FOREIGN "NEWS. Loxdox, April 19. One of the late Lord . Beaconlfield's medical attendants girts an account of the Iait hours of tke dis tinguished statesmen. The-drowsiness which was apparent in the latter part of last evening gradually deepened toward midnight into stupor, from which His Iordship was with difficulty aroused. He still, however, took nourishment up to . m a 11 LlL i. in rm A K ATI t nan past one o cioca u muruiug. two o'clock the stupor deepened into coma or complete insensibility, and to ward three o'clock the breathing became Ttry muck embarrassed. THB AFTBOACH OF DIATR Dra. Kidd and Bruce at once applied all the usual restoratires for breathing, but for the first time during illness there was no response. Seeing tha approach j of death Dr Kidd immediately desi 1 1 ; messengers to Lord Barring r Philip Kosc and Dr. Q Luru . ,r rington was the first u rrive, and. uyu'u ntering the sick -man's room he'foaodj Lord Row ton closely grasping the right band of the distinguished patient, in which grasp Lord BarringUn joined. The two noble lords continued to grasp the right hand f Lord Beaconsfieid until the last moment, his left hand be. tag all the time held in that of Dr. Kidd. About fire minutes befora breathing ceased Sir Philip Rose and Dr; Quain arrived. Then a roost placid appearance came orer his lordship's faca, which deeply raored all ia the reoro. FAfrSZ5a AWAf. The dislresaing breathing ceased and for bout fire minutes a slow, gentlo ins piration took its place, and all seemed over. But even after the breathing had stopped for four or five minutes the lie art's action kept up, the pulse contin uing perfectly perceptible at the wrist. It was a most touching scene as Lord Rowton, Kord Barrington, the. three physicians, Dr. Boehm, the youag ser rant James, and th two nurse watchedj around the bed. For ten minutes most perfect silence was maintained, sate for theweepirgof some who were presen t, beeause, eTen when tbe puTse ceeed, i. was difficult to realize tbav Le was ded. a . Goldaboro BC9h: On Tuesday even iog last, about four o'clock, the residence of Mr. S. Perry, at High Point, together with the dry hous of . his spoke and handle factory were destroyed by tire. Loss about 9 lUOO. No iasumncc. Tbe Ire was an accidental one. Warsaw Brief Mention: . deeply regret that Mr. B. 0. Bowdea, of Kenans Tille, the Treasurer of Duplin county, lost his barn by Are onlast Sunday night. About ,200 bushels of corn, a wagon, buggy and all his farming implements wero lost. It ii, we regret to hear, supposed to hare been the work of an incendiary. J. W. Robinson, an illicil distiller, Israel Jones and Bill Green, . colored, charged with burglary, auduw JSassejs and J ohn Joiea, col e:;-,- e&arged with larceny, escapedrn the jail in New born where. lh$ were confined oa last Sujidjaand have thas far eluded cap ture. Greensboro Palrtoli Monday April 18th, was the day on whieh Genl Josep h H. Johnston surrendered sixteen years ago. How many thought, of it? Gen. A. M. Scales has accepted an in. Titation to deleter the address before the students of Oak Ridge Institute in Guil ford county, this year on May 24th. The Annual Sermon, on May 22ad, . will be de livered by Rr. D. R. Breton, of Greensboro. Fanner Mschary'c. Dr. Grissom's testi mony in the DeJaruelto murder trial fills