBlewittte opera ted: o a till Railroads Passenger, lsH and Express Train. DaUr except Sunday To 1 V Wukt..iU0 A ZI v 1 Arrire at Charlotte at..6.10 F 11 No 2 lf0"600-. A II J Anireat Wilmington at. 5.23 p U Trains No 1 and 2, stoi at regnlarjitatlcnf Patseafer, Mall snd Throngn Frelght.Trala . .lAoa at. 6:33 P No 6 : V Arrire at Hamlet at. 1:2S A li J M at Charlotte tU. 85 A ll C Arrire at DanJetat las A 11 J " at WRmlagtoa at t;15 A ZI Hoa5 fa,d45r .ex?Irt Bl7!tt so eonaeetSoa fir Kaleigh oa; Batuxday. No, SisdaDrexeeDt BatardsT. Baeayi Pirldoa Passeager, Uia; Erpr xrugai jo. f. It7 Caariptteat- ao 99 f Arrire at Btell j at. MHMlidS A ,.n-3p ix 1:25 P IS Ho. eviT,BIle?rr fc Arrire atClariotte fcupir Trains Nca S and S naka rt9 . - at OasUt ta trd froa Rald-5, excrsi t tf a-jwve, mil uurwrj wiia trtlzs lies and 4 ea Bhtlby dlrlzlcni' . Ti nn Tftr-TTv . "xnrocra ieepiag can betwetr St! aadCiarlat " fcIl C::lL'r::t;t:r.;:'f. , cct24 tF. A. CCTJUTTIT,