fire or six columns of thc'Dahville News, and is both interesting and in structure; showing how- deceptive are appearances in cases of delusional insan ity. He cites instances of ladies who hare been at our Asylum, whose intelli gence and culture iu all ordinary transac tions would deceive the most skillful, yet who are crazy as loons in certain points. - - Dr. Grissom declared to the court that he came at the suggestion ef his Directory, (DeJarnetta being a North Carolinian); and that ho would not ae- j cept a dillar for pay or expenses for his testimony as an expert. Newbern Nut Shell: We are pleased to learn that active steps aro now being taken towards tbe establishment of a canning factory in this city. An estab lishmentof this kind will be of great benefit here, every year, as large quan tities of vegetables ,are absolutely des troyed because it does not pay to ship them, duringthe latter part of the sea son. . After three pickings, our en terprising truck farmer, Mr Ironmonger, gathered 2S barrels of radishes yester day from two small plots of ground. - -"Dead loads" of herring are being caught at the seines below Newbern very day, and every poor man in. town is happy. . Robesonian: The commisary of Messrs Wooten, Marsh & Co, doing business near the Big Swamp,, about 2 miles from Allenton, in this county was broken open on Monday night of last week, and some bacon, money and per haps other articles were stolen. Quite a number of our people attended the Masonic funeral of the late D C Mc Intyre. at Iona Presbyterian Church last Sunday, Rev J E Dunlap preached the sermon and our popular townsman Col Alfred s Rowland delivered the eulogy, both of which were of the first order of elegance. The attendance was very large. Collections will be taken up ia the Churches next .Sunday for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the delegates to the prohibition con vention to be held in Raleiirh nest Wednesday 27th. . j Charlotte Observer: There arc lo. houses in this county doing, a -general merchandise business.--Only .57 so far hive complied witn the rauest of the sheriff to par their privilege tax. - Deputy Sheriff . Charles Bruner, ef Wadesboro, has been in wis cuy icr vac named Lockimer, who cut another named Henry Little, it is thought fatal' lyt in a desperate affray which occurred in that place several day3 since. The nightly revival meeting conducted ot the Baptist Church for the last two weeks by Kev. . F. Baldwin, of Ashe Tille, are being continued this week. The sermon btst uight was for the bene fit of young men in particular, of whom a large number were present. -A colored conviet named Harry Woods, working on Mr. R. Y. Mc Aden's new factory ct Springs's Shoals, escaped the other day and was run down by trained dogs. When hard pressed he jumped into the South Fork of the Catawba river where the dogs followed and cap tured him. . News and Observer: Mr. Theodore H. Hill was yesterday elected secretary and treasurer of the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company, vice Mr. W. H. lircks, resigned. ; Yesterday a gaage-cock of an engine at the Raleigh and Gaston depot flew eut, and Mr. Mul lea. oce of tho employees, was very pain fully scalded, the flesh being nearly all taken from his hands and arms, and from a por lion of bis chest. Speaking to a prominent farmer yesterday, he said i that he had observed the fruit very care fully.. He stated that he found a con siderable portion of the peaches killed, but many are left. The inlury to the pears and plums is extensive, while ap ples are not hart. --rWhiIe on bis way to Oxford, front Henderson, early Monday, morning, on his way to open (iran villa Superior Ooart, Jadge Avery was painfully injured. He was in a hack with Flv. V. T. Bailey, when the h:rsea took fright and ran down a steep hill. Both gentlemen jumped out, and in so doing were hurt in tbe legs, the Judge iu both legs and Mr. Bailey in one. Yes terday, however, tbe Judge came into court on cratches, atid opened it in due form. The State Board of Agricul ture met yesterday in 'the Executive of fice. It coofirmcd the purchase of the National Hotel property, aud appointed a committeo of three, composed ot Gov. Jarv.s. Hun. Kemp P. Battle and Col. T. M. Holt, to superintend the remodel ing of the building at once. The amount to Ih? expends! in this way was fixed at $1,000. and the 'commit tec was instruct ed to select an architect and any number of workmen needed to 1 a ten the wo k of remodeling, li Wss deeided to remove the qheinical station from Chapel Hill to Ra'eijjh, and give it a place in the new bnihitng. The recently purchased build ing is to be ksown as the Agricultural Department building. In It will be the offices and museum of the Department of Agriculture, the offices of the State Geo logist nnd the Geological Museum, and the offices nnd laboratory of the chemi cal statioa. . Suffering Woman. Thsie is bu very small proportion of tbe women of this nation that do not suffer from.sorae of the djseas or-tffhcfi Kidney Wort is jLtifio. When the bowels have b?,f6me costive, headache tprmairfcfiieys out of fix, or piles dis tress, take a package, and its wonderful tonic and renovating power will cure you and give new life. -Watcliman. New Crop Cuba. TrieiFine 4 Cargo this Season 536 nHT5S selfcted NEW CROP CUBA. 1IEECKS SELECTED NEW.CROP CUBA Just rcscelrcd and now landing ex Sar Maggi lallfng. . For sale low by nch U WIItUINQTON MA RKKT, r Aan.2L 1PM, AFXBIZS Tff ttrCnNE-QUdted rteadT at 49 gceaU Sales oflOO cmaka at tnat fieure. CIoaisK dulL - ttUSIN Quoted firm at fl iVA for Strained and 11 50 tor Good Strained. Sales 090 bbls Good Strained at quotations. TAB txneted lia mt ft 7t por t 2St lba, an advance of r cauts aince jester day. CntTDE TUEPKNTHTE Onoted firm at $1 4t tor Bard. S2 49 tor SeA and S2 SO fur Virgin. COTX027-Quoted stead j. No sales re ported. The toilewing are the official quo tations : Ordtoarj, M Good Ordinaryu...... Low Midili&g..MMW...MM.. It Cotton . i pints Turpenncs.........,- OSiE..aMMM.M....M .. ' r .,.M vrbo TarptHBtio. 3 : t&'C8 7 9 bbie 111 tl Steamer Ellrafcetk, W i lklnson,8aoltiivUle, Manter. Bteamer North State, Gru. Fagrettavlllo, Worth k Werta. Steamer Jeiim Dawsea. Sfceraaaa, PeLat Caswell. R P PaddUoa. Mohr Hattle a. While, Bellalta, New Lon don. JB (1 Marker 4 Cu Qchr C W Liewls, Hupper, Rockport, JaS a Cha4bourn Co Nor barque Moaa Fide, Alle&ea, A.lglers, O P Jiebaue . OLSaaED Steamer Elizabeth, Wllklnson.Snuihville, Master Steamer North Sta'e, Green, Fayettovllie Worth & Wortk. Kchr Ffannie Klmmie, Wolfe, Boston, E Kidder A 60ns &cbr 8 SBickmore. Lena. Bati, Parsley NfeWlgglQS cenr Htariisnt. eostcr, urenaaa, crgo by Northrop Cuiumiujf ; veaaei oy i Geo Harrlss & Co Bdbr Thomas SluDickson, New York, car go by Colvlile A Co ; vessel by Geo Harriss t d fcchr John P Kelsey, Steelman. Baltimore cargo by J W Taylor and -t ai.Uy & V iufinu vesst-1 by Geo IJariLesA Uo fcchr HW a.nderson. Babcook, Phlaldol phla, via JKlogs Ferry, Fia, Geo Harrlss dt Co shirts. coAsrwxsx. ' Boston jchr Fannie Klmmle 813,044 feet la tuber Batb, Me-schr S S Blckmore 165,480 feet lumber "New Torkschr Thomas 81nnlokson 158 9S9 feet lumber, 8S.9tiO shingles Baltlmoro-echr John P Xelaey 125.1S2 ft lumber roaaiss. Grenada schr atarllsht 113,712 ft lumber List of -Ycsssli Orer v 100 toni In Pdrt April 19, 188! BAEKT. Nor ErsUtnioger, 377 tons, Lydersen, Heide & Co Ger Atlantic, S3S tons, Shearing, Pescban & Wtstuu!iu Ger Ttar of Hope, 238 tons, Hamanu, " jBPesciiau AWesterniann Nor Jerbuen, 271 tons, Svendsen, C V Mtbane Vcr AM Schwelgaard, 429 tons,JcbsV!)i!, C P 31 bane Ger Iydla Tescbn, 40 t nrf iiTiirs, C rMebine lMde db Co Ger Ob. r o , 242 u v Br Zlfigu, 193 urns. Ho- 5.S, Br J W LJUttiH, 333 Darker & ." S H 3-xker & o SOHOON Am Ala VT -., 20- , MiCu n It-. H.i r S 4i-0 Am C H. M c- umb-., 10 iwu vrr, is ti krr & U . Am U W, 394 voiis Bi d-ck, lieu IicJIlris C Am John fcJouis, 137 iona. Walls, EG Barker & Co Am FdKard LRxneyor, 145 toi. Ki EG Barker C Am JeiiLi Li Morse, 40S tens, Au txt, Am Iudrx, 334 tonSjGsrrisrrt, Geo H rrks jfc'v, Am Sacil htrt, 210 liolbruck, t U- Barker cc Co Am Lend iZ 5f8re,244 ,jde;e'V y. Am GfO b :5cl:ias.J-, 221 tji s, tle, e if Arrus k t Am Oa ric i tll j. 274 ui.-s. iseavy, EG Barker & Co Am Sail'gv, 1'iS tou-, BreWVw.r, M -i AmviS ii ..TurrsatCiid, 216-ton. Ui giiia." EU Barke, & Co Am J bn P Kelso , ISO touo, Steelmau, Ceo EUniss & Co Am Marcia Eeyuol is, 312 tons, I ilton, B Kidder & Sous Am T iSinlcoksoa, 240 tons, Dickecson, Geo Harris & Co Am Kemmy, 384 tons, Wolf, Geo Harriss & Co Am Ciara, 298 tons, Crammer, laid up, Geo Harriss 3S 50 Benj. BV GBArroN, v 8tobt B Ladd H JhXSFBT K. ralNF tte Co - mlasIoTwr ot Patents, aterats ' WEEKLY STATEMENT or stocks a ham Arm. tmm 18th 1881 Oottcra ashoreM.,... afloat. 3.071 ; ii Total .. Spirit! Mh')raMNMtH sa at.. Total..... UMIHWHH' -5.119 w , l,86d nmwWMHmimmwiiiimn SfVSB. tlhOIwUMMHW tWIHIltMW a&oat.M. 1,868 73,000 8,ai7 TotaL.. WIWWI m 78,57 TaT SShflrtlwtHiMiiiimi m ummt aSoatM,,. 4,603 l,35f fTM ..1 Crude aehore, , i; afloat.. 99m a. a o ms ..utfu 1,297 HtMitiiniMHiinm mm TotalM..M i aoasrrs roa ths rmvs. bsbihs Ara.iL Oottoa. k't'uC.Ht.lMMMMt Tar....,,.....,iiM 'tMHmMMttHWIIMWtMtl 1,287 18th. i 33 716 5,429 1 201 792 Oonattift Ot I OCMa .....4 IIMHMItM .... !. ...... Bpirite....... .... TaM4taeae MaMe V wsseiw ave-fraaf 648 424 2i2 8T4 22 Foretea. Oottoxu.; Spirits.. Socio s sa mix PAIKE; GRAFTON & LADD I Attonvsja-ntilward Solicitors of Arwr. cso ann Foreign faUmtt'. 412 Pitth Street, "Washington, D. O; Practice pat?n taw in all ita brarichet In tbe Pateot OJIco, and in the Supreme and OircaU Courts of the United States Pamphlet petit free cu roceipt of stamp ior poRtngra. an 28 ,THli LAURINBURQ ENTERPRISE J8 THE BEBT MED ICMHtaroagb: which to aitertUa Fall srd Winter Goods azasag the people of Robes on, Richmond amd FAa son ooantias, In North Carolina, and la the border cjunum or Beata Carolina. The Enterprise has a larce and ioereaoing circa Ution to tho ie L'ee and Cape Fear teetiosj ef this tiUte. baring obtained a large etron uuon in. tae utcer aanor tne six monthi it vas palished in Fsjctteville before its re- moral v juaanaonrjr, ana in me former within the fast few month. AdrertbasatnU will be inserted bj the asonth, quarter andjear at leasoaable rates Address. H. I. MsDUFFlK, Lao rin bare, N C PUR GEil'L HI5IJSE, ufiE3 5!LW MANAQBIIE3T, iteifSTO'i, K. C R."'l.:i'KRRY. - - - Pi of I - liU.ProprietorJsUaatieQotel., First Claw ia'sll lUTa? point zests. Terms 3,313 ...12,t8 . 2,760 SMHf ts ssasxHewt. l&r,.e fluujuin. v m sa3ssaswE3t3 THISWESO DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES ! All varieties of Choice Preterves, in one and two pound Cfenf, the best in the market Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d Honeur, Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Lagnajra Coffee, These goods are all fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods vcill convince you if you will try us. Try the prepared Sonps. For sale at GEO. dYERSV 'For this Port from Foreign Forts BARKS. Nor Agatha, 360 tons, Bohr, sailed from Bremen, Feb 24 Nor Alfrn, 875 tons, Petterses, sailed from London, r'eb 11 Crer Anna, 325 tons, Siew&rts. jiailas' irom uiasgowv f&si& rtprriallde, 611 tons, EJetssn, at Ainera, Jan 5. Nor Braekka, 363 toas, Neihea, sailed from Amsterdam, April 1 Sd Oarln, 472 tons, VTesterland, sailed f:om LiiTerpooL Feb 25 Ger Charles, 396 toss, LangboiT, deared from Juondon, Jan'y '29 Dan Elene, 471 tons, Dafcl, sa bs t'r m Liverpool, Feb 25 Uer Elsie Mtzler, J7$ tons,Dahms, Sitiiec from Dantzie, Uec. 18 Ger Emiie, 419 tons. Kimtk. sailed from St Nazaire, Marca 12 Nor Forsrtte, 349 tous, Kncdson, seU from Belfast, Feb 11 Br Geo .Walker, 418 tons, Pa'ersen, sailed from Havie, Maich 1 Swd Gostav Adoipb, 800 tens, O.Bsea, sailed from Goole, March 1. Ger Hera, beback, sailed frotu Liner ick, January 28 Swd Israel, 329 tons, Taflin, sailed irom L:verpool. March 31 Ger Marie, Permian, sailed from Glas gow, Jau lb Nor Betolve, 398 tons, Speilborg, s&iled irom Dunkirk, Jan 13 Ger Blchard, 463 tons, Pasko, sailed from Havre, March 27 Nor Silo, Nielsen, sailed from Havre, Marcn 4 Br Vizcaya, 276 tons, Butler, sailed from Plymouth, March 20 BRIGS Ger Albertine Meyer, 2f 6 tons, Zelok, sailed from Havre. March 2 Nor Brazillian, 332 Iocs, Berge sailed rrom Algiers, JJec II, Swd Carin, 283 tons, Schmidt, sailed from Hall, April 4 Nor Cottgal, 331 toss, Danielaoc, at 6 Oyazaire, Jar-12 Dan 2nd Apri. Scrensen, sailed from Gibaratha, Feb 10 Swd Emil, 205 tons, Kemcrs,, sai ed from Havre, Jan 25 Nor Gareller, 260 toes Weybe, cleared from London, April 2 Nor Ragnbild, 197 tons, Hansen, tailei trom Botferdam, Feb 21 Nor Saltero, 332 tons, Noyer.sailsd from Cette, January 5.0 SwdSvaln, 325 tons, Jansson, sailed from St Vincent, Jan 31 Nor Tramoro. 355 tons, Chris iansen, saildd from GrimsUd, Mare& 31 The followias daounoxu represents vcoisials prices grasraiiv. ia making so soall orders higher prieaa nave to be sharped BAGllIiVn-. titaadarJ ......... ... ... . ... ... J 3 O i e uh SA.OOK Morth Oaroliaa, Uaais, y fi..M.....M..MMM 10 O 8hot.ldr8, t 2 rtidea, V lb.HNM;H..m.N. 1X9 Western Ssxoked fcigoi, Ji Xb Jty aalied 3EEf Live welsfct lARliELH S, irits Tarpeadne Peond Hand, eaeaMMMM iUrt York,eack, new.M..M 1 90 BilCKS Wilnungton,M 1 00 is 9 10 49 7 O is U 6 U 00 5H GO 12 2& 35 10 1 10 3 ortJiern ........ a C-rf ftA North Carolina & Siji'xhetix, y H......n...m.m AdQiDtice, seiMM., r-ortii?. I raetorj, lb. ritaW, V lb. Uio, r Q. ......... 002H MEAL-? bnshei UVTiVX TlK3y bdl..M DOMESTIC 8fe:tiag, -4 & yard.... iiifcyrai, &o. 1, p bbi.M.lC GO 5. i,. "9 bbi. ...,.,..,.... .8 75 r.i.c' No. 2, 60 So. i, J bbl 6 00 Y cktrei, No. 3 bbL....OO 00 kialtaw, y bbl. .............. 3 6t Vi. U. Herring, rke.M.... 6 60 irr Cod, LOlJE Fine, bbl.......... 0 00 Super, iforthm, V bbL.. 6 00 fetra do " bbl... 6 00 raxilv V bbl 00 rjlty LiU Ea-Super f bbl.. 7 00 family bbl... 7 50 Ex. FsmilytbbLM 8 00 EBTIUZERB fsravian Goanb, "5? 2000 lbs. 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser " " 00 00 B avassa Goano, " " 00 00 Oomplets Manure " ' 00 00 Ghana's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Pbosohate, " " 00 00 Wilcox, GibS A Co., saa- nipaiatea tinaBoM.M.MvD eg 8 O 1 75 O 2 00 O 21 O 8 00 Oil 09 Q 18 O o o o 14 14 10 28 12X9 18 O T2KO lib Q o Q O 9 S3 40 lOh 14 15 11 80 20 SO 75 r so I 20 mu 60 000 00 6&G O 6 IS O S 75 O 8 00 0 0 0 4 00 0 5 50' O 8 50 0 3 50 0 7 25 9 7 75 0 8 25 O70 00 O40 00 O40 00 OCT CO O40 00 040 00 GOMfdEHOIAL HOTht, WILMINGTON, N. a "mpaiaiea Slue? e. GUAIN Oorotore,tJ 58fi Corn, cargo, V 56 EtMM Corn, ycL, y buheLMMM Oats, V bnsbsl.M.. .MMMM Peas, ww, p bnsheL.M. HIDES Green, ff & m Dry, !& HAT Eastern, 0 100 1 North RiTr,y 100 lbs.... 1 HOOP IBOIT V ton.M.M LARD Northern P fi.w.M Korth Carolina 9SM.u sUi Ti Jsr ID1 9 J LUMBKS Cityiteanlia'wd Bhiptuff,reiawsd,i'01Ift.l8 00 Uiihedpepia7vMft18 00 West India earso, aeoord- ' tag touaUty, V If ft...lS 00 Dressed noorisg,sessoned.l5 00 Scantling and boards, eozo non, V If f t.. ........... Mll CO gOLABSES-baJOuiPgl -87 Cabs, bbls., 9 ffsl.M..MM . 89 Sagar bouse, aads. P gal 25 " bbls.pgal. 27 Orleans Choice bbls. V sraL 00 gAiLS Cat, 20dto4d,f l?gfbarii DLLS Kerosene, 9 gsi.M.M 14 Lara, 9 rai m. Liaseed, y ffalMMM'.MM smsssss eeeaea PEANDTB V basheL.M.. 69 POTATOES-dweet, V bos. 00 Irish, Northern, y bbL... 1 25 PORK Horthern,oityasss.l7 50 Thin, p bbLM.kMM.M.00 00 Prime, 9 bbl (extra). ..00 00 Stamp, V bblHWMMMHHWHOO 00 KICK Carolina, y DM..M. Y laitladia,fi. Eongh, V bushsLMMM.MM.l BAGS Country, p H .m.. City, P biNmiHwmmm OOPS Hemp .. M anilla.n....t.. SALT Alosa, p saok.... LivervooL 71 aaek .... American P saek M Marshal's fine, p saekM., Uadis V aer...A -V -V J 4tM EsPorto Eieo, p p n.. P B.. C45.) 0 14 70 O 68 O 88 67 0 88 50 0 62K 70 O 75 40 a 10 o ii 20 O 1 25 IS O 1 15 65 0 80 10 0 0 1 CO I stall rYU'gnun.-: Addre5D.JTm:: ton,NJ4 UIel?Bet MACHINES v8' . ; - , HI r w. mi '" SaSgSaj r tun. 1 "Jll I ' 9JyiA'GiA.v Patent PoTUhiTr alS3 Stitianirr tw STEAM ENQfHES uumiUiUJia si BALTIMORE, 24D. M .v sr, ir a- apl 81 020-00 018 00 16 09 25 ea 8500 Reward WE WILL PAT THE AB0Y1 n. for any case of LiTer dZl pepsia, 8ick Headache, IndSStt1 paUon or Coetlveness we West's Vegetable Se?! rectlons are strictly compffi l r are pure y Vegetable, and nerer fS satlsfactloa. Sugar coated LuS aSn3f18'25 all Drnggts. Beware ol eowtatoV imlUtions. The g enulne maonfiuSS by JOHNC. WMT&offSjK? kers," 18i A 183 W. Ma&n 5" c2 Free tral package sent bv sir52K receipt oi a 8 cent itans. ank5if! - SnxLfftSt Summ: Styles. 70 76 26 00 10 1 B o HEzOp 2b. p &.. bOAF Northern. V 2.... ft SHINGLES Contrast, PH 6 00 Common, P M. ............. 1 00 BTAVE3 W. O. bbL P M.12 60 K O hhd, p E.... M...MM.00 00 TALLOTV P H TIMBER Shipping y li ...12 00 sail, extra per i ............ 1U 00 133aO 14aO TO O 86 - O 00 0 0 1 00 0 X0 toxo 10HO 8 0 8XO i L o oo O 08 y 0 8 75 ,X 0 x . 0 0 80 - S 8 60 O18 00 A ' , 0OCi CO " 000 00 O 1 25 j 00 00 00 50 oo 10 CO 11 00 10 11 1 Mill, prune per M....w.10 00 still, fair per M 8 00 Conunon, per MM.......M..M& 00 Inferior to Ordiflary,perM 4 60 0 T 60 O 2 76 016 00 000 00 0 00 Ol5 00 014 00 012 00 0 9 00 0 7 00 0 6 00 i aUirer, 4- r Eust Well 2)rills.r Eus t Horse Power. I AM NOW RECEITO0 DIET it: and well selected stock of ill til 1c styles in Ladies and Misses VChfldra Men's fine BOOTS and SHOES, eciil, Of - - , ' Ladles' Button Boots, la KM, Pebble and French Kld-Htad taW and Machine Made, of the best rule, as you have been getting at my -which need no further recommendAtica Also, the -same in Infanta, Ct Youths and Boys. 13 My Men's WcarDepartoestfsr be surpassed by aay store la the dry. J call is all I ask to convince yoa ef iM ac Piices that defy competition. ? Respectially.J "' C. ROSEWTHAL' 32 Market Street meh 28 ' ' ' Fresh Every Dcj TINS AE80BTMINT 07 P1' French and Domsstie, Jt ncdrd c-- Large Sample Rooms tor Commercial Traveler. tJBM FaOrBIETCS haviaf Uioruugbly renovate! this fioaae ssd fnr&istd ii enore- iy aew, is pier&?fcc !o w ts trare pofclis all tbe cGUjet.iiai J s fiRjsT. CLAS3 HOT2. ft Is bflsid. la tho tj ctr6 of the besinws part of Ce c.iy, bsir convenient to the pria lal bas'ness hcrms Fostoflae, Oastoa Hoase, City Hall as4 Ooart Hoise. rirst-CUss Bar and Billiad Bsloo? eoaneeted with this Hotel g RATES f2 Y2R DAY. K. A. SCHOTT. 03t 24 UW BATES-Por ell kinds of Printing tersoasreeidiac eat ef ths eitv u ...- their prin tins' earefallv sisntad .ti so them free of posts a. vale. v. . tHB 05LT OtNCIlil 0X1 trill b fc41 'IPE SHAFTING and Couplings. tWeatofiee oa Beeexd street, , st improved 8arfac Attwhmen Sairrit, Aa, ft' qifl BE8T AND MOST SUCCESSFUL X Well bori&ir and Prospectiar Tools lfan. ciaciarea. GAS I Tne most improved Surface Attachments. Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much faster and with half the labor of any other tools. Auger and Drills work by hand or horse power mSZVP Horsd Pwer have capacity fcr 2,000 f set. , In use fivojyears and no failures. Made from best material and sold for halt the price of others. Bend for circulars. O. BUttT, aa 27-lydAw Bt. Josesh. M Oaady ia the city, day, fresh and sweet tiree icon SCnPFEfiPM i AND Wino Wlae;Coui.aoy. whiuvine21. C. : - ?ric?! appneatioa. csnd la your ur! eraser tha holidays. -U7dAwtf MEV.'FflUIT AflD W3FB;-' FWITTV TTH.TTIT7T7GTnW.D 1 branch Fruit C?l X' under the "Review" .OfJSSlP5'' and Chestnut streets. "AU .FSmJ y ; that locality are TtsvJd; t and be suited with Fancy Candies, Soda Water, w general nice Tarlet y0T Peruvian Cuan: ITOs 2 Peruvian Gn-- ; FOB8ALBBY last two dajs ia search of a colored man ! $150 to sj rer a- Ub8 Ui feb 14 . Jfoa:U aad.llosth Frost Eu fi. B. TTABBOCK. ' ,JePriatr I4RsTlswfiddrsr) I ni iiriTiiii f .i-

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